COURSE SYLLABUSTarantella 5PRIMARY EDUCATION5th GRADE_________________MusicUnit 1. The First MusicObjectives-To read and extract specific information from a text in English.-To appreciate the importance of silence.-To sing and dance in group activities.-To identify the qualities of sound.-To define the respiration system.-To revise and identify the notes and musical signs.-To learn about music from Ancient Egypt.-To memorize and sing a song.-To identify and name percussion instruments.-To identify tuned and untuned percussion instruments.-To define the performance directions.-To create a story and interpret the characters with instruments.-To learn a choreography and dance with classmates.-To show a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s participation in classroom activities.ContentsListeningThe sounds we hear.Sounds in the environment.Boys and Girls Come out to Play (Traditional English song).The voice as our first instrument. Echo: Epo e tai tai e. The musical notes: pitch. Sing, Sing.Music from Ancient Egypt: Ren Sun and Adoration of Ra.Timbre and instruments: percussion instruments.Performance direction terms: piano, mezzoforte, forte.The qualities of sound: volume, pitch, duration and timbre.Opera: Glory to Egypt from Aida.The poser: Giuseppe Verdi.Interpretation and CreationThe voice and its resources: respiration, articulation and vocalization.Singing and dancing Boys and Girls Come out to Play. The body as a musical instrument.Musical rhythms: binary, ternary and quarternary measures. Musical signs: Semibreve, Minim, Crotchet, Quaver, semiquaver. The echo: Epo e tai tai e. Singing with corporal percussion.The body’s expressive and movement possibilities.Sing, Sing: Reading a music score and singing.Listening to imagine life in Ancient Egypt.Listening to review and identify the percussion instruments.Performance directions: piano, mezzoforte, forte.Creating a story about Ancient Egypt and interpreting the characters with different instruments and the qualities of sound.Reading the story of the opera Aida.Dancing: The Polka. Basic CompetencesLinguistic CompetencesTo use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a means to improving communicative skills and expressing feelings. Mathematical CompetencesTo use mathematical elements and reasoning to define the concept of musical notes, beat and rhythm. Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World To appreciate the importance of the visual and sound qualities of one’s own environment and relate movement to sound. Learning How to Learn CompetencesTo explore and experiment with the different sensorial aspects of sound. Information and Digital Competences To develop and use techniques to extract specific information from a written or oral text by observing the information depicted in the illustrations or listening to a CD recording.Social and Citizenship Competences To show a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s creative and interpretive skills.Evaluation Criteria-Reads and extracts specific information from a text in English.-Appreciates the importance of silence.-Sings and dances creatively in group activities.-Explains the respiration system correctly and coherently.-Shows interest in learning about music from Ancient Egypt.-Identifies and names percussion instruments.-Identifies tuned and untuned percussion instruments.-Interprets simple music scores with the voice and an instrument.-Memorizes and sings a song.-Revises and identifies the notes and musical signs.-Learns a choreography and dances with his/her classmates.-Show interest in learning about Ancient Egyptian music. -Shows a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s participation in classroom activities.Unit 2. Music for Autumn and ChristmasObjectives To identify the music we hear in autumn, at Halloween and at Christmas.To sing and accompany the song with percussion instruments in ostinato.To practise the signs we use to lengthen a note: dot, tie and pause.To define how to play the recorder correctly.To identify and name string instruments and how we play them.To enjoy listening to classical music.To show an interest in American music.To interpret American music. To differentiate types of human voices.To interpret simple music scores with instruments and the voice.To sing a Christmas carol and accompany the melody with percussion instruments.To learn a choreography and dance with classmates.To review and define the concepts presented in Units 1 & 2 correctly.ContentsListeningThe Skeleton Dance: Ostinato.The signs we use to lengthen a note: dot, tie and pause. The recorder: Lullaby.Dance Macabre (C. Saint-Sa?ns).Music from America: Mayan music: Kahazah Nohol and Nana Caliche (Mexico).Types of human voices: timbre.Let us Sing Together.Traditional song and dance: The Skeleton Dance.Christmas carols: We Three Kings, The First Noel, Christmas Cha cha cha and Jingle BellsComposer: Camille Saint-Sa?ns. Dance Macabre.Interpretation and Creation Musical forms: singing The Skeleton Dance in ostinato with