Annual Reporting January 1-December 31, 2018

Prepared by: Name: Wendy Bolduc Number of Members in Club (as according to the CFWC Yearbook): 130

Reporter's Address: 40365 Calle Medusa Club Position: 1st VP Dean of Chairs

City: Temecula

State: CA

Email: wkbolduc@

Club: GFWC Temecula Valley Woman's Club

CFWC Area: D Zip: 92591 Phone: 951-694-1062

Name of GFWC Special Program, Community Service Program, Advancement Area, or ESO

Home Life


In 1980, a small group of energetic, community and service-oriented women met and founded the Temecula Valley Woman's Club. With a membership of ten, the Club was chartered as a CFWC/GFWC that same year and incorporated in 1981. The Temecula Valley is a community in Southwest Riverside County with a population of approximately 210,000. The Club's membership is currently at 143 women committed to their original and still viable intent to improve the education, ethical and cultural life of the community.

Women's Health Committee is dedicated to promoting the health and happiness of the women in our club and community. We work with Michelle's Place Breast Cancer Resource Center, the only breast cancer resource center in Riverside County.

Project Title: Mastectomy Care Kits Hours: 37 In-Kind: $625 In March, our Women's Health Committee collected donations from the membership to help Michelle's Place to provide items for Mastectomy Care Kits. These kits are provided free to women going through breast cancer surgery. The kits include items such as drain pouches, a comfort pillow, slipper socks, ties for the drain tubes, journals, pens, and an encouraging note from our TVWC Committee. One of our members sews all the pillows and drain pouches each year. This year we provided 80 Care Kits.

Project Title: Chemo Caps Hours: 0 Donated: $300 In-Kind: $215 Our committee contributed to the purchase of chemo caps for patients at Michelle's Place. The staff expressed a great need this year. We provided for the purchase of 75 chemo caps for 2018.

Project Title: Thriver Retreat Hours: 17 Donated: $1,500 In-Kind: $0 Each summer Michelle's Place Breast Cancer Resource Center provides a one-day retreat for women going through cancer treatment, survivors of cancer, and metastatic patients. The goal of the retreat is to give these women a day of relaxation, inspiration, education, and fellowship. The location was Myrtle Creek Botanical Gardens in Fallbrook, California. The women were treated to breakfast, yoga, a motivational speaker, lunch, a nutritional expert, goodie bags, prizes, and a craft session. Our committee donated $1,500 to help make the Retreat possible. In addition, we volunteered at the retreat by helping with the registration and the art project. The retreat was a huge success for over 70 women.

Project Title: Spring Fling Fundraiser Hours: 57 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $2,575 In May of this year, our committee helped to support the Spring Fling Fundraiser for Michelle's Place. We sold tickets, and volunteered time assembling auction baskets. One member bought tickets for a table of 8, and donated money towards the auction items. The fundraiser was held at South Coast Winery in Temecula. It was a great success for Michelle's Place.

Project Title: Party in the Park - Backpack Program Hours: 13 Donated: $250 In-Kind: $40 In August, we helped Michelle's Place with their annual Party in the Park. This year we handed out backpacks filled with school supplies to 75 children in the Pink Assistance Program. We donated money towards the purchase of backpacks. In addition to the backpacks, children and their families were treated to pizza, salads, desserts, crafts, and games. The families were grateful to know that people in the community care about what they are going through.

Project Title: Celebration of Life Golf Tournament & Fundraiser Hours: 24 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $226 In August, the Women's Health Committee helped with the annual Celebration of Life Golf Tournament & Fundraiser. Several of our committee members volunteered their time making auction baskets. Two of our members worked at a golf hole, and donated funds towards mammogram services for women in the community.

Project Title: 5K Walk of Hope - 2nd Annual Hours: 27 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $175 Michelle's Place held their 2nd Annual 5K Walk of Hope on September 23rd at Vail Headquarters in Temecula. There were over 1000 participants and 70 volunteers at this year's event. Several of our members walked the 5K as team "Temecula Valley Woman's Club." We're looking forward to participating in next year's 3rd Annual 5K Walk of Hope to help raise awareness about breast cancer services in our community.

Project Title: Thanksgiving Meal Distribution Hours: 13 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $355 Our TVWC members donated groceries, turkeys, gift cards, and pies to the annual Thanksgiving Meal Distribution at Michelle's Place. Over 100 families in the Pink Assistance Program are given all the items needed to make their holiday meal complete.

