
Rev 7.22.22


Tenant Information Handbook



▪ Project Fact Sheet

▪ Important Telephone Numbers


▪ Tenant Improvement Construction Information

▪ Food Tenant Design Requirements / Exhibits

▪ Helpful Hints

▪ Construction Rules


▪ City of Las Vegas Website Info

▪ Tenant Address Info


▪ Sign Criteria – see the separate Tenant sign criteria document for this center

available on website

▪ Storefront Criteria – see the separate ‘Storefront Criteria’ document available on the SIMON website

You can review the center's Tenant Handbook and Construction Rules, Tenant Sign Criteria and Storefront Criteria by logging onto . Once you reach the site, click the “Businesses” tab, then click on the “Leasing and Property Information” tab in the middle of the screen and then enter the property name in the “Search for a Simon Property” area. From here, you will be able to view/download documents as required.



LANDLORD: SIMON Premium Outlets

60 Columbia Road

Building B, 3rd Floor

Morristown, NJ 07960

Phone: (973) 228-6111


Suite 1690 – Management Office

Las Vegas, NV 89106

Phone: (702) 474-7500

Fax: (702) 676-1184



Building Department (702) 229-6251

Permits: (702) 229-6916

Express Plan Check: (702) 229-4940

Inspections: (702) 229-6914

City of Las Vegas Web Site:

City Clerk (702) 229-6311

City Hall Licensing Service (702) 229-6482

Clark County Health District (702) 383-1258

Fire Services (702) 383-2888

Emergency/Sheriff/Ambulance/Police 911

Federal Express (800) 463-3339

Post Office Local (702) 361-9200 (800) 275-8777

United Parcel Service (800) 742-5877


Tenant Improvement Construction Information


All tenants are required to provide Landlord with one (1) electronic set (PDF/DWG) for the plan review/approval process. You can email the file directly to SimonPOTenantPlans@. Your tenant improvement drawings must be approved by Landlord prior to commencing work. Please allow 5-10 working days for Landlord review.

Please note that tenant is required to provide Landlord with an electronic set of as-built tenant improvement drawings, including any plan check corrections or engineered plans, upon completion of the store construction.

The Building Department requires a Tenant Connected Load Tabulation form to be filled out and submitted with drawings to receive a permit. The Tenant must have their Electrical Engineer fill out the form and send it with the plan submission. It usually takes 7 to 10 days to get approval. Any engineering costs resulting from submission of Tenant’s load data shall be at Tenant’s sole expense.


All tenants must obtain a City of Las Vegas Business License. Depending on the type of business (i.e., food establishment) additional paperwork may be required beyond the basic application. The child support supplement is required for sole proprietorships and partnerships. Fees are due at the time of application. Check with the City of Las Vegas Department of Finance and Business Services, Business Services Division, 400 Stewart Avenue, 1st Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 (702) 229-6281 for fees, forms and other requirements specific to your business.

State of Nevada Business License (or State of Nevada exemption letter) is required for all Tenants, Contractors, and their Subcontractors working in the center.

BURGLAR ALARMS / Perimeter Intrusion Security Devices

All such devices must be approved by the Landlord prior to installation, including application of "riot glass" or any type of film to doors and/or windows. No exterior alarms, strobe lights, or other enunciator devices may be mounted on storefronts. Due to potential interference with the Center's fire alarm system, "Smoke Cloak", or similar systems which generate smoke, are prohibited. Application of any decals to storefronts referencing Security protection must be done in compliance with Premium Outlets Storefront Criteria.


All tenant contractors must be licensed in the State of Nevada and must provide Landlord with an original signed copy of the Construction Rules (see following). The tenant contractor obtaining the tenant improvement permit is the contractor responsible for submitting all required information and certificates of insurance to the Landlord.

Due to the structural engineering design of the roof system, Tenants and/or their contractors cannot attach to or construct anything on the roof trusses unless approved by Landlord. If a structural engineer is needed to determine any structural calculations with Tenant drawings, Tenant is responsible for these services and costs.


Tenant Improvement Construction Information

Relocation of thermostat controls shall be at the Tenant’s expense and any repairs or failed installations resulting from incomplete or inadequate relocation shall be the Tenant’s responsibility.

STRUCTURAL CHANGES: Tenants are to submit preliminary design drawings ONLY and should not commence work on drawings until the design is approved by Landlord.


