Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.3. No. 26; July 9, 2017 (5 pages)Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW), Carmen Otto (CO), Tim Marshall (TM), Paul Dowling (PD), Celeste Grieg (CG), J. David Lehman (JDL), Stephen Steinlight (SS), Myrna Davis (MD), Janet Levy (JL), Lisa K (LK), Tom Zimmerman (TZ), Rohini De Silva (RDS), Carolyn Guillot (CG), Becky Argo (BA), Linda Culpepper (LC), Nonie Darwish (ND)19050-1216 This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a place to post political news and as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. Historical records indicated these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and George. The Sons of Liberty erected the first on May 21, 1776.Trump Follies: CNN LosesBest Trump vs. CNN Memes:?(VIDEO 2:43) 7/5/2017 Hilarious and includes the Twitter wrestling meme. vs. CNN #CNNBlackmail Meme (VIDEO 3:47) 7/5/2017: Funny! Truth vs. CNN--Bill Whittle Channel?(VIDEO 5:25) 7/2/2017 User #CNNBlackmail Wrestling Video Apologizes (VIDEO 8:03) 7/5/2017 Live Stream TV News in Legal Jeopardy over #CNNBlackmail to Reddit User (VIDEO 7:22): 7/5/2017 Fox News: Gregg Jarrett and Anthony Scaramucci on "Hannity" with Judge Jeannine Carlson: CNN's "Grotesque" Handling of Trump Meme Creator (VIDEO 3:29) 7/5/2017 reacts to #CNNBlackmail of Private Citizen (VIDEO 2:13): 7/6/2017 could face Criminal Liability for Coercion in #CNNBlackmail (VIDEO 4:10) 7/6/2017 at RT America : McDonald's: Big Mac orders up Big Mech?: 6/28/2017 by Lianne Hikind at Media Research Center (MRCTV): Mech-Lovin' automation--brought to you by the?$15 minimum wage. scolds USA on "too much" Patriotism--on July 4th weekend: 7/2/2017 by Kyle Olson at the American Mirror "The Violence of Lies"--NRA Freedom's Safest Place (VIDEO) 4/7/2017 Dana Loesch ad is taking heat for?political violence. Worth this repeat! Obamacare repeal to alter Medicaid: 7/4/2017 by Harrison Jacobs and Bob Bryan at Business Insider: Weaning in order? SarsourAnarchist Now…Linda Sarsour calls for "Jihad" against Trump (VIDEO: 2:04): 7/6/2017 Fascist in the White House. Yeah. Do not assimilate. 's March Leader calls for "Jihad" against Trump (VIDEO 22:42) 7/6/2017 by Ben Shapiro at the Daily Wire: Anarchist or Terrorist? What lurks behind the First Amendment in America? Linda Sarsour. …Linda Sarsour: Women's March Leader/Fake Feminist: 2/3/2017 by Alex Vanness at Breitbart (continued) from Page 2:New Ken Dolls: Not a Man in the Bunch: 6/21/2017 by Amy Held MPR News: Adds new meaning to "boy toy." : CNN leading the Collapse of Liberal Media (VIDEO: 11:05): Details the history of CNN's "Credibility Crisis." (RDS) Day: a how-to guide to build a free USA: 7/4/2017 by Susan Shelley at Los Angeles Daily News: Time for a modern-day Sons of Liberty. policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. Contribute: If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor: Sunday Liberty Pole to klkenneyphd@ for a future edition.New! Sunday Liberty Pole archives. Readers’ choice: a DOCX or PDF version of previous editions at the Hearth: Why Socialism is Back: 7/3/2017 by Joel Kotkin at New Geography: God Serve the State, Comrade? Why the Post-Millennials will Vote Republican: 7/1/2017 by Salena Zito at the New York Post: Move over millennials and Progressives Service stops possible Ivanka Assassin in Trump Tower: By Andrew West at the Constitution: Yeah. The Left is non-violent like Islam is the religion of peace. minds: The Cognitive Difference between Males and Females: by Bruce Goldman Spring 2017 edition of Stanford Medicine. Topic on Dennis Prager's "Male/Female Hour" (7/5/2017 on 870 AM) continued on Page 4Hearth (continued from Page 3)Sharia for Dummies: 6/29/2017 by Nonie Darwish at Geller Report: A primer on current ancient tyranny: Worth this repeat. Was America Founded to be Secular? 7/3/2017 by Joshua Charles at PragerU . Kamala Harris et al Abuse Offices for Witch-Hunt of Investigative Journalists: 6/29/2017 by Katy Grimes at Canada Free Press: Evangelicals become "Useful Idiots" for Islamists: 6/24/2017 by James Simpson at American Thinker: Thought piece with punch and a quote from Lenin. (KK) Islam to Vet Muslims: 3/15/2017 by Political Islam: Bill Warner, PhD on Islam/Sharia--the Devil is in the details. Definition: F.A.C.T.S. Defining our Culture: 3/7/2017 at Channel the Space: Bill Warner, PhD: Freedom vs. Slavery; Critical Thought vs. Autobots SCOTUS Case could Free Public Employees from Paying?Forced Union?Dues: 6/30/2017 by Larry Sand at City Journal: Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Association and Janus vs. AFSCME--on the docket. Declaration of Independence 9 Key Concepts: 4/16/2009 posted by cmseibert Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident: Orwell explored 3/6/2016 posted by Bill Johnson (voice over by Peter Field--the Timberline Review) of Independence: Read by future President John F. Kennedy (1958) Reels: Movie Madness: Independence"Independence Day" Movie?(Presidential Speech): 6/29/2012 on You Tube FHEfoxconnect "Armageddon" Movie?Speech: 5/2/2010 on You Tube James Bond "The Newsroom" (HBO)--Why America isn't Greatest Country in the World: 9/18/2012 on You Tube Jeff Taube "The Great Dictator"--Charlie Chaplin: 12/26/2011 on You Tube Tragedy & Hope Cleans Trump's Star on Walk of Fame, takes Viral Hits: 7/4/2017 by Kirsty Jane at eHeadlines Carter: Explains how The Establishment gave us Trump (VIDEO 7:43): 5/11/2017 at Secular Talk on You Tube 4 Fireworks Follies:?7/2/2015?U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission?PSA (VIDEO): Unintentionally funny and?horrifying fireworks safety (VIDEO) 10 Craziest Fireworks Fails: 10/29/2015 Spencer: The "Moderate" in Islam (VIDEO 6:07): 6/1/2017 on You Tube by Freedom Speaks: Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch?on moderate Islam versus Islamists who are moderate. (KK) publishes, retracts, and apologizes for Fake News (VIDEO 2:20): 6/27/2017 at RT America ................

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