Short Story Unit Learning Targets - Allen County Schools

Short Story Unit Learning Targets

Purpose – in this unit we will explore how writers craft suspenseful and interesting short stories. We will learn the characteristics of short stories and how writers manipulate skills in order to write awesome stories.

Essential Question – How do writers craft effective short stories?

**Student learning targets: (Check when you have mastered them)**

When reading I can ……

1. Identify the characteristics of a short story. _______

2. Explain the relationship between the events in a story and a character’s behavior. _____

3. Identify the main idea of a short story. _____

4. Describe HOW a conflict in a passage is resolved (character motivation). _____

5. Identify irony, paradox, symbolism, analogies, imagery, foreshadowing, and figurative language in text. _____

6. Use literary elements (setting, atmosphere, characterization, plot, theme, and point of view). _____

7. Interpret meaning of dialect and voice. _____

8. Engage thinking strategies as you read. _____

When making writer’s craft decisions about my own short story, I can…..

1. Create an effective short story based on the short story elements I’ve learned. _____

2. Entertain my reader. _____

3. Write so that my voice is identifiable in my short story. _____

4. Create effective sentences and use sentence variety. _____

5. Use better word choice to give my writing vivid language. _____

6. Identify literary devices (figurative language) and use them in my own writing. _____

Essential Vocabulary

Setting Character Characterization

Character traits Flat Round

Dynamic Static Main

Minor Comedy Irony

Suspense Paradox

Literary devices Foreshadow Flashback

Imagery Problem/Conflict Internal

External Man vs Man Man vs Self

Man vs Nature Man vs Society Incidents

Ordering of Events Impressions Dialogue

Point of View First person Limited Third

Omniscient Third Narrator Cause/Effect

Plot Exposition Rising Action

Climax Falling Action Resolution/Solution

Conclusion Theme Symbolism

Predict Conclude Infer

Connotation Denotation

Unit Assessments

Pretest ……………………………………. __________

Pause Quiz #1…………………………. __________

Pause Quiz #2…………………………. __________

Open Response …………………..…… __________

Post Test …………………………..…….. __________

Short Story …………………….……….. __________

Reflection of Learning _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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