▪ Contractors are required to notify the Center Management office 24 hours in advance of any cutting, welding or grinding work to be performed, for approval. Any costs involved in providing a fire watch will be the responsibility of the tenant contractor (after hours).

▪ Welding and cutting is not permitted near large quantities of exposed, readily ignitable materials, in areas not authorized by Center Management, or on metal partitions, walls or roofs with combustible covering or with combustible construction.

▪ Floors shall be free of combustibles, such as wood shavings. If the floor is of combustible material, it should be kept wet or otherwise protected.

▪ Cutting, grinding, or welding on pipes or other metal in contact with combustible walls, partitions, ceilings, or roofs should not be done when close enough to cause ignition by heat conduction.


All work must be coordinated with the Ops Director and approved by the Tenant Manager. The existing conditions under the slab has a fill course above the vapor barrier material. This is especially useful because it allows the contractor to cut through the concrete without cutting the vapor barrier. Then when it is exposed, the contractor must cut a slit for the conduit and repair it by overlapping a new piece (six inches) and taping. The Building Department must inspect the trench prior to backfilling.


Tenant’s flooring contractor is responsible for minor floor patching in accordance with good installation practices. Tenant is also responsible for determination of compatibility of flooring products. Landlord does not accept responsibility for water vapor emissions through the slab that exceed flooring manufacturer’s recommendations or due to the effects of sawcutting. The Tenant/Tenant’s general contractor is responsible to ensure that there are no underground utilities/services BEFORE cutting any concrete, anywhere on the property. The Tenant will be liable for all repairs and/or lost business due to a utility or service interruption as a result of cutting the slab.


Tenants are to order their utility services (electricity, gas and telephone) to begin on their turnover date or their construction start date, whichever is the earlier. Please make sure you make application early!! (See utility company listing in this handbook.) If permanent power is not available prior to start of tenant improvement construction, Tenant’s electrical contractor shall be responsible to provide temporary power and lighting for the Demised Premises, per code, with ground fault protection. Electrical usage charges are the responsibility of the Tenant starting on the day of turnover or the day work is started in the Demised Premises by Tenant – whichever date is earlier.


Tenant Improvement Construction Information

HVAC: All Tenants must provide regular maintenance of their HVAC system. Each Tenant is to provide a copy of their maintenance contract to the General Manager within one (1) month of their turnover date. Protection for the HVAC unit’s construction filter in particular, must be in place prior to the start of Tenant’s construction. The HVAC unit must also be cleaned or replaced when tenant construction is complete. This is the responsibility of the Tenant. If painting the ceiling, the HVAC unit(s) must be off – not running.


• Be aware that a separate low voltage permit may be required for some tenant electrical installations.

• Verify existing electrical service, sub-feed wiring & panels prior to start of any electrical work.

• City of Las Vegas Bldg Dept may require the Tenant to include a connected electrical load summary in their plans. This summary shall be provided by Tenant’s architect or electrical engineer, at Tenant’s expense.

NOTE: No satellite dishes will be allowed on the roof!

Sprinklers: It is the Tenant’s responsibility to contract for fire sprinkler system changes (please see required subcontractors page). They will re-engineer the sprinklers per your plans, provide a plan that can be submitted to the building department for permit, obtain permit for sprinkler modifications, expedite the work and obtain the necessary inspections. They must have both a hard copy of your plans as well as an AutoCAD drawing. Their unit pricing is based on having AutoCAD drawing. No other companies but the REQUIRED companies are allowed for this project.

Fire Alarm: It is the Tenant’s responsibility to contract for fire alarm system changes (please see required sub-contractors page). They will re-engineer the fire alarm system per your plans, provide a plan that can be submitted to the building department for permit, obtain permit for the modifications, expedite the work and obtain the necessary inspections from the fire department. Addition of a stockroom wall constitutes changes to the fire alarm system. They must have both a hard copy of your plans as well as an AutoCAD drawing. No other companies but the REQUIRED companies are allowed for this project.

Remember – Any work that modifies sprinkler or fire alarm systems must be permitted separately…Make sure you start the permitting process early.

Blocking – Wood blocking is not allowed. Use metal strapping or sheet metal instead.

Common area corridors must not be used for storage. They must remain clear of any obstructions at all times. No working in them or running cords through them!

