General Chemistry I

Chemistry 111, Principles of Chemistry, Spring 2005

MWF, 10:00-11:00 am, C-104

Instructor: Dr. Charles D. Caldwell Office: C 312 Phone: (719) 549-2411

Email: Office Hours: Tue & Thur 2:30pm-4:00pm; or by appointment. Call or stop by anytime I am not in class.


Required Text: Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation, Stephen S. Zumdahl, 5th Edition, Houghton Mifflin Co.

Co-requisite: Chem 111 Lab (with some exceptions)

You must also have a calculator with exponential and logarithmic functions, and bring it to class.

CHEM 111 does not fulfill credit for General Chemistry as required for majors in biology, chemistry and others.

Tentative schedule: The schedule is approximate since not all the chapters are of a length that fits neatly into 1 week increments. Topics will be covered in the order listed with some variation in the actual dates involved. You are responsible for all material covered in class and in the reading assignments.

Week of Reading Assignment, Chapter, Topic

Jan. 17 1. Introduction 2. Measurements and Calculations…

24. 2. …cont…Measurements and Calculations

31 3. Matter and Energy

Feb 7 4. Chemical Foundations: Elements, Atoms, and Ions

14 5. Nomenclature

21 6. Chemical Reactions: An Introduction

28 7. Reactions in Aqueous Solutions

Mar. 7 8. Chemical Composition

14 9. Chemical Quantities

21 ………..Spring Break……………….

28 11. Chemical Bonding

Apr. 4 14. Solutions

11 15. Acids and Bases

18 19. Organic Chemistry

25 20. Biochemistry

May 2 Final Exam. Thursday May 5, 8:00-10:20 am

Grading: Three one-hour exams 60%

Quizzes 20%

Comprehensive final exam 20%

Problem Sets: Chemistry is a problem solving discipline and is learned best by problem solving practice. You will be assigned problem sets for each chapter. These will not be collected or graded, it is your responsibility to read the chapters and work the problems.

Quizzes: Short 10-point quizzes will be given every Friday (and possibly other times). Your 2 lowest scores will be dropped.

How to Succeed in This Course:

1. Come to class! If you miss class you will not only miss lecture, but homework, quizzes, and explanations of correct answers for homework, quizzes, and exams. Attendance is a factor in the awarding of grades, especially in borderline cases.

2. Take careful notes and keep up with the reading and homework assignments on a daily basis. Learn the meanings of the terms in bold print before coming to class. Ask questions and participate in class discussions.

3. If you have a problem understanding something please see me during office hours, or email me with questions. I am happy to help; that is what I am here for. I enjoy helping students, that's why I went into teaching. Don't wait until the day before an exam. If posted office hours are not convenient for you, you can make an appointment with me for another time or just stop by, I am usually in my office.

4. Again.. Come to class! There is a strong correlation between attendance and success. Students who fail are invariably the ones who are absent the most.

Important Note: If you wish to obtain a good grade in this class, the time to worry about it is now, at the beginning of the semester. Please do not come to me after grades have been awarded to try and have your grade changed. Chemistry cannot be learned by last-minute cramming. You must keep up with the reading and problem sets on a daily basis. I do not give extra credit assignments to individual students for the purpose of raising their grades.

Other Resources:

• The student computer lab in C205A has numerous programs that allow you to work problems and obtain information.

• Tutors can be arranged through the Learning Assistance Center (PSYCH 232, x2901), Student Support Services (LW 230, x2111), and the Chemistry Department Office (C110, x2574).

• My website

Statement on Disability Services: Anyone who has a documented disability is entitled to receive any services offered by the University through the Disabilities Services Office. If you qualify, or think you might qualify, you should call the Disabilities Services Office at 549-2663 or go to Suite 232 in the Psychology Building. Any discussions you may have with the Disabilities Services Office will be confidential.

Other: Academic dishonesty (cheating) is strictly forbidden. Anyone using another’s work or unauthorized source of information on exams or quizzes will receive a score of zero. Repeat offenses will result in a grade of ‘F’ for the course and expulsion from the university.

The last day to drop with a “W” is Tuesday 3/8/05. Drops occurring after this date will receive a “WF’ (withdraw failing).


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