Classification of Animals Scavenger Hunt


Classification of Animals Scavenger Hunt

Using your animal kingdom notes determine which vocabulary term, kingdom, phylum, class, or subclass name applies to each statement. Once you have found these then search for the correct mini-poster around the room, on the back of the poster will be the letter assigned to that statement. These statements will then be used to help you figure out the riddle or joke.

1. Phylum: These animals have flat bodies with bilateral symmetry. They are mainly parasitic. An example would be a tapeworm that infects your gut.

2. Class: These animals have three distinct body parts, three pairs of legs and an exoskeleton. This class contains more invertebrates than any other group!

3. Characteristic: Most animals (97%) fit into this category based on their lack of a trait that is very important in keeping us up straight!

4. Class: These animals have a well developed head and many arm-like tentacles. Sometimes they squirt ink to distract predators while they escape.

5. Class: These animals live part of their life in water and part on land. Most begin life in the water, live near water as adults, and then, require water to mate and reproduce.

6. Subclass: These organisms are found only in Australia and the Americas. Their gestation period is very short, however their offspring must still develop in a very special pouch after birth for quite some time.

7. Class: These organisms have oviparous reproduction (the young hatch from eggs laid by the mother). They are warm-blooded and have a beak or a bill.

8. Class: These jawless fish lack scales for protection. They secrete slime to avoid predators.

9. Phylum: These animals are sessile organisms. They have no head, mouth, tissues, or organs. Specialized collar cells assist with digestion.

10. Phylum: These segmented animals have three cell layers with two body openings. They move through the soil by using contractions of their circular and longitudinal muscles.

11. Phylum: These animals have characteristics that include a water-vascular system, an internal skeleton, radial symmetry, spiny skin, and tube feet.

12. Phylum: These animals have two main body forms - either a cylinder shaped polyp or an umbrella shaped medusa. They have radial symmetry and tentacles with stinging cells.

13. Subclass: Who knew a mammal could lay an egg? What a unique characteristic for this subclass of animals!

14. Class: These animals have a cartilaginous skeleton and a notochord that is present throughout their lives. They have modified scales that cover their entire body.

15. Class: These animals have a bony jaw and skeleton. They are cold-blooded, using gills for respiration.

16. Kingdom: These organisms are all heterotrophic multicellular and lack a cell wall.

17. Characteristics: Sponges are the only phylum with this characteristic which means no two halves are the same.

18. Class: These animals have scales which prevent their bodies from drying out. They have respiration through lungs and are cold-blooded (ectotherms). Some have live birth of their young while some have young that develop in eggs. They can shed their skin several times a year.

19. Class: These animals nourish their young with mother’s milk. They are warm blooded (endotherms) and have a diaphragm. Most have a more highly developed brain than other animals. Their young are viviparous and have a diet that can be carnivorous, insectivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous.

20. Phylum: These animals have jointed appendages. They have exoskeletons that protect their internal body parts. They must molt their exoskeleton in order to grow larger.

21. Characteristics: Most animals have this characteristic in common, meaning that they have two equal halves when split on a particular plane.

22. Class: These slow moving animals are belly-footed with a one-coiled shell. Their soft bodies are protected by shells that are secreted by the mantle.

23. Class: These animals have a chewing jaw and a pair of appendages (claws) on each segment of the thorax. Many restaurants prepare these for you to enjoy.

24. Subclass: Humans fit into this category because we put so much care and nourishment into our young before their birth.

25. Phylum: These animals are classified based on their shell structure….one, two, or none (

26. Phylum: These animals thrash around causing havoc for other animals. These parasitic creatures reproduce sexually inside the host.

27. Characteristic: Jellyfish have this characteristic in common with seastars. It means no matter how you cut em’ they will be equally divided.


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