Министерство образования Российской Федерации

Министерство образования Российской Федерации

Омский государственный технический университет


По обучению устным разговорным темам

Для студентов 1 курса

Омск – 2002

Составитель И.Н. Кубышко, ст. преп. каф. ин. языков



I. I. Vocabulary list


1. to consist of - состоять из

2. to work as (an engineer) – работать (инженером)

3. to be fond of – любить, увлекаться

4. to serve in the Army – служить в армии

5. to have much work to do – иметь много работы

6. to retire on pension – выйти на пенсию

7. to keep house – вести дом. хозяйство

8. to take after smb. – быть похожим на кого-либо

9. to be married – быть женатым (замужем)

10. to be single – быть не женатым (не замужем)

11. a relative – родственник

12. experienced – опытный

13. elder, eldest – старший

14. younger, youngest – младший

15. at the age of – в возрасте

16. a first year student – первокурсник

17. rather – довольно

18. to enter – поступить (в учебное заведение)

19. to try – стараться, пытаться

20. plant – завод

21. turner - токарь

II. Text


My name is Vladimir. I am a first year student of the Omsk Technical University.

My family is rather large. My home town is Omsk, and my father is an engineer at one of the city’s plants. My father is not yet fifty. My mother is a teacher at one of the secondary schools of the city. She teaches Russian and Russian literature and is very fond of her work with the children.

My brother is three years older than I. He has served two years in the Army, and now he works at a plant as a turner. Next year Pavel is going to enter the evening department of the Technical University.

My sister Olga studies at school, she is in the 10th form. After finishing school she is going to enter the Pedagogical University. Olga is fond of music and plays the piano.

We have a grandmother. She keeps house and has much work to do during the day. We all try to help her.

We have many relatives. They live in Omsk and in other cities. They often come to see us at our place, or we go to see them.

III. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases

1. выйти на пенсию

2. быть похожим на кого-либо

3. быть первокурсником

4. токарь

5. инженер

6. поступить на вечернее отделение

7. вести домашнее хозяйство

8. родственники

9. увлекаться чем-либо

10. иметь много работы

IV. Make up sentences

1. To be, I, a, student, first, year.

2. My, large, to be, family.

3. An, my, father, to be, engineer.

4. My, teacher, mother, to be.

5. My, retired, grandmother, year, last.

6. Sister, at, my, studies, school.

7. Brother, my, works, turner, as.

8. To have, relatives, we, many.

V. Answer the following questions

1. How large is your family?

2. How many persons does your family consist of?

3. What are you?

4. Have you any brothers or sisters?

5. What are your parents?

6. What are your brothers (sisters)?

7. Have you any grandparents?

8. Who keeps house in your family?

9. What is your hobby?

10. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

11. Have you many relatives?

12. Do you often go to see them?

VI. Speak about yourself



I. Vocabulary list

1. Technical University - технический университет

2. department - факультет

III. 3. mechanical-engineering d. – механико–технологический факультет

IV. 4. machine-building d. – машиностроительный факультет

V. 5. poligraphical d. – полиграфический факультет

VI. 6. automation d. – факультет автоматизации

VII. 7. electrical-engineering d. – электротехнический факультет

VIII. 8. radio-engineering d. – радиотехнический факультет

IX. 9. faculty of refrigerating machines – факультет холодильных машин

10. faculty of automation installations – факультет автоматических установок

X. 11. faculty of flight vehicles – факультет летательных аппаратов

XI. 12. faculty of humanity education – факультет гуманитарного образования

13. faculty of economical management – факультет экономики и управления

XII. 14. lecture hall – лекционный зал

XIII. 15. drawing hall – чертежный зал

XIV. 16. reading hall – читальный зал

XV. 17. workshop – мастерская

XVI. 18. equip – оборудовать

XVII. 19. equipment – оборудование

XVIII. 20. apparatus – аппарат

XIX. 21. research – исследование

XX. 22. carry out experiment – проводить опыты

XXI. 23. scientific society – научное общество

XXII. 24. higher mathematics – высшая математика

XXIII. 25. strength of materials – сопромат

XXIV. 26. mechanics – механика

XXV. 27. machine elements – детали машин

XXVI. 28. drawing – черчение

XXVII. 29. descriptive geometry – начертательная геометрия

XXVIII. 30. mark – оценка

XXIX. 31. satisfactory – удовлетворительно

XXX. 32. to take an examination – сдавать экзамен

XXXI. 33. to take a test – сдавать зачет

XXXII. 34. to pass an examination – сдать экзамен

XXXIII. 35. to fail in an examination – не сдать экзамен

XXXIV. 36. to enter the University – поступить в университет

XXXV. 37. to graduate from the University – окончить университет

XXXVI. 38. to be in the first year – быть на 1 курсе

XXXVII. 39. to be the first year student – быть первокурсником

XXXVIII. 40. to attend – посещать

XXXIX. 41. to have classes – иметь занятия

XL. 42. to work hard – упорно работать

XLI. 43. to take part in – принимать участие

XLII. 44. to get a scholarship – получать стипендию

XLIII. 45. to train specialists – готовить специалистов

XLIV. 46. to deliver a lecture on – читать лекцию по …

XLV. 47. to give classes – проводить занятия

XLVI. 48. to give labs – проводить лабораторные работы

XLVII. 49. term – семестр

II. Text


The Technical University is one of the biggest Higher Educational establishments in Omsk. It trains specialist for various branches of industry. It was founded in 1942. There was only one faculty at the University at that time. It was the mechanical – engineering faculty. The first 25 engineers graduated from this faculty in 1947.

Our University trains radio, electrical, polygraphical and mechanical engineers. It’s numerous laboratories for both teaching and research purposes are equipped with modern apparatus, tools and instrument to provide a high level of training.

There is a large library and a reading hall in the University where the students can get any necessary textbook on special subjects. In the reading hall one can get periodicals for reading. Reading and drawing – halls are also places where students prepare their hometasks.

