Classification of Animals - Weebly

Classification of Living ThingsIntroductionClassification of any organism involves examining similar characteristics and placing them into groups based on these similar characteristics. One way to group organisms is by using a dichotomous key. A dichotomous key is designed to separate a group of organisms into two smaller groups. These groups are then separated into two smaller groups, and so on. Each step in the key involves a yes or no question about the organism’s appearance. In this activity you will use a dichotomous key to classify members of the animal kingdom. You will also become familiar with characteristics that identify taxonomic groups to which they belong.Essential Questions How do scientists identify, classify and organize organisms?Are viruses living things?SafetyObserve standard laboratory safety rules.MaterialsStudent pack containing 35 animal specimensDichotomous Key for Kingdoms of Living ThingsPart 1: Pre-lab ExercisesYou are to create a scaled representation of the diversity of organisms using the numbers below. For each of the assigned groups, you are to choose one organism to represent the group. For example, you could choose a mushroom to represent the fungus group. Each organism should be illustrated in the proper environment. For example, your representation from the fish group should be placed in water, not on dry land or in the air.You are to draw your organisms to scale and the scale must be stated on your species scape. For example, if your scale is 1cm = 2,000 species, your mammal should be approximately 2 cm in width or length. The size of each of the organisms is to represent the relative numbers of species known in that particular group. For example, your species scape should have a very large insect (because there are so many species of insect- with 751,000) and a very small mammal (because there are fewer species- with 4,000). You are to create your species scape on a half sheet of poster board.Each organism must be numbered with the appropriate corresponding number from the table.37147512700Grading RubricAssessed ItemPoint ValueEach Group Correctly Represented (20 x 1)20Correct Habitat (20 x 0.5)10Size/Scale is correct (5 x 3)15Following Directions5Neatness/Creativity10Total6000Grading RubricAssessed ItemPoint ValueEach Group Correctly Represented (20 x 1)20Correct Habitat (20 x 0.5)10Size/Scale is correct (5 x 3)15Following Directions5Neatness/Creativity10Total602. Card Sort—follow teacher’s instructionsPart 2: Classification of Living things Lab ActivityPROCEDURE Use the dichotomous key to identify the kingdom of each organism card number listed in table 1. Record your findings on student data sheet table 1.After completing table 1, separate all cards into 6 kingdoms of living things based on your data in table 1.Using the information on the cards determine the characteristics for each of the 6 kingdoms of living things. Complete table 2.Answer Analysis Questions on student data sheetPart 3: Virus ArgumentationAs a result of performing this investigation, students will be able to:Form an argument for the classification of viruses based on scientific knowledgeDefend their argument for the classification of viruses with their peersUsing the data sheet provided, analyze the data looking for patterns.Based on the data provided choose from alternative claims:Viruses should not be classified as living things.Viruses should be classified as living things.Support your claim by evidence (analysis of the data) provided. This can include creating graphs, diagrams, etc.You must justify your Claim by explaining how the data supports a known concept in science. You will create a display board to present your findings to the class. The display board will consist of three components:The claim - statementThe evidence – analysis of dataThe justificationDisplay work on a white board of chart paper in the following format:Claim:Evidence:Justification (Reasoning):Present the display board in a round robin format (as explained by your teacher). Complete the double blind peer review form for assigned display boards.Correct/change/update their thinking based on information from the peer plete the argumentation cycle by writing the argumentation paper according to the provided format.Species Scape Information SheetName: ________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: __________Scale: _______ _______(units) =_________(#) SpeciesGroupNumber of Known SpeciesRepresented OrganismApproximate Size (include units)1. Monera4,8002. Fungi69,9003. Algae26,9004. Angiosperms220,0005. Gymnosperms, ferns, and mosses28,4006. Protozoa30,8007. Porifera5,0008. Cnidarians9,0009. Platyhelminthes12,20010. Nematoda12,00011. Annelida12,00012. Mollusca50,00013. Echinodermata6,10014. Insecta751,00015. Crustaceans & Arachnids123,40016. Fishes18,80017. Amphibians4,20018. Reptiles6,300 19. Birds9,00020. Mammals4,000Classification of Living Things Student Data SheetPart 2Table 1:Card #KingdomPhylumClass (if listed)352478121518212332373941424448452630504925515657585960276128Part 15 kingdom classification scheme Table 2: General Characteristics for Each KingdomCharacteristicCell Type (Prokaryote or Eukaryote)Unicellular or MulticellularFeedingCell Wall Present or Not PresentMotilityReproductionBacteriaProtistaFungiPlantaeAnimaliaClassification of Living ThingsPart -2 Analysis Questions: Using information from your completed charts to answer the questions below:What characteristic separates the Kingdom Bacteria from Kingdom Protista?What is the characteristic that separated the kingdom Protista from the kingdom Plantae? 3.What is the characteristic that separated the kingdom Plantae from the kingdom Fungi? 4.What is the characteristic that separated the kingdom Fungi from the kingdom Animalia? 5. Which Kingdom(s) contain organisms that have cell walls? 6.Which kingdom(s) contain organisms that have no nucleus? 7.Which kingdom(s) contains organisms that are both single and multi-cellular? 8. What are the characteristics that distinguish viruses from bacteria? 9.Place an X next to the organisms that are animals:sponge___d. bread mold___worm___e. bird___bacteria___f. snake___ 10.Place an X next to the organisms that are plants:a.sunflower ___d. moss___b.pine tree___e. fern___c.sea weed___f. algae___11. Place an X next to the types of viruses: a.Botulism ____d. Smallpox____ b.Listeria ____e. Rubella____ c. H Pylori____f. HIV____ 12.To which kingdom would an organism belong based on the following characteristics:a.Eukaryotic, photosynthetic, multicellular and terrestrial? ___________________b.Eukaryotic, heterotrophic (absorbs it’s food), multicellular, and terrestrial? ___________________c.Prokaryotic, unicellular, and lives in deep sea thermal vents? ________________d.Eukaryotic, heterotrophic (ingestive), and multicellular? ________________13. Using resource materials (textbooks, computer, etc…) describe the difference in the old 5 kingdom and current 6 kingdom classification system. ................

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