percussion accompaniment.Practising the signs we use to lengthen a note: dot, tie and pause. Playing Lullaby on the recorder.Listening to Dance Macabre to identify how the instruments describe the skeleton’s waltz.Playing and singing a Mayan song: Nana Caliche (Mexico).Singing Let us Sing Together to identify one’s own voice. Playing and singing Christmas carols: We Three Kings, The First Noel and Christmas Cha cha cha. Singing as a means of musical expression. Dancing the Christmas Cha cha cha.Basic CompetencesLinguistic CompetencesTo understand and communicate correctly in the English language. To understand and extract specific information from a text in English. Mathematical CompetencesTo use mathematical reasoning to understand the function of the elements on the stave. Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World To appreciate the importance of the movement and the expressive possibilities of one’s own body in the surrounding environment. Cultural and Artistic Competences To appreciate the importance of artistic manifestations from one’s own country and from other nationalities. Autonomous learning competences To use the recreational aspect of music to consolidate vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.Learning How to Learn To identify one’s own possibilities and shortcomings in music and communicating in the English language and develop autonomous strategies to improve them.Evaluation CriteriaIdentifies the music we hear in autumn, at Halloween, and at Christmas.Sings and accompanies a song with percussion instruments in ostinato.Identifies the signs we use to lengthen a note: dot, tie and pause.Defines how to play the recorder correctly.Identifies and names string instruments and how we play them.Enjoys listening to classical music.Shows interest in learning about music from other cultures.Interprets American music creatively. Differentiates types of human voices.Interprets simple music scores with instruments and the voice. Dances with classmates and follows a choreography correctlySings a Christmas carol and accompanies the melody with percussion instruments.Shows interest in learning about music from other cultures. Defines the concepts presented in Units 1 & 2 correctly and coherently. Unit 3. Music Unites UsObjectivesTo appreciate the importance of the language of music.To create new accompaniments and movements for a song.To sing songs in canon form.To identify music from oriental countries.To identify wind instruments and how we play them.To read, follow and play a music score.To understand and follow a simple choreography.To act out the story from a song.To sing and accompany the song with percussion instruments.To coordinate dance steps with classmates. To appreciate the importance of taking good care of the instruments and classroom materials. ContentsListeningI will Sing, You Will Sing: Music as an international language.Oriental instruments: Darbuka, Sitar, Ney, Gong, Bendir.Oriental music:The Biska Song (Algeria)and Eram Sam Sam (Arabia).Wind instruments: woodwind and brass.Instrumental passage: The Merchants (Adapatation of In a Persian Market.)You’ve got a Friend in Me. (Toy Story).Zemer Atik (Israel).Composer: A.W. KetèlbeyInterpretation and Creation Singing accompanied with instruments and body percussion: I Will Sing, You Will Sing. Singing in canon form: Tin Ton.Oriental music:The Biska Song (Algeria)and Eram Sam Sam (Arabia).Playing an instrumental passage: The Merchants. Reading and acting: In a Persian Market.Singing You’ve got a Friend in Me with percussion accompaniment.Dancing Zemer Atik.Basic CompetencesLinguistic CompetencesTo use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a means to improving and building on communicative skills. To understand and interpret different texts and songs in the English language. Mathematical CompetencesTo use mathematical elements and reasoning to define the function of the elements on the stave. Social and Citizenship Competences To use games, dances and classroom activities as a means to promoting good relationships, integration and respect.To show a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s ideas, opinions and participation in classroom activities.Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World To appreciate the importance of the movement and expressive possibilities of one’s own body and adapt them to the surrounding environment. Information and Digital Competences To extract specific information from a written or oral text by observing the information depicted in the illustrations or listening to a CD recording.Cultural and Artistic Competencies To value the importance of cultural and artistic manifestations from one’s own and other nationalities. Evaluation CriteriaAppreciates the importance of the language of music.Creates new accompaniments and movements for a song.Sings songs in canon form correctly and creatively.Identifies and interprets music from oriental countries.Identifies and practises different kinds of silence rests on a music score.Identifies