The University teaching staff is large. There are more than seven hundred teachers, masters of science and professors who deliver lectures on different subjects and give classes to the students. The students attend lectures and classes according to the time – table. Besides, they have practice in the workshops and the laboratories.

The students study the following subjects: history, higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, descriptive geometry, machine elements, drawing, foreign languages and many others.

Twice a year students take examinations. Those who work hard at subjects during the term do not fail in the exams and pass them well, getting good and excellent marks.

There is a students scientific society at the University. Both first year students and those who are in the fourth or fifth years may join it and do research there.

Many students take an active part in the social work. They attend conferences, discuss books, plays and films, organize evening parties and amateur concert, go in for sports.

III. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases

XLVIII. 1. готовить специалистов

XLIX. 2. быть основным

L. 3. факультет

LI. 4. оканчивать ВУЗ

LII. 5. многочисленный

LIII. 6. исследовательский

LIV. 7. периодическая печать

LV. 8. преподавательский состав

LVI. 9. читать лекции

LVII. 10. посещать лекции

LVIII. 11. сдавать экзамен

LIX. 12. сдать экзамен

LX. 13. не сдать экзамен

LXI. 14. студенческое научное общество

IV. Make up sentences

LXII. 1. It, 1942, in, to be, found.

LXIII. 2. University, to train, our, specialists, different.

LXIV. 3. There, to be, library, a, University, in, the.

LXV. 4. The, stuff, University, teaching, large, to be.

LXVI. 5. The, subjects, students, study, different.

LXVII. 6. Students, the, society, there, to be, a, scientific.

LXVIII. 7. Many, social, students, to take part, an, part, active, in, work, University, at.

V. Answer the following questions

LXIX. 1. When was the Technical University founded?

LXX. 2. Which faculty was the first one?

LXXI. 3. What kind of specialists does our University train?

LXXII. 4. How many departments are there at our University?

LXXIII. 5. What subjects do students study at the University?

LXXIV. 6. Who delivers lectures on mathematics?

LXXV. 7. When do you usually take your exams?

LXXVI. 8. How do students usually spend their free time after classes?

LXXVII. 9. Do you take part in Social life of the University?

VI. Speak about the University you study at using the following words and word combinations

To be founded, a department, a library, a reading hall, laboratories, an equipment, to work hard, to take examinations, facilities.

VII. Make up a story about the first-year students using the following words and word combinations

A department, a subject, to have practical skills, to work hard, to equip, to pass examinations, laboratories.



I. Vocabulary list

LXXVIII. 1. сompulsory – обязательный

LXXIX. 2. to complete – заканчивать

LXXX. 3. grade – степень

LXXXI. 4. to leave – уходить, оставлять

LXXXII. 5. gymnasium – гимназия

LXXXIII. 6. college – колледж

LXXXIV. 7. citizen – гражданин

LXXXV. 8. right – право

LXXXVI. 9. to guarantee – гарантировать

LXXXVII. 10. to incorporate – соединять

LXXXVIII. 11. kindergarten – детский сад

LXXXIX. 12. crèche – детские ясли

XC. 13. certain – определенный

XCI. 14. lyceum – лицей

XCII. 15. tuition – обучение

XCIII. 16. free of charge – бесплатный

XCIV. 17. free-paying – платный

XCV. 18. choice – выбор

XCVI. 19. to enter – поступать

XCVII. 20. vocational - профессиональный

21. receive – получать

22. certificate – удостоверение, свидетельство

II. Text


In the Russian Federation the school education is compulsory. Pupils begin to go to school at the age of six or seven. When they complete high grades they can either continue to study at school for 2 years, or go to a professional schools where they study not only main subjects, but are able to learn some professions. When school pupils leave school they can try to continue their education in institutes or universities.

There are many types of schools in Russia: specialized, polytechnical, musical, art and others. Nowadays some new types of schools appeared: gymnasiums and colleges. Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The public educational system in our country incorporates pre-school, general school, specialized secondary and higher education.

Pre-schools consist of kindergartens and crèches. Children there learn reading, writing and arithmetic. But pre-school education isn’t compulsory-children can get it at home.

Compulsory education is for children from 6 (7) to 17 years of age. There are various types of schools: general secondary schools, schools specializing in a certain subject, high schools, lyceum and so on. Tuition in most of them is free of charge, but some new types of schools are free-paying. The term of study in a general secondary school is 11 years and consists of primary, middle and upper stages.

After the 9th form pupils have to take examinations. Also they have a choice between entering the 10th grade of a general secondary school and entering a specialized secondary or vocational school.

Persons who finish the general secondary school, receive a secondary education certificate, giving them the right to enter any higher educational establishment. Entrance examinations are held in July and August. Institutions are headed by rectors; the faculties are headed by the deans. One has to study in the institute for 5 years. Higher educational institutions train students in one or several specializations.

III. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases

XCVIII. 1. школьное образование

XCIX. 2. обязательный

C. 3. ходить в школу

CI. 4. продолжать учиться

CII. 5. профессиональная школа

6. заканчивать школу

7. специализированный

8. политехнический

9. музыкальный

10. художественный

11. гимназии и колледжи

12. право на образование

13. дошкольный

CIII. 14. детский сад

CIV. 15. детские ясли

CV. 16. лицей

CVI. 17. бесплатный

CVII. 18. платный

CVIII. 19. сдать экзамены

CIX. 20. свидетельство о среднем образовании

CX. 21. высшее учебное заведение

CXI. 22. вступительные экзамены

CXII. 23. обучать

IV. Make up sentences

CXIII. 1. Compulsory, to be, in, Russian Federation, the, school, education.

CXIV. 2. Many types, school, to be, there of, schooling, Russia in.

CXV. 3. Citizens, Russia, right, to have, of, the, to, education.

CXVI. 4. Crèches, kindergarten, pre – schools, consist, of, and.

CXVII. 5. Some, types, of, new, schools, free – paying, to be.

CXVIII. 6. Entrance, July, August, examinations, to be, to hold, in, and.

CXIX. 7. To study, to have, in, for, the, institute, years, five.

V. Answer the following questions

CXX. 1. Is the school education in Russia compulsory?

CXXI. 2. How many types of schools are there in Russia?

CXXII. 3. What new types of schools appeared nowadays?

CXXIII. 4. Is the right to education guaranteed by the Constitution in our country?

CXXIV. 5. What kind of pre – schools do you know?

CXXV. 6. Are they compulsory?

CXXVI. 7. When do children begin to go to school?

CXXVII. 8. Is the tuition free of charge in our country?

CXXVIII. 9. What choice does the 9th former have?

CXXIX. 10. What kind of document does the person who finishes the general secondary school receive?

CXXX. 11. How many years do students study to get a higher education?

VI. Speak about

1) Secondary education

2) Higher education. Using the following words and word combinations:

