Opportunities for Ministry - Clover Sites

First Christian Church

Pineville, KY

Reverend Chris Geiger

May 27, 2012

Ginny Fraley Organist

† Congregation standing

Praise, Fellowship, and Prayer

Prelude Ginny Fraley

† Choral Call to Worship

Holy Ground (Worship Sheet)

† Scriptural Call to Worship

† Opening Hymn #19 Praise Him, Praise Him

† Invocation and Lord’s Prayer (Worship Sheet)

† Gloria Patri (Hymnal front cover, top)

Passing of the Peace

Welcome and Announcements

Prayer Hymn #73(1,4) It Is Well With My Soul

Praise and Thanksgiving Prayer

Remembrance and Renewal

All followers of Jesus Christ are welcome at His table. Please take

the bread as it is passed and hold the cup for your own meditation.

Call to Communion

Communion Hymn #387(1,2) Have Thine Own Way Lord

Words of Institution and Prayers of Elders

Distribution of the Bread and Cup


1 Invitation to Stewardship

Offertory Prayer

Presentation of tithes and offerings

† Doxology (hymnal front cover)

Word of God

Special Music

Scripture Reading Acts 2:1-21

Sermon Reverend Geiger

† Hymn of Invitation #138(1,4) Nothing But the Blood

† Benediction

† Closing

† Postlude

Should you need assistance

E-mail for Rev. Geiger revgeiger@

Cell 740-629-3811

Offering last Sunday - $950

Attendance last Sunday - 48

Our church’s local assistance fund, which helps members of this community in need, is sustained by your specific contributions. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please place your offering in the envelopes in the pews.

Happy Birthday!!

J.T. Bingham – May 27th

Wednesday Night

Choir Practice – 6:00

Bible Study – 6:45

Dates to Remember

June 23rd The church family is invited to a picnic at the home of Joyce Evans

June 25-30 Vacation Bible School

Dear Church Family,

Thank you so much for the flowers, phone calls, cards, words of encouragement and hugs during this difficult time. The loss of my Granny was overwhelming but all your kindness made it easier to bear. We are thankful for our church family.

With much love,

Jamie and Jessica

Prayer Requests

Ginny Fraley, Yvonne Jones, Doug Adams, John Mills, James Mills, Sr., Cynthia Coffoman, Clevia Patterson, Edna Zeiber, Jewell Hampton, Lee Bach, Margaret and John Elliott, Mary Dyche, Justin Compston, Frances Halcomb, Cody Bruner, Edna Mills, Bill McCarty, Ed Hood, Meredith Bowling, Betty Gibson, Daniel Haddix, Darwin Walters, Nan Wood, Debra Johnson, Pauline Collett, Eddie Halcomb, Scott Patterson, Mildred Nichols, Harry Bruner, Barbara Renfro, Amy Moore, Doris Yaden, Dianna Anderson, Chris Woolfork, Sue Gambrel, Lois Moore, Alisha Bowling, Paul Elliott, Eric Lashawn, Bradley Fuson, Betty Jo Sams, Eric Mayes, Tim Cornett, Charlotte Lawson, Betty Golden, Nottie Jeminez, Charlotte McCarty, Charles Wesley Adams, Dee Stewart, Warren Maynard, Bill Kuntz, Bootsie Ward, Alma Sulfridge, Chris Higgenbothm


Monnie Stallsworth, Norma Sams, Helen Brittian, N.B. Lundy, Frances Broyles


Bill Parker, Daniel Chaplin, Tim Davis, John Bradley, Bryson Hunt, Chris James, Adam Hatfield, Jesse McDaniel, Christian Mason, Jarred Crawley, Billy Lawson, Adam Hubbard, Spencer Greer

Pastor Geiger will be leading the worship service at the Christian Care Community in Corbin today at 2:00. Everyone is invited to attend this worship service. Please see Pastor Geiger if you plan to go.


The Christian Church Disciples of Christ

is one of the oldest and largest churches to originate in the US.

It was founded with a primary purpose to promote Christian unity

on the simple basis of faith. Disciples advocate freedom and

respect diversity. The unity of all Christians in the love and service of Jesus Christ continues to be our goal.

Communion Serving Schedule

May 27

Elders: Steve Morgan and Danny Gambrel

Deacons: Harry Bruner, Judy Wilson,

Darwin Walters, Gina McCarty

Worship Leader: Martha Emery

Disciple of the Week: Emily Phipps

June 3

Elders: Sue Gambrel and Mike Parker

Deacons: Karen Crockett, Cody Bruner,

Matt Asher, Annalee Adams

Worship Leader: Dianna Parker

Disciple of the Week: Steve Morgan

June 10

Elders: Bill Dye and Bo Goodin

Deacons: Jan Gann, Janelle Hatfield

Don Price, Bob Wilson

Worship Leader: Steve Morgan

Disciple of the Week: Barbara Bingham

June 17

Elders: Jack Cornett and Steve McCarty

Deacons: Dianna Parker, Emily Phipps

Barbara Bingham, Stephanie Hoskins

Worship Leader: Pastor Geiger

Disciple of the Week: Judy Wilson

Reverend Chris Geiger, Pastor


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