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Section E: Thomas Mobberly/Mary Fox


FGS E-15 (Fred Egglestons Notes, p. 1)(WILLs Disk) @ Jeanne/Vince,4/8/89 letter

[Lu][also will 7/31/1769;AACo.,Box M,Folder 63 & Lib.37,f.332]

• data 5/6/89 letter Beulah Mobley; $-data 5/19/89 letter Beulah Mobley

• Dale Sarvey firsteasymoney@ 8/20/02 on 158

Date of death confirmed in "Balances of Final Distribution of Books"

"To Rezin Mobberly a Tract of Land called Mobberley's Purchase, but if his Right to that Land is Disputed he is to try his Title to it within two Years after the Decease of the Testator (which happened the 5th Augt. 1769) and if he cannot hold it, to have out of the Estate 25 pound Sterling" Vern Beckman 9/25/2007


15 Thomas Mobberley, b. 1/15 or 16/1698, d. 8/5/1769 A.A. CO., MD

m. ca 1720 Mary___ [Pindell per Ray Montgomery][both were Evangelical Lutheran]

MD Births: Thomas Mobberly Birth Date: 18 Jan 1697 Birth Place: Westminster Parish, Anne Arundel, Maryland Christening Place: Westminster Parish, Anne Arundel, Maryland Father's Name: John Mobberly Mother's Name: Ann

MD Census: Thomas Mobberly State: MD County: Anne Arundel County Township: Oath of Fidelity Year: 1778 Record Type: Fidelity Oath Page: 021 Database: MD Early Census Index

151 Rezin Mobberley, b. ca 1717, A. A. Co., MD(Thomas left him 114 Acres, Mobberlys Purchase); d. 1791, MD * [date of d.]

m. ca 1742 Mary Fowler, A. A. Co., d.2/1/1779 *[last name, date of d.][licenses granted to Rezin & Mary Fowler 2/1/1779 & 4/2/1781]

152 Thomas Mobberley [Jr.], b. ca 1719, A. A. Co., MD, d. 1788 Mont. Co., MD

m. _____

153 Ezekiel Mobberley, b. ca 1721, MD, d. 12/ /1781, Woodberry Twp. Huntingdon Co., PA {1774 & 1775 Baree Twp, Bedford County, PA tax lists}

m. (1) Milly ___ ?[per Vince][Mary "Molly" Beall per Ray Montgomery]

(2) bef. 4/3/1772 Susannah Holsinger, b. 1748, d. 1875 bur in Holsinger Family Cem. in Bloomfield Township [she m.(2) Philip Walker]

[Ezekiel probably left MD after sale of land in 1772, as he was on tax lists in Bedford Co., PA in 1774, 1775 & 1779; served as pvt. in Rev.War; Susannah Moberly had a warrant for 200 acres, surveyed 1786 in Bedford Co.{from PA Archives, per letter Harold S. Morton, Jr., 11/13/1965 to Geo. Hill}]

[Hall of Records IB-3, p. 267/268]

154 John Mobberley, b. ca 1723, d. betw. 5/11/1790 & 8/10/1790, Frederick, MD

[will dated 5/11/1790, prob. 8/18/1790] $; [DAR Index PS MD] Pvt., MD Militia, Rev. War @]

m. ca 1752 Chloe Crouch, b. ca 1730, d. betw. 8/8/1804 & 11/27/1804[dau. of James Crouch]

[On 1/12/1771, John mortgaged to Rezin Mobberly for L 42 part of "Snowden's Addition to his Manor" in Anne Arundel Co., 50 acres, and a second part of "Snowden's Addition", 82 acres.; Hall of Records Book IB-2, p.320/323]

[On 11/30 1773. by deed Rezin released the above mortgage, having received L 40/3s/9p;[Hall of Records Book IB-4, p.256]

155 Drusilla Mobberley, b. ca 1725

m. ___ Pain

1551 Rachel Pain

156 Susannah Mobberley, b. ca 1729

157 Dorcas Mobberley, b. ca 1754/60 [one says b. 1734]

158 Mary “Polly” Mobberley, b. 11/2/1733,[ca 1754/60] Queen Anne Parish, A. A. Co., MD

m. 10/30/1777 Philip Hopkins

MD Marriages: Phillip Hopkins Marriage Date: 30 Oct 1777 Spouse: Mary Mobberly County: Anne Arundel County

1581 Rachel Hopkins

m. James Anderson

15811 Anna Anderson

m. Stephen Hill

159 Levin Mobberley, b. ca 1758 Anne Arundel,MD, d. ca 1839, Monroe Co., OH *

m. ca 1792 Nancy Tucker [per Betty McAndrews]

15A William Mobberley, b. ca 1754/60 [one says b. 1740], d. ca 1815, Belmont Co., OH[ d. 1825 *]

m. Catharine___, b.?, d. 1839[her will] *

[Susannah, Dorcas or Mary m. ___ Ricketts; there was a grandau. Mary Ricketts]

Original Will of Thomas Mobberly, Senior (1697-1769) as transcribed from the original document

In the Name of God, Amen, I Thomas Mobberly, Senior, of Ann Arundell County, Planter,

being sick & weak of body, but of perfect Mind & memory, Thanks be given unto God, calling to mind the

Mortality of my Body, do make & Ordain this my last Will & Testament. That is to say; Principally, and

first of all, I give & recommend my Soul into the Hand of Almighty God, that gave it, & my Body, I recom-

mend to the Earth, to be buried in decent & Christian Burial, at the Direction of my Executors ---- And

as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this Life I give, demise

and bequeath the same in the following Manner & Form __

First. I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Reason Mobberly and his Heirs for ever Part of a Tract of Land (convey’d to my Father John Mobberly by the Name of Mobberly’s Purchasse, being Part of a Tract of Land called Neals Delight,) the Part hereby given beginning at a bounded Stone, (where formerly stood a bounded Hickory, which was the beginning Tree of said Land,) and running Thence North One Hundred and Sixty Perches, thence West One Hundred and Eight Perches thence South One & an Half Degrees East to Patuxcent River then with the said River to the beginning; containing One Hundred and Fourteen Acres of Land, More of Less, it being his full Part of my Estate, provided he can have a Right to it sufficient to hold the same which he must by in less than Two Years after my Death, if he can not hold it, then he is to have Part of my Personal Estate, to the Value of Twenty five Pounds Sterling and no more

Also, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Thomas Mobberly the remaining Part of the above named Tract of Land, (to be his full part of my Estate,) ---- during his Natural Life, then to my beloved Sons William & Levin Mobberly and their Heirs for ever ------------------

Also, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Ezekiel Mobberly, & his Son Beale Mobberly and their Heirs for ever, the Tract of Land I bought of William Moxley, being One Hundred & Forty seven Acres as his full part of my Estate -----------------

Also, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son John Mobberly and his Heirs for ever the Tract of Land I bought of Isaac Plummer being Fifty Acres likewise the Land I bought of Richard Snowden containing Eighty Two Acres, being the Plantation I now live on, (being his full part of my Estate,)

Also, I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Drusilla Pain, as her full Part of my Estate, One Shilling Sterling Money ----------------

Also, I give and bequeath to my beloved Granddaughter Mary Ricketts, One Cow & Calf or Three Pounds current Money as her full part of my Estate ----------------

Also I give and bequeath to my beloved Granddaughter Rachel Pain, daughter of my Daughter Drusilla, the Sum of Five Pounds Current Money, ---------------

Also I give and bequeath to my Executors, Twelve Pounds Current Money for the Educating my children viz: John, Dorcas, Mary, Levin, & William Mobberly, likewise Twenty Pounds, Current Money toward maintaining my four Youngest Children -------------------------------------------------

Turn over

Also I give and bequeath the Remaining Part of my Estate, to my Children hereafter named, to be

equally divided between them, if either of them should before they come to Age their Parts to be divided amongst the Survivors of them, Viz: Susanna, Dorcas, Mary, Levin & William Mob-


Also my Will is that my Younger Children shall have a Right to Live on Part of the Land bequeath’d to

my two Sons, Ezekiel & John Mobberly, til they come to age to receive their Parts, -------

Lastly, I hereby constitute and appoint my two Sons Rezin Mobberly & John Mobberly Whole and Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, revoking & disannulling all and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, Bequests, and Executors by me in any wise before named, willed or bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and affix’d my Seal this Thirty first Day of July, Ano Domini, One Thousand seven Hundred and Sixty Nine ------------------------------------

Signed, Sealed publish’d pronounced The words “and his Heirs for ever” between the Seventh

and declared by the Said Thomas and eighth lines, likewise the words, “And his Heirs

Mobberly as his Last Will and for ever” between the Twenty Third and Twenty Fourth Lines

Testament in Presence of were Interlined before executed -------------------


Thomas T Mobberly Sen.

Stephen Stewart Marke

Joseph Ryan

Thomas Sappington Anne Arundel County to wit ) Came Joseph Ryan and Thomas

August the 10th 1769 --- ) Sappington two of the Subscribing

Evidences to the within Will and made Oath that they Saw the Testator herein named Sign and Seal &

heard him publish pronounce and declare the same to be his Last Will and Testament and that at the Time of

his so doing he was to the best of their Apprehension of a Sound and Disposing Mind Memory &

understanding and that they Severally Signed their Respective Names as Witnesses to this Will in the Presence

and at the Request of the Testator and in the Presence of each other, And also that they saw Stephen Stewart

the other Witness to this Will Sign his name as Evidence thereto in the Presence of the Testator

Sworn before Elie Nallette DCom. AA Coty


[Hall of Records, RB-1, p.248-249; On 2/5/1742, Jonas Plummer sold to Thomas Mobberly, (Sr.) for 21 pounds part of Snowden's second Addition to his Manor in Anne Arundel Co., 50 acres; beginning at a white oak being a bounded tree of a tract called`'Bachelors Delight', thence South 75 degrees westerly 103 perches, then South 22 degrees easterly 102 perches, then Northeast 126 perches, then with a straight line to the first tree]

Witnesses: Henry Ridgely; Alex. Warfield, son of Thos.


[Hall of Records Book BB-1, p.17; On 11/30/1754, Richard Snowden sold to Thomas Mobberly for 3240 lbs. of tobacco part of 'Snowden's Second Addition to his Manor' 82 acres of land in Anne Arundel Co.{same description as the second tract sold by John to Rezin in 1771}; beginning at the end of Francis Gaither's North east line and running thence North 58-1/2 degrees west 38 perches, then North 16 perches, then North 18 degrees east 52 perches, then North 7 degrees west 36 perches, then North 45 degrees east 27 perches, then South 75 degrees west 22 perches, then North 7 degrees west 29 perches, then south 73 degrees east 69 perches, then South 25 degrees east 101 perches, then South 45 degrees west 124 perches, then with a straight line to the beginning.

Witnesses:Thos. Snowden, Saml. Snowden


Hall of Records BB-2, p.213-215; On 1/6/1759, William Moxley sold to Thomas Mobberly, Sr. for 45 pounds part of a tract of land called `Neals Delight'; 147 acres; on the north side of Patuxent River;beginning at Mark Brown's first beginning tree, a Red Oak, thence northerly with said Brown's line until it intersects the lines of a tract belonging to Mr. Richard Snowden, thence with said Snowden's line until it intersects lines of a tract belonging to James Mobberly, thence with said lines until it intersects with lines of Thomas Mobberly, and with said lines to the Patuxent River and with said River to the point of beginning;

Witnesses: Henry Howard, Ephraim Howard

[The above tract was willed to Ezekiel, and sold by him to Rezin on 4/3/1772]


[Hall of Records BB #3 deed 655; In 1767, Thomas, Sr. to Dorcas, Levin, Mary & William gift of slaves "on the day of their marriage or at my death"[indicates these were minors] $

Witnesses: H. Ridgely, Thos Sappington, Sr.


Will of Thomas Mobberley,Sr.[1769, Anne Arundel Co.,Box M,Folder 63&Lib.37,f.332]:(summary)

1. To Reason, 114 acres, "Mobberleys Purchase", part of "Neals Delight"

2. To Thomas, remainder of tract for life, then to William and Leven or their heirs.

3. To Ezekiel & son Beale 147 acres bought of William Moxley

4. To John 82 acres bought of Richard Snowden(Thomas' home place)

5. To dau. Drusilla Pain 1 shilling

6. To granddau. Mary Ricketts 1 cow and calf or 3 pounds money

7. To " Rachel Pain 5 pounds money

8. To executors 12 pounds money for executing

9. 20 pounds to maintain 4 youngest children

10.Remainder to be equally divided among children

11. Rezin and John to be executors

Bond in amount of L 1000 for executors 10/2/1769


Hall of Records Index 62:

"Thomas Mobberly, Snr. his testamentary bond by Rezin Mobberly & John Mobberly his exctrs. with Stephen Gattrill & Ezekiel Mobberly their sureties in the sum of L 1000 sterling dated Oct. 2. 1769"


Section EA: Reason Mobberly/Mary Fowler


FGS EA-151 [will 8/17/1791;AACo.,Lib.J.G. #1,f.256,transcript;original will in Box M, folder 85] $-data 5/19/89 letter Beulah Mobley


151 Reason/Rezin Mobberly, b. ca 1717, d. 1791

m. ca 1742 Mary Fowler

1511 John Mobberly [listed in order given in will, birth dates unk.]

1512 Elizabeth Mobberly

1513 Eleanor Mobberly

1514 Sena Mobberly


[Rezin was on jury list Anne Arundel Co., MD, 1775]

Index # 75, Land Records, Anne Arundel Co.,MD:[card index]

Mobberly, Rezin from Thomas(son of William Mobberly)

"Mobberly's Purchase" 100 acres

`Georgia' written in upper right corner of card[refers to res. of Thomas]

(A.A. Co. Deeds Book !B #5,pp 220/215, William[13]'s son Thomas[131] inherited 200 acres which he sold to Rezin for L18)

[may have been a quit-claim to clear title]

[Text of deed follows] .............................................................................

Deed, MD Hall of Records, IB5, p. 221/222


Thomas Mobberly} This indenture made this fifteenth day of July Anno Domini

to } one thousand seven hundred and seventy five between Thomas

Rezin Mobberly } Mobberly son of Will'm of the Province of Georgia and Rezin Mobberly of Anne Arundel County in the Province of Maryland of the other part witnesseth that whereas a certain John Mobberly Senior late of Prince Georges County in the Province of Maryland & deceased grandfather to the said parties did by a Deed or Instrument of writing having date on or about the tenth day of May One thousand seven hundred and eighteen give & grant to four sons namely James Mobberly William Mobberly Edward Mobberly & Thomas Mobberly a Piece or parcel of land called Mobberly's Purchase being part of a tract called Neal's Delight situated lying and being in Ann Arundel County aforesaid said to contain two hundred acres more or less to be equally divided between his said sons share and Share alike and each part to be held by them & their Heirs Males of their Bodies respectively and lawfully begotten and to be begotten for Ever and in default of such male Heirs in any or either of his said sons and that if any should die without the same then their part or Dividend to fall to the next eldest of his said four sons & their male heirs as aforesaid and so on from one to Another for ever as reference being had to the said deed may more at lays?[last??] appear A. whereas the said James Mobberly and the Male Heirs of his body lawfully begotten are all deceased the said Thomas Mobberly son of William is lawfully and rightly Seized in fee of one hundred acres of the said Land one half of the said grant now therefore the said Thomas Mobberly son of William for and in consideration of the sum of eighteen pounds fifteen shillings current money to himself in hand paid at or before the sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge hath granted bargained sold aliened and Confirmed and doth by these presents for himself his heirs and assignd give grant bargain sell Alien & Confirm unto the said Rezin Mobberly his heirs and assigns for ever all that piece or parcel of land contained in the following Metes and Bounds to wit beginning at a stone where formerly stood a bounded Hickory the beginning of the said tract of land said to contain two hundred acres and running thence North one hundred and sixty perches thence west one hundred and eight perches with the original lines thence south one and one half degrees east to Patuxent River then with and binding on said River to the beginning containing and set out for one hundred acres of land more or less. To have and to hold the said bargained premises free of all incumbrances whatsoever with all and singular the Premises Edifices Inprovements Profits and __Appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the said Rezin Mobberly his Heirs and Assigns for ever and to his and their only proper use and behoof and the said Thomas Mobberly son of William doth hreby for himself and his Heirs and Assigns promise grant and agree to &with the said Rezin Mobberly his Heirs and Assigns that he the said Thomas Mobberly son of William his Heirs and Assigns shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter make do Accounts? Suffer and Acknowledge any further deed of Conveyance for the better securing? or and making the said Land and Premises to the said Rezin Mobberly his Heirs amd Assigns for Ever as shall Reasonably be advised or required & that the said Thomas Mobberly son of William his Heirs and Assigns shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter for ever warrant and defend the said Land and Premises to the said Rezin Mobberly his Heirs and assigns for ever against all & all Manner of Person or Persons claiming or to Claim and Right Title Interest or property of or in the same or any part thereof In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year before written.


Signed Sealed and Delivered}H. Ridgeley Thomas TM Mobberly of Wm SEAL

in Presence of }John Briggs mark

[mark had crossbar of T superimposed on left leg of M]


On the back of the foregoing Deed was this endorsed Viz.

On the fifteenth day of July One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Five the within named William Mobley son of William personally appeared on the within named Land before us two officers Lord ..___. Proprietarys Justices of the Peace for Ann Arundel County and Acknowledged the within Instrument to be his Act and Deed and the Land & Premises therein mentioned to be the Right and Estate of the within Rezin Mobberly his Heirs & Assigns for ever that the same gave him possession therof H. Ridgely

John Briggs

Received the same day the sum of Eighteen Pounds Fifteen Shillings of currency the Consideration within mentioned of the said Rezin Mobberly and in the Presence of his

H. Ridgeley Thomas TM Mobberly of Wm

John Briggs mark[as described above]

Recorded July 17, 1775


Supporting Affidavit:

Prince William Co., VA

At the request of Thomas Mobly personally appeared before me the subscriber one of his Majesty`s Justices of the Peace for the said County Richard Higgins aged upwards of ninety years & made oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that the said requester Thomas Mobly was born in lawful wedlock that did this Deponent see the Rites of Matrimony celebrated between William Mobly & Sethy Anderson by the Rev. Wm. Alexander Scott decd then Rector of our Wharton? Parish in the County of Stafford & that better than twelve months after Marriage the said Sethy was delivered of twins which twins was named Thomas & James that this deponent thinks James did not live above six months and further this deponent says that the requester Thomas Mobly the surviving son many years ago removed with his father & mother from Stafford County to North Carolina Given under my hand this 9th day of May 1770

William Carr

Virginia Prince William County I John Graham Clerk of the Court of the said County do hereby certify that William Carr Gentleman before whom the within probate was taken was at the time of taking the same and still is one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid and to all probates by him taken in full faith and Credit and ought to be given in Justice Court and theron

SEAL In Testimony whereof I Have hereunto affixed the seal of the said

County this 20th day June 1775

John Graham, Clk Court

Recorded July 7, 1775


Will of Rezin Mobberly[AA Co.,Lib. J.G.#1,f.256 transcript;

orig.willBox M Folder 85:

1. To John, Dwelling and adjoining land[Neale's Delight-$]

2. To Elizabeth, one Negro girl named Prissillah

3. To Eleanor, one Negro boy named Ben

4. To Sena, one Negro boy named Lane

5. Remainder of estate to be sold, debts paid, and residue apportioned equally

6. John to be executor[John declined this office]



[Hall of Records, Deed, Book IB-3, p.267-270: On 4/3/1772, Ezekiel Mobberly to Rezin Mobberly, for 100 pounds; 141 acres, part of a tract called 'Neals Delight', on the north side of Patuxent River;beginning at Mark Brown's first beginning tree, a Red Oak, now in possession of Mark Brown Sappington, thence northerly with said Sappington's line until it intersects the lines of a tract formerly Richard Snowden's[now Nehemiah Moxley's], thence with said Moxley's line until it intersects lines of a tract formerly belonging to James Mobberly, thence with said lines until it intersects with lines of Thomas Mobberly, Jr, and with said lines to the Patuxent River and with said River to the point of beginning; Susannah, wife of Ezekiel released her dower]

Witness: H. Ridgely


[Hall of Records, NH-2, p.179; On 3/5/1784, Rezin Mobberly sold to John Crow for 37 pounds a parcel of land part of 'Neals Delight', beginning at the end of 25 perches on the first line of Mark Brown's part of Neals Delight and running thence with said line 138 perches, then east until it intersects a Due South line of Archibald Moberly's land which did formerly belong to Thomas Mobley his father, and then with the said line to the Patuxent River containing 28 acres of land.

Witnesses: John Burgess, Elisha Warfield


[Hall of Records, NH-2, p.199-200; On 3/5/1785 Rezin Mobberly sold to Nehemiah Moxley for 71 pds/6s; 63-1/4 acres: beginning at the end of 160 perches on the first line of Nehemiah Moxley's land sold him by Mark Brown Sappington, running with said line to the second boundary of Moxley's part of Neals Delight being 102 perches thence North 40 degrees east 100-1/2 perches to intersect a line of Davises purchase and then with the lines of said Davis until it intersects with the North 84 degree west line of Archibald Mobberly's part of said land, then with said line til the end thereof continuing the course 6 perches from the end of said course, then due North until it intersects John Crow's part of Neals Delight and then with said line to the first beginning]

Witnesses: John Burgess, Elisha Warfield


[Hall of Records, Deed, Book NH-9, pp 30-31: On 8/9/1797, John Mobberly to Samuel Owings, for 125 pounds 155 acres willed to him by father Reason Mobberly called Mobberlys Purchase & Neals Delight, beginning at a stone on bank of Snowden's River, thence North 202 perches, West 118 perches, South 2-1/2 degrees East 235 perches to the River then with said River to the beginning.]


[Hall of Records, BB-2, p213-215: On 1/6/1759, William Moxley sold to Thomas Mobberly(Sr), part of Neal's Delight, 147 acres,[description same as IB-3 excerpt above][later this land was willed to Ezekiel by Thomas, (Sr.)]


[Hall of Records , NH-4, p.275; On 6/30/1784, Rezin Mobberly brought before John Burgess(J.P.) a stray sorrell gelding about 13-1/2/hands high branded in near buttock a 'G' a star in the forehead had a small bell with a crack in it a very full `mane' about seven years old `his gate is trot gallop and that very ruf']

Taken by John Burgess


[Hall of Records, NH-9, p.695; On 10/8/1799, John Mobberly brought before Henry Ridgely(J.P.) a sorrell gelding and a roan mare colt the horse is nine years old, 14-1/2 hands high marked with a star & snip well mammered pleasantly gated very tender footed, the mare colt about 13 hands high 3 years old last spring a natural trotter has the near hind foot white & is marked on the right shoulder and thigh with three black spots occasioned by scars]

Section EB: Thomas Mobberly, Jr.


FGS EB-152 [Data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/1989]

[Additional data, " ", 1/13/1991 #]


152 Thomas Mobberly,(Jr), b. ca 1719, A.A. Co., MD, d. 1788 Mont. Co., MD


1521 Archibald Mobley, [est. b. 1760s] 26\45, 1800 census

[stated to be son of Thomas in deed; see summary below] 2nd Company Middle Battalion of Montgomery Co, MD

m. bef. 1785 Elizabeth___

1522 Edward Mobberly[placement by elimination; all children of other sons of Thomas, Sr. are confirmed by wills and other records]

FTM Vol 2 indicates EDWARD father of Lewis Griffin [152?3]& John G. [152?5]Moberly - source ???


While digging through the Maryland Archive On-line, I found a couple of references that I believe are new, at least to me. They are quite lengthy, so I will not include the complete text here, but will give the general reference, and the link so that others may study the entire text.

This is the link to the Archive Index.

The first reference is in Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768 Vol. 61, page 95

"Saturday Morning 8th November 1766. This House met again according to Adjournment Present as Yesterday Read and referred the Petition of John Beale Bordley, as also the Petition of the following Prisoners Viz ... Thomas Mobberly, Henry Warman, John Adams, and John Seclew of Ann Arundel County...."

Vol. 61, page 247-252

"No. 20 An Act for the Relief of Certain Languishing Prisoners in the several Goals therein mentioned... Thomas Mobberly Junior Henry Warman, John Adams and John Seclew of Ann Arundel County... Dec.r 6:th 1766

This reference explains the process for Debtors Prison, the various rules of order for family persons, which entails the sale of all property, and fines and fees; and the rules of order for single persons which entails being sold into service for five years.

The question is who might this be. We have [152] Thomas Mobberley [Jr.] son of Thomas, b. ca 1719.

Bea Tritch [153223431] 3/18/04


FGS EB-1521 [Data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/1989]

[Additional data, " ", 1/13/1991 #]

Ray Mobley mobley@ 4/30/98, 1/24/99, 10/3/99


1521 Archibald Mobley, [est. b. 1760s] 26\45, 1800 census

2nd Company Middle Battalion of Montgomery Co, MD

m. bef. 1785 Elizabeth___

15211 William Moberly, b. ca 1785 MD, d. bef 1850 KY

m. 6/14/1826 Lucinda Chism in Clark Co., KY, b. c1810 Clark Co, KY [dau. James Chism/Elizabeth Fletcher m. 11/6/1810][Lucinda said to be 15 yrs old when married]

152111 Elizabeth Moberly, b. 1828 Clark Co., KY

152112 William Moberly, b. 1834 "

?1880 Carroll Co., MO: Moberly, William 44s KY

152113 Matilda Moberly, b. 1839 "

152114 Catherine Moberly, b. 1841 "

152115 Sidney Allen Moberly, b. 7/13/1845, Clark Co., KY, d. 1/19/1904 Dewitt Twp, Carroll Co., MO [dates from Bible of son Thomas which varies from tombstone dates]

m. (1) 3/29/1874 Mary Belle Frazier, d. 1876 aged 21 yrs, 6 mos, 28 Days

m. (2) Sarah Eliza Damron, b. c1860 KY

152116 Mary F. Moberly, b. 1847 "

15212 Basil Moberly


1850 Clark, KY: Moberly, Lucinda 40, Elizabeth 22, Matilda 11, Catharine 9, Sydey A 5, Mary F 3, William 16

1860 HH 544 Winchester, Clark Co, KY: John Moberly 29 KY, Nancy J 25, Bettie C 24, Robert L 3, Catherine 1

“ HH 334 Winchester: Lucinda Morberly 46, Sidney A 14

“ HH 339 “ Tandy Moberly 28, Drucilla 24, Mary F 3, John W 1

Not known if John, Tandy & William are sons of William & Lucinda

(found on internet: James Moberly, father of Tandy Moberly was born in Scotland. Tandy had 10 children. #8 was Tandy Junior)

“ HH 48 “ William Moberly 24 farm laborer

1870 Winchester, Clark Co HH 117: Tandy 36, Drucilla 33, Mary F 13, John W 9, Joicy E 7, Lucy J 5, Payton A 3, Maggie N 1, William 34 farm laborer

1880 Clark Co: Tandy 47 KY, Drucilla 44 KY, John 21, Joicy E 18, Peyton 16, Lucy 14, Maggie 11, Nannie T 9, Mollie 7, Tandy 4, Florence 6/12

1910 Clark Co: Tandy Sr 77 KY-VA-KY, Drucilla 78 KY-KY-GA, Maggie 43, Mollie 36, Tandy Jr 33, ?? son 22, Jack 22 grandson

1920 Madison Co: Tandy (Jr) 42 KY, Clarence H 38 bro, Maggie 53 sis, Mollie 46 sis

Tandy Moberly, b. c1832

m. Drucilla ____, b. c1836

Mary F. Moberly, b. c1857 KY

John W. Moberly, b. c1859 KY

Joicy E. Moberly, b. c1863 KY

Lucy J. Moberly, b. c1865 KY

Payton A. Moberly, b. c1867 KY

Maggie N. Moberly, b. c1869 KY

Nannie T. Moberly, b. c1871 KY

Mollie Moberly, b. c1873 KY

Tandy Moberly, Jr., b. c1876 KY

Florence Moberly, b. c1879 KY

Clarence H. Moberly, b. c1882 KY


Conversation with Mom (Ray Mobley 1/29/99)

27 Sep 98

The record of Archibald Mobley is in Montgomery County Courthouse in Rockville, Maryland. They have the history. Archibald had two sons, Basil and William. William was disinherited with three Mobley families for joining the Mormon Church. They left for Kentucky. William was killed in a runaway horse and buggy accident (as per Sidney Elsey Mobley related this from memory). After William’s death, Sidney Allen Mobley, his mother, brothers and sisters went to the Grand River vicinity of Carrollton, MO as part of a Mormon settlement.


FGS EB-152115 [Data Ray Mobley mobley@ 4/30/98


152115 Sidney Allen Moberly, b. 7/13/1845, Clark Co., KY, d. 1/19/1905 Dewitt Twp (Outside Miami Station), Carroll Co., MO [dates from Bible of son Thomas which varies from tombstone dates of 7/15/1847 & 1/29/1904]

m. (1) 11/16/1871 Mary Belle Frazier, d. 3/29/1874 aged 21 yrs, 6 mos, 28 Days

m. (2) 2/27/1877 Sarah Eliza Damron Petis, MO, b. 3/13/1859 Adair, KY, d. 3/9/1931

1521151 John William Mobley, b. 3/30/1877 Dewitt Twp, Carroll Co., MO, d. 4/26/1927

1521152 May Allie Mobley, b. 7/27/1879 ", d. 11/ /1947

1521153 Robert Elmer Mobley, b. 6/29/1881 ", d. 5/20/1962

?? 1920 New York Co., NY: Moberly, Robert 39 MO, Dora 42 Scot

1521154 Lucy Ann Mobley, b. 1/11/1883 ", d. 12/ /1963

1521155 Pearla Frances Mobley, b. 1/30/1885 ", d. 7/12/1954

1521156 Stella Belle Mobley, b. 4/8/1888 ", d. 8/27/1889

1521157 Sidney Elsey Mobley, b. 2/3/1889 ", d. 8/18/1974

m. 12/20/1911 Lucile Woodson, b. 5/15/1890 Carrollton

1521158 Thomas Samuel Mobley, b. 11/29/1892 ", d. 9/ /1983

m. Ella Louise ____, b. c1902 MO

1920 Carroll Co: Thomas S 27 MO, Ella Louise 18 MO

1521159 Harvie Ralph Mobley, b. 11/15/1896 ", d. 12/18/1964


MO Marriages: Sarah E Damron Marriage Date: 27 Feb 1877 Marriage Location: Carroll, Missouri Marriage County: Carroll Spouse Name: Sidney A Mobley

1870 Grand River Twp, Carroll Co, MO HH 161: Lucinda Mobley 59 Sidney 24

1880 “: Sidney Moberly 34 KY VA KY, Sarah E 20 KY, John W 3 MO, May A 11/12, Lucinda 65 KY VA VA (mother)

1900 DeWitt Twp, Carrol Co, MO: Sidney 54 Jul 1845, Sarah 41 Mar 1859, John 22 Mar 1878, May 20 Jul 1879, Robert 18 Jun 1881, Lucy 17 Jun 1883, Pearl 15 Jan 1885, Sidney 11 Feb 1889, Thomas 7 Nov 1892, Harvey 3 Nov 1896

1910 Carroll Co: Sarah E 57 KY Wd, Elmer 28s MO, Pearl 25s, Elzie 20s, Thomas 17, Harvey 13

1920 Carroll Co: Moberly, Sara E 61 KY Wd, Pearl 30 MO div, Harvey R 23s


"Sidney Allen Mobley was born in Clark county, Kentucky, July 13, 1845, and died Jan. 1905. He came to this county from Kentucky in 1866 and has lived here continuously ever since. He was married Oct. 1827 to Miss Mary Belle Frazier; two children were born to this union.

His wife died in 1876, and he was married the second time to Sarah Eliza Damron. He leaves a wife and eight children and a host of friends to mourn his demise. One by one we go, but we are continually reminded that death is a necessary result of life. All that medical aid could do was done to stay the hand of death, but in vain. Early in his life he became a member of the Christian church in which relation he remained until death. He was a devoted husband and father, a good citizen and neighbor. He would sacrifice any thing for his family or friends. He never wavered from duty, no matter how trying. Mr. Mobley is gone, "his work is done. At last he has reached his long sought home. He was not perfect, no indeed; for few there are who such lives lead. But this we know, he always tried to follow Jesus as his guide."

And now to the family; we admonish you to look on the bright side of life, remembering that all things work together for good to those that love the Lord. May God grant them his spirit and give them peace. Funeral services were held at the First Christian church in DeWitt, conducted by G. W. Kitchen, of Moberly. Interment in Evergreen cemetery, north of town."


This obituary raises more questions than it answers.

1. I now have two death dates for Mary Belle Frazier; 1876, and 29 Mar 1874.

2. I show nine children in his family, all born after Mary Belle Frazier has died.

3. If Mary Belle had two children – who & where are they?

4. The marriage date to Mary Belle Frazier in this article pre-dates his birth. Probably a typo.


FGS EB-1521157 [Data Ray Mobley mobley@ 4/30/98 & 1/24/99


1521157 Sidney Elsey Mobley, b. 2/3/1889 Dewitt Twp, Carroll Co., MO, d. 8/18/1974 Carrollton, MO

m. (1) 12/20/1911 Lucile Woodson, b. 5/15/1890 Carrollton, d. 10/30/1970

m. (2) 2/11/1971 Louisa Sandebal

15211571 Glen Herbert Mobley, b. 8/24/1912 Kansas City, KS, d. 4/30/1934

15211572 Sidney Harrison "Harry" Mobley, b. 11/1/1913 ", d. 12/4/1998

m. 12/5/1939 Marjorie Filindia Huff, b. 12/17/1919 Spanish Fork

15211573 Ted Mobley, b. 6/12/1918 Carrollton, MO, d. 9/30/1948

15211574 Sara Mobley, b. 5/12/1924 "

m. Joe Brayton

WW I Draft: Sidney Elzie Mobley County: Carroll State: Missouri Birthplace: Missouri; Birth Date: 3 Feb 1890 Miami, MO, wife & 2 sons

1920 Carroll Co: Sidney 29 MO, Lucile 27 MO, Glenn H 7 KS, Harry 6 KS, Teddy 1 6/12 MO

1930 Carroll: Elzie 40, Lucile 39, Glen 17, Harry 16, Ted 11, Sara 5

SSDI: Sidney Mobley SSN: 525-22-9212 Last Residence: 64633  Carrollton, Carroll, Missouri, Born: 3 Feb 1890 Died: Aug 1974 State (Year) SSN issued: New Mexico


FGS EB-15211572 [Data Ray Mobley mobley@ 4/30/98 & 1/24/99


15211572 Sidney Harrison "Harry" Mobley, b. 11/1/1913 Kansas City, KS, d. 12/4/1998 [Sidney Elsey on birth certificate] bur. Parklawn cem Rockville, MD

m. 12/5/1939 Marjorie Filindia Huff, b. 12/17/1919 Spanish Fork, UT

152115721 Paul H. Mobley, b. 3/8/1941 Provo, UT, d. 12/8/1997 bur. Arlington National cem.; Silver Star, Bronze Star & Purple Heart Vietnam. 20 Years Secret Service Agent including ca 8 years Presidential Detail; President Carter helped select burial site. Was first agent to grab Hinckley during attempted assassination of President Reagan

m. Joyce Parker of Columbia, S.C.

Vet Affairs: Paul H Mobley, Birth Date: 8 Mar 1941, Death Date: 8 Dec 1997, SSN: 219368482, Branch: ARMY, Enlistment Date 11 Sep 1963, Release Date 17 Dec 1968

Vet Gravesites: Paul H Mobley Service Info.: CPT US ARMY VIETNAM Birth Date: 8 Mar 1941 Death Date: 8 Dec 1997 Cemetery: Arlington National Cemetery Cemetery Buried At: Section 65 Site 2344

War Collection: The collection is contained within an album of photographs, leaflets, and various ephemeral items relating to the service of First Lieutenant Paul H. Mobley with the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam in 1965-1966. There are twelve black and white photographs, mostly of members of the infantry unit performing various activities and related scenes in the field (gathering of troops, a display of an arms cache, bodies collected in a clearing, a view from out a Huey helicopter door etc.). There are also two newspaper clippings (one from the New York Times from February 1, 1966 and another (not identified but seemingly from Maryland where his family resided) that describe an incident when Mobley's unit was involved in a friendly fire incident and came under attack by forces of the South Vietnamese Army. There are six propaganda leaflets issued by the South Vietnam National Liberation Front, describing (among other things) the futility of the war and calling on U.S. troops to abandon the war effort and demand their return home. Others cite anti-war activities in the U.S. and list names of war and draft resistors. There is also a Thanksgiving 1965 menu (with a message from General William C. Westmoreland), and a pair of epaulettes.


Paul H. Mobley, 56, of Chesapeake, Va., died Dec. 8 after a lengthy battle

with prostate cancer.

A former Gaithersburg resident, he was born in Provo, Utah where he later

attended Brigham Young University. He graduated with honors from the University

Mr. Mobley was a U.S. Army infantry officer serving in the 2nd of the 12th,

1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam, where he received the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart awards. He also served a tour of duty with the 7th Infantry Division in Korea. After his military career, Mr. Mobley was accepted as an agent in the U.S. Secret Service, from which he retired in June 1995.

After retiring, he worked as a master firearms engraver until his death. Many articles have been written on Mr. Mobley's achievements in the military as well as his firearms engraving.

He is survived by his wife Joyce Parker Mobley; mother and father, Marjorie

and Harry Mobley of Rockville; three brothers, Ted S. Mobley of Gaithersburg,

Mark Mobley of Spring, Texas, and Raymond Mobley of Ozark, Ala.; sister Linda

Miller of Centreville, Va.; mother-in-law Margaret Parker of Columbia, S.C.;

sister-in-law Justine Parker of Columbia, S.C.; and many nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles.

Funeral services were held Dec. 11 at the Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home,

Kempsville Chapel. Burial will be held at 9 a.m. Dec. 18 at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.

152115722 Ted S. Mobley, b. 8/3/1943 "

m. (1) Pauline Serber, divc.

m. (2) Sue ____

152115723 Mark Mobley, b. 8/11/1953 "

m. Bonnie Watson [div.]

1521157231 Matthew Thomas Mobley, b.2/29/1980

1521157232 Sarah Lynn Mobley, b. 9/18/1981

1521157233 Jamie Mobley, b. 7/10/1983, Handicapped (Totally), CP

1521157234 Jennie Mobley, b. 11/29/1987

152115724 Linda Mobley, b. 3/19/1955 Olney, Montgomery Co., MD

m. David Ross Miller

152115725 Raymond Mobley, b. 11/17/1956 Olney, Montgomery Co., MD

m. 10/16/1982 Lori Lynn Phipps, b. 10/29/1964 Ozark, AL

1521157251 Jared Raymond Mobley, b. 7/27/1983 Ft. Hood, TX

1521157252 Micah Paul Mobley, b. 12/18/1985 " "

1521157253 Holly Lynn Mobley, b. 6/21/1989 Ft. Rucker, AL

1521157254 Emily Elizabeth Mobley, b. 12/28/1993 Dothan, AL

1521157255 Thomas David Mobley, b. 11/3/1996 "

SSDI: S. H. Mobley Last Residence: 21776  New Windsor, Carroll, Maryland Born: 29 Aug 1913 Died: 29 Mar 2006


FGS 1522 Edward Mobberly placed by Vince Mobley

Info on 1st mg of Lewis Griffin provided by Michelle Y. Leslie mylbjd@ 4/21/97

FGS started 7/9/98 may not be correct due Archi's date of marriage.

Mitch Mobley flm2a@COSCC..TN.US


1522 Edward Mobberly[placement by elimination; all children of other sons of Thomas, Sr. are confirmed by wills and other records]

1860 Nelson Co., KY: Mobley, Edward 76 MD, lvg w/ Isacc Taylor 35 KY, Maria S 30 KY, same ??

FTM Vol 2 indicates EDWARD father of Lewis Griffin [152?3]& John G. [152?5] Moberly - source ???

m. _____

15221 Edward Mobberly

15222 Archibald Mobberly, b. ca 1809 NC [may not belong in this family - date of birth/marriage way off from his siblings]

m. 3/1/1840 Vicey Young in Jellico, Campbell Co., TN

15223 Verlinda Mobberly

m. 6/14/1802 John Wyan (Wayne) in Washington Co., KY

15224 Hezekiah Mobberly, b. ca 1776 Pr. Geo. Co., MD, d. ca 1848 Nelson Co., KY

m. 12/5/1796 Elizabeth Kidwell in Pr. Geo. Upper, Marlboro, St. Johns, b. ca 1780 [lvg w/ son Hezekiah Jr in 1850 census]

15225 John G. Mobberly, b. 10/30/1781 King George Co., MD, d. 12/8/1868 Daviess Co., KY [see 1522?5]

m. (1) 12/22/1808 Martha "Patsy" Hardin in Ohio Co., KY, b. MD, d. 12/22/1829 Ohio Co., KY

m. (2) 3/25/1832 Nancy Haynes, b. 4/27/1798, d. 12/8/1868

15226 Lewis Griffin [Louis] Mobley, b. ca 1782, Frederick Co., MD, d. 12/7/1839, bur. Johnson-Mobley cem Nelson Co., KY[Lutheran][pvt. 17th Regt (Beall's) MD Militia War 1812]

m. (1) 12/3/1807 Jemima Polly {Mary} Thompson

(2) 5/10/1826 or 12/7/1839 Anna Shehan, b. 5/3/1782, d. 8/3/1864 [Nelson Co., KY][dau. John Sebastian Shehan/Polly Duval]

15227 William John Mobberly, b. ca 1782, d. 8/11/1852

m. (1) 3/24/1806 Adorah "Addey" Vain (Wyan) Washington Co., KY

m. (2) 5/5/1817 Emily Tutt Nelson Co., KY, b. c1798, dau. Thomas Tutt/Sarah Parks


NOTE: This may be wrong Archibald for Edward/___:

data from Mitch & Frankie Lynn Mobley flm2a@COSCC..TN.US 7//98

Tammy Mobley mobl3@ 8/3/99

Robert Paul Mobley III RATMOBLEY@ 10/4/2000

Jesse Moore jkmoore@ 2/15/2002 (on James Hansford)

Nancy L. Mobley nlm1247@ 11/20/02


15222 Archibald Mobberly, b. ca 1809 NC [may not belong to Edward - date of birth/marriage way off from his siblings - placed by Vince]

m. 3/1/1840 Vicey Young in Jellico, Campbell Co., TN, b. 1813 KY or VA per census

152221 Martha Jane Mobberly, b. 1836/7

152222 John Mobley, b. 1841 Campbell Co., TN [attended Berea College, KY]

m. Mary Ann Jones

152223 Rebecca Mobberly, b. 1842/4

152224 Rachel Mobberly, b. 1846/7

152225 Levi Mobberly, b. 10/ /1848 TN [this line not proven yet]

m. 10/31/1877 Susie Williams in Campbell Co, TN, b. 4/ /1862 TN dau Wilson & Martha Williams


Campbell Co. TN census 1830, 1840

TN Marriages: Archibald Mobley Spouse: Vicey Young Marriage Date: 1 Mar 1840 Marriage County: Campbell

1850: Campbell Co., TN: Archibald 41 Farmer NC; Levisa 37 KY; Martha 13; John 9; Rebecca 8; Rachel 3; Levi 1

1860 Campbell Co: Mobly, Archibald 50 NC, Lavica 46 VA, Jane M 24 KY, John 19 TN, Rebeca 16, Rachall 14, Levi `12

1870 Campbell Co: Mobley, Arch 59 NC, Lavicy 50 KY, Rebecca 27 TN, Rachel 24, Levi 22


FGS 152222


152222 John Mobley, b. 1841 Campbell Co., KY [attended Berea College, KY]

m. Mary Ann Jones, b. c1844 TN

1522221 Ailcey Mobley, b. c1864 TN

1522222 George W. Mobley, b. c1868 TN

1930 Campbell: George 62, Mary 54

1522223 Lucinda Mobley, b. c1870

1522225 Thomas B. Mobley, b. 6/16/1890 (1873/4 in census) Campbell Co, TN, d. 9/14/1932 Bell Co, KY [a jeweler in Fonde, KY]; both bur. Pruden Cem. in Fonde, KY

m. Etter McCoy, b. c1891 TN

1522226 Doctor H. Mobley, b. c1875 TN

1522227 Henry T. Mobley, b. c1877 TN

m. Martha Fields

1870 Campbell Co: Mobley, John 30 TN, Mary 26, Ailcey 6, George 2, Lucinda 1/12

1880 Campbell Co: Mobley, John 39 TN, Mary A 36 KY, Elsie J 15 TN, George W 11, Lucinda 10, Thomas B 7, Doctor H 5, Henry T 3, Susan 11/12

1910 Campbell Co: Mobley, Mary 63 Wd TN, George W 42 (son), Andrew T 10 (Gson), Floyd


FGS 152225


152225 Levi Mobberly, b. 10/ /1848 TN [this line not proven]

m. 10/31/1877 Susie Williams in Campbell Co, TN, b. 4/ /1862 TN dau Wilson & Martha Williams

1522251 Marshall Mobley, b. 10/20/1876 Jellico, Campbell Co., TN, d. 8/9/1947, both bur. Red Warrior cem, Kanawha Co., WV

m. Mary Elizabeth Rice, b. 10/8/1883 Whitley Co., KY, d. 11/25/1946 Acme, WV [dau. of Charles Rice/Union Brewer]

It is said that Marshall & Mary went to Matewan from Whiley Co KY after a feud that supposedly left some dead in an apple orchard and left their farm in the hands of a Charlie Bisquit as the town was getting together a mob after them

1920 Mingo, WV: Marshall 43, Mary 37, Idella 16, Levy 11, Ida 8 5/12, Sloan Henderson 18 (dau)

1930 Kanawha: Marshall 54, Mary 47, Levi E 22, Ida 20, Edna 10, William 3 9/12, Irene 11/12

WV Deaths: Marshall Mobley Birth Date 12 Nov 1876, Birth Place JelliCounty, Tenn, Death Date 9 Aug 1947 Acme, Kanawha, West Virginia, Burial 12 Aug 1947 Red Warrior Cemetery Death Age 70 years 8 months 27 days, Occupation: Coal Miner, Widowed, Father Name Levi Mobley, Mother Name Susie Williams

15222511 Idella (Miliam) Mobley, b. c1904

15222512 Levi Emberson Mobley, b. 3/19/1908 Whitley Co., KY, d. 5/7/1962, Kanawha, WV

m. 11/19/1932 Martha Pennington in Kan. Co. WV, b. 4/26/1913 Carter Co

SSDI: Levi Mobley SSN: 236-07-7795 Born: 19 Mar 1908 Died: May 1962

WV Deaths: Levi E. Mobley Death Date: 7 May 1962 Death Place: Kanawha, West Virginia Father Name: Marshall Mobley Mother Name: Mary Elizabeth Rice

152225121 Edith Estella Mobley

152225122 Helen Marie Mobley

152225123 Edward Aron Mobley

152225124 Levi Marshall Mobley

152225125 James David Mobley

152225126 Donald Lee Mobley

152225127 Kenneth Ray Mobley, b, 5/14/1952 Charleston, WV, d. 4/30/2011 Providence, RI, unm.

15222513 Ida B AKA Bennie Mobley, b. 7/15/1910 KY, d. 7/4/1988 (single)

152225131 Levi Henderson Mobley, b. 12/14/1943 Acme, Kanawha Co., WV, d. 12/17/1943, bur. Red Warrior cem

WV Deaths: Levi Henderson Mobley Death Date: 17 Dec 1943 Death Place: Kanawha, West Virginia Father Name: Dk Mother Name: Ida Mobley

15222514 Anzie (Sloan) Mobley, b. ?, d. ? Kanawha Co., WV

15222515 Edna Reginia (White) Mobley, b. c1920

15222516 William Ralph Mobley, b. 7/5/1926 Paint Creek, WV, d. 11/3/1997 WV

m. Elsie Lou Oiler, b. c1935, d. 3/1/2007, dau Sherman/Mattie Oiler, bur. Kanawha Valley Mem Gdns, Glasgow

SSDI: William R. Mobley SSN: 233-38-6749 Last Residence: 25061  Drybranch, Kanawha, West Virginia, Born: 5 Jul 1926 Died: 3 Nov 1997

152225161 Joyce Ann Mobley, b. 7/4/1951 Dry Branch, Kanawha Co., WV, d. 11/17/1952 Kayford, Kanawha Co., WV, bur. Red Warrior cem

152225162 Robert Mobley

152225163 Ralph Mobley

152225164 Ronald F. Mobley

152225165 Willard S. Mobley

152225166 Paul Mobley

15222517 Irene Mobley, b. c1929

Printed in Charleston WV Gazette & Charleston WV Daily Mail March 2 2007

Elsie L. Mobley, 71, of Dry Branch passed away March 1, 2007, at SunBridge Nursing Home after a long illness.

