Syllabus Template

WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT HIGH SCHOOLSYLLABUS FOR INTEGRATED MATH IV- Thinking MathematicallyINTEGRATED MATH IV- Thinking Mathematically Mr. YesenskySeniors REGULAR 2015-2016 or if you forget my email address, find my name listed on the Taft website and email me through that. COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, senior students will continue to think mathematically and review various mathematical concepts covered from grades K-12. Students will discuss and explore mathematical concepts while solving well-worded math problems, brain teasers, math riddles, etc that encompass numerical reasoning, algebra, geometry and advanced algebra. Students will write up journals outlined in George Polya’s four steps to problem solving.TEXTBOOK: Problem Solving Through Recreational Mathematics. Authors: Bonnie Averbach and Orin Chein (paperback)***STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ASSIGNED A TEXTBOOK. THE BOOKS WILL REMAIN IN THE CLASSROOM unless determined otherwise.SUPPLIES: SPIRAL NOTEBOOK 100 SHEETS OR MORECALCULATOR TI-83 OR TI-84(THE BEST) OR A SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR2 PENCILS WIH ERASERS AND SHARPENER OR 2 MECHANICAL PENCILS (THE BEST)FOLDER OR BINDERLOOSELEAF PAPERCLASSROOM POLICIES:(15%) ATTENDANCE/Participation: BE ON TIME: Be in your seat before the bell rings with all supplies listed above. BRING ALL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TO CLASS- WE WILL USE THEM OFTEN. If you do not have your materials, you are not fully “here”. You will get a zero for attendance that day.TARDY: You are expected to be on time. The door will close after the bell rings. Each tardy will directly affect your grade. Parents will be notified if tardiness continues. If you are tardy, you will get a zero for attendance that day.(55%) ALL ASSIGNMENTS: In-class work, Notes, Projects, Packets. Every day we will be thinking mathematically in order to solve problems. You will be asked to do various projects, assignments, and work. You will be working in various settings; individual, pairs, groups of 3 or more. You will be asked to present solutions to your classmates. Often homework and peer collaboration will be involved. No makeup work is allowed unless you have an excused absence. If you are absent, you will have one day after an excused absence to make up the work. You are responsible for finding out and completing what you missed during your absence. If you are absent more than one day come see me and I will give you due date for missing work. (30%) ACTIVITIES, PRESENTATIONS, Worksheets: Quizzes can be announced or unannounced. NO MAKE UP QUIZZES WILL BE GIVEN! Presentations will have a rubric. Activities will be longer and more challenging problems. RESPESCT YOURSELF AND OTHERS- This means that everyone is expected to give 100% effort in class. REMEMBER TO TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED. PARTICIPATION AND BEHAVIOR: You must participate in classroom activities. This include working in groups with others on mathematics and contributing to classroom discussion and thinking diligently about problems. It is crucial to have a willing attitude. Appropriate behavior starts with being respectful towards the teacher, your peers, staying in your seat at all times during the class unless prompted to do otherwise by the teacher, raising your hand and not shouting out. Inappropriate classroom behavior will not be tolerated. Give 100% effort daily.NO FOOD IS ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOMNO ELECTRONICS ALLOWED. (Ex: HEADPHONES, CELL PHONES, I PODS, GAMES, CAMERAS) They will be taken and brought to Dean’s office. You can get then there after two weeks or have parent pick them up there as well.NO CARDS, COATS, HATS, JACKETS, MAKEUP, COMBING OF HAIR IS ALLOWED.TAKE CARE OF YOUR BATHROOM NEEDS BEFORE AND AFTER CLASS!TAKE CARE OF YOUR BATHROOM NEEDS BEFORE AND AFTER CLASS!GRADING (WEIGHTING PERCENTAGES) 15% - Attendance 55% - All Assignments 30%-Activities, PresentationsGRADING SCALE100-90 = A89-80 = B79-70 = C69-60 = D59-0= FPROMOTION POLICY (04-0128-P01)“Students success in earning credits toward promotion shall be determined by attendance in class as well as by performance on academic assignments. Therefore, students who have unexcused absences in 20% or more of the classes in a particular course during the period for which a unit of credit is earned shall not pass the course and shall receive no credit towards promotion.”To clarify, if a student is absent over 17 times from class PER SEMESTER, they will not pass the class. This includes excused and unexcused absences. ................

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