65 Rockland Place

New Rochelle, New York 10801

914 633-0456

AREA OF EXPERTISE: Political Science

SUB-FIELDS: American Politics and Public Policy, Globalization, Environmental Politics & Ethics

EDUCATION: Graduate School, The Union Institute, 1987. Ph.D in Political Science and Political Sociology. Dissertation: From Melting Pot to Rainbow Coalition: The Jackson Campaign and the Future of U.S. Politics.

Columbia University, 1967. M.A. in English and Comparative Literature, With Honors. Thesis: The Theory of the Novel in the Eighteenth Century, As Contained in the Criticism from 1749-1810.

Carleton College, 1962. B.A. in English; Minor in Philosophy. Phi Beta Kappa; Magna Cum Laude.


2003-present Director, M.A. in Public Policy and International Affairs, William Paterson University

1998-Present Professor of Political Science William Paterson University. Graduate and undergraduate teaching in American Politics, Public Policy, Social Movements, Globalization

1990 Associate Professor of Political Science, William Paterson University. Graduate and undergraduate teaching in American Politics and Public Policy.

1990-1995 Independent Contractor, Walden University. Supervision of doctoral students in

the fields of Administration/Management, Human Services and Education.

1988-1990 Adjunct Associate Professor, Graduate Program in Urban Policy and

Administration and Graduate Program in Political Economy, Brooklyn College, City University of New York.

1985-87 Adjunct Faculty, School of New Resources, College of New Rochelle.

Jan. 1984 Visiting Faculty, Montreal Institute for Ministry, McGill University.

Spring 1983 Brantl Visiting Professor, Religion Department, Montclair State College.

1980, 1978, Adjunct Faculty, New York Theological Seminary.


1976-77 Lecturer, Union Theological Seminary.

July 1976 Summer School Faculty, Pacific School of Religion, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA.


1988-90 Executive Director, Employment Research & Policy Program, City University of New York.

90. Coordinator, New Initiatives for Full Employment, New York, N.Y.

1978-83 Director, United Methodist Voluntary Service, General Board of Global Ministries, United Methodist Church, New York, N.Y.

1978-83 Coordinator, US-2 Program, General Board of Global Ministries, United Methodist Church, New York, N.Y.

1972-78 Director of Communications, Joint Strategy & Action Committee, New York, N.Y.


2008-present New Political Science Books Series Editor, Pluto Press

2004-2005 Acting Reviews Editor, New Political Science

2002-present Editorial Board, New Political Science

1996 Guest Editorial Board for special issue of Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol. 18, No. 1 (February 1997).

88. Assistant Editor, Social Policy magazine, New York, N.Y.


1990 Project Director, International Ladies Garment Workers' Union and Consortium

for Worker Education.

1986-90 Research Associate, Center for Advanced Study in Education, Graduate Center, City University of New York.

1987 Independent Evaluator, faculty research projects, Department of Urban Studies, Hunter College, City University of New York.

1984 Research Associate, Council on Interracial Books for Children, New York.

1977 Member, Ethicists' Panel, Committee on Energy Policy, Division of Church & Society, National Council of Churches, New York, N.Y.

1976 Member, Ethicists' Panel on a Comprehensive Study of the Ethical, Social and

Legal Implications of advances in Biomedical and Behavioral Research and Technology for Policy Research, Inc. under contract to the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research.


1984 National Rainbow Coordinator, Jesse Jackson for President Campaign, Washington, D.C.

1984 Field organizer, Jesse Jackson for President Campaign.

1979-89 Democratic District Leader, New Rochelle, N.Y.



Co-author, Washington's New Poor Law: Welfare Reform and the Roads Not Taken, 1935 to the Present. New York: The Apex Press, 2001.

Let Them Eat Ketchup! The Politics of Poverty and Inequality. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1995.

Co-author, Jobs for All: A Plan for the Revitalization of America. New York: The Apex Press, 1994.

Contributing Researcher, Thinking and Rethinking U.S. History. New York: Council on Interracial Books for Children, 1989.

The Rainbow Challenge: The Jackson Campaign and the Future of U.S. Politics. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1987.

A Different Heaven & Earth. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 1974.


“The Past is Prologue, the New World is Yet to Come: Governing the Global Commons in an Age of Transition” in Globalisation and Ecological Integrity in Science and International Law, eds. Laura Westra, Klaus Bosselmann and Colin Soskolne. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011 (forthcoming).

“Religion, Spirituality and the Progressive Imagination.” In Where Do We Go From Here? American Democracy and the Renewal of the Radical Imagination, ed. Mark Major, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2010.

“Interrogating and Reconceptualizing Natural Law to Protect the Integrity of the Earth.” In Laura Westra, J. Ronald Engel and Klaus Bosselmann,eds. Democracy, Ecological Integrity and International Law. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.

“Closing the Boxes, Enlarging the Circles: Toward a New Paradigm of Global Governance and Economy.” In Olivier Urbain, ed. Facing Climate Change with a Renewed Environmental Ethics. Transaction Publishers, 2011 (forthcoming).

"Economic Security for All: A Necessary Condition for Eliminating Racial Economic Inequality." In Bruce P. Corrie, ed., Remedies to Racial and Ethnic Inequalities: An International Perspective. Peter Lang Publishers, 2006.

“War Without End: The Domestic Economic Fallout of Empire.” In Joseph G. Peschek, ed. The Politics of Empire: War, Terror and Hegemony. New York: Routledge, 2006, pp. 79-101.

