Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

238125-837565Inaugural Issue!5940020000Inaugural Issue!4022725-895350Water on Mars!See Page 35940020000Water on Mars!See Page 3right3810000 -762000391795Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 201500Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 2015Stressing Out!BY: CLAUDETTE B. ALFORDHow stressed are our students? What can we do to reduce and cope with it?Lee Iacocca, an automobile executive, once said “In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” So what exactly is stress? According to the website,, stress is the feeling we have when under pressure. How you feel when you realize that you have 3 hours of homework, or when the deadline for your science project is approaching faster than you’d like. It’s when your math test is on Monday and football practice is all day Saturday. The effects of stress can be extremely dangerous, including obesity, heart disease, alcohol abuse and drug abuse. When stressed, the immune system weakens and the sleep cycle is altered. Stress, a seemingly growing creature, has found its way into all of our lives. Many students at Crestdale experience the pains of stress. With homework, test, and other assignments it seems as if there is no escape. Extracurricular activities, which are identified as important and significant by the website , must also be balanced into the schedule. center952500In a recent poll, the majority of a random sample of 8th grade students at Crestdale typically feel extremely stressed as students. Many feel average stress. Only one student reported they felt no stress. So how can we deal with stress?SEE STRESS, PAGE 4 Mad Max: Fury RoadBY: TRUMAN GRANTSo, Mad Max. I’ve never actually never seen a Mad Max movie before this, but I was very engrossed in the world. This movie has had tons of hype, and has been hailed by fans and critics alike. But does it truly live up to the incredible reviews and praise? (Yes, yes it does)This movie opens a lot like the 50’s Cinderella movie (which is a strange comparison, but just roll with). “My name is Max, I failed to save the people I cared about, and on with the show!”(Not an exact quote) I don’t want to give too much away, but essentially it’s a 2 hour chase scene, full of action, and tons of practical effects. Now, my biggest and smallest gripe with this movie is how much time Max (Tom Hardy) actually has on screen. Which is why I feel like there are 3 main characters in this movie. Max, The awesome Imperator Furiosa, and Nux, who needs no explanation, because I don’t want to spoil that.SEE MAD MAX, PAGE 3center-276225Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 201500Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 2015SPORTS-6351270000Tyler Hansbrough Gets Signed BY: COREY MACKCan Tyler Hansbrough help the Charlotte Hornets finally capture championship gold? With the already impressive roster of players including “Big” Al Jefferson, Cody Zeller, and standout player Kemba Walker, the Hive could already have one of the most intimidating rosters. Some of Hansbrough's accolades include playing for UNC, National College Player of The Year 2008, NCAA champion 2009, ACC rookie of the year 2006, and three years for both the Indiana Pacers and Toronto Raptors. Tyler himself quoted “I’m very excited to come here and do what I can to help the guys get a win, and NC has always been a home to me, so let’s do it”. His biggest achievement as a pro is scoring a career high of 30 pts against the Knicks. He was drafted 13th overall and later left his 14.1 million dollar contract and became a free agent until he signed with the Toronto Raptors. Then with The Charlotte Hornets on July 22, 2015. He has appeared in the playoffs 5 times expanding from 2011-2015 and now with Jeremy Lin under contract with the Hornets, Tyler makes his entire team a lethal weapon and is an important player to watch scoring on the court.Crestdale VolleyballBY: MAHLET GEBREKIDANWe have all had a glimpse of our fall sports team but in this edition of Wildcat Illustrated we are going to feature the Crestdale Volleyball Team a little more in depth! Before we get into the details of our school's team, let's talk about how the game works. The first thing you should know is that a volleyball game consists of three matches. The first and second matches are played until either team gets to 25 points while the third match is played until one of the teams gets to 15 points. Now that we understand how the game works, let's feature the highlights of the previous games. The Lady Wildcats have played 5 games, in which three have been wins and two have been losses. The teams they have beaten are Mint-Hill, Albemarle Rd, and Randolph. Their unfortunate losses have been against Northeast and Piedmont. To see the more specifics on the individual games, check out the list at the end of this article. The students’ input on the school volleyball team is also very positive. 