She was preceded in death by her husband of 47 years, William Mobley;

parents, Sherman and Mattie Oiler; sister, Betty Oiler; and daughter,

Joyce Mobley.

She is survived by sons, Robert and Ralph Mobley, both of Charleston,

and Ronald F., Willard S. and Paul Mobley, all of Dry Branch; sister,

Wanda M. Hamilton of Charleston; four grandchildren, and two


Entombment will follow at Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens, Glasgow.

1522252 William Thomas Mobley, b. 1880 TN, not in 1900 census

1522253 Mary Elizabeth Mobley, b. 1883 KY “

1522254 Luanna Mobley, b. 7/ /1884 TN

1522255 Martha Mobley, b. 1/ /1885 TN

1522256 Henry Mobley, b. 12/ /1886 TN

1910 Campbell: Henry 26, Susie 25

1522257 Merica Mobley, b. 5/ /1892

US Civil War: Levi Mobley Side: Confederate, Regiment Name: 26th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry (3rd East Tennessee Volunteers), Company: D, Rank Captain

TN Marriages: Levi Mobley, Spouse: Susanar Williams Marriage Date 31 Oct 1877

1880 Campbell Co: Levi 31 TN-NC-VA, Rebecca 37 (sister), Thomas C 5 (son), James F 3 (son), Rachel 33 (sister)

1900 Whitley Co, KY: Mobly, Levi 52 Oct 1848 TN-TN-KY, Susan 38 Apr 62 TN-TN-KY, Marshall 21 Nov 1878 TN, Luanna 15 Jul 1884 TN, Martha 14 Jan 1885 TN, Henry 13 Dec 1886 TN, Merica 8 May 1892 TN

1920 Campbell Co, TN: Mobley, Susan 68 Wd TN, Patti 33 (dau) TN, James 6 KY (Gson)


also bur. Red Warrior cem:

Baby Mobley b&d 9/22/1933

Baby Boy Mobley b&d 9/22/1947 s/o Gene McFarland & Irene Mobley

Joyce Ann Mobley, b. 7/4/1951, d. 11/17/1952 d/o Wm Ralph Mobley/Elsie Lou Oiler

Levi Henderson Mobley, b. 12/14/1943, d. 12/17/1943 s/o Ida Mobley

Wayne L. Mobley b. 6/5/1941 No. Charleston, Kanawha Co., WV, d. 1/17/1942 bur. Sattes cem, s/o Perry Mobley & Edith La---?


FGS 1522225


1522225 Thomas B. Mobley, b. 6/16/1890 (1873/4 in census) Campbell Co, TN, d. 9/14/1932 Bell Co, KY [a jeweler in Fonde, KY]; both bur. Pruden Cem. in Fonde, KY

m. Etta McCoy, b. c1891 TN

1920 Bell Co KY: Thomas 46 TN, Etter 29 TN, Anna 14 TN, John 13 TN, Nadine 9 TN, Edna 7 TN, Elsie 5 KY

1930 Bell: Tom 58, Anne 38, Johney 23, Nadine 19, Hansford 10, Naoma 6, Paul 6, Silas 1 11/12

KY Deaths: Thomas B Mobley Death Date 15 Sep 1932 Bell, Age: 42, Birth Date: 16 Jun 1890 Tennessee, Spouse's Name Etta Mc Coy Mobley, Father's Name John Mobley

15222221 Annie Mobley, b. c1906 TN

m. Robert McKinney

15222222 Johnny Mobley, b. c1907 TN

15222223 Nadine Mobley, b. c1911 TN

15222224 Edna Mobley, b. c1913 TN

15222225 Elsie Mobley, b. c1915 KY

15222226 James Hansford Mobley "PayDay", b. c1920

m. Thelma Oma Lee Sweet [remarried c1962 after d. of Hansford]

15222227 Naomi Mobley, b. ca 1922 KY, d. 5/17/2002 bur. Forest Lawn cem Lake City, Columbia Co., FL

m. (1) ____ Thomas

m. (2) Earl Caruthers Klette, b. 8/6/1916, d. 6/15/1989 bur. Forest Lawn cem Lake City, Columbia Co., FL

152222271 Milton Thomas

152222272 Reita Thomas

m. Joe Sebastian

15222228 Robert Paul Mobley Sr., b. 2/16/1924 Bell Co., KY, d. 12/6/2008, bur. Crown Hill Cem Cincinnati, OH

m. Gennive R. Gilbert, b. ca 1926

1522222981 Robert Paul Mobley Jr., b. 9/2/1945

m. Mary Ellen Bowman, b. 6/5/1947

SSDI: Robert Paul Mobley Last Residence: 45245  Cincinnati, Clermont, Ohio Born: 16 Feb 1924 Died: 6 Dec 2008

1522222811 Robert Paul Mobley III, b. 5/13/1964 Cincinnati, OH

m. Tammy Sue Maples, b. 11/23/1966 Muncie, IN

15222228111 Amanda Michelle Mobley, b. 1/21/1988

15222228112 Robert Paul Mobley IV, b. 5/17/1990

15222228113 Caitlin Mere Mobley, b. 3/27/1992

15222229 Silas L. Mobley, b. 4/13/1928 TN, d, 3/5/2001 TN

SSDI: Silas L. Mobley SSN: 414-40-3560 Last Residence: 37762  Jellico, Campbell, Tennessee, Born: 13 Apr 1928 Died: 5 Mar 2001

1522222A Mary Bell Mobley


Posted by Tammy Mobley on August 03, 1999

I am searching for any information regarding John Mobley. His son Thomas B. was born on June 16, 1890 in TN and died Sept. 15, 1932 in Bell Co., KY. He m. Etter McCoy. They had the following children: Annie who married Robert McKinney, Johnny, Nadine, Edna, Naomi (who lives in Florida), Mary Bell, James Hansford, Robert Paul, and Silas. The only children now living are Naomi, Robert Paul in Cincinnati and Silas in TN. They know very little about their father or grandfather. Their grandmother's name is unknown.

All of these were born in the early 1900's. Robert Paul was born in 1924. Where Thomas was born in Tennessee is unknown. Any information would be greatly appreciated in my search for our ancestors. With much gratitude, Thank you. e-mail; mobl3@


FGS 152227


1522227 Henry T. Mobley, b. 1/7/1878 TN

m. 8/4/1917 Martha Fields in Campbell Co., TN, b. c

15222271 Georgie Mobley

15222272 Ruby Mobley, b. 5/27/19??

15222273 Mable Mobley, b. 5/23/1918, d. 11/11/1997

15222274 Robert Lee Mobley, b. 8/11/1921, d. 10/22/1944 Charleston, SC

m. Myrtis Eugenia Howard

152222741 Roberet Lee Mobley Jr., b. 1/5/1946 (2 yrs aft death of father ??)

m. Joyce Downs

1522227411 Robert Lee Mobley III

1522227412 Jonathan Mobley

1522227413 Nathan Mobley

152222742 Henry Mitchell Mobley, b. 12/18/1946

m. Betty Jane Reeves

1522227421 Henry Mitchell Mobley II, b. 2/11/1966 Columbia, TN

m. Frankie Lynn Anderson, b. 12/6/1964

15222274211 Jerry Mitchell Mobley, b. 11/24/1984

15222274212 Heather Lynn Mobley, b. 2/28/1986

1522227422 Shelia Jane Mobley, b. 11/23/1968 Lexington, TN

m. 2/20/1987 Randall Dean Damesworth, b. 10/6/1967

15222274221 Dustin Randall Damesworth

15222274222 Monica Rene Damesworth, b. 8/25/1989

1522227423 Mark Daniel Mobley, b. 8/11/1974

1522227424 Rebecca Eugene Mobley, b. 3/12/1980

WW I Draft: Henry Mobley County: Campbell State: Tennessee age 40 Birth Date: 7 Jan 1878, wife Martha, Blue Gem Coal Co, Jellico, Campbell, TN

TN Marriages: Henry Mobley Spouse: Martha Fields Marriage Date: 4 Aug 1917 Marriage County: Campbell


FGS 15227

Data 11/8/92 Mary Ann Shoemaker:(Washington Co. Marriages 1850 census Hardin Co) (Mary Ann places as son of Edward Mobberly)


15227 William John Mobberly, b. ca 1782 MD, d. 8/11/1852

m. (1) 3/24/1806 Adorah "Addey" Vain (Wyan) in Washington Co., KY, b. c1786 MD, d. aft 1852

m. (2) 5/5/1817(?? Ady still lvg in 1850 census) Emily Tutt Nelson Co., KY, b. c1798, dau. Thomas Tutt/Sarah Parks

(*SEE 14373) 152271 Edward L.(T) Moberly, b. 1804-6, KY, d. aft 1861

m. (1) 5/7/1828 Dorothe Ross, b. 1/ /1812, d. 10/30/1857

(2) 1861 Margaret Divine

[{summary} This indenture made this 25th day of December 1861 between John Moberly, Wm. Moberly, Thomas Moberly, Daniel Moberly, Jacob Moberly, Edward Moberly, Squire Moberly, Benjamin Moberly, Mary Turner and Tabitha Pinkston by Will Q. Davis their Commissioner for the first part and Elizabeth Long and her children Amano Long, Nancy Bell Long, James Howard Long, Daniel Long, Martha J. Long, Sidney Long, Wm. Long, Hayden Long, Albert M. Long of the second part. Wittnesseth that sd.parties.being heirs of Samuel Moberly dcd. (1437)

1522711 Thomas H. Mobley, b. 1834, KY

m. 2/12/1873 Sarah M. Foster, Washington Co. KY

1522712 James H. Mobley, b. 1840, KY

1522713 Nancy J. Mobley, b. 1842 KY

m. 12/1/1859 John T. Dean, Washington Co., b.c1837 KY

1870 Washington: John 33 KY, Nannie 27 KY, Sarah 9, Mary 7, Hannah 4, Henry 1

1522714 Sarah A, Mobley, b. 12/18/1846, KY, d. 10/12/1868, Mobley Cem. ""

1522715 Squire A. Mobley, b. 1847, Washington Co., KY

m. 1/15/1872 Sarah Jane Keeling

1522716 Lynda B. Mobley, b. 1849

1522717 Henry H. Mobley (Mobberly), b. 6/18/1855, d. 11/6/1894, Washington Co., KY

m. 5/24/1877 Emily E. Coltor, b. 4/7/1854, d. 5/13/1927, Washington Co. [dau. of Starlin Coltor/___]

Edger Mobley, b. 4/7/1877, Wash. Co, d. 2/9/1890, Wash. Co.

Nancy Mobley

m. 4/14/1870 Richard Perkins, Washington Co., KY;wit. Alex. Bean

Tabithia Mobley

m. 6/8/1870 John H. Perkins, Washington Co. KY; wit. Alex. Bean

Queen R. Mobley

m. 12/23/1877 Elias Perkins, Washington Co. KY

Thomas Mobley

m. 5/18/1871 Rachael Long; wit. Richd. Perkins

1850 Washington Co: Edward L. 46 KY, Darthula 38 KY, Thomas N. 16 KY, James N. 10 KY, Nancy P. 8 KY, Sarah A. 5 KY, Squire A. 3 KY, Lynda B. 10/12

1860 Wash Co: Moberly, E.T. 54, Sally A 16, Saelis? 13 (m), Eliza 8, Henry 6

1880 Washington Co, KY

Mobberly, Henry 26 KY-KY-KY, Emma L 21 KY, Edgar 2, Sarah J 8/12

1522717 Samuel D. Mobley, b. 1829, KY

m. Mary ___, b. 1830, KY

1850 Washinton Co: Samuel D. 21 KY, Nancy 20 KY, Edward 7/12 KY

1860 Wash Co: Samuel D 31 KY, Nancy 31, Edward 10, Dorthila J 9, Lucy A 8, Qusan 3/12. Martha A 7, Thomas N 26

15227171 Edmond Dudley Mobley, b. 1845, KY, d. 1896 lvd. on Chaplin River, Washington Co., KY

m. 9/13/1868 Martha Kays, Washington Co. KY, b. 10/18/1843, d. 1896

15227172 Dorthila J. Mobley, b. c1851 KY

15227173 Lucy A. Mobley, b. c1852 KY

15227174 Susan Mobley, b. c1860

152272 Mary Ann (Ellen) Moberly, b. 1808, Hardin Co, KY, d. 10/10/1852, Hardin

m. 8/6/1827 Silas Craig Crume in Breckinridge Co., KY, b. 1804

152273 Elizabeth Moberly, b. 2/9/1810, Hardin Co., d. 9/2/1869 bur Pleasant Grove cem, Hardin Co.

m. 10/22/1829 Benjamin Carter, Jr.[son of Benj. Carter, of Charlotte, VA] (marriage book A pg 195)

152274 John E. Moberly, b. 7/1/1811, KY, d. 9/14/1869, Hardin Co. bur. Pleasant Grove cem

m. Faith A. ___, b. 7/7/1818 NC, d. 9/4/1891, Hardin Co.

1522741 Hardin L. Mobberly, b. 7/11/1851, d. 9/22/1860

1522742 William H. Mobberly, b. c1853


1910 Clay Co., TX: Mobberley, William H 55 KY-KY, Ann M 48 KY, Effie 17 TX, Ettie? 15, Van 9

1522743 Benjamin Auby Moberly, b. c1854 Hardin Co., KY

1522744 Elizabeth E. Moberly, b. c1856

1522745 John R. Mobberly, b. 9/25/1857, d. 9/18/1868

152275 Lloyd J. Moberly b. c1814

m. 6/9/1835 Mary Cole Hardin Co. KY (Book A, pg 10; bond only)

152276 Matilda Jane Moberly, b. 6/28/1818, Hardin Co., d. 1/6/1887 Grayson Co., KY bur Jacob Crume farm

m. 12/22/1833 William Washington Crume (Book A, pg 230)

1850 Hardin Co: Mobley, William 68 MD, Ady 64 MD, John E. 38 KY, Failhy/Finlhy (In 1860 census, looks like Faitha.) (f) 32 KY, William 10 KY

1860 Hardin Co: Moberly, John E 48 KY, Faith 41 NC, Harden L 9, William H 7, Elizabeth E 4, John R 2, Benjamin Auby 6

1870 Hardin Co: Mobley, Faitha 50 KY, William 17, Elizabeth 15, Hardin Barnes works on farm

1880 Hardin Co: Mobley, Faitha 61 NC Wid, William H 26, Lizza B 24, Albert Oliver 25 KY Nephew


Hardin Co. Wills, KY, Book E. p. 237, proved 9/20/1852:

will 8/9/1852; ux Addey, son J. E. Moberly; wit. Henry W. South, Benj. Carter, Silas Crume; proved 9/20/1852


1806. Washington Co. KY Marriage Records, 1793-1878, Margaret Clark Kington, 1981. William Mobley, Adorah Vain, m. 24 Mar 1806, by Thomas Cleland; Book 1:71.

1810 Washington Co. KY census (National Archives microfilm M252-8, pg 281; HeritageQuestOnline). William Mobley 00010 – 20100 [near Robert & John Milburn].

1825. Early Hardin Co. KY Census and Tax Lists, 1793-1836, Ancestral Trails Historical Society, 1998. 1825 tax list: Levi Mobly.

1829. Hardin Co. Marriage Records, Book A page 195. Benjamin Carter, Elizabeth Moberly. Bond 16 Oct 1829, Vincent Smallwood. Signed, Benjamin (X, his mark) Carter, Vincent Smallwood. License, 16 Oct 1829. Mr. Benjamin Carter and Miss Elizabeth Moberly, certificate from Benj’n Carter father of man & William Moberly father of girl both proven by the oath of Hiram Givin. Married 22 Oct 1829 by D. Hoskinson. Written consent for Benjamin W. Carter and Elizabeth Mobberley, 15 Oct 1829, by Benj’n Carter; wtn, James Carter, Hiram Givan. Written consent, 15 Oct 1829, by William (X, his mark) Mobberley; wtn, Hiram Givan, Silas Crume.

1830 Hardin Co. census (National Archives microfilm M19-37; HeritageQuestOnline). pg 380, William Mobley 001 100 010 – 011 000 100, 0 slaves; Benj’n Carter, 010 100 100 – 001 000 100, 0 slaves. pg 330, Benj’n Carter 000 100 – 000 010, 0 slaves. pg 331, Silas Crume 011 010 010 – 310 010 010, 0 slaves. Pg 357, Levi Mobley 110 100 100 – 211 101, 0 slaves.

1833. Hardin Co. Marriage Records. William W. Crume, Miss Matilda Jane Mobly. Bond No. 487, 19 Dec 1833, William Mobly. Signed, William M. Crume, William (X, his mark) Mobly; wtn, Sam’l Haycraft [Hardin Co. Clerk]. License, 19 Dec 1833. William W. Crume who swore he was of age and Miss Matilda Jane Mobly daughter of William Mobly who gave consent in proper person. Married 22 Dec 1833, David Hoskinson LPMC [Licensed Preacher, Methodist Church]. Register Book A, pg 230: William W. Crume & Matilda Jane Mobly. Crume swore he was 21 years of age & William Mobly father of the girl gave consent in proper person. Return: Married on 22 Dec 1833, David Hoskinson LPMC. (copies in file)

1835. Hardin Co. Marriage Records. Loid J. Mobberly, Mary Cole. Bond No. 95B, 9 June 1835, Jesse Cole. Signed, Loid (X, his mark) Mobberly. Written consent by Francis Cole, 8 June 1835; wtn, William W. Crume, Jesse Cole. Written consent by William (X, his mark) Mobberley, 8 June 1835; wtn, William W. Crume, Jesse Cole. Register Book B, page 10: Loid J. Mobberly, Mary Cole. W’m Mobberly father of Loid J. & Francis Cole father of Mary each gave consent by written certificates proven by the oath of Jesse Cole. [no return] (copies in file)

1836. Early Hardin Co. Census and Tax Lists, 1793-1836, Ancestral Trails Historical Society, 1998. 1836 tax list: Lloyd J. Mobly; William Mobly.

1836. Cox’s Creek Baptist Church Minutes, Vol. 1, 4 June 1836-1863 (at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Archives, Louisville, MSS/286.769/.C83/v.1), pastor Isaac Taylor. 6 Aug 1836: Recorded the death of Sister Sally Mobberly who departed this life the 18th of July last.

1840 Hardin Co. census (National Archives microfilm M704-13; HeritageQuestOnline), pg 46, Silas Croom 010 001 – 012 001, 1 in agriculture; [next:] Benj. Carter, 010 010 – 020 001 000 100, 1 in agriculture. [same page:] Wm. Croom, 110 001 – 201 010, 1 in manufacture & trade.

1845. Hardin Co. Deed B:423, 6 July 1845. Benjamin Carter to Thomas Drain, both of Hardin Co., for $20, 20 acres in Hardin Co. on waters of Rough Creek, beginning at Walter Drains corner in Robert Carters line, to William Youngs 50 acre survey, with Mobley line to the Litchfield road, with said road to Robert Carters corner, with Robert Carter line to beginning; being part of W’m Youngs 50 acre survey. Signed, Benjamin Carter; witness, Amos Picket, Silas Crume. (transcript by Jodean McGuffin, Oct 1984, in Benj. Carter file)

1850. Hardin Co. Deed Y:13, 17 Jan 1850. Walter Drain of Hardin Co. to Thomas Drain of same county, for $12, tract in Hardin Co. on waters of Rough Creek, beginning at W’m Youngers southwest corner, eastward to W’m Mobberleys corner, thence with Walter Dranes line to beginning. [acreage not given]. Signed, Walter Drane; witness, W. L. South, W. W. Crume. Recorded 21 Jan 1850. (transcript by Jodean McGuffin, Oct 1984, in Benj. Carter file)

1850 Hardin Co. census (National Archives M432-203; HeritageQuestOnline). Southern District #2, pg 440. #753. Silas Crumes 44 farmer 200 KY, Mary A. 42 KY [a Crume researcher indicates that Mary A. is daughter of Charlotte Carter], Lydia 21, Lloyd W. 19, Adeline 16, Sarah J. 4, Mary E. 4. [#754; number is omitted in census] Charlotte Carter 82 VA, Benjamin 39 farmer 200 KY, Elizabeth 40 KY, Mary J. 16, Mellon D. 14, Lydia E. 10. #755. William Mobley 68 farmer 200 MD, Ady 64 MD, John E. 38 KY, Faithy 32 KY, Willium 10 (f). #756. Isiah Auberry 37 farmer 500 KY, Elizabeth 30 KY, Richard 13, Sidney A. 11 (f), John 9, William M. 7, Thomas 6, Sarah E. 4, Henry W. 2. #757. William W. Crumes 42 farmer 300 KY, Matilda J. [daughter of William Mobly] 34 KY, Albert 13, Louan 10, Malvina 10, John 8, William 5, Charles 2. #758. Benjamin Carter 65 farmer 150 VA, Sarah 36 KY, Susannah 7.

1850 Nelson Co. census (National Archives microfilm M432-215; HeritageQuestOnline). Dist. 1, pg 330, #793. Mary Mobley 32 $400, L. (m) 10, A. (m) 8.

1852. Hardin Co. Will Book E:237-238, William Moberly will, dated 9 Aug 1852. I William Moberly in the name of God Amen[crossed off] do make this my last will and testament in the presence of God and those witnesses on this day and date above named I give to my son J. E. Moberly my land, all the landed which I possess. I give to my wife Addey Moberly all my personal property with all the money I have to do as she pleases with. In witness whereof we hereby assign our names. I William Moberly cant write my name and assign this as my last will and testament by making my mark. William (X, his mark) Moberly; witness, Henry M. South, Benjamin Carter, Silas Crume. Produced in court 20 Sep 1852 and proven by oaths of Benjamin Carter and Silas Crume; Recorded at the request of John E. Moberly, 14 Oct 1852. (copy in file)

1860 Hardin Co. census (National Archives microfilm M653-371; HeritageQuestOnline), pg 311. Dist. 2, Stephensburg. #819/812. Moberley, John E. 48 farmer KY, Faitha 41 NC, Hardin L. 9 KY, Wm. H. 7, Eliz. E. 4, John R. 2; Aubrey, Benjamin 6. pg 74, #488/483. Carter, B. W. 49 KY, Elizabeth 50 KY.

1860 Grayson Co. census (National Archives microfilm M653-369; HeritageQuestOnline), PO Falls of Rough, pg 355, #48. W’m W. Crume 52 farmer $800-$1000 KY, Matilda J. 42, Nuanna J. 18, Melvina C. 18, John J. 16, W’m W. 14, Charles W. 10, Ada J. 8, James T. 6, Mary 3, Martha 3.

1869. Pleasant Grove United Methodist Cemetery, Hardin Co. John E. Mobberley, July 1, 1811-Sept. 14, 1869. On the left lies his two sons, 1st John R., Sept. 25, 1857-18 Sept. 1860; 2nd Hardin L., July 11, 1851-Sept. 23, 1860. (photo in file)

1870 Hardin Co. census (National Archives microfilm M593-467; HeritageQuestOnline), Meeting Creek Pct., PO Howes Valley, pg 360, #54/56. Mobley, Faitha 50 $1100-$500 KY, William 17, Elizabeth 15.

1870 Grayson Co. census (National Archives microfilm M593-465; HeritageQuestOnline), Haynes Pct., PO Short Creek, pg 295, #171/170. Crume, William 63 farmer $1200-$1500 KY,Matilda J. 52, Charles M. 21, Ada J. 18, James T. 15, Martha E. 13.

1891. Pleasant Grove United Methodist Cemetery, Hardin Co. Faitha Mobberley, wife of J. E., July 7, 1818-Sept. 4, 1891.

1979. E. Schneider, 1232 Fairlawn, Rantoul IL 61866, 1979 (from Jodean McGuffin Martin, Altus OK, 1984). William Crume, b. 27 May 1783 Washington/Nelson Co. (source: Alice Crume Voss), d. 31 Aug 1812, son of Ralph Crume Sr., Mary “Polly” Riggs; m. 5 Aug 1805 (source: Alice Crume Voss), Susannah Lavina Jones, b. 1785, dau of William Jones. Children: (1) Silas Crume, b. 1806 Breckinridge Co. KY (source: Alice Crume Voss); m.1. 6 Aug 1827 (source: Norene Hurley), Mary Ellen Mobberly; m.2. Jane __ (source: Norene Hurley). (2) William Washington Crume, b. 4 Mar 1808 New Albany IN (source: Alice Crume Voss), d. 2 Jan 1990 Taisey [Tousey?], Grayson Co. KY, bur. J. E. Crume farm; m. 22 Dec 1833 Shelbyville KY (source: Norene Hurley) Matilda Jane Mobberly, dau of William Mobberly; 6 children. (3) James Taylor, b. 7 Nov 1810, d. 26 Mar 1906 (source: Norene Hurley); m. 1 Jan 1834 [Hardin Co.] Sarah Popham, dau of Job Popham. (4) Mary “Polly” Crume, b. 29 Sep 1812, d. 29 Nov 1906 Blair, Jackson Co. OK, bur. Blair Cem., Jackson Co. OK (tombstone); m. 5 Nov 1831 Hardin Co. KY, Thomas Drane. William Washington Crume, b. 4 Mar 1808 (source: Nancy Hurley, Elizabethtown KY, 1983) New Albany IN, d. 2 Jan 1890 (source: Nancy Hurley) Taisey [Tousey?], Grayson Co. KY, bur. J. W. Crume farm, son of William Crume, Susannah L. Jones; m. 22 Dec 1833 Shelbyville KY, Matilda Jane Mobly/Mobberly. b. 29 June 1816 (Nancy Hurley: 28 June 1808) Hardin Co. KY, d. 6 Jan 1897 (Alice Crume Voss: 1887), Grayson Co. KY, buried Jacob Crume farm. Children: (1) William, b. 1835 Taisey [Tousey?], died young; (2) Albert Marion, b. 4 Dec 1838 Hardin Co., d. 12 Sep 1886 Hardin Co. (source: Alice Crume Voss); m.1. Elizabeth Ross; m.2. Roxanna Renfrow; (3) Jefferson C., b. 1839, d. 1922 (Alice Crume Voss: 1928); m. Susanna Ross; Charley W., b. 1841, d. 1928; m. Sarah Wise (Alice Crume Voss: Sarah Wilson); (5) Melvina, 1843-1916; m. Ben Parrish; (6) Louvana J., 1845-1918; m. William Frank Patterson; (7) Martha, 1848-1907; m. A. Lawrence; (8) Ada Jane, 1851-1931; m. 13 Mar 1876, William Berkley; (9) James Thomas, 3 Feb 1855-13 Nov 1892; m.1. Matilda Payton; m.2. Sada Payton; m.3. Elizabeth Beatty; (10) Mary, 1857-1886, bur. William Ellison Payton Cem. (source: Alice Crume Voss); (11) Joseph T., 15 Sep 1860 (Alice Crume Voss: 1868); m. Susan Viola Boone; (12) Martha, b. 1857 (twin to Mary?). (1850 Hardin Co. Census, pg 40, #757: children: Albert, Susan, Malvina, John, William, Charles.)

1984. Jodean McGuffin Martin, Rt. 3, Altus OK 73521, 1984 (information from Alice Crume Voss). Silas Crume, b. 1806 Breckinridge Co., son of William Crume, Susannah Louvina Jones; m.1. 6 Apr 1827, Mary Ann Moberly; m.2. Mary Ellen Carter, dau of Charlotte Carter (twins Sarah Jane and Mary Ellen born 6 Jan 1847); m.3. June or Jane Clark.

1995. Alita Crume Wilson, Silent Footsteps (Grayson County; published by Joan Saunders), 1995. William Washington Crume, b. 4 Mar 1808 New Albany IN?, d. 1 Feb 1890, Tousy, Grayson Co. KY, bur. at Crume Cem. on “Jake” Crume farm, Grayson Co., son of William Crume, Luanna Jones; m. 23 Dec 1833 Matilda Jane Mobberly, b. 28 June 1818 Hardin Co., d. 6 Jan 1887 Grayson Co., bur. with husband, dau of William Mobberly, Adorah “Addy” Vain, b. MD.

Hardin Co. Deeds

4:440, 1859. James Durham to John E. Mobberly

9:369, 1868. Jno. E. Mobberly to Silas Crume

13:358, 1844. W. W. Crume to Evaline Mobberly

Hardin Co. births: mother of children of John E. Mobberley, Faitha __ (Hardin L. 1852, Wm. H. 1853, Eliz. E. 1854, John R. 1858); mother of children of W’m W. Crume, Matilda J. __ (Ada J. 1852, James T. 1854, Mary & Martha 1857).

1820 KY census index: William Mobberly [not found on HeritageQuest]

Hardin Co. cems: William Mobberly d. 11 Aug 1852

Hardin Co. KY Deed Book 13, pg 358, 12 Feb 1844. William W. Croom & Matilda (dau of William & Adorah Mobberley) his wife to Evaline Mobberly, William Mobberly & Lucinda J. Mobberly, heirs of R. J. Mobberly deceased, all of Hardin Co., 50 acres on waters of Meeting Creek. Recorded 9 Aug 1872. [Possibly not recorded until it was sold out of the family]

Who is R. J. Mobberly? Did William Mobberly have brother R. J.?

Wash. Co. Marriage 1:71, William Mobley, Adorah Vain, 24 Mar 1806, by Thomas Cleland

Wash. Co. Unrecorded Deeds (at courthouse), Folder 12:


these probably belong in this line

1860 Washington Co, KY

Moberly, E.T. 54 KY, Sally A 16, Squire 13, Eliza 8, Henry 6

Morberly, Franklin T 29 KY, Mary A 25, Adalin 3 (f), George 1

Morberly, Samuel D 31 KY, Nancy 31, Edward 10, Dorthila J 9, Lucy A 8, Qusan 3/12. Martha A 7, Thomas N 26

Morberly, S.J. 35 KY, Nancy A 35, James 9, John O 6, Palistin 3 Mary A 1

E. T. Moberly, b. c1846

Sally A. Moberly, b. c1844 KY

Squire Moberly, b. c1847 KY

Eliza Moberly, b. c1852 KY

Henry H. Mobley (Mobberly), b. 6/18/1855, d. 11/6/1894, Washington Co., KY

m. 5/24/1877 Emily E. Coltor, b. 4/7/1854, d. 5/13/1927, Washington Co. [dau. of Starlin Coltor/___]

Edger Mobley, b. 4/7/1877, Wash. Co, d. 2/9/1890, Wash. Co.

Nancy Mobley

m. 4/14/1870 Richard Perkins, Washington Co., KY;wit. Alex. Bean

Tabithia Mobley

m. 6/8/1870 John H. Perkins, Washington Co. KY; wit. Alex. Bean

Queen R. Mobley

m. 12/23/1877 Elias Perkins, Washington Co. KY

Thomas Mobley

m. 5/18/1871 Rachael Long; wit. Richd. Perkins

1860 Wash Co: Moberly, E.T. 54, Sally A 16, Saelis? 13 (m), Eliza 8, Henry 6

1880 Washington Co, KY

Mobberly, Henry 26 KY-KY-KY, Emma L 21 KY, Edgar 2, Sarah J 8/12

1870 Washington Co, KY

Moberly, Jackson 44 KY, Ann 43 KY, James 18 KY, John 16, Palestine 10, Mary 11, Samuel 7, Charles 5

Moberly, Nancy 45 KY, Susan 21, William 19, Elijah 15, Elizabeth 12, James 9, Ann 7

1870 Washington Co, KY

Mobly, Edward 65 KY, Steve?? (m) 22 farm laborer for John Dean

1880 Washington Co, KY

Moberly, Lemuel J(ackson) 56 KY, Nancy A 56 KY, Palistin 24, Samuel 17, Charles 15

Mobberly, Henry 26 KY, Emma L 21 KY, Edgar 2, Sarah J 8/12

Moberly, Eli 22 KY, Margaret F 19 KY, Nannie C 9/12

Moberly, William 26 KY Huckster, Mary E 20 KY, Cary A 1

Moberly, James D 21 KY, Nancy 55 KY mother, Elizabeth J 20, Sarah A 16

1900 Washington Co, KY

Mobley, Ely 44 Dec 1856 KY-KY-KY, Margaret 38 Jul 1861 KY-KY-KY, Joihn 18 Dec 1892 KY, George 14 Jul 1883/5? KY, Mary 12 Dec 1887/9?, William 9 May 1891, Sherman 6 Mar 1894

Mobley, Mary 12 Dec 1887 KY (grand dau) lvg w/ W.T. & Eliza Ash

Mobley, William M 46 Jan 1854 KY-KY-KY, Mary E 40 May 1860 KY-KY-KY, Ada 18 Nov 1881 KY, Susan 15 Mar 1885, James H 11 Nov 1888, Owen 8 Nov 1891, Amanda 5 Jan 1895, George R 1 Apr 1899

Mobly, Thomas 49 Jan 1851 KY-KY-KY, Anna R 44 Feb 1856 KY-KY-KY, Erastus 16 Nov 1883, Sency ? A 14 Mar 1886, Melvin 12 Feb 1888, Delon J 7 Seo 1892

1910 Washington Co, KY

Mobley, James 59 KY, Annie 48 KY, Rastus 25, James D 14

Mobley, John L 30 KY, Clarra M ?4 KY, Floyd 1

Mobley, Sam 27 IL, Viola 24 KY, Roy 6, Weldon 2

Mobley, William 18 KY servant w/ George L. Elliott

Moberly, Earnest 34 KY, Ella 33 VA, Claud C 14, Clarence S 11, May 7

Moberly, Maggie 47, KY, Sherman 16 ,

Mobly, Melvin 22 KY cousin lvg w/ Erastus Holiday

1920 Washington Co, KY

Mobley, Ernest 44 KY, Ella 43 KY

Mobley, John 41 KY, Flora? M 30 KY, Floyd B IL, Anna V 10 KY, Roy C 7 KY, Willard 3 6/12 IL

Mobley, Maggie 56 KY, Sherman 24 KY

Mobley, Will 26 KY brother lvg w/ Mary Hendron 31

Moberly, J.D. 27 KY, Bertner 23 KY, J.A. 5 5/12, Willie 3 11/12, Lucile 5/12

Moberly, Sam F 38 KY, Viola 33 KY, Arthur R 15, Veldon 11, Gracie 8, Christina 5 11/12


Eli Mobberly, b. c1858 KY

m. Margaret F. ____, b. c1861 KY

Nannie C. Mobberly, b. c1879 KY

1880 Wash Co, KY

Moberly, Eli 22 KY-KY, Margaret F 19 KY, Nannie C 9/12


Lemuel Jackson Moberly, b. 1826, KY

m. Nancy Ann Phelps?, b. 1827

James Moberly, b. 1852 KY

John Moberly, b. 1854 KY

Palestine S. Moberly, b. 1857 KY

Charles Mobley

Paul C. Mobley

Mary Moberly, b. 1859 KY

Samuel Moberly, b. 1863 KY

Charles Moberly, b. 1865 KY


poss belongs in line of 15227 William John Mobberly

1870 Washington Co, KY

Moberly, Jackson 44 KY, Ann 43 KY, James 18 KY, John 16, Palestine 13, Mary 11, Samuel 7, Charles 5

1880 census, Hendren, Washington Co., KY

Lemuel J. Moberly 56 KY-KY,Nancy A 56 KY-KY, Palistin 24, Samuel 17, Charles 15

We have assumed his name was Samuel Jackson Mobley and married to Nancy Ann Phelps

Paul C. Mobley pcmobley@ Son of Charles Mobley, Grandson of Palestine (also known as Pali S.) 3/22/02


FGS 15227171 Data 6/18/92 Carl Mobley: [received from my Dentist's receptionist]

[placed 8/9/98 cwm]


15227171 Edmond Dudley Mobley, b. 1845, d. 1896,lvd. on Chaplin River, Washington Co., KY

m. 9/13/1868 Martha Kays, in Washington Co., b. 10/18/1843, d. 1896


152271711 Stewart Allen Mobley, b. 5/28/1870 KY, d. 4/1/1924 Spencer, KY

m. Sofia Ann Walls, b. 825/1874 KY, d. 1/12/1947 Anderson, KY; d/o John William Walls/Mary Ann Yocum

1522717111 Elmer Allen Mobley, b. 2/15/1893 KY, d. 7/27/1016 Spencer, KY

KY Deaths: Elmer Allen Mobley Death Date: 27 Jul 1916 Death Location: Spencer Age: 23 Birth Date: 15 Feb 1893 Birth Location: Kentucky Father's Name: S A Mobley Mother's Name: Sopha Ann Walls

1522717112 Amos Sherman Mobley, b. 11/22/1895 Tayloirsville, Spencer, KY, d. 2/18/1982 Taylorsville, KY

m. Ida L. Goodlett, b. 9/30/1898 KY, d. 3/17/1981 Taylorsville, KY

15227171121 ____ Mobley

15227171122 Mary Lillie Mobley, b. 6/12/1921 Taylorsville, d. 12/12/2002 Tylorsville, KY

1522717113 Mary Effie Mobley, b. 10/26/1897 KY, d. 9/5/1988 Taylorsville, KY

m. Avery Rogers, b. 1/ /1900 KY, d. 10/22/1975 Spencer, KY

1522717114 Lillie M. Mobley, b. 7/11/1903 Nelson Co., KY, d. 7/26/1992 Shelbyville, Shelby, KY

m. Basil Amon King, b. 1/13/1899 KY, d. 11/7/1978 Shelbyville, KY

1522717115 Prentice J. Mobley, b. 5/14/1905 KY, d. 3/7/1994 Taylorsville, KY

m. Andry ____, b. c1914 KY

15227171151 Prentice J. Mobley Jr., b. 11/12/1929 KY, d. 8/16/2008

m. Audry Matherly, lvd in Taylorsville, KY

152271711511 Lana Mobley m. Mr. Downey

1930 Spencer: Prentice 34, Andra 16, Prentice 4/12

KY Deaths: Prentice J Mobley Death Date: 7 Mar 1994 Death Place: Spncr Age: 88 Residence: Spence

SSDI: Prentice J. Mobley SSN: 402-20-0095 Last Residence: 40071  Taylorsville, Spencer, Kentucky, Born: 14 May 1905 Died: 7 Mar 1994

1522717116 Mary Mobley

1910 Nelson Co: Mobly, S.A. 40 KY, Sophia A 36 KY, Elmer A 18, Amos S 15, Effa 12, Lillie M 7, Pertnes? J 5 (m)

1920 Spencer Co: Stewart A 49 KY, Sofia A 45 KY, Amos S 24, Effie M 22, Lillie M 16, Prentice 14

152271712 Perlina (Pliney) Mobley, b. 1871, d. 1930s

m. Frank Walls

1522717121 Jasper Walls

1522717122 Bessie Mae Walls, b/ 2/ /1895 KY, d. 9/12/1978 Anderson, KY

1522717123 Mattie Dove Walls, b/ 3/3/1896 Anderson, KY, d. 1964

1522717124 William Dudley Walls, b. 5/26/1903, d. 1981

1522717125 Margie Pearl Wallss, b. 12/6/1906, d. Jefferson, KY

1522717126 Homer Green Walls, b. 11/14/1909 KY

152271713 Nancy Ann Mobley, b. 5/30/1873, d. 11/27/1944

m. George Durr

1522717131 Cecil Durr

1522717132 Ethel Durr

1522717133 Edna Durr

1522717134 Virtus Durr

1522717135 Ivy Durr

1522717136 Hellen Durr

1522717137 Imo Durr

1522717138 Betty Durr

152271714 George Mobley, b. 1875, d. 1877

152271715 Samuel Mobley, b. 1877, d. 1893

152271716 Edmond Dudley Mobley Jr., b. 10/16/1883 KY, d. 2/23/1970 Jefferson, KY

m. 11/25/1903 Nora Belle Parrott, in Bardstown, b. c1885, d. 1/20/1943

WW I Draft: E Dudley Mobley Springfield, Washington. Kentucky age 34 Birth Date: 16 Oct 1883, wife Nora

1920 Washington Co.,KY: Mobley, Edward D 36, KY, Nora 35 KY, Gertie 15, Maud 13, Nella 10, Edna 8, Ruby 5

1930 Jefferson: E D 46, Nora 45, Maud 23, Evva 18, Ruby 16, R C 6

KY Deaths: Edmon D Mobley Death Date: 23 Feb 1970 Death Place: Jefferson Age: 86 Residence: Jefferson

1522717161 Gertie B. Mobley, b. 11/5/1904 KY

1522717162 Maude Lee Mobley, b. 2/5/1907 KY

1522717163 Nella May Mobley, b. 6/27/1909 KY

1522717164 Mary Edna Mobley, b. 1/10/1911 KY

1522717165 Ruby Pearl Mobley, b. 3/31/1914 KY

1522717166 Edward Russell Mobley, b. 1920 KY, d. i.[mother had measles]

1522717167 Samuel Dudley Mobley, b. 8/ /1922 KY, d. 9/10/1922 Wash, KY [jaundice]

1522717168 Raymond Clifford Mobley, b. 3/3/1924, d. 9/9/1990 Hamilton, OH

KY Births: Raymond C Mobley Date of Birth: 3 Mar 1924 County: Washington Mother's Name: Nora Parrott

OH Deaths: Raymond C Mobley Birth Date: 3 Mar 1924 Birth State: Kentucky Residence County: Hamilton Residence state: Ohio Death Date: 9 Sep 1990 Death Time: 09:52 PM County of Death: Hamilton Age at Death: 66 Hospital/ER-Outpatient Injury in Ohio: Yes Social Security Number: 400-28-7089 Father's Surname: Mobley Marital Status: Married Education: 8 Industry of Decedent: Newspaper publishing and printing Occupation of Decedent: Printing machine operator

152271717 John Merritt Mobley, b. 12/18/1886, d. 2/18/1961 Jefferson, KY

m. Edna ___

WW I Draft: John Mobley County: Tazewell State: Illinois Age 33 Birth Date: 19 Dec 1885

1920 Tazewell, IL: John M 33 KY, Edna P 28 KY, Eva E 7, Everett R 5, Ernest R 4 4/12, Ereel W 1 9/12

KY Deaths: John M Mobley Death Date: 18 Feb 1961 Death Place: Jefferson Age: 74 Residence: Jefferson

1522717171 Eva E. Mobley,b. c1913 KY

1522717172 Everett R. Mobley, b. c1915 KY

1522717173 Ernest R. Mobley, b. c1916 KY

1522717174 Ershell W. Mobley, b.c1918 KY

1522717175 Edward Mobley

1522717176 Paul Mobley


KY Marriages: Edmond Mobley Spouse: Martha Kays Marriage Date: 13 Sep 1868 County: Washington

1870 Wash Co: Mobberly, Ed 21 KY, Martha 25 KY, Allen 1/12

1880 Wash Co: Edmon 30 KY-KY, Martha 36 KY, Stewart 10, Perlina A (f) 8, James S 4, Nancy A 1

1900 Wash Co: Martha 55, Edmund 17 (Jr), Pokel? (m) 13, Orce? 24 (dau), Maggie 5 Gdau


FGS EB-152?1 May be descendants of Thomas, Jr., Edward or Archibald Mobberly

[data from Steven Lawson; originally from Jean C.(Moberly) Pryor

[underlined data from LDS lists by Imogene McConnell

[all christenings at Frederick, Middletown Evangelical Lutheran Church]

Data from C.E.Schildknecht book -+ TENTATIVE PLACEMENT

addenda email Keith Eugene Mobley Jun 1996

NOTE: some buried in Mt. Olivet spell the name Mobley, others Moberly & few Mobberly

Whose son? 1850 Madison Co, KY: Moberly, Peter 79 MD, Francis 60 VA


THE FOLLOWING PROBABLY ARE SONS OF ONE OF THE ABOVE (Thomas, Jr., Edward or Archibald Mobberly)


Info on 1st mg of Lewis Griffin provided by Michelle Y. Leslie mylbjd@ 4/21/97

-- also see 1522 for possible placement of John G. & Lewis Griffin as sons of Edward.

*** Another source has Lewis & Charles Nealy as sons of Levin 1758-1839 (159) & Nancy Tucker

152?1 Lewis Moberly, b. 1777

m. Rachel Wells

152?2 Hezekiah Mobley, (Sr.), b.[est. 1770s] MD, d. ca 1848, Nelson Co., KY [see 15224]

m. 12/6/1796 Elizabeth Kidwell, Upper Marlboro, Pr. Georges Co., MD, b. ca 1780, MD[they were in Poll Book, Boston Precinct, Nelson Co. KY, 1830-39]

152?3 Lewis Griffin Mobley, b. ca 1782, Frederick Co., MD, d. 12/7/1839, bur. Johnson-Mobley cem Nelson Co., KY[Lutheran][pvt. 17th Regt (Beall's) MD Militia, War 1812]

m. (1) 12/3/1807 Jemima Polly{Mary} Thompson

(2) 5/10/1826 Anna Shehan, b. 5/3/1782, d. 8/3/1864 [Nelson Co., KY][dau. John Sebastian Shehan/Polly Duval]

152?4 (see 159) Levan (Levin) Moberly, d. KY

m. Nancy Tucker, d. ca 1835/40 (over 75 years old), Cedar Co., IA [went to IA ca 1827 with son Charles Nealey]

152?5 John G. Mobberly, b. 10/30/1781 King George Co., MD, d. 12/8/1868 Daviess Co., KY

m. (1) 12/22/1808 Martha "Patsy" Hardin, b. MD, d. 12/22/1829 Ohio Co., KY

m. (2) 3/25/1832 Nancy Haynes [or Hardin?], b. 4/27/1798, d. 12/8/1868

1850 Ohio Co., KY: Moberley, John G. 68 Farmer MD, Nancy 55 VA, Tabitha 28 KY

1860 Daviess Co: John G 78 MD, Nancy 66 VA

NOTE: Since some of his issue were b. NC, Levan may have been in line of John, Jr.

[1830 census, Hardin Co., KY; Levi, 1m\5, 1m5\10, 1m15\20, 1m40\50, 2f\5, 1f5\10, 1f10\15, 1f15\20, 1f30\40; prob. 152?4]

[Note: Family lists of Lewis, Hezekiah, Lewis Griffin and John G. follow below]

[ID numbers to be revised upon definite placement]


[Hall of Records, Book NH-2, p.340-344: On 12/13/1785, Archibald Mobberly sold to Nehemiah Moxley, 107 acres, part of a tract of land called `Mobberlys Purchase' in Anne Arundel Co.; beginning at the end of 5 perches on the 4th course of the 200 acres of land called 'Mobberlys Purchase', thence North 84 degrees West 53 perches, South 268 perches to Patuxent River then along same to the line of Rezin Mobberly's land and north to the beginning; Elizabeth, wife of Archibald released her dower][this was approx. the western half of the original tract]

Witnesses: John Burgess, Elisha Warfield


[Hall of Records, NH-2, p.344-345: On 3/5/1785, Rezin Mobberly sold to Archibald Mobberly for 20 pounds 10 acres part of `Neals Delight'; beginning at the end of the fourth line of said Mobberlys land running thence North 84 degrees west 6 perches then south 268 perches to the Patuxent River then with said river to the line of said Mobberlys land then with a straight line to the beginning.]

