Can you find the mistakes

Can you find the mistakes?

September 10, 2018

1. Working with your partner, find the mistakes in each sentence.

2. Treat women equally can make the world better.

3. Even the phone makers’ investors are look at it as a health crisis.

4. The European Union have passed a new law to ask companies to explain to users how their data will be used or shared, and they are also need agreement to share or use.

5. In 79 AD, a volcano called Mt. Vesuvius in Italy’s western coast suddenly erupted. Burying the nearby Roman city of Pompeii and its neighbor Herculaneum under ash and volcanic rocks.

6. Though the result is not bad, but in my opinion, we should, and we must, think deeper to avoid similar things happening.

7. “Does Facebook Know Too Much” was the title of the article written by Joe Bubar. Which talking about the media and how much it could have both personal or public information.

8. Another solution is that the government can up a specific department to help users check whether all requirements in the agreement is reasonable or not.

9. The shooting happened in Santa Fe High School, which located in the Southeast of Texas.

10. Since the company yearning for more profit tends to place their advertisement to selected customers by making use of potential customers’ interests.

11. Online voting becomes increasingly popular.

12. Because the rhinoceros has medicinal value, it began to kill the rhinoceros.

13. Despite the information are safely protected by companies, everyone had better know how they can control their privacy settings.

14. For example, teenagers who are addicted to games.

15. The company said that the company denies the rumors attributed to him and that the

company is trying hard to maintain the privacy of users of the program and that this is not the first time that the company is accused of these false charges, Facebook says that the privacy of people is a priority and they are trying hard to preserve their privacy.

Caught Using Target Grammar and Skills Perfectly!

1. In “New Life for the ERA?” by Patricia Smith (Upfront, September 3, 2018), the article discusses the constitutional amendment for gender equality, which is called the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). (Lori)

2. In “Does Facebook Know Too Much” (Bubar, 2018), the author poses a problem in which there are many users whose data were misused. (Xin)


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