2533015635Here are some quotes from students: "I believe the volleyball team is very good and they have a lot of sportsmanship." -Paige Finkelstein"I think they are really good and I hope they continue winning games." -Ava JonesThe volleyball team is something that our school should be very proud of so we have to make sure to show our school pride by cheering our team on. If you are interested in showing up to support the volleyball team the next game is on October 19, 2015 at home against Albemarle Road at 5:00pm. Players:Ayla AjanovicKayla KochGrace SpauldingTori RussellAinsley SloanHalle SnowCaroline CambruzziPaige KendrewCameron Culver Annabeth TeiferCeyana YoungTrinity McDuffieCrestdale FootballBY: JAE REECECrestdale’s football record (as of 10/14) is 3-1. Thursday Oct. 8th they played Randolph. Their starting line-up was Seoul Motley #12(QB), Ian McPhail #27(L) Darius Law #36(B) Donovan Law #6(B), Rece Hider #10(B) Charles Smith #39(L), Alex Middleton #51(L), Hiram Mercedes-Rodriguez #53(L) , Thomas McCann #89(E), and Logan Littleton #84(K). Thursday’s captains were Jau’rice Alexander #23(B) and Ian McPhail #27(C) ?Thursday we showed our support for breast cancer awareness by wearing pink as well to support our Crestdale Wildcats. We won against Randolph 22-2!!!-304800-285751Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 201500Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 2015Water on MarsBY JOHNATHAN MCCAULEY-5715013716000Do you think there's life on other planets? Well there may be after NASA found chemical proof that there is water on Mars. Their Rover Curiosity is very close to it. They don't know what condition it's in nor where it's coming from, but they’re sure it's there. They believe multiple bacteria may be there but can’t go near it due to possible contamination. They are working to create a way to launch a pure clean drone from Earth. This is leading to more construction to build this device. Imagine how frustrating it would be to finish a homework assignment, but the school doors are locked so you can't turn it in. but if you keep on trying new ideas you should be able to find a way. That's what they're trying to do.This increases the need for us to launch an expedition there. A survey of my fellow journalists found that most people would prefer if we waited to build a new drone to send up. Some people said we should use the one we have there currently, and lastly people said to just leave it alone. Each one of these options has its pros and cons. For example, sending a new probe will cost more money and will take longer, while investigating with the old one could contaminate the water and at worst completely wipe out a species, and just leaving it alone could have us miss out on proving there is life out there.I personally think there is life out there but could it be so close? Do we have a chance to learn about the universe just a planet away, and if so what do they hold? A way to survive without an atmosphere? There is a possibility of priceless knowledge locked down in life out there--even though it may only be a bacteria it could advance us into the future. What do you think we should do with the possibility of life only a planet away? The question I’m leaving you with is, do you think there's life out there?Work Smarter Not Harder: Tips on Time ManagementBY: MADISON GRECO????Time and time again, you hear teachers warn us about time management, and that it is the key to a less stressful year. Well, they’re right. Time management is the key to success no matter what you are doing. If you don’t have a plan to complete your task, you’ll probably end up not completing that science homework due tomorrow, or totally forget about that math quiz on Friday. Depending on your time management skills, it can either help you, or hurt you. Here are a few tips to help you with your busy schedule.29146511747500Tip number 1: Find a quiet and private room. Finding a quiet and private room will help you be less distracted from anything like the TV or conversations from people around you. It will also help you to leave your phone in a different room so you don’t get sidetracked by Instagram or a friend texting you. Tip number 2: Don’t allow unimportant details keep you back. If the directions for your paper say write 2-3 sentences, try not to write 10 sentences. Writing those extra eight sentences wastes time that you should use for other homework assignments. Keep it short and sweet, no matter how tempting it may be.Tip number 3: If you listen to music, choose your music carefully. If you’re the type of person that likes to listen to music while you work, be careful about the music you choose. If you are picking songs with lyrics in it, it may make it hard to concentrate on your homework because you are more than likely singing the song in your head. Try to find instrumental music with no lyrics. Don’t worry, there are instrumental remakes of the song you enjoy too, so you don’t have to listen to Mozart all the time.Tip number 4: Learn when enough is enough. When you are tired from the work and you need a break, go ahead. Brain breaks are essential to not crashing while working. Just make sure you don’t take too long of a break. You would be surprised