Before: John Burgess


[Hall of Records, WSG-5, p.224-225: On 7/29/1817, Archibald Mobberly sold to Nemehiah Moxley for 5 dollars his interest in part of `Neals Delight' in Anne Arundel Co.,200 acres; beginning at a hickory at the mouth of a draft of the Patuzent River and north with said draft 160 perches, West 108 perches, then north 15 degrees west 52 perches, then North 84 degrees west 58 perches, then south 260 perches to the river and then with the river to the beginning]

[apparently a quit-claim action; the description is the same as the tract originally purchased by John Mobberly, Sr. from Neal Clark on 11/7/1715]

Witnesses: G. Howard, R.W. McAtee


[Hall of Records, Book B,460-463: On 10/23/1751, George Becraft sold to Edward Mobberly for L 50 a tract `Peace & Quietness', 68 acres in Frederick Co., on a branch of Linganore Creek; beginning at 2 red oaks on a ridge on the west side of the new wagon road, on East side of a branch near the head of Bucks Branch[a draught of Linganore Creek], land on each side of said branch: running north 36 deg. East 20 perches, South 56 deg. West 114 perches, South 10 deg. West 80 perches, South 41 deg. East 100 perches, then by straight line to the beginnning]

Witness: Philip Murphy


[This was not Edward 1541(b.1752) nor Edward 14(who was already living in VA then); and probably not Edward son of the schoolmaster who lived in PG Co. until after the Rev. War]. He must have been a son of Thomas,(Jr), there being no other likely possibility on record]



FGS EB-152?1 May be descendants of Thomas, Jr., Edward or Archibald Mobberly

[data from Steven Lawson; originally from Jean C.(Moberly) Pryor

[underlined data from LDS lists by Imogene McConnell

[all christenings at Frederick, Middletown Evangelical Lutheran Church]

Data from C.E.Schildknecht book -+ TENTATIVE PLACEMENT

addenda email Keith Eugene Mobley Jun 1996

NOTE: some buried in Mt. Olivet spell the name Mobley, others Moberly & few Mobberly

Margaret E. Myers 409 Culler Av, Frederick, MD 21701-4111

(301-662-3503) 7/20/2000


152?1 Lewis Moberly, b. 1777

m. Rachel Wells, dau. of Daniel Wells

152?11 Eli Mobberly, b. 10/17/1800, MD, d. 8/6/1885, Frederick, MD, [wheelwright][name on tombstone spelled Elie] both bur. Rose Hill cem. (sec I lot 102)

m. Rebecca Mayberry, b. 10/24/1805, d. 1/21/1863 [or Mary Sophia Mayberry] dau of Justinian Mayberry/Mary Ann Houser

152?12 Levi H. Moberly, b. 5/2/1804, d. 5/3/1852 bur Mt Olivet cem.[cem. office records says d. 1/1/1852]

m. 1/12/1826 Ann Rebecca Lambrecht, Frederick Co., Middletown Evang. Lutheran Ch., b. 1/28/1809, d. 6/28/1888[dau. Phillip Lambrecht/Magdalena Hull, gdau Henrich Lambrecht/Maria Magdalena Hull] bur Mt Olivet cem.


FGS EB-152?11 Eli Mobberly See above for source

Robert E. Seeley Seeley1022@ 11/3/2003


152?11 Eli Mobberly (Elie Mobley on tombstone), b. 10/17/1800, Frederick, MD, d. 8/6/1885, Hagerstown, MD, [wheelwright][name on tombstone spelled Elie] both bur. Rose Hill cem, Washington Co. (sec I lot 102)

m. 4/15/1824 Rebecca (Sophia) Mayberry, b. 10/24/1805, d. 1/21/1863 [or Mary Sophia Mayberry] dau of Justinian Mayberry/Mary Ann Houser

(children: Mary Rebecca Mayberry Beck; Elizabeth; Sophia Mayberry Mobley; Henrietta Mayberry Rutter; Mary Ann Mayberry Schleigh; Israel; William; Thomas; Justinian Jr.; (Catherine Mayberry ? may have been wife of Thomas Mayberry)

Mary Ann's will is on file at Frederick Co., MD., Probated 4 Jun 1855.

152?111 Edward Mayberry Mobley, b. 1/30/1825, Frederick, MD, d. 1906 [Col. Civ.War/US], bur. Rose Hill Cem, Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD [Sec I lot 103]

m. 10/27/1843 Ellen Cecilia Carver, Hagerstown, b. 1827, d. 1899, bur. Rose Hill Cem.

152?112 Mary A. C. Mobley, b. 1827, d. 1918

m. 2/5/1850 F.A. Heard, Hagerstown

152?113 Laura Alberta Mobley, b. 11/27/1835

m. 1/16/1855 William Updegraff, Frederick

152?114 Lavinia [or Lovinna] R. Mobley, b. 5/3/1839

m. Martin L. Byers, Frederick, b. 8/ /1838

152?115 Walter Byer Mobley, d. aet 53 Hagerstown lvd w/ bro Louis R. 1910 & 1920 census

MD Marriages: Ely Mobberly Marriage Date: 15 Apr 1824 Spouse: Sophia Mayberry Frederick County

1850 Washington Co., MD: Mobley, Eli 48 Md, Sophia 42 Md, Laura 14, Lavinia 11, Walter 5

1860 Wash: Ely 59, Sophia 55, Lavenia 21, Walter 15, Rebecca 60, Peter 27,

1870 Washington Co: Mobley, Elie 69 MD, Lavinia 29, Walter 25, Rebecca Mayberry 78

1880 Washington Co: Mobley, Elie 79 MD, lvg w/ M.L. & Lavina R Byers

“Eli Mobley, the great-grandfather of E.S. Mobley, was a native of Frederick County, Md. He was a wheelwright by trade. His ancestors were among the pioneers of the county”


FGS EB-152?111 Edward Mayberry Mobley See above for source


152?111 Edward Mayberry Mobley, b. 1/30/1825, Frederick, MD, d. 1906 [Col. Civ.War/US], both bur. Rose Hill Cem, Clear Spring, Washington Co., MD [Sec I lot 103]

m. 10/27/1843 Ellen Cecilia Carver, Hagerstown, b. 1827, d. 1899

152?1111 Walter Andrew Mobley, b. 7/29/1844, d. 12/9/1896

m. 6/17/1878 Alice A. Boyd, b. 11/ /1859 MD

152?1112 Edward Carver Mobley b. 11/30/1845, d. 4/28/1924 [Civ. War/US]

m. Annie [Anna V.] McCardell, Frederick, MD, b. 5//1847

152?1113 Franklin Alex. Mobley, b. 2/5/1847, d. bef 1850

152?1114 Albert Augustus Mobley, b. 1848, d. 1920, unm. Bur. Rose Hill Cem, Hagerstown, MD. Sec. I lot 103

152?1115 James Clarence Mobley, b. 12/24/1850, Washington Co., MD,[printer/machinist, Hagerstown, d. 5/6/1913, bur. Mt. Olivet Cem., Frederick, MD

m. (1) 10/4/1868 Nancy J. Little

(2) Myra H. Lykens, b. 1849, d. 1923

152?1116 William E. Mobley, b. 6/ /1853, d. 3/3/1914 bur St. Johns Ch.

m. Mary Leister, b. 12/ /1856 MD

152?1117 Harry Hyser Mobley, b. 1855 MD, d. 1928 MD

m. Virginia T.(Jessie) Hoover, c1868 MD

152?1118 Louis Richmond Mobley, druggist, b. 1/13/1860, d. 1930

m. Emma Leontine? ____, b. 1860

152?1119 Pinkney West Mobley, b. 4/24/1862, d. bef 1920 census

m. Hattie S. Reinhardt, b. c1873 PA

152?111A Walter Byers Mobley, b. 7/27/1866, unm., Bur. Rose Hill Cem, Hagerstown, MD. Sec. I lot 103

1850 Washington Co: E.W. 24 Md, Ellen 23 Md, Carver 5, Albert 1

1860 Washington Co: Edward 35 MD Sheriff & Tailor, Ellen C 33 MD, Edward 15, Albert A 13, James C 10, William 8, Henry H 5, Jesse M 3, Lewis R 6/12

1870 Washington Co: Ed M. 45 MD, Ellen C 43 MD, Augustus 21, Clarence 19, William 17, Harry 14, Richard 10, Pinkney W. 8, Walter 3

1880 Washington Co: E.M. 55 MD, Ellen C 53 MD, Albert A 35, William E 27, Harry H 24, L.R. (m) 20, Pinkney W 18, Walter B 14

1900 Washington Co: Richard 40 (Jun 1860) MD, Emma L 40 (Nov 1860) OH-PA-OH, Charles Louis 5 (Jun 1894) MD, Edward M 70 (Jan 1830) PA-PA-PA Father-widower, Albert A 51 (Sep 1848) MD, Brother single, Walter 33 (Jul 1866) Brother single

“Edward Mobley, son of Eli Mobley, served in the Union Army during the Civil War. For gallantry and meritorious service he rose to the rank of colonel, and made a most enviable war record. He was the father of J.C. Mobley.


Name: Edward M. Mobley, Affiliation: Union, Unit: 7th MD Inf.

Place of Birth/Residence: Hagerstown, Washington County, MD, Company: A, Rank at End of Service: Colonel

Promoted Maj. 1/21/1864; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel on 4/9/1865; Brevet Colonel on 3/13/1865


FGS EB-152?1111 Walter Andrew Mobley See above for source


152?1111 Walter Andrew Mobley, b. 7/29/1844 Hagerstown, MD, d. 12/9/1896; 7th MD Inf.

m. 6/17/1878 Alice A. Boyd, b. 11/ /1859 MD, d. aft 1920; dau. Andrew George Boyd/Catherine Ann Hawken

152?11111 Ida Mobley

152?11112 Lind H. Mobley, b. 4l/ /1881 MD

152?11113 Leah Marie Mobley, b. 11/2/1882 Hagerstown, MD

m. Henry Weber, b. c1881 MI

152?111131 Jane L. Weber, b.c1917 MD

MD Births: Walter Andrew Mobley Birth Date: 29 Jul 1844 Birth Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Christening Date: 1 Sep 1847 Christening Age: 3 Christening Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland St. John's Lutheran Church Father's Name: Edward Mobley

1880 Wash Co: Walter A 35, Alice A 29, BOYD, A.G. 55, Georgia L/J 17 (dau)

1900 Washington Co: Alice H 49 (Nov 1850) MD wid, Leah M. 17 (Nov 1882) MD, Lind H.(m) 19 (Apr 1881)

MD Births: Leah Marie Mobley Birth Date: 2 Nov 1882 Birth Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Christening Date: 4 Dec 1884 Christening Age: 2 St. John's Lutheran Church Father's Name: Walter A Mobley Mother's Name: Alice A

1910 Wash: WEBBER, Henry 31, Leah M 27, Alice A. Mobley 58

1920 Wash: WEBER, Henry 39, Leah M 36, Lind L 9, Jane L 3, Alice B. MOBLEY 69 (MIL)


FGS EB-152?1112 Edward Carver Mobley see above for source


152?1112 Edward Carver Mobley, b. 11/30/1845 Hagerstown, MD, d. 4/28/1924 [Civ. War/US, MD 7th Inf]

m. Annie [Anna V.] McCardell, Frederick, MD, b. 5/ /1847

152?11121 Alberta R. “Berta” Mobley, b. 11/ /1868 Hagerstown, MD

MD Births: Edward Carver Mobley Birth Date: 30 Nov 1845 Birth Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Christening Date: 1 Sep 1847 Christening Age: 1 Christening Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Father's Name: Edward Mobley

Civil War: Edward Carver Mobley Side: Union: 7th Regiment, Maryland Infantry Company: A Rank In: Private, Private Rank Out: Private

1870 Washinton Co: Mobley, E.C. 25 MD, Anna V 23 MD

1880 Washington Co: Mobley, E.C. 35 MD, Annie 33 MD, Alberta 10, Nellie 6

1900 Washington Co: Edward C 55 (Nov 1844) Annie 53 (May 1847), Alberta 31s (Nov 1868)

1920 Wash: Edward C 75, Annie V 72, Alberta 45

1930 Wash: Alberta R 59s, Bookkeeper, Bank

Passport App: Alberta R Mobley Birth Date: 1 Nov 1870 Birth Place: Hagerstown, Maryland Age: 54 Residence: Hagerstown, Maryland Passport Issue Date: 26 Mar 1925 Father Name: E Claire Mobley Father's Birth Location: Hagerstown


FGS EB-152?1115 James Clarence Mobley see above for source


152?1115 James Clarence Mobley, b. 12/24/1850, Washington Co., MD, d. 6/5/1913, [printer/machinist, Hagerstown, both bur. Mt. Olivet Cem., Frederick, MD

m. (1) 10/4/1868 Nancy J. Little

(2) Myra H. Lykens, b. 26/2/1849, d. 24/4/1923

152?11151 Edward Syster Mobley, b. 11/17/1870 Hagerstown, MD, d. 1952

m. 1895 Zourie Sophia Schroder of Frdk, b. 1873, d. 1961

152?11152 Mary Elizabeth “Nannie” Mobley

m. John T. Sinnot of Brunswick, MD

152?11153 Jesse B. Mobley, b. c1874 MD

152?11154 Ella M. Mobley, b. c1877 MD

m. Hammond Woolery of Westminister, MD

152?11155 George Lewis Mobley, b. 1/16/1878 Westminister, MD, d. 1/31/1956, both bur. Mt. Olivet Cem. Frederick, MD

m. Pleasant Viranda Gurley of Cumberland, MD, b. 5/9/1885, d. 1/11/1931

152?11156 Francis B. Mobley “Frank”, b. c1880, lvd Chicago, IL

152?11157 Clyde A. Mobley, b. c1882 MD

m. Lula I. ____, b. c1884 MD

152?111571 Myra Agnes Mobley, b. c1914 MD

m. Carson J. Burns,

152?111572 Cora M. Mobley, b. c1916 MD

1910 Fredk: Mobley, Clyde A 28 MD, Lula I 26 MD, Myra A 6, Cora M. 4

1920 Fredk: Clyde A 37 MD, Lola I 35 MD, Agnes M BURNS 16 dau, Carson J BURNS 18 son-in-law VA, Cora M Mobley 14 dau

152?11158 Laura R. Mobley, b. c1886 MD

m. Charles W. Stuart/Steward, b. c1884 MD

152?111581 Ruth R. Steward, b. c1908 MD

152?111582 Grace L. Steward, b. c1909 MD

1910 Fredk: STEWARD, Charles W 26, Laura R 24, Ruth R 2, Grace L 5/12 lvg w/ James C & Myra H Mobley

1920 Baltimore: STEWARD, Charles W 36, Laura R 34, Ruth R 11, Grace S 10, Adele? F 9, Myra 70 WV Wd, MIL


1880 Westminister, Carroll: James C 29 MD, Myra H 30 VA, Edward S 9, Mary E 8, Jesse E 6, Ella M 3, George L 2, Francis B 1/12

1900 Carroll Co., MD: Clarence 49 Dec 1850 MD, Myra 50 Feb 1850 VA, Laura R 14 Oct 1885 MD

1910 Fredk: James C 60 MD, Myra H 61 MD, STEWARD, Charles W 26 (SIL), Laura R 24 (dau), Ruth R 2, Grace L 5/12

1920 Baltimore: Myra 70 WV Wd, MIL w/ STEWARD, Charles W 36, Laura R 34, Ruth R 11, Grace S 10, Adele? F 9


“J.C. Mobley, son of Col. Edward Mobley, was born in Washington County, Md., December 24, 1850. He is a printer, machinist and gas fitter by trade. Mr. Mobley was married to Myra Likens. They were the parents of the following children: E.S., our subject; Mary E., the wife of John T. Sinnott, of Brunswick, Md.; Jesse B., lives in Baltimore, Md.; Ella, the wife of Hammond Woolery, of Westminster, Md.; George L., member of the plumbing firm of E.S. Mobley & Brother; Frank H., lives in Chicago, ILL.; A. Clyde, of Brunswick, Md.; and Laura, the wife of Charles Stuart, of Frederick.

Edward S. & George L. worked in Westminster, then est. plumbing firm in Frederick {E.S. Mobley & Brother}


FGS EB-152?11151 Edward Syster Mobley see above for source

Carrie Bentz dbentz4@ 2/22/2011


152?11151 Edward Syster Mobley, b. 11/17/1870 Hagerstown, MD, d. 1952

m. 1895 Zourie Sophia Schroder of Frdk, b. 1873, d. 1961

152?111511 Mary Alice Mobley, b. 1909 Frdk, MD

m. aft 1930 census ____ has 4 or 5 boys

152?111512 Edward Syster Mobley Jr., b. 4/17/1913 Frdk, MD, d. 7/25/1996 Frdk, MD

m. Lottie Genevieve Blank, b. 1916 Frdk, MD, d. 1998 Frdk, MD

SSDI: Edward S. Mobley SSN: 214-10-2910 Last Residence: 21702  Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, Born: 17 Apr 1913 Died: 25 Jul 1996

152?1115121 Anita Mobley

m. Ed Blackhurst

152?11151211 Ann Blackhurst, b. 8/2/1969?

152?1115122 Kenneth Edward Mobley, b. 5/6/1943 Frdk, MD

m. Sandra Kay Young “Sandy”, b. 4/5/1944 Frdk, MD; dau. Fred Warren Young (5/27/1911-4/16/1978)/Viola Kathryn Kidd (10/20/1914-10/15/2008)

152?11151221 Edward Mark Mobley, b. 6/12/1978 Luke AFB, AZ, d. 7/29/2005 Chandler, AZ, bur. Mt Olivet cem.

m. 10/ /2004 Krista DuVall, dau of Larry & Tina DuVall

SSDI: Mark E. Mobley Last Residence: 85226  Chandler, Maricopa, Arizona Born: 12 Jun 1978 Died: 29 Jul 2005 State (Year) SSN issued: Colorado

152?1115123 Carrie Jeanne Mobley, b. `12/21/1971 Langley AFB, VA

m. 6/18/1994 Deland James Bentz, b. 1/29/1917; son of Delone Reinholdt Bentz/Kathryn Jean Kelley

152?11151231 Whitney Elena Bentz, b. 9/23/1997

152?11151232 Keegan James Bentz, b. 7/8/2000

152?11151233 Griffin Mitchell Bentz, b. 7/6/2003

1910 Frdk Co: Edward S 40, Zourie S 36, Mary Alice 8/12

1920 Frdk Co: Edward S 49, Zourie 48, Mary A 11, Edward S 6

1930 Frdk: Edward S 59, Zonnie S 57, Mary A 20, Edward S 16


p. 1548-49: E.S. Mobley, member of the firm of E. S. Mobley & Brother, engaged in the plumbing business at No. 100 West Patrick street, Frederick, was born in Washington County, Md., November 17, 1870. He is a son of J.C. and Myra (Likens) Mobley.

“Eli Mobley, the great-grandfather of E.S. Mobley, was a native of Frederick County, Md. He was a wheelwright by trade. His ancestors were among the pioneers of the county

“E.S. Mobley, son of J.C. and Myra (Likens) Mobley, was born and reared in Hagerstown, and received his education in the public schools. He later went with his parents to Westminster, Md., in which place he learned his trade. In 1904, the firm of E.S. Mobley & Brother was formed. This house is now the leading contracting firm of plumbers and steam fitters in Frederick. They are leaders in their line and had the contract for building the Braddock Heights Water Works. They were also the contractors for the plumbing and heating plants of the new Fredericktown Savings Institute Building, the Frederick Young Men’s Christian Association building, Citizens National Band, and various other large edifices in Western Maryland. Mr. E.S. Mobley is a well-known business man and his success has been entirely due to himself, he having begun life without a dollar.

“Politically, Mr. Mobley is a stanch [sic] supporter of the Republican party. Fraternally, he is a member of Charity Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Westminster, Md., of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, and of the Sons of Temperance. Mr. Mobley was married in 1895 to Zourie Schroder, of Frederick.


FGS EB-152?11155 George Lewis Mobley see above for source


152?11155 George Lewis Mobley, b. 1/16/1878 Westminister, MD, d. 1/31/1956, both bur. Mt. Olivet Cem. Frederick, MD

m. Pleasant Viranda Gurley of Cumberland, MD, b. 5/9/1885, d. 1/11/1931

152?111551 Georgia Edwina Mobley, b. 9/22/1909 Frederick, MD, d. 5/25/1983 Frederick, MD, bur. Mt. Olivet Cem

m. c1970 Ralph Quitman (no issue)

152?111552 Winfield Scott Mobley, b. 4/19/1911, d. 1980 bur. Mt. Olivet Cem Frederick, MD

m. Dorothy Rebecca Hahn, b. 1920, d. 1963 Killed auto accident, bur. Mt. Olivet Cem

152?111553 Paul Eugene Mobley, b. 7/31/1912 Fdrk, MD, d. 4/11/1996 both bur. Mt Olivet cem

m. Julia Estalla Snyder, 21/6/1916 Hagerstown, d. 7/7/1980

152?111554 Pearl L. Mobley, b. c1916 Frdk, MD

152?111555 George Lewis Mobley Jr., b. 4/13/1917 Frdk, MD, d. 8/26/1989 Kississmee,FL, Ret USAF, both bur. Mt Olivet cem

Maurice R. _____. b. 4/10/1930, d. 9/3/1985

152?111556 Clarence G. Mobley, b. 2/24/1922, d. 1/22/1971, both bur. Mt Olivet cem

m. Margaret H. _____, b. 7/25/1924, d. 1/7/1975

152?111557 Robert Wilbur Mobley, b. 8/17/1925, Frederick, MD, d. 8/10/2009 Colorado Springs, CO

m. 6/21/1947 Eva Elvene Etzler lvs Colorado Springs, CO

1910 Fredk: Moberly, George L. 32 MD, Pleasant V. 24 MD, Georgie E 7/12

WW I Draft: George Lewis Mobley County: Frederick State: Maryland age 40 Birth Date: 16 Jan 1878, merchant plummer, wife Pleasant V.

1920 Fred: Moberly, George L 41 MD, Pleasant O. 33 MD, Edward H 10 (says dau but 1910 says Georgie E), Winfield S 8, Paul E 7, Pearl L. 5, George L 2

1930 Fred: Mobley, George 52 MD, Pleasant 44 MD, Paul 21s, Edwina 20s, Pearl 15, George Jr 12, Clarence 8, Robert 4

“George L. Mobley, younger member of the firm of E.S. Mobley & Brother, was born in Westminster, Md., in January 1878. In his native town he secured his education. He stands well in business circles of Frederick, and like his brother is a self-made man. He is a member of Mountain City Lodge, No. 29, Knights of Pythias, of Frederick, of the Sons of Temperance, and of the Improved Order of Red Men. Mr. Mobley was married to Pleasant Gurley, of Cumberland, Md.


FGS EB-152?111552 Winfield Scott Mobley see above for source


152?111552 Winfield Scott Mobley, b. 4/19/1911, d. 5/30/1980 Trenton, NJ, bur. Mt. Olivet Cem Frederick, MD

m. (1) Dorothy Rebecca Hahn, b. 1920, d. 1963 Killed auto accident, bur. Mt. Olivet Cem

m. (2) 3/1/1980 Mildred Luella Rice Manatee Co., FL, b. 6/15/1914 Greenwood, DE, d. 2/1/1987 Bradenton, FL, d/o Philip Luther Rice/Ella Margaret Parks (m. 1st1936 Clarence G. Stevens)

152?1115521 Jeffrey Winfield Mobley, b. 1/18/1941 Martinsburg, WVA

m. (1) 6/9/1964 Susan Randolph Schildknecht, b. 5/4/1944 [dau. William Randolph Schildknecht{7/31/1914-6/10/1968} & Harriett Elizabeth Kennedy 9/29/1916-4/10/1979}, of Frdk, MD [div]

m. (2) Karen ____

152?11155211 Carter Randolph Mobley, b. 4/14/1967

152?11155212 Jennifer Scott Mobley, b. 3/15/1970

m. 2003 Mark Ransom

152?1115522 Dorinda Scott Mobley, b. 3/10/1945 Martinsburg, WV

m. (1) 1969 Vernon Leroy Wood, b. 1941 (div 1974

m. (2) 1977 Wesley Edmund Beaumont (div 1981) No issue

152?11155221 Ian Anthony Wood, b. 1971

SSDI: W. Mobley SSN: 213-03-0572 Last Residence: 19067  Morrisville, Bucks, Pennsylvania, Born: 19 Apr 1911 Last Benefit: 33507  Bradenton, Manatee, Florida, Died: May 1980


FGS EB-152?111553 Paul Eugene Mobley Keith E. Mobley Jun 1996


152?111553 Paul Eugene Mobley, b. 7/31/1912 MD, d. 4/11/1996 Frdk, MD, both bur. Mt Olivet cem.

m. Julia Estalla Snyder, b. 6/2/1916, d. 7/7/1980 Frdk, MD

152?1115531 Keith Eugene Mobley, b. 12/5/1942 Frederick, MD

m. 10/19/1968 Diana Fay Amorello, b. 12/29/1948 Frederick, MD

152?1115531 Kelli Lynn Mobley, b. 11/03/1970 Frederick, MD

m. 11/21/1998 Robert B. Paugh in Fredrerick, MD, b. 1/20/1963

152?11155311 Owen Matthew Paugh, b. 12/27/2003 Fredrerick, MD

152?1115532 Anjanette Marie Mobley, b. 2/25/1973 Frdrk, MD

m. Aaron Shawn Bladden, b. 12/27/1966 Montgomery Co., MD

152?11155321 Bryce Conner Bladden, b. 10/5/2003 Frederick, MD

152?11155322 Sophia Rose Bladden, b. 6/7/2007 Frederick, MD

SSDI: Paul E. Mobley SSN: 577-10-0954 Last Residence: 21701  Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, Born: 31 Jul 1912 Died: 11 Apr 1996 SSN issued: District of Columbia

SSDI: Julia Mobley SSN: 217-10-2876 Last Residence: 21701  Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, Born: 2 Jun 1916 Died: Jul 1980


FGS EB-152?111557 see above for source


152?111557 Robert Wilbur Mobley, b. 8/17/1925, Frederick, MD, d. 8/10/2009 Colorado Springs, CO

m. 6/21/1947 Eva Elvene Etzler, b. 5/23/1930

152?1115571 Pamela Ann Mobley

152?1115572 Robert Jerome Mobley

152?1115573 Kip Sanford Mobley

SSDI: Robert Mobley Last Residence: 80909  Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado Born: 17 Aug 1925 Died: 8 Oct 2009

Vet Affairs: Robert Wilbur Mobley Birth Date: 17 Aug 1925 Death Date: 8 Oct 2009 SSN: 220164050 Branch 1: NAVY Enlistment Date 1: 14 Aug 1943 Release Date 1: 20 Aug 1946

Phone book: Elvene E Mobley Birth Date: 23 May 1930 Phone Number: 473-9962 Address: 2507 Centre Ln, Colorado Springs, CO, 80909-1333 (1993)

[2910 Lavarie Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, 80917-3818 (1981)]


FGS EB-152?1116 William E. Mobley see above for source


152?1116 William E. Mobley, b. 6/ /1853, d. 3/3/1914 bur St. Johns Ch. Wash. Co., MD

m. 1887 Mary L. Leister Wash Co, b. 12/ /1856 MD, d. 5/7/1931 Wash, Co; d/o Abraham Leister Jr/Lavina Hahn

1900 Washington Co: William E 46, Mary L 43, Lillian M 11, E. Leister 10

1910 Wash Co: William E 56 MD, Mary L. 54 MD, Lillian 21, Edward L 20

1920 Wash Co: Mary L 64 Wd

152?11161 Lillian Mary Mobley, b. 8/1/1888 Hagerstown, MD

MD Births: Mary Lillian Mobley Birth Date: 1 Aug 1888 Birth Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Christening Date: 21 Apr 1889 Christening Age: 0 Christening Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Father's Name: William E Mobley Mother's Name: Mary L

152?11162 Edward Leister Mobley, b. 9/ /1889 Hagerstown, MD

m. 1915 Emma F. Simmons

152?111621 Edward Leister Mobley Jr, b. 8/22/1916 Newhall, ME, d. 8/23/2002 Boonsboro, bur. Rose Hill cem

m. 12/22/1942 Laura M. Hays

152?1116211 Ellen A. Mobley – DiBiase

152?1116212 Edward M. Mobley

MD Births: Edward Leister Mobley Birth Date: 13 Sep 1889 Birth Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Christening Date: 6 Apr 1890 Christening Age: 0 Christening Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland St. John's Lutheran Church Father's Name: William E Mobley Mother's Name: Mary L

WW I Draft: Edward Leister Mobley County: Cumberland State: Maine Birthplace: Maryland; age 27 Birth Date: 13 Sep 1889, clerk, wife & child, employed E.I. DuPont Powder Company New Hall, Maine

1920 Windham,Cumberland, ME: Edward L 30 paymaster powder mill, Emma F 26, Edward L 1 4/12

Hagerstown newspaper Aug 26, 2002

BOONSBORO - E. Leister Mobley Jr., 86, of Boonsboro, died Friday, Aug. 23, 2002, at Fahrney-Keedy Home and Village, Boonsboro.

Born Aug. 22, 1916, in Newhall, Maine, he was the son of the late E. Leister and Emma F. Simmons Mobley Sr.

In 1942, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, where he was assigned to the 76th Infantry Division and was later promoted to the rank of sergeant and reassigned to the 100th Infantry Division. In 1944, he entered the U.S. Army Air Corps, where he completed his training as a pilot.

After serving in the military, he purchased the Leister Coal Co. in Hagerstown. In 1949, he purchased half interest of Hays Inc. and maintained ownership until it was sold in 1985. In 1967, he was elected president of Home Federal Savings Bank until 1981, when he was elected as chairman of the board. In 1990, he retired from the board and became chairman emeritus.

He served on the following boards of directors: Mason Dixon Council, Boy Scouts of America; Junior Chamber of Commerce; Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co., where he served as past vice president; Hagerstown-Washington County Chamber of Commerce, serving as past president; Hagerstown Retailers Association, serving as past president; American Red Cross; American Cancer Society, past campaign chairman; YMCA, past chairman of the Fund Raising Campaign; Hagerstown Community Chest, past chairman of the campaign drive; United Way of Hagers-town, past chairman of the board; Washington County Hospital, past chairman of the board; Hagerstown Junior College, board member and past chairman of the board; and Goodwill Industries of Hagerstown.

He was a past chairman of the executive committee of the Maryland Civil Centennial Commemoration Commission and served on both the Maryland Department of Transportation Authority and the Maryland Board of Health and Education boards.

He is survived by his wife, Laura M. Hays Mobley, whom he married Dec. 22, 1942; one daughter, Ellen A. DiBiase of Boonsboro; one son, Edward M. Mobley of Boonsboro; five grandsons; and two great-grandsons.

Graveside services will be private at Rose Hill Cemetery. The Rev. Louis L. Emerick will officiate.


FGS EB-152?1117 Harry Hyser Mobley see above for source


152?1117 Harry Hyser Mobley, b. 1855 MD, d. 1928 MD

m. 1/8/1883 Virginia T.(Jessie) Hoover Wash. Co, b. c1868 MD

m. 1903 Elizabeth A. Hoover, b. c1858, d. 1920

152?11171 Cecelia Mobley

1900 Balt. Harry 45 “Boarder”, Inspector

Wash Co Marriages: Harry H Mobley Spouse: Jennie Hoover Marriage Date: 8 Jan 1883 Marriage Place: Washington, MD

1910 Balt. Harry H 54, Lizzie A 52, Anne Hoover 82 wid mother-in-law

1920 Balt. Harry H 64, Elizabeth 62


FGS EB-152?1118 Louis Richmond Mobley see above for source


152?1118 Louis Richmond Mobley, druggist, b. 1/13/1860 Hagerstown, MD, d. 1930

m. Emma Leontine ____, b. 1860

MD Births: Lewis Richmond Mobley Birth Date: 13 Jan 1860 Birth Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Christening Date: 28 Jan 1864 Christening Age: 4 Christening Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland St. John's Lutheran Church Father's Name: Edward M Mobley Mother's Name: Ellen C

1900 Washington Co: Richmond 40, Emma L 40, Charles L 5, Edward (father) 70 (Jan 1835), Albert A (bro) 50 (Sep 1848), Walter (bro) 33

1910 Wash Co: Louis Richmond 50, Emma L 50, Charles L 15, Walter B 41, Albert A 60

1920 Wash Co: Lewis Richmond 59, Emma Leontine? 59, Charles Louis 25, Albert Augustus 71, Walter Byer 53

152?11181 Charles Louis Mobley, b. 11/7/1894 Hagerstown, MD, d. 9/ /1975 Hagerstown, MD

m. Mildred E. Schindel, b. 7/20/1895 Hagerstown, MD, d. 10/ /1976 Hagerstown, MD, dau. Edwin Myley Schindel/Margaret Ann Scheller

152?111811 Alice Mobley, b. 11/17/1923

m. (1) Robert Earl Almond, b. b. 12/16/1921 [son of Joseph Almond/Mary Bircher] (div)

m. (2) ____ Wright

152?1118111 Jerry Almond-Wright, b. 1949 [adopted by Mr Wright]

152?111812 Charles Louis Mobley Jr, b. 1928

WW I Draft: Charles Louis Mobley County: Washington State: Maryland Birthplace: Maryland; Birth Date: 7 Nov 1894

1930 Wash Co: Charles L 35, Mildred E 34, Alice L 6, Charles L 1 10/12, Richmond 70, Emma L 71

Name: Charles L Mobley: 525 N. Locust St., Hagerstown, Washington Co.

Birth Place: Hagerstown, Md. Birth Date: 07 Nov 1894

Comment: NG 4/22/17 pvt; corp 7/17/17; sgt 4/27/19, Co B 1 Md. Inf; Co B 115 Inf, Hon disch 6/4/19, Overseas 6/15/18 to 5/24/19, Center Sector; Meuse-Argonne, Wounded slightly 10/16/18 Maryland in the World War 1917-1919 Military and Naval Service Records

SSDI: Charles Mobley SSN: 217-32-5623 Last Residence: 21740  Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland, Born: 7 Nov 1894 Died: Sep 1975

SSDI: Mildred Mobley SSN: 213-74-9775 Last Residence: 21740  Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland, Born: 20 Jul 1895 Died: Oct 1976


FGS EB-152?1119 Pinkney West Mobley see above for source


152?1119 Pinkney West Mobley, b. 4/24/1862, d. bef 1920 census

m. Hattie C. Reinhardt, b. c1873 PA

152?11191 Laura C. Mobley, b. c1884 PA

m. William Snyder?

152?11192 Albert R. Mobley, b. c1885 PA

MD Births: Pinkney West Mobley Birth Date: 24 Apr 1862 Birth Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Christening Date: 28 Jan 1864 Christening Age: 1 Christening Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland Christening Comments: St. John's Lutheran Church Father's Name: Edward M Mobley Mother's Name: Ellen C

1900 Franklin, PA: Pinkney W 39, Hattie C 28, Laura C 7, Albert R 5

1910 Franklin: Pinkney W 48, Hattie C 37, Laura C 16, Albert R 15

1920 Franklin Co: Harriet E 47 PA, MIL w/ Wm & Laura Snyder?


FGS EB-152?12 Levi H. Moberly See above for source


152?12 Levi H. Moberly, b. 5/2/1804, d. 5/3/1852 bur Mt Olivet cem. [office records says d. 1/1/1852]

m. 1/12/1826 Ann Rebecca Lambrecht, Frederick Co., Middletown Evang. Lutheran Ch., b. 11/9/1808, d. 6/28/1888 [dau. Phillip Lambrecht/Magdalena Hull, gdau Henrich Lambrecht/Maria Magdalena Hull] bur Mt Olivet cem. [Christened 12/25/1808 & sponsored by Rebecca Hohl]

152?121 Mary Ann Moberly, b. 5/24/1827, d. 12/4/??

m. Hiram Mantz, b. 8/2/1823, d. 8/9/1896

152?1211 Edwin Lewis Mantz, b. 2/13/1852, d. 5/27/1902

m. Clementine A. ____, b. 9/16/1852, d. 5/12/1932

152?1212 William Mantz, b. ca 1861

152?1213 Emory M. Mantz, b. 1866, d. 8/3/1893

m. Mary Gomber, b, ca 1868, d. 6/16/1951

152?1214 Harry Mantz, b. ca 1868

152?1215 Millard N. Mantz, b. 1871, d. 1946

m. Eva M. R. ____, b. 1877, d. 1949

(duplicate ID numbers to keep children in birth order)

152?121 Lewis H. Moberly, b. 12/14/1829 or 1/1/1830, d. 3/12/1905 aged 75 yrs 2 mos 29 dys, bur. Mt. Olivet cem; former Mayor of Frederick 10 years; another Lewis H. d. 11/13/1933 [son?]

m. 8/17/1853 Catharine Virginia Schreiner [Shriner], Frederick Co., Middletown Evang. Lutheran Ch., b. 3/13/1834, d. 5/16/1922 Mt Olivet cem., dau. John Shriner/Mary L. Nichols

152?122 William L. Moberly, b. 2/14/1831, d. 1/22/1904 both bur Mt. Olivet cem.

m. 1/15/1859 Mary Ellen Albaugh, b. 8/24/1841, d. 7/23/1908 [dau. Lewis Augustus Albaugh/Susan Rhodes Fox]

William L. Mobberly to Mary E. Albaugh, January 12, 1869 At Mrs. Rev. Jefferson Day's residence $5; R. S. Norris, minister

1880 Fredk: Mobberly, William L 49 MD, Mary E 38 MD, Ernest S 8. Levi W 5, Nellie B 3, Lewis A 1, Ann R 71 (mother), Catherine Lambright 60 (aunt)

152?123 Levi H. Moberly Jr., b. 7/7/1833, d. 3/1/1859 bur. Mt Olivet cem [shoemaker]

m. 9/4/1853 Margaret McMullen, b. 11/9/1833, d. 3/13/1903 bur Mt Olivet cem [dau. Charles P. McMullen/Elizabeth Hauer] {she m. (2) Zachariah Jenkins

152?124 Ann Rebecca Mobley, b. 1838

m. 11/6/1856 Philip N. Wilty, Frederick Co., Middletown Evang. Luth. Ch.

152?125 Charles Edward Mobley, b. 11/29/1839, Frederick, MD, d. 4/11/1911, bur Mt. Olivet cem Fdk., MD

m. 4/2/1863 Frances Elizabeth Reynolds Frdk., MD, b. 6/18/1843, Fdk., MD, d. 6/8/1922, Fdk., MD, Evang. Lutheran, Middletown [dau. James Walling Reynolds, b. 1815, d. 7/4/1849;{he m. 7/30/1841 Barbara Ann Woltz, b. 1821, d. 1890}; gdau. William Morton Reynolds {1777/1823}/Mercy Walling]

152?126 David Markey Mobley, c. 6/4/1844, Frederick Co., German Reformed Ch./LDS data] [moved to Baltimore] (ran against brother Lewis H. for mayor Fdk and lost)

m. 2/26/1869 Mary Jane Dertzbaugh, Frederick, German Reform. Ch., dau. John W. & Catherine Dertzbaugh

1870 Fredk: Moberly, David H 26 MD, Mary J 22 MD

152?127 Hiram F. Moberly, b. 11/30/1848 [christened 3/5/1849], d. aft 1900 census; butcher, moved to Tiffin, OH

m. 12/28/1869 Annie Margaret Buchfelter "Maggie", Frederick Co., Middletown Evang. Luth., b. 3/ /1849 MD, d. 2/18/1895 bur. Mt. Olivet cem, dau. John Buchfelder/Beaufelter/Margaretta Zara; dismissed 10/31/1883 to the Evangelical Lutheran Ch. in Tiffin, OH

1870 Fredk: Moberly, Hiram F 21 MD, Margaret 22 MD

1880 Seneca Co., OH: Hiram 31 MD, Margaret 30 MD, Clara 9 MD, Elmira 7 MD, Margaret 5 MD, Effie 3 OH

1900 Seneca Co., OH: Moberly, Hiram 51 Nov 1848 MD, Maggie 58 Mar 1849 MD, Sallie 25s Dec 1874 MD, Effie May 22 Jul 1877 OH, Hiram A 19 Jul 1882 OH

1910 Seneca Co: Maggie 59 MD Wd, MIL w/ Walter & Carrie 38 Holt, Kathryn 9

1920 Seneca Co: Maggie 67 MD, (mother) w/ HOLT, Carrie R 49 MD, Kathryn M 18 OH

152?1271 Carrie Rebecca Moberly, 10/ /1872, " " "

m. (1) 4/26/1874 James Craddock

m. (2) Walter Holt

152?12711 Kathryn Holt, b. c1901 OH

1900 Seneca Co: Walter 39 May 1861 OH, Carrie R 27 Oct 1872 OH (m. less than one year)

152?1272 Elmira Moberly, b. c1873 MD

152?1273 Sallie Moberly, b. 12/ /1874 MD

152?1274 Margaret Moberly, b. c1875 MD

152?1275 Effie May Moberly, b. 7/ /1877 OH

m. ____ Wilcoxon

152?12751` Arthur M. Wilcoxon, b. c1905 OH

152?12752 Jack M. Wilcoxon, b. c1915 OH

152?1276 Hiram A. Moberly, b. 7/ /1882 OH

m. (1) Pearl ____, b. c1892 OH

m. (2) Doris E.Rahla, b. c1891 OH, d/o Joseph & Anna

152?12761 Joanne E. Moberly, b. c1927 OH

1920 Seneca Co: Hiram A 36 OH, Pearl 28 OH, WILCOXON, Effie 40 OH Wd(sister), Arthur M 15, Jack M 4 8/12

1930 Seneca Co: Hiram A 49 OH, Doris E 39 OH, Joanne E 3, DRYFUS, Robert L 14 OH, Richard J 12 step-sons, Anna RAHLA 82 wid MIL

152?128 Edmund Franklin Moberly, b. 11/4/1850, Frederick, MD, chr. 1/4/1851, d. 3/11/1935, Frederick, Frederick Co., MD; both bur. Mt. Olivet Cem.

m. 1/12/1875 Ada [Addie] Amelia Staley, Frederick, MD, b. 8/3/1856, Carrollton Manor, Frederick Co., MD, d. 9/6/1946 Frederick, MD; [dau. John Alfred Staley & Henrietta Shook]


below listed by Margaret & not Milton

152?12?? Mary A. Moberly, b. 5/24/1827, d. 12/4/1901, both bur. Mt Olivet cem

m. Hiram M. Nusz, b. 8/2/1823, d. 8/9/1886 [son of Ezra Nusz/Sophia Metzger] [brick mason]

152?12??1 Edwin Lewis Nusz, b. 2/13/1852 c. 4/19/1852, d. 5/27/1907, both bur. Mt Olivet cem Frdk, MD

m. 2/24/1881 Clementine A. Bopst, 9/16/1852, d. 5/12/1932 [dau. DAniel Bopst/Sophia Ann Dennis]

152?12??11 Earle E. Nusz, b. 6/15/1889, d. 7/17/1889

152?12??2 Clara Virginia Nusz, b. 2/5/1854 c. 8/12/1854 [unm.]

152?12??21 Joseph Howard Schaffer, b. 6/14/1873

152?12??3 Emma Sophia Nusz, b. 6/13/1857 c. 11/24/1857

152?12??4 Charles Luther Nusz, b. 9/29/1858 c. 2/28/1859

152?12??5 Millard M. Nusz, b. 12/23/1870, d. 9/1/1946 both bur Mt Olivet cem Frdk, MD

m. Eva Mae Reed Droneburg, b. 10/17/1877, d. 11/14/1949

152?12??51 Infant Droneburg, b. & d. 1/21/1902

152?12??52 Mary Agnes Droneburg, b. 3/12/1906, d. 9/4/1997 bur Mt Olivet cem.

m. ____ Hoffman [divcd]

152?12??53 Eva L. Droneburg, b. 3/12/1917, d. 4/29/1992 bur Mt Olivet cem

m. Austin E. Blank

1850 Frederick Co: Mobberley, Levi 46 MD, Ann R. 42 MD, Lewis N 21, William 17, Ann R 12, Charles E 10, David 7, Hiram 1

1860 Frederick Co: Mobley, Ann 50 MD, William 29 (painter), Charles 20 (painter), Ann 22, David 16, Hiram 12, Edward 10, Catherine Lambright 38

1870 Fredk: Moberly, Rebecca 62 MD, William L 39, Ellen 29, Edwin 19, Minnie 6/12

1880 Fredk: Mobberly, William L 49 MD, Mary E 38 MD, Ernest S 8. Levi W 5, Nellie B 3, Lewis A 1, Ann R 71 (mother), Catherine Lambright 60 (aunt)


Received from Margaret Myers on Jan 5, 2001 via Keith E.Mobley

(Margaret Elizabeth Myers, 83, died Friday, March 27, 2009. Born in Frederick, she was the daughter of the late Edward I. Myers Sr. and Julia S. Roelkey Myers.)




With his brother Charles, was taken prisoner at Front Royal, and was confined in Libby prison.

William L. Moberly died at the emergency hospital, of paralysis, this morning at 4 o'clock, aged 72 years, 11 months and 16 days.

He leaves a widow, three sons, Ernest, Levi and Lewis and two daughters, Mrs. Harry Rowe and Miss Rebecca Moberly, all of Frederick, Five brothers and one sister. Lewis, Charles, and Edward, of Frederick, David of Baltimore, Hiram, of Tiffin , Ohio, and Mrs. Hammond welty of Frederick, also survive him.

He was a member of Colombia Lodge A.F. and A.M. for forty years and the Lodge will have charge of the funeral. He was for years leader of Moberly's band, which at the outbreak of the civil war went with Col. John R. Kenly's first Maryland regiment and during the war Mr. Moberly served as leader of the band, in which three of his brothers served as musicians. He and his brother Charles were taken prisoners at Front Royal and were confined in Libby prison at Richmond, Va. for six months. After the war he returned to Frederick and pursued the vocation of painting until advanced age necessitated his retirement. He was held in universal esteem and had a host of warm friends. Funeral services will be held at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Rowe, North Market St. on Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock and interment will be made at Mt. Olivet cemetery.

"Levi Moberly, the grandfather of Merhl F. Moberly, was a painter by trade. He established himself in a painting business in Frederick City about 1820, and the family has since been identified with this line of endeavor. In politics, he was an Old Line Whig. In religion, he was a member of the Lutheran Church, in the work of which he took an active part. He was one of the founders of the Lutheran Sunday School in Frederick City. He was one of the active and well known citizens of Frederick in his day. Mr. Moberly was the father of the following children: Levi, Lewis, William, Charles E., David, Hiram, Edward, Mary, married Hiram Mantz, and Annie, married Hammond Welty.


Following data from LDS lists/Imogene McConnell; names & church association (Frederick, Middletown, Evangelical Lutheran) indicates probable relationships as indicated:



LDS Data; Imogene McConnell - Keith E. Mobley 12/96 whiskers@

Dawn Moberly dawn@ 3/ /2004 & obits 2/15/05


152?121 Lewis H. Moberly, b. 12/13/1829, d. 3/12/1905 aged 75 yrs 2 mos 29 dys, bur. Mt. Olivet cem; former Mayor of Frederick

m. 8/17/1853 Catharine Virginia Schreiner [Shriner], Frederick Co., Middletown Evang. Lutheran Ch., b. 3/13/1834, d. 5/16/1922 Mt Olivet cem., dau. John Shriner/Mary L. Nichols

152?1211 Lewis Clinton Moberly, 9/29/1854 c. 8/26/1855, d 12/14/1904 bur. Mt Olivet cem. [mechanic]

m. 22?/22/1876 Mollie A. Winters, b. 1854

152?1212 Laura Elizabeth Moberly, b. 9/29/1855 c. 8/14/1857 "

m. (1) 8/12/1875 Charles Yinger " " "

m. (2) ____ Keller

152?1213 George Randolph Moberly, b. 4/29/1857, c. 11/24/1857, d. 9/9/1946 both bur. Mt Olivet cem

m. 1/13/1881 Mary Catherine Barnes, b. 7/13/1859, d. 5/22/1931 bur. Mt Olivet cem.

