Foreign Students


Eligibility Conditions for Preparatory year for the study of the Romanian language, Bachelor studies, Master studies or Doctoral studies:

In order to access the Romanian national higher education system, non-EU (other countries that are not members of the European Union) must meet all of the following requirements:

a) they must provide documents certifying their citizenship and their home country, in order to be able to apply for enrolment to self-funded studies in Romania;

b) they must be high school graduates holding a baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent;

c) candidates applying for a study program in Romanian must submit a certificate of graduation from the preparatory year for the study of the Romanian language for Bachelor studies or Master studies. The following categories of candidates are exempt from submitting the aforementioned certificate:

* Candidates who submit Romanian graduation documents (diplomas and certificates) or study records certifying at least 4 consecutive school years in Romanian, in an institution in the national education system;

* Candidates who submit a language competence certificate of level B1 or above, in compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, issued by accredited higher education institutions in Romania that organize the preparatory year for the study of the Romanian language for foreign citizens, by Romanian language, literature, culture and civilization lectorates abroad, the Romanian Language Institute or the Romanian Cultural Institute.

d) candidates who apply for the study programs of the University of Petroșani organized in a foreign language (English) shall submit a language competence certificate issued by internationally acknowledged institutions or can take a test at the “Eurolanguage” Linguistic Center of the University of Petroșani. Candidates whose native language coincides with the teaching language of the study program are NOT expected to submit a language competence certificate.

d) candidates who submit their documents folder within the time limit established by the University of Petrosani;

The candidates who wish to enroll at the University of Petroșani shall submit documents authenticated by Romania’s diplomatic missions in the issuing countries to the address: the University of Petroșani, Str. Universității nr.20, postal code 332006, to the attention of the Registrar, Preda Ana, or by e-mail: or ana_preda79@

Candidates can also hand in the documents personally. The documents will be processed at the university, which will transmit a list of candidates proposed for the issuing of the letter of acceptance to studies to the Ministry of National Education - the Office for International Relations and European Affairs. Selections will be performed within the faculties.

The letter of acceptance issued by the Office for International Relations and European Affairs is transmitted to the university.

All candidates shall pay a document processing fee of 50 Euro, which covers the processing of the documents necessary for the issuing of the letter of acceptance to studies. The processing fee shall be transferred into the account of the university prior to the submission of the documents folder. Evidence of payment shall be provided alongside wit the folder. The processing fee is non-refundable and shall be paid only by bank transfer to:

Beneficiary/account holder: Universitatea din Petroșani

Address of beneficiary: str. Universității, nr.20, 332006 Petroșani, Hunedoara, Romania


Bank address:Str. Mihai Viteazu nr.4

Beneficiary: Universitatea din Petroșani



Documents necessary for the issuing of the letter of acceptance to studies

1. Application form for candidacy to the issuing of the letter of acceptance to studies:

2. Birth certificate - copy and legalized translation;

3. Copy of the document certifying the permanent residence abroad;

4. Copy of the passport, valid for at least 6 months after the date of the issuing of the letter of acceptance to studies;

5. Copy and legalized translation of the baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent and faculty graduation diploma for candidates to master studies, authenticated by competent authorities in the issuing country;

6. Copy and legalized translation of the document certifying high school graduation for the current year graduates;

7. Grade transcripts pertaining to the respective study level - copies and legalized translations;

8. Certificate of graduation from the preparatory year for the study of the Romanian language, or language competence certificate, as applicable;

9. Medical certificate (in an international language) certifying that the candidate does not suffer from contagious diseases or other conditions incompatible with the future profession;

10. Two passport-type photos (3/4 cm);

11. Evidence of transfer into the university account of the non-refundable document processing fee of 50 Euro;

13. A self-addressed envelope, with the exact address of the candidate (name, surname, city/town, street, number, postal code, country).

Selection criteria

The selection of candidates to undergraduate/master studies (for different fields and study programs) for academic year 2018-2019 is based on admission contest, taking into account the average grade at the baccalaureate exam for admission to undergraduate studies, and the average grade at the faculty graduation exam for admission to master studies; the admission conditions for doctoral studies are stipulated in the Methodology regarding the organization and development of the admission contest for doctoral studies in academic year 2018/2019:

Payment of tuition fee

After obtaining the letter of acceptance to studies, candidates shall confirm their attendance by providing evidence of the tuition fee payment; tuition fee shall be paid in advance for 9 months by bank transfer in the university account, open at BCR, branch Petroșani.

For non-EU candidates, the tuition fee is as it follows:

|Field |Tuition fee (Euro/month, for Preparatory year for the |Tuition fee (Euro/month, for doctorate |

| |study of the Romanian language, bachelor and master |level) |

| |studies) | |

|Engineering |270 |290 |

|Economic sciences |220 |- |

|Social sciences and humanities |220 |- |

Obtaining the study visa

After obtaining the letter of acceptance to studies, the candidate must pay the required fees and submit the documents necessary for study visa from Romania’s diplomatic mission in their home country. Each candidate must contact personally the Romanian Embassy or Consulate. If there is no Romanian diplomatic mission in their home country, the candidates are advised to contact one of the nearest Romanian diplomatic missions in the area.

Registration with the police department

All foreign citizens who intend to study in Romania for an extended period must register with the local police department within 3 days from their entering the country. After registration, they must submit the documents necessary for the residence permit.

Registration with the faculty

After obtaining the letter of acceptance to studies and the study visa, candidates shall register with the chosen faculty.

Registration of foreign citizens for all study levels shall be made in compliance with the requirements of each faculty.

Upon registration, candidates shall submit the documents in the candidacy folder in the original, authenticated by the Romanian embassy in the issuing country or bearing the Hague Apostille, as applicable.


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