Instructor Information

 College of Arts and Humanities, 12956 Section L03: English 1101, Spring 2019Instructor InformationInstructor: Dr. Laura Lee BeasleyClassroom: Humanities 205Class Days/Time: 11:00 am - 12:15 pmOffice: Pafford 310BOffice Phone: ?678-653-1538 Note: You can both call and send text messages to this Google Voice number.Regular Office Hours: 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 3:00-4:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Wednesday and by appointment.Online Office Hours: 9:30-10:30 a.m. Monday and 9:30-10:30 a.m. Friday. Note: During online office hours you can reach me via my email, Google Chat, my office phone, and CourseDen.Writing Center Hours: 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday.E-mail: Note: MyUWG and CourseDen serve as the only legitimate modes of university correspondence.Support for courses*Hyperlinks provided for accessibility throughout; full URLs are available above the semester schedule.CourseDen D2L Home PageD2L UWG Online Help (8 AM – 5 PM)Call: 678-839-6248 or 1-855-933-8946 oremail: online@westga.edu24/7/365 D2L Help CenterCall 1-855-772-0423University BookstoreStudent ServicesCenter for Academic Success678-839-6280Distance Learning Library ServicesIngram Library ServicesAccessibility Services 678-839-6428counseling@westga.eduCourse InformationCourse Description Composition course focusing on skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis and argumentation, and including introductory use of a variety of research skills. Specific Course Description “No human being has the right to diminish the life and well-being of another and no generation has the right to inflict harm on generations to come.”David Orr, 2006, “Framing Sustainability: Conservation Biology” This semester, our science-focused composition course will examine the term “sustainability” through various texts and within various contexts. The Environmental Protection Agency defines sustainability as “based on a simple principle: everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.” This semester, we will consider the ways in which science can both help and hurt “the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.” We’ll look at our relationships with food, our bodies, technology, wildlife, the weather, our homes, and each other in terms of sustainability. You can find an overview of some central topics we’ll examine throughout the semester in CourseDen under “Week One” and titled “Sustainability Core Topics.”Texts, Readings, Instructional Resources, and References Required Text: All texts for this course are included as PDFs on CourseDen or linked on the syllabus schedule. Course Objectives and Learning OutcomesTo identify and employ a variety of rhetorical modes and techniques of persuasion and acquire reasonable mastery of conventions of college-level prose writing.To develop and apply critical thinking skills in effective expository, analytical, and argumentative writing and to gain facility with the entire writing process from invention through revision.To develop organizational strategies, incorporate and document additional textual materials to strengthen and support argument. Assignments Assignment nameDescriptionDue DatePointsIn-Class Writing and Participation Your participation in class is important. We will review the discussion expectations at the beginning of the semester. Your participation in final conferences will also factor into this portion of your grade. See the syllabus schedule for conference dates. You’ll also engage with the course material on a course blog that you will create at the beginning of the semester using WordPress. This is a free platform, and we will go over how to set up your blog in class. You will add a link to your blog on CourseDen and will post all in-class writing assignments to your blog. 100???Essay One: Summary and Response PaperThe final draft of your first essay will be 500-1000 words in length and will require you to demonstrate the ability to accurately summarize a source text and develop an original argument directly in response to the author’s argument. A detailed assignment sheet is posted in CourseDen. Workshops: 1/31/19, 2/5/19On workshop days, you will need to bring a digital or printed copy of your rough draft to class. Final Draft:2/7/19 by 8PMYour final draft must be added to the dropbox on CourseDen (labeled “Essay One”) by 8PM on the due date.250??????Essay Two: Critique PaperThe final draft of your second essay will be between 1000-1200 words and will require you to demonstrate the ability to accurately summarize, critique, and evaluate a source text. A detailed assignment sheet is posted in CourseDen.Workshops: 2/21/2019, 2/28/2019On workshop days, you will need to bring a digital or printed copy of your rough draft to class. Final Draft: 3/5/2019 by 8PMYour final draft must be added to the dropbox on CourseDen (labeled “Essay Two”) by 8PM on the due date. 250Essay Three: Argumentative SynthesisThe final draft of your third essay will be between 1000-1200 words and will require you to demonstrate the ability to synthesize multiple sources toward the development of an original argument. A detailed assignment sheet is posted in CourseDen.Workshops: 4/4/2019, 4/16/19, 4/18/19 On workshop days, you will need to bring a digital or printed copy of your rough draft to class. Final Draft: 5/7/2019 by 8PMYour final draft must be added to the dropbox on CourseDen (labeled “Essay Three”) by 8PM on the due date. 300Multimodal ProjectThe multimodal project will require you to use communicative modes such as still images, moving images, recorded audio, speech, and gestures rather than, or in addition to, the written word to communicate