Cornerstone Baptist Church

Cornerstone Baptist Church

Position Paper On Current Issues

Cornerstone Baptist Church does not endorse the modern ecumenical movement. We do not join with, give a platform to, or promote in any way those churches and organizations that have abandoned doctrinal truth for the sake of unity. The Scripture clearly warns us that in the last days there will be a departure from sound doctrine and an ever increasing presence of false teachers, apostasy and luke-warmness prior to the return of Jesus Christ. Rather, we are commanded to faithfully preach the whole counsel of God and to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.

Cornerstone Baptist Church rejects the church growth movement which places an undue emphasis on felt needs and entertainment to reach the unchurched. We are fully persuaded that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation to all them that believe and that it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. As God’s people, we are to be distinct and separated from the world rather than to mimic it in our lives or worship services. As believers we meet to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. Therefore, the emphasis of our worship service, both in music and proclamation, is glorifying our great God and Savior Jesus Christ through obedience to His Word.

Cornerstone Baptist Church does not embrace the integration of psychology with Scripture. We believe that the Word of God stands on its own and is sufficient not only to save but also to prepare any individual, willing to heed it, for every good work. The Bible makes no distinction between counseling and discipleship and the church was called to make disciples of Christ not counselees of counselors. Biblical counseling must take its subordinate place within the process of discipleship. We uphold the sufficiency of God’s grace and the power of God’s Word to adequately deal with the trials and temptations of life. If Christ is able to deliver us from the depths of hell, surely He can deliver us from the problems of this life.

Cornerstone Baptist Church does not promote or support in any way the Charismatic movement. We believe this movement gives undue prominence to a gift that had only limited value even in New Testament times within the first century church. Charismatics often suggest that tongues-speaking is the necessary evidence of the special work of the Holy Spirit as a second work of grace when in fact this is not taught in Scripture. The Charismatic movement tends to place more emphasis on sign-gifts as an external manifestation of the Spirit than on the work of the Spirit in the inner man to produce Christ-like character and behavior. It also fails to recognize that the use of tongues in the early church was for a sign to the unbelieving Jew and that this sign was the use of a known foreign language unknown by the speaker so gifted by God for the proclamation of the gospel and not the promotion of the person. The Charismatic movement fails to recognize that God sovereignly gives gifts to men not on demand and not universally as no one gift is meant for every believer.

Cornerstone Baptist Church rejects political involvement as the answer to the moral dilemma of our day. While we believe every Christian should be an informed and responsible citizen who is involved in the electoral process, political and social agendas should never take precedence over the preaching of the gospel. The church is charged with keeping its spiritual focus to be the salt and light of the world. The Scripture gives no support of solving man’s sin problem through a political or social process. Governments are ordained of God to restrain evil, only Jesus Christ can save the soul and change the heart.

Cornerstone Baptist Church does not endorse, exemplify or excuse the Contemporary Christian Movement either in its message, methods or music.

Cornerstone Baptist Church does not recognize the validity of all modern translations of Scripture. We simply and unapologetically accept, with unshakable confidence, the King James translation as God’s preserved Word.


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