Chapter 4, Section 4: The Culture of Classical Greece

Chapter 4, Section 4: The Culture of Classical Greece

Key Terms

ritual a religious ceremony or rite (page 128)

oracle a sacred shrine where a god or goddess revealed the future through a priest or priestess (page 128)

tragedy a serious play or drama (page 129)

philosophy (“love of wisdom”) an organized system of thought (page 130)

Socratic method a teaching method used by Socrates in which a question and answer format leads pupils to see things for themselves by using their own reason (page 130)

Greek Religion (page 127)

How did the Greeks honor their gods and goddesses?

Greek Drama (page 129)

Why are Greek tragedies still relevant today?

The Writing of History (page 132)

Who were two great historians of ancient Greece?

The Classical Ideals of Greek Art (page 132)

What did Classical Greek sculptors try to achieve in their sculptures?

Summarizing Information

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