
WINTER BREAK HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK (2019-20)Class XI?????ENGLISH1. Prepare the notes of 15 Editorial Articles from the National Daily. Cut the article and paste it in your file. Use at least 10 abbreviations in your notes from each article.2. Write at least 5 newspaper reports in your file.3. Write 5 reports for the School Magazine from the following:a) KVS Foundation Dayb) Children’s Dayc) Annual Sports Day?d) Science Exhibition?e) Seminar on adolescents in your School?4. Write debate either in favour or against the following topics:a) Use of mobile phones by adolescents?b) Extra Classes during holidaysc) Advance Knowledge of technology among students?5. Revision of Literature Section for Periodic Test2ACCOUNTANCY1. Revise chapters 22,23,24&25 for periodic-ll .2. Do follow up work of half yearly exam 2019.3. Practice 10 questions of Financial Statement with Adjustments.4. Practice 10 questions of Incomplete Records.5. Prepare a comprehensive project on any one topic from unit l to unit lV.BUSINESS STUDIES1 Prepare project on topics given in NCERT2. Prepare notes of chapters 8, 9 &103. Prepare 10 hots questions of each chapterECONOMICS CLASS: XI D, E, FDO ANY 6 NUMERICALS ON MEAN, MEDIAN & MODEDO 3 NUMERICALS ON MEAN DEVIATION (ALL STATISTICAL SERIES)DO ANY 3 NUMERICALS ON STANDARD DEVIATION ( ALL STATISTICAL SERIES)WRITE MERITS & DEMERITS OF MEAN DEVIATION & STANDARD DEVIATIONCONSTRUCT A LORENZ CURVE USING THE DATAHISTORYRevision of all chapters (Chapter 01-010)Map skill: In notebook based on chapters (Chapter 01-10)Prepare CBSE Project/Practical on any one of following topics: Anthropological Research based on Darwin’s TheoryMaking and unmaking of MesopotamiaParadigms of Greco-Roman civilizationCritique of the industrialization in BritainRelations and impacts of past crusadesAspirations of women in the Renaissance periodPaths to Modernization of Japan / ChinaAn in-depth study into “now and then” paradigm of ChristianityAn exploratory study into the realism and the transmission of Humanistic ideasScientific Revolution and the origins of modern scienceAn Exploratory study into HumanismLearning about global SufismHistory of aborigines – America / AustraliaPiecing together the past of Genghis KhanAn exploratory study into the making of AmericaMyriad Realms of Slavery in the ancient, medieval and modern worldPOLTICAL SCIENCE Note: This project will be the part of assessment Prepare 10-10 MCQs from each lesson. GEOGRAPHYINFORMATICS PRACTICES/ COMPUTER SCIENCEWrite the python program for the following :(Q. NO 1 to 21 with output, is to be done in practical notebook) :1. Check if the number is positive or negative or zero using if elif2. To check if the input number is odd or even.3. To convert a numerical grade to a letter grade, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’,’D’ or ‘F’, where the cut-offs for ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’ are 90, 80, 70, and 60 respectively using if else ladder.4. Find the greatest no between two.5. Find the largest number among the three input numbers using logical operator.6. Take in the Marks of 5 Subjects and Display the percentage. Consider all the marks are out of 100.7. To find the factorial of a number8. Write a program to add N natural nos9. Write a program to multiply N natural Nos.10. To find the sum of digits of a number11. To count the number of digits in a number12. Write a program to calculate product of digits of a number. For example if N=345 then it should produce 3*4*513. To check if a number is a armstrong number or not.14. Checking whether a number is prime or not15. To print the table of a given number16. Write a program to generate Fibonacci Series i.e 0 1 1 2 3 5………..17. To check if a number is a palindrom or not.18. To print pyramid of stars**********19. Write a command to create the below given table:Table: DepartmentColumnnameDnoDnameDlocDatatypeIntegerVarcharCharSize3050ConstraintPrimary keyNot nullTable: EmployeeColumn nameEmpnoNameGenderCitySalaryDnoDatatypeIntegerVarcharCharVarcharNUMBERIntegerSize501305,2ConstraintPrimary keyNot nullIn ‘m’ or ‘f’Default ggn>10000Foreign key20. Insert the following data in the table:Table: DepartmentDnoDnameDloc10FiananceGgn20ProgrammingGgn30HRMDelhiTable: Employee:EmpnoNameGenderCitySalaryDno101NainaFDelhi7000010102SohanMGgn5000020103MohanMGgn2500030104ReenaFDelhi3000010105TeenaFGgn350001021. Write the following query with outputi. Write a query to display the data of department table.ii. Write a query to display the data of employee table.iii. Write query to display