152?1214 Mary Louisa Moberly, b. 10/22/1858 c. 1/1/1861, d. 4/10/1922

m. (1) ____ Swain

m. (2) Charles Claybaugh

152?1215 John William Moberly, b. 11/6/1860 c. 1/1/1861, d. 5/13/1939 " " "

m. 3/20/1881 Florence J. Stone Frederick Co., MD

152?1216 Marion Shriner Moberly, b. 3/30/1862, d. 10/22/1947, both bur. Mt Olivet cem. [court librarian]

m. Rena Kline "Renie", b. 4/23/1869, d. 11/24/1937 age 68

1900 F’rick: Marion S 38, Irene 30, Austin S 3

1910 Frdk: Marion S. 48 MD, Rena 40 MD

1920 F’rick: Marion S 56, Rena 50

1930 F’rick: Marion S 68, Irene 60

152?12161 Austin Shriner Moberly, b. 2/3/1897, d. 7/14/1907 bur. Mt Olivet cem

152?1217 Catherine "Kate" McClellan Moberly, b. 12/6/1863 c. 8/25/1867, d. 9/27/1937 bur Mt. Olivet cem.

m. 2/26/1885 Charles H. Cutsail, b. 8/27/1862 Frederick Co, d. 7/12/1942 [son of John Jacob Cutsail/Susan Rebecca McDevitt]

152?1218 Charles Robert Moberly, c.9/25/1868, d. 10/7/1943 Mt Olivet

m. Rosa M. ____

152?1219 Ida Diehl (Clare) Moberly, b. 2/25/1869 c. 8/23/1869, d. 9/3/1931 " " "

m. Charles L. Taylor

Mrs. Charles L. Taylor

Mrs. Ida Taylor, wife of Charles L. Taylor, Washington, died Tuesday night in Emergency Hospital, Washington. She was a daughter of the late former Mayor and Mrs. Lewis H. Moberly, this City. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Nanny G. Martin, Baltimore, and Miss. Jennie Moberly; four brothers, George R. Moberly, Washington, Robert, Walkersville, Marion S, this City and Harry C., Baltimore. Funeral Friday afternoon from her late home in Washington.

152?121A Harry Clark Moberly, b. 12/7/1870 c. 1/22/1872, d. 10/21/1942 age 71, both bur. Mt. Olivet cem.

m. Anna S. Miller, b. 1876, d. 2/2/1959 age 82

1900 Baltimore: MARTIN, C.R. 35, Nannie 35, Robert J 10, Chas R 8, H.C. MOBERLY 27s (boarder)

1910 Baltimore: Charles R 44, Nannie G 44, Robert J 20, Charles R Jr 18, Harry C MOBERLY 38s Boarder

Harry C. Moberly: Word was received here today of the death of Harry C. Moberly, a son of the late Mayor and Mrs. Lewis H. Moberly, of Frederick, who died about four o’clock this morning at his residence in Baltimore. He was about 71 years of age. Mr. Moberly had been complaining for some time but his death was sudden. He had a number of relatives and friends in the city and county and frequently visited here.

Mr. Moberly was born here and resided in this city for some years, being employed at the old Buckey and Firestone foundry for a time. He later went to Baltimore and was employed by Dietrich and Harvey Company, and later the Crown Cork and Seal Company. While with this latter concern, he was sent to California and resided there for about 20 years until he retired, after which he returned to Baltimore to reside.

He is survived by his wife, three brothers, Marion S. Moberly, this city; Robert Moberly, Walkersville amd George Moberly, Washington, and two sisters Mrs. Nannie Martin, Baltimore and Miss Jenny Moberly, Washington. Funeral arrangements had not been learned this morning. Messrs Marion Moberly and Robert Moberly planned to go to Baltimore during the day.

152?121B Jennie Lee Moberly, b. 9/17/1870, d. 4/2/1951 unm. Mt Olivet cem

met ____ Catlin from TN

152?121C Allen Eugene Moberly, b. 12/30/1873, d. 8/22/1939, both bur. Mt Olivet

m. Sceany May Bell, b. 8/27/1878, d. 11/26/1954

152?121D Nannie Grant Moberly, b. 5/6/1868 c. 8/18/1890?, d. 1948 " " "

m. Charles Richard Martin, b. 1869, d. 1931

152?121E Levi Willis Moberly, b. 10/5/1874 MD, d. 2/23/1952

m. Mamie Augusta ____, b. 7/30/1879, d. 2/1/1945

152?121E1 W.L. Davis Moberly, b. 7/15/1906 MD

m. Evelyn V. ____, b. 9/13/1907

152?121E11 Betty L Moberly, b. c1930 MD

1930 Frdk: David M 23, Evlyne V 22, Betty L 0/12, Elvi W 55

152?121E2 Frances Moberly, b. 4/6/1910, d. 8/6/1911

1900 Frd’k: Levi 25, Mamie 20

WW I Draft: Levi Willis Moberly County: Frederick State: Maryland age 43 Birth Date: 5 Oct 1874 wife Mamie Augusta

1920 “: `Lewis W 45, Mamie 40, Davis W.D. 13

152?121F Grace Moberly. b. 7/19/1875, d, 1876 age 9 mo 26 dy

152?121G Nettie Moberly, b. 12/22/1877, d. 8/18/1893

152?121H Lewis H. Moberly Jr., b. 1878, d. 11/13/1933

m. Panzie G. (or T.) Jones, b. ca 1885, d. bef 1930 census

152?121H1 Lewis E. Moberly, b. 1901 MD

m. Lillian E. ____, b. c1903 MD

1930 Fdrk: Lewis E 29 MD, Lillian E 27 MD, Earl E 9, Lewis H MOBERLY 49 MD wid Father

152?121H2 Earl R. Moberly, b. 1914

1910 Frederick: Baker, Margaret 81, Moberly, Lewis H 28 (grandson in law), Panzie G 25 (Gdau), Lewis 9 (great gson)

1920 Frdk: Jones, Laura E 56, Moberly, Lewis H 39 (son in law)[inspector factory], Panzie T 36 (dau), Lewis E 19, Earl R 6,


1870 Frdk MD: Lewis H 41, Catherine 57, Lewis C 16, Laura A 14, George 13, Mary L 11, John W 9, Marian 8, Kate 6, Ellen G 5, Charles 3, Ida D 1

1880 Frdk: Lewis H. 51 (Mayor of Frederick City), Kate V 46, George R 23 (Tin Smith), Mary L 21, John W 19 (Tin Smith), Marion S 18 (Tin Smith), Kate M.C. 16, Nannie G 15, Charles R 12, Ida Diehl 10, Jennie Lee 9, Harry C 8, Allen E 7, Gracie 4, Nettie 3, Lewis 2, Lewis Swain 3 (grandson)

1900 Frdk: Moberly, Catherine 65 Mar 1834 MD (wid of Lewis H), Jennie Lee 29 Sep 1870

1910 Frdk: Moberly, Catherine V. 76 wid MD, Jennie L 40 dau single, Richard C 21 Gson

1920 Frdk: Catherine V. 86 MD wid, Jennie 49 dau


    Lewis H Moberly is definitely Charles E Sr’s brother I have the news clippings at the time of Charles E death that list all the brothers that played in the Maryland cornet band formed about 1858 and Lewis H was named. I also have Catherine V Schriner's family bible that list her 16 live births and some deaths, their first born was Lewis Clinton Moberly and he had a son who died 11/13/1933 so the Lewis in question is Lewis H Moberly's grandson.   I have obtained Harry C Moberly's will to help prove all the children and grandchildren of Lewis H and Catherine (its a 16 page document).  I also have obtained the original letter sent to Lewis H Moberly by the registers office in Frederick notifying him he has been elected Mayor dated Feb 26 1874.

    I hope this info helps somebody and clears up the  (prob brother of Charles E Sr )

Dawn Moberly dawn@ 10/30/04



Flag at City Hall at half-mast because of his death

At a special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen held last evening to take action on the death of Ex-Mayor Lewis H. Moberly, resolutions of respect and sympathy were passed and ordered spread upon the minutes, and it was decided that as many of the members of the Board as possible should attend the funeral. Mayor George Edw. Smith ordered the flag at City Hall to be at half mast.

The United Fire Company, of which Mr. Moberly was a member, also held a special meeting last night to take action on Mr. Moberly’s death. Messrs. Robert A. Bennett, Charles Hermann? And William B. Storm con---? the committee to draw up resolutions.

The funeral took place this afternoon at 2:30 O’Clock. The services were held at the house, being conducted by the Rev. Charles F. Stock. Mayor George Edward Smith sang “In the Sweet Bye and Bye,” by special request of the family.

The casket was covered and the parlor was filled with beautiful tributes from Mr. Moberly’s host of friends and relatives in this City and Washington. The pallbearers were his six sons – William, Harry, George, Marion, Allen and Robert Moberly. The local post of the G.A.R. attended in a body. Interment was made in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. F. Schroeder was the Funeral Director.



Lewis H. Moberly Dies of Liver Trouble.

Was a native of Frederick and served in the Union Army during Civil War – Was First Elected Mayor in 1874 – Since 1886 He Had Held A Position in Treasury Department At Washington

(Special to the American)

Frederick, March 12th – Lewis M. Moberly, a former Mayor of Frederick, and for the past ten years an employee of the Treasury Department at Washingon, died here today of a disease of the liver, aged 75 years. He was a native of Frederick, and was one of six brothers who belonged to what was known as Moberly’s Band, before the Civil War. This Band enlisted with the First Maryland Regiment and served through the war.

Mr. Moberly was elected mayor in 1874, and was twice re-elected, servicing until 1883. Subsequently he was for two years a Justice of the Peace, and in 1886 was appointed to the position in the Treasury Department. He is survived by a widow and the following children: Mrs. Laura Keller, of Roanoke, Va.; Mrs. Ida Taylor, Washington; Mrs. Mollie Clabaugh, George, Allen, Marion, Robert and Miss. Jennie Moberly, of Frederick; Mrs. Kate Citsall, William and Harry Moberly and Mrs. Kate Martin of Baltimore. He is also survived by 36 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and three brothers (Charles and Edward Moberly of Frederick and David H. Moberly of Baltimore.


FGS EB-152?11


152?1211 Lewis Clinton Moberly, 9/23/1854 ch. 8/26/1855 MD, d 12/14/1904 bur. Mt Olivet cem. [mechanic]

m. 22?/22/1876 Mollie A. Winters, b. 1854

152?12111 Cornelius Smith Moberly, b. 7/4/1886 MD, d. 11/12/1952

m. 5/30/1889 May Pearl Goodman

1910 Frederick: Cornelius S 23, May P 21, Addison O 9/12

WW I Draft: Cornelius Smith Moberly County: Frederick State: Maryland Birthplace: Maryland Birth Date: 4 Jul 1886

1920 F’rick: Corneliius S 34, May P 31, Addison D 10, James D 8, Cornelius S 6, Mary L 2 3/12

1930 Fredk: Cornelius S 42 MD, Mary P 40 MD, Addison O 20s, James D 18, Cornelius S 16, Mary L 12, Pearl E 7

WW II Draft: Cornelius Smith Moberly Birth Date: 4 Jul 1886 Birth Place: Frederick, MD Residence: Frederick, MD

152?121111 Addison O. Moberly, b. 1910

152?121112 James D. Moberly, b. 1912

152?121113 Cornelius Smith Moberly Jr, b. 8/3/1913 c. 11/2/1913

152?1211131 Patricia Moberly

m. Richard E. Gladhill [son of John CArl Gladhill/Mary Alice Summers]

152?12111311 Melissa Rene Gladhill, b. 1/15/1964

m. ____ Phillips

152?121113111 Brandon Phillips

152?121113112 Caleb Phillips

152?12111312 Richard E, Gladhill Jr

152?121114 Mary L. Moberly, b. 1918

152?121115 Pearl Elaine Moberly, b. 9/28/1922 c. 2/4/1923

m. ____ Roberts

MD Births: Louis Clinton Mobberly Birth Date: 23 Sep 1854 Birth Place: Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Christening Date: 26 Aug 1855 Christening Age: 0 Christening Place: Evangelical Lutheran Church, Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Father's Name: Lewis H Mobberly Mother's name: Catharine

1880 Fredk: Moberly, Clinton 26 MD, Mary A 20 MD, Cornelia 2

1900 “: Lewis C 45, Mollie A 46, Lewis H 19, Emmerson? 14, Cornelius 13, Vivian? R 7

Lewis Clinton Moberly aged 61? years, eldest son of ex Mayor Lewis Moberly, of this city, died yesterday afternoon at 3 O’Clock at his late home West South Street, of painter’s colic. Mr. Moberly was a painter by trade and had been a member of the Frederick Se—t? Orchestra as drummer for the past eight years. He is survived by a widow, three sons and one daughter.

The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 o’clock. The services will be at the house and interment will be made in Mt. Olivet Cemetery.


FGS 152?1212


152?1212 Laura Elizabeth Moberly, b. 9/29/1855 c. 8/14/1857 "

m. (1) 8/12/1875 Charles Yinger " " "

m. (2) ____ Keller

152?12121 Rosa Yinger

152?12122 Emma Yinger

152?12123 Frank Yinger

152?12124 John Yinger


FGS 152?1213


152?1213 George Randolph Moberly, b. 4/29/1857, c. 11/24/1857, d. 9/9/1946 both bur. Mt Olivet cem

m. 1/13/1881 Mary Catherine Barnes, b. 7/13/1859, d. 5/22/1931 bur. Mt Olivet cem.

152?12131 George Henry Barnes Moberly, b. 11/10/1881, d. 9/15/1940 bur. Mt Olivet cem Frdk, MD

m. 2/24/1907 Viola May Roelkey, b. 6/5/1882 c. 9/2/1882 [dau. George A. Roelkey/Maly Jane Jordan

1910 Frdk: George H 29 MD son-in-law, Viola M 26 MD, (dau), Arthur C 2 gson, Gerald E 1 1/12 Gson, w/ George A Roelke 76 wid Ger

1920 Frdk Co: George H 39 MD, Viola 34 MD, Arthur 12, Gerald E 10, Florence R 0/12

1930 Frdk: George H 48, Viola M.R. 47, Arthur C 22, Gerald E 21, Florence R 16

152?121311 Arthur C. Moberly, b. 1908

152?121312 Gerald Edward Moberly, b. 1910, d. 9/11/1959

152?121313 Florence R. Moberly, b. 1914

m. ____ Kline

152?12132 Claude Christopher Smith Moberly, b. 9/21/1884, d. 7/27/1960 bur Mt Olivet cem

m. 6/4/1899 Effie May Davis

152?12133 Grace Moberly, b. 1883, d. 5/27/1955

m. ??

152?121331 Naomi Moberly m. Mr. Blumenauer

152?121332 Virginia Moberly m. Mr. Gill

152?121333 Thelma Moberly m. Mr. Kline

152?121334 Mary Moberly m. Mr. Staverly

152?12134 Myrtle Moberly, d. 3/18/1958

m. John W. Gittings

152?121341 John W. Gittings Jr.

152?12135 Naomi Moberly, b. 10/25/1895, d. 1913

M. Naomi Moberly. After an illness of only a week, Miss. Naomi Moberly, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George R. Moberly, South Market Street, died last night shortly before 9 o’clock of paralysis of the brain, aged 18 years, seven months and two days.

She is survived by her parents and the following sisters and brothers: George H. Moberly, Grace E.V. Moberly, Claude S. Moberly, of Washington; Myrtle Alice Moberly and Mary Nettie Moberly.

152?12136 Mary Nettie Moberly, b. 3/11/1899, d. 5/10/1948

m. Charles V. Fulmer, b. 1888, d. 1969

152?121361 Charles R. Fulmer

152?121362 Mary E. Fulmer m. Mr. Culler

152?121363 Betty J. Fulmer m. Mr. Flohe

152?121364 Dorothy M. Fulmer m. Mr. Droneburg

152?121365 Bonnie J. Fulmer

152?121366 Claude I. Fulmer

152?121367 Effie L. Fulmer

152?121368 George W. Fulmer

152?121369 Elanore V. Fulmer, b. 9/24/1937, d. 10/12/1938


1900 Frdk: George R 43, Mary C 40, George H 18, Grace 16, Claud 14, Myrtle 12, Mamie 4, Mary N 1

1910 Frdk: George R. 53, Mary C 51, Gracie E.B. 26, Myrtle A.K. 22, Naoma M 14, Mary N 11

1920 Frdk: George R 60, Catherine M 60, Mary N 20


FGS 152?1214


152?1214 Mary Louisa Moberly, b. 10/22/1858 c. 1/1/1861, d. 4/10/1922

m. (1) ____ Swain

m. (2) Charles Claybaugh

152?12141 Lewis Swain, d. 12/30/1918

m. ____

152?121411 Lewis Henry Swain, d. 12/30/1944

m. Nannie May ____

152?1214111 Hazel Katherine Swain

152?12142 Mame Claybaugh, d. 12/5/1958

m. George Hoffmaster

152?121421 Dallas Hoffmaster

152?12143 Lee Claybaugh m. Mr. Dorsey

152?12144 Charles Claybaugh

152?12145 Louise Claybaugh. d. 10/1/1949

m. Emil Kaufmann

152?121451 Leona Kaufmann m. Mr. Bostic


FGS 152?1215


152?1215 John William Moberly, b. 11/6/1860 Frederick, MD c. 1/1/1861 Fredrick, d. 5/13/1939 " " "

m. 3/20/1881 Florence J. Stone Frederick Co., MD

152?12151 Earl J. S. Moberly, b. 1886

152?12152 Wilbur Marion Moberly, b. 1/12/1887 Baltimore, MD, d. 6/ /1964 MD

m. Mary Margaret “Mamie” Ruth, b. 8/2/1900 Baltimore, MD, d. 7/1/1992 Hagerstown, MD, dau. George Herman Ruth[1871-1918]/Catherine “Kate” Schamberger[1873-1912] (sister of George Herman “Babe” Ruth, Jr., 1895-1948)

WW I Draft: Wilbur Moberly City: Baltimore County: Baltimore (Independent City) State: Maryland Birthplace: Balto City Birth Date: 12 Jan 1887, clothing cutter, married

1930 Baltimore: Moberly, Wilbur M 43, Mary M 29, Florence M 11, John W 71 (father), Florence J 63 (mother)

SSDI: Wilbur Moberly SSN: 213-09-5499 Last Residence: Maryland Born: 12 Jan 1887 Died: Jun 1964

Sports Illustrated; 7/13/1992; Scher, Jon

Died Mary (Mamie) Ruth Moberly, 91; in Hagerstown, Md. Like her older brother, George Herman (Babe), Mamie spent her childhood in an apartment over Ruth's Cafe, the Baltimore saloon their parents operated in what is now centerfield of the Orioles' new Camden Yards ballpark.

1900 census, Baltimore, MD: RUTH, Geo H age 29 b. Jun 1871 MD, Kate 25 Jul 1874 MD, George H. Jr 5 Feb 1895

1910 Baltimore: George H 39, Catherine 36, George H 15, Mary 9, William 24 brother

1880 Baltimore: RUTH, John, 36 (1844) MD Lightting Rod Maker PRUSSIA-PRUSSIA, Mary 35 MD, John 12, Geo. 8, Elizabeth S 15, Augusta 5, Mary 1

1860 Baltimore: Jno 49 MD, John 16, Frank 6, Mary 40, Mary 13, Eliza 11

152?121521 Florence Margaret Moberly, b. 4/10/1919 Baltimore, MD, d. 10/23/2011 Hagerstown, MD, bur. Rose Hill cem

m. Robinson John Binau, Jr

152?1215211 Janice Ruth Binau - McNamee

152?12153 Allen E. Moberly, d. 8/22/1939

152?12154 George Moberly, d. 9/9/1946

m. ____

152?121541 Claude Moberly


MD Births: John William Moberly Birth Date: abt 1861, Birth Place: Evangelical Lutheran of Middletown, Frederick, Maryland, Christening Date: 1 Jan 1861, Christening Place: Evangelical Lutheran of Middletown, Frederick, Maryland, Father's Name: Lewis H Moberly, Mother's name: Catharine V

1900 Baltimore: John 40, Florence 33, Earl 15, Wilbur 13

1910 Baltimore City: John 51, Florence D 45, Earl J.S. 24, Wilbur M 22, Susan Moberly 74 wid great-aunt

1920 Baltimore City: John W 60, Florence I 54, Wilbur M 32, Mary M (Mamie Ruth) 19, Florence 8/12

1930 Baltimore: Wilbur M 43, Mary M 29, Florence M 11, John W 71 (father), Florence J 65 (mother)


FGS 152?1217


152?1217 Catherine "Kate" McClellan Moberly, b. 12/6/1863 c. 8/25/1867, d. 9/27/1937 bur Mt. Olivet cem.

m. 2/26/1885 Charles H. Cutsail, b. 8/27/1862 Frederick Co, d. 7/12/1942 [son of John Jacob Cutsail/Susan Rebecca McDevitt]

152?12171 John Cutsail, d. 9/2/1938

m. ____

152?121711 Doris Cutsail m. Mr. Burnes

152?121712 Donald Cutsail

152?12172 Norman Cutsail

152?12173 Norman Cutsail

152?12174 Edith Cutsail m. Mr. Cockrill

152?12175 Verna Cutsail

m. (1) William Gootee, b. 1877, d. 8/30/1913

m. (2) Mr. Allison

152?12176 Mabel Cutsail, d. 11/29/1958

m. Hillard Hommer Salley

152?121761 Virginia Lee Salley m. Mr. Brooks

152?121762 Craig Salley

152?121763 Jacqueline Salley m. Mr. Nelson

152?121764 Richard Salley

152?12177 Evelyn Cutsail m. Mr. Ross

152?12178 Merle Cutsail, d. 7/25/1927


FGS 152?1218


152?1218 Charles Robert Moberly, c.9/25/1868, d. 10/7/1943 Mt Olivet

m. Rosa M. ____

1920 Frdk: Charles R 52, Rosie M 48, Charles R 23, Thomas P 8

152?12181 Charles Robert Moberly Jr, b. ca 1903, d. 2/2/1964 age 67 both bur Mt. Olivet

m. Grace Viola Wisner, b. ca 1901, d. 5/15/1986 age 85

152?121811 Charles Robert Moberly III, b. 9/13/1920, d. 11/21/2003 Frederick, MD

m. Violet Greystoke, b. 5/14/1919 Cincinnati, OH, d. 3/20/2004 Frederick, MD (m. for 61 years) [dau Edward/Margaret Greystoke

152?1218111 Jana Moberly

152?1218112 Jeanne Moberly – m. Steve Lloyd

152?1218113 Kurt Moberly m. Charmaine

152?121812 Evelyn Moberly

m. ____ Bender

152?121813 Peggy Moberly

m. Robert Plank

152?121814 Jack E. Moberly, b. 11/23/1937 Walkersville, d. 14/4/2009 Fred’k

m. Shirley ____

152?1218141 Kevin Moberly

m. Nicolette ____

152?1218142 Brenda Moberly

m. ____ Ryan-Ghitelman

Thursday, April 16, 2009, Frederick, MD

Mr. Jack E. Moberly, 71, of Frederick, died Tuesday, April 14, 2009, at Frederick Memorial Hospital. He was the husband of Shirley Moberly. They were married for 45 years.

Born Nov. 23, 1937, in Walkersville, he was the son of the late Charles Robert Jr. and Grace Viola Wisner Moberly.

Mr. Moberly was a longtime employee and manager of The Gun Center in Frederick. Prior to that, he worked for Frederick Gas Co., and he managed several gas stations in the Frederick area. Mr. Moberly was an avid hunter and fisherman, but most importantly, he was an enthusiastic grandfather.

In addition to his wife, Mr. Moberly is survived by one son, Kevin Moberly and wife, Nicolette, of Woodsboro; one daughter, Brenda Ryan-Ghitelman and husband, Seth, of Rockville; one brother, William L. Moberly and wife, Susie, of Walkersville; one sister, Peggy Plank and husband, Bob, of Chesapeake, Va.; four grandchildren, Allison, Kaitlyn, Erin and Thomas Moberly; and many nieces, nephews and cousins.

Interment will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick.

152?121815 Lynn Moberly m. Susie ____

152?121816 Ross Moberly

152?121817 Richard Moberly, d. 4/ /1989


Mr. Charles R. Moberly III, 83, formerly of Walkersville and recently a resident of Country Meadows, died Friday, Nov. 21, at Frederick Memorial Hospital.

He was the husband of Violet Greystoke Moberly. They were married for 61 years.

Born Sept. 13, 1920 in Frederick, he was a son of the late Charles Robert Jr. and Grace Wisner Moberly.

Surviving in addition to his wife are two daughters, Jana Moberly, and Jeanne Lloyd and husband Steve, all of Frederick; one son, Kurt Moberly and wife Charmaine of Six Mile, S.C.; one grandson, Jared Hartman and wife Morrissa of Winchester, Va.; two great-grandchildren; two sisters, Evelyn Bender of Frederick, and Peggy Plank and husband Robert of Chesapeake, Va.; two brothers, Jack Moberly and wife Shirley of Frederick, and Lynn Moberly and wife Susie of Walkersville; two adopted daughters, Virginia Braces and Nancy Speck; and a number of nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by two brothers, Ross and Richard Moberly.

Memorial services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 25, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Walkersville. The Rev. Mark Foucart, pastor of the church, will officiate. Interment will be private.


FGS 152?121B


152?121B Jennie Lee Moberly, b. 9/17/1870 MD, c. 1/22/1872, d. 4/2/1951 unm. bur. Mt Olivet cem

met Charles Catlin

152?121B1 Richard Clay Moberly, b. 7/14/1889 Nashville, TN, d. 3/19/1972 Aberdeen, MD, bur. Moreland Mem Pk cem

m. Lillian Mae Sinn, b. 10/30/1879, d. 5/4/1962

WW I Draft: Richard Clay Moberly City: Washington County: Washington State: District of Columbia Birthplace: Nashville, Tennessee; Birth Date: 14 Jul 1889, married 2 children, Foreman Woodward & Lathrop Dept Store

1920 Wash, DC: Richard C 30 TN-MD, Lilliam M 36, Thelma F 6, Austin S 5, Geraldine M 1 11/12

1930 Wash, DC: Richard C 40, Mae E 46, Fern T 17, Austin S 15, Geraldine N 12, Richard C 9, Jennie L 60 (MIL), Louis G Sinn 62 (BIL)

SSDI: Richard Moberly SSN: 577-01-4792 Last Residence: 21001  Aberdeen, Harford, Maryland, Born: 14 Jul 1889 Died: Mar 1972

On March 19, 1972, RICHARD C. MOBERLY SR., beloved husband of the late Lillian Mae Moberly (nee Simm), devoted father of Mrs. Fern Fleming, Mr. Austin S. Moberly, Mrs. Geraldine Anderson, Mr. Richard C. Moberly, Jr. He is also survived by fourteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Sevices at the Leonard J. Ruck Funeral Home on Wednesday at 1 p.m. Interment in Moreland Memorial Park Cemetery.

152?121B11 Thelma Fern Moberly, b. 3/28/1913 Wash, DC, d. 3/17/2001

m. Edgar Carrol Fleming, b. 11/21/1907, d. 1989

152?121B12 Austin Schriner Moberly, b. 12/19/1914 Wash DC, d. 11/26/1989 Baltimore, MD

m. Sarah Elizabeth Tallagsen, b. 8/5/1924

152?121B121 Sarah Austine Moberly, b. 4/13/1949

m. Wilson Wallace Kent, b. 6/26/1945

152?121B1211 Stephen Wallacve Kent, b. 4/27/1976

m. Courtney ____

152?121B12111 Catherine Margaret Kent, b. 9/1/2005

152?121B1212 Stacey Austine Kent, b. 7/11/1982

152?121B122 Austin Schriner Moberly Jr., b. 7/6/1950

m. Audrey Johnson, b. 11/24/1955

152?121B1221 Holly Ssabrina Moberly, b. 11/21/1976

m. Russell Chewning

152?121B1222 Austin Charles Moberly, b. 10/31/1980

152?121B123 Cheryl Lillian Moberly, b. 12/3/1954

m. David Horton, b. 6/22/1954

152?121B1231 Barbara Lynn Horton, b. 5/12/1981

152?121B1232 Diane Michelle Horton, b. 2/27/1983

152?121B124 Crystal Evelyn Moberly, b. 11/14/1955

m. William B. Hobbs, b. 11/22/1949

152?121B1241 Erik Wayne Hobbs, b. 10/21/1986

152?121B1242 Marc Stuart Hobbs, b. 2/4/1991

152?121B125 Ralph Craig Moberly, b. 6/29/1959

m. Denise Ann Lapchak, b. 9/13/1960

152?121B1251 Ralph Craig Moberly, Jr., b. 9/22/1978

152?121B1252 Nicole Elizabeth Moberly, b. 8/28/1982

m. Saul Reedy

152?121B12521 Isabella Olivia Reedy, b. 1/24/2007

152?121B126 Dawn Nadine Moberly, b. 11/28/1961

152?121B13 Geraldine Mae Moberly, b. 2/12/1918

m. Kelly Anderson, b. 10/8/1921, d. 10/25/1981

152?121B131 Kelleyah Anderson, b. 11/20/1950, d. 1/26/1989

m. William Clyde Benjamin, III

152?121B1311 Brandy Benjamin

152?121B1312 Willliam Clyde Benjamin IV

152?121B132 Karen Anderson, b. 11/ /1951

m. Fred Mortis

152?121B1321 Fred Mortis Jr

152?121B1322 April Suzanne Mortis

152?121B133 Kerry Anderson m. Helen ____

152?121B1331 Robert Kelly Anderson

152?121B134 Keith Anderson, b. 6/9/1959 m. Sue __

152?121B1341 Jessica Anderson

152?121B135 Karolie Anderson, b. 7/9/1960

m. Richard Corwin

152?121B1351 Krystal May Corwin

152?121B14 Richard Clay Moberly, Jr., b. 4/25/1920, d. 1/10/2013 Denton, MD

m. Christine Elizabeth Rest, d. 8/28/1973

152?121B141 Richard Frederick Moberly, b. 11/27/1940

m. Mary Joyce Connater, b. 12/19/1944

152?121B1411 Richard Frederick Moberly, Jr., b. 2/7/1965

m. (1) Diane Rane Butor

m. (2) Lisa Michelle Ewell, b. 10/13/1969

152?121B14111 Amanda Rane Moberly, b. 1/25/1984

152?121B14112 James Robert Moberly, b. 1/10/1989

152?121B14113 Danielle Nicole Moberly, b. 8/27/200? [of ux #2]

152?121B1412 William Marshall Moberly, b. 10/5/1968

m. Michelle Lee Edmonson

152?121B14121 William Marshall Moberly, Jr., b. 11/19/1990

152?121B14122 Anthony Scott Moberly, b. 7/30/1992

152?121B14123 Rachel Elizabeth Moberly, b. 8/6/1997

152?121B1413 Naomi Mae Moberly, b. 1/14/1942, d. 9/5/2005

m. Edward Charles Dinges

152?121B1414 Richard Clay Moberly III, b. 5/31/1945

m. Shelia Maria Jones, b. 10/28/1946

152?121B14141 Richard Clay Moberly IV, b. 5/18/1967

m. ____

152?121B141411 Chelsie Lynn Moberly, b. 1/5/1996

152?121B14142 Lea Lynn Moberly, b. 3/7/1970

m. Ronnie Dean Jenkins, b. 2/17/1969

152?121B141421 Ronnie Dean Jenkins Jr, b. 12/16/1991

152?121B141422 Britany Nicole Jenkins, b. 112/6/1992

152?121B141423 Catherine Renee Jenkins, b. 7/6/1995

152?121B14143 Brian Edward Moberly, b. 1/20/1975


The News Frederick Maryland 1888 sept 25

Article in brief:

Charles Catlin whose escapades and elopement with daughter of ex mayor Lewis H Moberly appeared in yesterdays paper has a wife living in Hagerstown MD

Mrs. Catlin says her maiden name is Belle Gates was born in Columbus Ohio, she eloped with Clay Catlin, a native of New York state and married him at Canal Winchester Ohio November 17 1878

The News Frederick Maryland 1888


Article in brief

Catlin who left this city weeks ago with Jennie Lee Moberly has been located. Catlin was a lighting rod salesman working in Frederick several months when he disappears with a Livery team and Miss Jennie Lee Moberly. They were trailed by creditors and reporters as far as Charlestown then all tracts were lost. Catlin since leaving this city has been under the assumed name J.F.Allen and registered with lady at a hotel in Nashville Tenn.

The News Frederick Maryland 1888 December 18

COME TO GRIEF: Article in brief

Nashville Dec 15 an L.R. Marvin says he was selling bed springs, and ordered some printed blanks for taking orders. On close examination the blanks were designed to defraud customers. Yesterday when Marvin called for his blanks he was arrested on suspicion of planning a swindle. The chief of police believes he is a man named J.F.Allen alias Clay Catlin who lived in Frederick and eloped with an 18 yr old girl deserting a wife and several children. L.R. Marvin had been working as a lighting rod salesman

The News Frederick Maryland 1889 March 23

IS IT CATLIN Article in Brief

A dispatch from Philadelphia would indicate that our old friend Clay Catlin the lighting rod salesman is in toils again. Catlin who left this city under the alias J.F.Allen and spent several months in Nashville . J.F. Allen alias L.R. Marvin alias Collins alias Coughlin alias Waton alias Seely alias clay Catlin and his new 16 year old bride were arraigned in Philadelphia at central station on the charge of fraudulently obtaining $85.00 worth of goods from John Wanamaker . Allen who is a well known confidence man, is being held on the additional charge of bigamy, as he has another wife in New York State

The News Frederick Maryland 1890 march 24

Article in brief

Mrs. Clara B Catlin the deserted wife of Clay M Catlin ,who eloped from this city Sept 20 1888 with a young lady residing here, has filed a petition for divorce in the common court at Columbus Ohio, where she now lives. She was Married to Clay Catlin at Canal Winchester Ohio, November 17 1878

note: Sometime in 1889 Jennie Lees Father Lewis H Moberly went down to Nashville and brought Jennie Lee and her baby (Richard Clay Moberly) back to Frederick Maryland. Jennie Lee never did marry.


FGS 152?121C


152?121C Allen Eugene Moberly, b. 12/30/1873, d. 8/22/1939, both bur. Mt Olivet

m. Sceany May Bell, b. 8/27/1878, d. 11/26/1954

152?121C1 Dorothy Moberly (adopted)

152?121C2 Theresa Moberly (adopted)

1900 Fredk: Moberly, Allen E 27 Dec 1872 MD, Secany May MD 21 Aug 1878 MD

1910 Fredk: Allen E 34 MD, Secany M 31 MD

WW I Draft: Allen Eugene Moberly County: Frederick State: Maryland Birth Date: 30 Dec 1873, brush maker, wife Sceany May

1920 Fredk: Allen E. 46 MD, Sammon? M (f) 40

1930 Fredk: Allen E 56 MD, Sceaney M MD, 51


FGS 152?121D


152?121D Nannie Grant Moberly, b. 5/6/1868 c. 8/25/1867, d. 1948 " " "

m. 10/20/1886 Charles Richard Martin, b. 1869, d. 1931

152?121D1 Robert J. Martin, b. c1891, d. 6/6/1958

m. Miram W. ____

152?121D11 Robert T. Martin

152?121D2 Charles Richard Martin, Jr., b. c1892

MD Births: Nannie Grant Mobberly Birth Date: 6 May 1867 Birth Place: Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Christening Date: 25 Aug 1867 Christening Age: 0 Christening Place: Evangelical Lutheran Church, Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Father's Name: Lewis H Mobberly Mother's name: Catharine V

1900 Baltimore: C.R. 35, Nannie 35, Robert J 10, Chas R 8, H.C. MOBERLY 27s (boarder)

1910 Baltimore: Charles R 44, Nannie G 44, Robert J 20, Charles R Jr 18, Harry C MOBERLY 38s Boarder

1920 Baltimore: Charles R 54, Nannie G 54, Robert J 29, Marie 24 (DIL)


FGS EB-152?122 Margaret E. Myers 409 Culler Av, Frederick, MD 21701-4111 301-662-3503 7/20/2000


152?122 William L. Moberly, b. 2/14/1831, d. 1/22/1904 both bur Mt. Olivet cem.

m. 1/15/1859 Mary Ellen Albaugh, b. 8/24/1841, d. 7/23/1908 [dau. Lewis Augustus Albaugh/Susan Rhodes Fox]

152?1221 Minnie Moberly, b. 12/17/1869 Frederick Co., MD, d. 9/24/1872 bur. Mt Olivet cem

152?1222 Ernest Schley Moberly, b. 1871 c.3/5/1873 Frdk, Middletown, Evang.Lutheran Ch

m. 10/25/1894 Alice G. Anderson, b. 1871 [dau Jerome Anderson/Marian Frances Bopst]

152?1223 Levi Willis Moberly, b. 10/5/1874 Fredrick, MD, d. 2/23/1952, both bur. Mt Olivet cem.

m. Mamie Augusta Davis, b. 7/30/1879 c. 2/23/1880, d. 2/1/1945

MD Births: Levi Willis Moberly Birth Date: 5 Oct 1874 Birth Place: Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Christening Date: 16 Feb 1875 Christening Age: 0 Christening Place: Evangelical Lutheran Church, Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Father's Name: William L Moberly Mother's name: Mary Ellen

1900 Fredk: Levi 25, Mamie 20

WW I Draft: Levi Willis Moberly County: Frederick State: Maryland age 43 Birth Date: 5 Oct 1874, printer, wife Mamie Augusta

1920 Frdk: Lewis W 45, Mamie 40, Davis W.D. 13

152?12231 William Lee Davis Moberly, b. 7/15/1906, d. 9/11/1986, both bur. Mt Olivet cem Frdk, MD

m. 11/8/1927 Evelyn Virginia Bell, b. 9/13/1907, d. 1/18/1996 [dau. Clyde Sylvester Bell/Bessie Amelia Umberger]

152?122311 Betty Lorraine Moberly, b. 3/9/1930 [teacher]

m. 3/8/1953 Robert William Stup, b. 12/1/1925 [son of Earl Howard Stup/Edith Marguerite Cecil]

152?122312 Barbara Lea Moberly, b. 10/15/1933 [Nurse]

m. 5/18/1968 William Luther Poffinberger, b. 12/16/1922

152?12232 Mary Frances Moberly, b. 4/6/1910, d. 8/6/1911 bur. Mt Olivet cem.

152?1224 Lewis Albaugh Moberly, b. 3/6/1879, 2/1/1957 both bur Mt Olivet

m. Bessie Mae Cramer, b. 9/6/1882 c. 11/12/1882, d. 3/8/1964 [dau Joseph C. Cramer/Lauretta Durfey]

1910 Fred: Louis A 31 MD, Bessie 27 MD. Charlotte 9, Helen 5

1920 F’rick: Lewis A. 39, Bessie M 37, Charlotte E 19, Lois H 15

1930 Fred: Lewis A 51 MD, Bessie M 47 MD

152?12241 Charlotte E. Moberly, b. c1901 MD

152?12242 Lois Helen Moberly, b. c1905 MD

152?1225 Bertha M. Moberly, b. 10/28/1879, d. 3/18/1950

m. 3/19/1896 Harry Rowe, b. 1/28/1872, d. 5/5/1951, son of Augustus Rowe/Barbara Schrodel

152?12251 Infant Rowe, b. & d. 6/4/1898 bur Mt Olivet cem

152?12252 Infant Rowe, b. & d. 6/4/1898 bur Mt Olivet cem

152?12253 Lewis William Augustus Rowe, b. 9/28/1899, d. 1/9/1959 bur Mt Olivet cem

m. (1) Catherine Adelaide Shipley, b. 4/20/1906, d. 2/2/1935 [dau. George William Shipley/Margaret Myrtle Fagan]

m. (2) Maude Elizabeth Spaulding, b. 1/25/1906, d. 4/14/1984 [dau. Charles Spaulding/Bertha Phillips] bur. Mt Olivet cem

both children by ux #1

152?122531 Harry Lewis Rowe "Juggy", b. 7/20/1927 c. 9/4/1927, d. 8/20/1995 bur Mt Olivet cem

m. 8/2/1952 Joyce Marie Wisner

152?1225311 Gwendolyn Ann Rowe

m. James Grimes

152?1225312 Joy Marie Rowe

m. David P. Dawson

152?1225313 Penny Lea Rowe, b. ca 1957

m. (1) 6/4/1983 Gary Elias Zimmerman, b. 11/20/1950 [son of Melvin H. Zimmerman/Margaret V. Hauver]

m. (2) 5/21/1979 Kenneth Mark Fischer, b. 3/2/1953 [divcd 12/28/1981]

152?122532 Adaline E. Rowe, b. 1/20/1935

m. 9/14/1953 Paul William Main, b. 7/26/1934 [son of John Austin Main/Pauline Ruth Boyer]

152?12254 Infant Rowe, b. & d. 11/3/1901 bur. Mt Olivet cem

152?12255 Infant Rowe, b. & d. 8/27/1908 bur Mt Olivet cem

1870 Fred’k: Rebecca 62, William L 39, Ellen 29, Edwin 19, Minnie 6/12, Catherine Lambright 50

1880 Fred’k: Wm L 49, Mary E 38, Ernest S 8, Levi W 5, Nellie B 3, Lewis A 1, Ann R. 71 (mother), Catharine Lambright 60 (aunt)

1900 FredK: Moberly, William L 69 Mar 1831 MD, Mary 58 Sep 1841 MD, Lewis A 21 Mar 1879, Anna R 16 Jun 1883, Rowe, Bertha N. 23 Oct 1876 (dau), Harry 27 Jun 1873 (SIL), Catherine A 3 Jul 1896 (Gdau), Lewis M 8/12 Sep 1899 (Gson)



Death Of The Noted Leader Of A Military Band

Frederick, MD, Jan. 22 – William L. Moberly died at the Emergency Hospital of paralysis this morning, aged 72 years. He leaves a widow, 3 sons – Ernest, Levi and Lewis – and two daughters, Mrs. Harry Rowe and Miss. Rebecca Moblery, all of Frederick. Five brothers and one sister – Lewis, Charles and Edward, of Frederick; David of Baltimore; Hiram, of Tiffin, Ohio, and Mrs. Hammond Welty, of Frederick – also survive him. He was for years leader of Moberly’s Band, which at the outbreadk of the Civil War went with Col. John R. Kenly’s First Maryland Regiment. Mr. Moberly served as leader of the band, in which three of his brothers served as musicians. He and his brother Charles were taken prisoners at Front Royal and was confined in Libby prison at Richmond, Va., for six months. He was for 40 years a member of the Masonic Order.


FGS EB-152?123


152?123 Levi H. Moberly Jr., b. 7/7/1833, d. 3/1/1859 age 25 bur. Mt Olivet cem [shoemaker]

m. 9/4/1853 Margaret McMullen, Frederick Co., Middletown Evang. Lutheran Ch., b. 11/9/1833, d. 3/13/1903 bur Mt Olivet cem [dau. Charles P. McMullen/Elizabeth Hauer] {she m. (2) Zachariah Jenkins

152?1231 Sarah Moberly, b. 12/15/1854 c. 8/26/1855, Frederick Co., Middletown Evang, Lutheran Ch.

152?1232 Ann Rebecca Moberly, b. 11/17/1856 c. 6/20/1858, " " "

152?1233 Kate Elizabeth Moberly, b. 11/14/1858 c. 2/11/1859, " " "

1850 Frdk Co: Mobberley,Levi 17, lvg w/ Solomon Gebhart 20 & Louisa V. 19


FGS EB-152?125 Margaret E. Myers 409 culler Av, Frederick, MD 21701-4111 301-662-3503 7/20/2000


152?125 Charles Edward Mobley, b. 11/29/1839, Frederick, MD, d. 4/11/1911, both bur Mt. Olivet cem Frdk., MD

m. 4/2/1863 Frances Elizabeth Reynolds "Fannie" Frdk., MD, b. 6/18/1843, Fdk., MD, d. 6/8/1922, Fdk., MD, Evang. Lutheran, Middletown [dau. James Walling Reynolds, b. 1815, d. 7/4/1849;{he m. 7/30/1841 Barbara Ann Woltz, b. 1821, d. 1890}; gdau. William Morton Reynolds {1777/1823}/Mercy Walling]

1870 Fredk: Moberly, Charles 31 MD, Frances 27 MD, Mary K 8, May M 6, Charles 4, Amy R 2

1880 Fredk: Moberly, Charles E 41 MD, Fannie E 37 MD, Mollie K 18, May M 16, Charles E 15. Annie R 12, Merhl F 9

1900 Fredk: Moberly, Charles E 61 Nov 1838 MD, Fannie 56 Jun 1845 MD, Merhl 29 Nov 1870 Wid, Mamie 3 Sep 1896 (Gdau)

1910 Frdk Co: Moberly, Merhl F. 36 wid MD, Charles E 70 MD, father, Frances E 66 MD, Mollie R 47 sister, Mary Elizabeth 13 dau

152?1251 Mollie Kenly Moberly, b. 3/21/1862 c. 7/27/1863, Frdk Co., Middletown Evang. Lutheran Ch., d. 3/6/1938 unm. age 75 Mt Olivet cem.

152?1252 Charles Edward Mobley Jr., b. 11/17/1867, c. 6/19/1871, Frederick Co., Middletown Evang. Lutheran Ch., d. 11/6/1941 (headstone reads 1868-1944) age 75, bur. Mt Olivet cem Frdk,MD

m. Elfreda Hanft, b. 1889, d. 1981

1910 Fredk: Moberly, Charles E 48 MD, Ellen H 36 MD, Fannie H 22 MD

152?12521 Barbara Moberly, b. 1914

152?12522 John Kenly Moberly, b. 1922

MD Births: Charles Edward Mobberly Birth Date: 17 Nov 1867 Birth Place: Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Christening Date: 19 Jun 1871 Christening Age: 3 Christening Place: Evangelical Lutheran Church, Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Father's Name: Charles Edward Mobberly Mother's name: Fannie C

152?1253 Nannie Ann Rebecca Moberly "Nan", b. 8/5/1867, d. 3/10/1952, both bur Mt Olivet cem

m. 10/1/1890 David Elmer Zimmerman, b. 9/27/1863, d. 8/3/1928

152?12531 David Ralph Zimmerman, b. 4/19/1892, d. 3/29/1986 bur Mt Olivet cem (unm.)