“Contentious Politics: Social Movements, Civil Society and the Transformation of Public Policy.” In Michael Luis Principe, ed. American Government, Policy and Law, 2nd ed. Dubuque, IO: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 2006.

“Social Policy in the 21st Century.” In Michael Luis Principe, ed. American Government, Policy and Law, 2nd ed. Dubuque, IO: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 2006.

"Social Policy," In Michael Luis Principe, ed., American Government, Policy and Law Dubuque, IO: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 2000.

"Social Movements." In Michael Luis Principe, ed., American Government, Policy and Law Dubuque, IO: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 2000

“Using Simulations with Undergraduates to Develop Pro-Active, Visionary Citizens, Workers, Managers and Policymakers: The Redison Waste-to-Energy Case.” In Hans E. Klein, ed., Interactive Teaching and Learning: Case Method and Other Techniques (Needham, MA: World Association for Case Research and Application, 1998): 355-368.

"Classism," "Domination," and "Social Analysis." In Letty M. Russell and Shannon Clarkson, eds., Dictionary of Feminist Theologies. Louisville, KY: Westminster Press, 1995.

"The Culture of Western Bureaucratic Capitalism: Implications for War and Peace" In

Communication and Culture in War and Peace, ed. Colleen Roach. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1993, 118-144.

"The Consortium for Worker Education: The Possibilities and Constraints of Union-Based Schooling." In The Re-education of the American Working Class. Eds. Stephen London and Joseph Wilson. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1990, 197-210.

"The New Opening for a Full Employment Movement," with Frank Riessman. In The Reshaping

of America: Social Consequences of the Changing Economy, ed. by D. Stanley Eitzen and Maxine Baca Zinn. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989.

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Religion, Class and Ethnicity in Coalition Politics." In Churches in Struggle: Liberation Theologies and Social Change in North America. Ed. William K. Tabb. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1986, 301-320.

"Religion and the Fearful Father." In Face-to-Face--Fathers, Mothers, Masters, Monsters: Essays for a Non-Sexist Future. Ed. Margaret Murray. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1983, 71-87.

"Religion and Sexual Learning." In Childhood Sexual Learning: The Unwritten Curriculum. Ed. Elizabeth J. Roberts. Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1980, 213-242.

"The Personal is Political." In The Politics of Women's Spirituality. Ed. Charlene Spretnak. New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1982, 362-372.

"Reflections on the Meaning of Herstory." and "Theology in the Politics of Appalachian Women." In Womanspirit Rising. Eds. Carol Christ and Judith Plaskow. New York: Harper & Row, 1979, 68-73; 149-158.

"A Feminist Reading of History." In The Scope of Political Theology. Ed. Alistair Kee. London: SCM Press, 1978, 79-83.

"When the Veils Come Tumbling Down." In Women in the Year 2000. Ed. Maggie Tripp. New York: Arbor House, 1974, 195-221.

"Women and the Economy." In Struggling With the System, Probing Alternatives. Ambler, PA: Church & Society/The Witness, 1976, 84-88.


“Breaking the Mold? Venezuela’s Defiance of Neoliberalism,” New Political Science (September 2005): 367-395.

“War Without End: the Domestic Economic Fallout of Empire,” New Political Science 26, No. 3 (September 2004): 347-369.

Co-author and editor, "The Challenge of Full Employment in the Global Economy," Economic and Industrial Democracy: An International Journal, 18, No. 1 (February 1997):

"Economic Security for All: A Necessary Condition for the Elimination of Racial Economic Inequality," International Policy Review, Vol. 6, No. 1 ( 1996): 106-112.

"From Realpolitik to Heartfelt Politics: Caring, Conscience and Commitment in the Teaching of the Social Sciences," Humanity and Society 18, No. 1 (November 1994): 85-94.

"Native Americans and 'We, the People': Expanding the Canon of American Political Thought," Radical Teacher, 43 (Fall 1993): 30-35.

"Persisting Unemployment and the Crisis of World Paradigm Shift." In International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 11, Nos. 1, 2, 3 (Summer 1991): 159-167.

Co-author. "So We Can Use Our Own Names and Change the Laws By Which We Live: Educating the New U.S. Labor Force," Harvard Educational Review. (November 1989): 454-469.


“Poverty,” in Encyclopedia of Social Problems, ed. Vincent Parrillo (Sage Publications, 2007).

"Aid to Families With Dependent Children (ADC/AFDC)," Poverty and Social Welfare in America: An Encyclopedia, eds. Gwendolyn Mink and Alice O'Connor (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2003), co-authored.


“Economic Meltdown: How Did We Get Here? How Do We Get Out?” powerpoint presentation. National Jobs for All Coalition, 2008.

“India: the Contradictions of Globalization,” an illustrated lecture. Teaching Asia Conference sponsored by William Paterson University.

“Permanent War: The Domestic Economic Costs of Empire,” an illustrated lecture,

"Reform Should Mean Entitlement to Work, Welfare," , September 19, 2001 (co-authored).

Simulation: Choosing a Supreme Court Nominee for Wadsworth/Thompson Learning, to accompany its American Government textbook: The Web of Democracy, published on its Web of Democracy website, 2001-2002

"The Right to Welfare and to Work," co-authored, , Dec. 24, 2001.