name, gender and salary of all employee in ascending order of their salary.iv. Write a query to display the list of departments which are located in GGNv. Write a query to display name of all the employee who are living in Gurgaonvi. Write a query to display the details of employee whose empno is 105vii. Write a query to display all male employees living in Delhiviii. Write a query to display the details of employees of department no 10 in descending order of their names.ix. Write a query to display name and salary of all the employee whose salary lies between 30 thousand to 50 thousand.x. Write a query to display the records of all the employee who are either female or working in department no 30xi. Write a query to display the detail of all the employee, the last second character of whose name is a.xii. Write a query to delete all the records who are living in Gurgaon.xiii. Write a query to increase the salary of all the employees by 15% of their existing salary.xiv. Write a query to change the city to rohtak of employee whose employee no is 104xv. Write a query to delete the records of all the employees of department no 10xvi. Write a query to add one more column i.e dob date notnull.xvii. Write a query to display to display name, dno, salary and their corresponding department of all the employees.xviii. Write a query to display name and dname of all the employees of city Gurgaon.22. Read lesson no 17(Cyber Safety) and lesson -18( Online access and Computer Security) and prepare hand written assignment.CHEMISTRYQ1. What do you understand by the term “Autoprotolysis of water”? what is its significance?Q2. What makes water hard? Can sodium hydrogen carbonate make water hard?Q3. What is Calgon? How is permanent hardness removed by Calgon method?Q4. Is distilled water useful for drinking purpose? ExplainQ5. Write chemical reaction to show the oxidising nature of H 2 O 2 in acidic and alkaline medium?Q6. Comment on the following observation “lithium is the only a metal to form nitride directly”.Q7. When heated in air the alkali metals form various oxides mention the oxides formed by Li, Naand Why is it so?Q8. Find out the oxidation number of Na in Na2 O2 and K in KO2Q9. Give reactions for the production of Na 2 C0 3 by Solvay process. Can this process be used for preparation of K2Co3 ?Q10. Draw structure of BeCl2 in gaseous and solid phaseQ11 what is plaster of Paris? what is its chemical formula? How it is obtained?Q12. Give one important biological use of Na, K, Ca- and MgQ13. If BCl3 bond has a dipole moment, explain why BCl3 molecule has zero dipole momentQ14. What happens when----A) Na metal is dropped in waterB) Na reacts with EthyneC) Na reacts with H2OD) Alkaline earth metals are heated with halogensE) CaO is mixed with SiO 2F) Cl 2 reacts with slaked limeG) Slaked line is heatedQ15 Explain why----A) HCl is a gas HF is a liquidB) Lake freezes from top towards bottomC) Ice floats on waterD) Be and Mg do not give colour to the flameE) Alkali metals have low melting point and boiling pointMATHEMATICSPHYSICSSOLVE THE HALF YEARLY QUESTION PAPER.EXAMPLES OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS. ALL THE EXAMPLESEXERCISE QUESTIONS 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.8, 10.13, 10.16, 10.19, 10.22, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.6, 11.8, 11.11. 11.12, 11.13, 11.14, 11.16, 11.20.STATE AND PROVE BERNOULLI’S THEOREM. GIVE SOME EXAMPLES BASED ON BERNOULLI’S THEOREM FROM OUR DAILY LIFE.STATE PASCAL’S LAW OF TRANSMISSION AND MENTION ANY TWO EXAMPLE AND THEN WORKING.WHAT IS CAPILLIARITY? DERIVE THE EXPRESSION FOR THE RISE OF LIQUID IN A CAPILLIARITY.DEFINE SURFACE TENSION AND SHOW THAT IT IS NUMERICALLY EQUAL TO SURFACE ENERGY OF THE FILM.DEFINE EXCESS PRESSURE. DERIVE THE EXPRESSION IN CASE OF LIQUID BUBBLE. DEFINE TERMINAL AND DERIVE THE EXPRESSION OF IT.STATE AND PROVE STOKES’S LAW DIMENSIONALLY.DEFINE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY BY DISCUSSING THE FACTORS OF HEAT FROM DEPENDS UPON THE VAUABLE.DEFFERENTIATE BETWEEN THE LATENT HEAT AND MOLAR SPECIFIC HEAT.BIOLOGYKENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, GURUGRAM REGION HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION (2017-18)CLASS XI- BIOLOGY TIME – 3 HRS MAX MARKS - 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:All questions are compulsory.The question paper consists of Five sections A,B,C,D and E. Section A contains 5 questions of 1 mark each, Section B is of 5 questions of 2 marks each, Section C has 12 questions of 3 marks each and Section D has 1 VBQ of 4 marks . Section E is of 3 questions of 5 marks each. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 and one question of 3 marks and all three questions of 5 marks weightage. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labeled. SECTION AWhich organisms are the chief producers in oceans?Columnar and cuboidal epithelium bearing cilia is called ciliated epithelium. Name two organs in our body where ciliated epithelium is present.What is the function of contractile vacuoles in amoeba?What is quiescent phase (Go-phase)?A plant cell is kept in hypotonic solution, what will be the effect of hypotonic solution on the cell? SECTION BDistinguish between Leucoplast and chromoplast.(b) metacentric and acrocentric chromosome?What are bulliform cells? Where they are present? What is their function?How does transpiration differ from guttation?(four differences). Write any two differences between racemose and cymose inflorescence.Write any two differences between Prophase stage of Mitosis and Prophase- I of meiosis-I? SECTION CHow animals are classified on the basis of nature of body cavity? Draw the sectional view of an organism having body cavity. OR“All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates”. Justify the statement.Differentiate between class Chondrichthyes and class Osteichthyes.I) Identify the bonds present between the given molecules A and B. (A)(B)ii) What are biomacromolecules? Give example. iii) What are heteropolymers? Give one example. a) Differentiate tendon and ligament.b) Where are companion cells located ? Write their function. Distinguish betweenRed algae and brown algaeSporophyte and gametophyteGymnosperms and angiospermsa) Both lysosomes and vacuoles are endomembrane structures yet they differ in terms of their functions. Comment.b) Differentiate between prosthetic group and co-enzyme. What are semi-autonomous organelles? Give two examples and explain any one in detail with the help of diagram.a) What is secondary growth? Name two types of lateral meristems responsible for secondary growth. b) Describe the term ‘stele’ and ‘Bark’ in relation to the plants.Locate and write the function of Crop, Gizzard, Hepatic caeca and Malphigian tubules in the alimentary canal of cockroach with the help of self-explaining diagram. What are deficiency symptoms? Write any two deficiency symptoms in plants. Describe them and correlate them with the concerned mineral deficiency. a) What is hydroponics? b) Write any two criteria for the essentiality of an element in the plants.What is water potential? Study the given fig. given below in which the two chambers A and B containing solutions are separated by semipermeable membrane and answer the given questions.i) Solution of which chamber has a lower water potential.ii) Solution of which chamber has a lower solute potential.iii) In which direction will osmosis occur?iv) At equilibrium which chamber has lower water potential? SECTION-DSurinder, a farmer,was always curious to know that how trees increase in girth while crops he grows in his field do not show such a growth. His friend, Ramesh a scientist at FRI, Dehradun clarified his doubts.Read the above passage and answer the following questions:How do trees increase in girth?Why crops do not show such an increase in diameter?What value was displayed by Ramesh. SECTION-E a) Explain the disadvantages of two kingdom classification?b) Write two living and two non-living features of virus. ORa) Write the universal rules of binomial nomenclature.b) Differentiate between gametophyte and sporophyte of bryophyte. a) Classify and describe the flowers on the basis of position of ovary with respect to other floral appendages.b) What are (a).Pneumatophores and (b) Stilt roots. Explain their function in the respective plants. OR Differentiate the monocot stem from dicot stem anatomically with respect to its epidermis, cortex, vascular bundles and pith (minimum six differences). Also draw the T.S of these stem to support your answer. A) Explain the role of substrate concentration on the activity of enzyme with the help of a graph.b) Explain the double helix model of DNA with the help of line diagram as given by Watson and Crick. ORI) ‘Protein iceberg in a sea of lipids’. Some scientists to explain the structure of cell membrane used this statement. Based on this, answer the following:a) Name the scientists who gave this modelb) Mention the name of the proposed model of the cell membrane.c) Draw and explain the structure of cell membrane on the basis of this statement.ii) Who proposed the cell theory? What is the contribution of Rudolf