Appendix 3.1d. Sample Honors Chemistry Syllabus


I. Introduction

My name is ______, and I will be your teacher this year. I have been teaching at ______since ______. I live in ______, but I grew up in ______. I have a ______ degree in chemistry and a ______ degree in ______ from ______.

My goal for this year is that you learn the concepts and math of chemistry. You will learn not only the theory of chemistry but also how it applies to your daily lives.

II. Class Expectations

A. Work with integrity and honor. All work is to be your own unless otherwise stated. Act as you would when others are watching, even if you are all alone.

B. “79Au-N” Rule (a.k.a. the Golden Rule). Treat yourself, others, and property positively and with respect.

C. P&P: Be Prepared and Professional. Come to class ready (both physically and mentally) to participate and work. Bring all materials (textbook, notebook, lab book, scientific calculator) needed for the class period.

D. Avoid unnecessary absences. In chemistry, each concept builds on previous concepts. If you are missing one concept, you will have trouble with the next one. You’ll be surprised how the same concepts are present in different ways concerning light, sound, electricity, work, and power. It will be very difficult to catch up if you are frequently absent.

III. Grading

A. It is the students’ responsibility to check grades on a weekly basis. Any corrections or missing assignments must be fixed or arranged to be made up in a timely manner according to the school handbook.

B. Late projects and non-homework assignments are marked 50% off the first day and 100% thereafter.

C. On each quiz and test, there is an opportunity to earn an extra 10% of the total score.

D. The average of all work handed in will make up 90% of your grade.

|Grade |Average |

|A |90–100 |

|B |80–89 |

|C |70–79 |

|D |60–69 |

|F |0–59 |

E. The last 10% will be a habits and behaviors grade that is based on the four criteria listed below. You may earn a 4, 3, 2, or 1 for each criterion. A score of 4 corresponds to 90–100%. A score of 3 corresponds to 80–89%. A score of 2 corresponds to 70–79%. A score of 1 corresponds to a habits and behavior criterion grade below 70%. I will monitor and record this grade weekly.

1. Student is prepared for class (brings materials, opening activity, etc.).

2. Student contributes to positive learning environment (respectful, on task, productive, cooperative).

3. Student follows classroom rules.

4. Student completes work in a timely manner (homework completion).

IV. Materials

A. You will need an organizational device (3-ring binder, folder, etc.) for notes, handouts, assignments, and other materials.

B. You will need a calculator for this course. If you plan to buy a calculator, get one that can do square roots, scientific notation (EE), and logs.

*You will not be able to participate in laboratory activities until you have returned the signed safety contract.



Phone (high school):


Teacher Contract

I will present a rigorous honors chemistry course. I will use a variety of instructional methods to best teach the students. An assortment of lab techniques will be used during demonstrations and experiments. I will provide safety instruction at the beginning of the year and before the students work on a laboratory experiment. I will post a schedule of times I am available for extra help.


Student Contract

I have thoroughly read the course information sheet. I will follow the classroom requirements and will come to class with all the necessary materials. My homework assignments will be done completely, punctually, and with integrity in order to gain a better understanding of chemistry. I am responsible for the consequences, good or bad, of my actions.


Parent or Guardian Contract

My son, daughter, or child of whom I have guardianship has provided me with the course information sheet that has overviewed the activities and requirements of the honors chemistry course. I/We will encourage my/our child to regularly prepare for class and seek extra help if necessary.

Signature Phone

Parent’s e-mail _________________________________________________________

*Whenever you e-mail me, the subject line should include your child’s name and period.

(Thank you to members of the NSTA Listserv for sharing your work.)


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