The Right to Work and Welfare, Special Report to the National Jobs for All Coalition, Feb. 2002

Co-author, Five Years Closer to Economic Justice: A Plan to Reduce Poverty Within Five Years, commissioned by the National Council of Churches, 2000.

Co-author, The High Road to Economic Development. New York: National Jobs for All Coalition, 1995.

Co-author, A Growth Agenda That Works, position paper commissioned by U.S. congressman Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), 1995.

The Labor Market Experience of ILGWU Worker Education Students. International Ladies Garment Workers' Union, 1991.

Co-author. Alternatives to Despair: An Economic Development Agenda for New York City. New York: Coalition for Jobs 2000, 1989.

What's Happening to Our Jobs, Income and Security? A Sourcebook. New York: New Initiatives for Full Employment, 1989.

Principle author. Evaluation Report: The Workplace Education Program of the Central Labor Council and the Consortium for Worker Education. Evaluation Report #2; Evaluation Report #3. New York: Center for Advanced Study in Education, City University of New York, 1989, 1990.

Co-author. A Nation That Works: A Program to Meet Human Needs and Reduce Budget Deficits. New York: New Initiatives for Full Employment, April, 1988.

Co-author. Fair Work Vs. Workfare: Full Employment and Economic Justice for Women. New

York: New Intiatives for Full Employment, 1988.


Struggle is a Name for Hope, West End Press, 1982.

Half a Winter to Go, Sunburst Press, 1976.

Individual poems have appeared in: Gravida, The Muse, West End, National Catholic Reporter, Community, Radical Religion.


Revolutionary Forgiveness and Sanctuary: A Journey, New Directions for Women. (March

1988), 17.

The New Underground Railroad. Monthly Review. (April 1986),

Dangerous Waters. A Report of the National Interreligious Commission on Civil Rights

Hearings, 1984-1986. New York: Division of Church & Society, National Council of Churches, 1987.

"The Politics of Meanness: The New Right and Beyond." In Liberal Religion Responds to the

New Right. Issues Papers published by the Unitarian Universalist Asociation, 25 Beacon St., Boston, MA 02108.

The Economic Basis of Racism and Sexism. Theology in the Americas Documentation Series,


New Woman, New Family, New God. Report of a Consultation on the Impact of World Religions

on Women and Development. Washington, D.C.: Center of Concern, 1977.

PUBLIC POLICY MONOGRAPHS published by the Joint Strategy & Action Committee, New York, N.Y.

Full Employment: A National Priority. January 1976.

The Economics of Nuclear Energy. February 1976.

Redefining Health Care. January 1975.

Whatever Became of Civil Rights? March 1975.

Senate Bill 1: New Threat to Freedom. October 1975.

Native Americans: Issues and Perspectives. November 1975.

Biomedical Technology: The Ethical Dilemmas. December 1975.

The Bicentennial: What Can We Learn From History? March 1974.

Crisis in Population and Hunger. June 1974.

Appalachia and the Church. July 1974.

Peace Education. March 1973.

Criminal Justice and Prison Reform. February 1973.

Corporate Responsibility. March 1973.

Civil Liberties: An Endangered Species. 1973.

Hispanic-Americans: The New People. May 1973.

Old Age: Burden or Challenge? November 1973.

Women: The No Longer Silenced Majority. June 1972.

Welfare Rights. September 1972.

Asian Americans. October 1972.

Eco-Justice. November 1972.

The Battered Wife. June 1971.


“The Permanent War Economy: Real Security or False Promise? (co-authored), National Jobs for All Coalition, 2004

"Is the Electoral College Doomed?" New Jersey Herald News, November 12, 2000.

"Washington's New Poor Law: Welfare 'Reform's' Legacy and Real Welfare Reform," New York: National Jobs for All Coalition, October 2000.

"South Carolina's Welfare Reform: More 'Rough' Than 'Right.'" Social Policy, 29, No. 3 (Spring 1999).

"A New Era of Student Activism in the Nineties?" The Beacon, Oct. 14, 1996.

"Fair Work vs. Workfare," Women & Philanthropy News, 18, No. 1 (Spring 1995): S4, 6. (co-authored)

"Ten Ways to Full Employment," Why.Magazine, No. 17 (Winter/Spring 1995): 20-21. (co-authored)

"Response to Staughton Lynd," Social Policy, 25, No. 1 (Fall 1994): 41-42. (co-authored)

"Needed: An Economic Bill of Rights," Gannett Suburban Newspapers, Feb. 18, 1993, 26A.

"'Year of the Woman'--at Long Last?" Gannett Suburban Newspapers, Nov. 1, 1992, 9E.

"Whose War is this Anyway and Why Are We In It?" CALC Report, March 1991, 16-19.

"Rethinking U.S. History: From the Bottom Up and the Outside In," CALC Report, March 1990,


"Workplace Literacy: Corporate Tool or Worker Empowerment?" Social Policy. (Summer 1989), 26-30.

"The Post-Industrial Revolution: Its Implications for Our Jobs, Income and Security," CALC

Report. XIV, No. 5, March 1989,

"Education in Nicaragua: What Difference Can a Revolution Make?" Social Policy (Fall 1987), 47-53.

"The Constitution at 200: Celebration Amidst Controversy." Social Policy. (Summer 1987), 1-4.

"Racism and Class: A Response to Vicente Navarro," Monthly Review, 37 (June 1987), 28-36.