a) School education, to go to school, at the age of, to complete, types of school, tuition, free of charge, free – paying, to consist, primary, middle, upper stages, choice 10th grade, vocational school;

b) Person, finish, general secondary school, receive, certificate, the right to enter, higher educational establishment, entrance examinations, to hold, to be headed, rector, dean, faculty, train, specialist.



I. Vocabulary list

1. syllabus – программа (обучения)

2. entry – поступление (в учебное заведение)

3. infant – детский

4. primary school – начальная школа

5. junior – младший

6. gain – зарабатывать, добывать; добиваться

7. determine – определять

8. selective – отборочный

9. opportunity – возможность

10. compulsory – обязательный

11. nursery – ясли

12. comprehensive – всесторонний

13. majority – большинство

14. term – семестр

15. support – поддерживать

16. provide – обеспечивать

II. Text


The system of education in Great Britain is determined by the National Education Acts. Schools in England are supported from public funds. There are several basic features of public education in Britain. Firstly, there are wide variations between one part of the country and another. Secondly, education in Britain mirrors the country’s social system: it is classdivided and selective. The first division is between those who pay and those who do not pay. Another important feature of schoolchildren. The English school syllabus is divided into Arts and Sciences, which determines the division of the secondary school pupils into study groups. The National Education Act of 1944 provided three stages of education. Compulsory schooling in England and Wales lasts 11 years, from the age of 5 to 16. After the age of 16 a growing number of school students are staying on at school, some until 18 or 19, the age of entry into higher educational universities. British university courses are rather short, generally lasting for 3 years. The cost of education depends on the college and specialty which one chooses.

In some areas of England there are nursery schools for children under 5 years of age. Some children between 2 and 5 receive education in nursery classes or in infant classes in primary schools. Most children start school at 5 in a primary school.

A primary school may be divided into two parts – infants and juniors. At 7 children go on from the infant schools to the junior schools. They study reading, composition, history, geography, Nature Study, Art and Music, Physical Education, Swimming are also on the timetable. The pupils are streamed according to their abilities to learn into A, B, C and streams.

After the age of 11, most children go to comprehensive school of which the majority are for both – boys and girls. About 90% of all state – financed secondary schools are of this type. Most other children receive secondary education in grammar and secondary modern schools. At 18 most public school – leavers gain entry to universities.

The academic year in Britain’s Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education is divided into three terms, which usually run from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March, and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July.

There are 46 universities in Britain. English universities greatly differ from each other. They differ in date of foundation, size, history, tradition, general organization, methods of instruction, way of student life. After three years of study a university graduated will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Later he may continue to take the Master’s Degree and then the Doctor’s Degree. Research is an important feature of university work.

III. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases:

CXXXI. 1. система образования

CXXXII. 2. определять

CXXXIII. 3. поддерживать

CXXXIV. 4. основные черты

CXXXV. 5. деление

CXXXVI. 6. обеспечивать

CXXXVII. 7. стадии образования

CXXXVIII. 8. зависеть

9. среднее образование

10. выпускник школы

11. поступление в университет

12. академический год

13. отличаться

14. выпускник университета

15. исследование

IV. Make up sentences

CXXXIX. 1. To be, schools, in, support, from, England, funds, public.

CXL. 2. Schooling, last, compulsory, years, 11.

CXLI. 3. Children, 5, most, start, school, at.

CXLII. 4. Children, go, most, comprehensive, to, school.

CXLIII. 5. The, year, to be, academic, divide, into, 3, terms.

CXLIV. 6. Research, an, to be, feature, important, work, of, university.

V. Answer the following questions

CXLV. 1. What are the basic features of public education in Great Britain?

CXLVI. 2. How long does the compulsory schooling last?

CXLVII. 3. Where do children between 2 and 5 receive education?

CXLVIII. 4. Where do children go on from the infant school?

CXLIX. 5. Where do children go after the age of 11?

CL. 6. Where do most school-leavers gain entry at 18?

CLI. 7. How many terms do the academic year is divided into?

CLII. 8. How many universities are there in Britain?

CLIII. 9. What will be after three years of study at the university?

CLIV. 10. What is an important part of university work?

VI. Make up a plan of the text

VII. Give a short story about Education in Great Britain

VIII. Speak about Secondary Education in Great Britain using the following words and word combinations

To be supported, public funds, basic features, variations, social system, classdivided, selective, pay, opportunities, syllabus, study groups, primary, secondary, further, compulsory, age, university courses, last, cost.

IX. Speak about the students life in Great Britain using the following words and word combinations

University, differ, date of foundation, size, history, tradition, organization, methods of instruction, student life, graduate, to leave, Degree of Bachelor of, continue, Master’s Degree, Doctor’s Degree, research.



