Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Date: January 20, 2017

Time: 9:37 a.m.

Place: Aftercare Conference Room, 100 N. Western Avenue, Chicago, IL

APPROVED: April 14, 2017

IO 1.0 CALL TO ORDER by President Heidi Mueller at 9:37 a.m.

1. Roll Call

1.2. Board Members Present: Heidi Mueller, Patrick Griffin, Dr. Heather Dalmage, Jennifer Vidis and David Green

1.3 Board Members Absent: Candice Smith and Dr. Tresa Dunbar Garrett

1.4. Others present: Gloria J. Davis, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Sophia Jones-Redmond, Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Esther Yahnig, Assistant Legal Counsel; Dr. Bambi Bethel-Leitschuh, Director of Special Education; Robert Fritch, Career and Technical Director; Samantha Gaddy, Senior Policy Advisory; Rachel Brady, Equip for Equality; and Maurice McAllister, Recorder


2.1 Approval of Agenda

President Mueller motioned to move the approval of the agenda. Member

Vidis motioned to approve the agenda and Member Dalmage seconded.

Voice Vote

Aye; Unanimous

Nay; None

Motion Carries

2.2 Approval of Minutes for November 10, 2016

President Mueller motioned to approve the November 10, 2016 minutes with

no corrections to the minutes. Member Green motioned to approve the minutes and Member Dalmage seconded.

Voice Vote

Aye; Unanimous

Nay; None

Motion carries

IO 3.0 Public Participation

No public comments.

AI 3.1 Public Participation Guidelines – Ms. Esther Yahnig, Assistant Legal Counsel

Ms. Esther Yahnig introduced the updated changes to the Public Participation Guidelines. Paragraph 7 was added as follows: Administrative staff responding to questions or complaints raised during the public participation shall provide the speaker and Board members with information about the response and/or resolution within 10 days following the Board meeting. It was noted that an email would be the correspondence to board members and a letter to the speaker. It was also noted that the Public Participation Guidelines will be posted to the Department’s Website for an avenue to inform and invite others to the open meetings.

President Mueller mentioned that it is useful to have as many opportunities to reach out to the public and groups to come to the meetings. We do not want to keep people from our board meetings but be able to get useful information to the public.

President Mueller moved to approve the Public Participation Guidelines with the noted adage to paragraph 7 and to post the Public Participation Guidelines to the Department’s website. Member Green motioned to approve the Public Participation Guidelines; adding paragraph 7; posting to the Department’s website and Member Dalmage seconded.

Voice Vote

Aye; Unanimous

Nay; None

Motion carries


4.1 New Acting Director Introduction

President Heidi Mueller, New Acting Director for the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice comes into her new role of service April 2014 as the Deputy Director of Program Services. She overseen the program support services at IDJJ in mental health and substance abuse services just to name a couple, all of which supported IDJJ under program services as the Executive Director of Juvenile Justice Specialist for Illinois, she reported to the Judge and advised the governor in her

role in direct care with the youth. This area is close to her heart because her father was a public school teacher and her mom worked with children in tutoring and support. This year marks the 10th year anniversary of IDJJ’ separation from the Department of Correction and IDJJ has made great progress in all our systems. President Mueller is excited about her new role as the Acting Director and is determined to make the Department of Juvenile Justice better today with a wonderful team of supporters. Thanks to the support of the School District with the leadership of Superintendent Davis, Assistant Superintendent Jones-Redmond and School District Assistant, Mr. McAllister.

IO 4.2 Federal Consent Decree Update

President Mueller mentioned that we are at this point where we have turned the corners at each facility, the court monitors do not have to tell us this, the Executive Staff and I have notice this. IDJJ has received rewards, full-time school secondary education programs; Mr. Robert Fritch the new CTE Director is pushing out the programs. We are excited about the programs and direction we are taking.

IO 4.3 Judge’s Visit at St Charles

President Mueller mentioned that IDJJ initially had some serious issues with staff at St. Charles due to low security staff and educators. These issues are being addressed. The Governor’s Office authorized an additional 30 more security staff in our facility to keep things up and running. On the education side of the facility things has picked up with hiring. You will notice the changes on the School District’s Staffing Update report that would be highlighted later. IDJJ are working hard in all fronts to keep the programs moving forward. The Judge is frustrated with the business at St. Charles because there are so many issues coming out of the school. He personally will visit St. Charles facility and the school to see for himself what is going on. We will be working with the Judge and will present our case to him during his visit. We are working very hard with our Special Education Program in our schools and we have been moving forward in this area in keeping up with the IEPs. The Judge will not be looking at issues outside the scoop of the Consent Decree but will focus on areas of progress. He is frustrated because the communication with ACLU. What is at stake for IDJJ is he finds no progress has been made than federal receivership will be appointed to St. Charles. We are making every effort to let the Judge see what we have and how things are working. IDJJ do not think this would be an issue if we are transparent and forthcoming with our information. With that in mind, we were looking at security staff in the classroom not just at St. Charles but across the School District. Teachers and security staff working in partnership together. The security staff would not be spying on the teaching staff but security staff would be there to help to head off situations that may get out of hand in the classroom and can assist the youth in educational problems. We are developing a plan to move forward in this area so everyone can have a shared understanding of the process.