to see how time flies SEE TIME, PAGE 4-285750-342900Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 201500Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 2015ENTERTAINMENTFROM MAD MAX, PAGE 1Now, you're probably pretty confused as to why Max doesn’t have that many lines, but I did some research, and apparently Max had less camera time in the first Mad Max movie (1979) than in this. I found that very interesting, and then it hit me. Mad Max isn’t about Max. It's about the environment, the wasteland, the world they live in, and it’s able to lift this movie high off the ground, and throw it into space.The plot to this movie is just an escort mission. Basically, Furiosa has to get several woman across a giant wasteland, while evading the constant crew of War Boys trying to kill them. Max just kinda tags along. If Max had never even been there, Furiosa still probably would have gotten pretty far. At first Max seems like a jerk, threatening people with guns, stealing things, and I thought he was really unlikable, but then I thought, “well, he did just survive a huge storm after getting kidnapped, so what kind of mood would you be in after that?” But by the middle of the film, he’s full on good guy, trying to help them and take down the evil Immortan Joe (yes, his name is actually Immortan Joe)This movie is fantastic, it’s one of the best action movies I’ve seen in a very long time, and easily my favorite movie of 2015 (until Star Wars, of course). There was one other thing that I loved about this movie, it was that there is absolutely no romance between Max and Furiosa, they are purely just acquaintances. Anyway, I love this movie, and if you like action movies, this is the movie for you. I’ve also decided that whenever I give a movie 3 stars, I will give it a “mediocre!” In the words of Immortan Joe. I give Mad Max: Fury road…5 Stars: “Heavy”center9525Survey!!Survey!!BY MARISA BARTHOLOMEWEveryone has their own unique music taste. Including you, the person reading this article. Every year music changes, and it becomes easier for people to become familiar with different genres, artists, albums, and songs. Streaming services like Spotify, Pandora, and Apple Music make it easier for people to discover new music. ?What do you think? ?Fill out the following survey. Tell us your favorite way to listen to music, your favorite genres of music, and your favorite artist. Scan the QR code on your Chromebook to take our google forms survey.481965476252348865-8145145Doctor Who ReviewBY VICENTE CASTRELLONEveryone grab your bow ties, fezzes, sonic screwdriver and get in your TARDIS. Get ready for the ride of your life through the time vortex, and learn more about Doctor Who. Now, let's get on with the review. “GERONIMOOOO!”So far, there have been 2 shows of Doctor Who. There was the classic show (1963-1989) and now the remastered show (2005 - ). We will be talking about the remastered show. The Doctor, an alien time lord from the planet Gallifrey flies in his TARDIS and saves galaxies while picking up female companions from Earth on the way. He loves action and thrives on mystery, the SEE “WHO”, PAGE 5Books of the MediaBY VERONIKA JORDANApproximately 39,000 books were published this week. Out of all that, quite a few books made it to the lists of some of the most popular new novels released. There are also a few authors that have topped their lists with new releases as well.THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN, Paula Hawkins: Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning. Every day she rattles down the track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal that allows her to daily watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck. She’s even started to feel like she knows them. “Jess and Jason,” she calls them. Their life—as she sees it—is perfect. Not unlike the life she recently lost.And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Unable to keep it to herself, Rachel offers what she knows to the police, and becomes inextricably entwined in what happens next, as well as in the lives of everyone involved. Has she done more harm than good?Review: Upon the reviews, many people are asking if The Girl on the Train is similar to Gone Girl, and many have answered that The Girl on the Train is faster paced and more thrilling with a different kind of ending and a more traditional kind of mystery. With 4 out of 5 stars, this book has been quoted as “Un-put-downable”.CARETAKER, Josi Russell: Ethan Bryant was supposed to fall asleep on a ship leaving Earth and wake up fifty years later with his family on the planet Minea. Instead, after the ship’s caretaker—the lone human in charge of monitoring the ship’s vital systems—suddenly died, the ship’s computer locked Ethan out of his stasis SEE BOOKS, NEXT PAGE-306705-317500Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 201500Volume 1, Issue No. 1Crestdale Middle SchoolFriday, October 16, 2015FROM BOOKS, PAGE 4chamber and gave him the job. That was five years ago. Five years of checking to make sure everything runs smoothly on a ship Ethan knows almost