Sat Start End 9:00 a.m. Duty 10:16 a.m. 10:54 a.m.

Day Sat

Time Start

rd 1 9:00 a.m.


rd 2 9:38 a.m.


rd 3 10:16 a.m.


rd 4 10:54 a.m.


rd 5 11:32 a.m.


rd 6 12:10 p.m.


End 9:34 a.m. Disc-Infected 10:12 a.m. Wildcats 10:50 a.m. Pink Panthers 11:28 a.m.

Galaxy 12:06 p.m. Pope Francis 12:44 p.m. Drunkin' Grownups

Court 1

Court 2

Court 3

Court 4

Galaxy vs Prob.Still Older Cyclone Pam vs Wyndham

Than You


Drunkin' Grownups vs Odlaw

Wildcats vs MUD

Heavenly Creature vs Steamy Sensations

Pope Francis vs CPU

MUD Chargers vs Brick Squad

Alot of disc vs Galacticat

Drunkin' Grownups vs Wyndham Haze

Cyclone Pam vs Galaxy

Wildcats vs Prob.Still Older Than You

CREW vs Odlaw

Heavenly Creature vs Pope MUD Chargers vs Steamy



Alot of disc vs CPU

Galacticat vs Brick Squad

CREW vs Wyndham Haze

Pussy Cat Ds vs Prob.Still Older Than You

MUD vs Odlaw

Wildcats vs Galaxy

Heavenly Creature vs MUD Chargers

Alot of disc vs Pope Francis

Galacticat vs Steamy Sensations

Brick Squad vs CPU

rd 7 rd 8 rd 9 rd 10 rd 11 rd 12

1:04 p.m. Duty

1:42 p.m. Duty

2:20 p.m. Duty

2:58 p.m. Duty

3:36 p.m. Duty

4:14 p.m. Duty

rd 13 4:52 p.m.


1:38 p.m. Alot of disc 2:16 p.m.

CREW 2:54 p.m. Brisbane Indoor 3:32 p.m. SteamySensations 4:10 p.m. Heavenly Creat 4:48 p.m. Prob. Still Older

5:26 p.m.


Cyclone Pam vs Wildcats

Pussy Cat Ds vs Galaxy

MUD vs Wyndham Haze

Odlaw vs Prob.Still Older Than You

Disc-Infected vs Noodles

U.H.C Rebels vs MUD Green

Brisbane Indoor Ult vs Pink Panthers

Blue Monkey - Evil Dead vs Discgraceful

Odlaw vs Galaxy

Prob.Still Older Than You vs Wyndham Haze

Pussy Cat Ds vs Wildcats

Cyclone Pam vs CREW

Disc-Infected vs U.H.C Rebels

Brisbane Indoor Ult vs Noodles

Blue Monkey - Evil Dead vs MUD Green

Discgraceful vs Pink Panthers

Odlaw vs Wildcats

Prob.Still Older Than You vs Drunkin' Grownups

Wyndham Haze vs Galaxy


Disc-Infected vs Brisbane Indoor Ult

Blue Monkey - Evil Dead vs U.H.C Rebels

Discgraceful vs Noodles

Pink Panthers vs MUD Green

Odlaw vs Pussy Cat Ds

Cyclone Pam vs MUD

Prob.Still Older Than You vs CREW

Wyndham Haze vs Wildcats


Sun 9:30 a.m.



rd2 10:09 a.m.


rd3 10:48 a.m.


rd4 11:33 a.m.


rd5 12:12 p.m.


rd6 12:57 p.m.


rd7 1:42 p.m.


rd8 2:27 p.m.


rd9 3:12 p.m.


3:57 p.m.

Duty 10:04 a.m.

MUD 10:43 a.m. U.H,C Rebels 11:28 a.m.

Odlaw 12:07 p.m. MUD Chargers 12:52 p.m. Pussy Cat Ds 1:37 p.m. Brick Squad 2:22 p.m.

.... 3:07 p.m.

3:52 p.m.

