July 2014 News from

October 2014 News from Bdecan Presbyterian Church:

Bdecan Food Pantry

On Thursday, September 18th, the Bdecan Food Pantry served 24 households. Many members of Bdecan Presbyterian Church helped make this happen. The people that received food from the Bdecan Food Pantry were very grateful for the food.

Bdecan Soup Kitchen

For the past several months, members from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Devils Lake, ND have served a hot meal once a month to the Spirit Lake Reservation. This takes place from 5:30-7:00 p.m. on the evenings of the Bdecan Food Pantry. The people who come for the meal hear about Bdecan Presbyterian Church, and the weekly programs Bdecan offers. The Sunday school and Wednesday night K.I.C.K. programs have been promoted during this monthly event. This meal is a wonderful outreach to the Spirit Lake Reservation.

Samaritan’s Feet


On Saturday, October 11th, 8 kids from Bdecan Presbyterian Church went to Peace Lutheran Church in Devils Lake. When they got there, volunteers washed their feet, gave them a new pair of socks, and a brand new pair of shoes. They also got caps and mittens. The shoes for this event were donated by the organization Samaritan’s Feet. The kids were very happy to get new shoes, along with their parents and grandparents. It was a great morning, with many smiles.

Warwick Can Drive

The Leadership Team at Warwick Public School, in Warwick, ND held a can drive for Bdecan Food Pantry. On Tuesday, October 14th I went to get the food that was collected. There were 3 small boxes, and 13 bags of canned goods. The people that receive this food will be extremely grateful for it. It is great to see families giving back to the community when many people don’t have much. It is wonderful to have the schools participate in the ministry of the Bdecan Food Pantry.

Friendraiser Day at Bdecan

On Saturday, September 27th, the Bdecan Ministry Team of the Northern Plains Presbytery held their first ever Bdecan Friendraiser at Bdecan Presbyterian Church. 26 People from throughout the Northern Plains Presbytery came that day. It was a full day of fun going from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The day opened with a worship service. After worship, there was a free will offering lunch provided by the Bdecan Ministry Team.

In the afternoon, there were 2 workshops. One workshop was about the history and culture of the Spirit Lake Reservation, and Bdecan Presbyterian Church. It led by Ruling Elder Louie Garcia. The other workshop was a presentation on what things are happening at Bdecan by Joe Obermeyer.

During the afternoon there was a silent auction for a Parfleche Box and a Star Quilt. Both were donated by the ladies of Bdecan Presbyterian Church. After the workshops, there were optional tours of the Bdecan Food Pantry, the bunk trailers where mission teams stay, and the Manse. Many people came and saw the work that had been done at the manse over the summer by mission teams.

A huge thank you to all who helped make this day a huge success. This event could not have happened without the help of many people. There were many who helped with different things throughout the day. Many people from the ministry team helped provide lunch. Many people brought in clothing for the Bdecan Clothing Closet. There were also many financial contributions for the Youth and Outreach Coordinator at Bdecan Presbyterian Church.

A Call for Winter Clothes

Once again this year, there will be a kid’s winter clothes giveaway at the Woodlake Rec Center in Tokio. Last November kids from Tokio, ND received coats, hats, mittens, scarves, boots, and snow pants. Bdecan Presbyterian Church is looking for these donations again this year. The kids need these items in order to ride the bus to school in the winter months. For many kids on the Spirit Lake Reservation, the school bus is the only way to get to school.

I am still impressed with the amount of kid’s winter clothes donations that we received last year. If you are interested in donating, the deadline has been extended to October 27th. This is because there are not a lot of new kid’s winter clothes in stores yet. The giveaway will be Thursday, November 7th.

If you would rather contribute financially to this year’s winters clothes giveaway,

please make the check payable to Lake Region Parish.

Please send your financial contribution to:

Lake Region Presbyterian Parish

501 5th Street NE

Devils Lake, ND 58301

If you are interested in donating food or clothing items for the Bdecan Food Pantry, or if you have any questions, please call:

Joe Obermeyer

(701) 294-2283

or e-mail: jobermeyer@

Our Family Labels:


Join Bdecan Presbyterian Church as they continue collecting “Our Family” labels. So far, Bdecan has received 1,842 labels, which were mailed to Our Family. The deadline for labels has been extended to July 2016. Bdecan will get 5 cents for every label collected. So next time you buy any Our Family products, please take a minute and clip off the barcode on product. If possible, please put labels in bundles of 25.

Please mail labels to:

Joe Obermeyer

PO Box 141

Tokio, ND 58379

A Note from Joe

It is hard to believe that summer has come and gone. Now, we are in fall. The weather outside is a reminder to us that summer is truly over. The Bdecan Friendraiser on Saturday, September 27th was an amazing day at Bdecan. There were many different people from across the Northern Plains Presbytery that came to Bdecan Presbyterian Church. As I saw all these people, something came to my mind. 1st Corinthians 12:27 in the English Standard Version bible tells us, “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone had every talent or gift that we wanted? We could all be rock star singers, and pro athletes, or 5 star chefs. This is not the way God created us however. God gives people different talents in different areas. If we all had the same gift, there would be no need to ask others for help. If all people had the same gifts, we would all be weary and worn out. For this reason, God made many parts in one body. We are all part of the Body of Christ, working together for a common goal.

Although the supporters of Bdecan are spread out all over the United States, we are all working together for the same purpose, to see the light of Jesus spread throughout the Spirit Lake Reservation, and the world. I want to thank each and every one of you for the gifts that you have given to the ministry at Bdecan Presbyterian Church. Thank you to those who have helped support Bdecan in the past, and those who continue to support the ministry at Bdecan. This support shows that you believe in the good things that are happening at Bdecan Presbyterian Church. In order to continue to enhance the Bdecan Ministry, there is a need for financial gifts from people like you.

One of the new ways you can financially support Bdecan is through online giving on our website at and click on the Bdecan webpage. You will find the online giving button on the bottom of the page. It is a very easy, safe, and secure way to give to Bdecan ministry. You can make a onetime contribution, or contribute monthly.

There are three different areas where you can contribute to Bdecan.

You can contribute to:

the Bdecan Food Pantry,

The General Bdecan Account, or

The Youth and Outreach Coordinator position.

If you prefer to contribute by check, make it payable to Lake Region Parish, and please designate your contribution to one of the above areas.

and mail to:

Lake Region Presbyterian Parish

501 5th Street NE

Devils Lake, ND 58301

Any financial contribution that you can make will be greatly appreciated. Bdecan Presbyterian Church is a congregation that operates on the support of others. Please prayerfully consider giving a financial gift to support the ministry at Bdecan Presbyterian Church. Your gifts truly make a difference!



Joe Obermeyer

Youth and Outreach Coordinator

Bdecan Presbyterian Church

P.O. Box 141

Tokio, ND 58379

(701) 294-2283

E-mail: jobermeyer@


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