I. Vocabulary list

CLV. 1. bank – берег

CLVI. 2. anniversary – годовщина

CLVII. 3. merchant – купец, купеческий

CLVIII. 4. inhabitant – житель

CLIX. 5. unpaved – немощенный

CLX. 6. crooked – кривой

CLXI. 7. pass through – проходить

CLXII. 8. exile – ссылка

CLXIII. 9. welfare – материальный

CLXIV. 10. spirit – дух

CLXV. 11. fate – судьба

CLXVI. 12. eminent – замечательный

CLXVII. 13. strive – стремиться


CLXIX. 14. revalue – переоценить

CLXX. 15. energies – усилия


CLXXI. 1. siberian – сибирский

CLXXII. 2. oil Refinery – нефтеперерабатывающий завод

CLXXIII. 3. tire-making plant – шинный завод

4. synthetic Rubber plant – завод по производству синтетического каучука

CLXXIV. 5. smoke-black plant – сажевый завод

CLXXV. 6. trans-Siberian Railway – Транссибирская железная дорога

CLXXVI. 7. drama Theatre – Драматический театр

CLXXVII. 8. musical Theatre – Музыкальный театр

CLXXVIII. 9. puppet Theatre – Кукольный театр

CLXXIX. 10. concert Hall – Концертный зал

CLXXX. 11. sports and Concert Palace – СКК

CLXXXI. 12. omsk Folk Choir – Омский русский народный хор

CLXXXII. 13. omsk Symphony Orchestra – Омский симфонический оркестр

CLXXXIII. 14. fine Arts Museum – Музей изобразительного искусства

CLXXXIV. 15. memorial Square – мемориал

CLXXXV. 16. eternal Flame – Вечный огонь

III. Text


Omsk is one of the oldest Russian towns. Omsk is situated on the banks of the Irtish and Om rivers. The Siberian City of Omsk celebrated its 280th Anniversary in 1996. A former small merchant town has turned for the years of Soviet power into a large industrial, scientific and cultural center of West Siberia. The city today numbers about 1200000 inhabitants.

At the beginning of the 18th century a group of Russian soldiers and Cossacks under the guidance of an officer Buhgolts founded a fortress on the left bank of the Om river. The fortress was later renamed a town of Omsk. So Omsk was founded in 1716. At the end of the 19th century the Great Trans-Siberian Railway passed through Omsk. Before the revolution Omsk was just like any other Siberian town – wooden houses, unpaved, dirty, crooked streets, no parks and gardens. Omsk was a place of exile. Decemberists and revolutionaries were exiled by the tzarist government to Omsk. A great Russian writer Dostoevsky spent 4 years in the Omsk fortress.

The city of labour produces goods in sum of more than 6 billion roubles a year. Some items are being supplied to more than 60 countries all over the world. The pride of our city is the first Oil Refinery, a giant of Siberian petrochemistry, which was put into operation in 1965. Besides, the chemical enterprises of our city include Synthetic Rubber plant, the Tyremaking plant, the Smoke-Black plant and others. Engineering, instrument making, light and building industries are developed in Omsk.

Omsk is with good reason considered a city of students, of the youth. Every the fourth of the city’s residents is studying. There are all kinds of educational institutions in Omsk. We have 14 Universities, many technical schools, libraries. The A.S.Pushkin library is the biggest of them.

The city’s history of welfare standards and culture has a particular effect on its characteristics and spirit. The lives and fates of such eminent people of the country as F.Dostoevsky and M.Vrubel, V.Kuibyshev and D.Karbyshev, P.Dravert and V.Shebalin, L.Martinov, S.Zaligin and other prominent figures in science and art are closely connected with Omsk.

There are a lot of varieties for leisure – theatres, museums, concert halls, exhibitions, gymnasiums, sports grounds, Palaces of Culture, discotheques and swimming pools – for townsfolk. For the believers there are cathedrals, prayers houses of various in the city. The best known theatres in Omsk are the Drama theatre, the Musical theatre, the Children’s theatre and the Puppet theatre. A fine Concert Hall, an Organ Hall, a Circus, the Sports and Concert Palace are at our disposal. The Omsk Folk Choir and the Omsk Symphony Orchestra are famous in the world. The Fine Arts Museum and other museums possess wide collections of exhibits and paintings. They are worth visiting. There is the Memorial Square with the Eternal Flame in the center of the city, a lot of monuments, fine green parks and gardens with many beautiful flowers and different kinds of entertainments.

But at the same time Omsk is the city with its own unsolved problems. We live in the period of great changes. We strive to revalue many respects and start life afresh. Our energies are directed to creating required productive, living and spiritual conditions for the Omsk residents.

IV. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and word combinations

CLXXXVI. 1. старинный русский город

CLXXXVII. 2. берег

CLXXXVIII. 3. праздновать

CLXXXIX. 4. маленький купеческий город

CXC. 5. житель

CXCI. 6. левый берег

CXCII. 7. проходить

CXCIII. 8. немощенный

CXCIV. 9. кривой

CXCV. 10. пыльный

CXCVI. 11. место ссылки

CXCVII. 12. гордость

CXCVIII. 13. считать, полагать

CXCIX. 14. город студентов

CC. 15. материальная и духовная культура

CCI. 16. собор

CCII. 17. храм

CCIII. 18. молитвенный дом

CCIV. 19. развлечения

CCV. 20. переоценить

V. Make up sentences

CCVI. 1. The city, to number, 1200000, inhabitant, today.

CCVII. 2. So, 1716, in, Omsk, to found.

CCVIII. 3. Oil Refinery, Siberian, petrochemistry, to be, a giant, of.

CCIX. 4. They, to be, visiting, worth.

CCX. 5. To live, we, in, of, the period, changes, great.

CCXI. 6. Library, Pushkin, to be, big, the, of, them.

VI. Answer the following questions

CCXII. 1. What is Omsk?

CCXIII. 2. How old is Omsk?

CCXIV. 3. What is the population of Omsk?

CCXV. 4. How was it founded?

CCXVI. 5. What are the main branches of industry in Omsk?

CCXVII. 6. Why do we consider Omsk a sity of students?

CCXVIII. 7. What theatres do you know in Omsk?

CCXIX. 8. What places of interest are there in Omsk?

CCXX. 9. What problems are the inhabitants of Omsk to solve?

VII. Make up a plant of the text

VIII. Give a short story about Omsk

IX. Speak about the history of Omsk using the following words and word combinations

To be situated, merchant town, to turn for, center, a group, soldiers and Cossacks, guidance, Buchgolts, to found, fortress, to be renamed, to be Sounded, Great Trans-Siberian Railway, to pass through, to be like, wooden, unpaved, dusty, crooked, exile, Dostoevsky.