5.1 Litigation – Ms. Esther Yahnig

President Mueller moved the meeting into close session under the exceptions set forth in the Open Meeting Act of the State of Illinois as follows: Section 2 (c ) (11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular

public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and; Section 2 (c ) (21) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06

The board moved into closed session at: 10:30 am. Member Green approved and Member Vidis seconded to move into closed session.

Voice Vote

Aye; Unanimous

Nay; None

Motion carries

Closed session ended at: 10:50 am. The board of education meeting resumed with open meeting session at 10:57 am.

President Mueller motioned that in pursuit of Section 2.06 (d) of the Open Meeting Act, the Board of education has reviewed the minutes from its August 21, 2015 and May 20, 2016 and certifies that the need for confidentiality still exists for the closed session minutes for the time period reviewed and disapproves that all verbatim and minutes not be destroyed. Member Green approved the motion to move this motion and seconded by Member Vidis.

Voice Vote

Aye: Unanimous

Nay: None

Motion carries

IO 6.0 School Board Policy Update

Esther Yahnig provided the board with updated changes to Administrative Directives: 04.10.101; 04.10.112; and 04.10.114. FOR THE PURPOSE OF THESE MINUTES, THE UNDERLINED INFORATION IS ADDED TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE.

6.1 Draft Administrative Directive 04.10.101

Ms. Yahnig mentioned that changes to Administrative Directive 04.10.101 relates to the Superintendent and Educator requirements in the School District. Changes made as follows to AD 04.10.101:

Section II (F)(1)(m) was added as follows: Maintaining full authority over any modification to the school calendar or schedule and developing notification and approval procedures to be followed at each facility prior to the cancellation of classes.

Section II (F)(2)(b) was added as follows: Ensuring school employees participate in District-directed professional development.

Section II (F)(2)(c) was added as follows: Maintaining current and valid Illinois State Board of Education administrative licenses as required by the Illinois School Code and implementing regulations.

Section II (F)(2)(d) was updated and added as follows: Verifying educational staff have current Illinois State Board of education licenses as required by the Illinois School Code and implementing regulations.

Section II (F)(2)(l) was added as follows: Distributing the School District #428 handbook to staff and students and explaining its content.

Section II (F) (3) was updated and added as follows: The Principal shall submit annual school goals, aligned to the District’s goals, to the Superintendent of School District #428 each year during the first week of August in a format developed by the Superintendent of School District #428

Section II (F)(4)(a)(b)(c) was added as follows: Educators shall provide quality instructional programming to youth at the school including but not limited to:

a. Implementing blended learning, included online educational courses and direct classroom instruction.

b. Administering classroom assessments and standardized achievement tests as required by the School District #428 Superintendent.

c. Creating and maintain student records, including attendance records, transcripts, and special education records as directed by the School District #428 Superintendent.

Section II (F)(5)(a)(c) was added as follows: Security staff members at the facility shall maximize youth access to educational programs, support the delivery of educational programming to youth, and collaborate with the principal and educators, but not limited to:

a. Providing security support in the classroom; and

b. Participating in the professional development with school staff.

6.2 Draft Administrative Directive 04.10.112

Ms. Yahnig mentioned that changes to Administrative Directive 04.10.112 is as follows:

Section II (C) was added to read: School Review

A school review of this directive shall be conducted at least annually.

Section II (3)(a) was changed and added to read:

a. Completing the school’s 8th grade course curriculum and passing the constitution test;

b. For a student who is eligible for special education services, achieving the goals specified on the Individual Educational Program as being necessary for a diploma.

Section II (4) was changed to read as follows: Youth may be enrolled in high school courses, at the request of the Principal, upon approval by the School District #428 Superintendent after review of the youth’s completed courses, assessments, and other available records.

6.3 Draft Administrative Directives 04.10.114

Ms. Yahnig mentioned that changes to Administrative Directive 04.10.114 is as follows:

Section II (C) was added to read: School Review

A school review of this directive shall be conducted at least annually.

Section II( E) (1) was added as follows: Online Curricular Format – Credit is earned for a specific course when all required assignments and assessments are successfully completed.

Traditional Curricular Format – Credit is earned by successful completion of cumulative tests covering approved curriculum.

Section II (F)(2) was added as follows: A student eligible for special education services shall be awarded a high School diploma upon successful completion of graduation requirements or upon successful completion of the goals specified o the Individual Education Program (IEP) as being necessary for the diploma.

Section II (G)(1) was added as follows: The Principal shall send a memorandum to the Superintendent of School District #428 requesting a diploma be prepared for students nearing completion of graduation requirements.


Superintendent Davis introduced the New Career and Technical Director Mr. Robert Fritch.

