Age of Jesus and the Apostles

“Liberal Theologians saw themselves as “saviors” of a defunct, out-of-date Christianity. They dismissed or re-interpreted Scripture to make it more acceptable to modern world.

Reductive Liberalism: reduced orthodox beliefs to “least common denominator” that anyone in the modern world could accept (led to Ecumenicalism)

Denominationally speaking, the Reformation was to “fission” as the 20th century was to “fusion”

Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus said…

“Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it.

“For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.

Laodicea: The Apostate Church

Depart, Forsake, Fall (Stay) Away From

|1900 Fundamental vs. Modern Controversy 1950 Post-Modern Period 2000 |



1983, “Third Wave”-signs, wonders, prophecy, healing

1901, Azuza St Revival-(2nd work of Holy Spirit) Pentecostal Holiness Movement

1950’s Charismatic Movement

1960’s, Jesus People

Contemporary Christian Music Movement (CCM)

1909, 1st Study Bible, Scofield-

Popularized 7 Dispensational Ages

1976, “Year of the Evangelical”

1980’s Moral Majority

1953, Graham Crusades integrated


Church Growth Movement

1978, Jesus film

now seen by 1.1 billion

1904, Welsh Revivals

Bend us! Bend us! Bend us!

Cell or small groups, G-12

1948, Dead Sea Scrolls, 100 BC

1990, 40% Americans-“Born Again”

1950-2000, >10 million Christians martyred

1905, Zionist Movement

1925, Scopes Trial


Political Correctness


1964, MKL “I have a dream”

1933-45 The Holocaust, Nazis murdered 6 million Jews

“Fresh” translations of the Bible

1910, World Council of Churches

1962, Vatican II

1917, Balfour Act

(Jewish Homeland)

1994, ECT signed

Evangelicals & Catholics Together

1945, WWII ends

GR-Nazism falls

IT-Fascism falls

JP- Imperialism falls

1962-Removed prayer in school

1963-Removed Bible reading in school

1917- Communist Revolution attempted to eradicate Christianity

1970’s Dr. Spock advocated that children must be led, not corrected-for their own happiness

66% of world is Non-Christian

May 14, 1948, ISRAEL –

declared a nation again!



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