I. Vocabulary list

CCXXI. 1. raze – разрушать до основания

CCXXII. 2. invasion – вторжение

CCXXIII. 3. reign – царство

CCXXIV. 4. moat – ров

CCXXV. 5. destroy – разрушать

CCXXVI. 6. rebuild – заново строить

CCXXVII. 7. encircle – окружать

CCXXVIII. 8. crown – короновать

CCXXIX. 9. execution – казнь

CCXXX. 10. proclamation – провозглашение

CCXXXI. 11. edict – указ

CCXXXII. 12. merchant – купец

CCXXXIII. 13. host – хозяин

CCXXXIV. 14. site – место

CCXXXV. 15. tomb – могила


CCXXXVI. 1. Kremlin – Кремль

CCXXXVII. 2. Napoleon – Наполеон

CCXXXVIII. 3. Red Square – Красная площадь

CCXXXIX. 4. Lobnoye Mesto – Лобное место

CCXL. 5. Leninsky Prospect – Ленинский проспект

CCXLI. 6. Leningradsky Prospect – Ленинградский проспект

CCXLII. 7. International Sheremetievo Airport – Международный аэропорт Шереметьево

CCXLIII. 8. Tretyakov Art Gallery – Третьяковская Галерея

CCXLIV. 9. Pushkin Fine Arts Museum – Музей Изобразительного искусства им. А.С.Пушкина

CCXLV. 10. Art Pavel Tretyakov – художник Павел Третьяков

CCXLVI. 11. Olympic Games – Олимпийские игры

CCXLVII. 12. Bolshoi Theatre – Большой театр

CCXLVIII. 13. Great Patriotic War – Великая Отечественная война

III. Text


Moscow, the capital of Russia is one of the biggest industrial, scientific and cultural centers of the world.

The city was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky on the bank of the Moscva river. The city was razed in the 13th century during the Tatar invasion. In the 14th century it grew stronger and it was a military as well as an administrative and economic center. By the end of the 16th century during the reign of Boris Godunov, Moscow had 3 walls with towers, and moats surrounding the Kremlin.

With the invasion of Napoleon in 1812 four-fifth of Moscow was destroyed by fire but it was soon rebuilt and trade and industry developed again.

Let’s start the tour of Moscow with Red Square which is right in the center of things. Moscow is built on 7 hills, one of which is encircled by a red wall. The Kremlin stands on this hill.

We can see here the Moscow Kremlin with its beautiful towers crowned with ruby starts. We can come up to the place of execution and proclamation of various edicts, which was called Lobnoe Mesto. If the Kremlin is a symbol of Russia, then Spasskaya Bashnya is a symbol of the Kremlin. It is notable for its clock.

Moscow is a modern city. The population of the city is over 8 million now. The number of streets constantly increases. The largest one is Leningradsky Prospect.

Moscow underground is one of the beautiful in the world, it has about 2 hundred stations and is almost there hundred and forty (340) kms long. There are 9 railway stations in Moscow and 5 airports around the city. International Sheremetievo airport is among them.

Moscow is famous for its museums: the Tretyakov Art Gallery, the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, etc. There are many exhibitions and concert halls. The Gallery was named after the Moscow Merchant and Great lover of Art Pavel Tretyakov. The Gallery reflects the history of Russia the life and ideals of its people.

In the city there are many stadiums, sports facilities among them the ones, built for the 22nd Olympic Games in 1980, when Moscow was the host of the Games. Lots of theatres of Moscow are well-known. The best-known is, of course, the Bolshoi Theatre. One can enjoy numerous cinemas, restaurants, cafes.

Moscow is the main educational center of the country. There are 76 higher educational establishments in it. At the end of the University Prospect on the Lenin Hills rises the high building, the 32 storey Moscow University. The city is famous for its parks, for its botany garden, where hundreds of trees and plants from all over the world are gathered. The city has numerous modern enterprises, primarily engineering and metal-working plants with a wide range of output. Some 300 of the city’s plants and factories export their products to about 70 foreign countries.

Moscow is a green city. In the Alexandrovsky Garden we can stand by the tomb of the Unknown Warrior. For heroism of the people of our capital during the Great Patriotic War Moscow was awarded the title of Hero City. Moscow faces many problems now. But nevertheless, its future is bright.

IV. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases

CCXLIX. 1. pазрушать до основания 9. провозглашение

CCL. 2. правление Бориса Годунова 10. хозяин

CCLI. 3. ров 11. могила Неизвестного солдата

CCLII. 4. разрушать 12. образовательные учреждения

CCLIII. 5. заново строить 13. купец

CCLIV. 6. метро 14. окружать

CCLV. 7. выставки 15. указ

CCLVI. 8. отражать 16. провозглашение

V. Make up sentences

CCLVII. 1. Moscow, 1147, to be, find.

CCLVIII. 2. In, Moscow, 1812, destroy, to be, fire, by.

CCLIX. 3. To be, a, modern, Moscow, city.

CCLX. 4. Museum, Moscow, for, to be, famous, its.

CCLXI. 5. Main, Moscow, to be, the, center, educational, the, of, country.

CCLXII. 6. City, a, Moscow, to be, green.

VI. Answer the following questions

CCLXIII. 1. What is Moscow?

CCLXIV. 2. When was it founded?

CCLXV. 3. What do you know about the history of Moscow?

CCLXVI. 4. What are the main sightseeings of Moscow?

CCLXVII. 5. What is the population of Moscow?

CCLXVIII. 6. What is Moscow famous for?

CCLXIX. 7. What can you tell about Moscow as an educational center?

VII. Make up a plant of the text

VIII. Give a short story about Moscow

IX. Speak about Moscow as the city of students using the following words and word combinations

Educational center, establishments, University Prospect, Lenin Hills, to rise, Moscow University.

