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Notice of Parochial Church Council MeetingParish of name of churchA meeting of the Parochial Church Council will take place onday month year at time am/pm in the name of room/venueSigned_________________Minister of the parish or Vice-Chairman of the PCC.-14287535560NAME OF PARISH CHURCHMeeting of the Parochial Church CouncilAGENDA1 Apologies for absence2 Minutes of previous meetingsMinutes of the previous Parochial Church Council meeting3 Matters Arising456 8 Any Other BusinessPlease give details in writing to the Secretary 24 hours before the meeting00NAME OF PARISH CHURCHMeeting of the Parochial Church CouncilAGENDA1 Apologies for absence2 Minutes of previous meetingsMinutes of the previous Parochial Church Council meeting3 Matters Arising456 8 Any Other BusinessPlease give details in writing to the Secretary 24 hours before the meeting ................

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