Unit 3 Calendar - Pleasant Valley High School

Unit 3 Calendar

|9/24 |9/25 |9/26 |9/27 |9/28 |

|Exam Corrections |Finish Vocabulary |Vocabulary Relay |Vocabulary Relay |Reading Quiz on 7.2 |

|Unit 3 Learning Targets |View first 30 minutes of The Man in the Iron|Prezi Lecture on France’s Ultimate Monarch, |Reading Quiz on 7.1 | |

|Start Vocabulary |Mask. Write 20 questions based on what you |Louis XVI |Introduce French Revolution Time line |Unit Review Catch Phrase |

| |saw in the film. |Take Cornell Notes |project |Start the Scarlet Pimpernel |

|HW- Review vocabulary | | | | |

| |HW- Review vocabulary |HW- Read 7.1 The French Revolution Begins |HW- Read 7.2 Revolution Brings Reform and | |

| | |pages 217- 221 |Terror pages 222-227 |HW- Have a good Homecoming |

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|10/1 |10/2 |10/3 |10/4 |10/5 |

|Vocabulary Relay |Vocabulary Relay |Vocabulary Relay |Vocabulary Relay |Time Lines Due |

|Continue The Scarlet Pimpernel |Finish The Scarlet Pimpernel | |Read 7.4 Napoleon’s Empire Collapses pages |Vocabulary Quiz |

|Write 20 questions based on what you saw in |Write 20 questions based on what you saw in |Reading Quiz on 7.3 |234-237 | |

|the film. |the film. | | |HW- Complete any incomplete notes |

| | |Napoleon Film |Reading Quiz on 7.4 at end of period | |

| |HW- Read 7.3 Napoleon Forges and Empire | |HW- finish timelines, due tomorrow | |

|HW- Work on Timeline |pages 229-233. Work on Timeline |HW- Work on Timeline | | |

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|10/8 |10/9 |10/10 |10/11 |10/12 |

|Lecture on 7.5 The Congress of Vienna |Nationalism Chart |Unit 3 group Exam |Unit 3 Exam |Exam Corrections |

|Take Cornell Notes | | |Portfolio Due | |

| |HW- Complete any incomplete notes |HW- Get Portfolio together | | |

|HW- Complete worksheet based off of lecture | | | | |

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