
.Character Trait: Honesty and Truthfulness


|[pic] |Name: Patricia Bonness/Marti Cruz |Week of 2-9-15 |

| |Subject: Environmental Science |Period(s) – 3, 4/5 |

|Reading |Comprehension |Word Knowledge |Fluency |Writing |

|Instruction | | | | |

|Framework | | | | |

|Assessment |Bellringers. Homework responses, Question/Answer sessions. Written Lab |

| |Vocabulary: chromatography, solvent, coexist, nourishment, camouflage, niche, predator, prey |

|Differentiation |Review: hypothesis, materials, results, conclusion |

| |For experiment, most students will work independently; Some students will work with partner, some with a teacher assistant |

| |Large print materials, pictures, small groups, one-to-one, pre-printed handouts with fill in blanks, dark markers, allow for |

| |movement within classroom, yoga ball |

|Monday |RST.9-10.3. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing |

|Standards |technical tasks, attending to special cases or exceptions defined in the text. RST.9-10.4. Determine the meaning of symbols, key |

| |terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades|

| |9–10 texts and topics. . 13.A.1a Use basic safety practices (e.g., not tasting materials without permission, “stop/drop/roll”). |

| |13.A.3a Identify and reduce potential hazards in science activities. |

|Monday |Bellringer: What colors would be good for camouflage outside now? |

|Instructional Strategy |Whole Group: Review color combinations we learned in last experiment. T will explain new experiment -What colors are in black ink? |

| |Explain that chromatography means “color writing” and scientist use it to separate mixtures, like we are going to do to see what |

| |colors make up the black ink. |

| |Review lab safety rules, how to complete scientific method sheet. Ask students for hypothesis and write some on the board. |

| |Small Group: Students will write their hypothesis for the experiment. |

| |Write the materials they will be using from list on the board. Students will conduct chromatography experiment. Teacher/teacher |

| |assistant will provide prompts and support as necessary. |

| |Explain/review process as necessary: Students put a small dot of ink to be separated at one end of a strip of paper. This end of the|

| |paper strip is then placed in a solvent. The solvent moves up the paper strip; and, as it travels upward it dissolves the mixture of|

| |chemicals and pulls them up the paper. The chemicals that dissolve best in the solvent will move up the paper strip further than |

| |chemicals that do not dissolve as well. |

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| |Whole Group: Clean Up. Recap activity through discussion. Read and explain homework. |

|Materials |Filter paper, different brands of black markers, scissors, beakers, flat sticks, rulers, water, trays |

|Homework |Enter in agenda: In the experiment, what is the purpose of the water? |

|Tuesday |RST.9-10.4. Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific |

|Standards |scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9–10 texts and topics. CC.K-12.W.R.2 Text Types and Purposes: Write |

| |informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective |

| |selection, organization, and analysis of content. |

| |ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems |

|Tuesday |Bellringer: What colors do humans use to show danger? |

|Instructional Strategy |Whole Group: Review homework responses. Review Objectives; Students will be able to define habitat, describe the relationship |

| |between predators and prey. |

| |Small Group: Students will read the definition of niche in Environmental Science text p.104. Group recorder will write responses to |

| |the following: Describe your habitat niche. Where do you get your food? What conditions do you depend on for survival? |

| |Whole Group: Share responses from small group. Ask if students have lived in other places that were different from Chicago. Were the|

| |conditions for survival different? (lack of snow, rural area, etc). Explain how people do things other species do not (cause |

| |extinction, destroy habitats by cutting trees) |

| |Whole Group: Recap lesson with students. Read and explain homework. |

|Materials |Text, paper |

|Homework |Enter in agenda: What are 3 things you need to survive? |

|Wednesday | |

|Instructional Strategy |Community Based Instruction |

|Materials | |

|Homework | |

|Thursday |CC.K-12.W.R.2 Text Types and Purposes: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information |

