Harrisburg Estates Owners Association

[Pages:3]Harrisburg Estates Owners Association

Annual Members Meeting Minutes Saturday April 25, 2020

First (Covid-19) Zoom Meeting

Meeting Called to Order @ 1pm: President Tom Martindale

Pledge of Allegiance: Tom Martindale

*Instruction on how to use Zoom and post questions: Chuck McDowell and Tom Martindale.

Introduction of Tellers Committee: Lynn Draper (Appointed Board Member) and Edith Finch.

*Special Thanks for individuals willing to serve on the Tellers committee and as guards for April: Kathy Peterson, Evelyn Caldwell, Diane Wagner and Marilyn Turley.

*Special thanks to April's Teller Committee members: Jerry Bryant, Kathy Hart, Sheri Nowlin, Dan Funk and Jaylyn Outsen: Edith Finch

*Special Thanks to current guards Joy and John Parker: Lynn Draper

Introduction of New Homeowners: Joy Parker

*11 new homeowners in the community.

Year-end Treasurer Report and 2019 Figures: Lynn Draper

Maintenance Report: Luis Segovia

*Repairs done/needed: Re-seeding grass, replaced clubhouse stove valves, new clubhouse mailbox, added 2530 gallons of vinegar to weed control efforts, continued testing of pool and spa equipment, turning on sprinkler systems and repairing broken water lines. And working with the new lawn crew to improve and achieve goals.

ACC and IC Committee: John Frech

*Acknowledge thanks to the Drapers for our new "Great Place to Retire" sign.

*Currently only 3 properties for sale.

*Last work party due to covid-19 was in January.

*Reminders to get approval for exterior changes on properties.

*Overnight street parking has greatly improved but speeding in the park is now an increasing problem.

Activities Committee: Cindy Bryant

*All activities continue to be suspended but Activities planning meeting scheduled for May 6 at 10am.

*Thanks to the KOA for allowing us to use their pickleball court.

*Plans for a tree to be planted in remembrance of Shana hopefully mid- May at Jean Leatham's house.

Teller's Committee Announcement of Election Winners: Edith Finch.

Jo Gonzales Tom Martindale Stan Woodbury Monica Morrison Gray

Chuck McDowell


Swearing in New Members: Lynn Draper *Welcome all members to board: Tom Martindale Old Business: Chuck McDowell

*Weed Control extended to May 10th. *Hurricane city planning on a meeting with us to discuss the city's master planning concerning highway 91. New Business: Tom Martindale *Changing the states status from severe to Moderate for Covid-19 update. Hoping to get feedback from the community on our opening timeline. *Raffle Drawing for one month of free dues: Lynn Draper *Winner is: Frank Bone! Congrats! Owners Open Forum: *Some homeowners had questions/ concerns about the clubhouse and pool opening.

Tom Martindale: We are waiting on what the state officials would be advising in the following weeks. *Concern expressed about razors driving too fast as well as cars.

Jo Gonzales will include a reminder in the Harrisburg Newsletter. *Question of who is responsible for the weeds in the wash.

Covid-19 coupled with heavy spring rains have prevented cleaning parties. *Concern about using Round-up or other weed killer in the community.

Chuck McDowell responded that we are listening to concerns and will be working on solutions. *Question concerning reductions for lawn care when Owners have zero landscaping.

Chuck McDowell: Possibility of amending the CCR's to be able to "Opt-out" of lawn care but would not change the dollar amount of dues.

*Question: Are owners who damage their sprinklers personally responsible for the repair costs? Tom Martindale: "Yes" homeowners are responsible for cost of these repairs.

Recognition: Chuck McDowell *Lynn and Kurt Draper for our new sign. *Cindy Bryant for the Tree for Shana. *Moment of Silence for Shana Leatham.

Meeting Adjourned: 2:30pm

Jo Gonzales

Harrisburg HEOA Secretary


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