Diary Writing Scoring Guide

Diary Scoring Guide

| Descriptor |Effective |Adequate |Somewhat |Little or None |

| Points | | | | |

|Content of Diary |My diary is about one event and its impact|My diary is generally all about one event |My diary is mostly about one event and its|My diary seems to be about a lot of |

|Entry |on my personal or professional life. |and its impact on my personal or |impact on my personal or professional |different, unrelated events and don’t show|

| | |professional life. |life, but sometimes I get a little off the|their impacts on my personal or |

| | | |subject. |professional life. |

|Creativity |I surprise the reader with appropriate, |I include some unusual features to add |I try to add some unusual features, but |My interpretation is predictable. |

| |unusual features that add meaning and |meaning and enhance my readers enjoyment. |they may not add to the meaning. | |

| |contribute to the readers’s enjoyment and | | | |

| |understanding. | | | |

|Word Choice |I use emotional and interesting words that|I use emotional and interesting words when|I often use ordinary, predictable words. |I usually use ordinary, predictable words.|

| |make my entry seem realistic. |I can. | | |

|Examples and Details |I use appropriate, vivid details and |I use appropriate detail in my writing to |Some of my writing is too general and does|I have very little detail in my writing |

| |examples in my writing to prove I know a |prove I know about the life and times of |not have enough detail to prove I know |and offer little or no proof that I know |

| |lot about my Great Thinker's life. |my Great Thinker. |very much about the life and times of my |about the life and times of my Great |

| | | |Great Thinker. |Thinker. |

|Sentence Fluency |Some sentences are long, some are medium, |I have some variety in my sentence length |Many of my sentences are about the same |My sentences are mostly about the same |

| |and some are short. I start my sentences |and beginnings. |length, and some of them begin with the |length, and many of them begin with the |

| |with different words and phrases so they | |same kind of phrase or word. |same kind of phrase or word. |

| |do not all sound the same. | | | |

|Conventions |I am careful to check my writing for |I check my writing for accuracy in |I check my writing for accuracy in |I do not check my writing for accuracy in |

| |accuracy in spelling, capitalization, |spelling, capitalization, grammar, and |spelling, capitalization, grammar, and |spelling, capitalization, grammar, and |

| |grammar, and punctuation, so I do not have|punctuation, and I do not have any |punctuation, but sometimes I have mistakes|punctuation, and I have several mistakes |

| |any mistakes. |mistakes that would confuse people while |that confuse people while they are |that confuse people while they are |

| | |they are reading. |reading. |reading. |


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