152?12532 Austin Moberly, b. 12/23/1900, d. 12/28/1900 bur. Mt Olivet cem

152?1254 Merhl Fout Mobley, b. 11/10/1870, c. 6/19/1871, Frdk. Co., Middletown Evang. Lutheran Ch., d. 11/14/1944, both bur. Mt. Olivet cem Frdk

m. (1) 1895 Mary E. Neidhart, b. 10/7/1869, d. 1896, leaving one daughter, Mary L. F. [History of Frederick County ppg 1117/8] (dau. Rudolph Neidhart/Caroline Brengle)

m. (2) 2/27/1912 Emma Elfreda Hanft(@ Washington,DC), b. 7/21/1889 @ Nashville, IL, d. 3/8/1981, Spokane, WA[dau. Theodor Hanft, b. 1856, Sparta, IL, d. 7/9/1917, Washington, DC & Louisa Schleifer, b. 10/1/1863, Nashville, IL, d. 4/9/1948. Baltimore, MD; gdau. Andrew Hanft, {1822/1872}, m. 5/3/1855 Sophia__, b. 1820; also gdau. Ferdinand Schleifer, b. 8/28/1828, d. 9/2/1917, m. 1848 Julia Kaldenbach, b. 7/22/1824, d. 10/10/1903]

152?12541 Mary L. F. Mobley (of UX #1)

152?12542 Merhl Fout Moberly, Jr., b. 12/14/1915 Frederick, MD, d. 5/5/2004 Eugene, OR, bur. Oakwood Cem in Martinsville, VA

m. 6/17/1938 Lucille Hoffman in Manassas, VA, d. 4/7/1998

SSDI: Merhl F. Moberly Last Residence: 97402  Eugene, Lane, Oregon, Born: 14 Dec 1915 Died: 5 May 2004

152?125421 Merhl Fout Moberly, III

152?125422 Jalana Moberly – Gummeson, d. 19??

152?12543 John Moberly

152?12543 Jean Elfreda Mobley, b. 10/13/1919, Frederick, MD, lvd., Tucson, AZ

m. 2/22/1942 Marion Benchoff Pryor in Hagerstown, MD, b. 7/6/1917, d. 10/22/2001 Tucon, AZ

SSDI: Jean E. Pryor 536-14-4472 Last Residence: 85746  Tucson, Pima, Arizona, Born: 4 Aug 1923 Died: 25 Sep 1996

SSDI: Marion B. Pryor SSN: 199-01-8717 Last Residence: 85719  Tucson, Pima, Arizona, Born: 6 Jul 1917 Died: 22 Oct 2001 State (Year) SSN issued: Penn.

152?12544 Barbara Moberly lvs Spokane, WA


MD Births: Merle Fout Mobberly Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Evangelical Lutheran of Middletown, Frederick, Maryland Christening Date: 19 Jun 1871 Christening Place: Evangelical Lutheran of Middletown, Frederick, Maryland Father's Name: Charles E Mobberly Mother's name: Fannie C

1910 Frdk Co: Moberly, Merhl F. 36 wid MD, Charles E 70 MD, father, Frances E 66 MD, Mollie R 47 sister, Mary Elizabeth 13 dau

1920 Frdk Co: Moberly, Mehrl 49 MD, Emma 30 IL-IL-IL, Merrial 7 MD dau, Barbara 5, Mehrl 4, William C 2, Jean 2/12, Frances MOBERLY 76 MD wid Mother, Molly K 56s Sister

1930 Frdk Co: Moberly, Merhle 59 MD, Emma E 40 MD, Muriel 17, Barbara 15, Merhle 14, William 12, Jean 10, Renley 7, Mollie MOBERLEY 68s sister


p. 1117-18: Williams' & McKinsey's History of Frederick County Maryland

more info at

"Merhl F. Moberly, a dealer in wall paper, mantels, tile, fire places and furnishings, and who is a painter and decorator, is the leading contractor in his own line in Frederick City. He was born in that place, November 10, 1870. and is a son of Charles E. and Frances (Reynolds) Moberly.

"The Moberly family is found in Frederick County, Md., in colonial days. The American ancestor was a native of England.

Merhl Fout Moberly (Jr.) of Eugene, Oregon died May 5 of age-related causes. He was 88.

Moberly was born Dec. 14, 1915, in Frederick, Md., to Merhl and Elfreda Bouft Moberly.

He married Lucille Hoffman in Manassas, Va., on June 17, 1938. She died April 7, 1998.

He served in the Navy during World War II. He worked as a shipping and receiving clerk for DuPont for 33 years before retiring in 1993.

He enjoyed gardening, fishing, traveling and reading.

Survivors include a brother, John of Spokane; two sisters, Barbara Moberly of Spokane and Jean Prior of Tucson, Ariz.; one grandchild and one great-grandchild. A son, Merhl III, and a daughter, Jalna Gummeson, died previously.

No service is planned. Burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery in Martinsville, Va. Rest-Haven Memorial Park & Funeral Home in Eugene is in charge of arrangements.

152?1255 May (Mary?) Moreland Mobley, c. 6/19/1871, Fredk. Co., Middletown Evang. Lutheran Ch./LDS data]

m. 1885 Luther F. Harrison

MD Births: May Moreland Mobberly Birth Date: abt 1871 Birth Place: Evangelical Lutheran of Middletown, Frederick, Maryland Christening Date: 19 Jun 1871 Christening Place: Evangelical Lutheran of Middletown, Frederick, Maryland Father's Name: Charles E Mobberly Mother's name: Fannie C


"Charles E. Moberly, son of Levi Moberly, was also a painter by trade. For about forty years he was engaged in business in Frederick City. He is now living retired. Politically, he is a Republican. Mr. Moberly was married to Frances Reynolds. They were the parents of five children: Mollie K., has never married; May M., the wife of L.F. Harrison; Charles E., Jr., engaged in the decorating business in Washington, D.C.; Ann E., the wife of David H. Zimmermann; and Merhl F.


Frederick, MD, April 12 – Charles Edward Moberly, a life-long citizen of this city and brother of the ex mayor Lewis Moberly, died at the City Hospital this morning from kidney trouble. 71 years old. He was a son of the late Levi Moberly and was educated at the public schools of Frederick. He was one of the organizers in 1858 of the famous Moberly’s Cornet Band, so named because six brothers were amoung the musicians. At the time of the John Brown raid at Harpers Ferry the band went there with the United Guards, of this city, under the command of Co. Thomas Sinn.

Mr. Moberly was a member of the First Maryland Volunteeer Regimental Band and went into battle with Company H, Major Henry Schley’s Regiment with his bariton horn strapped on his back and his musket in his hand. While in service he received a sabre wound over his right eye and was shot in the right leg.

In 1861 he married Miss. Fannie Reynolds, who survives with five children, Mrs. Luther F. Harrison, Mrs. David E. Zimmerman, Miss. Mollie Moberly, Merle F. Moberly and Charles E. Moberly, Jr., the latter of Washington, two brothers, David H. Moberly, of Baltimore and Edwin F. Moblery, this city, and one sister, Mrs. Hammond Welty also survives.


Life Long Resident of City Passes Away After Long Illness.


He joined First Maryland Regimental Band in September 1861 and was in battle with Major Schley’s Regiment—His career.

Mr. Charles Edward Moberly, a life-long and well-known citizen of this city, died at the City Hospital about two o’clock this morning, from kidney trouble, in the 72nd year of his age.

Mr. Moberly was born in this city in 1839, and was a son of the late Levi and Rebecca Lambright Moberly. He was eductated in the public schools and later learned the painting trade. About 1858 the famous Moberly’s Cornet Band was organized by the late Alexander Hubbard, a well known jeweler. It took its name from the fact that there were amoung its members six Moberly boys, all brothers – Lewis H, William and Hiram Moberly, now decease; David H., Charles E., and Edwin F. Moberly. The Band accompanied Baltimore Commandery No. 2, Knights Templar to Philidelphia, St. Louis, Chicago and other cities on occasions. It also went to Baltimore with the United Guards to participate in the parade of the State Militia and was entertained by Gen. Watkins, Commander of the State Militia. At the time of the John Brown raid at Harper’s ferry the Band went with the United Guards which were under the command of Col. Thos Sinn. The Band in latter years became known as the Frederick Cornet Band.


Mr. Moberly joined the First Maryland Volunteer Regimental Band in September, 1861, and went into battle with Company H, Major D. Henry Schley’s Regiment with his Baritone Horn strapped on his back, and his musket in his hand. While in the service he received a sabre wound ... right eye ... right knee joint.

He was taken captive at Front Royal, Va. in May, 1862 and after remaining prisoner about four months, was discharged. He then became assistant Steward in the Medical Provost’s Office, which had its headquarters in the old Reformed Chapel, under Principal Steward Cahill. Drs. McKee and Rictenhouse were the Physicians in charge. Later Quartermaster McCurg opened a paint shop in this City and Mr. Moberly was one of the workmen there. During the time he lettered all the headboards for the graves for the fallen soldiers, as well as those that died in the hospital. Mr. Moberly followed painting for a number of years, but has not been engaged in business for himself for thirteen years past, when he was succeeded by his son, Mr. Merhl F. Moberly. For several years he acted as foreman for his son, but for the psst six years, he has been living retired, on account of his health.

In 1864? He married Miss. Fannie Reynolds, who survives him with five children, Mrs. Luther F. Harrison, Mrs. David E. Zimmerman, Miss. Mollie Moberly and Mr. Mehrl F. Moberly, of this city, and Mr. Charles E. Moblery, Jr., of Washington. He is also survived by two brothers, Mr. David H. Moberly, of Baltimore, and Edwin F. Moberly, of this city, and one sister, Mrs. Hammond Welty, of this city.

The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at two o’clock. Services will be held at the house and interment will be made in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery.



Margaret E. Myers 409 Culler Av, Frederick, MD 21701-4111 301-662-3503 7/20/2000


152?128 Edmund Franklin Moberly, b. 11/4/1850, Frederick, MD, c. 1/4/1851, d. 3/11/1935, Frederick, Frederick Co., MD; both bur. Mt. Olivet Cem.

m. 1/12/1875 Ada [Addie] Amelia Staley, Frederick, MD, b. 8/3/1856, Carrollton Manor, Frederick Co., MD, d. 9/6/1946 Frederick, MD; [dau. John Alfred Staley/Henrietta Shook]

1880 Fredk Co: Moberly, Edmon F 29 MD, Ada A 23 MD, Edna M 3, Staley 10/12, Robert E. Staley 16, BIL

1910 Fred Co: Moberly, Edmond F 60 MD, Addie 53 MD, Beulah D 24, Ruth 20, Harold K 16

1920 Fred: Edwin F 69 MD, Addie A 63 MD. Beulah 34s, Ruth 28

1930 Fred: Edward F. 79 MD, Annie E 73 MD, Beulah D 43s, Ruth 40

152?1281 Evie Amelia [Erva] Moberly, b. 9/29/1875, c. 12/16/1875, d. 7/12/1876 at Frederick, MD; Mt. Olivet Cem.

152?1282 Staley Moberly, b. 7/30/1879, c. 3/2/1880, d. 11/9/1881, Frederick, MD; Mt. Olivet Cem.

Died on the 9th Inst., of diptheria, Staley, eldest child of Edward F. and Addie A. Moberly, aged two years, 3 months and 9 days.

152?1283 Edna May Moberly, b. 5/15/1880, d. 11/15/1881, Frederick, MD; Mt. Olivet Cem.

152?1284 Edmund Franklin Moberly, Jr., b. 6/9/1882, Frederick, MD, c. 12/27/1882, d. 5/6/1947, Johnstown, PA; Mt. Both bur. Olivet Cem, Frdk, MD [Engineer Johnstown Lorain Steel Works]

m. 12/3/1902 Rosa Kemp Lamar in Balt. MD, b. 2/7/1883, d. 8/21/1943, at Johnstown, PA;[dau. Robert Guy Lamar/Catherine Sinn]

MD Births: Edward Franklin Moberly Birth Date: 9 Jun 1882 Birth Place: Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Christening Date: 29 Dec 1882 Christening Age: 0 Christening Place: Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Father's Name: Edward F Moberly Mother's name: Addie R

WW I Draft: Edmund Franklin Moberly County: Frederick State: Maryland age 33 Birth Date: 9 Jul 1885, laborer, mother Mollie Moberly

WW II Draft: Edmund Franklin Moberly Birth Date: 9 Jun 1882 Birth Place: Frederick, Maryland Residence: Cambria, Pennsylvania

1910 Cambria Co., PA: Moberly, Edmund F 27 MD, Rose 23 MD, Rose S 3 PA, Lamar 2

1920 Cambria Co., PA: Moberly, Edmund F 37 MD, Rose L.A. 36 MD, Rose A 13 PA, LaMar E 9, John A 5, Robert F 3 9/12

1930 Cambria Co., PA: Moberly, Edmund 47 MD, Rose 47 MD (nee LaMar), LaMar 26 PA, Jack 16, Robert 14

152?12841 Rose Staley Mobley, b. 12/16/1906 [lvd. Johnstown, PA], d. 1992 bur. Mt Olivet cem

m. Daylton Carpenter

152?128411 Sandra Lamar Carpenter, bef. Aug 1943

m. Ronald Wingard

152?1284111 Michael Lamar Wingard

m. Esperanza Lopez

152?12841111 Chrisina LaMar Wingard

152?1284112 Scott Alan Wingard

m. Ellen Groth

152?12841121 Lauren Fara Wingard

152?12841122 Barren Austin Wingard

152?1284113 Saundra Lynn Wingard

m. Kenneth Micahel Geary

152?12841131 Zachary Michael Geary

152?1284114 David Ronald Wingard

152?12842 Edmund Lamar Mobley, b. 2/7/1910 [Flt Officer rptd MIA 7/5/1944 Middle East Bomb Comd, North Africa]

WW II Enlistment: Edmund L Moberly Birth Year: 1910 Nativity State: Pennsylvania City: Cambria   Enlistment Date: 13 Jul 1942 Enlistment State: New York Enlistment City: Fort Jay Governors Island Education: 4 years of high school Civil Occupation: Bartenders Marital Status: Single

Fred’k Post, July 15, 1945: Edmund L. Moberly reported missing in action. Navigator/Bombardier on B-25….

152?12843 John Alfred Mobley, b. 3/14/1914[lvd. Clearfield, PA], d. 1983

m. ___

152?128431 John Alfred Mobley, Jr., b. bef. 1947

m. ____

152?1284311 Amy Moberly

m. John Roudebush

152?12843111 Jake Roudebush

152?12843112 Allison Roudebush

152?12844 Robert Franklin Mobley, b. 3/9/1916[lvd. Johnstown, PA]

m. Catherine Maxly

WW II Enlistment: Robert F Moberly Birth Year: 1916 Nativity State: Pennsylvania City: Cambria   Enlistment Date: 2 May 1942 Enlistment State: New York Enlistment City: Fort Jay Governors Island Education: 4 years of high school Civil Occupation: Clerks, general office Marital Status: Married

152?128441 Marla Moberly

m. Joe H. Mayer

152?128442 LaMar Moberly

m. (1)Miss. ____

m. (2) Amy ____

152?1284421 Moya Claire Moberly [both of ux #1]

152?1284422 Maria Rhett Moberly

152?1285 Beulah Diehl Moberly, b. 7/1/1884. Frederick, MD, chr. 5/18/1885, d. 3/4/1964, Frederick, MD; Mt. Olivet Cem.

152?1286 Elsie Henrietta Mobley, b. 4/21/1887 Fredk, c. 8/21/1887, Frederick, MD

MD Births: Elsie Henrietta Moberly Birth Date: 21 Apr 1887 Birth Place: Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Christening Date: 21 Aug 1887 Christening Age: 0 Christening Place: Frederick, Frederick, Maryland Father's Name: Edmund F Moberly Mother's name: Addie A

152?1287 Ruth Mobley, b. 5/5/1889, Frederick, MD, d. 11/29/1983, Frederick, MD; Mt. Olivet Cem. unm.

SSDI: Ruth Moberly SSN: 215-18-1193 Last Residence: 21701  Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, Born: 5 May 1889 Died: Nov 1983

152?1288 Harold Kuhlman Moberly, b. 4/1/1894, Frederick, MD, chr. 7/9/1894, d. 9/10/1932, Richmond, VA; both bur. Mt. Olivet Cem. Frdk, MD

m. Eudora MacTier, b. 4/11/1893, d. 10/25/1992 [she m.(2) Irving Schaeffer Kefauver] [dau. Hugh D. MacTier/Elizabeth Hamilton]

152?12851 Elizabeth Hamilton Mobley[lvd. Baltimore, MD]

m. ___ Dierkin

WW I Draft: Harold Kuhlman Moberly County: Frederick State: Virginia Birthplace: Maryland; age 23 Birth Date: 1 Apr 1894, single, wire chief C&P Telephone Co Manchester, VA

1930 Baltimore: Harold K 36, Eudora M 34, Elizabeth H 11



[data Mary Ann Shoemaker ltr. 1/13/91] #

May be descendants of Thomas, Jr., Edward or Archibald Mobberly

[data from Stephen Lawson; originally from Jean C.(Moberly) Pryor

[underlined data from LDS lists by Imogene McConnell

[all christenings at Frederick, Middletown Evangelical Lutheran Church]


152?2 Hezekiah Mobley, (Sr.), b. ca 1776 Pr. Geo. Co., MD, d. ca 1848, Nelson Co., KY [Will] [see 15224]

m. 12/6/1796 Elizabeth Kidwell, Pr. Georges Co., Upper Marlboro, MD b. ca 1780, MD[they were in Poll Book, Boston Precinct, Nelson Co., KY 1830-39] #[lvg w/ son Hezekiah Jr in 1850 census]

152?21 Rebecca Mobley, d. by 1827??

m. 2/6/1825 Edward Hughes, Nelson Co., KY

152?211 E. Hughes (f), b. c1834 (1850 census w/ H. Jr.)

152?22 Harriett Mobley

m. 3/22/1827 Edward Hughes, " " "

152?23 Mary Ann Mobley

m. 11/24/1828 Richard Brown Cundiff, Nelson Co. [son of James Cundiff/Lucy Brown]

Children – unknown if by Mary Ann Mobley or by 2nd marriage to Mary Younger

1. William Cundiff, 2. Wesley Cundiff, 3. Matilda Cundiff, 4. Julia A. Cundiff, 5. Martha Cundiff

6. George W. Cundiff

152?24 Ada Mobley, b. 1810 [lvd w/ bro. Hezekiah, Jr. in 1850/60 census

152?25 Elizabeth Mobley

m. (1) 1829 Atkinson Hill, Nelson Co., KY

(2) 1841 James Hall

152?26 Patsy Ann Mobley

m. 6/21/1838 Perry Watson, Nelson Co., KY

152?27 Juliet Ann Mobley

m. 6/22/1838 James Brown Cundiff, Bullit Co., KY [m. 2 Gilla Boots & had three more children] [son of James Cundiff/Lucy Brown]

152?271 Laura A. Cundiff

152?28 Hezekiah Mobley, Jr., b. 11/1/1816, KY, d. 10/25/1897

m. 6/8/1840 Amelia Ann Shehan, b. 11/7/1820, d. 3/7/1901 both bur Little Brick cem Nelson Co., KY

1850 Nelson: H. 33, A. 29, E. (Elizabeth) 69 (f), A. 40 (m), E. Hughes 16 (f), C. Mobley (f) 9, E. 6, E. (f) 6, J. (m) 5


FGS EB-152?28 [data Mary Ann Shoemaker ltr. 1/13/91] #


152?28 Hezekiah Mobley, Jr., b. 11/1/1816, KY, d. 10/25/1897 both bur Little Brick cem Nelson Co., KY

m. 6/8/1840 Amelia Ann Shehan, b. 11/7/1820, d. 3/7/1901

[they were in Poll Book, Bardstown Precinct, Nelson Co. KY 1836-37, Boston Precinct, Nelson Co., 1838-39] # [dau Anne Shehan]

152?281 Catherine Ann Mobley, b. 1842, Nelson Co., KY

152?282 Elizabeth Jane Mobley, b. 10/28/1843, d. 8/20/1909

m. Benedict O. Bean, b. 9/15/1841 KY, d. 6/15/1896 both bur. Little Brick cem Nelson Co., KY [Sgt, Co. C, 10th KY Inf.]

152?2821 Katie Mobley, b. 1870

152?2822 Cory Mobley [f], b. 1872

152?2823 Harlan Davenport Mobley, b. 6/7/1874, d. 3/23/1937 both bur Little Brick cem Nelson Co., KY

m. Mettie E. ___, b. 4/10/1877, d. 1/21/1961

152?2824 Larenda Mobley, b. 1878

152?2825 Lulu Mobley, b. 1879

152?283 H. John Mobley (Hezekiah?), b. 2/14/1846 Nelson, KY, d. 1/12/1922, bur. New Mt Moriah Cem, Boston, Nelson Co., KY

m. 1869 Mary Ann Ball, b. 1849, d. 1922

1880 Nelson: John 34, Mary A 33, Mattie E 10, Willie 8, Susan 3

1910 Nelson: John 64, Mary A 64, Beatrice Monroe 17 (servant)

1920 Nelson: John 73, Mollie 74

KY Deaths: John Mobley Death Date: 12 Jan 1922 Death Location: Nelson Age: 75 Birth Date: 14 Feb 1846 Birth Location: Nelson, Kentucky Father's Name: Hezekiah Mobley Mother's name: Amelia Shenan

152?2831 Mattie E. Mobley, b. 1870, Nelson Co., KY

152?2832 William Sedwick Mobley, b. 1872, d. 1923, bur. Boston, Nelson, Co., KY Mt. Moriah Cem. No issue

m. Margaret Elizabeth 'Mag' Crow, b. 5/4/1875, d. 1/22/1916; dau. Henry Harned Crow/Mary Harned

1910 Nelson Co: W. Sedrick 38 KY, Margaret E 34 KY

152?2833 Susan P. Mobley, b. 7/4/1876, Nelson Co., KY

152?284 George M. Mobley, b. 5/11/1851, Nelson Co., KY, d. 4/17/1920 Nelson Co., KY

m. Martha Vina Cambron, b. 11/ /1846 Nelson Co., d. 10/12/1925 both bur. Little Brick cem Boston, KY; d/o Stephen Cambron/Amanda Gregg

1880 Nelson Co: George 28 KY, Dianna 31 KY, May G 5, Maud 4, William 1

1900 Nelson Co: George 49 May 1851 KY-KY-KY, Martha V 52 Nov 1846 KY-KY, Maude R 23 Jun 1876 KY, Hezekiah 21 Mar 1878, Marshall 17 Jan 1883, James B 10 Jun 1889

1910 Nelson Co: George 58 KY, Vina 64 KY, Maude 34, Marshall 27, James 21

1920 Nelson: George 67, Martha D 73, Maud R 43s, James B 32s

KY Deaths: George M Mobley Death Date: 17 Apr 1920 Death Place: Nelsn Age: 68

George M MobleyDeath Date: 17 Apr 1920 Death Location: Nelson Age: 68 Birth Date: 6 May 1851 Birth Location: Nelson, Kentucky Father's Name: Hezakiah Mobley Father's Birth Location: Nelson, Kentucky Mother's name: Amelia Sluhan Mother's Birth Location: Nelson, Kentucky

152?2841 Mary May Mobley, b. 3/ /1875, Nelson Co., KY

152?2842 Maude R. Mobley, b. 6/10/1876, Nelson Co., KY

152?2843 Hezekiah William Mobley, b. 3/11/1879 Nelson Co., KY, d. 2/1/1954 Jefferson, KY

m. Ethel Snellen, b. 12/14/1888 KY, d. 3/2/1937 KY, (m/o Leonard Bell, b. 1909)[1910 census widowed lvg w/ father

WW I Draft: Hezzie William Mobley County: Nelson State: Kentucky age 39 Birth Date: 11 Mar 1879, farmer/renter, wife Ethel

1920 Nelson: Hezzie 40, Ethel 39, Linard 11, Earl M 7, Oleta R 6, Robert F 4, George H 2, William L 9/12

1930 Nelson: Hezzie 51, Ethel F 41, Earl M 18, Otta L 16, Robert F 14, George H 12, William L 10, Minnie M 8, Mary L 6, Alice R 3, Bell Leonard 21s (son)

KY Deaths: Hezzie W Mobley Death Date: 1 Feb 1954 Death Place: Jefferson Age: 74 Residence: Hardin

152?28431 Leonard Bell Mobley, b. c1909 (adopted)

152?28432 Earl M. Mobley, b. 10/20/1911 Bullet Co., d. 7/9/1983 Louisville, Jefferson, KY

KY Births: Earl M Mobley Date of Birth: 20 Oct 1911 County: Bullet Mother's name: Ethel Snellen

KY Deaths: Earl M Mobley Death Date: 9 Jul 1983 Death Place: Jefferson Age: 71 Residence: Jefferson

SSDI: Earl Mobley SSN: 404-05-6482 Last Residence: 40213  Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, Born: 20 Oct 1911 Last Benefit: 40213  Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, Died: Jul 1983

152?28433 Oletta R. Mobley, b. c1914

m. ____ Dougan

152?28434 Robert F. Mobley, b. 12/26/1915 Nelson Co., KY, d. 12/18/2004 Louisville, KY, bur Resthaven cem

m. (1) Sylvia ____, d. ___

m. (2) 10/14/1987 Dorothy J. Ricketson, b. c1924

KY Births: Robert F Mobley Date of Birth: 26 Dec 1915 County: Nelson Mother's name: Ethel Snellen

KY Marriages: Robert F Mobley Age: 71 Estimated Birth Year: 1916 Marriage Date: 14 Oct 1987 Marital Status: Last marriage ended by death Previous Marital Status: Never married Residence County after Married: Jefferson State: Kentucky Spouse: Dorothy J Ricketson Spouse Age: 63 Spouse Residence County: Jefferson Spouse Marital Status: Never married Volume Number: 077 Certificate Number: 38106 Marriage License County: Jefferson

SSDI: Robert F. Mobley Last Residence: 40215  Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, Born: 26 Dec 1915 Died: 18 Dec 2004

Mobley, Robert F., 88 (1916), of Louisville, died Saturday at Norton Audubon Hospital.

He was preceded in death by his first wife Sylvia Mobley; his sisters, Minnie Brown, Oletta Dougan and Mary Lily Mobley; and his brothers, Leonard Bell, Earl and George Mobley.

Survivors include his wife, the former Dorothy Ricketson; stepsons Tommy Graves and Jerry Ricketson; stepdaughter, Rhonda Riggs; brother William Mobley; sister; Alice "Sug" Trumbo; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

Funeral: noon Tuesday at Resthaven Funeral Home. Entombment: Resthaven

The Courier-Journal; Monday  December 20, 2004, Louisville, KY

152?28435 George Henry Mobley, b. 9/9/1917 KY, d. 8/10/2000 Fairdale, KY, bur. Evergreen cem Louisville, KY

m. Alice Joyce Morffew, b. 10/20/1921 Australia, d. 7/27/1999 Fairdale, KY

152?284351 Shirley A. Mobley, b. 7/14/1946 Jefferson, KY, d. 3/18/2007 Bedford, KY


KY Births: George H Mobley Date of Birth: 9 Sep 1917 County: Nelson Mother's name: Ethel Snellen

SSDI: George H. Mobley SSN: 406-09-6088 Last Residence: 40118  Fairdale, Jefferson, Kentucky, Born: 9 Sep 1917 Died: 10 Aug 2000

Vet Gravesites: George H Mobley Service Info.: SGT US ARMY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 9 Sep 1917 Death Date: 10 Aug 2000 Cemetery: Evergreen Cem Cemetery Louisville, KY

152?28436 William L. Mobley, b. 1919

WW II Enlistment: William L Mobley Birth Year: 1919 State of Residence: Kentucky   Enlistment Date: 6 May 1944 Enlistment City: Fort Benjamin Harrison: Civil Life   Education: 1 year of high school Civil Occupation: Foremen, manufacturing Marital Status: Single, without dependent

152?28437 Minnie M. Mobley, b. 1921

m. ____ Brown

152?28438 Mary Lilly Mobley, b. 1923

152?28439 Alice R. Mobley “Sug”, b. 1827

m. ____ Trumbo

1920 Nelson Co: Hezzie (m) 40 KY, Ethel 35, Linard 11, Earl M 7, Oleta R 6, Robert F 4, George H 2, William L 1

152?2844 James William Mobley, b. 1879, d. 11/5/1938 (1908?), bur. St. Vincent de Paul Cem., New Hope, Nelson Co., KY

152?28441 James William Mobley Jr., b. 1908, d. 1928

152?2845 Marshall Mobley, b. 1/29/1883 KY, d. 9/ /1968

WW I Draft: Marshall Mobley County: Nelson State: Kentucky Birth Date: 29 Jan 1883, owns farm Boston, KY, father George

1920 Louisville: Marshall 36s, Railroad machinist

SSDI: Marshall Mobley SSN: 404-64-4181 Last Residence: 40202  Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, Born: 29 Jan 1883 Died: Sep 1968

152?2846 James B. Mobley, b. 6/11/1889 KY

WW I Draft: James Mobley County: Nelson State: Kentucky Birthplace: Kentucky age 28 Birth Date: 11 Jun 1888, single farmer for father

152?285 Rebecca Mobley, b. 1860

152?286 Serena Mobley, b. 1860

m. 11/16/1882 John H. Bell

??? renumbered H. John to ?283 Not sure who these are..

152?283 [name unclear]

152?2831 Katie Mobley, b. 1870, Nelson Co., KY

152?2832 Cory Mobley(f), b. 1872, Nelson Co., KY

152?2833 Harland D. Mobley, b. 6/7/1874, Nelson Co., KY, d. 3/23/1937

m. Mattie E.___, b. 4/10/1877, d. 1/27/1961, Nelson Co., KY

152?2834 Larenda Mobley, b. 1878, Nelson Co., KY

152?2835 Lulu Mobley, b. 1874, Nelson Co., KY


[from KY cemetery records:

James William Mobley, b. 1878, d. 11/5/1938

James William Mobley, Jr., b. 1908, d. 1928

Mary E. Mobley, b. 1889, d. 2/20/1965

(wf. of Walter Griffin Mobley)

Walter G. Mobley, b. 2/12/1896, d. 2/26/1973

Rebecca Mobley, b. 1840, Nelson Co., KY

Serena Mobley, b. 1860, Nelson Co., KY

m. 11/16/1882 John H. Bell


1850 Nelson: H. 33, A. 29, E. 69 (f), A. 40 (f), E. Hughes 16 (f), C. Mobley (f) 9, E. 6, E. (f) 6, J. (m) 5

1860 Nelsom Co: Mobley, Hezekiah 42 KY farmer, Emelice? 39, Catherine Ann 19, Elizabeth Jane 16, John 14, George 10, Infant Dau 2/12, Elizabeth 80 MD (mother), Ada 50 MD (sister)

1870 Nelson Co: Mobely, Hezekiah 53 KY, Amelia 49 KY, George 18, Rebecca 9, John 22 KY, Mary A 20

1880 Nelson Co: Hesekih 63 KY-KY-KY, Amelian 58 KY, Serena 20



#-data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/1989

[Vince Mobley]3/1989 data] @-data Bena Kirkscey ltr.5/13/89

[data Mary Ann Shomaker ltr. 1/13/91] $

info on 1st ux Michelle Y. Leslie mylbjd@ 4/21/97

Mary Ann Shoemaker Maryshoe@ 2/18/2000

Also see placement as:

1591 Lewis/Louis Mobley, b. 1786 MD, d. Apr. 1850, Washington Twp, Belmont, Co., OH @]

m. 12/3/1807 Jemima Thompson, b. 1787, Montgomery Co., MD, d. 1/10/1868 Pleasant Ridge, Monroe Co., OH @]


152?3 Lewis Griffin [Louis] Mobley, b. ca 1782, Frederick Co., MD, d. 12/7/1839, bur. Johnson-Mobley cem Nelson Co., KY[Lutheran][pvt. War 1812] [Will book 22, 36 Nelson Co.]

m. (1) 12/3/1807 Jemima Polly {Mary} Thompson [see note at end of FGS]

(2) 5/10/1826 Anna Shehan in Nelson Co., KY, b. 5/3/1782, d. 8/3/1864 bur. Johnson-Mobley cem. Nelson Co., KY [dau. John Sebastian Shehan/Polly Duval]

[He served War of 1812 in MD {pvt. Capt. Claggetts Co., 6 days 7/ /1813, 5 days 6/ /1814, 9 days 7/ /1814 and 9 days 8/ /1814; he was in Nelson Co., KY tax lists 1816, 17, 21, 23, 25, & 26; listed in Poll Book 1830, 32, 34, 35, 36, & 37]

152?31 William Mobberly, b. ca 1808, MD, d. ca 1880 [to Nelson Co. KY in boyhood][Taylor Co, KY 1850 census]

m. 9/20/1830 Sarah Curtsinger (Cummings), Washington Co., KY, b. ca 1811 KY, d. ca 1876, Nelson Co., KY

152?32 Delilah Ann Mobley, b. 3/17/1810, MD, d. 4/27/1881, Nelson Co., KY bur. Old Lutheran cem.

m. 10/22/1829 Sebastian Shehan, b. 5/4/1808, d. 4/25/1866 [@ dates] bur Old Lutheran cem Nelson Co.

152?33 Thomas L. Mobley, b. 4/27/1814, Nelson Co., KY or MD?,[farmer-#], d. 12/1/1875 both bur. Johnson-Mobley cem Nelson Co., KY [# dates][he was in Poll Book, Bardstown Precinct, Nelson Co., KY 1834, Boston Precinct, Nelson Co., 1835-37] $

Thomas Mobley W., 52, male, married, farmer, d. 7/28/1875 Pneumonia.

b. Maryland., r.Nelson Co. died Nelson Co. son of Lewis G. & Polly Mobley

m. 6/6/1844 Mary Ann Carter, b. 12/15/1825, d. 4/22/1898, dau James Carter/Mary Essex

152?34 Elizabeth Mobley, b. 7/6/1816, MD, d. 8/3/1875 Nelson Co., KY [b. 1811 {age 64}, both bur. Old Mt. Moriah Cem.]

m. 2/19/1833 David Leslie, b. 2/14/1808, Nelson Co., KY, d. 7/6/1878; son of Soloman Leslie Jr/Eufamay Wrightmeyer

152?35 Aquilla Mobley, b. ca 1817, Nelson Co., KY, d. bef. 1850 #[he was in Poll Book, Boston Precinct, Nelson Co., KY, 1838] [will Bk B, p.450]

m. 12/7/1837 Nancy Ann Newman in Nelson Co., KY, b. ca 1817 Nelson Co., KY

152?36 Elijah Mobley, b. 3/21/1818, Nelson Co.,KY, d. 11/18/1881, both bur. Middle Creek cem. Larue Co. KY [he was in Poll Book, Boston Precinct, Nelson Co., KY, 1839] $ [1870 census Hardin Co]

m. 11/17/1842 Bernetta Thomas, b. 2/7/1822, d. 8/5/1886 [dau. Isaac Thomas/Mahala Whitehead]

152?37 Martin Mobley, b. ca 1820, Bullitt Co., KY [lived Jefferson Co]

m. 1/28/1841 Ruth Watson

Civil War Draft: Martin Mobly Residence: Kentucky Class: 2 Congressional District: 5th Age on 1 July 1863: 44 Place of Birth: Kentucky

152?38 Mary Jane Mobley, b. ca 1822, Nelson Co., KY, d. 5/1/1893, Washington Co., KY, bur. Campground cem.

m. 10/25/1855 Thomas Shehan, b. 4/18/1796, d. 4/18/1859 both bur Campground cem Nelson Co.

152?39 John Stuart Mobley, b. 1825/28, Nelson Co., KY, d. 1863/7

m. Nancy A. ___, b. 1826 KY [# name/dates]

[above b. of Jemima/Polly][following b. of Anna]

152?3A Peter Mobley, b. 9/1/1829, Nelson Co., KY, d. 3/31/1903, [#dates] Mt. Salem, KY [lvd 3 miles E. Boston, KY]

m. (1) 10/28/1849 Cecilia Ann Dixson, b. ca 1830, Nelson Co., KY, d. 5/30/1866, Nelson Co., KY, dau. J. & C. Dickson

(2) 1866 Amelia Yager [# name/date]

(3) 3/3/1870 Cindesa Tweddell, b. ca 1836, d. 7/8/1883, Nelson Co., KY [# dates]

(4) 11/2/1886 Anna C. Abell, Nelson Co., KY, [b. 1839][# name/date]

152?3B Rebecca Mobley, b. 9/28/1828, Nelson Co., KY, d. 5/20/1867, Nelson Co., KY, unm.

152?3C Gabriel Mobley, b. ca 1831, 1875, Nelson Co., KY

m. (1) 1863 Cynthia Ann Atcher [# name/date]

(2) 1866 Martha E. Atcher,sister of (1) "

(3) 10/15/1872 Mary E. Shehan Wash. Co., b. 8/7/1842, d. 11/29/1911 [dau Thomas Shehan/Katherine Lockhart][m. 2d 1875 Michael L. Troutman Bullitt Co., KY]

152?3D Benjamin Mobley, b. 1/29/1835, Nelson Co., KY, d. 7/20/1872 bur Middle Creek Bapt. Cem Larue Co., KY

m. ca 1855 Mary Jane Samuels, b. ca 1835, d. 7/21/1925, Larue Co., KY

1860 Nelson Co: Ann 67 KY, Gabriel 29, Benjamin 25, Rebecca 31


[Anna Shehan had dau. b. 12/15/1825{bef. m. to Lewis Griffin}: Emilia Ann Shehan, d. 1901; who m. 6/8/1840 Hezekiah Mobley, Jr.{15218} b. 1816, d. 1897]


I am wondering who David Thompson's wife, Elizabeth Mobley's parents are?  Elizabeth Mobley was born about 1789 in Maryland, died May 15, 1861 in Jackson County, Indiana.  David Thompon and Elizabeth Mobley were married January 03, 1809 in Montgomery County, Maryland.

I believe that David Thompson was living in Belmont County, Ohio about 1810, before ending up in Millwood Township, Guernsey County, Ohio - where most of their children were born.  I don't have the census records in front of me for the exact dates.  I am going by memory.  By the 1850 census they were in Peeble Township, Pike County, Ohio.  David Thompson died May 11, 1858 in Pike County, Ohio.  Elizabeth Thompson ended up moving on to Freetown, Jackson County, Indiana where her children moved to.

David Thompson's sister, Jemima Thompson married Lewis Mobley December 3, 1807 in Montgomery County, Maryland.  Lewis Mobley was the son of Levin Mobley and unknown mother.  Lewis Mobley was born 1786 in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Roy Belanger MinnGemini@ 9/30/05


The father for Lewis Mobley that married Jemima Thompson is Levin Mobley.  I found Levin Mobley living in Montgomery County, Maryland in the 1790 census and in District 1, Montgomery County, Maryland in the 1800 census.  Levi and Lewis Mobley are living right next door to each other on the 1810 Montgomery County, Maryland census.  In 1820 there are 2 Levi Mobley's and 1 Lewis Mobley all in Belmont County, Ohio - each in a different township.  I figure that the father – Levi is living in Smith Township, son - Levi is living in Goshen Township, and son – Lewis is living in Richland Township.


RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: The Families of Ray Boso and Geraldine Reese



These are both the same link for the Levin Mobley family.  I know one of the above links will work for sure.

Roy Belanger MinnGemini@ 10/1/05


Mary Ann Shoemaker Maryshoe@ 2/18/2000

I do not believe that Jemina Thompson was the lst wife of "my" Lewis Griffin Mobley. I realize that you hesitate to change any of Milton's research but would like to ask you to consider the following:

The marriage for Lewis Shehan and Jemina Thompson is very available for people to find. Listed in the marriage records of Montgomery Co. Md.

Several years ago there was quite a discussion on this marriage.

Supposedly this marriage is listed in a family bible kept by Elizabeth Mobley Leslie's daughter-in-law. Elizabeth Mobley Leslie was a dau of Lewis Griffin Mobley.

Michelle leslie writes: " The information on Lewis Mobley and Elizabeth Mobley (his dau) that I have comes from a family Bible I have which was kept by Elizabth's daughter-in-law, Susan Dones Leslie. It lists Elizabeth's birth as 6 July 1816 Frederick Co. Md. It list her parents as Lewis Griffin Mobley and Jemina Thompson Mobley both of Frederick Co. MD.

I believe that someone in the family of Michelle Leslie (mylbjd@) at one time started or attempted to researh the family or...anyway found the above mentioned marriage in Montgomery Co. Md (not Frederick Co.) and put such in the family bible thinking this was true.

Now my proofs against this marriage for my Lewis Griffin Mobley:

l. Lewis Griffin Mobely was in Nelson Co. Ky by 1816 (tax records)

2. His dau Elizabeth Mobley Leslie is buried in the Johnson/Mobley Cemetery in western Nelson Co. Ky (I grew up in Nelson Co. KY) Her tombstone is still standing.and reads:

Old Mount Moriah Cem

row 7 Leslie, Elizabeth b: 1811 d 1 July 1875 wife of David Leslie

Leslie, David b 14 Feb 1808 d 6 July 1875

Nelson co. Ky census

1850 p 315 listed as age 40, b MD.

1860 Precinct 2 Boston household #138, Laslie, Elizabeth age 48 b MD

1870 precinct 2 Boston p 109, Laslie, Elizabeth 58

Thus her ages above are much more in keeping with a birth date of 1811 than 1816

1850 she would have been born in 1810

1860 she would have been born in 1812

1870 the same..born in 1812.

4. The NELSON CO. KY DEATH RECORDS list the following:

Thomas Mobley, W., 62 male, married farmer, d Nelson Co. , son of LEWIS G. AND POLLY MOBLEY. (Thomas named in his father's will)

5. and a most compelling proof from Juley (ljthomas@) She wrote:

Our Jemima Thompson b 1787 Montgomery Co. Md d 1868 Pleasent Ridge, Monroe Co. OH. She married Lewis Mobley b 1786 Montgomery Co. Md d 1850 Washington, Belmont Co. OH, they had 12 children of which was my ggg grandmother Mary Elizabeth Mobley who married Benjamin F. Taylor.

My info comes from the 1850 and 1860 census of OH.

1850 Jemima is 63 living in Belmont Co. OH with husband Lewis.

1860 she is age 72 living with her son John in Monroe Co. OH

There is a History book either Monroe or Belmont Co. OH put out with the family history in it if you are interested".

She also states her info came from the MOBLEY NET ?? This correspondence is dated March 13 1998.

Julie also sent a note saying Jemima Taylor b 1843, Belmont OH was the name of the granddaughter, dau of Elizabeth Mobley and Benjamin Taylor who went to IN after 1850

6. In the IGI of the Morman records is found the following:

Mary Elizabeth Mobley b 1816, Belmont OH, dau of Lewis & Jemimah Thompson Mobley.

All in all I just believe that someone made the error and put a marriage record in the Leslie family bible at a much later date with the incorrect marriage for Lewis Griffin Mobley. Stranger things have happened.

It has been suggested that there were two Lewis Griffin Mobleys and two Jemimah Thompson. That is pure wishful thinking, or an easy out.

I feel my proofs above are such that Jemima Thompson was not the wife of Lewis Griffin Mobley of the War of 1812, Pr. George's Co. Md. He is listed four times in the account of the War of 1812 Pr George's Co. records.

Lewis, Lewis G., x2, and Lewis Griffin.

I also am 99.9% certain that the Hezekiel Mobley who m Elizabeth Kidwell 1796 Pr Geo Co. Md was his brother. they had neighboring farms in Nelson Co. Ky. Not either of these men named a dau Jemimah. nor did any of the descendants. Would seem odd especially since the lst wife of Lewis G. had to have been living in 1822 the date of the last child of the lst marriage.

And...I know the children of Anna Shehans' marriage to Lewis G. Mobley as I have a family paper (put together in late 1800s) which lists the descendants of John Sebastion Shehan I, d 1810 Nelson Co. Ky. Anna Shehan, his dau is listed with just her children by Lewis G. Mobley in his 2nd marriage. Plus there are quite a few court records in Nelson Co. Ky pertaining to the Shehans and Mobleys, thus no doubt etc.

Also feel 99.9 % certain that Lewis Griffin Mobley was not born in Frederick Co. Md. Am chasing a Lewis Griffin who was a Quaker, m in 177?? in the Quaker group which met at "The Cliffs" in Pr. Geo/AA Co. Md. and put out of the Quaker group, or however one states such. Looking for a Griffin as the mother of Lewis Griffin Mobley and Hezekiel Mobley and probably John Griffin Mobley.

The Lewis Mobley b Fred Co. Md was probably the Lewis who m Jemima Thompson and went to OH. I don't know so..

Sorry for such a long note but.. I again feel 99.9 % certain that the Maryland info above and listed in the Mobley files on my Lewis Griffin Mobley of Nelson Co. Ky is incorrect. That supposed bible record just threw all. Bible records are suppose to be correct... ha!

And of course nothing is 100% certain so I could be ????

