I. In Geometry, each new idea builds upon previously learned ideas. Attendance is critical to a student’s success. If a student has an excused absence, he or she has the amount of days absent to make up any missing assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to utilize the school’s website to check for assignments missed and to get the notes missed from a classmate. An excused absence means that a parent has called the school to report the absence. Unexcused absences will result in a zero for all assigned work, including tests and quizzes. Participation points will also be deducted for unexcused absences. If a student earns an In School Suspension, it is their responsibility to turn in the work for that day ON THE DAY OF THE SUSUPENSION! If there is a test on the day of the suspension, it is the student’s responsibility to come that day after school to make up the exam. If a student earns an Out of School Suspension, it is their responsibility to utilize the website to check for missed work and to turn in all assignments missed ON THE DAY YOU RETURN TO CLASS! Missed exams must be made up after school on the day you return to class.

II. Students will be required to have a TI-83, TI-84, or TI-Nspire (non-CAS) calculator. Please purchase

this calculator because all lessons will be based on this calculator.

III. Coming prepared for class is a sign of a successful student. The materials and supplies

needed for class are:

A. Spiral notebook or loose leaf paper

B. 1.5 inch binder

C. Textbook

D. Pencils – sharpened before class begins

E. Red pen

F. Calculator (TI-83, TI-84, TI-Nspire – non-CAS version)

G. Soft pencil case

H. Colored Pencils

I. Protractor

IV. Chicago Board of Education grading scale will be followed:

A - 100-90

B - 89-80

C - 79-70

D - 69-60

F - 59-0

V. The following will determine final grades:

A. Homework (25%)

1. Typically, 10 points are possible for each homework assignment. Points will be deducted for incomplete assignments.

2. Homework grades will be assigned every ten assignments.

3. Late assignments and assignments completed in pen will NOT be accepted.

4. If you are late to class, your assignment is late and you will earn half credit.

5. Homework will be given 3 to 5 days a week.

B. Class participation (10%)

1. Points will be deducted if the student is tardy, not prepared for class and/or not actively

participating in class work and discussion. Grades will be assigned twice per quarter.

2. Every two tardies to class will result in a ½ hour detention. If students are consistently tardy, they will earn 1 hour detention for every two tardies.

C. Notebook (10%)

The notebook grade will be determined by using the Geometry Binder Rubric. The binder must contain all Geometry class notes in chronological order, must be neat, contain no graffiti, or notes from any other subject written in the notebook. All homework assignments must be in the notebook and also should be in order by the assignment number given. All graded tests, worksheets, and handouts must be filed in the binder. Students should also keep a pencil case with all material in their binder. Students must use binder dividers to break the binder into the following sections:

1. Class records

2. Class notes

3. Assignments

4. Tests

5. Skill Tests

Binders will be checked at the end of each marking period. Failure to submit a binder/notebook on the date it is due will result in a 0 (zero). Binders will not be accepted late! If you are tardy or absent (excused or unexcused), you get a zero!!!!

D. Tests, Final Exam (45%)

1. Tests will ONLY be accepted if they are completed in pencil.

2. If you are absent, the test must be made up after school.

3. Tests will be given approximately once a week.

E. Skills Exams (10%)

Periodically, students will be given unannounced tests that target key skills that they have learned during the year or in previous mathematics classes. These are skills that students need to be successful in future mathematics class, as well as the ACT exam and college and trade school entrance exams.

VI. ALL WORK MUST BE DONE IN PENCIL. ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN. ‘Answers only’ or work done in pen will NOT be accepted.

VII. You are expected to be on your best behavior at all times. You will respect each other. Misconduct causes a disruption in class and will not be tolerated. Pencils will be sharpened before class and you will be seated when the bell rings. The school’s Code of Conduct and my classroom rules will be followed at all times.

Parents: I ENCOURAGE you to REGULARLY check your child’s work to make sure he or she is doing the homework and maintaining a notebook/binder. To check your child’s current grade at any time, use the IMPACT/Gradebook website. I will be available after school if any student needs tutoring. It is suggested that they let me know during class if they plan on staying after school that day. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Your interest and support are extremely helpful. Students do best when they, their parents and their teacher have high but realistic expectations. I am looking forward to a very successful and enjoyable school year.

School Website:

Textbook Website:

Login for online student textbook- Username: GEOIL05 Password: vanef4m8

Mrs. A. Olvera-Lopez


Please sign this sheet to acknowledge that you are aware of the policies for your child’s Geometry class. Have your child return the following sheet, completed, to me for a homework assignment grade. These class policies should be kept in the student’s math binder where you may review them at anytime.


Print Student’s Name

__________________________________________________________ ________________

Student Signature Class Period


Print Parent’s Name

__________________________________________________________ ______________________

Parent Signature Date

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________

Parent Phone Number Parent Email Address


Print Parent’s Name

__________________________________________________________ ______________________

Parent Signature Date

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________

Parent Phone Number Parent Email Address

For teacher’s use only. Please do not write on this page.





























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