Lecture 1: An Introduction to Green Chemistry - Imperial College London

[Pages:17]Module 4I10: Green Chemistry

Imperial College London

Lecture 1: An Introduction to Green Chemistry

Dr. Ed Marshall Room: M220, RCS 1 e.marshall@imperial.ac.uk ch.ic.ac.uk/marshall/4I10

4.I10 Green Chemistry Lecture 1 Slide 1

Lecture 1: Learning Objectives

Imperial College London

By the end of today's lecture you should: (i) be able to define what is meant by the term Green Chemistry; (ii) appreciate how Green Chemistry may be beneficial to industry; (iii) understand that Green Chemistry is not an easy subject.

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking

we used to create them."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


So what is Green Chemistry?

Imperial College London

Scenario: Imagine you are at a party and you have to explain what Green Chemistry is to someone who isn't a chemist.

What would words are you going to use to tell them?


Brown Chemistry

Imperial College London

Is this the public perception of the chemical industry?


Brown Chemistry

Cuyahoga River 1952 and 1969...

Imperial College London

...major fires also happened in 1868 and 1936.


Brown Chemistry ? the UK's worst chemical accident

Imperial College London

Flixborough 1974

40 tonnes cyclohexane released in 1 minute (225 ?C, 10 atm)


Brown Chemistry ? the world's worst chemical accident 4th December 2004

Imperial College London


Brown Chemistry

Imperial College London

Is this reputation deserved?



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