Court 1

Court 2

Court 3

Heavenly Creature vs CPU

Steamy Sensations vs Brick Squad

Pope Francis vs Galacticat

Court 4 MUD Chargers vs Alot of


Prob.Still Older Than You vs MUD

Cyclone Pam vs Odlaw

Wyndham Haze vs Pussy Cat Ds

Galaxy vs CREW

1st Pool B vs 4th Pool X game b1

Wyndham Haze vs Odlaw

2nd Pool B vs 3rd Pool X

game b2 Cyclone Pam vs Prob.Still

Older Than You

3rd Pool B vs 2nd Pool X game b3

Galaxy vs MUD

4th Pool B vs 1st Pool X

game b4 Drunkin' Grownups vs

Pussy Cat Ds

loser game b1 vs loser game b3 game b5

1st Pool A vs 4th Pool A

game a1 loser game b5 vs

loser game b8 7th & 8th

loser game a3 vs loser game a4

A Grade 7th & 8th

winner game b1 vs winner game b3 game b6

2nd Pool A vs 3rd Pool A

game a2 winner game b5 vs

winner game b8 5th & 6th


B Grade


A Grade


winner game b2 vs winner game b4 game b7

5th Pool A vs 8th Pool A

game a3 loser game b6 vs

loser game b7 3th & 4th

loser game a1 vs loser game a2

A Grade 3rd & 4th

loser game b2 vs loser game b4 game b8

7th Pool A vs 6th Pool A

game a4

9th Pool A vs 10th Pool A

9th & 10th winner game a3 vs

winner game a4 A Grade 5th & 6th

Court 5

Court 6

Court 7

CREW vs Pussy Cat Ds

Noodles vs U.H.C Rebels

Disc-Infected vs Discgraceful

Pink Panthers vs Blue Monkey - Evil Dead

MUD Green vs Brisbane Indoor Ult

Pussy Cat Ds vs MUD

U.H.C Rebels vs Brisbane Indoor Ult

Disc-Infected vs Pink Panthers

MUD Green vs Discgraceful

Noodles vs Blue Monkey Evil Dead

Cyclone Pam vs Drunkin' Brisbane Indoor Ult vs Blue


Monkey - Evil Dead

Disc-Infected vs MUD Green Noodles vs Pink Panthers

U.H.C Rebels vs Discgraceful

CREW vs Drunkin' Grownups

Heavenly Creature vs Alot of disc

Galacticat vs MUD Chargers Brick Squad vs Pope Francis

MUD vs Drunkin' Grownups CPU vs Steamy Sensations

Heavenly Creature vs Galacticat

Brick Squad vs Alot of disc

CPU vs MUD Chargers

Cyclone Pam vs Pussy Cat Steamy Sensations vs Pope



Heavenly Creature vs Brick Squad

CPU vs Galacticat

Steamy Sensations vs Alot of disc

Galaxy vs Drunkin' Grownups

Pope Francis vs MUD Chargers

key A Grade Round Robin2

Pool A

B Grade Pool X Pool B

Court 5 Disc-Infected vs Blue Monkey - Evil Dead

Drunkin' Grownups vs Wildcats

Court 6 Discgraceful vs Brisbane

Indoor Ult

Court 7 Pink Panthers vs U.H.C


Court 8 MUD Green vs Noodles

5th Pool B vs 8th Pool X game c1

Wildcats vs CREW

6th Pool B vs 7th Pool X game c2

7th Pool B vs 6th Pool X game c3

8th Pool B vs 5th Pool X game c4

loser game c1 vs loser game c3 game c5

winner game c1 vs winner game c3 game c6

winner game c2 vs winner game c4 game c7

loser game c2 vs loser game c4 game c8

winner game c6 vs winner game c7 9th and 10th

loser game c6 vs loser game c7 11th & 12th

winner game c5 vs winner game c8 13th & 14th

loser game c5 vs loser game c8 15th & 16th

Playoffs A Grade

B Grade 1- 8 B Grade 9 - 14


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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