Southern Guilford High School - Chicago High School for ...

Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences

Course Syllabus: Horticulture I

Instructor: Ms. Andrea Briney e-mail:

Planning: 5th and 6th period Room: 109 Class Time: 7th & 8th Period

Phone: 773-535-2500 ext. 27469 Web Page:

* If you need help with any class material, need to use the equipment or simply want a place to study, I will be the room most days both before school (7:15am) and after school. The door is always open when I am around, but no promises without a little advanced notice.

Course Description: Horticulture I is an introductory course designed to teach students about the world of Horticultural Science. The course covers a diverse range of topics and skills spanning the field of Horticulture. Students will complete units on plant growth and development, plant anatomy and physiology, plant reproduction and plant identification, floriculture (including floral design and greenhouse management), as well as units on careers and the National FFA Organization. We will utilize our classroom and greenhouse extensively to demonstrate scientific principles of plants. Students will have an opportunity to raise plants for sale in the Spring Plant Sale and to take home in the greenhouse.

Course Objectives: The overarching objective of this course is to instill in students, a knowledge of and appreciation for the field of Horticultural Science in it broadest sense. To accomplish this we will;

1. Provide all students with a foundation of horticultural knowledge, common vocabulary and skills.

2. Develop the leadership potential of students, while providing a variety of experience that will increase marketability to employers.

3. Gain a general knowledge of common equipment, facilities, and practices utilized in various aspects of horticulture.

4. Develop a firm understanding of common horticultural plants in Illinois through an intensive plant identification process.

Stuff You Need To Have:

$25.00 Horticulture Lab Fee (checks payable to CHSAS) – students will be provided with a personal set of pruners, gloves, an apron and lab notebook

(1) Career Portfolio set-up (1" black binder with clear windows, 8 dividers)

(1) package of colored pencils

(1) package of dividers

(1) 1" Binder

Pair of work boots or shoes

Access to your CPS email account through

All students at CHSAS are FFA members, as the organization is considered an integral part of the Ag. Ed. curriculum. Also, remember, you are enrolled in horticulture, which means that from time to time we will get messy. Keep some old clothes and shoes in your locker, or in the room if you need them, you will be expected to participate in class regardless of what you are wearing, or take a zero for the day. I will try to let you know when we will be getting especially dirt covered, but it is best to be prepared.

Safety Info & Field Trip Policy: This class is likely different from anything else you have done in school. We will be using on occasion both dangerous equipment and chemicals. Safety comes first. I will not make you do anything you are uncomfortable with, and maintain supervision, but it is important that you take all equipment and procedures seriously! IF YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT WHETHER IT IS A GOOD IDEA, IT MOST LIKELY IS NOT.

Academic Information:

CPS Grade Scale: A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 D= 60-69 F= Below 60

Late Assignments: All assignments are accessible through the school’s website. There is no excuse for missed work during an absence. If a student has an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to make up the classwork within two days of their return. If the work is not made up in that time, the student will receive a zero for that assignment.

Make-Up Assignments: Tests missed due to absence can be retaken during their lunch period or at the end of the day, it is the students responsibility to make up tests. Under certain circumstances missed lab work may need to be completed before or after school, however this is left to the discretion of the instructor.


Total 80% of Grade

o SAE: 20%

Each student will complete a full Landscape design utilizing skills developed over the term of the school year. A client and project site will be provided to the students.

o Career Portfolio/Notebook 20%

Students are expected to keep a separate 3-ring notebook for every agriscience course. This notebook will be graded on neatness and completeness. Notebooks will be collected periodically throughout the semester and at the end of each grading period. See handout for more specific information on notebook procedures.

o Class Work, Course Projects 20%

Students are expected to participate in the class to its fullest. The course will require significant “lab” work in the greenhouses and outside. Agricultural education is based on experiential learning, which means you learn it by doing it. You will also be graded on involvement and completion in several small class projects throughout the semester:

1. Class Business Participation

2. Lab work/Environmental Effects on Plant Growth Project

3. Advanced Floral Design work

4. Pathway Spirit and Work Attire

o Plant ID Quizzes 10%

Each Friday of the semester will be Plant ID Day. You will have a quiz just about every Friday covering the plants from the semester. You will cover over 100 plants this semester so it will be in your best interest not to fall behind. Each week, all plants covered during the semester are “fair game” for the quiz.

o Homework Assignments & Quizzes 10%

There will not be a great deal of homework or reading, but it does count towards your grade. Do the assignments, and you will be in good shape. Quizzes may be unannounced and will focus on comprehension of the reading assigned, or techniques demonstrated the previous class period.

Total 20% of Grade

o Course Exams 20%

We will have several tests throughout term of this course breaking up each of the major topics in the course. Students must do well on exams to do well in class.

Class Rules:

1. Respect Others and Our Stuff

2. Participate- Involve Yourself in Your Education

3. Follow Directions & Act Responsibly

4. Attendance/Tardiness: Don’t be… The school attendance policy is in effect. Consult the student handbook for guidelines.

5. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and other forms of cheating are a big no no. I will not tolerate any cheating, and if I catch any one in the act, I will punish them to the fullest extent possible. There is no need to cheat, if you are having problems on a particular day or in general come see me, DO NOT CHEAT.

6. Misbehaviors: First occurrence will be Teacher-Student discussion. Second occurrence will result in a removal from the class and a Teacher-Student discussion prior to return. Third occurrence will be removal from class, detention referral and a phone call to a parent. If violent, without question, a security guard escort to the main office and a discussion with the Principal.

7. Electronics in the Classroom: Use in the classroom is permitted for academic purposes only and/or instructed to do so by the adult in the room. Earbuds/phones are only permitted during work time in the greenhouse or land lab and MUST be in one ear only.

8. Hall Passes: Students must have and use their planner as a hall pass AND be wearing their student ID when outside the classroom.

9. No food or drinks(except for bottled water) in the classroom or greenhouse. EVER.

Course Topics (Horticulture I - Juniors):

Course Introduction, Basic Agricultural Info & SAE Project Information

Defining Horticulture

Horticulture as a Business

Greenhouse Structures

Greenhouse Management


Floral Art

Managing a Floral Shop

Plant Growth and Development

Plant Identification and Classification


Plant Propagation

Growing Media


Soil Nutrients and Fertilizer

Pest Control

Exploring Career Opportunities in Horticulture

Writing a Resume and Letter of Application

Planning a SAE

Implementing a SAE

Keeping and Using SAE Records

Review, Course Wrap & Exams

Student Signature: _____________________________

Parent Signature: ______________________________ Date: ________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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