IX. Speak about sightseeings of Moscow using the following words and word combinations:

To be famous for, all over the world, to gather, numerous, enterprises, Kremlin, Towers, ruby stars, place of execution, proclamation, Lobnoe Mesto, Spasskaya Bashnya, notable, Leninsky Prospect, Leningradsky Prospect, Underground, Tretyakov Art Gallery, Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, exhibitions, concert halls, stadiums.



I. Vocabulary list

CCLXX. 1. to be situated (on) – находиться, располагаться

CCLXXI. 2. to consist (of) – состоять (из)

CCLXXII. 3. to be washed (by) - омываться

CCLXXIII. 4. mountain – гора

CCLXXIV. 5. famous – известный

CCLXXV. 6. head – голова, глава (зд.)

CCLXXVI. 7. to develop – развивать

CCLXXVII. 8. vessels – суда

CCLXXVIII. 9. goods – товары

CCLXXIX. 10. mine – шахта

CCLXXX. 11. raw material – сырье

CCLXXXI. 12. fog – туман

CCLXXXII. 13. to take care of smth., smb. – заботиться о чем-либо, о ком-либо

II. Произнесите правильно

CCLXXXIII. 1. Great Britain 10. Thames

CCLXXXIV. 2. England 11. London

CCLXXXV. 3. Scotland 12. Parliament

CCLXXXVI. 4. Northern Ireland 13. House of Commons

CCLXXXVII. 5. British Isles 14. House of Lords

CCLXXXVIII. 6. Atlantic Ocean 15. Prime Minister

CCLXXXIX. 7. Irish Sea 16. Conservative Party

CCXC. 8. North Sea 17. Liberal Party

CCXCI. 9. Severn 18. Labour Party

III. Text


The U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The British Isles lie to the north-west from the coast of Europe. The total area of Great Britain is over 244000 square kilometers. Its population is about 55 million.

The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. There are many rivers in Great Britain. The longest river in England is the Severn, and the deepest is the Thames, on which the capital of Great Britain, London, stands. Almost all mountains in Great Britain are in the north and west. They are not high. North-West England is also famous for its lakes.

Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. The Power of the Queen is limited by the Parliament which consists of two Houses – the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The Prime Minister is usually the head of the party in Power. There are the following Parties there: the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Party.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country, and most of the people live in large towns. Great Britain exports machinery, vessels, motors and other goods. There are a lot of factories and mines there. The textile industry is also highly developed and a lot of British textiles are exported. At the same time Great Britain imports some food products and raw materials from many countries of the world.

As for climate of the British Isles it is not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer. There is no ice on the lakes and rivers in winter. It rains very often in all seasons. The weather changes very often. Besides, Britain is famous for its fogs.

Everyone who comes to England says that it looks like one great beautiful park. The Englishmen love their country and take care of it.

IV. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases

CCXCII. 1. состоять из … 9. премьер-министр

CCXCIII. 2. общая площадь 10. Либеральная партия

CCXCIV. 3. население 11. партия трудящихся

CCXCV. 4. страна омывается 12. Консервативная партия

CCXCVI. 5. гора 13. высокоразвитая

CCXCVII. 6. парламентарная монархия 14. текстильная промышленность

CCXCVIII. 7. палата общин 15. заботиться

CCXCIX. 8. палата лордов

V. Make up sentences

CCC. 1. To be, its, 55 million, about, population.

CCCI. 2. Mountains, in, almost, west, north, and, in, to be, the Great Britain, all.

CCCII. 3. Monarchy, Great Britain, a, parliamentary, to be.

CCCIII. 4. To change, often, the, very, weather.

CCCIV. 5. To love, the, it, Englishmen, their, and, country, to take care of.

VI. Answer the following questions

CCCV. 1. Where is Great Britain situated?

CCCVI. 2. What counties does it consist of?

CCCVII. 3. What is the total area of Great Britain?

CCCVIII. 4. What is the population of Great Britain?

CCCIX. 5. What is the capital of the U.K.?

CCCX. 6. What can you say about the political system of the U.K.?

CCCXI. 7. What kind of goods does the U.K. export and import?

CCCXII. 8. What can you say about the climate of Great Britain?

CCCXIII. 9. Why do tourist like to visit the U.K.?

VII. Give a short story about the country the language you study.



I. Vocabulary list

CCCXIV. 1. major – главный

CCCXV. 2. to record – записывать

CCCXVI. 3. an invader – завоеватель

CCCXVII. 4. original – первоначальный

CCCXVIII. 5. a lonely port – одинокий порт

CCCXIX. 6. to grow together – срастаться

CCCXX. 7. vast – широкий

CCCXXI. 8. urban – городской

CCCXXII. 9. an entry – вход

CCCXXIII. 10. to be guarded – охраняться

CCCXXIV. 11. prominent – выдающийся

CCCXXV. 12. wealth – богатство

CCCXXVI. 13. well-to-do – состоятельный

CCCXXVII. 14. to be crowned – короноваться

CCCXXVIII. 15. to be buried – быть похороненным

CCCXXIX. 16. huge – огромный

CCCXXX. 17. pigeons – голуби

CCCXXXI. 18. fortress – крепость

CCCXXXII. 19. armor – вооружение

CCCXXXIII. 20. bas-relief – барельеф

CCCXXXIV. 21. to find ourselves – очутиться

CCCXXXV. 22. true Londoners – истинные лондонцы

CCCXXXVI. 23. date back – относиться


1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

CCCXXXVII. 2. Normans – нормандцы

CCCXXXVIII. 3. Celts – кельты

CCCXXXIX. 4. Romans – римляне

CCCXL. 5. Germanic – германский

CCCXLI. 6. Themes – Темза

CCCXLII. 7. Westminster – Вестминстер

CCCXLIII. 8. Blackfrairs – Блэкфрее

CCCXLIV. 9. Waterloo – Ватерлоо

CCCXLV. 10. Tower – Тауэр

CCCXLVI. 11. Mansion House – резиденция Лорда Мэра

CCCXLVII. 12. Royal Exchange – Королевская биржа

CCCXLVIII. 13. St. Paul’s Cathedral – Собор св. Павла

CCCXLIX. 14. Renaissance – Ренессанс

CCCL. 15. Christopher Wren – Кристофер Рен

CCCLI. 16. Julius Caesar – Юлий Цезарь

CCCLII. 17. Admiral Nelson – адмирал Нельсон

CCCLIII. 18. Westminster Abbey – Вестминстерское Аббатство

CCCLIV. 19. Houses of Parliament – Парламент

CCCLV. 20. Buckingham Palace – Букингемский дворец

CCCLVI. 21. Queen – королева

CCCLVII. 22. Piccadilly Circus – площадь Пиккадилли

CCCLVIII. 23. Trafalgar Square – Трафальгарская площадь

CCCLIX. 24. Nelson’s Column – Колонна Нельсона

CCCLX. 25. National Gallery – Национальная галерея

III. Text


London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a big port and a major industrial commercial and cultural center