7.1 Mr. Robert Fritch the New Career and Technical Director the School District comes to the District with many years of experience. Mr. Fritch mentioned that he started as an Industrial Arts Engineer in manufacturing; in 2001 went back to the School District to work with Gifted Children. He mentioned that he has a passion for career and technical education and realizes that this is the one thing the kids need. Illinois Youth Centers at St. Charles and Harrisburg are now getting the career technical skills in the classrooms. Key Train is in place to give support to the youth in math and reading. It helps them with comprehension and strengthens the skills they already have in these areas. It prepares the youth to take the career readiness test which can be administered on-line. The certification is highly regarded throughout the industry and with many employers. Harrisburg and St. Charles will be piloting the licenses first. The goal is to have key train in each school by next year. Harrisburg has spent a lot of money for what they need done with their programs. Software and textbooks are being purchased for the ServSafe Food Handlers Certification. The certification is required by law for all servers in any restaurant. This Certification is huge for the School District. The Career and Technical program will be used in getting youth jobs when they leave our schools at IDJJ. In addition, Lake Land College is interviewing staff for the program at both St. Charles and Harrisburg for Food Handlers; Building Trades for OSHA Certification and the Culinary Arts programs.

The coordinator for Lake Land College is in place and the greenhouse at Harrisburg is rebuilt thanks to Principal Butler. We are trying to get classes started at Harrisburg as soon as staff clears background. The Lake Land coordinator at Big Muddy agreed to come to Harrisburg to help in getting the school programs started.

7.2 Technology Plan – Update

Dr. Jones-Redmond mentioned that the technology plan for the School District continues to move forward with bringing our school into the twenty-first century as it relates to technology. To assist in bringing the project forward, a series of face-to-face meetings and conferences call have taken place with the school administration and the technology department of central management services. As of December 2016 Ficek Electric Company has completed the survey for the initial hot spot installations in all of our schools. The survey included pinpointing exactly where the access points should be located for ultimate internet service. The next phase of the project is to begin installing hot spots at each school. IYC Pere Marquette will be the first school for hot spots installation. Installation is to begin mid-January 2017. The goal is to have hot spots installed in every school by March 2017.

7.3 Dr. Muhammad’s Presentation – Update

Superintendent Davis mentioned that the administration announced in July 2016 that a new comprehensive professional development program was being implemented with the services of Dr. Anthony Muhammad, founder of New Frontier 21. Dr. Muhammad has completed four of eight professional development sessions. His first session was conducted in Springfield with the entire school administrative staff during a two-day retreat. During his presentation, Dr. Muhammad used his Transforming School Culture (TSC) Model to assist in his presentation. The TSC Model is inclusive of four pillars; communication, trust, capacity building, and accountability. Dr. Muhammad’s primary focus of the sessions was geared towards assisting the schools with the development of a healthy school culture and the impact school culture have on student achievement. Based on comments written on the evaluations completed by staff and students, the administration is beginning to note the impact the professional development sessions have on influencing the mindsets of the staff and students. The overall responses have been extremely positive.

7.4 Staffing – Update

Superintendent Davis mentioned that the overall staffing report will be available to the board at each meeting. The overall staffing report gives a clearer understandings were the school district is in meeting the Court Consent Decree’s staffing component.

7.5 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Presentation Invitation

Superintendent Davis mentioned that the Statewide Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Conference, formally No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is set for February 13 -15, 2017. For more than two decades, this annual gathering has attracted thousands of educators to Chicago for three days to share up-to-date information about innovative classroom and district practices; staff educational policies and programs. The administration is pleased to announce that the school district’s proposal to present at the conference was selected. A team of administrators from the school district will be presenting on the first day of the conference. The title of the presentation is “They Were With You, Now We Have Them”. The presentation will highlight the school district’s purpose and commitment to ensuring that juvenile justice involved youth receives a quality education.

7.6 October and November Special Education Monitoring Reports

Dr. Bambi Bethel-Leitschuh, Director of Special Education

Dr. Bethel-Leitschuh mentioned that the Special Education program is moving forward and continues to meet the needs of each Special Education youth in the School District. The youth is the number one priority and therefore support is instrumental to the youth. As a continuation of what was stated earlier, the Individual Educational Plan (IEP)s is a representation of the Department of Juvenile Justice and the youth we serve.

Dr. Bethel-Leitschuh mentioned that she looks 3 months ahead to see who needs an IEP. She presented the Special Education Monitoring report for January to the board.

7.7 October and November Principal Data and Education Reports

Superintendent Davis mentioned that the principal’s data and educational reports are from each school and maintaining constant management is important. We have to be sure that we are continuing to meeting the needs of the population in our schools. Noteworthy are the number of diplomas and GED certificates that are being issued each month.


Member Heather Dalmage thanks the staff and their efforts in moving the Special Education program forward to where it is today with the assistance of Dr. Sophia Jones-Redmond and Dr. Bambi Bethel-Leitschuh.


Meeting adjourned at 11:55 am



Bruce Rauner


Heidi Mueller


1112 South Wabash Avenue, 2nd Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60605

Telephone: (312) 814-3848 / TDD: (800) 526-0844


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