|Standards |clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. |

|Thursday |Bellringer: List 5 animals that are predators in Chicago |

|Instructional Strategy |Whole Group: Review homework responses. |

| |Small Group: Students will read article about different animals and their environments and answer comprehension questions using QAR |

| |strategies. |

| |Individual work: Student will choose three animals they would be interested in researching and 1 fact they know about each animal. |

| |Whole Group: Recap lesson with students. Read and explain homework. |

|Materials |Articles, paper |

|Homework |Enter in agenda: Name 3 animals that live in an ocean environment |

|Friday |SG 11.A.2c Construct charts and visualizations to display data. 11.A.2e Report and display the results of individual and group |

|Standards |investigations. 12.C.1b Compare large-scale physical properties of matter (e.g., size, shape, color, texture, odor).13.A.2c |

| |Explain why keeping accurate and detailed records is important. 13.A.3c Explain what is similar and different about observational |

| |and experimental investigations. 13.A.1a Use basic safety practices (e.g., not tasting materials without permission, |

| |“stop/drop/roll”). 13.A.3a Identify and reduce potential hazards in science activities. CC.K-12.W.R.2 Text Types and Purposes: |

| |Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective|

| |selection, organization, and analysis of content. |

|Friday |Bellringer: List 5 types of plants you eat |

|Instructional Strategy |Whole Group: Discuss homework responses. |

| |Whole Group: Pass around cacao beans. Ask students if they can identify them. Where do they come from (plants).Explain that these |

| |are the source of chocolate. Students and teacher will read short explanation of the chocolate making process. Explain that we are |

| |going to try chocolates made with different mixtures of the ingredients we read about. |

| |Review how to read data from a chart. Discuss how to organize data into chart. Whole group review of descriptive words; smooth, |

| |bitter, fatty, sweet, tasty, chocolate. Review rating scale. Decide terms to accompany a scale of 1 to 5. Students will write terms |

| |on back of tasting charts, teacher will write scale on the board. |

| |Individual Work: Students will then try 6 samples of chocolate and rate each sample and write their rating in the data chart. |

| |Small Group: Students will work in cooperative groups to graph favorite chocolates. |

| |Whole Group: Recap lesson with students. Review class favorites and identify actual samples of chocolate and their cacao content. |

| |Read and explain homework. |

|Materials |Cacao beans and nibs, 90% dark chocolate, 75%, 60%, milk and white chocolate, spoons, napkins, tasting charts, laptop & projector |

|Homework |Enter in agenda: Which chocolate was your favorite? Why? |

Name _______________________________________ Date ________________

Purpose: To find out what colors make up black ink in markers

Hypothesis (educated guess) __________________________________________



2 Filter paper strips

2 different brands of black markers


2 Beakers–one for each marker being tested

2 Flat sticks




Procedure (What to do)

1.. Pour about 10 ml of water into a beaker

2. Cut a strip of filter paper to form a point at one end.

3. Choose a marker to test. Record the brand of marker on your Lab Report and filter paper.

4. Use the marker to make a good-sized dot of color (like the

size of a grain of rice) about 1 inch up from the pointed end of the paper.

5. Use a pencil and make a mark on the paper strip beside the ink dot!

6. Lower the pointed end of the paper into the water BUT make sure the color

dot stays above the water level. Carefully make a hole and push a stick through the

top of the paper to hold the strip at just the right level in the beaker or cup.

7. The solvent (water) should immediately start moving up the paper strip carrying

the ink pigments with it. While waiting for the solvent (water) to rise toward the

top of the paper, set up your other beakers and test the other markers.

8. When the solvent has finished moving up the paper strip, you can remove

the paper from the test tube and immediately mark with a pencil the highest point the solvent traveled up the paper strip.

9. Let the strip dry and tape it on your Lab Sheet under its correct brand name.

10. Continue testing all of the ink.


|Tape |Tape |

|Strip |Strip |

|Here |Here |

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|Number of colors |Number of colors |

|Solvent Distance Measured |Solvent Distance Measured |

|Notes | |

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Conclusion (What you learned)






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