Mary Ann Shoemaker


FGS EB-152?31 # data from Mary Ann Shoemaker 4/15/1989

[Vince Mobley][data Paul Frantz,3/6/90; Vol.I, p.46,

KY Gen. and Biog. Owensboro, KY]

Lynn Poltar Stax23@ on John (152?3194) 3/27/02


152?31 William Mobberly, b. ca 1808, MD, d. aft 1885 Taylor Co., KY [to Nelson Co. KY in boyhood][House carpenter]

m. 9/20/1830 Sarah Curtsinger “Sallie”, Washington Co., KY, b. ca 1811 KY, d. ca 1876, Nelson Co., KY

152?311 Mary E. Mobberly, b. 1832 Nelson Co., KY [1880 census Larue Co]

m. Thomas Simmons, b. 1828 [# date] son of Thomas & Mary Simmons

152?3111 George W. Simmons, b. 1861 [# name/Date]

152?3112 John H. Simmons, b. 1861 "

152?312 Marietta Mobberly, b. 1833 [# date/name]

1870 Marion Co: Moberly, Loretto 40 KY

1880 Marion Co: Moberly, Lorette (f) 48 KY-MD-KY Single

1900 Marion Co: Mobberly, Loretta 72 Jul 1828 KY-MD-KY (lvg w/ Susan E. Russell 75 Aug 1824 KY-MD-KY

152?313 Lewis Thomas Mobberly, b. 8/26/1835, Washington Co., KY, d. 6/18/1915, Hardin Co., KY Elizabethtown cem [merchant]

m. (1) 11/4/1856 Sinthia [or Siothia] Meece, b. 2/4/1835, d. 2/28/1870, Hardin Co., KY bur Old Stone Ch cem Henderson Co

(2) 3/14/1873 Eliza A. Lawson, b. 6/29/1849, d. 10/13/1912, Elizabethtown cem Hardin Co., KY [# dates][dau. D.A. & Nancy Lawson-@]

152?314 John W. Mobberly, b. 3/ /1838 KY, d. 2/12/1925 Marion Co., KY

m. Mary ____

152?3141 Carrie Mobberly, b. c1869

152?3142 James B. Mobberly, b. 9/ /1872

m. Zelma Hicks, b. 10/ /1879 (dau Thomas B. Hicks)

152?31421 Hazel Mobley, b. c1894

1900 Marion Co: Mobly, James 27 Sep 1872 KY-KY-KY, Zelma 20 Oct 1879 KY-KY-KY, Hazel 6. Ratia? Hicks 20 Oct 1879 (BIL)

1910 Marion Co: Mobley, James B 45 KY, Zelmer 29 KY, Thomas B. Hicks 80 KY FatherLaw

152?3143 Ernest Mobberly, b. c1873

152?3144 Owen D. Moberly, b. 1/ /1875

m. Hattie ____, b. 9/ /1875

152?31441 Estrel Moberly, b. c1905 OH

152?31442 Edith Moberly, b. c1909 OH

m. Edgar D. Kelly, b. c1904 OH

152?314421 Elenor Kelly, b. c1926 OH

152?314422 Edgar O. Kelly, b. c1928 OH

152?31443 Irma Moberly, b. c1915 OH

152?31444 Evelyn Moberly, b. c1917 OH

152?31445 Elouise Moberly, b. c1921 OH

152?31446 Erline Moberly, b. c1925 OH

1900 Marion Co: Mobley, Owen 25 Jan 1875 KY-KY-KY, Hattie 24 Sep 1875 KY-KY-KY

1920 Franklin Co, Columbus: Moberly, Owen 38 OH, -ilva? 35 OH, Estrel? 15, Edith 11, Irma 5, Evelyn 2 3/12

1930 Franklin Co: Ollie D (m) 49 OH, Zilia 46 OH, Erma 15, Evelyn 12, Elouise 9, Erline 5, KELLY, Edith 22 (dau), Edgar D 26 (SIL), Elenor 4, Edgar O 1 9/12, Clayton DeVore 15 & Densil Hyman 20 cousins

152?3145 John F. Mobberly, b. c1878

152?3146 Phinley Mobberly, b. 3/ /1881

152?3147 Grace Mobberly, b. 5/ /1883

1870 Marion Co: Mobly, John 31 KY, Mary 22 KY, Carrie 1

1880 Marion Co: Mobberley, John W 43 KY-VA-KY Blacksmith, Mary L 30 KY-VA-KY, Carrie 11 KY, James B 8, Ernest 7, Owen 5, John F 2

1900 Marion Co: Mobberly, John 62 Mar 1838 KY-KY-KY, Mollie 53 Jan 1847 KY-KY-KY, Carrie 22, Phinley 19 Mar 1881, Grace 17 May 1883

1920 Marion Co: Mobley, John W 81 KY, Mary 77 KY, Carrie 48

KY Deaths: John W Mobberly Death Date: 12 Feb 1924 Death Place: Marion Age: 85

152?315 Napoleon B. (Boneparte) Mobberly, b. 1840 [# date]

m. Sarah ____

152?3151 Charles Mobberly, b. c1871 KY

152?3152 Elzie D. Mobberly, b. 7/ /1873 KY

m. Nancy Lilly, b. 9/ /1873 WV

152?31521 John Sullivan Mobley, b. 9/10/1894 Big Creek, Logan, WV, d. 12/5/1961 Big Creek, WV

m. Ottie Carver, b. c1899 WV

same? SSDI: Ottie Mobley SSN: 279-58-6285 Last Residence: 44107  Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States of America Born: 6 Aug 1898 Died: Apr 1983

OH Deaths: Ottie I Mobley Birth Date: 1899 Birth State: Kentucky Residence City: Brunswick Residence County: Medina Residence state: Ohio Death Date: 6 Apr 1983 City of Death: Cleveland County of Death: Cuyahoga Age at Death: 84 Social Security Number: 232-18-1445 Marital Status: Widowed

152?315211 Wilbur Mobley, b. c1920 WV

same ? WV Marriages: Donald Wilbur Mobley Spouse's Name: Kathleen Ann Coffee Marriage Date: 1949 Marriage Place: Ohio, West Virginia

152?315212 Zell Mobley, b. c1922 WV

152?315213 Mansford Mobley, b. 8/19/1924 WV, d. 10/ /1986 Brunswick, OH

SSDI: Mansford Mobley SSN: 234-24-9718 Last Residence: 44212  Brunswick, Medina, Ohio, Born: 19 Aug 1924 Died: Oct 1986 State (Year) SSN issued: West Virginia

152?315214 Billie Joe Mobley, b. c1926 WV

152?315215 James Mobley, b. 10/9/1928 WV, d. 7/25/1949 Big Creek, WV

WV Deaths: James Mobley Birth Date: 9 Oct 1929 Birth Place: West Virginia Death Date: 25 Jul 1948 Death Place: Big Creek, Logan, West Virginia Burial Date: 27 Jul 1948 Burial Place: Big Creek, Logan County, West Virginia Cemetery Name: Big Creek Death Age: 19 years 8 months 14 days Occupation: Coal Mining Marital Status: Single Father Name: John Mobley Father Birth Place: Big Creek, West Virginia Mother Name: Attie Carver Mother Birth Place: KY


same? WV Marriages: John Mobley Birth Date: abt 1893 Age: 24 Spouse's Name: Elizabeth Boyce Spouse Age: 21 Marriage Date: 5 Apr 1917 Marriage Place: Wellsburg, Brooke, West Virginia

WW I Draft: John Sulivan Mobley County: Logan State: West Virginia Birthplace: West Virginia age 22 Birth Date: 10 Sep 1894, Running R.R. pumping station

1930 Logan, WV: John 34 WV (merchant), Ottie 31 WV, Wilbur 10, Zell 8, Mansford 6, Billie Joe 4 1/12, James 2 2/12

WW II Draft: John S Mobley Birth Date: 10 Sep 1894 Birth Place: Logan, West Virginia Residence: Logan, West Virginia

WV Deaths: John Sulivan Mobley Birth Date: 11 Jul 1893 Birth Place: West Virginia Death Date: 5 Dec 1961 Death Place: Big Creek, Logan, West Virginia Burial Date: 8 Dec 1961 Burial Place: Big Creek, West Virginia Cemetery Name: Big Creek Cem. Death Age: 68 years 4 months 24 days Occupation: Carpenter Residence: Big Creek, Logan, West Virginia Father Name: Elza Mobley Mother Name: Nannie Lilly

152?31522 Ona Mobley, b. 1/ /1896 WV

152?31523 Fannie Mobley, b. 2/ /1899 WV

152?31524 Lula Mobley, b. c1901 WV

152?31525 Myrtle Mobley, b. c1907 WV

1900 Logan: MOBLEY, Eliza 26 Jul 1873, Nancy 26 Sep 1873, John 6 Sep 1893, Ona 4 Jan 1896, Fannie 1 Feb 1899, Edward Silla 72 Mar 1828 Uncle

1910 Logan: MOBBLEY, Elzie D 35 WV, Nancy 34 WV, John Jr 15 (son), Ona 14, Fanny 11, Lula 9, Myrtle 3

152?3153 John Mobberly, b. c1875 KY

1860 Hardin, KY: N.B. 21s, blacksmith

1880 Logan, WV: N.B. 40 KY (blacksmith), Sarah 35, Charles 9. Elsa D 8 (m). John 5. Anne 2

1910 Logan, WV: Napoleon 70, Sarah 65, Oren 12 Gson, Pearl 5 Gdau

152?316 William M. Mobberly, b.1842 KY twin [# date]

poss? 1880 Taylor Co: Mobley, William 45 KY, Eliza A 42 KY

152?317 Sarah E. Mobberley, " " " "

152?318 Susan E. Mobberley, b. 1843 KY [# date]

152?319 George T. Mobley, b. 6/1/1846 KY, d. 2/9/1910, bur Rolling Fork Bapt Cem Larue Co., KY [blacksmith]

John's marriage license lists his father as George T. Mobley and 1880 LaRue Co., KY census, and cemetary records from LaRue Co. also list it as Mobley

m. (1) 1868 Sarah C. Pearman

(2) 12/22/1874 Sarah J. Allen [Sallie], in Larue Co., KY, b. 11/27/1860 KY, d. 3/29/1922, bur Rolling Fork Bapt Cem Larue Co., KY [dau. of George W. Allen]

152?31A Matthew Logan Mobberly, b. 12/1/1848 KY, d. 3/24/1917 both bur. Elkhorn cem, Taylor Co., KY

m. 11/8/1877 Mary Thomas Robinson, b. 5/21/1856, d. 6/19/1916 [dau. of Clayborn Robinson/Tilda Richerson


1850 Marion Co., KY

District 1: Aug. 3, 1850 - Oct. 14, 1850

District 2: Aug. 23, 1850 - Sep. 15, 1850

332b 28 91 91

Mobley William 41 House Carpenter MD, Sarah 39 KY, Marretta 17 KY; Lewis F 15 KY; John W 12 KY; Napoleon B. 10 KY; William M 8 KY; Sarah E 8 KY; George T 5 KY; Susan 7 KY; Matthew L 1 KY

389a 1 860 860

Mobley Joseph 55 Farmer $500 MD; Susan 25 KY; Loretto 22 KY; Levina 16 KY; Margaret 14 KY; Joseph F 12 KY

1870 Marion Co: Moberly, William 54 MD miller, Sarah 52 KY, Mary 35 KY, Machin? 21 (m)

1880 Taylor Co: Mobly, M. L. 31 KY-MD-KY, Mary T 23 KY, Sarah E 1, William 72 (father) MD-MD-MD


FGS EB-152?313 # data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/89

[Vince Mobley]


152?313 Lewis Thomas Mobberly, b. 8/26/1835, Washington Co., KY, d. 6/18/1915, Hardin Co., KY Elizabethtown cem [merchant]

m. (1) 11/4/1856 Sinthia [or Siothia] Meece, b. 2/4/1835, d. 2/28/1870, Hardin Co., KY bur Old Stone Ch cem Hardin Co

(2) 3/14/1873 Eliza A. Lawson, b. 6/29/1849, d. 10/13/1912, Elizabethtown cem Hardin Co., KY [# dates][dau. D.A. & Nancy Lawson-@]

152?313 Elza Devoy Mobberly, b. 9/ /1857, Hardin Co., KY

m. Elizabeth A. Wheatley “Betty”, b. 2/ /1851 KY

152?3131 Essie Moberly, b. 11/ /1881 KY

152?3132 Rubie Moberly, b. 10/ /1883 MO

152?3133 Robert Moberly, b. 5/ /1884 MO

1900 Butler Co., KS: Moberly, Elza 42 Sep 1857 KY, Elizabeth 39 Feb 1861 KY, Essie 18 Nov 1881 KY, Rubie 16 Oct 1883 MO, Robert 11 May 1884 MO

1920 New Madrid Co., MO: Moberly, Elza Devoy 62 KY, Elizabeth 38 KY (wife), Elza Devoy Grogan 7 7/12 TN Gson

152?3132 Robert R. Mobberly, b. 7/12/1859, d. 10/19/1863 Old Stone cem Hardin Co., KY

152?3133 William E. Mobberly, b. 1861, Hardin Co., KY

m. ____

152?31331 Harold Mobberly, d. 1905

152?3134 Emma E. Mobberly, b. 1864 Hardin Co., KY

152?3135 Sarah (Sallie) M. Mobberly, b. 1866

152?3136 Edward Thomas Mobberly[of Eliza], b. 9/19/1875 KY, d. 2/13/1925 Hardin

m. Nora E. Pence, b. 1879, d. 1960 Elizabethtown cem

1910 Hardin: Edward Tomas 34, Nora C 30 (next to L.T.)

WW I Draft: Edward Thomas Mobberly Long Grove, Hardin, Kentucky age 43 Birth Date: 19 Sep 1875, wife Nora E, railroad agent

KY Deaths: Edward Thomas Mobberly Death Date: 13 Feb 1925 Death Location: Hardin Age: 49 Birth Date: 19 Sep 1875 Birth Location: Hardin, Kentucky Father's Name: L T Mobberly Father's Birth Location: Kentucky Mother's name: Elza Lawson Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky


1860 Hardin Co: L.T. 24 KY, Centha 24 KY, Elza 2, Robert R 10/12; lvg w/ Jeremiah Carter

1870 Hardin Co: Lewis T 34 KY blacksmith, Elza D 13, William E 9, Emma E 6, Sarah M 4

1880 Hardin Co: L.T. 44 KY, Eliza A 34 KY, W.E. (m) 19 KY, E.L. (m) 17, S.M. (f) 13, E.T. (m) 4

1900 Hardin: Lewis 64 Aug 1835, Lizzie A 64 Jun 1835, Edd T 24 Sep 1875

1910 Hardin: L.T. 74, Elizabeth 64

KY Deaths: Lewis Thomas Mobberly Death Date: 18 Jun 1915 Death Location: Hardin Age: 79 Birth Date: 26 Aug 1835 Birth Location: Washington Father's Name: William Mobberly Father's Birth Location: Marion, Kentucky Mother's name: Sallie Curtsinger Mother's Birth Location: Marion, Kentucky


Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 3rd ed., 1885, Hardin Co.

LEWIS T. MOBBERLY, merchant and postmaster at Long Grove, Hardin Co., Ky.,is one of a family of twelve children born to William Mobberly and Sarah Curtsinger. His father was born in Maryland in 1808, and removed to Nelson County, Ky., and is now living with his son, Matthew M., in Taylor County, Ky. His wife died in 1876. Eight of their family are living, viz.: Mary E., Lewis T., John W., N.B., William M., Sarah E., Susan E. and Matthew M. Mobberly.

The subject of this sketch was born in Washington County, Ky., August 26, 1835. He was reared to manhood in his native county, and at the age of twenty-one years removed to Hardin County, his present home. In early life he learned the trade of blacksmith, to which he has devoted sixteen years of his time. He is now engaged in merchandising, and for the past ten years has been in the employ of the Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern Railroad Company, as their agent at Long Grove. November 5, 1856, he married Miss Siothia Meece, who died February 28, 1870, leaving four children: Elza D., William E., Emma L. and Sallie M. Mobberly. His present wife, to whom he was married March 14, 1873, was Eliza, a daughter of D. A. and Nancy Lawson. Their union has resulted in the birth of one son, Edward Thomas Mobberly.


FGS 152?319 Lynn Poltar Stax23@ on John (152?3194) 3/27/02


152?319 George T. Mobley, b. 6/1/1846 KY, d. 2/9/1910, bur Rolling Fork Bapt Cem Larue Co., KY [blacksmith]

John's marriage license lists his father as George T. Mobley and 1880 LaRue Co., KY census, and cemetary records from LaRue Co. also list it as Mobley

m. (1) 1868 Sarah C. Pearman

(2) 12/23/1874 Sarah J. Allen [Sallie], in Larue Co., KY, b. 11/27/1860 KY, d. 3/29/1922, bur Rolling Fork Bapt Cem Larue Co., KY [dau. of George W. Allen]

152?3191 Annah E. Mobley, b. 1869 [of 1]

152?3192 Mary M. Mobley, b. ca 1871

152?3193 Malissa F. Mobley, b. 9/12/1879 [of 2]

152?3194 John Mobley, b. 9/12/1885 New Hope, LaRue Co., KY, d. 12/21/1961 Warren, OH

m. 7/3/1909 Virginia Suddith "Vergie" in Clark Co., IN, b. 11/12/1890, d. 7/ /1979 Warren, OH; dau. William Sudduth/Florence Pennington

1910 Marion, IN: John 23 KY, Virgie M 19 IN

WW II Draft: John Mobley Birth Date: 12 Sep 1885 Birth Place: New Hope, Kentucky Residence: Trumbull, Ohio

1920 Vnderburg, IN: John 43, Virginia 39

1930 Wayne, MI: John 43, Virginia 39

152?31941 Georgia Mae Mobley, b. 3/19/1912 KY, d. 6/17/1990 Warren, OH

m. 4/2/1929 Ben Rigel in Warren, OH, b. 7/13/1909, d. 12/21/1995 Warren, OH; son of Adam Rigel/Dora Gusler

152?319411 Robert Rigel, b. 2/10/1930

m. Martha Victoria Kramer

152?3194111 Robert Eugene Rigel

m. Sandy ____

152?31941111 Benjamin Rigel

152?31941112 Douglas Rigel

152?31941113 ____ Rigel

152?3194112 Cynthia Diane Rigel

152?3194113 Kathleen Jean Rigel

m. Pete Kelly

152?3194114 Linda Victoria Rigel

152?3194115 Michael James Rigel

152?31941151 Jack Rigel

152?31941152 Timberly Rigel

152?319412 William Rigel, b. 3/17/1931

m. Virginia Lee Shivley, b. 5/7/1931

152?319413 Virglee Rigel, b. 11/23/1944 Warren, OH

m. 5/5/1962 Joseph Robert Nicopolis in Warren, OH, b. 6/15/1943 Warren, OH; son of George Nicopolis/Margaret Pandelli

152?3194131 Mark Allen Nicopolis, b. 11/18/1962 Warren, OH

m. 4/12/1991 Elizabeth Ann Stuard, b. 4/20/1966

152?31941311 Margaret Elizaabeth Nicoopolis, b. 10/23/1991

152?3194132 Robert Joseph Nicopolis, b. 1/17/1965 "

m. 6/28/1986 Shirley Ann Williams in Hartford, OH, b. 3/9/1965

152?31941321 Joseph Robert Nicopolis II, b. 12/13/1988

152?31941322 Ashley Marie Nicopolis, b. 5/19/1992

152?3194133 Lynn Marie Nicopolis, b. 2/27/1969 "

Met (1) Michael Webb, b. 6/24/1969

m. (2) 10/14/2000 Kenneth Steven Poltar in New Hill, NC, b. 5/29/1967 Sharon, PA; son of Richard Poltar/Nancy Jones

152?31941331 Brandon Michael Nicopolis, b. 2/19/1987

KY Marriages: Geo T Mobley Age: 27 Est. Birth Year: abt 1847 Residence: Larue Spouse Name: Sarah J Allen Spouse Age: 14 Est. Spouse Birth Year: abt 1860 Spouse Residence: Larue Marriage Date: 23 Dec 1874 Marriage Location: Larue

1880 Larue Co, KY: George 33 KY, Sarah J 19 KY, Annah E 11, Mary M 8, Malissa 7, Eliza A. Allen 16 KY Sister in law

1900 Larue: George 53 Jun 1846, Sarah J 39 Nov 1860


FGS 152?31A Jim and Cathy Duke jduke@ 7/16/99


152?31A Matthew Logan Mobley, b. 12/1/1848, d. 3/24/1917, both bur. Elkhorn cem, Taylor Co., KY

m. 11/8/1877 Mary Thomas Robinson , b. 5/21/1856, d. 6/19/1916 dau. of Clayborne Robinson/Tilda Richerson

152?31A1 Sarah Elizabeth Mobley b. 9/9/1878, Ky, d. 9/16/1936, Marion Co., KY

m. 1/14/1903 Willis Quinton Vandike in Marion Co., KY, b. 8/11/1867 Marion Co., KY, d. 12/2/1936 Marion Co., KY [son of Richard Vandike/Martha Anderson

152?31A2 Maudie Matt Mobley, b. 7/24/1880

152?31A3 Ada Mobley, b. 3/13/1882

m. 10/24/1904 Ed Carroll

152?31A31 Bertha Carroll, b. 8/20/1905

m. Owen Lonsberry, b. Mason City, IA

152?31A311 Murray Lonsberry

152?31A312 Edward Lavern Lonsberry

152?31A313 Richard Lee Lonsberry

152?31A4 Goldie Mobley, b. 4/17/1885, d. 7/ /1964

m. Fred Trautwein; b. 11/10/1903. d. 1/ /1970, Louisville, KY

152?31A5 Elworth Lee Mobley, b. 4/7/1887 KY, d. 6/15/1962 Jefferson Co

m. Nell Hocker, b. 8/10/1891, d. 1/ /1976 Logan Co.

152?31A51 Genevieve Mobley, b. c1914

152?31A52 Dorothy Mobley, b. c1915

WW I Draft: Elworth Lee Mobley City: Louisville County: Jefferson State: Kentucky Birthplace: Kentucky Birth Date: 7 Apr 1887

1920 Jefferson Co, KY: Elworth 32 KY, Nell 28 KY, Genevieve 6, Dorothy 5, Paul HUNTER 21 BIL, Isabella Hunter 22 sister

1930 Jefferson: Elworth 42, Nell 38, Genevive 16

152?31A6 Myrtie May Mobley, b. 2/12/1893

m. Les Rafferty, IL

152?31A7 Leonard Gregory Mobley, b. 5/20/1896 Campbellville, KY

m. Isabel Hocker

WW I Draft: Leonard Gregory Mobley City: Louisville County: Jefferson State: Kentucky Birthplace: Kentucky Birth Date: 20 May 1896, grate maker, married

152?31A8 Isabella Mobley, b. c1898 KY

m. Paul Hunter, b. c1899 KY

1880 Taylor Co: Mobly, M. L. 31 KY-MD-KY, Mary T 23 KY, Sarah E 1, William 72 (father) MD-MD-MD

1900 Casey Co: Matt L 51 KY-MD-KY, Mary T 44 KY-VA-KY, Lizzie 21 KY, Ada 18, Golda 15, Elworth (m) 13, Myrtie 10, Lenard 4

1910 Jefferson Co: Mathew 61 KY-MD-KY, Mary 54 KY-VA-KY. Goldie 25 KY, Elworth 23, Mirtle 20, Leonard 13


FGS 152?31A1 Jim and Cathy Duke jduke@ 7/16/99


152?31A1 Sarah Elizabeth Mobley, b. 9/9/1878, Ky, d. 9/16/1936, Marion Co., KY

m. 1/14/1903 Willis Quinton Vandike in Marion Co., KY, b. 8/11/1867 Marion Co., KY, d. 12/2/1936 Marion Co., KY [son of Richard Vandike/Martha Anderson

152?31A11 Yida Mabel Vandike, b. 12/31/1903, Marion Co., KY, d. 12/13/1928, Marion Co., KY

m. 5/3/1920 Cash F. Ewing in Lebanon,KY, b.7/20/1899 KY, d. KY

152?31A111 Clyde Edward Ewing, b. 6/5/1920

152?31A112 Agnes Marie Ewing, b. 1/15/1922, d. Bur. Wiser Cem., Bradfordsville, KY

m.Clarence Dever

152?31A1121 Michael Dever

152?31A12 Leon Wickliffe Vandike, b. 11/27/1904, Bradfordsville, KY, d. 3/21/1991 Toledo, OH

m. 9/24/1932 Susie Alice Drake in Cincinnati, OH

152?31A121 Donald Leon Vandike, b. 6/27/1937

m. 6/20/1964 Susan Brooks Tomlinson in Worthington, OH, b. 1/1/1943

152?31A1211 Robert Wade Vandike, b. 8/29/1967

152?31A1212 Mark Spencer Vandike, b. 6/10/1969

152?31A122 Gerald Kay Vandike, b. 10/6/1942

m. 12/25/1967 Ouida Arnold

152?31A13 Matthew Richard Vandike, b. 10/25/1907, Bradfordsville, KY, d. 8/ /1985, Marion Co., KY

m 12/23/1928 Jessie Witt Woodrum Bradfordsville, KY, b. 4/7/1908, d. 8/ /1980 Bradfordsville, KY

152?31A131 Freida Lewis Vandike, b. 10/30/1940, Bradfordsville, KY, d. 1999, Danville, KY

m 3/10/1956 Guy Noel Junction City, KY, b. 8/28/

152?31A1311 Dereatha Kay Noel, b. 6/13/1957

152?31A1312 Angela Noel, b. 10/7/1958

152?31A1313 Tammy Sue Noel, b. 9/27/1961

152?31A14 Mary Martha Vandike, b. 6/16/1910, Bradfordsville, Marion Co., KY, d. 5/25/1997, Greenwood, Johnson County, IN

m. Roy Waitman Gabehart 1/10/1928 Bradfordsville, KY, b. 6/26/1906 Taylor Co., KY, d. 3/20/1994 Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN [son of George Gabehart/Claudia Murrell]

152?31A141 Elmer Ray Gabehart, b. 11/4/1928, Franklin, Johnson Co., IN, d. 10/1/1930, Franklin, Johnson Co., IN

152?31A142 Launa May Gabehart, b. 2/16/1931, Franklin, Johnson Co., IN

m. Jack Burns Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN, b. 5/8/1937

152?31A1421 Lester Gabehart, b. 8/17/1953, Johnson Co., IN

m. 12//20/1971 Melinda Smith Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN

152?31A14211 Brian Keith Gabehart, b. 6/2/1973

152?31A14212 Angela Jean Gabehart, b. 3/10/1975

152?31A1422 Norman Gabehart, b. 9/25.1962 Johnson Co., IN

m. Michelle____ Johnson Co., IN

152?31A14221 Tiffany Gabehart

152?31A14222 Nathan Gabehart

152?31A143 Weldon Ruedolph Gabehart, b. 6/15/1933 Franklin, Johnson Co., IN

m. Bernadette Quiaktowski, Indianapolis, IN

152?31A144 Marvin Lee Gabehart, b. 1/27/1936 Johnson Co., IN; d. 6/13/1953 Johnson Co., IN

152?31A145 Guy Kenneth Gabehart, b. 10/24/1939, Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN

m. Donna M. Resner, Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN

152?31A146 Catherine Marie Gabehart, b. 5/8/1941, Johnson Co., IN

m. (1) 8/4/1961 James Kenneth Low Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN, b. 1/29/1941 Hope, IN

m. (2) 12/26/1976 James William Duke Muncie, Delaware Co., IN, b. 3/16/1939 Muncie, IN

152?13A1461 Robin Michele Low, b. 10/23/1962, Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN

m. (1) 1982 Jeffrey Scott Garnes Sissonville, WV, b. Charleston, WV

m. (2) 1989 Richard Seymour Mansfield, OH, born in FL

m. (3) 1996 Dairell Davis in GA

152?31A14611 James Alan-Michael Seymour, b. 3/24/1989 [of ux #2]

152?31A14612 Colton Seymour, b. 1/27/1993 “

152?13A462 Theresa Marie Low, b. 12/20/1964, Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN

m. 1/4/1993 Randy Alan Lewis, b. 6/14/1953 Charleston, WV

152?31A14621 Chad Alan Lewis, b. 12/4/1991

152?31A14622 Catherine Mariah Lewis, b. 5/7/1994

152?13A463 Thomas Michael Low, b. 3/25/1967 Beech Grove, Marion Co., IN

m. 9/26/1996 Christi Porterfield Waynesville, NC, b. 4/15/1971 NC

152?31A14631 Alexis Emily Low, b. 11/6/1997

152?13A464 Steven Alan Low, b. 4/8/1968

m. 5/14/1993 Becky ____ in Jacksonville, FL, b. Miami, FL

152?31A14641 Tiffaine Rene Low, b. 9/26/1988

152?31A14642 Nicholas Alan Low, b. 12/14/1991

152?31A14643 Christopher Ryan Low, b. 1/ /1993

152?31A14644 Johnathon Andrew Low, b. 2/28/1994

152?31A147 Elworth Gabehart, b. 10/11/1943 Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN

m. 5/30/1964 Patricia Faye Hood Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN, b. 3/9/1945

152?13A1471 Katherine Lynn Gabehart, b. 7/17/1964

152?13A1472 Lori Ann Gabehart, b. 10/4/1967

152?13A1473 Karen Ann Gabehart, b. 4/4/1971, Johnson Co., IN

m. David Braughton

152?31A14731 Taylor Braughton

152?13A1474 Jennifer Lynn Gabehart, b. 2/16/1974

m. Derrick Carmichael in Greenwood, IN

152?31A14741 Noah Carmichael, b. 5/ /1999

152?31A148 Mildred Norene Gabehart, b. 6/23/1946, Johnson Co., IN

m. 4/ /1970 Charles Parker Williams Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN, b. 7/6/1939 Danville, IN

152?13A1481 Sherry Lynn Williams, b. 6/14/1972, Evansville, IN

m. Lowell Bailey in Greenwood, Johnson Co., IN, b. IN

152?31A14811 Elizabeth Bailey

152?31A14812 Nicholas Bailey

152?13A1482 Charles P. Williams, b. 6/3/1974, Evansville, IN

152?31A149 George Willis Gabehart, b. 9/6/1948 Johnson Co., IN

m. 5/3/1974 Patricia K. Branham

152?13A1491 Joseph Waitman Gabehart, b. 5/9/1976

m. 5/ /1999 Amy Kistler, b. 5/16/1976

152?31A14911 Isaac Waitman Gabehart

152?13A1492 Jason Michael Gabehart, b. 3/15/1981

152?31A15 Evelyn Inez Vandike, b. 6/25/1914, Bradfordsville, KY

m. 1/26/1936 Edgar Purdy Marion County, KY, b. 2/2/1905 Marion Co., KY, d. 4/28/1983 Marion Co., KY [son of John Purdy/Maggie Purdy

152?31A151 George Donnelly Purdy, b. 2/20/1937 Bradfordsville, KY, d. 6/18/1995, Austell, GA

m. Louise Morris

152?13A1511 George Purdy

152?13A1512 Frank Purdy

152?13A1513 Mickey Purdy

152?31A152 Jesse Purdy, b. 12/29/1939, Bradfordsville, KY

m. 2/27/1963 Janice Russell Springfield, KY

152?13A1521 Kevin Russell Purdy, b. 6/18/1964

152?13A1522 Erin Leonard Purdy, b. 2/25/1977


FGS EB-152?32 @-data Bena Kirkscey ltr. 5/13/89 [+ Mary Ann d. 10/15/89]

data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/89; # Vince,10/22/89

Bena Kirkscey BenaTKirk@ 4/4/2002


152?32 Delilah Ann Mobley, b. 3/17/1810, MD, d. 4/27/1881, Nelson Co., KY

m. 10/22/1829 Sebastian Shehan, b. ca 1812 [# dates], b. 5/4/1808, d. 4/25/1866 [@ dates]

152?321 Lewis Shehan, b. 2/5/1833, d. 6/10/1913 @

m. 10/17/1854 Caroline Jupin, Nelson Co., KY @

152?322 John Shehan, b. 11/26/1833, d. 3/29/1880 @

m. (1) 1/8/1856 Sarah Ann Dickerson @

(2) Kate Lewis

152?323 Mary Shehan, b. 11/27/1835, d. 12/27/1869, Nelson Co., KY @

m. 1/12/1858 John Dickerson Nelson Co., KY, b. 4/6/1834, d. 7/8/1903[son of George Dickerson/Penelope Eleanor Anderson]

152?3231 Elizabeth Ann(Betty) Dickerson, b. 10/25/1858, Nelson Co., KY, d. 6/25/1902, Brown Co., TX @

m. John Albert Taylor @, [b. 1856, d.1933 #]

152?32311 Gertrude Irene Taylor, b. 2/28/1881, d. 9/1/1957, Bangs Co., TX @

m. 12/24/1899 Rufus Stephens, Brown Co., TX @

152?32312 Stafford Augustus Taylor, b. 2/2/1882 @ [d. 1884 #]

152?32313 Willie Beatrice Taylor, b. 2/1/1885, d. 8/14/1963, TX@

m. (1) Harvey Ribble @

(2) [3/25/1911 #] Stonewall Bowers @

152?32314 Marvin Elzie Taylor, b. 2/15/1887, Brown Co., TX, d. 8/8/1974, Brady, TX @

m. (1)[12/31/1908 #] Bessie Sawyer Ashby @

(2) Virginia Cobb @

152?32315 George Isaac(Dee) Taylor, b. 10/19/1889, d. 9/3/1969, Houston, TX

m. (1) 6/17/1917 Maggie Milam @

(2) Pearl Howard @

152?32316 John Taylor, b. 12/2/1891, d.6/30/1978, TX @

m. 8/7/1917 Audgenia(Edd) Spurlock @

152?32317 Stewart Morgan Taylor, b. 11/11/1893, Brown Co., TX, d. 11/21/1978, Kerrville, TX @

m. 12/31/1923 Viga Ione(Bill) Chalson @

152?32318 Lydia Taylor, b. 4/5/1898, d. 8/9/1987, TX @

m. (1) 9/2/1919 Charles Dunbar

(2) Floyd Little

152?32319 Lillie Taylor, b. 4/5/1898, d. 1910, Kimble, TX@

152?3231A Albert Ray Taylor, b. 11/13/1900, Brown Co., TX

m. (1) 3/16/1924 Deana Lorena Taylor, b. 3/13/1903, d. 10/20/1972, Junction, TX @[dau. Thomas Carney Taylor/Laura Evans #]

(2) 4/23/1977 (widow) Meda Lewis @

152?3231A1 Bena Ray Taylor, b. 9/20/1928 Junction, Kimble Co., TX, dau. Of Albert Ray Taylor/Deana Lorena Taylor [ret. Teacher, lvs Rosebud, TX]

m. 7/25/1948 Thomas Dupree Kirkscey, b. 8/23/1928 Lott, Falls Co., TX, son of Thomas Cicero Kirkscey/Bernice Barnett

152?3231A11 Timothy Wayne Kirscey, b. 10/30/1952 Eagle Lake, Colorado Co., TX

m. 12/23/1972 Janice Rose Greger in Westphalia, Falls Co., TX

152?3231A111 Deana Lynn Kirkscey, b. 4/21/1980 Temple, Bell Co., TX

152?3231A112 Matthew Thomas Kirkscey, b. 4/27/1986 "

152?3231A12 Mark Taylor Kirkscey, b. 5/27/1956 Marlin, Falls Co., TX

m. 6/20/1981 Kenna Kaye Ball in Hurst, Tarrant Co., TX

152?3231A121 Christopher Taylor Kirkscey, b. 7/21/1988 Temple, Bell Co., TX

152?3231A122 Amanda Kaye Kirkscey, b. 7/28/1992 "

152?3231A13 Thomas Russell Kirkscey, b. 7/25/1966 Marlin, Falls Co., TX [on parents 18th wedding anniversary]

m. 7/22/1989 Laurie Kay Bernhard in Fredericksburg, Gillespie Co., TX

152?3231A131 Eleanor Olivia Kirkscey, b. 1/23/1995 Austin, Travis Co., TX

152?3231A132 Thomas Bernhard Kirkscey, b. 4/1/1997 "

152?3232 Missouri Jane Dickerson, b. 9/6/1860, d. 9/1/1882 @

152?3233 Nancy Ellen Dickerson, b. 1863, d.y., Nelson Co., KY @

152?3234 George Ray Dickerson, b. 1/19/1864, Nelson Co., KY @

152?3235 Mary Kate Dickerson, b. 9/11/1866, d. 11/14/1957? @

m.___ Botto @

152?3236 (infant son) b. & d. 1/1/1869 @

152?3237 John Sebastian(Babe) Dickerson, b. 12/9/1869, d. 6/8/1953, Nelson Co., KY @

m. (1) Mary Julia ___ @

(2) Lillie K. ___ @

152?324 Emilia Shehan, b. 10/17/1837, d. 4/1/1885. Nelson Co., KY @

m. John L. M. Carter @

152?325 Lizzie Shehan @

m.___ Wimsett @

152?326 Sarah Ann(Sallie) Shehan, b. 10/10/1831?, Nelson Co., KY @

m. Thomas Clements @

152?327 [Mary?] Kate Shehan, b. 9/26/1845, d. 4/11/1917, Nelson Co., KY @

m. 3/5/1882 or 5/9/1882 John Dickerson(his 2d. wf/see 152?323 above)[he b. 4/6/1834, d. 7/8/1903 #]

152?3271 Benedict Alexander Dickerson, b. 9/11/1886, Nelson Co., KY, d.11/5/1967, Louisville, KY

m. 1/2/1905 Mary Adelaide Rogers, Nelson Co., KY

152?32711 Herbert Alexander Dickerson, b. 7/27/1916,Nelson Co., KY, #

m. 11/17/1936 Theresa Ann Sims, Nelson Co.

152?327111 Mary Ann Dickerson, b. 9/8/1937, Bardstown, KY[lv. Oakton, VA #]

m. 6/11/1960 Hugh L. Shoemaker, New Haven, KY

152?328 Josephine Shehan @

m.___ Miller @

152?329 Peter Shehan @

152?32A Darius Shehan @

152?32B Greenberry Shehan, b.9/25/1841, d.unm.Civil War @

152?32C Tom Shehan, d.y., Nelson Co., KY @

152?32D Laura Shehan, b. 8/3/1843, d. 12/29/1905, Nelson Co., KY @


FGS EB-152?33 # data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/1989

[Vince]3/89 data]


152?33 Thomas L. Mobley, b. 4/27/1814 MD, d. 12/1/1875, both bur. Johnson-Mobley cem Nelson Co., KY [he was in Poll Book, Bardstown Precinct, Nelson Co. KY 1834, Boston Precinct, Nelson Co., 1835-37] $

Thomas Mobley, 52, male, married, farmer, d. 7/28/1875 Pneumonia.

b. Maryland., or Nelson Co. died Nelson Co. son of Lewis G. & Polly Mobley

m. 6/6/1844 Mary Ann Carter, b. 12/15/1825, d. 4/22/1898, dau James Carter/Mary Essex

152?331 Mary Mobley, b. 1845, KY [# date/name] (same as #2?)

152?332 Mollie Mobley, b. 6/5/1845, d. 11/17/1889

m.___ Huff

152?333 Sarah C. Mobley, b. 1847, KY " "

m. Henry Sims

152?3331 Alice Sims, b. 9/ /1875 Bardstown

152?334 Joseph Mobley, b. 1849, KY " "

m. Mollie ____

1880 Nelson: Joseph 30, Mollie 18

152?335 Ellen Mobley, b. 9/16/1850 " " d. 10/6/1866 #

152?336 James Lewis Mobley, b. 1852, KY, d. 7/7/1877 in Lincoln a widower

m. 1870 Matilda Green " "

152?337 Elizabeth Jane Mobley, b. 2/9/1855, Nelson Co., KY, d. ca 1910 [# middle name]

152?338 Thomas L. Mobley, (Jr.), b. 1/14/1858, Nelson Co., d. ca 1920

152?339 William Alexander Mobley, b. 2/26/1860 Nelson Co., KY, d. 10/31/1939 Lincoln Co., KY

m. Sallie Turner Murphy, b. 9/27/1864 Lincoln, KY, d. 12/13/1936, dau. John Logan Murphy/Eliza Jamn Lynn

152?3391 Thomas L. Mobley, b. 8/ /1886 KY

152?3392 Mary E. Mobley, b. 8/ / 1887 KY

152?3393 Mannie L. Mobley (m), b. 1/18/1893 KY, d. 11/29/1987 Stanford, KY

same? 1930 Kenton: Mannie 37 (lumber mill), Mary 41, Mary 14, George 17, William 11, Francis 6, Sallie 4 5/12

SSDI: Mannie L. Mobley SSN: 406-18-0618 Last Residence: 40484  Stanford, Lincoln, Kentucky, Born: 18 Jan 1893 Died: 29 Nov 1987

152?3394 William S. Mobley, b. 7/15/1896 KY, d. 1/7/1952 Fayette Co., KY

KY Deaths: William S Mobley Death Date: 7 Jan 1952 Death Location: Fayette Age: 55 Birth Date: Jul 1896 Father's Name: W A Mobley Mother's name: Sallie Murphy

WW I Draft: William Slyrou? Mobley City: Akron County: Summit State: Ohio Birthplace: Kentucky; Birth Date: 15 Jul 1896 Firestone Rubber worker, single

WW I Enlistment: William S. Mobley Age: 22 1/12 Years Birth Date: abt 1895 Birth Location: Stanford, (Lincoln Co) Kentucky Enlistment Date: 23 Sep 1917 Enlistment Akron, Ohio Enlistment Division: National Army LB 4: Comments: Co D 332 Infantry to 14 May 1918; Co H 163 Infantry to 24 May 1918; Co B 26 Infantry to Discharge Private, first class 1 March 1918. Montdidier-Noyon; Aisne-Marne; St Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne; Defensive Sector. American Expeditionary Forces 22 Apr 1918 to 24

Home for Disabled Soldiers: William S Mobley Birth Year: abt 1897 Birth State: Kentucky Admitted Year: 1922 Age at Admission: 25 Marion, Grant Co, Indiana

152?3395 Ada B. Mobley, b. 8/ /1897 KY


1900 Lincoln: William A 40 Feb 1860 (section foreman), Sallie T 35 Apr 1864, Thomas L 12 Aug 1886, Mary E 12 Aug 1887, Mannie L 7 Jan 1893, William S 4 Jul 1895, Ada B 2 Aug 1897

1910 Lincoln: Thomas L 50, Sallie T 45, Thomas L 23, Mary L 22, Mannie L 17, William S 14, Ada B `12, Elisa J. MURPHY 82 Wd (MIL)

1920 Lincoln: William A 59, Sallie T 55, Thomas L 33s, Ada 22s, Eliza Murphy 91 (MIL)

1930 Lincoln: W.A. 70, Sallie T 66, Ada B 33, Thomas L 43s, E.R. Rees 37 (Gson)

KY Deaths: William R Mobley Death Date: 31 Oct 1939 Death Location: Lincoln Age: 79 Birth Date: 26 Feb 1860 Birth Location: Nelson Spouse's Name: Sallie Mobley Father's Name: Thomas Mobley Father's Birth Location: Nelson Mother's name: Mary Ann Carter Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky

KY Deaths: Sallie T Mobley [Sallie T Murphy] Death Date: 13 Dec 1936 Death Location: Lincoln Age: 72 Birth Date: 27 Sep 1864 Birth Location: Lincoln Spouse's Name: W A Mobley Father's Name: John Logan Murphy Father's Birth Location: Kentucky Mother's name: Eliza Jan Lynn

152?33A Maranda Mobley, b. 1863 KY

152?33B Manson T. Mobley, b. 6/2/1866, Nelson Co., KY, d. 7/25/1888 bur Johnson-Mobley cem.

152?33C Mary E. Mobley, b. 1872

152?33D Annie Mobley, b. 1874, KY " "

1850 Nelson: Thos 36, M. 25, Mary 5, S. 3 (f), J 1 (m)

1860 Nelson Co: Mobley, Thomas 49 MD farmer, Mary Ann 34, Polly 14, Sarah C 12, James Lewis 11, Ellen 9, John 7, Elizabeth 5, William A 3/12

1870 Nelson Co: Mobely, Thomas 56 MD, Mary A 44 KY, John 17 KY, E. Jane 15, William 9, Marinda 9, Manson 4, GREEN, Matilda 23 (at home)

KY Deaths: Thomas Mobley Death Date: 1 Dec 1875 Death Location: Nelson Residence Location: Nelson Age: 62 Birth Date: abt 1813 Father's Name: Lewis G Mobley Mother's name: Polly Mobley

1880 Nelson: Mary Mobley 53 (Wid)house keeper Lizzie Cook 8 Cassie Cook 6 Mary Cook 4 Nellie Cook 2 Victor Cook 6m (all listed as children?)

1880 Nelson Co: Troutman, Sheurly (m) 23, Mobley, William 20 (son), Maranda 17 (dau) 17, Manson 14 (son), Mary E (dau) 8, Annie (dau) 6


FGS EB-152?35 # data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/1989

[Vince]3/89 data]


152?35 Aquilla Mobley, b. ca 1817, Nelson Co., KY, d. bef. 1850 #[he was in Poll Book, Boston Precinct, Nelson Co., KY, 1838] [will Bk B, p.450]

m. 12/7/1837 Nancy Ann Newman, b. ca 1817 Nelson Co., KY [m. 2d 1851 Robert Westham]

152?351 Lewis Griffin Mobley, b. 10/5/1840, MO, both bur. New Salem Bapt Ch, Nelson Co., KY

m.(1)_____Miller, b. MO

m.(2) Susan R. Fowler

m.(3) 7/21/1861 Susan Catherine Fowler, Nelson Co. b. 6/20/1838, d. 4/30/1905

152?352 Aquilla Mobley, (Jr.), b. 1/ /1842 MO [Aquilla was Pastor Eubank Bapt. Church in 1892]

m. 1865 Martha J. Ross, b. 2/ /1844 KY

152?3521 Robert G. Mobley, b. c1866 KY

SAME ? 1900 Boyle Co, KY: Robert G 35 Feb 1865 KY, Lizzie 29 Jul 1870 (m. 11 yrs), Ellise (m) 10 May 1890, Blanche 5 Apr 1895, Jennie 2 May 1898

1910 Boyle Co KY: Moberley, Robert 42 KY, Lizzie 39 KY, Blanche 15, Forest 8, Stelen (f) 5, Mary 3, Lawrence 7/12

KY Deaths: Death date 9 Dec 1937 Boyle Co

152?3522 Eannie? Mobley, b. c1870 KY

152?3525 Bettie W. Mobley, b. c1872 KY

152?3523 Mattie N. Mobley, b. 6/ /1875 KY

152?3524 Ruth S. Mobley, b. 5/ /1880 IN

1870 Jefferson Co, KY: Aquillar 28 MO, Martha J 26 KY, Robert G 4, Eannie? 1/12

1880 Ohio Co, IN: Aquilla 38 (minister), Martha J 36, Robert G 14, Esrene? 10 (f), Bettie W 8, Mattie 5 KY, Ruth 1/12 KY

1900 Casey Co: Augilla 58 Feb 1842 MO-KY-KY (Preacher), Martha J 56 Feb 1844 KY-KY, Matter N (f) 25 Jun 1864 (sic) KY, Ruth S 20 May 1880 IN


FGS EB-152?351


152?351 Lewis Griffin Mobley, b. 10/5/1840, MO, d. 7/18/1916, both bur. New Salem Bapt Ch, Nelson Co., KY

m.(1)_____Miller, b. MO

m.(2) Susan R. Fowler

m.(3) 7/21/1861 Susan Catherine Fowler, Nelson Co. b. 6/20/1838, d. 4/30/1905

152?3511 Albert Mobley, b. 10/26/1862, d. 9/1/1887 New Salem cem

152?3512 John A. Mobley, b. 5/14/1864 Nelson Co., KY, d. 2/12/1874 scarlet fever

152?3513 Mary J. Mobley, b. 1866 bur. Mobley cem Nelson Co., KY

152?3514 Edwin Noel Mobley, b. 10/20/1868 Nelso Co., KY, d. 6/25/1916 Nelson Co

m. Mary B.___, b. 7/31/1871, d. 2/2/1953 New Salem cem

152?35141 Marion Mobley, b. 4/ /1891

152?35142 Ethel Mobley, b. 10/ /1893

152?35143 Walter Griffin Mobley, b. 2/12/1896, d. 1973, both bur. St. Vincent de Paul Cem., New Hope, Nelson Co., KY

m. Mary E. ____, b. 1876, d. 1948

WW I Draft: Walter Griffin Mobley Nelson Co, KY age 21 b. 12 Feb 1896, farm laborer, single support mother & sisters

KY Deaths: Walter G. Mobley Death Date 26 Feb 1973 Nelson Co age 77

SSDI: Walter Mobley SSN 704-03-3347 last residence 40052 New Hope, Nelson, KY, born 12 Feb 1896, SSN issued by Railroad board

152?35144 Leon Mobley (f), b. 3/ /1898

152?35145 Wallace Mobley, b. c1901

152?35146 Guy Mobley, b. c1903

152?35147 Gladys Mobley, b. c1906

152?35148 Evelyn Mobley, b. c1909

1900 Nelson Co: Ed N 32 Oct 1868 KY-MO-KY, M.B. 28 Jul 1871 KY-KY, Marion 9 Apr 1891, Ethel 6 Oct 1893, Walter 4 Feb 1896, Leon (f) 2 Mar 1898

1910 Nelson Co: Elwin N 41 KY, Mary 38 KY, Marion 19, Ethel 16, Walter 14, Leon 12, Wallace 9, Guy 7, Gladdis 4, Evelyn 1 1/12

152?3515 Martha L. Mobley, b. 1870

152?3516 Sarah Mobley, b. 1873

152?3517 Ida Frances Mobley, b. 3/17/1875

152?3518 Louis Griffin Mobley, (Jr.), b. 5/26/1877 Samuels, KY, d. 6/5/1942 Jefferson Co., KY

m. Ada F.____, b. 7/ /1875, d. 1961 both bur. Bondstone cem

1910 Bullitt: Louis 32 clerk general store, Ada 34

WW I Draft: Louis Griffin Mobley City: Louisville County: Jefferson State: Kentucky age 41 Birth Date: 26 May 1877, railroad

1930 Jefferson: Louis G 53, Ada F 54

KY Deaths: Louis Griffin Mobley Jr Death Date: 5 Jun 1942 Death Location: Jefferson Age: 65 Birth Date: 22 May 1877 Birth Location: Samuels, Kentucky Father's Name: Louis Griffin Mobley Father's Birth Location: Kentucky


KY Marriages: Lewis G Mobley age 21, spouse name Susan K. Fowler age 22 b. Nelson, date 2 Jul 1861 Nelson

1860 Nelson Co: Mobley, Lewis G 19 (miller) MO lvg w/ Irvin Miller

1870 Nelson Co: Mobely, Louis G 29 KY, Susan e 32 KY, Albert 7, John A 6, Mary J 4, Edward L 1

1880 Nelson Co: Mobly, L.G. 39 MO-KY-KY, Susan 44 KY, Albert 17 KY, Mary J 13, Edward N 11,Martha L 10, Sarah 7, Ida F 5, Louis G 3

1900 Nelson Co: Mobley, Louis G. Sr 59 Oct 1840 MO-KY-KY , S.C. 61 Jun 1838 KY-KY, Louis G Jr 23 Oct 1876 KY, Ada 24 Jul 1875 (DIL)

1910 Nelson Co: Mobley, Louis G 69 KY Wd, Mrs L.H. Deacon 39 dau Wid, Jetta R 16, Bessie 12

KY Deaths: Lewis Griffin Mobley death date 18 Jul 1916 Location Nelson age 75, Birth Date 5 Oct 1840 MO, Mothers name Mary Newman b. Boston KY


FGS EB-152?36 [data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/1989]

Ruth Lambert Prewitt rprewitt1@ 8/27/01 & 9/10/01


152?36 Elijah Mobley, b. 3/21/1818, Nelson Co., KY, d. 11/18/1881, both bur. Middle Creek Bapt. Cem Larue Co. [he was in Poll Book, Boston Precinct, Nelson Co., KY, 1839] $ [1870 Hardin Co census]

m. 11/17/1842 Bernetta Thomas, in Hardin Co., b. 2/7/1822, d. 8/5/1886 bur Middle Creek cem Larue Co.[dau. Isaac Thomas/Mahala Whithead]

152?361 Mary J. Mobley, b, 1843, Larue Co., KY

152?362 Mahala Mobley, b. 1845 "

152?363 Josephine Mobley, b. 2/3/1848 ", d. 6/26/1917 Hardin Co., KY bur Middle Creek cem. Larue Co., KY

m. Felix Ash, b. 12/15/1842, d. 5/22/1912

152?3631 James Ash, b. 6/25/1866, d. 10/17/1896

152?364 Phebe A. Mobley, b. 1850 Hardin Co., KY

152?365 Martha Jane Mobley "Mattie", b. 7/5/1855 Hodgenville, Larue Co., KY, d. 4/2/1879, both bur. Middle Creek cem Larue Co.

m. 9/13/1870 George Washington Dever in Hardin Co., KY, b. 9/13/1853 Hardin Co., KY, d. 1/6/1929 Salt River, Bullitt Co., KY [son of William Dever/Nancy Coy] {m. (2) Susan Ann Mobley 152?367, sister of Martha Jane}

152?3651 Ollie Dever, b. 10/14/1877 Hodgenville, Larue Co., KY, d. 6/25/1956 Owensboro, Davies Co., KY bur White Mem. Gdns cem

m. (1) 9/26/1911 Eva Lena Essex in Rockport, IN, b. 8/25/1882, d/ 6/4/1945 [div]

m. (2) 10/28/1922 Mable Richardson Rockport, IN, b. 1/1/1900

152?36511 Infant Dever, b. & d. 1/28/1879

152?36512 Clay Dever

152?36513 Mary Elizabeth Dever, b. 5/5/1906, d. 1971 Warren Co., KY

m. 3/24/1925 Warren Prewitt Owensboro, KY, b. 9/18/1904, d. 7/31/1978

152?365131 James Willard Prewitt, b. 6/3/1926

m. 6/12/1951 Elizabeth Edith Goff, b. 1932

152?3651311 Jamie Lynn Prewitt

152?3651312 Robert M. Prewitt

m. Sheila K. ____

152?36513121 Alexander Jay Prewitt, b. & d. 12/29/1999

152?3651313 Helen Louise Prewitt, b. 4/23/1928

m. 6/14/1952 Louis Muller, b. 9/24/1923, d. 11/28/1976

152?36513131 Richard Allen Muller, b. 8/14/1954

152?36513132 Rachelle Anne Muller, b. 3/21/1956

m. 6/8/1986 Steven Perkins

152?365131321 Chad Perkins, b. ca 1987

152?365133 Hayward E. Prewitt, b. 8/26/1930

m. (1) 1949 Edna Louise Kidel, b. 1932

m. (2) 1/21/1962 Ruth Virginia Lambert, b. 7/31/1934

152?3651331 Bonnie Jean Prewitt, b. 2/14/1951

m. Ronnie Embry

152?3651332 Michael Warren Prewitt, b. 10/31/1953

m. (1) Cynthia ____

m. (2) Pamela Mudd

152?36513321 Michell Prewitt, b. ca 1972

152?36513322 Michael Anthony Prewitt, b. 1973

152?36513323 Michael Warren Prewitt, Jr., b. 1977

152?36513324 Christopher Prewitt, b. 1978

152?36513325 Cynthia Prewitt, b. 1979

152?3651333 Sharon Elizabeth Prewitt, b. 10/11/1955

m. Kenneth Badgett

152?3651334 Eugene Hayward Prewitt, b. 7/5/1958

m. 1995 Dorothy ____

[below of ux #2]

152?3651335 Richard Dennis Prewitt, b. 6/21/1959

m. 3/10/1979 Julie Marie Lester, b. 12/18/1959

152?3651336 Anna Marie Prewitt, b. 10/8/1981

152?3651332 Scott Anthony Prewitt, b. 4/10/1962

m. 6/ /1993 Libby Marie Davis, b. 11/7/19??