Project Title: Christmas Party Pink Assistance Program Hours: 14 Donated: $120 In Kind: $26 The Women's Health Committee sponsored two Santa Sacks (valued at $60 each) for the children in the Pink Assistance Program through Michelle's Place. We helped host a holiday party with pizza, desserts, games, and Santa Sacks. We donated desserts and volunteered at the party. This program provides a brighter Christmas for over 200 children and helps families meet the financial demands of battling cancer.

The Caring Committee is dedicated to providing comfort and cheer to community members in need.

Project Title: Wildomar Senior Living Luncheons Hours: 535 Donated: $774 In-Kind: $1,602 Each month we provide a themed luncheon, served cafeteria style in the facility's community room. We also provide birthday cake and ice cream to celebrate residents having birthdays each month. We served 531 lunches in 2018.

Project Title: Wildomar Senior Birthday Bags Hours: 25 Donated: $471 In-Kind: $305 Each month during the luncheons, we acknowledge every resident with a birthday in that month. They are provided a birthday "crown," gift bag and birthday balloon. The bags contain a variety of small items such as socks, calendars, lotions, candles, and candy. We gave out 75 bags this year. In addition to the birthday cake and ice cream, everyone gets their chance to feel special once a year!

Project Title: Supplies for Senior Residents Hours: 2 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $422 In March the committee requested donations from our generous club members of supplies for the residents of Wildomar Independent Living Facility. The seniors are on very limited budgets and greatly appreciate the donations of toiletries, paper products and grocery store gift cards.

Project Title: Painting Classes Hours: 19 Donated: $660 In-Kind: $0 Twice this year we hosted on-site painting classes, instructed by "Art Uncorked." All supplies were provided by the excellent instructor. The residents, both male and female, greatly enjoyed this special activity which allows them to exercise their creative side and improve fine-motor skills. We had 17 residents participate.

Project Title: Manicure Parties Hours: 46 Donated: $61 In-Kind: $67 A new activity for this year, we offered fingernail painting services to residents. This presented us with a wonderful opportunity for one-on-one conversation with the ladies as we pampered their hands! We served cookies and drinks. The committee provided this event four times during the year, serving 34 ladies, with 20 committee member visits for this project.

Project Title: Gift Basket for Gala Hours: 18 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $300 The committee created a lovely "Pamper Yourself/Birthday" basket for TVWC's Mid-Year Fundraiser silent auction. It contained a restaurant gift card, massage, Vodka, wine, candles, a floral arrangement gift certificate, and other items.

Project Title: Christmas Crafts Hours: 24 Donated: $300 In-Kind: $24 In November, the committee enlisted the services of a local craft teacher to provide all supplies and instruction for residents to make three Christmas crafts (gift bag, gift card and specialty Christmas card). Four committee members assisted 10 seniors in creating their crafts. Refreshments were served. This activity was enjoyed by all.

Project Title: Christmas Gift Bags Hours: 28 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $150 At our December luncheon, we provided each attendee with a special gift bag, filled with goodies including granola bars, socks, candy, ornaments, and hygiene items. Nine committee members participated in the preparation of 60 bags. The gifts were hand-delivered by none other than Santa Claus! A friend of the Club graciously donated his services as St. Nick and delighted the seniors, including individual photos with Santa.

Project Title: Clothing Donations Hours: 20 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $100 For another new project our committee members brought gently worn clothing for both men and women to our luncheons for the seniors. The clothes were displayed neatly on hangers and a clothing rack for the residents to view and try on for size if needed. Committee members occasionally "modeled" items that needed a new owner so the seniors could decide if they were a good "fit" for themselves! This was an easy, no cost gift to the residents.

Project Title: Caring for our Members Hours: 10 Donated: $20 In-Kind: $0 One of our Committee's missions is to care for our members. Everyone has difficult times in their lives, and TVWC supports each other during these trials. When we are notified of anyone in our Membership that is ill, hospitalized, bereaved, or struggling with other issues, we will contact the member and offer support and encouragement. We make phone calls and send cards as appropriate. A form is provided on our website to initiate this effort, or committee members and/or board members can be notified personally. In conjunction with Women's Health Committee a referral list was created listing services available in our area to assist those needing outside assistance.

The Bridge Committee is dedicated to promoting friendship and keeping our members' minds active and challenged. Playing bridge provides competitive mental exercise while socializing with many fun and interesting ladies.

Project Title: Bridge Hours: 283 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $0 We play twice a month for five hours each session. We have four active members and invite TVWC and community members to play with us providing the opportunity to recruit new members. We have 12 to 20 players joining us each session.

The Golf Committee is dedicated to promoting friendships and improving women's health through exercise.

Project Title: Golf Hours: 107 Donated: $0 In-Kind: $0 We play once a month at rotating golf courses in the community. Members can invite guests, providing an opportunity to recruit new members.


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