"The New Opening for a Full Employment Movement," Social Policy, 17, No. 3, 1987. 2-3.

"Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition: Implications for International Peace." Socialism in the World, No. 51, 1985, 75-94.

"Voting Rights: Justice Department Undermines Act," In These Times, July 10-23, 1985, p. 5ff. (cover story)

"Feminism and White Racism: Time for Redemption," CALC Report, June 1985, 6-9.

"Eddie James Carthan: Case Study of a Political Lynching," The Witness, Vol. 66, No. 8 (August 1983).

"Crucifixion in Mississippi," The Caribbean Times. (London), June 10, 1983.

"Liberation Theologians go Beyond the Academic to Align Themselves with the Poor, Oppressed," Religious News Service, January 21, 1983.

"Revenge of the Good Ole Boys," In These Times, Vol. 6, No. 9, January 20-26, 1982, 8-9. (cover story)

"Feminist Theology at the Crossroads," Christinaity & Crisis, 41, No. 20 (December 14, 1981).

"Chains that Bind: Racism, Sexism, Classism," The Witness, 61, No. 8 (August 1979).

"Class, Family and Forgiveness: A Socio-Theological Memoir," Christianity & Crisis, Vol, 38,No. 5 (April 17, 1978).

"Roots: A Lesson in Collective Identity," Engage/Social Action (July 1977), 59-61.

"The NCC and Nuclear Power," Christianity & Crisis, May 10, 1976, 109-111.

"Crisis of Liberalism," Engage/Social Action. February 1975.


“Reading the Entrails of the Copenhagen Failure,” Columbia University Seminar on Globalization, Labor & Popular Struggles and Full Employment, Social Welfare and Equity, September 27, 2010.

“The Past is Prologue, the New World is Yet to Come: Governing the Global Commons in an Age of Transition,” conference on “Ecological Integrity and Globalization: Science, Human Behavior, Public Policy and the Law,” Global Ecological Integrity Group, University of British Columbia, June 27-July 3, 2010.

“The Past is Prologue, the New World is Yet to Come: Governing the Global Commons in an Age of Transition,” Oxford Roundtable on “The Copenhagen Protocol: Problems and Possibilities,” Lincoln College, Oxford University, March 21-26, 2010.

Panelist, “The Politics of Climate Change,” Global Climate Dialogue, William Paterson University, October 22, 2009.

“Interrogating and Reconceptualizing Natural Law to Preserve the Integrity of the Earth,” conference on State Sovereignty, International Law and Ecological Integrity, Global Ecological Integrity Group, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, June 25-30, 2009.

“Environmental Lessons from the New Deal,” panel on “Is the New Deal an Appropriate Model for the Current Economic Crisis?” Left Forum, Pace University, NYC, April 19, 2009.

“The Crisis is in Charge, the Center Cannot Hold: What Way Forward with Obama?” Left Forum, Pace University, NYC, April 19, 2009

“Closing the Boxes, Enlarging the Circles: Toward a New Paradigm of Global Governance and Economy,” conference on “Facing Climate Change with a Renewed Environmental Ethic,” Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Studies, Honolulu November 20-23, 2008.

Moderator and commentator, Program on “Globalization and Growing Inequality,” sponsored by the United Nations Association of New Jersey, Central Presbyterian Church, Montclair, NJ, October 21, 2007.

Panelist, “Change Markers: Women in a Fast Globalizing India,” William Paterson University, October 4, 2006.

Panelist, “How Can Democracy Respond? The Case of Venezuela,” Conference on “Economic Inequality and the Prospect of Democracy, William Paterson University , April 13, 2006.

“Venezuela, a Society in Transition,” People’s Organization for Progress, Ridgefield, NJ November 1, 2005.

“Can Venezuela Provide a New Model for Latin America?” Columbia University Seminar on Globalization, Columbia University, Sept. 19, 2005.

“Permanent War: The Real Costs of America’s Commitment to Militarism,” South Presbyterian Church, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., June 15, 2005.

“Venezuela: A New Model of Participatory Democracy and Economic Development for the Americas,” annual meeting of the Board of Directors, United Nations Association, New Jersey Division, June 17, 2005.

“Breaking the Mold? Venezuela’s Defiance of the Neoliberal Agenda,” Annual meeting of the International Political Science Association Research Committee 49, Globalization and Empire: Discourses and Practices of Resistance, Suffolk University, Boston, June 3, 2005.

“Permanent War: The Domestic Costs of U.S. Militarism,” Mt. Vernon, NY High School, May 20, 2005.

“Permanent War: The Domestic Costs of Empire,” Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY, March 21, 2005.

Panelist on "Bush's Domestic Policy," joint William Paterson University -John Jay College of Criminal Justice conference on the Bush administration, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, NY, March 27, 2005.

Chair, panel on "Environmental Crises: Progressive Responses to Global Climate Change, Bio-engineering and other Life-Altering Technologies," Socialist Scholars' Conference, New York, NY, March 16, 2005.

Panelist, "The Oil Factor," Teach-In on "The War with Iraq," sponsored by the No-War Coalition, William Paterson University, Nov. 13, 2002.

Panelist, "Wartime Human Rights Abuses: A History," Roundtable on "The Bush Administration and the World: the New Look at American 'Diplomacy,'" sponsored by the Political Science Department and the Masters Program in Public Policy & International Affairs, William Paterson University, Nov. 4, 2002.