with an audience. A detailed assignment sheet is posted in CourseDen.You will present and submit your multimodal project to class on 4/23/19.100TOTAL ---- 1000Grading Information and PolicyGrading structure and point scale900-1000 points90% - 100%A800 points - 899 points80% - 89%B800 points - 899 points70% - 79%C800 points - 899 points60% - 69%D< 600 points< 60%F .Grading Rubrics Rubrics for each of the assigned essays and the Multimodal Project are posted in the resources section for each assignment. These are labeled “Essay 1:Rubric,” “Essay 2: Rubric,” “Essay 3: Rubric,” and “Multimodal Project: Rubric.” Additionally, in the “Week One” module, you will find the rubric for class discussions. This falls under the participation portion of your grade. We will review all the rubrics in class prior to your assignment due dates. Please see the Common Language for Course Syllabi for official information on UWG’s Academic Integrity Policy. Note that I will enforce this policy Expectations of StudentsCourse StructureSome important information about our course structure:You are expected to participate in each class meeting. This includes completing all the reading assignments listed on the schedule prior to the start of class on the day on which each is listed. All your assignments will be submitted electronically except for the Multimodal Project.You can contact me to schedule a meeting if you cannot stop by during my office hours. Please contact me as soon as possible if you have questions or need help with any course work throughout the semester. Course and UWG PoliciesAttendance PolicyIt is imperative that you attend class regularly in order to succeed; thus, you are allowed three unexcused absences over the course of the semester. Upon the fourth absence, you will have two options: 1) withdraw from the class, which will generate a W before Wednesday, February 27th—or a WF if after that deadline; or 2) remain on the roll (still attending classes, if so desired) and receive an F for the course/semester. Absences with an officially documented excuse such as a doctor's note will not count toward the three allotted absences.Disruptive Behavior Policy (FYW policy) Students may be dismissed from any class meeting at which they exhibit behavior that disrupts the learning environment of others. Such behavior includes – but is not limited to – arriving late for class, allowing cell phones to ring, speaking disrespectfully to the instructor and/or to other students, checking email or surfing the web, and using personal audio or visual devices. Each dismissal of this kind will count as an absence and will be applied toward the attendance policy above. (Department Policy)Department Paperless PolicyAs of Fall 2006, the English Department implemented a “paperless” policy in its classrooms.Therefore, all materials (handouts, assignment sheets, notes, etc.) will be made available online. Students may print these necessary course documents, including the syllabus, on their home computers.Revision PolicyStudents can revise either the first or second essay. A submission of a revision does not guarantee an increase in the assignment grade. Students must follow the “Metacognitive Reflections Framework for Revisions.” This is available on CourseDen under the “Additional Resources” module. Late Work and Extension Policy No in-class work can be accepted after the class period in which it is due. Late essays and the multimodal project will incur a deduction of ten points per day they are submitted after the due date. No late work will be accepted after Thursday, December 13th. In some cases, an extension for an assignment might be granted. If you think that you will be unable to submit an assignment by the due date, you must contact me prior to the due date to be considered for an extension.Extra Credit PolicyI will occasionally offer extra credit for attending events around campus. I will notify students prior to the event.Recycled Paper PolicyNo papers submitted in previous courses will be accepted as submissions for this course. Onepurpose of the writing assignments in this course is to focus on the process of writing. Therefore, students will be expected to plan, draft, and revise their writing during our course.Americans with Disabilities Act Statement If you are a student who is disabled as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act and require assistance or support services, please seek assistance through the Center for Disability. UWG also provides Accessibility Statements for Technology that you may be required to use for this course.For more information on the Americans with Disabilities Act, UWG Email, Credit Hour, and UWG Honor Code policies as well as information on Academic Tutoring, Student Services, and Technical Requirements, Privacy Policy, and Accessibility Statements, please see the Common Language for Syllabus document.I strongly recommend that students make an electronic copy of everything submitted to me via the dropbox.Additional Support InformationTechnical SupportTechnical support for CourseDen, as well as the technological requirements, accessibility statements, privacy statements, tutorials, and other information can be found at UWG Online Student Help. Center for Academic Success The new Center for Academic Success (CAS) provides services, programs, and opportunities to help all undergraduate students succeed academically. The CAS offers free appointment-based peer tutoring in core courses, as well as supplemental instruction (SI)—which is peer-facilitated collaborative learning—in a variety of disciplines. Students seeking help with study skills and strategies can attend workshops though the Academic Success Workshop series, or