Christ-based Counseling


The Deception and Danger of “Christian Marriage”

A Product of Quick-Sale Christianity?

Lewisville, Texas, October 13, 2009. It is well chronicled that 50% of Christian couples end in divorce. This is the same as the unbelieving public. According to Dr. Steven B. DavidSon the condition of marriage relationships may be directly related to how many churches and ministries pursue converts, and affirm and train members.

DavidSon who is the author of the Christ-based Counseling books and concepts for depression, addictions and numerous issues facing believers has written extensively about Christian Marriage during the last three decades. He reveals, “It is a critical error to launch into any kind of Christian related instruction or counseling without assessing a persons relationship with Christ first. Terms such as I’m a member of XYZ Church, I’m a Christian, or I’m born-again are not sufficient. Recall, believers in the First Century possessed a depth of relationship and conviction that could be measured by one standard: ‘They were willing to die demonstrating their belief.’ Persecution was a living reality in the backdrop of the New Testament writings. “

According to DavidSon, Jesus, Himself set the standard as found in Mark 8:29-38. DavidSon explains, “When Jesus began repeatedly teaching his disciples about his impending sufferings, death, and resurrection, Peter rebuked Jesus. However, Peter would be shocked to learn not only would Jesus die, but Jesus required the same degree of sacrifice from His followers. It’s so important to note that Jesus said this to the disciples and all the others. The text states, ‘And He summoned the multitude with His disciples, and said to them, If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me (Mark 8:34).’ Jesus continues with a profound paradoxical truth, ‘if you try to save your life, you’ll lose your life, but if you’ll lose your life for his sake, you’ll find it. Finally, Jesus emphatically adds, ‘what does it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose his soul?’”

DavidSon identifies the principal problem as what he calls, Quick-sale Christianity. The term refers to making something so cheap, it will be readily sold. He’s found that employing quick-sale evangelistic and membership approaches without requiring persons to demonstrate their faith by obedience and service has filled church rolls with Quick-Sale Christians.

DavidSon continues, “Mark 4:24 is littered with verbs in the imperative mood. Clauses like deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me are commands. I ask, typically, what’s the cross bearing requirements of the local church? And on a personal level, what’s the typical ‘Christian’s’ service demonstration of commitment to Jesus Christ? Clearly, the Apostle Paul illustrated that salvation cannot be obtained by works. However, Paul’s words were for people who were works-for-salvation-driven. They did not have a problem with service. He never intended for us to quick-sale our faith with verses such as Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:8-12 and similar texts. People were committing their lives and dying for Jesus before any of the typical evangelistic texts existed.

So let’s connect the dots. Can you imagine arming a tyrannical ‘Christian’ husband with a principle that his wife is to be submissive? Can you fathom informing a rebellious ‘Christian’ wife that her husband must be so sacrificial as to be willing to die for her. I’ve witnessed way too many examples over thirty years of ministry of men and women devastated by a ‘Christian’ spouse who grossly-abused Christian marriage principles; or others who dismissed the principles with simple ‘yeah-but’ rationalization. Now, we understand why ‘Christians’ divorce at the same rate as their counterparts.

DavidSon’s national organization, A3CEES has a special web-video presentation on the topic, and study, How Do You know You Believe? at and other A3CEES web sites.

Contact: Dr. Dennise Bates, CMO Associate, or Timothy R. Davidson

401 E. Corporate Suite 100

Lewisville, Texas 75057

469 948 4776

Email: hisglory@

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