
1. Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings

2. Be prepared to study

3. Work on all of your assignments

4. Respect yourself and respect all others


1. Use the restroom and get a drink between classes. You will remain in the room until the bell rings unless there is an emergency. One restroom, drink pass, office pass, or locker pass will be issued per student each week. One student may be out of study hall on a pass at a time with the exception of library passes. Two students at a time may be granted a library pass.

2. You will remain quiet for the entire study hall period.

3. You will study for the first 20 minutes of the study hall. After 20 minutes, you may use your pass privileges. If you have a presigned pass from another teacher requesting you go to the library for research or to that teacher’s classroom you may be permitted to go, however you must return to study hall before the end of period bell rings.

4. You will not be allowed to go to another teacher’s classroom unless you have a presigned pass from him or her.

5. Students who are academically ineligible may only be issued the weekly restroom, drink, office, or locker passes, or passes to work with the teacher(s) of the classes in which they are ineligible.

6. Work until the bell rings. This means you will bring all necessary supplies to occupy yourself the entire class period. If you have no assignments to work on, bring reading material or review other class material. Work may be provided by the teacher if you do not bring something to work on in study hall.

7. Keep in mind that you elected to take a study hall because you needed the study time, therefore this will be a study hall every day and not a social hour.

8. Study hall pass privileges will be granted upon return of this form with the signatures requested below.





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