Restrooms – Tenant restrooms will not have vct for flooring. The city will not allow vct or vinyl sheeting for flooring. They will be sealed concrete with cove base.

Signage – All illuminated storefront and exterior signs must be permitted! Don’t wait – get your sign drawings in for review early.


Tenants and their contractors will be responsible for removal of all construction and store set up debris generated during tenant improvement construction. This includes all debris from store fixtures and initial merchandise deliveries. A trash bin must be ordered from waste management (please see Utilities page), and location of the bin must be approved by the General Manager prior to drop-off.


Please see the rear of this manual for specific address information.

Please use your individual suite number for deliveries!! DO NOT have deliveries of store supplies or your tenant improvement construction materials made prior to your store turnover date. A representative of your company must be onsite to receive any deliveries for your store. The Landlord cannot accept any deliveries for your store. No provision has been made for on-site storage until your suite is ready for turnover.

No-Construction Tenants

If a tenant is not doing any building of walls, electrical, mechanical, or plumbing work and all work is cosmetic, a permit will not be necessary. Tenant must apply for a business license. Once the application is in, it will trigger an inspection by the Fire Department. If all is well, a Certificate of Occupancy will be subsequently issued.


Landlord strongly prefers the use of ENERGY STAR products and/or equipment whenever possible during Tenant design & build out, which can reduce energy consumption. For additional information, please visit: products

A tenant may not open for business without a signed, executed lease!!



We have been advised by the Las Vegas Building Department that tenants, based on the design of their space, may be required to have a rear exit hallway from the sales area. If you have any questions, contact your architect or the Building Department for this code as well as all others that are pertinent to your build out.

Additional information is available on their website: Las Vegas Building Department.

On the website you will find such things as:

“Ten Tips for Expediting the Plan Review Process”

“Applying for a Business License”

“Tenant Improvement Plan Checklist”

“Typical Plan Check Delays”

“Plan Submittal Requirements for Food Service Establishments”

“City of Las Vegas Permit Fee Table”

“Permit Forms”

“Most Frequent Reasons for Correction or Rejection of Plans”


No contractor is allowed on our property without wearing a visitor’s badge. A contractor may pick up badges for his entire crew at the mall office. These badges self destruct within 24 hours, thus every day you must get new ones. Everyone working in the suite must wear a badge. If security sees an expired badge, you will be asked to obtain a new one at the office before any other work can be performed.


Helpful Hints


Preliminary Review Phase

Tenant’s can schedule a pre-review meeting with a plan reviewer at the city to go over the plans. The review encompasses building, fire, electrical, mechanical and structural.

You must have your business license in at time of going for permit. You cannot open without a business license.

Tenant construction drawings must include a fixture plan, which details the clear height of the fixtures.

Wood blocking is not allowed! Only metal strapping or sheet metal. No vct or sheet vinyl allowed in restrooms.

Drawings should include: a fixture furnishing plan, and an exiting plan showing path of egress to exits in the center. Where restrooms are added, provide ADA compliant requirements.

Provide flame spread for materials finishes on the drawings.

Drawings should contain proper details for all soffits and mechanical units. Soffit attachment details should be structurally accurate.

If you are a regular retailer, but sell pre-packaged food – you must verify and adhere to all rules and governing laws regarding this, i.e.: sampling, 3 compartment sinks etc… Please call Health District for more information.

Signage – All signs will need a permit! May or may not be able to achieve over the counter – may take a week or more. Please prepare! Additionally, installation of exterior sign lights must be permitted and therefore be included in your tenant improvement drawings. Including them on the signage submittal will not suffice. Be sure to supply the call out for the proper light fixtures.

Plan Check Phase:

Tenant improvement plans submitted for a building permit must be sealed by an architect licensed in the State of Nevada in accordance with the requirements of Nevada Revised Statutes. (Architects are prohibited by law from sealing or stamping any work that has not been prepared under their direct supervision. It is unlawful for a professional architect/engineer to sign, seal, or stamp any plans that were not prepared by him.) The building department has told us that they enforce this.

The second option is a request at time of submittal for an overtime review. Typically, it is $l00/hour with a one hour minimum, dependent upon the plan reviewer’s availability. The building department will contact you if this is to be scheduled or not allowed due to time constraints.

Fire Alarm, Sprinkler Modifications are all separate permits. Sprinkler and Fire Alarm modifications will be handled by the required subcontractors.

