Present: B Jones (Chairman), L Shelley, J Milne Home, I Nash, G Scott, G Green, N Burden

Clerk: Eira Hancock

One member of the public was present – G Holter.

|13.028 Declarations of Interest. Cllr Nash declared a personal interest in the planning application for Landue and took no | |

|part in the discussions. Cllr Burden declared an interest in the Cornwall Local Plan, in his role as County Councillor. | |

| | |

|13.029 Confirmation of the Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2013 were approved and signed by the | |

|Chairman. | |

| | |

|13.030 New Member of the Council. G Holter attended the meeting prior to his election as Parish Councillor from 6th May. It | |

|was proposed, seconded and agreed that he should be co-opted onto the Council with immediate effect and he was welcomed by the | |

|Members. Mr Holter would not be entitled to vote until he had signed his acceptance of office and declaration of interests. | |

| | |

|13.031 Matters arising from Previous Meeting. | |

|Parish Meeting. It was confirmed that the meeting will be before the regular Parish Council Meeting on 14th May, at 7 pm in | |

|the Church Hall. No speaker will be invited. | |

|Building on Trebullett Green. Carried forward as Cllr Argles was not present. | |

| | |

|Cllr Burden arrived. | |

| | |

|13.032 Finance | |

|Current and Taxi Accounts Financial Statements circulated prior to meeting. The clerk reported that the precept payment of | |

|£3805 and last quarter taxi grant had been received. | |

|Accounts for payment Approved as follows: | |

|Clerks Expenses - £41.21 | |

|J Braunton, Cleaning - £81.90 | |

|Trevozah Cross Wind Turbine S106 Compensation. The first annual payment of £1250 has been received. | |

|Trevozah Barton Wind Turbine Compensation. Cllr Shelley will speak to the developer regarding compensation arrangements. The | |

|clerk will forward him contact details. | |

| | |

|13.033 Planning | |

|Landue, Lezant – PA13/02092 Proposed erection of agricultural stock building, Mr D J Watkins. Cllrs discussed the application.| |

|Cllr Shelley reported that the proposed shed is on the site of an existing shed. He will visit the site and report his | |

|findings to the clerk. The other Members agreed that they supported the application in principal and would delegate the final | |

|decision to Cllr Shelley based on his findings. | |

| |LS, Clerk |

|13.034 Highways | |

|Pengloss. Oliver Jones, Cormac has informed the clerk that this stretch of road has been ploughed and its’ condition will be | |

|assessed in the near future. | |

| | |

|13.035 Correspondence | |

|A letter was received from Lezant Parochial Church Council thanking the Parish Council for the grant from the Aggregate Levy | |

|Sustainability Fund. |LS, Clerk |

|Cornwall Council sent a letter confirming that no further grant will be available for maintenance of the parish toilets. | |

|A request for a donation was received from Victim Support Cornwall. The clerk to write and decline. | |

| | |

|13.036 Parish Business | |

|Cllr Argles has not put himself forward for re-election. In his absence, Members expressed their unanimous appreciation at his| |

|6 years of service and asked that the Chairman send him a letter of thanks. | |

|Election Declarations. There were 10 seats available and only 9 nominations so all those nominated will be automatically | |

|elected from 6th May 2013. Councillors re-elected were B Jones, L Shelley, J Milne Home, I Nash, G Scott, G Green and N | |

|Burden. New Councillors are G Holter and P Cairns. One seat remains vacant. Cllr Shelley reported from the CALC meeting that | |

|councils can co-opt for vacant seats until 24th June. | |

|Consultation Documents, Cornwall Local Plan, Gypsy and Travelling Communities Strategy and Delivery Plan, Community | |

|Infrastructure Levy. No comments to be returned. | |

|Hexworthy Solar Farm. Cllr Shelley attended the public meeting staged by the developer. He asked questions about the |Clerk |

|environmental impact and planting policy and about access arrangements for construction traffic. The speakers had no answers | |

|for his questions but have since written to say plans are now in place. Cllr Shelley thought the proposed access to be very | |

|poor. Heavy planting is proposed to shield the panels. The clerk is to write to planning with Cllr Shelley to raise the | |

|concerns regarding access and ask for confirmation that local labour will be utilised. Any possibility of compensation from | |

|the developers is to be investigated. | |

|Any Other Business Brought by Members |BJ |

|A verbal complaint has been received regarding a caravan being parked on Trebullett Green for a week at Easter. It was agreed | |

|to monitor the situation and take further action if it happens again. | |

| | |

|Councillors took part in a litter pick at the beginning of April. The clerk is to put a piece in the next newsletter asking | |

|dog walkers not to bag up dog waste and then leave it on the side of the road. | |

| | |

|Concern was raised over the state of the road from Trebullett to Launceston which has been patched but is still in very poor | |

|condition. The clerk is to contact Highways raising concerns and asking that future repairs be done with hot tar. Hedges have | |

|not been trimmed this season between Trebullett and Trecarrell Mill and at Prickhams. The back lane to Greystone Bridge is | |

|often obstructed by large stones which have fallen from the hedge into the road and can cause damage to vehicles. It is | |

|believed they are dislodged by quarry blasting. The clerk is to write to Greystone Quarry asking that they sweep this stretch | |

|of road once a month. | |

| | |

|The possibility of installing acoustic panels in the church hall was discussed to improve hearing. Free quotes and surveys are| |

|available. The clerk asked to investigate and ask for agreement from the church council. Afternote: The clerk has asked G |LS, Clerk |

|Holter to assist in enquiries. |LS |

| | |

|Cllr Shelley reported on the days’ CALC meeting. There is the possibility of redundancies among Community Network Managers. | |

|Councillors agreed that they perform a valuable role and any reduction in numbers would be detrimental to Town and Parish | |

|Councils. All were in favour that the clerk should write to Cornwall Council expressing this concern. The letter should be | |

|sent to CALC to be circulated to other Town and Parish Councils. | |

| | |

|A preliminary discussion was held on uses for the £1250 wind turbine compensation. It was suggested that it be spent on | |

|specific projects that members of the public could see and benefit from. The expenditure is not committed at the present time | |

|and this item will be placed on a future agenda for proper discussion. | |

| | |

|13.037 Date of next meeting. Tuesday 14th May. Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm followed by regular monthly meeting. | |

| | |

|The Meeting closed at 8.40pm |Clerk |

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|Signed : Chairman Date: | |

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| |Clerk |

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| |GH, Clerk |

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| |Clerk, LS |


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