3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online

Fifth Sunday of Lent

March 21/22, 2015



Give me justice, O God, and plead my cause against a nation that is faithless. From the deceitful and cunning rescue me, for you, O God, are my strength. Psalm 43 (42):1-2


With gratitude for the gifts they have received, parishioners & visitors made a joyful gift of:

WEEKEND of MARCH 14/15, 2015

Holy Family $2073.60

Smith Valley $351.00

OLPH (Haw.) $739.50

2nd Collection: $655.20

USHERS For March

Saturday 7pm – Volunteers

Sunday 8 am – Kay & Beth Dory

Sunday 10:30am-Volunteers

Communion Minister to the Sick

March 22, 29 Mariann Marich 463-3577

Please inform the Eucharistic Minister of any Catholic who is homebound and wishes to receive the Eucharist.

Our Prayer List

Tess Barcellos Mike Lommori

Michael Lackey Guadalupe Olague

Virginia Mantz Alicia Olague

Marty Datenan Edward Seal

Robert Calderon Priscila Wilson

Kayla Cornejo Lilia Madera Zarazua

Kiley Corkern Debbie Tillatson

Jack Pursel Joseph Caughlin

Patty Nicoll Judie Cleary

Ken Bean David Johnson

Gonzalo Velasquez Flores Nancy Swehla

Debbie Varnado Pat Giomi

Pat Branson Robert Lindstrand

Trisha Benetti Wendy Matheus Rogers

Daniela Cervantes Danny Helgeson

Joe Cleary Lorraine Conroy

Patti Carlton Ron Milligan

Charles Burr Buzzy Deckert

Lloyd Giovacchini Amanda Borges

Joshua Presley Eloisa Orozco

Dave Aaron Ray Costa

Irene Orozco Benavidez Lucille Simpson

Terry Sepsey Eileen Lopez

Jo Marriott Beau Roberts

Wanda Menesini David Giorgi

Olive Pursel Ray Carrasco

Kimberly Patton Gene Castles

Carol Sharkey Jim Cox

Ron Patton Selerino Bovilla Alaniz

Ginger Charles Carol Dyhr


March 21st-27th, 2015

SAT 21 10:00 am +OLPH

4:30 pm +Angelo Grosso

7:00 pm +Jack Hansston & Gene Hunter

SUN 22 8:00 am + Joseph Saumer & Harold Worley

10:30am +People of the Parish



WED 25 8:00 am +Nelly Arias

THUR 26 9:00 am +Arnold Sciarani

FRI 27 9:00 am +All our Priests

Catholic Services Appeal 2015

We would like to thank all those of you who have made your pledges for the year! Our parish goal is $29,870.66. Anything that goes over our goal will return back to the Parish. CSA is also on the web: . Pledge cards are in the back of the church.

Families that have pledged: 46

Total Amount Pledged: $13,330.00

Total Cash Received: $9,620.00


The Parish Office will be closed on Good Friday (April 3rd).

Holy Week & Easter Services

*Palm Sunday, March 29th, regular Mass times

*Wednesday, April 1st-9:00am Mass

*Holy Thursday, April 2nd-5pm Mass at OLPH in Hawthorne

7:15pm Bilingual Mass at Holy Family

*Good Friday, April 3rd-3pm Passion of the Lord Service

7pm Bilingual Service

*Holy Saturday, April 4th-7:30pm Easter Vigil

*Easter Sunday, April 5-8:30am Mass, Fr. George,

at Holy Family

10:30am bilingual Mass with Fr. George,

at Holy Family

9am Mass at St. John’s in Smith

2pm Mass at OLPH in Hawthorne

*Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12th-3pm Mass at St. John’s

There are envelopes in the back of the church for Easter flowers and for an Easter offering. Pick up an envelope on your way out.


Thank You to all the Ladies of the

Parish , Knights of Columbus, CCD

class & all who helped & attended the St Patrick’s Day dinner. It was a great success! Dinner was delicious!


Stations of the Cross are every Friday at 7pm in the Church. Every week they will be led by a different group or club. All are invited!