The building department will review plans as quickly as possible but will not give us any concrete time frames. Experience from other projects indicate at least 4 to 6 weeks. This timeframe is not inclusive of any revisions the building department may have requested for re-submittal. The building department is known for kicking back plans for re-draw even for the simplest modifications. Be prepared and plan accordingly. Get your plans in early!!!

The contractor will be the only one allowed to physically pull the permit. The permit will not be issued if the contractor does not have their State of Nevada license number.


You will need to obtain a health permit prior to submitting for building. You must make an appointment with them. Do not mail!!!

Any food tenant that installs grease vents (hoods) must be designed to go straight up – they cannot run horizontal. The hoods will need to be sprinklered.

FYI - once walk in cooler is set – health department must inspect prior to hook up.

Remember - the earlier you get the information to them, the better!


Food Tenant Design Requirements

Below is the minumum design requirements that must be used by ALL Food and Food Court Tenants for all kitchen prep area’s.

This requirement is to prevent any mositure or dampness penetrating the demising wall(s) that can lead to damage to the food space and/or adjoining spaces.

Demising and/or concrete walls:

1. Demising walls must be moisture resistant gypsum board w/ Sporgard™ (National Gypsum) on metal studs. Other wall options acceptable by landlord would be Hardibacker prior to installing wall finishes or Ultracode drywall, by USG.

All concrete walls, rear or demising, must be furred out with the above specs, no exceptions.

2. Install water proof membrane a minumum of 24” above floor.

3. FRP applied to all walls to a minumum height or 48” above wall base tile, and caulked with a silicone sealant.

4. Metal or PVC corner guard must be applied to all corners and caulked with a silicone sealant.

Flooring area:

1. Floor tile and flooring base installed must be sealed. This application should be re-applied semi-annually.

2. Floor drains must be installed in any food preparation area that require cleaning methods of hosing or washing walls. It is the tenant responsibility to make certain that all flooring is sloped for proper drainage to the floor drain(s).

Tile/Grout: Must have Durock and /or equal applied to studs.

Food Court Exhibit Requirements

Please see (10) images below:




• In your Browsers Address Window Type:

• You will be taken to the City of Las Vegas page.

• Go to the Business tab at the top and choose from the pull down menu.



Information needed to complete permit application:

Parcel Number: APN 139-33-710-001

Zone: PD

Lot: 1

Block: (housing only)

Subdivision: (housing only)

Occupancy Group: M with A3, B & S1

Construction Type: V-N nonrated


Existing Site Plan – February 4, 2021




The Tenant addresses for Las Vegas Premium Outlets North are as follows:

Tenant Name/DBA

Las Vegas Premium Outlets North

Suite # ____

____ (Street # per the below) South Grand Central Parkway

Las Vegas, NV 89106

Bldg 1: Suites 1660 – 1680 875 South Grand Central Parkway

Bldg 2: Suites 1620 – 1660 875

Bldg 3: Suites 1601 – 1605 875

Bldg 4: Suites 1374 – 1380 775

Bldg 5: Suites 1332 – 1368 775

Bldg 6: Suites 1301 – 1380 775

Bldg 7: Suites 1274 – 1280 655

Bldg 8: Suites 1220 – 1260 625

Bldg 9: Suite 1201 605

Bldg 10: Suites 1001 – 1085 705

Bldg 11: Suites 1901 – 1981 805

Bldg 12: Suite 1775 905

Bldg 13: Suites 1720 – 1765 905

Bldg 14: Suite 1701 905

Bldg 15: Suites 1501 – 1595

Suites 1801 – 1895 855

Bldg 16: Suites 1105 – 1186

Suites 1401 – 1495 755

Bldg 20: Suites 2001 – 2011 685

Bldg 21: Suites 2101 – 2197 785

Bldg 22: Suites 2201 – 2291 795

Bldg 23: Suite 2383 885

Bldg 31: Suites 3101 – 3121 575

Bldg 32: Suites 3201 – 3299 505

Bldg 33: Suites 3301 – 3372 525

Bldg 34: Suites 3405 – 3499 555

Please use your individual suite number for deliveries!! DO NOT have deliveries of store supplies or your tenant improvement construction materials made prior to your store turnover date. A representative of your company must be onsite to receive any deliveries for your store. The Landlord cannot accept any deliveries for your store. No provision has been made for on-site storage until your suite is ready for turnover.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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