Keynote Speaker, "Ending Welfare Reform as We Know It," Annual Meeting of the Hunger Action Network of New York State, White Plains, NY, September 25, 2000.

Chair, Panel on Evaluating the Outcomes of Welfare Reform, Institute for Women's Policy Studies, Washington, DC, June 8, 2000.

Panelist, "Women and Welfare Reform," conference on Women and Poverty, sponsored by coalition of community groups, New York, NY, March 18, 2002.

"Living Wage Campaigns," conference sponsored by the Southern Anti-Racism Network, University of North Carolina, Raleigh-Durham, NC, April 29, 2002.

"Author Meets the Critics panel, "Washington's New Poor Law," Socialist Scholar's Conference, Borough of Manhattan Community College, April 2, 2002.

Panelist, "Women, Education and Welfare," sponsored by the Union of Radical Political Economics, Socialist Scholars' Conference, Borough of Manhattan Community College, April 1, 2002.

Discussant, Welfare Reform and the Labor Market, Columbia University Seminars program, Feb. 5, 2002.

Moderator and synthesizer, "Six Billion and Counting: A Conference on Population, Development and Environment," sponsored by the Connie Hogarth Center for Social Change, Manhattanville College; NY State Audubon Society, League of Women Voters, Planned Parenthood Hudson and Peconic, Sierra Club, Manhattanville Women's Center, Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY, October 18,1999.

Keynote Address: "Welfare Reform's Impact on New Jersey," conference on "The Impact of Welfare Reform on Social Services in New Jersey," sponsored by the Social Work Department, Kean University, March 18, 1999.

"Economic Rights: The Unfinished Agenda," Program on "Rights at Risk: Rights Unmet," in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Signing Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Department of Political Science, William Paterson University, April 21, 1998.

“The Global Warming Summit: A Simulation in International Problem-Solving,” World Conference on Case Research and Application, Marseille, France, July 9-13, 1998.

Discussant, “The Challenge of Full Employment in the Global Economy,” Columbia University Seminar on Full Employment, January 28, 1998.

"Using Simulations With Undergraduates to Develop Proactive, Visionary Citizens, Workers, Managers and Policymakers: The Redison Waste-to-Energy Case," World Conference on Case Research and Application, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 29-July 2, 1999.

Panelist, "Town Meeting on Welfare Reform," Will Library, Yonkers, NY, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Westchester County, April 3, 1999.

Panelist, "Teach-in on Economic Policy and the Presidential Elections," sponsored by the Political Science and Economics and Finance Departments, WPC, Oct. 31, 1996.

Presentation to the Westchester County, N.Y. Board of Legislators on welfare reform and work opportunities, Oct. 7, 1996.

Panelist, workshop on Economic Security, conference on Beijing in Queens: The U.N.Women's Conference One Year Later, sponsored by the Women's Studies Program, Queens College, City University of New York, Sept. 28, 1996.

"Jobs for All: Economic Security and Social Justice," Southern New England Association Society of Friends annual meeting, Silver Bay, N.Y., July 28, 1996.

Panelist, "Racial Discrimination and the International Labor Market," World Conference on Remedies to Racial and Ethnic Economic Inequality, Roy Wilkins Center for Human Relations and Social Justice, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, May 19, 1996.

Panelist, "Is There a Job in Your Future?" New York Committees of Correspondence, The Brecht Forum, NYC, May 10, 1996.

Panelist, "The Civil Rights Movement: A Retrospective," Union Day, Union Theological Seminary, NYC, April 26.

Panelist, "Jobs, Equity and Globalization," Second Mid-Atlantic Conference on Starting Sustainable Communities, Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ, April 12-14, 1996.

Keynote Lecture, "Managing Diversity in the Late Twentieth Century: Some Macroeconomic Considerations," Global Conference on Managing Diversity, American Institute for Managing Diversity, Center for Continuing Education, University of George, Athens, GA, Sept. 8-9, 1995.

"The Contract With America: Women and Children Need Not Apply," Women's History Month Forum, Women's Studies, William Paterson College, March 14, 1995.

Panelist, "Jobs and Economic Justice," conference on Diversity & Economic Justice: Latinas Working Across Ethnic and Racial Lines, Mujera Latina, Inc., Brooklyn, New York, March 4, 1995.

Panelist, Press Conference and Briefing on the "Contract With America," National Press Club, Washington, D.C., January 27, 1995.

Panelist, Consultation on Full Employment, sponsored by the National Council of Churches, Washington, D.C., January 6, 1995.

"The Employment Crisis: What Can We Do?" New York Forum, New York, N.Y. Oct. 25, 1994.

"The American Welfare State: Problems and Controversies," National League of Italian Cooperatives," New York, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1994.

Discussant, "Employment and Human Rights: the International Dimension," seminar sponsored by the Economic and Social Rights Advocacy Network and the Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, December 4, 1993.

Panelist, "The Struggle for Good Jobs," Socialist Scholars' Conference, panel sponsored by New Initiatives for Full Employment, Borough of Manhattan Community College, New York City, April 10, 1993.

"A Program for Full Employment," conference on "Our Community in Hard Times," sponsored by coalition of community groups, Syracuse, New York, March 13, 1993.

Panelist, "Full Employment and Military Conversion," National Teach-in on "Putting Pentagon

Dollars in Peoples' Pockets," New York City, Jan. 16; broadcast on WBAI-FM and on 21 radio stations across country, 1993.

