Ministry Opportunities at St - Razor Planet

Ministry Opportunities at St. Paul’s Oconomowoc

Name ___________________________________ Date____/____/____

Directions: For Each Ministry Opportunity place and “x” in the column denoting your experience and interest level. When you complete the form, email to stewardship@. Thanks in advance.

Experience Level

|Have done |Wish to Try |Category |Specific Board / Duty |Comment |

|before | | | | |

| | |Elected Positions | | |

| | | |Executive Director | |

| | | |Assistant Executive Director | |

| | | |Secretary | |

| | | |Treasurer | |

| | | | | |

| | |Board of: | | |

| | | |Elders | |

| | | |Service and Mission Outreach | |

| | | |Christian Growth | |

| | | |Education | |

| | | |Early Childhood | |

| | | |Church Properties | |

| | | |Stewardship | |

| | | |Evangelism | |

| | | |Youth | |

| | | | | |

| | |Other | | |

| | | |Office Help | |

| | | |Nominating Committee | |

| | | |Kitchen worker for meals | |

| | | |Telecare ministry | |

| | | |Lord’s Cupboard | |

| | | |Stephen Ministry | |

| | | |Web Site Manager | |

| | | |Shut-In Visitor | |

| | | | | |

| | |Stewardship | | |

| | | |Endowment Fund | |

| | | |Annual Auction Dinner | |

| | | | | |

| | |Finance | | |

| | | |Offerings Counter | |

| | | |Make Bank Deposits | |

| | | |Fundraising/Capital Campaigns | |

| | | |Insurance Background | |

| | | |Audit Committee | |

| | | | | |

| | |Worship | | |

| | | |Greeter | |

| | | |Altar Guild | |

| | | |Usher | |

| | | |Scripture Readers | |

| | | |Radio Ministry | |

| | | | | |

| | |Christian Growth | | |

| | | |Men’s Ministry Leader | |

| | | |Women’s Ministry Leader | |

| | | |Home Ministry Leader | |

| | | |Thee Bookstore | |

| | | | | |

| | |Church Properties | | |

| | | |State your skill in box to right | |

| | | | | |

| | |Youth | | |

| | | |College Ministry | |

| | | |Senior High Ministry | |

| | | |Junior High Ministry | |

| | | |Vacation Bible School | |

| | | | | |

| | |Music | | |

| | | |Adult Choir | |

| | | |Youth Choir | |

| | | |Handbells | |

| | | |Soloist | |

| | | |Play instrument | |

| | | |Organist | |

| | | |Contemporary Praise Team | |

| | | | | |

| | |Board of Ed. | | |

| | | |Before School Care | |

| | | |Coaching | |

| | | |Parent Teachers’ League | |

| | | |Library Volunteer | |

| | | |Extended Care | |

| | |Groups | | |

| | | |Journeymen | |

| | | |Ladies Aid | |

| | | |Lutherans for Life | |

| | | |Women’s Ministry | |

| | | |Home Bible studies | |

| | | |Senior Citizens | |

| | | |LWML | |

| | | |Prayer Warriors | |

When you complete the form, email to stewardship@. Thanks in advance.

If there are any other comments you have, or activities that you could get involved with include them below:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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