Citing Internet Resources

Documenting Sources from the World Wide Web

MLA Style

A Works Cited document is an alphabetical listing of all sources cited in a scholarly research document or presentation. This document only details the MLA (Modern Language Association) citing style. Information for APA style is available in “Documenting Sources–APA Style” in the Module 3, Activity 2 folder on the Curriculum Resource CD.

Web Sites for Citing Online Sources - MLA Style

Modern Language Association (MLA)

* (Select MLA Style from the menu)

Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab


Writer’s Workshop: Bibliography Styles Handbook, MLA Format*

LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE: Citation Guides for Electronic Documents


A large list of style guides and resources on the Web for different types of citation styles, including MLA.

Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism: Documentation Guidelines**

Although geared toward higher education students, this has helpful information for middle school and high school students, or their teachers. Gives examples of APA, MLA, Chicago, and Turabian citation styles.

Creating MLA Citations with Online Tools

The following Web sites allow you to paste or type information about the Web site you wish to cite. Then with a click of a button, it will provide the appropriate formatting, which you can then copy and paste into your Works Cited document.

NoodleBib MLA Starter


At the site, click on MLA Starter. NoodleBib MLA Starter is designed for students in grades 1-5 (but would work fine for older students as well), introducing students to the basics of citing a source. MLA Starter gives the student clear, color-coded examples of how to cite the sources they are most likely to encounter (printed and online books, reference sources, magazines, newspapers, etc.). Students can access their list later and continue to add to it, as well print, download, or email their complete works cited list (as an RTF document).



Teachers can assign this online note-taker tool to their classes for an internet project, creating a roster for the assignment. Students will be issued a user name (for individual student use or group use), and will keep track of their notes and web sites used while conducting research on the internet. Registration is required. The program was designed for 4th thru 12th grade students. When notes are completed, students can create a bibliography in MLA or APA format with a click of a button.

Landmarks for School: Citation Machine


Provides citation format for books, journal articles, newspapers or magazine articles, Web sites, email messages, and interviews. It appears to be MLA format, but it does not state what style it uses. Once you paste it into your Works Cited document, you will still need to double-space and create a hanging indent.

Microsoft Template Gallery: Publications and Education


You can download templates for use in Microsoft Word*, PowerPoint* and Excel. Examples of available templates include research paper template in APA or MLA format, graph paper, student certificates, essay test, grade book, seating chart, tests, back-to-school presentation, and more.

Resources for Documenting Electronic Sources


General Rules for Citing Electronic Sources – MLA Style

• When listing an online source originally printed in a book or journal or other printed format, use the general guidelines you would use to cite the printed form. Then follow it with information that tells where you found the source on the Internet.

• Indent ½” after the first line of each entry (hanging indent) and double-space.

• Alphabetize entries by author; if no author is given, begin with title.

• When citing electronic sources, you should include both the date of original publication (if available) and the date that the material was accessed.

• Add the electronic address (URL) used to access the document (e.g., .) NOTE: The address should be given inside angle brackets: . Put a period at the end of the bracket.

• For more help, refer to the new MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 4th ed (rules 4.9.3 and 4.10.7)

Citing Web Pages – MLA Style (Sites or pages originally created for publication on the Internet)

Include the following items if available in this order (the most often used elements are in bold):

1. Name of the author (if given; includes names of people, companies, organizations, agencies).

2. Title of the poem, short story, article, or similar short work within a scholarly project, database, or periodical (in quotation marks).

3. Title of the original print book (underlined).

4. Name of the editor, compiler, or translator of the text (if relevant and not cited earlier), preceded by the appropriate abbreviation, such as Ed.

5. Publication information for any print version of the source.

6. Title of the scholarly project, database, periodical, or professional or personal web site (underlined) or a description if no title, such as Home page (not underlined).

7. Version number of the source or other identifying number (volume, issue, etc.).

8. Date of creation, publication, or copyright, and date last updated.

9. Name of subscription service, discussion list, or forum.

10. The number range or total number of pages, paragraphs, or other sections, if they are numbered.

11. Name of person, agency, institution, or organization sponsoring or associated with this site.

12. Date you accessed this web site or page.

13. Internet address in angle brackets; or, for a subscription service, the URL of the service’s main page (if known) or the keyword assigned by the service.

Basic Web Page Citing:

Last name, First name of Author and any other Authors. “Title of Work.” Name of Site. Date of Posting/Revision. Organization. Date of Access .


1. Writer

2. Subject or title of document if given (enclosed in quotation marks.)

3. A description of the document that includes the recipient's name (e.g. "E-Mail to Peggy Whitley")

4. Date of the document

E-mail Citing Example:

Author. "Title of the message (if any)." E-mail to recipient’s name. Date of the message.

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