wind instruments and how we play them.Understands and follows a simple choreography.Act out the story from a song creatively.Appreciates the importance of taking good care of the instruments and classroom materials.Unit 4. Music and HumourObjectivesTo listen and identify humorous music.To sing songs in canon form. To identify tempo musical. To define a symphonic orchestra and a symphony.To define Monophony and Polyphony.To sing in ostinato to practise polyphonic singing.To listen and differentiate instruments.To sing and play African music. To sing and act out the story in a song.To participate in a carnival festival.To create new lyrics for a song.To enjoy listening to classical music.To follow a choreography and dance salsa with classmates.To explain the concepts presented in Units 3 & 4 correctlyContentsListeningOnomatopoeic soundsThe Orchestra Song.The Symphonic Orchestra: The Farewell Symphony.Polyphony: The Lion Sleeps Tonight.African music: Senjua (Zulu song).Traditional English song: Soldier, Soldier.Carnival Time (Venezuela)The Carnival of the Animals (Camille Saint-Sa?ns).Life is a Carnival (Salsa)Composer: Franz Joseph Haydn.Interpretation and Creation Singing in canon form: The Orchestra Song.Reading and reciting a rhyme following the speed indications on the metronome.Accompanying a rhythm with body percussion. Singing in ostinato form: The Lion Sleeps Tonight.Singing African music in three voices: Senjua. Singing and acting out a traditional English song: Soldier, Soldier.Singing Carnival Time and playing a musical accompaniment.Playing Can-Can.Dancing Salsa: Life is a Carnival.Basic Competences Linguistic CompetencesTo build on and use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a means to improving communicative skills. Mathematical CompetencesTo use mathematical reasoning to understand the function of the elements on the stave. Social and citizenship competences To respect the physical and intellectual differences amongst classmates and help those with less capacity than themselves. To acknowledge and use the appropriate social norms when participating in group activities.Cultural and Artistic CompetencesTo value the importance of cultural and artistic manifestations from one’s own and other nationalities. To appreciate the importance of music as a cultural patrimony and as an important source for learning and enjoyment. Autonomy and personal initiativeTo take responsibility for his/her own work, to evaluate his/her own progress in the music and language learning process, identify mistakes and correct them.Autonomous learning competences-To use autonomous learning strategies to organize the concepts presented and complete the activities proposed.Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World To appreciate the importance of the movement and expressive possibilities of one’s own body and adapt them to the surrounding environment.Evaluation Criteria Listens and identifies humorous music.Sings songs in canon form correctly. Identifies and defines tempo musical. Defines a symphonic orchestra and the symphony.Defines Monophony and PolyphonySing correctly in ostinato form to practise polyphonic singing.Listens and differentiates instruments.Sings and plays African music. Sings and acts out the story in a song creatively.Participates in a carnival activity creatively.Uses his or her imagination to create new lyrics for a song.Enjoys listening to classical music.Follows a choreography and dances salsa with his/her classmates.Explains the concepts presented in Units 3 & 4 correctly Unit 5. Music and NatureObjectivesTo listen to and appreciate music inspired by nature.To sing, learn the second voice and accompany a song with percussion instruments.To compose music in round (rondo) form.To identify and appreciate traditional Spanish music.To sing traditional songs.To identify traditional Spanish instruments.To interpret an instrumental passage.To recognize how nature is represented with music.To create lyrics for a melody.To learn a choreography dance with classmates.To coordinate the pupil’s own interpretation with others. ContentsListeningEarly One Morning (Traditional English song).Traditional Spanish music: Petenera (Andalusia) The Month of May (Aragón).Traditional instruments: wind, string and percussion.I like the Flowers (USA).The Moldava (B. Smetana).The Birds have Come (Germany).Crossing the Rhone (France).Composer: Bedrich Smetana.Interpretation and CreationSinging Early One Morning with percussion accompaniment. Composing a round.Creating a melody with the pentatonic scale.Singing and playing The Month of May.Singing the song I like the Flowers with a musical accompaniment and a choreography.Reading, listening and observing to discover parts of the Moldava River.Playing and creating lyrics for The Birds have Come.Dancing: Crossing the Rhone.Basic CompetencesLinguistic CompetenceTo build on and use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a means to improving communicative skills in oral and writing activities. Information and Digital Competences To extract specific information from a written or oral text by observing the information depicted in the illustrations, on the interactive CD or listening to a CD recording. Social and Citizenship Competences To take good care of the classroom musical instruments, other learning materials and personal belongings.Cultural and Artistic CompetencesTo appreciate the importance of the artistic manifestations from one’s own country and from other nationalities. Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World To appreciate the importance of the movement and expressive possibilities of one’s own body and adapt them to the surrounding environment.Learning How to Learn Competences To identify one’s own possibilities and shortcomings in communicating in music and in the English language and develop autonomous strategies to improve them. Evaluation Criteria Shows interest in learning about music inspired by nature.To sing, learn the second voice and accompany a song with percussion poses music in round (rondo) form correctly and creatively.Identifies and appreciates traditional Spanish music.Enjoys singing traditional songs.Identifies and names traditional Spanish instruments.Interprets an instrumental passage correctly and creatively.Recognizes how nature is represented with music.Uses autonomous strategies to create lyrics for a melody.Participates responsibly and enjoys dancing with his/her classmates.Coordinates his/her own interpretation with others. Unit 6. Music and AdventuresObjectivesTo sing and act out songs from films.To listen to and identify passages from sound tracks.To define the concept of syncopation.To interpret syncopated rhythms.To show an interest in learning more about music in films.To identify and name the instruments in modern music and bands.To coordinate and interpret musical pieces with classmates.To recite and learn a song.To create a story with sound effects.To listen, read and understand the story of Peer Gynt.To dance a traditional dance creatively.To appreciate the general knowledge acquired in the music and language learning process.To review and explain the concepts presented in Units 5 & 6 correctly. ContentsListeningA Whole New World (From the film Aladdin).Syncopation. Finda Alexi (Africa). Soundtracks from different films.Cerf-Volant (From the film The Chorus).Music from different bands.Yellow Submarine (The Beatles).John Kanaka.He’s a Pirate (from Pirates of the Caribbean).The story of Peer Gynt.El Candil (Traditional dance from Badajoz).Composer: Edvard Grieg.Interpretation and Creation Singing A Whole New World as a group.Singing the role of Aladdin or Jazmine.Interpreting passages with syncopations.Singing Cerf-Volant. Acting out the gestures for Finda Alexi. Listening and identifying different soundtracks.Singing Cerf-Volant.Listening and identifying different bands.Playing and singing Yellow Submarine.Learning and reciting John Kanaka.Playing He’s a Pirate on the recorder and other instruments.Creating a story with sound effects.Listening to discover what happens to Peer Gynt.Dancing El Candil (Badajoz). Basic CompetencesLinguistic CompetencesTo build on and use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a means to improving one’s own communicative competences. To read and extract specific information from a written and oral text. Mathematical competencesTo use mathematical elements and reasoning to interpret the music in the activities proposed. Cultural and Artistic Competences To appreciate the importance of learning music as a valuable source of knowledge and personal enrichment. To appreciate the importance of musical and artistic manifestations as part of the country’s cultural patrimony and as an important source for learning and enjoyment. Autonomous learning competenciesTo use the recreational aspect of music and language learning to consolidate vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. Autonomy and Personal InitiativeTo develop a responsible attitude and perseverance in one’s own work as a means to achieving self-esteem and self criticism.Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World To appreciate the importance of the movement and expressive possibilities of one’s own body in the surrounding environment. Evaluation Criteria Sings songs from films and enjoys singing the different roles.Listens and identifies passages from sound tracks.Defines the concept of syncopation.Interprets rhythms with syncopations.Shows an interest in learning more about music in films.Identifies and names the instruments in modern music and bands.Coordinates and interprets musical pieces with classmates.Recites and learns a song.Creates a story with sound effects.Listens, reads and understands the story of Peer Gynt.Dances a traditional dance creatively.Appreciates the general knowledge acquired in the music and language learning process.Reviews and explains the concepts presented in Units 5 & 6 correctly and coherently. ................

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