It is also interesting because of its history which dates back to Norman times and is recorded in the names of many streets. London is a very old city. It is more than 20 centuries old. The old Celts gave London its name. The Romans made the city the center of their colony, the Germanic invaders tried to destroy it and Normans made London the capital of the country. Lynn-din was the original name of the settlement which means a “lonely port”.

London is situated on the river Themes that divides it into north and south. There are 15 bridges there. The best known of them are Westminster, Blackfrairs, Waterloo, the Tower and London bridges.

London is one of the biggest and most interesting cities in the world. Its population is more than 11 million people. London covers the territory of 400 square miles. Modern London is not one city. It is a number of cities, towns and villages that have grown together to make one vast urban area. “Greater London” consists of many parts but the main traditional parts are: the city, the West End and the West End.

The heart of London is the City – its commercial and business center. Different banks and offices are situated here. It is the oldest Part of London with the Tower of London founded by Julius Caesar. It is one of the oldest and most famous buildings of the country. For centuries entry to London was guarded by the Tower Fortress. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it is a museum of armor. The most famous buildings of the City are the Mansion House, the Royal Exchange and the Bank of England. The finest Renaissance church in Europe is St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was the resting place of its builder and architect sir Christopher Wren, famous Admiral Nelson and other prominent Englishmen.

To the west of the City there is a region known as the West End which is the symbol of wealth high class as they say. The best and most expensive clubs, theatres, shops and restaurants are here. London’s well-to-do live here. You can’t leave the city without visiting Hide Park with Kensington Gardens, the really national London park, the place of all sorts of national parades. One of the most interesting sightseeing of London is Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is famous for its architecture. It has its world famous Poet’s Corner, where many of the greatest writers (Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Kipling) are burried. It was founded in the eleventh century. All British kings and queens are crowned there.

Across the road from Westminster Abbey is Parliament Square with the Houses of Parliament. An interesting feature of the Houses of Parliament is Big Ben, a huge clock built over a century ago.

West to the Westminster Abbey stands Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the Queen.

The center of theatrical life is Piccadilly Circus. Not far from it you can see Trafalgar Square which is in the center of London. There is a big monument called Nelson’s Column. Its pedestal is decorated with bas-reliefs of famous naval battles. The large platform, decorated with four great lions is often used by orators during large meetings and demonstrations. Trafalgar Square is also known for its fountains and pigeons. On the north side of Trafalgar Square are the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. The National Gallery was built in 1824. It contains one of the finest collections of pictures in the world. There are more than 850 masterpieces of all European schools of painting. In the northern corner there is the well-known church of St.Martin-in-the-Fields. The church was built in 1222 and rebuilt in 1726.

If we go to the east of the City we find ourselves in the East End, the poorest district of London, its industrial part with many plants, factories, workshops.

It is a densely populated district. It is inhabited by the workers and the poor. They produce the wealth of the West End and are proud of being called true Londoners. The port of London is also in the East End. The main industries of London are shipbuilding, textile and machine – building industries.

It is often said: “The City is the money of London, the West End is its goods, the East End is the hands of London”.

IV. Give English equivalents to the Russian Words and phrases

CCCLXI. 1. большой порт

CCCLXII. 2. главный

CCCLXIII. 3. относиться

CCCLXIV. 4. германские завоеватели

CCCLXV. 5. первоначальное название

CCCLXVI. 6. охватывать

CCCLXVII. 7. вход в Лондон

CCCLXVIII. 8. церковь

CCCLXIX. 9. символ благосостояния

CCCLXX. 10. достопримечательность

CCCLXXI. 11. архитектура

CCCLXXII. 12. через дорогу

CCCLXXIII. 13. интересная особенность

CCCLXXIV. 14. огромный

CCCLXXV. 15. митинги и демонстрации

CCCLXXVI. 16. содержать

CCCLXXVII. 17. восстанавливать

CCCLXXVIII. 18. оказаться, очутиться

CCCLXXIX. 19. густо населенный

CCCLXXX. 20. истинный

V. Make up sentences

CCCLXXXI. 1. The, to give, old, London, its, Celts, name.

CCCLXXXII. 2. London, on, to be situated, the, Themes, river.

CCCLXXXIII. 3. To be, London, one, the, of, biggest, in, cities, world, the.

CCCLXXXIV. 4. One, modern, London, to be, not, city.

CCCLXXXV. 5. The, to be, City, the, of, heart, London.

CCCLXXXVI. 6. West End, the, to be, symbol, wealth, of.

CCCLXXXVII. 7. East End, the, to be, part, poorest, London, of.

CCCLXXXVIII. 8. Money, City, to be, the, London, of.

CCCLXXXIX. 9. West End, to be, goods, its.

CCCXC. 10. East End, hands, to be, of, the, London.

VI. Answer the following questions

CCCXCI. 1. What is London?

CCCXCII. 2. What can you tell about the history of London?

CCCXCIII. 3. Where is London situated?

CCCXCIV. 4. What is the population of London?

CCCXCV. 5. What is the total area of London?

CCCXCVI. 6. What is modern London?

CCCXCVII. 7. What are the main traditional parts of London?

CCCXCVIII. 8. What do you know about the City?

CCCXCIX. 9. How do people call the City of London?

CD. 10. What is the West End famous for?