*Friday, March 27th led by Interfaith

Good Friday 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

For 800 years the Holy See has entrusted to the Franciscans the care of the Holy Places for the benefit of the Christians who live there and all who come as pilgrims from around the world. The staffing and maintenance of existing Holy Places and development of new enable those who live in the Holy Land and those who visit to deepen their faith and their spiritual and cultural connection to Salvation history. They also provide pastoral care in 29 parishes in the Holy Land offering Worship, Christian Formation, youth and family programs and new parish centers in Jericho and Cana.

With the funds from the Good Friday Collection the Franciscan Friars, not only provide presence, care and service to the people who are living in the Holy Land but also maintain the holy shrines that are so significant in the history of our Christian Faith.

Your generosity and prayers enable Christianity to remain and thrive in the Holy Land.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Randolph R. Calvo

Bishop of Reno


Necesitamos voluntarios que hallan terminado al menos sus estudios de preparatoria en México para ser asesores para aquellos que quieran terminar su primaria y secundaria aqui en Yerington. Favor de llamar al Padre Jorge al 463-2882.



If you would like to donate an Easter

Lily in memory of your Loved One, to

decorate the Church on Easter, please

drop it off at the Church Office after

Palm Sunday. Be sure to let the office

know in whose memory you are

donating it so we can acknowledge

them in our prayers.

Clase de Ingles

Te gustaria aprender Ingles o mejorar tu Ingles?

La programa de ESL de Norte Nevada va empezar clases el lunes, 6 d.abril. Las clases van hacer cada lunes y miercoles en la tarde, de 7:00 a 8:00 pm en la salon parroquia de la iglesia Holy Family (311 Virginia St). Habra grupos para los principiantes y ostro para los que saben poquito y quieren aaprender mas. Las clases son gratis. Vengan el lunes, 6 d’abril, 2015, para mas informacion, y inviten a sus familias y sus amigos para esta gran oportunidad!

La clase epieza para 6 d’abril 2015. Las clases son gratis!

CCD 5th & 6th graders will be collecting “NEW” baby items to help our Church’s “Birth Celebration” group. Please bring your donations to mass service on March 28th & 29th. Thank you!


Please support the Knights of Columbus & purchase a raffle ticket for the 60th Annual Seminary

Education Fund. Tickets are $1.00 each &

can be purchased from the Knights or

at the Office. First prize is $1,000 cash!

Purchase your tickets today!


The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will be April 17-19 in Minden, NV. For more information contact Steve or Jamie Wood at (775) 901-1158. To register contact Terry or Janet at (916) 489-3464 or visit the website at:  .

This is a great way to enhance your relationship

and enjoy a weekend together.


Chrism Mass

In the Chrism Mass, the clergy renew their commitment to the people of God in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and 3 different oils are blessed by the Bishop and distributed to each Parish. They are made of pure olive oil, and with different prayers prayed by the Bishop over each, they become: the Oil of Catechumens, (used to prepare those to be baptized), Sacred Chrism, (used to anoint the newly baptized, to confirm the baptized in the gifts of the Holy Spirit; to consecrate the altar & walls of a new church, and to ordain priests and bishops), and then the Oil of the Sick, (used to bless & strengthen the sick and the dying). “Chrism” comes from the same Greek word, “Christos”, from which we derive the word “Christ,” it means “the anointed”. Jesus is called “the Christ” (Messiah in Hebrew) because he was anointed to bring salvation to the world. Each year the Diocese celebrates the Chrism Mass, which will be celebrated at St. Thomas Cathedral in Reno on March 25th at 12pm. All the people of the Diocese are invited to attend. *I will celebrate the daily Mass at 8:00am before I go to Reno on Thursday.* God Bless, Fr. Arias

Celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday with Bishop Randolph Calvo at IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH on Sun, April 12 at 2:30 p.m., 2900 N. McCarran & Pyramid Blvd. There will be a presentation on the message of Divine Mercy, exposition & benediction of The Blessed Sacrament, The Divine Mercy Chaplet prayer followed by veneration of the Blessed Image of Divine Mercy & a 1st Class Relic of St. Faustina.  Contact Maria Hernandez at 229-0368.

Meeting of Families-Sunday Public Mass with the Pope

2015 World Meeting of Families is being held in Philadelphia from Sept 22-Sept 24. Pope Francis will be in attendance and will be presiding at Mass on Sun, Sept 25. For information call Deacon Richard (775) 329-2571, ext.127 or email richardr@


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