152?36513321 Lindsay Marie Ward, b. 9/4/1986 (step child)

152?36513322 Christopher Scott Prewitt, b. 2/ /1989

152?365134 Wanda Jean Prewitt

152?365135 Warren Prewitt, Jr.

152?366 Mary Belle Mobley, b. 1858 KY, d. 1910 bur. Union Christian Ch. Cem. Larue Co., KY

m. Felix Dever, b. 11/19/1850, d. 6/3//1933

152?3661 Lewis Dever, b. 4/3/1880, d. 1962

m. 4/3/1901 Lula Kate Ballinger, b. 5/3/1882, d. 1950

152?3662 Raymond Dever, b. 3/12/1902, d. 1/7/1980

m. 5/7/1921 Myrtle Mae Townsend, b. 3/25/1904, d. 3/26/1981

152?36621 Cecil Earl Dever, b. 4/30/1922

152?36622 Roy Kenneth Dever, b. 5/9/1925

152?36613 Mary Emma Dever, b. 6/3/1906, d. 1936

152?3662 Clay Dever

152?3663 Otto Robert Dever, b. 2/1/1893, d. 1962

m. Lizzy Mae Coyle

152?36631 Jesse Earl Dever, b. 4/23/1934, d. 1/4/1986

m. Shirley Acuff

152?366311 Michael Douglas Dever, b. 1/14/1958

m. Deloris Foreman

152?3664 Chester Dever

152?3665 Mattie Dever

152?3666 Lillian Dever

152?3667 Lee Ella Dever

152?3668 Ida Dever

152?3669 Florence Dever

152?367 Susan Ann Mobley, b, 5/16/1862 Larue Co., KY, d. 4/2/1916 Shepherdsville, Bullitt Co., KY bur. Middle Creek cem Larue Co.

m. 1880 George Washington Dever in Hardin Co., KY, b. 9/13/1853, d. 1/6/1929

152?3671 Elijah Dever, b. 2/19/1882, d. 12/18/1961

m. 6/9/1901 Hannah Lula Hatfield [3 children}

152?3672 Clelly Dever, b. 11/10/1882, d. 2/15/1972

m. 12/23/1903 Sarah Ada Carney, b. 9/17/1886, d. 10/10/1944 [9 children]

152?3673 Rose Dell Dever, b. 11/15/1884, d. 1945

m. Ezra Johnson, b. 1868, d. 1946

152?3674 Dudley Dever, b. 7/21/1886, d. 8/13/1969

m. 2/22/1912 Minnie Jane Metcalf, b. 2/27/1887, d. 7/19/1968

152?3675 Bertha Dever, b. 4/17/1888, d. 4/20/1960

m. Gobel Tinnel, b. 6/21/1900, d. 12/11/1924

152?3676 William Henry Dever, b. 10/30/1890, d. 1968

m. Nola Johnson, b. 1895, d. 1980

152?3677 Lee Dever, b. 7/17/1892, d. 6/28/1905

152?3678 Robert Dever, b. 4/9/1894, d. 3/31/1978

m. (1) Molly E. Agatha Mathis, b. 12/19/1894, d. 5/5/1935

m. (2) Zelma Hawlett

152?3679 D. Roy Dever, b. 2/21/1897, d. 1960

m. Marie Osbourne, b. 1903

152?367A Beulah Dever, b. 11/15/1899, d. 4/22/1947

m. 3/5/1921 James Corbett Tinnell, b. 6/29/1893, d. 9/21/1971

152?367B Florence Dever, d. ca 1990

m. ____ Hatfield

152?367C Jesse Dever, b. 10/4/1899, d. 8/18/1925 [dob ??]

152?367D James Dever, b. 11/8/1903, d. 1981

m. Anna Mae ____

152?367E Hubert Dever, b. 8/28/1909, d. 1/9/1949

m. Ona Price, b. 2/18/1910

1860 Hardin Co, KY: Mobberly, Elijah 42 KY, Bernetta 38 KY, Mahala 14, Josephine 12, Martha J 5, Mary 2

1870 Hardin: Moberly, Elijah 52 KY, Bernetta 48 KY, Mattie 15, Mary B 12, Susan 8

1880 Hardin: Mobley, Elijah 62 KY, Burnetta 58 KY


FGS EB-152?39 [data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/1989]


152?39 John Stuart Mobley, b. 1825, Nelson Co., KY, d. 1863/7

m. Nancy A. ___, b. 1826 [# name/dates]

1850 Washington: John 25, Nancy A 24, Willkiam 1

152?391 Susan Mobley, b. 1849

m. 8/13/1871 Charles Sallee, Washington Co., KY

152?392 William Mobley, b. 1/12/1853, d. 3/6/1919 Wash. Co., KY

m. 8/15/1877 Mary Elizabeth Brown, b. 3/19/1858, d. 2/1/1916 both bur. Birdstown cem Nelson Co., KY

152?393 Elijah Mobley, b. 12/6/1852,Washington Co., KY, d. 8/18/1907

m. Margaret “Maggie” Paddox (Paddock), b. 7/22/1861 Wash Co., KY, d. 3/6/1940 both bur Mackville? cem Wash Co., KY, dau. George Paddox.Eliza Young

1900 Washington: Ely 43 Dec 1856 KY, Margaret 38 Jul 1861, John 17 Dec 1882, George 14 Jul 1883, Mary 12 Dec 1887, William 9 May 1891, Sherman 6 Mar 1894

1920 Wash: Maggie 56 Wd, Sherman 24s

KY Deaths: Maggie Mobley [Maggie Paddox]  Death Date: 6 Mar 1940 Death Location: Washington Age: 78 Birth Date: 22 Jul 1861 Birth Location: Washington Father's Name: George Paddox Mother's name: Eliza Young Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky

152?3931 John Mobley, b 12/ /1882 KY

?? 1920 Wash: John 41, Clara M 30, U—ina 10, Roy C 7, Willard 3 6/12

152?3932 George Mobley, b 7/ /1883 KY

152?3933 Mary Mobley, b 12/ /1887 KY

m. ____ Hendron

152?39331 Gertie Hendron, b. c1909

152?39332 Edgar Hendron, b. c1911

152?39333 Raymond Hendron, b. c1914

1920 Wash: HENDRON, Mary 31, Gertie 11, Edgar 9, Raymond 6, WILL MOBLEY 26 (Bro)

152?3934 William Mobley, b 5/28/1892 KY

1910 Wash: William 18 servant w/ Geo L & Susie Elliott

WW I Draft: William Mobley County: Washington State: Kentucky Birthplace: Kentucky; age25 Birth Date: 28 May 1892 b. Wash. Co, farmer (tenant) w/ Mary Hendron, single no dependents

KY Deaths: Will Mobley Death Date: 16 Jul 1978 Death Place: Marion Age: 86 Residence: Washington

152?3935 Sherman Mobley, b 3/1/1894 Wash Co., KY, d. 7/27/1950 Jefferson Co., KY

KY Deaths: Sherman Mobley Death Date: 27 Jul 1950 Death Location: Jefferson Age: 55 Birth Date: 1 Mar 1895 Birth Location: Washington Father's Name: Eli Mother's name: Maggie Paddock

152?394 Elizabeth Mobley, b. 1858, Washington Co., KY

152?395 James Mobley, b. 1861 " [one James m. 1884 Mary E. Nipper Nelson Co]

152?396 Ann Mobley, b. 1863 "


FGS EB-152?3A # data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/1989

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


NOTE: FGS data below unchanged except for middle name of James S. Mobley;

this adds info. re suit of Anna Abell vs heirs of Peter Mobley;

last name spelled Moberly in some court papers, Mobley in others.


152?3A Peter Mobley, b. 9/1/1829, Nelson Co., KY, d. 3/31/1903 [#dates] Mt. Salem, KY [lvd 3 miles E. of Boston, KY]

m. (1) 10/28/1849 Cecilia Ann Dixon, b. ca 1830, Nelson Co., KY, d. 5/30/1866, Nelson Co., KY, dau. J. & C. Dickson

(2) 1866 Amelia Yager Nelson Co.

(3) 3/3/1870 Cinda Tweddell, b. ca 1836, d. 7/8/1883, Nelson Co., KY [# dates] dau Cage Tweedle

(4) 11/2/1886 Anna C. Abell, Nelson Co., KY, b. 4/ /1839][# name]

152?3A1 Christina Ann Mobley, b. 11/ /1850, d. 7/1/1864, Nelson Co., KY[Bap. 3/26/1851, Susanna Metcalf sponsor],bur Johnson-Mobley cem

152?3A2 Carlton Mobley, b. 9/19/1853, d. 1/8/1931, McKinney, KY

m. Rosella May Dittman, b. 5/24/1865, d. 1/23/1933, " "

152?3A3 Joseph Mobley, b. 8/10/1855, Nelson Co., KY, d. 9/30/1937 Hardin Co., KY, both bur. Elizabethtown cem.

m. ca 1881 Mary (Molly) N. Samuels, b. ca 1861, Nelson Co., KY, d. ca 1924, Hardin Co., KY [# date of m.] dau James H & Elizabeth Samuels

KY Births: Joseph Mobley Birth Date: 15 Aug 1855 Father's Name: Peter Mobley Mother's name: Cecila Dixon

1880 Nelson Co: Joseph 30 KY, Mollie 18 KY (wife)

1900 Bullitt: Joseph 44 Aug 1855, Mary N 38 Sep 1861, Elizabeth Samuels 69 Jan 1838 (MIL)

1920 Hardin Co: Joe 63 KY, Mollie 57 KY

KY Deaths: Joseph Mahley Death Date: 30 Sep 1937 Death Location: Hardin Age: 82 Birth Date: 15 Aug 1855 Birth Location: Nelson, Kentucky Spouse's Name: Molly Samuela Mahley Father's Name: Peter Mahley Father's Birth Location: Nelson, Kentucky

152?3A4 Alice Mobley, b. 10/29/1857, Hardin Co., d. 2/13/1865, Johnson-Mobley cem Nelson Co., KY

152?3A5 James Starren(Styron) Mobley, b. 3/21/1862, Nelson Co., KY, d. 12/19/1943, Nelson Co., KY

m. Mary(Mollie) E. Napper, b. 11/18/1862, Nelson Co., KY, d. 2/9/1943, McKinney, Lincoln Co., KY

[above b. of Cecily; below b.of Cindesa]

152?3A6 Terry Mobley, b. 6/11/1876, Nelson Co., KY, d. 3/4/1903, Mt. Salem, KY

m. 6/15/1899 Lucy Jasper Coffey, b. 10/11/1881, McKinney, KY, d. 12/31/1967, San Diego, CA [m. 2d Ernest Arnold Reichenback, Standford, KY]

1860 Nelson Co: Mobley, Peter 32 KY farmer, Ceciley Ann 31, Christina 9, Carlton 6, Joseph 4, Alice 2, Infant son (James S) 3/12

1870 Nelson Co: Mobely, Peter 42 KY, Seonia? 30 KY, Carrolton? 16, Joseph 14, James 10

1880 Nelson Co: Peeter 52 KY-KY-KY, Cindira 46 KY, Creelton 25, James 20, Terry 3

1900 Lincoln Co: Peter 72 Jul 1827 KY-KY-KY, Annie E 61 Apr 1839 KY-KY


Peter Moberly in his will:

"I Peter Moberly of Lincoln County Kentucky being of sound mind and good memory, but mindful of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death do make this my last will and testament.

1st After my death I desire that out of the money or other property I may have at the time of my death, all my debts, if any, and my burial expenses be paid.

2nd At the time of my marriage to my present wife Annie C. Moberly, a marriage contract was entered into between us the terms of which are set forth in a writing now held by Aquilla Moberly.

Now I desire that the terms and conditions of the said written contract be fully complied with, and request my sons Carlton Moberly, Joseph Moberly, J.S. Moberly and Terry Moberly to see that the terms and conditions of the said contract are fully complied with and to that end and for that purpose, they, or any of them, are hereby authorized by this my last will and testament to use any money or property of any kind or specie(s?) that may be necessary to fully satisfy the terms of the said contract.

3rd After the use of such money or other property as shall be necessary to fully satisfy all the terms and conditions set forth in the said written contract with my said wife Annie C. Moberly then if there should be any thing left of the property of every kind and nature belonging to me at the time of my death I desire that an equal division of same be made between my sons Carlton Moberly, Joseph Moberly, J.S. Moberly and Terry Moberly.

4th I hereby nominate and appoint my son J. S. Moberly Executor of this my

last will and testament.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and subscribed my name in the presence of these witnesses whose names are hereto attached this 23rd day of August 1900 /signed/Peter Moberly


M. F. North

G. S. McKinney Recorded Lincoln Co. KY Court, 4/14/1903


Property of the estate was appraised May 2, 1903

Inventory filed 9/2/1903

Settlement papers filed by J.S. Mobley

Anna Mobley thru her atty. J. B. Saxton gave a receipt for $614.76, 4/1/1905

[various other receipts for appraisals, etc.]

Copy of the said marriage contract: to the effect that if Anna Abell should survive Peter, she would receive $24.00 annuity each year; also that all property either should have at marriage or acquire thereafter to remain "their" own; also that she is not to claim in any way whatever any portion of said Mobley's estate after his death except the twenty four dollars, nor is he to claim any portion of her estate, etc. Signed by both parties, no witnesses.


On August 23, 1900, Peter Mobley sold to Terry Mobley a tract of land containing 137-1/2 acres more or less, to go to Terry's heirs after his death, reserving the right to occupy, with his present wife, the dwelling house upon the land conveyed and to use any portion of said land during the remainder of his natural life. Recorded 9/24/1900. NOTE: This deed not cosigned by his wife.


The above mentioned land was bought from Emmett McCormack & wife by Peter on 7/3/1900 for $2500.


Will of Terry Mobley:

Mt. Salem

Lincoln Co., KY

March 4th, 1903

I Terry Mobley, now sick with small pox of disposing mind and memory, make the following will: that in case of my death I want my wife Lucy J. Mobley to inherit my estate, after a due settlement of my indebtedness, also request that Dr. Edw. Alcorn act as my Executor Terry Mobley/mark/

Witnesses Carrie Moore


Steele Bailey


On 7/13/1903 Lucy Mobley relinquished what was given her by the above will and elected to receive her dower and distributable share as if no will had been made. Recorded 8/18/1903


Anna Mobley filed a Suit in Equity against the heirs of Peter Mobley, 10/19/1903, claiming she was entitled to a widow's part of his estate, had never relinquished her rights to "exempt" and dower, esp. in regard to the 137-1/2 acre tract he sold to Terry Mobley.

The heirs pleaded that the marriage contract should bar the relief that the plaintiff sought.

Anna by her attorney in response claimed that the contract was void because of fraud; that at the time of the marriage he was worth approximately $7,000 and she worth practically nothing; that Peter had promised that in case she survived him he would make ample provision for her.

Depositions were taken from F. Boone Rapier, Wiley Edwards, George E. Rapier, George Mobley, John Mobley and Mike Terrell.

Rapier, Clerk of Court, Nelson Co., KY, testified that Peter had sold land in the county to John Bell on 1/8/1898, Anna not signing the deed; also that Peter had sold land on 9/27/1883 to Jos. and Jas. Styron Mobley.

Mike Terrell testified that the 1883 sale had occurred before Peter's marriage to Anna, and that 280 acre farm and the stock on it were all the property he knew of belonging to Peter.

Wiley R. Edwards testified to the same effect.

Anna Mobley deposed that she was married to Peter 11/2/1886, did not know what he was worth then, that she had land worth $350, had made the marriage contract, lived with him from 1886 to his death, looked after him in his last illness of 14-15 months, etc.

J. S. Mobley testified Peter was worth $7,000 when he married Anna, did not know about Anna's property, that she had done all a wife could be expected to, etc.; that the property deeded to Terry cost $4,000, that Terry had about $350 worth of other property, that the other children got about $2100 each

Emmett McCormack testified that Peter had said he was to pay his wife $1000 as a marriage contract, at the time McCormacks sold land to Peter.


Ernest Reichenbach was appointed guardian of the infant sons of Terry Mobley decd. He petitioned the court to accept a compromise with the plaintiff Anna Mobley by transferring to her a note for $137.50 due to him as guardian of said infants, and releasing to her all right or interest which said infants may have in the personal estate of Peter Mobley; that Anna Mobley will release and disclaim any and all right title or claim she has to dower or any other interest in the tract of land mentioned.

Anna Mobley accepted the proposal in writing 2/22/1905

The Lincoln Co. Circuit Court accepted the proposed compromise, adjudged the marriage contract to be canceled, and awarded the proceeds of the personal property sale to Anna.


FGS EB-152?3A2

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


152?3A2 Carlton Mobley, b. 9/19/1853 KY, d. 1/8/1931, McKinney, KY

m. Rosella May Dittman, b. 5/24/1865, d. 1/23/1933, " "

152?3A21 Annie Lee Mobley, b. 5/30/1883, Lincoln Co., KY, d. 8/27/1965, Cincinnati, OH

152?3A22 Frank Farris(Ferris) Mobley, b. 9/8/1886, McKinney, Lincoln Co., KY, d. 1/18/1964 ,Detroit, MI, motor repairman, wife 1 child

m. Alma Hubble, b. c1885 KY

152?3A221 Margaret May Mobley

WW I Draft: Frank Fair Mobley City: Detroit County: Wayne State: Michigan Birthplace: Kentucky age 29 Birth Date: 8 Sep 1887 McKinney, KY

1920 Wayne, MI: SHELTON, George W 27, Eugenia E 25, Edith E 0/12, MOBLEY, Frank 32 KY (BIL), Alma 35 KY(SIL)

1930 Wayne, MI: Frank 42, Alma 43

152?3A23 Edna Curtis Mobley, b. 5/13/1889, McKinney, KY, d. 5/13 1959, Deer Lodge, MT

m. 11/10/1909 Robert Gilmore Hubble, Danville, KY, b. 4/12/1884, Turnersville, KY, d. 1/3/1950, Bozeman, MT[son of John Perry Hubble/Fannie B. Cowan]

152?3A24 Ophelia Dittman Mobley, b. 7/19/1891, McKinney, KY, d. 2/8/1965, Cincinnati, OH

m. Dallas C. Eubanks

152?3A241 Dallas Carlton Eubanks, (Jr.?)

152?3A242 Charles Ferris(Farris) Eubanks

152?3A25 Carlton Emmett Mobley, b. 5/26/1894, Lincoln Co., KY, d. 10/1/1972, KY

m. Vasca Elliott

152?3A251 Edith Marie Mobley

WW I Draft: Carley Emmett Mobley County: Lincoln State: Kentucky Birthplace: Kentucky; Birth Date: age 23 26 May 1894, farming, single

1930 Lincoln: Emmet 35, Vasca 29, Edith 3, Anna L 45s sister

SSDI: Carlton Mobley SSN: 400-12-9606 Last Residence: 40484  Stanford, Lincoln, Kentucky, Born: 26 May 1894 Died: Oct 1972


1900 Lincoln Co: Carlton 46 Sep 1853 KY-KY-KY, May R 35 May 1865 IN-Ger-KY, Anna B 14 May 1886 KY, Frank 12 Sep 1887, Edna 11 May 1889, Ophelia 7 Jul 1892, Emet 6 May 1894 lvg next to father, Peter

1910 Lincoln Co: Carlton 56 KY, May R 42 KY, Anna L 24, Frank 22, Ophelia 17,Emmet 15

1920 Lincoln Co: Carlton 66 KY, May P 64 IN, Annie Lee 33, Ophelia D 27, Carlton E 25

1930 Lincoln: Carley 75, Mary 65

KY Deaths: Carlton Mobley Death Date: 8 Jan 1931 Death Location: Lincoln Age: 77 Birth Date: 19 Sep 1853 Birth Location: Kentucky Spouse's Name: May Mobley Father's Name: Peter Mobley Father's Birth Location: Kentucky Mother's name: Celia Anne Dixon Mother's Birth Location: Missouri


FGS EB-152?3A23

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


152?3A23 Edna Curtis Mobley, b. 5/13/1889, McKinney, KY, d. 5/13 1959, Deer Lodge, MT

m. 11/10/1909 Robert Gilmore Hubble, Danville, KY, b. 4/12/1884, Turnersville, KY, d. 1/3/1950, Bozeman, MT[son of John Perry Hubble/Fannie B. Cowan]

152?3A231 Robert Earl Hubble, b. 3/11/1911, McKinney, KY, lvd. 1989 Montana

152?3A232 Nell Francis Hubble, b. 5/20/1913, McKinney, KY

152?3A233 Lillian Mobley Hubble, b. 5/22/1915, Pass Creek ,MT

m. 11/9/1941 Donald Paul Ryen

152?3A2331 Wayne Lynn Ryen, b. 2/9/1847, Bozeman, MT

m. 3/15/1975 Joyce Louise Locke, Bozeman, b. 4/27/1946, Townsend, MT

152?3A23311 Melissa Marie Ryen, b. 9/23/1981, "

152?3A23312 Travis Michael Ryen, b. 4/8/1984, "

152?3A234 Clara Irene Hubble, b. 10/13/1916, Menard, Gallatin Co., MT, d. 7/4/1977, Missoula, MT

152?3A235 Edna May Hubble, b. 7/21/1921, Menard, Gallatin Co., MT


FGS EB-152?3A5

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


152?3A5 James Starren(Styron) Mobley, b.3/21/1862, Nelson Co., KY, d. 12/19/1943, Nelson Co., KY

m. Mary (Mollie) E. Napper, b. 11/18/1862, Nelson Co.,KY, d. 2/9/1943, McKinney, Lincoln Co.,KY

152?3A51 William (Mack) Mobley, b. 2/5/1886, McKinney, KY, d. 1/22/1974, Stanford, KY

m. 8/17/1940 Elizabeth Williams, d. bef 1930 census

152?3A52 Pearl Mobley, b. 8/29/1887, McKinney, KY, d. 11/12/1953, Danville, KY

m. 12/2/1908 Edward Cowan Hubble, b. 11/13/1881, in KY, d. 3/30/1953

152?3A521 Mattie Rae Hubble, b. 11/19/1910, McKinney, KY

m. 5/27/1933 Raymond Rouhl Ross, Vancouver, WA

1900 Lincoln Co: James A 40 Mar 1860 KY-KY-KY, Mary E 37 Nov 1862 KY-KY, Willie M 14 Feb 1886 KY, Eurina? P (f) 12 Aug 1887 [lvg next to father, Peter]

1910 Lincoln: James S 50 KY, Mollie E 47, Willie 24 + 2 others unreadable

1920 Lincoln: James S 59 KY, Mary E 57 KY, Willie Mack 33

1930 Lincoln: James S 70, Mollie 48, Mack 44 Wd

KY Deaths: James Styron Mabley Death Date: 19 Dec 1943 Death Location: Lincoln Age: 82 Birth Date: 21 Mar 1861 Birth Location: Nelson, Kentucky Father's Name: Peter Mabley


FGS EB152?3A6

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


152?3A6 Walter Terry Mobley, b. 6/12/1876, Nelson Co., KY, d. 3/4/1903, Mt. Salem, KY

m. 6/15/1899 Lucy Jasper Coffey, b. 10/11/1881, McKinney, KY, d. 12/31/1967, San Diego, CA (m 2) Earnest A. Reichenbach

152?3A61 Coy Brooks Mobley, b. 2/24/1901, Mt. Salem, KY, d. 7/1/1974, Tacoma, WA

m. 2/24/1923 Eleanor Evans Hammer, Bowling Green, KY, b. 5/9/1899, d. 8/27/1988, Tacoma, WA[dau.(Dr.) John J. Hammer/Jennie Shipman]

152?3A62 Walter Mobley(Moberly), b. 8/23/1903, Turnersville, KY, d. 10/23/1981, Indianapolis, IN

m. 10/21/1921, Minnie Sears, in KY, b. ca 1905, Indianapolis, IN

1900 Lincoln Co: Terry 23 Jun 1876 KY-KY-KY, Lucy 18 Oct 1881 KY


FGS EB-152?3A61

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


152?3A61 Coy Brooks Mobley, b. 2/24/1901, Mt. Salem, KY, d. 7/1/1974, Tacoma, Pierce, WA

m. 2/24/1923 Eleanor Evans Hammer, Bowling Green, KY, b. 5/9/1899, d. 8/27/1988, Tacoma,WA[dau.(Dr.) John J. Hammer/Jennie Shipman]

152?3A611 Vincent Terry Mobley, b. 11/4/1923, Glasgow, KY, d. 12/8/2003 McMinnville, OR

m. 11/22/1946 Edith Ruth Simmons; lvg. at McMinnville, OR, [dau. Roscoe Ray Simmons/Hazel Chadwick]

152?3A612 Coy Melvin Mobley, b. 10/9/1925, Jordan, Montana

m. 2/11/1951 Nadine Erylus Kensler, in Auburn, WA, b. 11/22/1927, Colfax, WA

152?3A6121 Linda Lee Mobley, b. 11/9/1954, Grand Junction, CO, lvs. Los Osos,CA

152?3A613 Leighton Evans Mobley, b. 10/2/1928, Billings, MT, d. Mar 1996

m. (1) ca 1945 Shirley Gans, divcd. ca 1945

(2) Alice ___, divcd?; lvs.Renton,WA

152?3A6131 Susan Gans Mobley, b. ca 1945, Olympia, WA

m. Robert Berger

152?3A614 Ruth Mobley, b. 5/20/1934, Billings, MT, d. 1/12/1950, Tacoma, WA, unm.

152?3A615 Carol Mobley, b. 5/2/1937, Olympia, WA

m. 5/1/1956 Cary Michael Craig, Tacoma, WA, b.1/15/1936, Queens, NYC, lv. Puyallup, WA[son of William Reginald Craig/Frances Bergeson Gordon

152?3A6151 Conrad Michael Craig, b. 5/23/1858, Tacoma, WA

m. 8/28/1982 Kathleen Marie Dixon, b. 11/27/1960, Puyallup, WA

152?3A6152 Patricia Lynne Craig, b. 11/29/1961, Tacoma,

m. 9/17/1982 Guy Clifton James Marshall, Coeur D'Alene, ID; lvs. Puyallup, WA[son of William Stuart Marshall/Kay Violet Johnson]

152?3A6153 Catherine Jean Craig, b. 11/24/1965, Puyallup

m. 12/28/1985 Mark Leon Creley, b. 10/14/63

152?3A61531 Cassandra Jean Creley, b. 2/9/1987

152?3A6154 Elizabeth Craig, b. 11/7/1967, Puyallup, WA

m. 6/4/1986 Tony Eugene Walters, Tacoma, WA

1920 Rosebud, MT: Coy B Reichenbach 18, son w/ Earnest A. Reichenbach 40, Lucy J 38

1930 Yellowstone, MT Coy 29, Ellinor E 30, Vincent 6, Melvin 4, Leighton 1

SSDI: Coy Mobley SSN: 535-07-4064 Last Residence: 98408  Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, Born: 24 Feb 1901 Died: Jul 1974


FGS EB-152?3A611 Vince Mobley 3/89 data]

Dick Mobley dmobley@ 02/17/04


152?3A611 Vincent Terry Mobley, b. 11/4/1923, Glasgow, KY, d. 12/8/2003 McMinnville, Yamhill, OR

m. 11/22/1946 Edith Ruth Simmons;lvg. at McMinnville, OR[dau. Roscoe Ray Simmons/Hazel Chadwick]

152?3A6111 Terry Douglas Mobley, b. 7/27/1948, Seattle, WA [AT&T Electronics Maintenance], lvs Eagle River, AK

m. 12/31/1972 Loretto Steppe, Anchorage, AK, b. 5/31/1953, Lock Haven, PA, divcd.{her 2nd. marriage}

152?3A61111 Matthew Ray Mobley, b. 12/14/1978, Anchorage

152?3A6112 Richard Michael Mobley, b. 8/29/1950, Vancouver, WA [Municipal Light & Power – Electronics Technician], lvs Anchorage, AK

m. 6/21/1973 Carol Susan Lickley, Lapeer, MI, b. 5/17/1949, Lapeer, MI [Homemaker – Active in church and volunteer work]

152?3A61121 Dennis Michael Mobley, b. 9/13/1974, Anchorage, AK, [Alaska Air National Guard – Crew Chief/Helicopter Maintenance] lvs Wasilla, AK

m. 9/18/1999 Heidi Susanne Wahl divcd. {her 2nd. marriage}

Jaron Alex Mobley, b. 5/2/2001, Anchorage, AK

152?3A611211 Kailee Faith Mobley, b. 4/23/2004 in Anchorage, AK

152?3A61122 Anthony Douglas Mobley, b. 12/19/1977, at Anchorage, AK, lvs. There

m. 5/1/02 Katherine Elaine Nelson, b. 4/25/1980

152?3A611221 Natalie Charlotte Mobley, b. 7/25/2002

152?3A6113 Susan Elaine Mobley, b. 5/16/1955, Sacramento, CA [Owner of Imhoff General Store– Plantersville, TX, lvs Brenham, TX

m. (1) 2/14/1974, John Prestidge, Anchorage, AK, divcd.

(2) ca 1983 Kenneth Ramsey,lv. Lufkin, TX

(3) Lester Underwood, lvs Brenham, TX

152?3A6114 William Robert Mobley, b. 8/1/1957, Sacramento, CA [Computer/CAD consultant], lvs Redmond, WA

m. 6/21/1981 Mildred Inez Ard, Anchorage, AK, b. 10/20/1962, Camp Pendleton, CA

152?3A61141 Donald Robert Mobley, b. 7/12/1986, Anchorage, AK

152?3A61142 David Ryan Mobley, b. 7/20/1989 Redmond, WA

152?3A61143 Daniel James Mobley, b. 11/6/1992 Redmond, WA

SSDI: Vincent T. Mobley Last Residence: 97128  Mcminnville, Yamhill, Oregon, Born: 4 Nov 1923 Died: 8 Dec 2003


Funeral for Vincent T. Mobley of McMinnville will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Chapel of Macy & Son Funeral Directors, McMannville. The Rev. Bill Walton will officiate.

Mr. Mobley died Dec. 8, 2003 in Willamette Valley Medical Center, McMinnville. He was 80.

He was born Nov. 4, 1923 in Glasgow, KY., son of Coy Brooks and Eleanor Hammer Mobley. He graduated from the University of Washington in 1942 after serving in the Army Air Force.

On Nov 22, 1946 he and Edith Simmons married in Seattle. He was employed in store management with Montgomery Ward for 20 years, then was self-employed in retail and wedding photography until his retirement in 1987.

Mr Mobley was active in family genealogy until his death.

Survivors include his wife of McMinnville, a daughter, Sue Underwood of Brenham, Texas; three sons, Terry Mobley of Eagle River, Alaska, Richard Mobley of Anchorage, Alaska, and Bill Mobley of Redmond, Wash., a sister, Carol Craig of Washington, a brother Coy Melvin Mobley of Oklahoma; eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by a sister, Ruth Mobley, and a brother, Leighton Mobley.


FGS EB-152?3A62

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


152?3A62 Walter Terry Mobley, b. 8/23/1903, Turnersville, KY, d. 10/23/1981, Indianapolis, IN

m. 10/21/1921, Minnie Sears, in KY, b. ca 1902, Indianapolis, IN

152?3A621 Margaret Ann Mobley, b. ca 1923, KY

152?3A622 Robert Terry Mobley, b. 7/2/1924 Stanford, Lincoln, KY, d. 8/1/1994 Monroivia, Morgan, IN

WW II Enlistment: Robert T Mobley Birth Year: 1924 Nativity State: Kentucky State of Residence: Indiana County or City: Marion   Enlistment Date: 27 Mar 1943 Enlistment City: Fort Benjamin Harrison Education: Grammar school Civil Occupation: Unskilled structural- and ornamental-metal workers Marital Status: Single, without dependents

SSDI: Robert T. Mobley SSN: 317-14-1982 Last Residence: 46157  Monrovia, Morgan, Indiana, Born: 2 Jul 1924 Died: 1 Aug 1994

152?3A623 James Mobley, b. ca 1928 IN

same?? SSDI: James A. Mobley SSN: 535-22-2890 Last Residence: 46218  Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, Born: 29 Jan 1928 Died: Jun 1995 State (Year) SSN issued: Washington (Before 1951)


1930 Marion, IN: MOBLEY, Walter 26 KY, Minnie 28 KY, Margaret 7 KY, Robert 5 8/12 KY, James 2 2/12 IN

SSDI: Walter Mobley SSN: 304-14-4637 Last Residence: 46157  Monrovia, Morgan, Indiana, Born: 23 Aug 1903 Last Benefit: 46157  Monrovia, Morgan, Indiana, Died: Oct 1981 State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951)


FGS EB-152?3C # data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/1989

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


152?3C Gabriel Mobley, b. ca 1831, d. by 1875, Nelson Co., KY

m. (1) 1863 Cynthia Ann Atcher dau George C. Atcher

m. (2) 1866 Martha E. Atcher, sister of (1) "

(3) 10/15/1872 Mary E. Shehan Wash. Co., b. 8/7/1842, d. 11/29/1911 [dau Thomas Shehan/Katherine Lockhart][m. 2d 1875 Michael L. Troutman Bullitt Co., KY]

1870 Bullitt Co: Gabe 39 KY, Marg---22, Kitty 3

152?3C1 Catherine Mobley, b. c1867

152?3C2 Thomas L. Mobley, b. 7/16/1871, Bullitt Co., KY, d. 2/19/1953 Jefferson Co., KY [b. of (2) #][lvd. Lebanon Junction, KY; moved to Elizabethtown, 7/31/1913. merchant]

m. Clara Edmunds, b. ca 1878, Barren Co., KY, d. 2/4/1966, Hardin Co., KY - both bur. Elizabethtown cem.

1880 Bullitt Co: Catherine 13 KY, Thomas 8 KY, lvg w/Catherine Atcher, grandmother

1900 Bullitt Co: Thomas L 29 (boarder)

1910 Bullitt Co: Thomas L 38 KY, Clara 32 KY, Pearline 6, Ralph B 4

1920 Hardin Co: Thomas L 47 KY, Clara M 41 KY, Margaret D 15, R. Bernard 13, Thoms L 3

1930 Hardin: Thomas L 58, Clara M 52, Pauline M 25, Ralph B 23, Thomas L 13

KY Deaths: Thomas L Mobley Death Date: 20 Feb 1953 Death Place: Jefferson Age: 81 Residence: Hardin

152?3C21 Pauline Mobley, b. 5/27/1904, Nelson Co., KY

m. 9/19/1936 Sanford Black

152?3C211 Paula Conway Black, b. 5/15/1938

m. 3/9/1957 Edward G. Dardaganian

152?3C2111 Debbie Dardaganian,b. 5/12/1958

152?3C2112 Edweard Todd Dardaganian, b. 6/12/1961

152?3C22 Ralph Bernard Mobley, b. 3/7/1906, Nelson Co., KY, d. 2/23/1984 Hardin Co., KY

m. 10/8/1931 Norma Chastaney Little Rock, AR, b. c1919 AR

AR Marriages: Ralph Bernard Mobley Age: 25 Birth Year: abt 1906 Residence: Elizabeth Town, Hardin, Kentucky Spouse's Name: Norma Gold Funk Spouse's Age: 19 Spouse's Residence: Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas Marriage Date: 8 Oct 1931 Marriage County: Saline

KY Deaths: Ralph B Mobley Death Date: 23 Feb 1985 Death Place: Hardin Age: 78 Residence: Hardin

152?3C221 Margaret Ann Mobley, b. 4/24/1933

m. 9/8/1956 John Wathen, b. 10/22/1932 son Joe

152?3C2211 Carol Ann Wathen, b. 9/13/1957

152?3C2212 Michael Wathen, 4/12/1959

152?3C2213 Janet Wathen, b. 3/20/1961

152?3C2214 Kathy Wathen, b. 8/4/1964

152?3C222 Ralph Mitchell Mobley, b. 12/3/1940 Jefferson Co., KY; USAF Vietnam

m. 1/27/1963 Virginia Maffett dau. Rodman Maffett

KY Births: Ralph M Mobley Date of Birth: 3 Dec 1940 County: Jefferson Mother's name: Norma Chartmay

152?3C2221 Kimbrough Mobley, b. 10/17/1963

152?3C2222 Ralph Mitchell Mobley, Jr., b. 12/31/1968

152?3C2223 Jeffrey Mobley, b. 4/15/1971

152?3C23 Thomas Leroy Mobley, b. 6/16/1916, Elizabethtown, KY, d. 10/19/1996 Inverness, Citrus, FL; State Rep Warren Co., KY

KY Births: Thomas L Mobley Date of Birth: 16 Jun 1916 County: Hardin Mother's name: Clara Edmunds

SSDI: Tom Mobley SSN: 403-09-2975 Last Residence: 34450  Inverness, Citrus, Florida, Born: 16 Jun 1916 Died: 19 Oct 1996 State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (Before 1951)


FGS EB-152?3D # data from Mary Ann Shoemaker, 4/15/89

[Vince Mobley]3/1989 data]

History of KY, by Kerr 1922 Vol 3, p. 343


152?3D Benjamin (Campell) Mobley, b. 1/29/1835, Nelson Co., KY, d. 7/20/1872 bur. Middle Creek cem Larue Co., KY

m. 1/22/1863 Mary Jane Samuels, b. ca 1836 Bullitt Co., KY, d. 7/21/1925, KY, dau. Luke Samuels [bur Elizabethtown cem Hardin Co]

152?3D1 (Dr.) James Clifford Mobley, b. 11/6/1863, Nelson Co., KY, d. 8/19/1949, Nelson Co., KY

m. 6/1/1905 Katharine Sweet, b. 10/2/1870, KY, d. 9/16/1959, Nelson Co., KY, dau. Michael & Sarah Katharine Sweet

1542?3D11 Katharine (Katie) Mobley, b. ca 1907, Nelson Co., KY

m. 8/8/1926 Robert Green Searcy, b. ca 1906, d. 2/8/1964, Nelson Co., KY

152?3D111 Joyce Katharine Searcy, b. 11/22/1927, Nelson Co., KY

m. 3/25/1946 James T. Murray, Nelson Co.,KY

[see EB-152?3D111 for her issue]

1910 Hardin Co, KY: Mobley, James C 46 (M.D.) KY, Katie S 37 KY, Katie S 7/12, Mary J 74 (mother), Maggie A 44 (sister)

1920 Hardin Co: James C, Dr. 56 KY, Katie S 49 KY, Katie S 16

152?3D2 Margaret Ann Mobley, b. 7/27/1865, Nelson Co., KY, d. 6//1919 [fell off horse - broke back] unm.

152?3D3 William H. Mobley, b. 4/1/1867, Nelson Co., KY, d. 9/25/1968

m. Mary Belle Devers, b. 8/3/1871, Nelson Co., KY, d. 2/18/1946 Elizabethtown cem Hardin Co., KY

152?3D4 Alice Elizabeth Mobley, b. 7/23/1869, Hardin Co.,KY, d. 10/?/1961, Hardin Co., KY

m. John Weller

152?3D41 Lena Weller

152?3D42 Elmer Weller, d. 8/4/1963

m. Sarabeth Barbour

152?3D5 Nannie Belle Mobley, b. 7/21/1871, d. 8/28/1966

m. J. E. Walters, b. 2/23/1871, d. 2/23/1948

152?3D51 Shelby Walters d. age 25

152?3D52 Mary Agnes Walters

m. Davis (Dorsey) Ennis

152?3D521 Shelby Ennis, Rev., m. Lora Allen

152?3D5211 Stephen Allen

152?3D5212 Valerie Allen


FGS EB-152?3D111

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


152?3D111 Joyce Katharine Searcy, b. 11/22/1927, Nelson Co., KY

m. 3/25/1946 James T. Murray, Nelson Co., KY

152?3D1111 Mike Murray

m. Kay Beaumont

152?3D11111 Bryan Murray

152?3D11112 Aaron Murray

152?3D1112 Katharine Linda Murray

m. E. G. Ayers

152?3D11121 Laura Katherine Ayers

152?3D11122 Melissa Ayers

152?3D1113 Suzanne Murray

152?3D1114 Robert Murray


FGS EB-152?3D3

[Vince Mobley]3/89 data]


152?3D3 William H. Mobley, b. 4/1/1867 Nelson Co., KY, d. 9/25/1968 Elizabethtown, Hardin, KY

m. Mary Belle Devers, b. 8/3/1871 Nelson Co., KY, d. 2/18/1946#

152?3D31 Arvin C. Mobley, b. 9/ /1891, d. 4/7/1984 Larue Co., KY

m. Edna Carrico

152?3D311 Arvin C. Mobley, Jr., b. c 1916 KY

SAME ? - KY Births: Arvin C Mobley Date of Birth: 7 Mar 1919 County: Hardin Mother's name: Anna Johnston ??

SSDI: Arvin C. Mobley SSN: 316-03-1002 Last Residence: 35224  Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama, Born: 7 Mar 1919 Died: 1 Jul 1997 State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951)

152?3D312 Charles W. Mobley, b. c1925 KY

152?3D313 Mary Alice Mobley, d. age 7

1920 Hardin Co: Moberly, Arvin 28 KY, Anna S 21 KY, Arvin Jr 4

1930 Hardin: Mobley, Arvin C 39, Anna S 32, Arvin C 11, Charles W 5

KY Deaths: Arvin Mobley Death Date: 7 Apr 1984 Death Place: Larue Age: 92 Residence: Larue

152?3D32 Edward Clark Mobley, b. 10/ /1894, Nelson Co., KY, d. ca 1975

m. ca 1928 Daisy Van Meter

1930 Hardin: Ed c 35, Daisy 23

152?3D321 Shelby S. Mobley, b. 8/11/1030 Hardin Co., KY

m. ca 1950 Margie McKinney

KY Births: Shelley S Mobley Date of Birth: 11 Aug 1930 County: Hardin Mother's name: Daisy Vanmeter

152?3D3211 Valerie Mobley m. Frank Vaughn

152?3D3212 Dale Mobley

152?3D3213 David Vaughn Mobley

152?3D3214 Ann Mobley

m. Richard Elam

152?3D32141 Christopher Elam

152?3D32142 Mark Elam

152?3D322 Eddie C. Mobley, b. c1932 KY

m. 1962 Mary Lou Cofer

152?3D3221 Lori Mobley

152?3D3222 Jeffrey Mobley

152?3D323 Juanita Mobley

m. 1951 Allen Rickett

152?3D3231 Sherry Rickett

152?3D3232 Terri Rickett

152?3D3233 Kathy Rickett

152?3D3234 Mark Rickett

152?3D3235 John Rickett

152?3D33 Artie Mobley, b. c1893

m. ca 1917 Charles Stark, Bullitt Co., KY, d. 4/24/1963

152?3D331 William Stanley Stark

m. ca 1946 Ann Hidgeon

152?3D3311 William Stanley Stark, Jr.

m. Barbara Creason

152?3D3312 Carolyn Stark

m. Steven Keller

152?3D33121 Gregory Alan Keller

m. Belinda Skees

152?3D331211 Kristi Patricia Keller

152?3D332 Clara Stark

m. ca 1955 Durwood Howell

152?3D3321 Fred Howell

m. Elizabeth Duren

152?3D3321 Jason Howell

152?3D3322 Elaine Howell

152/3D3323 Jo Ellen Howell

152?3D3324 Brenda Howell

152?3D333 Alvin Stark

m. ca 1962 Myrna E. Dalgo

152?3D3331 Barbara Stark m. Roger Dean Eggerling

152?3D3332 Brooks Stark

152?3D3333 Jaron Stark

152?3D334 Ethel Stark

m. 1945 David Lovell

152?3D3341 Daniel Lovell

m. Joyce Smith

152?3D33411 Deborah Lovell

152?3D33412 Sherri Lovell

152?3D33413 Michael Lovell

152?3D33414 Bruce Lovell, d. inf.