CDI. 11. What are the main sightseeings of London?

CDII. 12. How do people call the West End?

CDIII. 13. What can you tell about the East End?

CDIV. 14. What are the main industries of London?

CDV. 15. How do people call the East End?

VII. Make up a plan of the text

VIII. Speak about

CDVI. 1. the history of London

CDVII. 2. the City

CDVIII. 3. the West End

CDIX. 4. the East End

IX. Speak about the sightseeings of London using the following words and word combinations

Westminster Abbey, to be buried, famous writers, memorials, Houses of Parliament, Hide Park With Kensington gardens, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, residence, Piccadilly Circus, theatrical life, Trafalgar Square, lions, to be used by…, fountains, pigeons, National Gallery, to be built, masterpieces, church, St. Martin–in–the–Fields.



I. Vocabulary list

CDX. 1. prestigious – престижный

CDXI. 2. to denote – означать

CDXII. 3. collectively – совместно

CDXIII. 4. afford – позволить

CDXIV. 5. tutorial – консультация

CDXV. 6. ceremony – церемония, торжество

CDXVI. 7. offer – предложение

CDXVII. 8. range – ряд

CDXVIII. 9. chapel – часовня

CDXIX. 10. to mention – упоминать

CDXX. 11. charter – устав, чартер, нанимать

CDXXI. 12. overseas – за границей

II. Text


Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most prestigious universities in Great Britain. They are often called collectively Oxbridge. Both universities are independent. Only very rich and aristocratic families can afford to send their sons and daughters to these universities, mostly they are former public school levers.

The tutorial is the basic mode of instruction at Oxford and Cambridge, with lectures as optional extras.

The normal length of the degree course is three years, after which the students take the Degree of Bachelor of Arts. Some courses, such as languages or medicine, may be one or two years longer. The students may work for other degrees as well. The degrees are awarded at public degrees ceremonies.

Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of a number of colleges. Each college is different, but in many ways they are alike. Each college is governed by a Master. The Large ones have more than 400 members, the smallest colleges have less that 30. Each college offers teaching in a wide range of subjects. Within the college one will normally find a chapel, a dining hall, a library, rooms for undergraduates, fellows and Master, and also rooms for teaching purposes.

Oxford is one of oldest universities in Europe. It is the second largest in Britain, after London.

There are now twenty – four colleges for men, five for women and another five which have both men and women members, many from overseas studing for higher degrees. Among the oldest colleges are Universities College. All Souls and Christ Chuck.

The Cambridge University Started during the 13th century and grew until today. Now there are more than 30 colleges.

The universities have over a hundred societies and clubs, enough for every interest one could imagine. Sport is a part of student’s life at Cambridge.

III. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases

CDXXII. 1. самые престижные университеты

CDXXIII. 2. независимый

CDXXIV. 3. каждый колледж

CDXXV. 4. самый старый университет в Европе

5. второй по величине

CDXXVI. 6. общества и клубы

CDXXVII. 7. часть жизни студентов

IV. Make up Sentences

CDXXVIII. 1. Often, to be called, they, Oxbridge, collectively.

CDXXIX. 2. Independent, both, universities, to be.

CDXXX. 3. Mostly, former they, to be, leaves, school, public.

CDXXXI. 4. Some may, to be, courses, one two, or, longer, years.

CDXXXII. 5. Oxford, one, the, of, to be, universities, oldest, Europe, in.

CDXXXIII. 6. There are, now, than, more, colleges, thirty.

V. Speak about

CDXXXIV. a) Oxford University;

CDXXXV. b) Cambridge University.

Итоговые упражнения

1. Make up dialogue on the themes about myself University using the following words:

Name, family, students, home town, father, mother, sister, brother, to study, to work, to enter, to be found of, to have, grandmother, grandfather, relatives, department, faculty, lecture hall, to equip, research, carry out experiment, scientific society, mark, to take an examination, to take a test, to pass an examination, to fail in an examination, to enter the University, to graduate from the University, to work hard.

2. Complete the dialogue

- Hello, Mike. Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

- Fine, thanks. One of these days I passed entrance exams to the Technica University.

- …

3. Put the phrases in the dialogue in right order

- What are the pre – schools consist of?

- Specialized, polytechnical, musical, art and others, gymnasiums and colleges.

- They consist of kindergartens and crèches.

- When do people begin to go to school?

- At the age of six or seven.

- Today we are going to speak about education in Russia. Do you know what kind of education is in Russia?

- How long is the term of study in a general secondary school?

- Compulsory.

- Can you name the main types of schools in Russia?

- 11 years and consist of primary, middle and upper stages.

4. Make the dialogue wider

- I have never been to Omsk before. Is it large enough?

- The city today numbers about 1200000 inhabitants.

- Can Omsk be considered a city of students?

- Yes. Every the fourth of the city’s residents is studying.

- And what about places of culture?

- There are lots of varieties for leisure: Theatres, museum, concert halls, sports grounds, Palaces of Cultures.

5. Complete the dialogue

- What is Moscow?

- …

- When was it founded?

- …

- Lot’s start the tour of Moscow with Red Square.

- …

- What is the population of the city?

- …

- What is Moscow famous for?

- …

- Moscow is the main educational center of the Country.

- …

6. Make up Dialogues using one of the following points

CDXXXVI. 1. History of London.

CDXXXVII. 2. Modern London.

CDXXXVIII. 3. Parts of London.

CDXXXIX. 4. Sightseeing’s of London.

Список литературы:

1. Михайлова Е.Д., Романович А.Ю. “Brush up your English”.- М: Юнвес, 2001.

2. Макси Е.А. «Английский язык».- Киев, АСК, 1998.

3. Журина П.Ю. «English».- М.: Дрофа, 1997.

4. Шаргородская Е.И., Боровик М.А. «Школьное образование».- Л., 1985.

5. «Higher Education in Britain»// MN.- 1995.- №2.

6. Веселюк И.О. «The English Britain».-Прага: 1987.


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