Use the following to answer questions # 1

Humanities Final Exam

!. What philosopher wrote the allegory of the cave?

a. Plato b. Socrates c. Aristotle d. Phil Jackson

2. In the Allegory of the Cave and The Truman Show what are people of Truman looking to find?

a. Food b. Religion c. Reality d. Marriage

3. In The Truman Show what was the characters name who represented the creator of the cave?

a. Jesus b. Christof c. Allah d. Thomas Edison

4. Which of the following is not a characteristic element in fairy tales?

a. wishgranter b. lost item c. happy ending d. fast cars

Use the following to answer the questions below regarding Pioneers of TV

a. Steve Allen b. Jack Paar c. Johnny Carson d. Merv Griffin

5. Highest rated late night TV host

6. Invented the talk show monologue

7. Allowed more African Americans on his show

8. Started creating game shows

9. Quit his show because of the government censoring his show

10. Physical comedy prominent on his show

Use the following to answer the questions regarding early television

a. Hogan’s Heroes b. I Love Lucy

c. Honeymooners d. Dick Van Dyke Show

Lead Actors/Actresses

11. Starred Jackie Gleason

12. Starred Lucile Ball

13. Starred Desi Arnaz

14. Starred Bob Crane

15. Starred Mary Tyler Moore

16. Starred Dick Van Dyke (you should get this one…)

Plot or Story Lines

17. Main character was a TV producer and his wife tried to get on the show

18. German POW camp

19. Lead actor was a writer for a TV show

20. Main character is attempting to come up with a way to make money to get out of his current home

Characters / Innovations / Etc…

21. 3 Of the actors had close ties to German concentration camps during WWII

22. Lead actor was a bus driver

23. All scenes were in the apartment and one other set

24. Had separate beds in all bedroom scenes

25. Couple on show as actually married in real life as well

26. Husband yelling at wife telling her to shut up and waving a fist

Use the following to answer the questions regarding Sitcoms

a. Andy Griffith Show b. MASH c. All in the Family

d. Cosby Show e. Growing Pains

Lead Actors/Actresses

27. Starred Bill Cosby

28. Starred Tempest Bledsoe

29. Starred Alan Thicke

30. Starred Ron Howard

31. Starred Don Knotts

32. Starred Kirk Cameron

33. Starred Alan Alda

34. Starred Jim Nabors

Plot or Story Lines

35. Sheriff Andy Taylor and Deputy are policemen in the town of Mayberry

36. Seaver family whose Dad works at home and Mom is a reporter

37. Mobile hospital unit in Korean War

38. Huxtable family living in NY – upper middle class African American family

39. Bigoted family who daughter and son in law have moved in with him

Characters/Innovations/Other information…

40. It’s lead actor gave a controversial speech before the NAACP

41. The lead actor created the cartoon Fat Albert

42. The lead actor was a Dr and the mother was a lawyer

43. This show had a warning at the beginning because of its language and storyline

44. Series finale is the highest rated sitcom episode ever

45. First show to have nudity

46. Which show had no mother present in the family

47. This shows actor helped make the 2008 film Fireproof become the highest grossing independent film

48. Opening theme song is entitled “Suicide is Painless”

49. This show was filmed and produced by DesiLu productions

50. Show addressed real life problems such as dyslexia and teen pregnancy

Use the following to answer the questions regarding modern sitcoms

a. Friends b. Seinfeld c. The Office d. 30 Rock

Lead Actors/Actresses

51. Starred Jason Alexander

52. Starred Lisa Kudrow

53. Starred Steve Carell

54. Starred Tina Fey

55. Starred Alec Baldwin

56. Starred Jennifer Aniston

57. Starred Michael Richards

58. Starred Cortney Cox

59. Starred Rainn Wilson

60. Starred Jerry Seinfeld

Use the following to answer the questions regarding modern sitcoms

a. Friends b. Seinfeld c. The Office d. 30 Rock

Plot or Story Lines

61. Show based of insignificant life events (nothing)

62. Six young individuals who live in NYC

63. Everyday life of employees in a Scranton Pennsylvania paper company

64. TV Producer and her relationship with her stars and boss

Characters/Innovations/Other Information…

65. Show is a mockumentary

66. First show to feature an ensemble cast

67. All the shows main actors were paid the same for each episode

68. Used the story arc of Pam and Jim’s relationship

69. Was rated as the 3rd best show to watch in 2008

70. 3rd most watched finale next to MASH and Cheers

71. 4th most watched finale

72. Nominated for 22 Emmy’s in one season – most ever

73. Ricky Gervais created the show

74. Featured a stand up comedy act to start the show

75. Main actress was the first female lead writer on Saturday Night Live

Plot Lines to Films

76. Which of the following not one of the basic plot lines of films as discussed in class?

a. Overcoming the Monster b. Rags to Riches

c. Comedy d. Gangster

77. The movies Die Hard and Independence Day can be grouped under which plot line?

a. Overcoming the Monster b. Comedy

c. Tragedy d. Voyage and Return

78. The movies Alice in Wonderland and Gone With the Wind can be grouped under which plot line?

a. Comedy b. Voyage and Return

c. Epic d. Overcoming the Monster

79. In this plot line the hero learns of a priceless object and goes on a pursuit to achieve the item.

a. Comedy b. Quest

c. Tragedy d. Voyage and Return

80. In this plot line the main character is a commoner who turns into an exceptional person in the end.

a. Comedy b. Overcoming the Monster

c. Rags to Riches d. Epic

Match the following plot lines to examples that we discussed in class

a. The Quest b. Rebirth c. Tragedy d. Rags to Riches e. Comedy

81. Trading Places

82. Indiana Jones

83. O Brother Where Art Thou

84. Annie

85. Bonnie and Clyde

86. Schindlers List

87. It’s a Beautiful Life

88. Monty Python’s In Search of the Holy Grail

89. Gladiator

90. Dead Poets Society

Match the film with the correct information

a. Modern Times b. Stagecoach c. Psycho d. Bonnie and Clyde

91. Starred Charlie Chaplin

92. Starred Warren Beatty

93. Starred John Wayne

94. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock

95. Starred Andy Devine

96. Lead Actress Claire Trevor

97. Directed by Charlie Chaplin

Character Names to Film

98. Norman Bates

99. Ringo

100. Dallas

101. CW Moss

102. Sheriff Frank Hamer

103. Gatewood

104. Blanche Barrow

105. Marion Crane

Plot Lines / Famous Quotes / Facts…

106. Only voices were machines

107. “We’re bank robbers!”

108. “A boys best friend is his mother”

109. Man just released from jail going to get revenge for his family being killed

110. A women steal $40,000 from a rich man buying a home

111. Set in the 1920’s

112. Even though they are breaking the law they are portrayed as heroes

113. Hey, Curly, do you think I oughta charge Mrs. Mallory's baby half fare?”

114. Workers go on strike because of conditions

115. Sure I can find another wife. But she take my rifle and my horse. Oh, I'll never sell her. I love her so much. I beat her with a whip and she never get tired.”

116. “Oh, we have 12 vacancies. 12 cabins, 12 vacancies.”


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