"The Wilderness, the Rugged Individual, and the White Man's Burden: Patterns of Eurocentric Thought from Columbus to Modern Advertising," Race and Gender Project Seminar, William Paterson College, Sept. 17, 1992.

"Clan Mothers, Founding Fathers, and 'We, the People': Renovating the American Political/Cultural Story," seminars on Achieving Excellence Through Valuing Diversity, sponsored by the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, Senegal and The Gambia, West Africa, June 20-July 1, 1992.

"Peoples' Culture: Arts in the Movements for Social Change," Continuing Education Conference on "Arts Revitalizing Society," William Paterson College, June 13, 1992.

"Jobs and Economic Justice: The Unheeded Message of the Los Angeles Riots," New Jersey Council of Churches Annual Meeting, Princeton University, May 9, 1992.

Panelist, "Economic Rights: the Next Frontier," Panel on Women's Employment in the United States and Germany," Socialist Scholars' Conference, Borough of Manhattan Community College, New York City, April 25, 1992.

"An Economic Bill of Rights in Context: Its History and Relevance," Citizens' Convention for Economic Justice, sponsored by: New Intiatives for Full Employment; New York City Unemployed Committee; Council on International and Public Affairs, Social Policy, New York City, April 11, 1992.

"Relational Politics: Women and the Transformation of Public Life," Mt. Union College, Alliance, OH College Convocation Lectures, Feb. 5, 1992.

"The Wilderness, The Rugged Individual and the White Man's Burden: Andro and Eurocentric Historiography in Contemporary Advertising," New Jersey Project Lecture series, Raritan Community College, St. Peters College, Gloucester County College, Sept. 25, 26, 30. , 1991.

"Multiculturalizing the Political Science Curriculum," Walden University Summer Institute, Minneapolis, MN., July 10. , 1991.

"Gender and Multicultural Issues in Research," Walden University Summer Institute, Minneapolis, MN., July 8, 1991.

"George Bush's Foreign Policy Objectives in the Persian Gulf Crisis, WPC Teach-in on Gulf War, Jan. 30, 1991.

"The Great Denial and the Churches' Response to Economic Hard Times," National Association of Ecumenical Staffs, Stony Point, NY, Jan. 6, 1991.

"The Political Implications of Changing Demographics," Teach-In on population Awareness, William

William Paterson College, Oct. 25, 1990.

"The Structure of the Changing Global Economy and its Implications for New Jersey," New Jersey Council of Churches, 1990.

"Homelessness and the Changing Economy," U.N. Seminar Program, United Methodist Church, 1990.

"Racism and the Global Economy," Young Leadership Council, New Orleans Chamber of Commerce, 1990.

"Educating the New U.S. Labor Force: A Trade Union Model," International Reading Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 1990.

"Black Politics in an Emerging World Order" and "The Political Pedagogy of Rainbow Politics," Michigan State University, 1990.

"Rethinking U.S. History: From the Bottom Up and the Outside In," Conference on Thinking and Re-thinking U.S. History, Cleveland, OH, 1990.

"Rethinking U.S. History: From the Bottom Up and the Outside In," Minnesota Clergy and Laity Concerned, Educators for Social Responsibility, 1990.

"Global Economic Restructuring: Its Impact on Community Organizing," Advanced National Training, People's Institute for Survival and Beyond, New Orleans, 1990.

"Working Harder and Making Less: The Changing Structure of the Workplace and Labor's Response," World Fellowship, Conway, NH, July 15, 1989.

Panelist, "Developing a Common Agenda on Economics and the Environment," The Other Economic Summit, New York, N.Y., 1989.

Panelist, "The Urban Underclass," Socialist Scholars' Conference, New York, N.Y, 1989.

"Racism in Contemporary Institutions and Practices," U.N. Seminar Program, United Methodist Church, New York, N.Y., 1989.

"What's Happening to Our Jobs, Income and Security?" U.N. Seminar Program, United Methodist Church, New York, N.Y., 1989.

Panelist, "The Rainbow Coalition: Where is it Headed?" Learning Alliance, New York, N.Y. , 1989.

Panelist, "Labor and Community," Learning Alliance, New York, N.Y., 1989.

"The Political Pedagogy of Jesse Jackson," Afro-American Studies Center Lecture Series, Wesleyan University, 1988.

"Jesse Jackson's Candidacy in the 1988 Elections," Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, 1988.

Panelist, "The New York Primary: Was There Common Ground?" Political Institute, Community Service Society, New York, N.Y., 1988

"Social Polarization: The Two-Tier Economy and the Constituency for Full Employment,” NorthAmerican

Conference on Employment and Unemployment, International Network on Unemployment and Social Work, Adelphi University School of Social Work, 1988.

"The Rainbow and the Primacy of Class," Socialist Scholars' Conference, New York,

N.Y., 1988.

Panelist, Forum on Connecticut's Economic Future, sponsored by State Legislative Task Force on Manufacturing and Connecticut SANE/Freeze, University of Connecticut, Danbury, CT, 1987.

"Jesse Jackson and the 1988 Elections," Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, 1987.

Panelist, "Toward a Full Employment Policy," Conference on Employment in New York State, N.Y. State Assembly Labor Committee and the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus of the N.Y. State Legislature, Graduate Center, City University of New York, 1987.

Panelist, "Organizing Effectively in a Racist Environment," Education Center for Community Organizing, Hunter College, City University of New York, 1987.