Virchow to this theory? Write the two postulates of cell theory. HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION,2016-17CLASS-XISUBJECT- Biology (Theory)Time: 3hrs MM: 70-3683001714500General InstructionsThe question paper comprises of five sections A,B,C,D and E.All questions are compulsory.There is no overall choice. However internal choice Has been provided in one question of two marks,one question of three marks and all the five marks questions.Questions 1to 5 in section A are very short answer type questions of one marks each. These are to be answered in one word or one sentence each.Questions 6to 10 in section B are short answer type questions of two marks each. These are to be answered in 20-30 words each.Questions 11 to 22 in section C are short answer type questions of three marks each. These are to be answered in 30-50 words each.Question 23 in section D is 0f 4 marks. (Value based question)Questions 24 to 26 in section E are long answer type questions.These are to be answered in 80-120 words each.SECTION AWrite name of two animals belonging to same genus but different species.What are gemmae?In swampy areas like sunderbans in West Bengal,plants bear special kind of roots called________________.What is turn over number?What would be the pressure potential (p) of a flaccid cell?SECTION- BWhat is diatomaceous earth?write its two uses.ORName two basidiomycetes and the diseases they cause in plants.a) Name the parts of a plant modified to form tendril in pea plant and cucumber.b) Name one plant in which pneumatophores are found.Give the specific scientific terms for the following:a) Leucoplast which store oil and fatsb) Non-staining secondary constrictions on chromosomes.c) Extensive infoldings of the inner membrane of mitochondria.d) Stacks of closely packed thylakoids.Explain the Z-scheme of light reaction diagrammatically.A farmer adds Na,Ca,Mg and Fe regularly to his field and yet he observes that the plant show deficiency of Ca,Mg and Fe.Give a valid reason and suggest a way to help the farmer improve the growth of plants.SECTION-CWrite a short note on economic importance of algae.What are the two peculiar features found in parasitic platyhelminthes?Give two examples.Differentiate between autumn wood and spring wood.Explain epigynous, hypogynous and perigynous ovary.Draw a neat well labeled diagram of alimentary canal of a cockroach.Illustrate a glycosidic, peptide and phosphodiester bond.a)A cell has 32 chromosomes. It undergoes mitotic division. What will be the chromosome number(N) during metaphase? What would be the DNA content(C) during anaphase?b) If the same cell undergoes meiosis what will be the number of chromosomes at metaphase-II?Name a cell organelle which:a) is not bound by a membraneb) is bound by a single membranec) is bound by a double membraneOR What is a centromere? On the basis of position of centromere diagrammatically show different types of chromosomes. In what kind of plants do you come across “Kranz anatomy”? To which conditions are those plants better adapted? How are these plants better adapted than the plants ,which lack this anatomy?Name the most crucial enzyme found in root nodules for nitrogen fixation?Does it rquire a special pink coloured pigment for its functioning? Elaborate.Discuss three factors responsible for ascent of sap in plants.Define uniport,symport and antiport.Section DRamesh collected water sample from pond and took it to the bio lab.There he observed the microorganism present in it. He observed one organism with small extension all over the body and one organism with few long extensions over the body. He identified the two structures and discussed the result with his teacher. The teacher told him about the function and structure of these extensions. What are the short and the long extensions called? And write their functionsGive one example of each.What values are depicted by Ramesh?Section EWhat is aestivation? Describe its various kinds found in petals with diagram and examples.ORName and draw various types of placentation in plants with examples.25. a)What are different classes of enzymes? b) How are prosthetic groups different from co-enzymes? Give one example of each.ORAn organism has three pair of chromosomes. Diagrammatically represent the chromosomal arrangement during different stages of mitosis.Explain the Calvin cycle. List four conditions under which RuBisCO functions as an oxygenase.ORState the Law of Limiting Factor. Discuss four factors which affect the rate of photosynthesis. ................

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