Greek Art History - Mrs. Fanfara's Classes

Greek Art History


Greece is a __________________, located on the _________________________ Sea. It consists of a mainland and many ________________________. Because Greece was so mountainous, it developed into separate ___________________________, which are like provinces.

What factors kept the Greek city-states from uniting?

What was the DELIAN LEAGUE and why was it formed?

What Greek leader was able to rebuild Athens after the Persian invasion? _____________________

What followed was 100 years of Greeks fighting Greeks in the _____________________________. Eventually the constant warfare weakened the city-states so much that the ____________________

________________________________________. These foreign invaders controlled Greece until the Roman armies overthrew the Macedonians & added Greece to their expanding Roman Empire.


What was the AGORA?

The Greek society was _________ dominated – only they could be citizens and only upper-class males enjoyed a formal education. Women had few political rights and were expected to __________

______________________________________________. More than one quarter of the population was made of ___________, usually prisoners captured during the many wars.

Contributions to Modern World

What are 3 Greek gifts to the modern world?





Religion was a very important aspect of Greek society and culture. The Greeks worshipped many gods, creating a _______________________________ society. The Greeks thought that the gods controlled natural and social forces and resided on _____________________________________.


A fort on top of a large hill called an _________________________. It was the religious center of the city-state where temples honouring the city state’s chief gods were built.

The ____________________________ was the main temple on the Acropolis and was dedicated to ______________________, goddess of ________________________________________.


Greek temples, like Egyptian temples, used basic ____________________________ construction.

The columns consisted of what 3 parts? (label)




What are the 3 decorative orders of Greek Columns? Provide a sketch of each and describe their appearance.

1. 2. 3.

Label the major parts of the Greek Temple

The columns that are carved into the shape of a female are called __________________________ and may be found on this temple:________________________________.

What is an Amphitheatre and how was it built?


What was the purpose of Greek sculpture?

Describe the sculptures of the following 3 periods:

1. Archaic

2. Classical

3. Hellenistic

Describe Greek vase painting:



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