Panelist, "New Directions for Labor," Labor Solidarity Network of Greater New York, 1987.

Panelist, Women's Commission Forum, National Rainbow Convention, Raleigh, NC, 1987.

"The Rainbow and the 1988 Elections," World Fellowship, Conway, NH, 1987.

"The Rainbow Challenge," public forum sponsored by the 20th C.D. Rainbow Coalition, White Plains, NY, 1987.

Panelist, special program on Labor Day, WBAI-FM, NY, 1987.

"Women in Economic Crisis," Annual Board Meeting, Commission on Religion in Appalachia, Charleston, W VA, 1986.

"New Directions for Electoral Politics," World Fellowship, Conway, NH, 1986.

Panelist, Seminar on Marxist-Christian Dialogue, New York University Political Science Graduate Students Association, 1986.

Keynote Address, "Your Place in Church & Community Empowerment," Signs of Hope Convocation, Newark Ecumenical Ministries, Newark, NJ, 1985.

"Building Multiracial Coalitions," Regional Organizers' Conference, Clergy & Laity Concerned, 1985.

"The Political Economy of Race and Class," Pennsylvania Pastors' Conference, Pennsylvnia Council of Churches, Harrisburg, PA., 1985.

"The Politics and Sociology of the Rainbow Coalition," Berkshire Forum, 1985.

"Rainbow Politics," World Fellowship, Conway, NH, 1985.

Panelist, "Religion as a Political Force in American History," Socialist Scholars' Conference, New York, NY, 1985.

"Central America and the U.S. Elections," University of Indiana, University of Kentucky, University of Nebraska, 1984.

Panelist, International Conference on Socialism and Peace, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1984.

"Reagan's America," Methodist and Walldensian Churches of Italy, Valletri, Italy, 1984.

"Women, Race and Class," Montreal, Canada, 1984..

"The Carthan Case: Reflections on Racism and Class," Southern California Clergy & Laity Concerned, Los Angeles, 1983.

"The Arms Race and Central America," Defense of Life Conference, Loyola

University, Los Angeles, CA, 1983.

Brantl Lecture, "Pac-Man, Sandino and Mother Earth: Images of Salvation in the Late

Twentieth Century," Montclair State College, Montclair, NJ, 1983.

" Understanding the New Right," Meadville-Lombard Institute, Unitarian Universalist Church, 1982.

"As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: Biblical Insights on the Relation Between Social Justice and Ecology," and "Biblical Insights on the National Family Debate," Ohio Pastors' Convocation, Ohio Council of Churches, 1982.

Keynote Address, Conference on Women and the Church, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1982.

"Not Just a Family Affair: The New Right and the Family Debate," and panelist on "Perspectives on the New Religious Right," Commentary 1981, Conference on Faith and Politics, Vanderbilt University, 1981.

"A Student of the 60s Talks to Students of the 80s," Carleton College Convocation Lectures, 1981.

"Getting Involved in Social Action," Methodist Student Movement of California, Los Angeles, 1979.

"Chains That Bind: Racism, Sexism, Class," Women's Ordination Conference, Baltimore, 1979.

"Social Critique and Social Hope," Mead-Swing Lectures, Oberlin College, 1978.

The Economic Dimension of Racism and Sexism," Conference on Women: Feminist Theological Perspectives on Religion, Sexuality, and Work," St. John's University, NY, 1978.

"Class, Family and Forgiveness," and "Nature, History and Power," J. Balmer Showers Lectures, United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH, 1978.

"Identity, Forgiveness, and Metanoia: Reflections on Being White, Middle Class American," and "Nature, History and Power," Edgewood College, WI, 1978.

"Ethical Aspects of Nuclear Power," Mobilization for Survival Boston, 1978.

Lecture, "Theology in the Politics of Appalachian Women," Commission on Religion in Appalachia.

"What Can We Learn From History," National Bicentennial Conference, Evanston Ecumenical Action Council, Chicago, 1976.

"The Urban Family in Crisis," Conference on the Urban Local Church, East Ohio Conference, United Methodist Church, 1976.

"The Family and Changing Gender Roles," Hudson Cares, Inc., Dayton, OH, 1976.


Interview on Public Access Cable TV, Channel 12, Westchester County on Venezuela’s Model of Participatory Democracy, June 8, 2005.

Interviewed by Herald News reporter, Andrea Garwit for article on welfare reform, Nov. 25, 2002.

Interviewed on Welfare Reform, WSAU, Newstalk, Harrisonburg, VA, May 14, 2002.

Interviewed on Welfare Reform, KCPW (NPR Affiliate, Utah) Public Affairs Hour. Aired May 13, 2002.

Quoted by the Institute for Public Accuracy in press release entitled, "Beyond the New Unemployment Numbers," May 3, 2002.

Interviewed on Italian public television on welfare reform, September 1997

Interview, cable T.V. Channel 14 (Westchester Co., N.Y.) on program, "Values, Yours, Mine or Ours," aired Oct. 14, 1996.

Interviewed on the Lisa Maria Show, Newstalk T.V. on the "Government's Plan to Change the Way it Measures Poverty," May 3, 1995.

Interviewed on the Ernie Onastos Show, Newstalk T.V. on "Welfare Reform," March 27.

Interviewed on the Julianne Malveaux Show, Pacifica Radio, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1, 1994.

Interviewed on "Building Bridges: The Community Labor Report, WBAI-FM, N.Y., Dec. 1, 1994.

