You and your family have chosen Friends Academy. Like any community, the Middle School functions best when there is a clear set of moral and ethical principles, e.g. the "golden rules", that need to be recognized and accepted by the members of the community. These principles include:

1. Students are to be honest about their work and in their relationships with others. It is only then that an atmosphere of trust can be established and maintained between students and teachers and among students themselves.

2. Students need to be sensitive to the needs of other people in their daily lives and in further reaching out to help others in the surrounding community.

3. Students need to be responsible for their behavior toward others and about the work that is expected of them.

4. Students need to respect their own property, the school's and that of others.

5. Students need to discover and use non-violent ways to resolve conflicts.

While we recognize that students will readily adhere to these principles, experience tells us that some students will exercise poor judgment at times. On these occasions students must take responsibility and be held accountable for their actions.

While the following is NOT intended to be a complete list, it is an effort to define the behavioral expectations of the Middle School community and to explain specific consequences when rules have been broken.

I. MINOR BEHAVIOR AND CITIZENSHIP FAILINGS such as lateness to class, chewing gum, first time dress code infractions, book bags in hallway etc. will be acknowledged by a faculty member and the student will be warned. Depending upon the situation, the teacher may award a “disciplinary point” (DP) to a student who has not met the expectations of the behavioral code. A record will be kept of the number of “DPs” a student has received. Upon receipt of a fifth DP, the student will need to serve a detention during the Activities period in the classroom of the supervising teacher. A teacher has the right to assign 2 DP’s depending on the infraction. (missing a music lesson, chronic lateness to class count as 2DP infractions) If the student receives 3 DP’s, a warning letter will be sent to inform the parent that the student will receive a detention after another 2 DP’s.

II. MORE SERIOUS BEHAVIOR AND CITIZENSHIP FAILINGS such as use of inappropriate language, disrespect of property, disrespect toward peers/adults, being on campus after school without signing in, violation of respect and kindness standards, an accumulation of 5 DPs, etc. will result in a detention during the Activities period in the classroom of the supervising teacher.

Detention Procedures for Levels I and II

1st Detention: The student is expected to serve this detention during the activities period on Thursday at 10:30am. The advisor will inform the student regarding the day and location. The student will discuss the reasons for this detention with the supervising teacher and ways to avoid any further detentions. The student is required to fill out a detention form that reflects the essence of this conversation. A copy is mailed home to parents; one copy goes to the student file and another to the advisor.

2nd Detention: The second detention is served after school on a day designated by the principal. The parent will receive written notification of this detention, reasons for the detention and the date and time it is to be served, a copy is given to the advisor. It is extremely important that the student report on the requested date. The student discusses the reason(s) for this detention with either the principal or assistant principal and fills out the detention form, reflecting the essence of this conversation. The student will also spend time doing a work-service related task in the middle school building.

3rd Detention: The third detention necessitates a parent conference with the principal, the advisor and the student. The consequence may be an after-school detention or an in-school suspension depending upon the reason for the third detention.

4th Detention: The fourth detention necessitates a parent conference with the principal or assistant principal, the advisor and the student. Typically a student will need to serve an in or out-of-school suspension depending on the reason for the infractions.


1. Vandalism

2. Cutting class

3. Being off campus with out permission

4. Cheating (homework, quiz or test)

5. Plagiarism

6. Gambling

7. Bullying/Harassment, including verbal or physical intimidation of anther student, exclusion or persistent hurtful behavior towards another student, racial or sexually oriented slurs.

8. Dishonesty

9. Misuse of the Computer Network – hacking, using other people’s accounts, writing inappropriate things to or about people, downloading porn from the Internet or accessing inappropriate Websites. (See the Handbook for details)

10. Accumulation of three detentions

11. Fighting

In the case of fighting, both students are brought immediately to the Principal’s office. The Principal or Assistant Principal, the advisor or teacher will question each student individually. The parents of the students will be called and asked to pick up the students immediately. The students and parents are asked to come to school the following morning to discuss the incident and the consequence which has been determined by the appropriate grade-level team of teachers. Fighting is generally an automatic suspension.


Failure to abide by the Fundamental Standards will result in immediate communication between the student, advisor, the Principal, and parents. The disciplinary response will depend upon the student’s age, his/her overall record, the severity of the infraction, and the student’s willingness to accept responsibility for his/ her behavior. The parents and student are expected to meet with the advisor and Principal to review the concerns and the consequences. Consequences are determined by the appropriate grade-level team of teachers and recommendations may include a detention, in or out of school suspension or in extreme cases expulsion. For a first time offense, the student will receive a consequence and an unofficial warning.


A student who violates the same Fundamental Standard on a second occasion will most likely be placed on “Warning” with regard to that standard for the remainder of his or her time in the middle school or for a pre-determined time for those students who violate a Fundamental Standard while in the 8th grade. Placement on “Warning” means that should a student commit a third offense of the same fundamental standard, s/he is at risk for a more serious consequence or a dismissal from the school.


In addition to being placed on “Warning”, the student will be placed on “Probation” for a specified number of days. During the period of probation, the student is at risk for being dismissed for a violation of any Fundamental Standard.

Any student who is on “Warning” and/or “Probation” moving from the 8th to the 9th grade will be required to meet with the Principals of Middle and Upper School and the Dean of Students to discuss his/her transition and status moving into the 9th grade.

12. Use, possession, or sale of harmful weapons or explosive devices, illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco

In the case of use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco the school will require that the student undergo professional evaluation to determine if further treatment is required. In such instances, the student must receive the evaluation from a professional provider approved by the school. Accordingly the student must abide by the treatment plan prescribed and in the case of drug use submit to periodic drug testing with results going to the Director of Counseling and the family. Failure of a drug test or failure to comply with the prescribed treatment plan will call into question whether the student is fit to fulfill his/her obligations to the schools and may result in dismissal.

Students found selling or distributing drugs or alcohol, procuring drugs or alcohol for other students, or possessing a weapon in all likelihood will be dismissed for a first offense.

In all cases, the school reserves the right to judge the seriousness or impropriety of any behavior and determine the appropriate disciplinary response.

Please sign this page and return it directly to the advisor.

If you have any questions related to policy and/or procedures, feel free to contact the advisor or the principal.

Thank you for your support.

_________________________________ has reviewed the Behavioral Expectations Contract

(Student Name)

for the Middle School with his/her parent/guardian. We understand and support the terms

of this contract.

(Student signature)__________________________ Date_____________________

(Parent signature)___________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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