nothing about.Who wouldn’t dread the years ahead? Who wouldn’t long for their once-bright future now stolen away? Ethan is resigned to his fate, until the ship suddenly wakes up another passenger: a beautiful engineer who, along with Ethan, soon discovers a horrible secret—a navigation room hidden from even the ship’s computer. The ship is not bound for Minea—but to somewhere far more dangerous. With the ship nearing its sinister destination, Ethan soon learns he is the only one who holds the key to saving all 4,000 passengers from a highly-advanced, hostile alien race.Review: With 4 out of 5 stars, this sci-fi novel is quoted as a major twist story. With an?immaculate and intense style the book holds tension between characters and suspense that carries you throughout the whole book.All reviews printed from as supplied by the author/publisher of that particular book.FROM “WHO”, PAGE 4 more he doesn’t know, the more he craves it. You know how they say that cats have 9 lives? Well so does the Doctor… sort of. The Doctor has 12 lives, or in the show, regenerations. We started in the remastered show, with the 9th doctor, played by Christopher Eccleston. Christopher Eccleston was a great doctor that played for only season one. He had his great moments, and his bad moments. One of his best moments was at the end of season one, was when he saw all of the Daleks (unrelated note, Daleks are based of Nazi’s) back from the dead, and he had to take them on by himself and captain Jack, although something happens (not going to spoil it.)Next doctor on the list is the 10th Doctor. He was an overall amazing Doctor. He was played by David Tennant. David Tennant, was one of the best doctors to me. The best moment he had was in the episode The End Of Time part 1 and 2. Although I won't spoil anything.The 11th doctor… was the same person. Although it still counts, but people still call him the 10th doctor.The 12th doctor, played by Matt Smith, and yes he is called the 11th doctor because of the last doctor business, although he is really the 12th doctor. Matt Smith is a doctor that started a lot of trends, like “bow ties are cool.” and “Timey-Wimey” and more. One of his best parts was at the end of season 7, where he regenerates.Now the time we have all waited for… the 13th doctor! Played by the one and only, the 57 year old Scottish actor, PETER CAPALDI CUE THE MUSIC BECAUSE THIS IS AN AMAZING DOCTOR!!! Peter Capaldi is one of the best doctors in my opinion. Yes, he is an older character, but he still kicks butt. One of his best parts is in the episode Robot of Sherwood where he travels to a mythical land… with Robin Hood. The whole episode leaves you with questions and some parts with awesome action.Over all, every doctor is different and great. I am very glad that they started the series again, and it is on Netflix. You guys should definitely watch this show. GET THAT POPCORN POPPING’ AND GET COMFY ON THE COUCH CUZ THIS IS GOING TO BE A RIDE OF A LIFE. FROM TIME, PAGE 3during those brain breaks. Time yourself to make sure that you are not taking too long or else you will end up not completing your task.Tip number 5: Complete important tasks first. What’s more important? The assignment that's due tomorrow, or in three days? The one that is due tomorrow. You need to make sure that you are completing the tasks that are due in a couple of days, not weeks. As tempting as it is to get ahead in the game in Social Studies, you might have a test in Math in two days. It is essential to complete what is in front of you, or else you will be dragged down by the extra load of homework.School can be stressful, but planned right, it will be just fine. Learn the tricks, and it will tremendously help you, your year, and your grades. Look at the way you complete your assignments. Look at your strategy. Is it helping you, is it efficient, and is it working?FROM STRESS, PAGE 1Though experts say some, non-overpowering stress is healthy and needed, there are ways to reduce it. Prepare by keeping organized. Filling our your agenda properly and in a timely fashion is a neat way to clearly and orderly have any assignments recorded, Found very effective, complete any able assignments on the weekend. This way, the only assignments ready to be done and completed. That will need to be addressed will be the ones received during the week. If the feeling of stress seems to be caused by struggles on certain subjects, address these situations by participating widely in class, attending tutoring, and asking questions when needed. It’s also important to have time to relax. When it comes to coping with stress, everyone has their own solutions. Exercise, healthy eating, and contact with friends and family can help to treat stress. Taking time for yourself, relaxing and doing what you love are significant aspects that should be a part of every schedule. So as you travel through middle school and make your way through life, keep the words of Lee Iacocca- and those of this article- in safekeeping, turning stress into stride. ................

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