Interviewed on "The Ole Mole," KBOO-FM, Portland Oregon, March 14, 1994.

Interviewed on "To the Point," WPC-TV, aired Oct. 23, 1992.

Interviewed on "Point of View," WOR-TV, aired May 31, 1992.

Interview on the Rainbow Coalition, WBAI-FM, NY, 1986.

Interview on the Jackson presidential campaign, UA-Columbia TV Channel 3, Westchester County, NY.

Lecture and Workshop, "Racism and Sexism," Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Center, MA, 1986


Who’s Who Among American Teachers 2006-2007, 2007-2008.

Fulbright-Hayes Study Grant to India, 2006

Dale and Gwen White Award, for Commitment to Social Justice, Methodist Federation for Social Action, 1999

Honorable Mention, Rowman & Littlefield Innovative Teaching in Political Science Award presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, 1997

Listed in Strathmore's Who's Who and Lexington Who's Who 2000-2001 editions

Listed in Who's Who Among America's Teachers 1994-2002 editions

Listed in Who’ Who in American Education, 1995/6 edition

Listed in Who's Who in the East, 1994, 1995/6 editions

Listed in World Who's Who of Women, 1993/4 edition

Listed in Dictionary of International Biography, 1993/4 edition

Nominated for Twentieth Century Award for Achievement, International Biographical Centre, 1993

A.R.T. 1992, 1993-4, 1994-5, 1996-97; 1997-98, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2002-2003; 2003-2004; 2005-2006

$2,500 research grant for work on book on welfare reform from the Columbia University Seminars Program.

$1647, travel grant (including faculty development) for seminar in West Africa, June 20-July 1, 1992.

$3,000 for research on the labor market experience of immigrant workers in E.S.L. classes, 1990. Consortium for Worker Education and the International Ladies Garment Workers' Union.

$1,000 for developing community education programs on the changing global economy, 1988. Anita L. Mishler Foundation.

$5,000 for research on full employment policy, 1987. New World Foundation.

Lee and May Ball Award in Social Justice Advocacy, Methodist Federation for Social Action, 1983.


2009-present Member, Global Ecological Integrity Group

2009-present International Advisory Board, Toda Institute for Global Peace & Policy Studies

2010 Interim Chair, Columbia University Seminar on Globalization, Labor & Popular Struggles

2005-present Co-Chair, Columbia University Seminar on Full Employment, Social Justice and Equity

2010 Chair, Panel on “Beyond Copenhagen: Governing the Global Commons in Hard Times,” Green Politics & Theory Group, APSA

2008-present Publications Executive Committee, Caucus for a New Political Science, APSA

2002-2004 Board of Trustees and Advisory Board, Socialist Scholars' Conference

1999-2001 Board of Directors, Connie Hogarth Center for Social Action, Manhattanville College

2000-present Member, Economy Connection, Union of Radical Political Economics

1993 National Advisory Committee, Committee on History in the Classroom, American Historical Association

1991-2 Chair, Seminar Program Committee, Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development Seminar in West Africa, Summer 1992.

1990 Consultant, New York State Labor Department. Design and implementation of a conference on the 25th anniversary of Affirmative Action legislation.

1990-present Member, American Political Science Association

1987 Consultant, New World Foundation on employment policy.

1979-83 Board of Directors, Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization

1973-78 Founder and Coordinator, Women's Ecumenical Consulting Group, New York, N.Y.


1994-present Co-founder, and member of the National Executive Committee, National Jobs for All Coalition

2009-present Board, Gandhian Forum for Peace & Justice, William Paterson University

2005-2010 Board of Directors, NJ United Nations Association and Task Force on the Port Project

2002-2010 Board of Trustees, Council on International and Public Affairs

1994-6 Member, Economic and Social Human Rights Advocacy Network

1994 Planning Committee for a National Consultation on Full Employment

1994 Contributing Researcher, Economic and Social Human Rights Advocacy Network

1991-92 Member, New York City Economists and Policy Analysts' Working Group on the New York City Economy

1992 Planning Committee for a Citizens' Convention for Economic Justice, sponsored by New Initiatives for Full Employment, New York City Unemployed Committee, Council on International and Public Affairs, Social Policy, New York, April 11.

1990 Consultant, New Jersey Council of Churches. Development of program for corporate managers in analysis of the ethical and public policy implications of a variety of global economic trends.

1988-89 Consultant, Coalition for Jobs 2000, New York, N.Y. Program development on affirmative action and city-wide economic development. Coordination of city-wide conference on Jobs and Economic Justice. Co-author of Policy Program on Economic Development submitted to the Mayor of New York.

1990-91 Organizing Committee for a Peace Dividend

1988-94 Steering Committee, New Initiatives for Full Employment

1990-91 National Advisory Board, Clergy & Laity Concerned

1988-90 Consultant, Clergy & Laity Concerned. Program development and grant-writing for programs on racial justice and Rediscovering the History of the Americas Project.

1988 Consultant, Jesse Jackson for President Campaign on economic, family and women's policy. Co-author of Women's Policy paper.

1980-90 People's Institute for Survival and Beyond, New Orleans, LA. Consultant and trainer in Community Organization, Undoing Racism, Global Economic Restructuring.

1979-83 Board of Directors, Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization

1973-78 Founder and Coordinator, Women's Ecumenical Consulting Group, New York, N.Y.


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