work individually with either a staff or peer Academic Coach. Beginning Fall 2014, the CAS will also offer “Back on Track,” a voluntary academic recovery program designed for students who want to improve their grades and academic standing. The Center for Academic Success is located in UCC 200, and can be reached at 678-839-6280. Our email address is Writing CenterRole of the Writing CenterThe role of the Writing Center is to offer consultation in which tutors question, respond to, offer choices, and encourage revision in student essays. Tutors do not evaluate or prescribe solutions to problematic areas in student essays, and tutors are specifically trained to avoid appropriating the student's work. For more information, visit the Writing Center online at student submitting plagiarized work will receive a numerical grade of 0 for that assignment. Any subsequent plagiarism will result in the student failing the course.The Writing Studio:TLC 1201 University Writing Center works with students and other members of the UWG community to improve writing skills.What We Do:Discuss ideas, read drafts, and work through revisions of essays; we do not proofreadMLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, and other citation formatsPolicies:Please make appointments in advance. We accept walk-ins, but we cannot guarantee that a tutor will be available.If you cannot keep your appointment, you must call or email us 24 hours in advance to cancel. If you do not notify us 24 hours in advance, you will be counted as a No Show.Please arrive at your appointment on time. If you are 10 minutes late or more, you will be counted as a No Show and will not be able to have your appointment.If you have 3 No Shows in one semester, you will not be able to have any more appointments for that semester.Hours:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10:00am-7:00pmThursday 10:00am-3:00pmFriday 10:00am-1:00pmSmarthinkingSmarthinking offers online tutoring services and resources (including the Writing Center) for UWG students/instructors in all courses. A link to Smarthinking is available in CourseDen under Resources in the navigation bar.Student ServicesHere is a great resource of Student Services for all students at UWG, whether or not they are taking online courses. This link provides students with most of the information they need. If a student is experiencing distress and needs some help, check out UWG Cares.Full URL Support for CoursesCourseDen D2L Home Page UWG Online Help (8 AM – 5 PM) D2L Help Center Bookstore Language for Course Syllabi Cares for Disability Services for Academic Success Learning Library Services Library Services Exams Services Accessibility Statements for Technology OneMonday, January 7th Tuesday, January 8thSyllabus/Introductions Classes beginNote: January, 9th Open drop ends at 11:59 p.m. No dropping classes with a refund after this date and time.Thursday, January 10thIntroduction to sustainabilityWeek TwoTuesday, January 15thRead “Could Mopping Save the World? How Day-to-Day Chores Can Bring Big Changes”(191-207) by Emily Schosid and available as a PDF on CourseDen.Thursday, January 17thRead “To Love an Owl”(50-53) by Abby McBride and available as a PDF on CourseDen. Essay One assigned.Week ThreeTuesday, January 22ndRead “Tamale Traditions: Cultivating an Understanding of Humans and Non-human Nature through Food” (82-90) by Amy Coplen and available as a PDF on CourseDen.Thursday, January 24thRead “But I’ll Still Be Here” (54-62) by James Orbesen.Week FourTuesday, January 29thRead “Why I Wear Jordans in the Great Outdoors”(156-160) by CJ Goulding and available as a PDF on CourseDen.Thursday, January 31stEssay One In-Class WorkshopWeek FiveTuesday, February 5th Essay One In-Class WorkshopThursday, February 7thEssay One due by 8PM.Week SixTuesday, February 12th Read “Prologue” and “The Sixth Extinction” (1-22) by Elizabeth Kolbert and available as a PDF on CourseDen. Thursday, February 14thRead “The Thing with Feathers” (259-269) by Elizabeth Kolbert and available as a PDF on CourseDen.Essay Two AssignedWeek SevenTuesday, February 19th“Welcome to the Anthropocene” (92-110) by Elizabeth Kolbert and available as a PDF on CourseDen.Thursday, February 21stEssay Two In-Class WorkshopWeek EightTuesday, February 26thRead “Before Katrina” (33-52) by Natasha Trethewey and available as a PDF on CourseDen.*Wednesday, February 27th Withdraw DateThursday, February 28th Essay Two In-Class WorkshopWeek NineTuesday, March 5thEssay Two due by 8PM.Thursday, March 7thBlackfishWeek TenTuesday, March 12thBlackfishThursday, March, 14thEssay Three and Multimodal Project assigned. Week ElevenTuesday, March 18thSpring BreakThursday, March 21stSpring BreakWeek TwelveTuesday, March 26thRacing ExtinctionThursday, March 28thRacing ExtinctionWeek ThirteenTuesday, April 2ndPeer-generated Text Workshop.Thursday, April 4thEssay Three In-Class WorkshopWeek FourteenTuesday, April 9thConferencesThursday, April 11thConferencesWeek FifteenTuesday, April 16thEssay Three In-Class WorkshopThursday, April 18thEssay Three In-Class WorkshopWeek SixteenTuesday, April 23rdMultimodal Project due in class. Multimodal Project presentations.Thursday, April 25thMultimodal Project presentations.Week SeventeenFinals Week/No classNo class/extended office hoursFinals Week/No classNo class/extended office hoursEssay Three and Revision with Metacognitive Reflection due by Tuesday, May 7th by 8PMNo late work will be accepted after Tuesday, May 7th**Note: All times are EST. Dates may change at the instructor’s discretion: all changes will be posted in the News/Announcements section of CourseDen. Major assignments are in bold. ................

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