City of Melton

Nuts ‘n Bolts NewsletterMelton and Taylors Hill Men’s ShedsDecember 2016Mentoring ProgramOur Sheddies have been sharing their passion for woodwork with boys from local Primary Schools again this year.In Terms 2 and 3, each Shed had a group of Grade 6 ‘Trainee Sheddies’ participate in a six week program where the kids got to learn how to use different tools (safely, of course), and they used these new skills to build a project they were able to take home.Each school chose a mix of boys, some ‘at risk’ and some who are generally doing well. Whilst they may not normally mix at school, it was wonderful to see them working together in really positive ways at our Sheds, all under the watchful eyes of our band of enthusiastic Sheddies.A Mum of one of the students wrote to us and shared her delight at the program: “I just wanted to give some feedback to the guys over at the Taylors Hill Men’s Shed who last term spent some time with my son from Brookside College. He really enjoyed the time he spent with you guys. He was very proud of the items he made with you, and spoke very highly of the guys he was working with. What an awesome program and opportunity this was for him. So a big THANK YOU to all involved, for being great role models and allowing these programs to happen for our young people in the community. WELL DONE!!”.Mental Health ReportThe State Government recently released their first ever report on the status of Mental Health in Victoria, and we were delighted to be contacted and asked to provide a profile of a Sheddie.Mental health can be a difficult thing for men to talk about, but it was something that Taylors Hill Sheddie Steve was happy to be involved in, and to share his experiences with mental illness. When blokes like Steve speak up about their mental health challenges, it can help encourage other blokes to do the same, and we really appreciate his willingness for his story to be included. You can download the report at Online Shed ToursGetting blokes through the door of their local Shed for the first time can be a real challenge, and now they can take that first step from the comfort of their home computer, or even on their smart phone.These virtual tours will let potential new Sheddies see the sorts of machinery we have, the types of activities we offer and to see the fantastic locations the Sheds are situated in. They went online in January 2016 and we’ve already had 1748 tours taken. Take a virtual tour of both Sheds on our webpage What’s on for 2017?2017 promises to be a very busy year with lots of activities planned, here’s just a taste of what’s on our plate.Melton:? We’ll be undertaking a major retrofit of the dust extraction unit to make it easier and safer for the dust collections bins to be used,? In February we’re hosting a talk and visit by a hearing bus to get a free hearing test.Taylors Hill:? We’re holding a workshop on restoring Dry Stone Walls, these walls have local historic significance and they surround the Morton Homestead site,? We’ll install the new Wood Lathe and run some training on using it.Across both Sheds we’ll be hosting some workshops on depression and building resilience, these will lead by the Black Dog Institute. We’re also planning to run some one-off workshops (probably in the evening) on using specificmachines/tools, different ways to finish woodwork projects etc, and we’re getting close to finalising details for a series of Introduction to Woodwork sessions, these would run once a week for four weeks.Recent ImprovementsThere’s always something to work on and improve at the Sheds and recently we’ve seen a number of changes, including:Taylors Hill: Two computers installed, a new sander purchased, a wood lathe ordered and will be ready to use in JanuaryMelton: Computer is now connected to the NBN, the kitchen is getting a new deep sink for the cooking programShed ProgramsWhether you’re a long-time Sheddie or a new one, don’t forget to check out the timetable for your favourite Shed, there may be something else to get involved with.Taylors Hill: DIY woodwork projects, Community Projects, Coffee and Chat, Gardening, Men’s Health talks, Healthy CookingMelton: Bike Riding, Games Day (billiards, darts), Lunch, DIY woodwork projects, Community Projects, Gardening, Bus trips, Men’s Health TalksYou’ll find a timetable on the noticeboard on your next visit, or go online and please let us know if you have any ideas for new activities munity ProjectsA big part of the life of a Men’s Shed is the work they do for local community groups, and our Sheddies have been busy completing a bunch of interesting community projects this year. If your community group has a project in mind, either drop down to your nearest Shed to have a chat with a Team Leader, or call us on 9747 7200.Mobile LibrarySt Domenic’s PS in Melton approached our Sheddies to build a mobile library that could be wheeled out during recess and lunch times so students could now have the option of reading with their friends. The kids added their own flavour to the mini library by painting it in bright colours, it’s been a roaring success and it was nice to see the library in use at the school.Botanic GardenSheddies provided the Friends of Melton Botanic Garden with a display cabinet, a planting table and four seedling tables for their nursery. It was a big undertaking and the end result were some much needed, and very much appreciated resources for the Botanic Garden and the nursery.Palliative Care LetterboxSunshine Hospital Palliative Care Unit needed a freestanding letter box so patients could write a letter to Santa this Christmas, and the Sheddies quickly pulled together to create it for them. The Hospital couldn’t have been more appreciative, writing “I am completely at a loss for words. The men have made an absolutely awesome mail box. I took it straight into work and the staff were overwhelmed at the attention and craftsmanship that went into making it. We are so very grateful and very much appreciate the mail box.”Wishing WellEstia Health is an aged care residential facility in Melton South and they needed a ‘feedback’ box to encourage their residents to share their issues and ideas. Rather than a plain old box, Sheddies created an impressive wishing well that should have resident’s suggestions flooding in. A big thanks to Melton Bunnings for donating the materials too.ANZAC CrossesThe Melton Partners of Veterans Association (PVA) were looking for a unique fundraising opportunity, whilst also engaging the local community in a very personal way to commemorate their family members who’ve given service to our nation. Sheddies created hundreds of crosses for ANZAC Day, PVA sold them for $2 and local residents then adorned their cross with everything from a simple message to beautiful paintings. Hundreds of crosses were sold, an impressive display was created and over $500 raised to support PVA activities as well.Melton FoodbankBoth Sheds are collecting non-perishable food items for the Melton Foodbank Christmas Appeal. These items will give families some extra food items to make their Christmas season a little more special. Sheddies are also busy crafting some pull-along toys for local families, which for some toddlers will mean an extra gift to unwrap under their tree. If you’d like to assist, please place some food items in the collection boxes at either Shed. The Melton FoodBank supports local families in need with free food, budgeting and mentoring programs. Find out more at Out and About“I’ve been everywhere man” the song says, and the Sheddies certainly have covered many a mile in their travels this year.The ‘On Ya Bike’ guys have taken rides locally as well as ridden as far afield as the Barwon River, Queenscliffe andMoonee Pond Creek. Monthly Bus Trips have seen visits to the Mill Market in Avoca, the Tank Museum in Puckapunyal, and the Old Castlemaine Gaol, to name a few.Team Leaders have visited several Men’s Sheds to see how they do things, to share ideas and to devour the odd sausage in bread, they’ve visited Hume Men’s Shed (Sunbury), Kyneton Men’s Shed, Ballarat East Community Shed and Kyneton Men’s Shed.Christmas BreakMelton Men’s Shed closes Wednesday 14th December Taylors Hill Men’s Shed closes Wednesday 21st DecemberBoth Sheds reopen on Monday 9 January On behalf of Melton Council we’d like to wish all Sheddies a happy and safe Christmas and New Year, and we encourage everyone to take care on the roads too. We look forward to seeing everyone in January. We’d also like to say a big thanks to the wonderful band of Team Leaders who deliver much of what’s provided at the Sheds, the Sheds simply couldn’t run without them and we really appreciate their efforts.Men’s Shed Contact 7200Melton Men’s ShedWillows Historical Park76 Reserve Road, MeltonTaylors Hill Men’s ShedMorton Homestead7 Morton Blvd, Taylors Hill ................

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