152?3D335 Aileen Stark

m. ca 1945 Clifton Conner

152?3D3351 Brenda Conner, d. inf.

152?3D336 Katherine Stark

m. 1947 John Nichols

152?3D3361 Carol Jean Nichols

152?3D3362 James Nichols

152?3D3363 John Nichols

152?3D34 Annie Ethel Mobley, b. 5/ /1896

m. Richard Elam

152?3D341 Christopher Mobley

152?3D342 Mark Mobley [deceased]

152?3D35 Ruth Lee Mobley, b. 12/ /1897

152?3D36 Iva May Mobley, b. 7/18/1890, Nelson Co., KY, d. 12/20/1891 diphtheria, bur. Middle Creek cem LaRue Co., KY

152?3D37 James Stanley Mobley, b. ca 1901, Nelson Co., KY

m. ca 1924 Josephine Bush

1930 Hardin: Stanley 27, Josephine 25, Ivey Lee 3 1/12, James 1 6/12

152?3D371 Iva Lee Mobley, b. 1917 KY

m. 1945 David Owsley son of Bryan Owsley, Gson Daniel B., GGson Joseph

152?3D3711 Larry Lee Owsley m. 1969 Lois Hodges

152?3D3712 William Patrick Owsley m. Linda Baughman

152?3D3713 Karen Sue Owsley

152?3D372 James Bush Mobley, b. 6/16/1928 Hardin Co., KY, d. 6/14/1984 TX, bur. Ft Sam Houston Natnl Cem (Ret CMSgt USAF)

m. (1) 1948 Laverne Colleen Vetrees, b. 1927, d. 8/18/2010 Hardin Co., KY (divcd 2/1/1974)

m. (2) 4/2/1977 Patricia A. Anderle, b. c1941 (Div 12/15/1981)

KY Births: James B Mobley Date of Birth: 16 Jun 1928 County: Hardin Mother's name: Josephine Bush

TX Divorces: James B Mobley Estimated Birth Year: abt 1929 Age: 45 Spouse's Name: Lavern C [Mobley] Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: abt 1929 Spouse's Age: 45 Divorce Date: 1 Feb 1974 Marriage Date: 10 Nov 1948

TX Marriages: James B Mobley Gender: Male Marriage Date: 2 Apr 1977 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1929 Age: 48 Spouse: Patricia A Anderle Spouse Est Birth Year: abt 1941 Spouse Age: 36 Marriage County: Bexar Marriage State: Texas

TX Divoreces: James B Mobley Estimated Birth Year: abt 1928 Age: 53 Spouse's Name: Patricia A [Mobley] Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: abt 1941 Spouse's Age: 40 Divorce Date: 15 Dec 1981 Marriage Date: 2 Apr 1977

Vets Burial Sites: Name: James B Mobley Service Info.: CMSGT US AIR FORCE KOREA, VIETNAM Birth Date: 16 Jun 1928 Death Date: 14 Jun 1984 Service Start Date: 2 Feb 1947 Interment Date: 19 Jun 1984 Cemetery: Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery

152?3D3721 James Stephen Mobley

m. Catherine Cole of NE

152?3D373 Joseph S. Mobley, b. 12/4/1932 Hardin Co., KY

m. ca 1950 Doris Perry

KY Births: Joseph S Mobley Date of Birth: 4 Dec 1932 County: Hardin Mother's name: Josephine Bush

152?3D374 George William Mobley, b. 10/27/1935 Hardin, KY, d. 12/20/1966 Snowden, Montgomery, AL, bur. Elizabethtown, KY; Capt Ala. ANG

KY Births: George W Mobley Date of Birth: 27 Oct 1935 County: Hardin Mother's name: Josephine Bush

AL Deaths: George William Mobley Birth Date: 27 Oct 1935 Birth Place: Kentucky Death Date: 20 Dec 1966 Death Place: Snowdoun, Montgomery, Alabama Burial Date: 21 Dec 1966 Burial Place: Elizabeth Town, KY Death Age: 31 Father Name: James Stanley Mobley Mother Name: Josephine Bush

152?3D375 Robert E. Mobley, b. 5/8/1941 Hardin, KY

m. 1962 Shirley Douglas

152?3D3751 Gary Ray Mobley

152?3D3752 Tracy LeAnn Mobley

KY Births: Robert E Mobley Date of Birth: 8 May 1941 County: Hardin Mother's name: Josephine Bush

152?3D376 Michael Mobley

152?3D38 William Bryan "Bill" Mobley, b. 12/ /1899, d. 5/7/1975 Louisville

m. ca 1926 Ruby A. Pennington, Nelson Co., KY, b. 10/9/1901 KY, d. 2/8/1996 Masonic Home, Louisville, KY

WW I Draft: William Bryant Mobley Elizabethtown, Hardin, Kentucky Birth Date: 9 Dec 1899, farmer, father W.H. Mobley

KY Deaths: William B Mobley Death Date: 7 May 1975 Death Place: Hardin Age: 75 Residence: Hardin

1930 Hardin: Will B 29, Ruby A 28, Wilma L 2

KY Deaths: Ruby Mobley Death Date: 8 Feb 1996 Death Place: Louisville Age: 94 Residence: Jefferson

152?3D381 Wilma Lois Mobley, b. 10/13/1927 Hardin Co., KY

m. Paul O'Hara, d. 3/12/1995 Louisville, KY

KY Births: Wilma L Mobley Date of Birth: 13 Oct 1927 County: Hardin Mother's Name: Ruby Pennington


1900 Hardin Co: William 33 Apr 1867 KY-KY-KY, Mary B Aug 1871 KY-KY-KY, Anvin C (m) Sep 1891, Anky A, Dec 1893, Edie C Oct 1894, Anna A May 1896, Rutha L Dec 1897, William0 B Dec 1899

1910 Hardin Co: Will H 43 KY, Mary Bell 38 KY, Arvin 18, Artie (f) 17, Eddie 15, Annie 13, Ruth 12, Willie 10, Stanley 8

1920 Hardin Co: Will 55 KY, Mary 48, Ed 25, Annie 23, Ruth 21, Willie 20, Stanley 18

1930 Hardin: William H 63, Mary Belle 57, Anna 33s, Ruth 31s

KY Deaths; : William H Mobley Death Date: 25 Sep 1968 Death Place: Hardin Age: 101 Residence: Hardin

SSDI: William Mobley SSN: 406-70-3141 Last Residence: 42701  Elizabethtown, Hardin, Kentucky, Born: 1 Apr 1867 Died: Sep 1968


FGS 152?4 Levan (Levin) Moberly

Margaret Shearies Shearies@ 5/15/2000 on William

Alvin R. Tibbett alvintibbett@ 1/22/01 on Charles Nealy

Linda Wood woodjl@ 4/21/01 on Chas N.

Carol Richards 3/23/2004: cr1981@ ()


(also see 159)

152?4 Levan (Levin) Moberly, d. bef 1827 KY

m. Nancy Tucker, d. ca 1835/40 (over 75 years old), Cedar Co., IA [went to IA ca 1827 with son Charles Nealey]

NOTE: Since some of his issue were b. NC, Levan may have been in line of (11) John Mobberly, Jr.

[1830 census, Hardin Co., KY; Levi, 1m\5, 1m5\10, 1m15\20, 1m40\50, 2f\5, 1f5\10, 1f10\15, 1f15\20, 1f30\40; prob. 152?4]

(William Pedrow's obituary included that his grandmother on his paternal side, was Nancy Jefferson Moberly, sister of Thomas Jefferson. I wonder if this means that Nancy Jefferson and Nancy Tucker were the same person? Perhaps Tucker might have been from a first marriage?)

152?41 Charles Nealy Moberly, Rev., b. 12/22/1809 NC, d. 5/23/1867 Cedar Co., or Black Hawk Co., IA, both bur. Spring Creek cem. Buchanan Co., IA (cemetery Index from Stewartsville, Mo., states he (Rev. C.N. Moberly) is buried there. His daughter Susan Amanda Moberly lived in that area at the time)

m. 12/11/1831 Susannah A. Epperson Montgomery Co., IN, b. 6/8/1811 Hawkins Co., TN, d. 4/3/1899 Brandon, Buchanan Co., IA [dau Charles Epperson/Sarah Love Lamb

152?42 Drury (Drewery) Moberly, b. ca 1782, d. 7/28/1863, Boone Co., MO

m. (1) 1/23/1810 Elizabeth Henderson, Madison Co., KY, d. ca 1847 Chillicothe, MO

(2) 3/17/1850 Tabitha Barrett, Livingston Co., MO, b. ca 1806

152?43 William Moberly, d. Clark Co., KY

m. 1818 Martha Patsy Robertson in Madison Co., KY, b. NC, d. 1824 Madison Co., KY

152?44 John T. Moberly, M.D., lvd NC & Lawrence Co., IN, d. 9/1/1861, Fairfield, IA

m. Margaret Brooks in Lawrence Co., IN, d. 9//1884; no issue [she m. (2) Joseph Hickenbottom]

152?45 Walter Granville Mobley, b. 3/10/1786, MD, lvd. Between Alexander & Mt. Vernon, VA when 8 yrs old, moved to ?Boran Co., NC then to Richmond KY, then Clark Co., KY 1816 - fall of 29 then Washington Co., IN, d. 3/16/1878, Salem, IN, bur. Cooley Cem. Washington Co., IN

m. 3/20/1815 Elizabeth Burton, Winchester, Clark Co., KY, b. 1796 nr. Lexington, Fayette Co., KY d. 1880 [dau. John/Martha Burton]

152?46 Moses Moberly, b. NC [not mentioned in letter below]

152?47 Polly Moberly

m. 3/2/1819 Asa Young in Rowan Co., NC

152?48 Sarah Moberly

m. Felix Freeland [no issue]

152?49 Edward Moberly?? No mention of Edw. in letter below.


History of the Moberly family My Grandfather Levan Moberly died many years since in the state of Kentucky. My Grandmother Nancy Tucker Moberly moved from Kentucky about 1827 to Cedar Co., Iowa with her son Charles Nealy Moberly.

She died there between the years 1835 and 1840 over 75 years of age.

Their children are as follows: (as well as I am informed) Drewery Moberly, who lived and died, I suppose, near Moberley, Missouri; William, who died many years ago in Clark Co., Kentucky leaving two sons-- Thomas and Clifton. Thomas Moberly now lives in Shelby Co., Indiana. He is now 81 years old. He moved to that Co. with his Uncle John Robison (Robison. when quite young. His brother Clifton lives at Manchester, Kentucky. My Father, Walter Granville Moberly, was born in Maryland March 10, 1786. When he was eight years old the family lived between Alexandria and Mount Vernon in Virginia. He distinctly remembered seeing George Washington driving in his carriage from Mount Vernon to Alexandria, Virginia. They later moved to ?Boran Co. [Rowan], North Carolina. There he grew to be a young man and then came to Richmond, Kentucky, where be worked at the Carpenters trade for several years. He married my Mother in March, 1815 and moved to Winchester, Clark Co., Kentucky soon after. He lived there until the fall of 1829 when he moved to Washington, Co., Indiana, where he ever afterwards lived, and died on March 16, 1878. The other members of his family moved later from North Carolina to Kentucky.

Uncle John Moberly came from there to Lawrence Co., Indiana and there married Margaret Brooks. In the early settling of Iowa, they moved to Fairfield, Iowa, and ever lived in peace until his death in l861 or 1862. His widow died in 1884. They had no children.

Uncle Charles Nealy Moberly lived and died, I suppose, in Cedar Co., Iowa, between thirty and forty years ago. The daughters were Polly, who married Asa Young--they had but one child, and are all dead, I think; Sarah, who married Felix Freeland--they had no children and, I suppose, they are also dead.

Uncle Drewry Moberly had a son, Abraham, who lived and died in the Indian Territory. His son Louis spent the summer with us about twenty years since. The last we heard from him, he lived in Webb City, Missouri. He also had a son named John who lived and died some years since near Kirksville, Mo.

Father, who seemed to not like very long names, abbreviated our name a little by writing it Mobley instead of Moberly which is the old original name.

Now the foregoing is to the very best of my knowledge and, of course, it is a rather imperfect sketch as I do not ever remember seeing any of them but Uncle John T. Moberly.

Eliza Moberly (Mobley) 1901 or 1902 (age 76 or 77)


FGS EB-152?41

Linda Wood woodjl@ 4/18/01 & 1/2004


152?41 Charles Nealy Moberly, Rev., b. 12/22/1809 NC,(Montgomery Co., IN?) d. 5/23/1867 Cedar Co., or Black Hawk Co., IA (Little Linn Grove, Buena Vista, IA), both bur. Spring Creek cem. Buchanan Co., IA (cem Index from Stewartsville, MO., states he (Rev. C.N. Moberly)is buried there. His daughter Susan Amanda Moberly lived in that area at the time with dates of 1805-1862)

Charles was a preacher/Rev. and he held the first church in Iowa

m. 12/11/1831 Susannah A. Epperson Montgomery Co., IN, b. 6/8/1811 Hawkins Co., TN, d. 4/3/1899 Brandon, Buchanan Co., IA [dau Charles Epperson (b. 7/14/1766 Albermarle, VA)/Sarah Love Lamb (b. l3/10/1772 Albermarle, VA)

152?411 Sanford Cox Moberly, b. 12/13/1832 Montgomery Co., IN, d. 2/18/1900

m. 12/9/1855 Ruth Ann Howrey Black Hawk Co., IA

1880 Gentry Co., MO: Sanford 47 IN, Ruthanah 43 IN, Franklin 21 IA, William 12 MO

1910 Gentry Co: Ruth A 73 IN Wd

152?4111 James Franklin Moberly, b. 3/ /1859 IA

m. Alice ____, b. 5/ /1860 MO, d. bef 1910 census

152?41111 Mary Moberly, b. 5/ /1885 MO

152?41112 Sanford C. Moberly, b. 2/ /1893 MO

152?41113 Ruth A. Moberly, b. 5/ /1896 MO

1900 Gentry Co: James F 41 Mar 1859 IA, Alice 40 May 1860 MO, Mary 15 May 1885 MO, Sanford C 7 Feb 1893, Ruth 4 May 1896

1910 Gentry Co: Franklin J 64 IA-IN Wd, Mary 23s MO, Sanford C 14, Ruth A 13

152?4112 William Moberly, b. 8/ /1867 MO

m. Ida M. ____, b. 2/ /1873 MO

152?41121 Alva I. Moberly, b. 2/ /1890 MO

m. Ruth M. ____, b. c1895 MO

152?41122 Frank M. Moberly, b. 7/ /1892 MO

152?41123 Ruth M. Moberly, b. 10/ /1894 MO

1900 Gentry Co: William S 32 Aug 1867 MO-IL, Ida M 27 Feb 1873 MO, Alva 10 Feb 1890, Frank M 7 Jul 1892, Ruth M 5 Oct 1894

1910 Gentry Co: William S 42 MO, Ida M 39 MO, Alva I 20, Ruth 15

1930 Arapahoe Co., CO: I Alva 40 MO, E Ruth 35 MO

152?412 William Pedrow Moberly, b. 7/21/1834 Montgomery Co., IN, d. 3/8/1933 Cameron, MO

m. 8/15/1855 Anjanette Helen Sabin Buchanan Co., IA, b. 2/8/1838 Spencer, Medina Co., OH, d. 2/8/1918

152?413 Sarah Margaret Moberly, b. 5/4/1836 Montgomery Co., IN

m. 8/17/1884 Solvent Durant

152?414 Nancy Ann Moberly, b. 12/6/1837 Montgomery Co., IN, d. 10/26/1841

152?415 Charles Epperson Moberly, b. 10/29/1839 IL, d. 2/15/1906 bur. Lester, Lyon Co., IA

m. 9/10/1859 Nancy Wood in Webster City, Hamilton Co., IA, b. ca 1842 IN, d. 4/12/1916 Webster City, IA bur. Lester, Lyon Co., IA

152?416 Richard H. Moberly, b. 10/28/1841 Little Linn Grove, Buena Vista Co., IA, d. 9/3/1846

152?417 Mary Jane Moberly, b. 10/14/1843 Mercer Co., IL (or Little Linn,Buena Vista,IA), d. 5/29/1922 IA

m. 6/24/1860 Elijah "Lige" Bower, b. 12/2/1838 near Findlay, Wyandot Co., OH, d. 7/15/1905 Brandon, IA

152?418 David Edley Moberly, b. 11/1/1845 Mercer Co., IL (or Little Linn,Buena Vista,IA), d. 11/25/1864

152?419 John A. Moberly, b. 4/7/1848 Little Linn Grove, Pottawattamie, IA, d. 9/4/1864

152?41A Daniel L. Moberly, b. 2/17/1850 "

m. 11/8/1869 Elizabeth Barber, b. c1855 NY

152?41A1 Harvey E. Moberly, b. 3/11/1871 IA, d. 2/ /1968 IA

m. Margaret Dexter, Grundy, IA, b. c1873 IL

1910 Black Hawk Co: Harvey 38 IA, Margaret 39 IL, Daniel D 3/12

1920 Black Hawk Co: Harvey E 48 IA, Margaret 47 IL, Daniel D 9, Gladis 8

1925 Blackhawk: Harvey 53, Margaret 52, Dexter 14, Gladys 13

1930 Blackhawk: Harvey E 59, Margaret B 58, Dexter D 20s

SSDI: Harvey Moberly SSN: 480-46-9604 Last Residence: 50701  Waterloo, Black Hawk, Iowa, Born: 11 Mar 1871 Died: Feb 1968

152?41A11 Dexter Daniel Moberly, b. 1/24/1910 IA, d. 5/ /1978

IA Births: Dexter Daniel Moberly Birth Date: 24 Jan 1910 Birth Place: Orange Twp, Blackhawk, Iowa Father's Name: Harvey E Moberly Father's Birth Place: Blackhawk County, Iowa Mother's Name: Margret Dexter Mother's Birth Place: Illinois

SSDI: Dexter Moberly SSN: 727-07-8576 Last Residence: 50702  Waterloo, Black Hawk, Iowa, Born: 24 Jan 1910 Died: May 1978

152?41A12 Gladys Moberly, b. c1912 IA

1870 Black Hawk Co: D. 21? IA, Elizabeth ? IA (next to F.C.)

1880 Black Hawk Co: Daniel 28 IA-NC, Elizabeth 25 NY, Harvey 8 IA

1900 Benton Co: Daniel 45 Feb 1854 IA-KY, Jane 42 Jun 1857 NY, Harve 28s Mar 1872 IA

1910 Black Hawk Co: Daniel 58 IA, Elizabeth 57? IA

1920 Black Hawk Co: Daniel E 66 IA, Elizabeth 62 NY

152?41B James Robert Moberly, b. 5/24/1852 ", d. 5/24/1853

152?41C Susan A. Moberly, b. 9/6/1854 ", d. 1/16/1953 WA

m. 6/16/1870 Lemuel French Mathis in MO, d. 1901

152?41C1 Charles Edmond Mathis, b. 5/ /1870 Stewartsville, Dekalb Co., MO, d. 1947 WA s/o Wm Thomas Mathis/Nancy Woods

m. Anna ____, b. c1876 IA

152?41C11 Pearl A. Mathis, b. c1905 ND

1910 Yakima, WA: Chs E 39, Anna 34, Pearl A 5, Susan A 57 (mother), Clifford 13 (bro)

1920 Yakima, WA: Charles E 49, Anna 43, Pearl A 14

1930 Yakima, WA: Charles E 59, Anna 55, Pearl A 25


1850 Benton Co: Charles N. 40 NC, Susannah 38 KY, Sandford C 17 IA, William P. 16, Sarah M 14, Charles E. 10, Mary J. 6, David E 4, John A. 2, Daniel E 7/12

1856 BlackHawk, IA (State census): Charles N 46 NC, Susannah 44 KY, Sarah Margaret 20 IN, Charles E 16 IA, Mary Jane 13 IL, David 10 IL, John A 8 IA, Daniel E 5 IA, Susannah A 1 IA

1860 Blackhawk: MOBERLEY, Charles 51, Susannah 48, BOWER, Elijah 22 IN, Mary J 16, MOBERLEY, David E 14, John A 12, Daniel E 9, Susannah 6

1870 Dekalb Co., MO: Susan 59 KY, Cora 10 IA, MATHIS, Lemuel 20 IL, Susan 16 IA, Charles 1/12 MO

*Family History states that Charles Nealy Moberly, while on his way to Iowa was offered 160 acres of land, on which Chicago later was built on, in exchange for a pony. He was with the expedition that completed the treaty with the Black Hawk Indians and made the bread eaten at that parley. It was mixed in his canoe and baked on stones. The Black Hawk Chief visited at the Moberly home frequently.


FGS EB-152?412 Linda Wood woodjl@ 4/21/01


152?412 William Pedrow Moberly, b. 7/21/1834 Montgomery Co., IN, d. 3/8/1933 Cameron, MO

m. 8/15/1855 Anjanette Helen Sabin Buchanan Co., IA, b. 2/8/1838 Spencer, Medina Co., OH, d. 2/8/1918

152?4121 Sylvester Ernest Moberly, b. 8/23/1856 IA, d. 3/14/1937 Platsburg, Clinton, MO

m. 3/12/1884 Martha Roxannah Campbell, b. 3/22/1869 MO, d. 8/16/ 1934 Cameron, MO [dau. Robert Campbell and Caroline Russell]

MO Marriages: Sylvester E Moberly Marriage Date: 6 Mar 1884 Marriage Location: Union Star, Dekalb, Missouri Marriage County: Dekalb Spouse Name: Miss. Martha Roxanah Campbell

1900 Grand River Twp, Dekalb Co., MO: Sylvester E. 43 Aug 1856 IA, Mattie R. Mar 1869 MO, Leslie 13 Oct 1887, Robbie A. 12 Apr 1888, Clstie? E. 10 Nov 1889, Minnie M 4 Mar 1896, Samuel B 2 Mar 1898

1910 Clinton Co: Sylvester E 53 IA, Martha R 41 MO, Leslie M 23s MO, Claude S 17, Minnie M 14, Samuel B 12, Daisy B 9, Almeda O (f) 7, Ruth V 2

1920 Washington Twp, Buchanan Co: S.E. 60, Minnie 57, Samuel 21, Cral? A 17, Ruth 12, Dora 8

1930 Andrew Co: Sylvester E 73, Minnie 61, Ruth 23, Dora L 19, John Wallace 6 Gson

152?41211 Leslie Pedrow Monroe Moberly, b. 10/8/1886 Gentryville, KS, d, 7/10/1954 St Joseph, Buchanan, Mom bur Memorial Pk cem

m. 4/10/19-6? Elsie Mae Rogers St Joseph, MO, b. c1894 MO

WW I Draft: Leslie Pedrow Monrow Moberly Cameron, Clinton, Missouri age 32 Birth Date: 8 Oct 1886, concrete laborer, next of kin Elsie May Moberly

1930 Buchanan: Leslie 43, Mabel 46, Fonn Zimmerman 20 (dau)


Leslie P. Moberly, 68 died early this morning at his home, 104 West Lake Boulevard. A retired carpenter. He was born in Gentryville, Kansas and he lived in St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri fifteen years. Surviving Mr. Moberly are a brother, Samuel Moberly, Kansas City; seven sisters Mrs. Robbie Hurnden, Kansas City, Jackson County, Kansas; Mrs. May Tindell, Forgan, Olkahoma; Mrs. Minnie Mahoney and Mrs. Daisy Dare, Kansas; Mrs. Ruth Mead, and Mrs. Dora Miller, St. Joseph. Buchanan County, Missouri and Mrs. Oral Adamson, Ravenwood, Missouri. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery.

152?41212 Robbie Adelia Moberly, b.4/4/1888, d. 11/18/1977

m. ____ Hurnden

152?41213 Clystie Evelyn Moberly, b. 11/8/1889 Wabaunsee, KS, d. 3/ /1972 Woodward, OK

m. 10/25/1911 Ross R. Tindell Caldwell Co., MO, b. 7/2/1886 Broken Bow, Custer, NE, d. 5/2/1962 OKC, OK

152?412131 Myrtle Helen Tindell, b. 5/28/1913 OK, d. 5/13/2000 Pewrry, Noble, OK

MO Marriages: Ross R Tindell Marriage Date: 25 Oct 1911 Marriage Location: Kingston, Caldwell, Missouri Marriage County: Caldwell Spouse Name: Clystie May Moberly

SSDI: Clystie Tindell SSN: 493-22-3309 Last Residence: 73801  Woodward, Woodward, Oklahoma, Born: 8 Nov 1889 Died: Mar 1972 State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951)

152?41214 Baby Moberly, b. & d. 3/2/1891

152?41215 Claude Sylvester Moberly, b. 7/10/1892 Cameron, MO, d. 12/26/1949 St. Joseph, MO

m. Susie W. ____, b. 1896 MO

1920 Kaw Twp, Jackson Co, MO: Claude S. 27, Susie W. 24, Sylvester O. 3 4/12, Margarete D. 1 11/12

152?412151 Sylvester O. Moberly, b. 1916 MO

152?412152 Margarete D. Moberly, b. 1918 MO

1920 Jackson Co: Claude S 27 MO, Susie W 24 AR, Sylvester O 3 6/12 OK, Marguete D 1 11/12 MO

152?41216 Minnie Maude Moberly, b. 3/30/1896, d. 7/28/1976

m. ____ Mahoney

152?41217 Samuel Bedford Moberly, b. 3/17/1898, d. 7/16/1979 AR

152?41218 Daisy Belle Moberly, b. 6/23/1900, d. 8/18/1983

m. ____ Dare

152?41219 Oral Almeda (Kelly M) Moberly, b. 6/23/1902, d. 1/2/1983

m. ____ Adamson

152?4121A Alvin Gilliland Moberly, b. 1/2/1905, d. 1/16/1905

152?4121B Ruth Vennetta Moberly, b. 8/11/1907, d. 2/22/1982

152?4121C Dora Louise Virgenia Moberly, b. 4/18/1911, d. 2/23/1981

m. ____ Miller

152?4122 Esther Evaline Moberly, b. 2/24/1857 Blackhawk Co., IA, d. 10/16/1946 Galena, Cherokee, KS

m. 2/18/1875 James William F. Campbell, b. 1/ /1849 MO

1900 Taney Co: William 50 MO, Esther E 42 Feb 1858 IA, Susie 24s Jan 1876 MO, Nellie 20 Jan 1880, Jesse 18 Mar 1882, Hugh 11 Aug 1888, Earl 8 May 1892, Pearl 4 Sep 1895, Chole 1 Mar 1899 Gdau

1910 Taney Co: James W. 61 MO, Esther E 53 IA, Pearl E 14, Bessie 6 Gdau

152?41221 Susie Campbell, b. 1 / /1876 MO

152?41222 Nellie Campbell, b. 1 / /1880 MO

152?41223 Jesse William Campbell, b. 3/8/1882. Union Star, Dekalb, MO, d. 7/9/1951 Branson, Taney Co., MO

152?412231 Lorene Marie Campbell, b. 10/2/1917, d. Feb 1983

m. ____ Tibbett

152?4122311 Alvin Ray Tibbett, b. 10/19/1940 Branson, Taney Co., MO

152?41224 Hugh Campbell, b. 8/ /1888 MO

152?41225 Earl Campbell, b. 5/ /1892 MO

152?41226 Pearl Moberly, b. c1896 MO

152?4123 Cora Bell Moberly, b. ca 1860 IA

152?4124 John Isom William Moberly, b. 10/31/1873 Montgomery Co., {IN or IA}, d. 10/18/1898 Taney, MO bur. Renshaw Cem.

m. Ella Maud Hopkins, b. 8/29/1877 Walnut Shade, Taney, MO, d. 1/4/1957 Tulsa, OK

152?41241 Elsie Sadie Moberly, b. 1/1/1895 Walnut Shade, MO, d. 11/5/1977 Jerome, ID

m.Roy Willis Lewis, b. 9/3/1889 Walnut, MO,d. 9/ /1967 Boise, ID

152?4125 Charles Sidney Buxton Moberly, b. 9/21/1877 MO, d. 4/21/1900 Taney, MO bur Renshaw cem

m. 2/8/1899 Lena Blanch Hopkins,b. 9/20/1870 Andrew Co., MO, d. 8/ /1962 Winfield, Cowley, KS (m. 2) Wm W. Marrow)

152?41251 Bertie Pearl Moberly, b.11/8/1899 Taney, MO, d. 2/18/1978 Pawhuska, Osage, OK

1930 Cowley, KS: MORROW, William W 57, Lena 50, Dotty 12, Bertha A 9


1850 Benton Co., IA: Charles N. 40 NC, Susannah 38 KY, Sandford C 17 IA, William P. 16, Sarah M 14, Charles E. 10, Mary J. 6, David E 4, John A. 2, Daniel E 7/12

1870 Andrew Co., MO: William 36 IN, Antoine? H 33 OH, Sylvester 14 IA, Esther 12 IA

1880 Andrew Co: Moberly, William 45 IN-NC, Angenetta 42 OH, Sylvester 24 IA, John W 7 MO, Charles S 3

1900 Taney: William P 66, Angnett H 83, Lenor 20 (DIL), Birdie 4/12 (Gdau)

1910 Taney Co: William P 75 IN-NC, Agnett H 72 OH, Lenia 30 MO Wd DIL, Bertie 10 Gdau

1920 Taney Co: William P 85 IN-NC, Esther Campbell 61 (dau), Pearl 24s (Gdau)

1930 Clinton: William P 95 IN-NC Wd


FGS EB-152?415 Linda Wood woodjl@ 4/21/01 & 1/19/2004


152?415 Charles Epperson Moberly, b. 10/29/1839 IL, d. 2/6/1906 bur. Lester, Lyon Co., IA, GAR enlisted 1861 1st Infantry

m. 9/8/1859 Nancy Wood in Webster City, Hamilton Co., IA, b. ca 1842 IN, d. 4/12/1916 Webster City, IA bur. Lester, Lyon Co., IA

1860 Blackhawk: Charles 20, Nancy 18 (lvg next to father)

187O Spring Creek Twp, Blackhawk Co, IA: C.E. 29 IA, Nancy 27 IN, Julius 6, Charles E. 3

1880 Richland, Mahaska, IA: Chas E. IA, NC, KY, Nancy 36 IN, OH, IN, Julius A 15, Charles E 12, Elvin 10, Bertha 10, John N 5, Lewis A 3, Augustus 7/12

1900 Logan Twp, Lyon Co, IA: Charles E. 60 IA, Nancy 59 IN, John 24 IA

1910 Clay Co: Augustus 30 IA, Lizzie C 22 IA, Alice 5 MN, Vera I 2/12, Nancy 64? IL (mother)

152?4151 Julias Austin Moberly, b. 6/11/1864 Black Hawk, IA, d. 4/13/1926 Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA; both bur. Graceland Park cem

m. 9/22/1886 Ethelind Alexander in Peroria, Mahaska Co., IA, b. 3/20/1863 Mahaska Co., IA, d. 1/13/1928 Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA

152?4152 Charles Ed Moberly, b. 3/1/1867 Black Hawk, IA, d. 2/19/1944 Hastings, Noble Co., MN bur Lakeside cem; reburied 10/22/1947 Evergreen cem, Motley, MN. Unmarried

152?4153 Elvin Lawrence Moberly, b. 11/11/1870 Waterloo, Blackhawk Co., IA, d. 3/11/1947 Rancho Los Amigos, L.A., CA bur Inglewood, LA, CA

m. 3/1/1894 Stella Mae Spencer, b. 4/10/1877 Shennandoah, Page Co., IA, d. 3/26/1962 South Gate, L.A. Co., CA

152?4154 Bertha Moberly, b. 11/11/1870 Waterloo, Blackhawk Co., IA, d. 2/21/1904 Lester, Lyon Co., IA

m. 12/21/1893 Henry Augustus Wick, b. 1/16/1865 Shannon, IL, d. 8/15/1937

152?4155 John Newton Moberly, b. 7/25/1875 Blackhawk Co., IA, d. 3/ /1968 Los Angles, CA

152?4156 Lewis A. Moberly, b. 9/ /1877 IA

152?4157 Augustus "Gus" Moberly, b. 10/21/1879 Peoria, Mahaska Co., IA, d. 7/10/1950 Staples, MN, both bur. Evergreen cem Motley, MN

m. 8/13/1902 Elizabeth Caroline Larsen in Burt, IA, b. 5/20/1887 Eagle Grove, IA, d. 6/22/1981 Brainard, Crow Wing Co., MN [dau. Hans Larsen/Anna Kirstine


FGS 152?4151


152?4151 Julias Austin Moberly, b. 6/11/1864 Black Hawk, IA, d. 4/13/1926 Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA; both bur. Graceland Park cem

m. 9/22/1886 Ethelind Alexander in Peroria, Mahaska Co., IA, b. 3/20/1863 Mahaska Co., IA, d. 1/13/1928 Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA

152?41511 Edna Fae (Fayola?) Moberly, b. 10/9/1887 New Sharon, IA, d. 8/16/1959 Sioux City, IA; both bur. Graceland Pk cem

m. 12/25/1907 Charles A. Burgeson in Ft. Pierre, SD, b. 11/27/1879 Buena Vista Co., IA, d. 12/17/1867 Sioux City, IA

152?4151111 Doris Burgeson

152?415112 Lorna Burgeson

1900 Larchwood Twp, Lyon Co, IA: Austin 35 Jun 1864, Ethelind 37 Mar 1863, Edna F 12, Oct 1887

1910 Woodbury Co: Julius A 45, Ethelind 48


Julias Austin Moberly was the first son of Charles Epperson and Nancy Wood Moberly. He was born in Black Hawk County, Iowa, 11th of June 1864. He moved with his family to Mahaska county, Iowa where he met and married his wife, Ethlind Alexander. They were married 22nd Sept. 1886, in Peoria, Iowa.

In 1887, a daughter was born to the Moberly's. Edna Fae was born 9th of October, in New Sharon, Iowa. Another child was said to have been born to the Moberly's, but died.

As a young man Julias farmed with his father, so when Charles Epperson Moberly moved, Julias and his bride followed to Lyon county, Iowa. In 1900 Julias is a restaurant keeper and helping his father on the farm. While living in Lester, Julias also owned a mercantile. There were two mercantile stores in Lester at the time. Moberly Mercantile was on the north side of main street. "The store was always well stocked, not only with groceries but with shoes, clothing, sewing needs and most anything one would have need for". Fae, his daughter would accompany him on buying trips as would his wife, Ethlind. Julias was a member of the "O

Julias, like his family before, were land seekers. Always traveling to different destinations, seeking land. In 1906 they picked up their belongings and moved on to Presho, Lyman co., South Dakota. While in Presho, Edna Fae joined the staff of the Presho Newspaper. She married in 1907 to Charles A Burgeson. The had two children Doris and Lorna.

1908 both families moved again settling in Sioux City, Iowa. Julias started working for the Sioux City Service Company as a conductor. In 1920 we find Julias as a grocer, owning his own store.

Julias died 13th of April 1926 in Sioux City, Iowa - Pernicious Anemia and Ethlind died 13th Jan 1928 in Sioux City, Iowa. They both are buried in Graceland Park Cemetery, Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa.


FGS 152?4153


152?4153 Elvin Lawrence Moberly, b. 11/11/1870 Waterloo, Blackhawk Co., IA, d. 3/11/1947 Rancho Los Amigos, L.A., CA bur Inglewood, LA, CA

m. 3/1/1894 Stella Mae Spencer, b. 4/10/1877 Shennandoah, Page Co., IA, d. 3/26/1962 South Gate, L.A. Co., CA

152?41531 Carolyn Mae Moberly, b. 11/16/1896 Rock Rapids, Lyon Co., IA, d. 8/15/1974 Downey, Los Angles Co., CA, bur Inglewood cem, Inglewood, CA

m. 7/8/1920 Theodore Nathan, Sr, b. 12/17/1895 Ellendale, Dickey Co, ND, d. 12/9/1974

152?415311 Theodore Nathan, Jr, b. 5/19/1922 Bell, Los Angeles Co., CA

m. 12/31/1941 Betty Jean Morris, b. 9/23/19223 Waterloo, Blackhawk Co., IA

152?4153111 Douglas Nathan, b. 9/28/1943 Los Angeles, CA

m. 10/1/1977 Anita Louise Okert, b. 9/14/1946 Spokane, WA

152?41531111 Leah Kristine Nathan, b. 8/10/1979 Spokane, WA

152?41531112 Jamie Lynn Nathan, b. 11/30/1980 Riverside, CA

152?4153112 Marsha Christine Nathan, b. 8/19/1946

m. 3/9/1965 Terence Ray Blackstad, b. 3/9/1939 St James, MN

152?41531121 Lori Michell Blackstad, b. 6/25/1966 Lynwood, CA

m. James Michael Elsasser, Jr, b. 7/14/1966 Downey, CA

152?415311211 Corey Daniel Elsasser, b. 9/2/1995 Downey, CA

152?415311212 Brooke Nicole Elsasser, b. 2/11/1997 “

152?415311213 Nicholas James Elasser, b. 3/14/2000 “

152?41531122 Lisa Renee Blackstad, b. 6/8/1969 Lynwood, CA

m. Michael Sean Lynch, b. 4/18/1969

152?415311221 Madison Margaret Lynch, b. 8/5/1997 Anaheim, CA

152?415311222 Ryan Michael Lynch, b. 1/7/2000

152?41531123 Michael Terence Blackstad, b. 8/12/1970 Lynwood, CA

m. Lisa Rae Flores, b. 10/1/1973

152?415311231 Samantha Lynn Blackstad, b. 1/24/2000

152?4153113 Richard Wesley Nathan, b. 5/16/1949 Lynwood, CA

m. 10/26/1985 Fausta Lombardi, b. 2/21/1956 Formia, Italy

152?41531131 Danielle Elizabeth Nathan, b. 3/30/1988 Downey, CA

152?41531132 Steven Theodore Nathan, b. 1/14/1990 “

152?415312 Marjorie Edith Nathan, b. 2/29/1924 Huntington Park, LA Co., CA

m. 3/8/1946 George Cecil Grace in South Gate, CA, b. 7/6/1919 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, d. ?

152?4153121 Stephen Wayne Grace, b. 4/19/1947 South Gate, CA

m. 9/26/1969 Hershelena ____

152?41531211 Robert Grace

152?41531212 Eric Grace

152?4153122 Lawrence Edward Grace, b. 7/24/1949 "

m. Sumi Kim

152?41531221 Jennifer Grace

152?41531222 Christine Grace

152?41531223 Jessica Grace

152?415313 Jeanne Louise Nathan, b. 7/16/1927 ", d. 1/15/1987

m. 2/27/1946 Donald Elroy Helderle, b. 2/27/1927 Los Angles, CA, d. 5/18/1992 Downey, CA

152?4153131 Donald Gene Helderle, b. 4/21/1946 South Gate, CA

152?4153132 Ronald William Helderle, b. 2/15/19?? "

152?4153133 Roger Wayne Helderle, b. 9/11/1953 "

m. Jeanne ____

152?41531331 Rayan Helderle

152?41531332 Robby Helderle

152?41532 Edith Viola Moberly, b. 9/26/1898 Lester, Lyon Co., IA, d. 11/26/1921 Bell, CA bur. Old Chapin cem, Chapin, IA

m. 1/18/1920 Scott Hamilton Miner Watertown, SD, b. 5/3/1895 Corwith, Hancock Co., IA, d. 2/23/1956 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN

152?415321 Stella Lorraine Miner, b. 11/8/1920 Claremont, Dodge Co., MN

m. 3/14/1939 George Donald Olsen in South Gate, CA, b. 8/26/1917 Logan, Cache Co., UT, d. 10/10/2000 Logan, UT

152?4153211 Linda Lee Olsen, b. 5/3/1940 "

m. (1) 6/17/1960 Keith Hill Hill, b. 12/6/1941 Wellsville, UT, d. 3/29/2000 San Diego Co., CA [div 1973]

m. (2) 9/3/1976 John Dean Wood, b. 6/20/1947 Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID

152?41532111 Heidi Ann Hill, b. 11/29/1961

m. 6/19/1981Keith Lavern Ricks, b. 3/10/1959 Logan, UT

152?415321111 Cody Keith Ricks, b. 10/12/1984 Logan, UT

152?415321112 Colter Jay Ricks, b. 3/13/1989 "

152?41532112 Randy Kay Hill, b. 4/24/1963 Logan, Cache, UT

m. 1/4/1985 Cindy Ranae Fonnesbeck, b. 5/19/1963 Logan, Cache Co., UT

152?415321121 Taya Brook Hill, b. 12/22/1983 Logan, UT

152?415321122 Landon Randy Hill, b. 10/1/1986 "

152?4153212 Marvin Jay Olsen, b. 9/28/1948 Logan, Cache Co., UT

m. 7/27/1966 Paula Kay Peterson, b. 7/7/1949 Logan, UT

152?41532121 Elesha Kay Olsen, b. 12/24/1966 "

m. 8/27/1988 Matthew Paul Fetrow, b. 11/29/1966 Boise, ID

152?415321211 Madalyn Elise Fetrow, b. 3/20/1996 Albuquerque, NM

152?415321212 Christopher James Fetrow, b. 6/10/1998 "

152?415321213 Benjamin Paul Fetrow, b. 6/10/1998 "

152?41532122 Jenifer Lee Olsen, b. 4/30/1973 Logan, UT

m. (1) 6/21/1989 Daniel Gary Wilkins, b. 8/20/1969 [divcd]

m. (2) 2/19/2000 Adam Ward, b. 12/ /1973 [divcd]

152?415321221 Damen David Wilkins, b. 10/2/1989 Logan, UT

152?415321222 Mersadi Wilkins, b. 12/29/1990 "

152?415321223 Dylan Gary Wilkins, b. 7/10/1995 "

152?415321224 Jordan J. Wilkins, b. 7/10/1995 "

152?415321225 Devin Daniel Wilkins, b. 9/30/1996 Logan, Cache Co., UT

152?41532123 Cami Rachelle Olsen, b. 7/18/1975 "

m. 6/14/2001 Ryan Lynn Hansen, b. 9/25/1974 Murray, UT

152?41532124 James Ryan Olsen, b. 7/18/1975 "

m. 11/19/1999 Melanie Kay Gardner, b. 12/2/1975 Payson, UT

152?415321241 Emily Kay Olsen, b. 7/4/2001

152?41533 Vivian Marie Moberly, b. 5/24/1911 Watertown, Codington Co., SD, d. 6/9/1986 Costa Mesa, Orange Co, CA

m. 1/7/1928 James Bryant Teague, b. 9/18/1903 San Saba, TX, d. 12/10/1989 CM, Orange Co., CA

152?415331 Lomazoe Marjorie Teague, b. 11/4/1928 South Gate, CA

m. 2/28/1947 Donald Floyd Bewsey, b. 5/24/1926 Ontario, San Bernardino Co., CA

152?4153311 Michael Donald Bewsey, b. 8/10/1948 Upland, CA

m. 9/13/1969 Karen Ann Lawson, b. Los Angeles, CA

152?41533111 Kimberly Dawn Bewsey, b. 7/9/1975 San Luis Obispo, CA

152?41533112 Kevin Michael Bewsey, b. 4/10/1978 Templeton, CA

152?41533113 Allyson Margaret Bewsey, b. 3/28/1998 San Luis Obispo, CA

152?4153312 Craig Stephen Bewsey, b. 10/22/1949 "

m. 6/22/1974 Sheri Lee Long, b. Whittier, CO

152?41533121 Danielle Nicole Bewsey, b. 8/25/1977 Mission Viejo, CA

m. 12/22/1998 Aaron Wade Edmonde in San Diego, CA

152?41533122 Michael Bewsey, b. 4/12/1980 Mission Viejo, CA

152?415331213 Andrea Lee Bewsey, b. 1/21/1985 “

152?415331214 David Craig Bewsey, b. 2/2/1988 “

152?4153313 Magdalene Dale Bewsey, b. 5/23/1953 "

m. (1) 1981 William Joseph Mastandrea, b. NY

m. (2) 5/28/1987 Vincent DePaul Lannon, b. Ft Riley, KS

152?41533131 Patrick Joseph Mastandrea (Lannon), b. 10/5/1981 Lajolla, CA [name legally changed]

152?41533132 Maile Alena Lannon, b. 7/23/1988 Mission Viejo, CA

152?41533133 Luke Makena Lannon, b. 8/29/1993 Honolulu, HI

152?4153314 Dawn Stephanie Bewsey, b. 10/10/1955 Orange, Orange, CA

m. 1/18/1975 Robert Earl Wolfsberger, b. 8/13/1948 Hawthorn, CA

152?41533141 Bryant Robert Wolfsberger, b. 9/9/1979 Mission Viego, CA

152?41533142 Stephanie Noel Wolfsberger, b. 6/5/1981 “

152?415332 Suzanne Teague, b. 11/29/1944 Imperial, CA

m. (1) 11/8/1963 Jerry Noble [div]

m. (2) 1968 Joseph Andrew Babin, b. 8/14/1930 Long Beach, CA, d. 4/5/1999 Sonora, CA

m. (3) 1977 Michael Morehouse [div]

m. (4) 9/23/1985 James Carroll Jackson, b. Sheridan, AR, d. 4/5/1999 Sonora, CA

1900 McCook Co., SD: Eldin 29 Nov 1870 IA-IN, Stella 23 Apr 1877 IA, Carrie 3 Nov 1896 IA, Edith 1 Sep 1898 IA

1910 Codington Co., SD: Elven L 38 IA, Stella 32 IA, Carrie M 13, Edith V 11, John N 34 IA (bro)

1930 Los Angles, CA: Elvin L 57, Stella M 53, LorrainS. Miner 9

CA Deaths: Elvin Moberly Birth Date: 11 Nov 1870 Birthplace: Iowa Death Date: 11 Mar 1947 Death Place: Los Angeles Mother's Maiden Name: Wood


Elvin Lawrence Moberly is the child of Charles Epperson and Nancy Wood Moberly. He came into this world with a companion, his twin sister Bertha. They arrived November 11, 1870, in Black Hawk County, Iowa. There must have been a great bond between brother and sister. Elvin and Bertha were greeted by two older siblings, Julias Austin and Charles Edward [Ed]. Their younger siblings were John Newton, Louis A. [Lou] and Augustus [Gus].

Elvin moved to Mahaska county, Iowa with his father and mother and siblings, Julias, Charles, Bertha, John and possibly Louis. Elvin attended school and worked along side of his father as a farmer. After the birth of Augustus Oct. 1879, the family moved on to Lester, Iowa and again, Elvin worked in the fields with his father.

About 1893 Elvin met his sweetheart and life long partner. Stella Mae Spencer and Elvin were married at the Spencer home in Lester, 01 March 1894. by Pastor F. L. Moore. Their witness' were Henry and Bertha Wick. Stella Mae spencer is the daughter of Richard Harrison and Margery Leighty and was born 10th of April, 1877 in Page county, Iowa.

For the next few years Elvin farmed and he, like his father, was a "land seeker". During these years, two daughters were born. Carolyn Mae [Carrie], born 16th November 1896 and Edith Viola, born September 26, 1898.

1900 find Elvin and family in Salem, Camstock Twsp., South Dakota. Carrie is three and Edith is one year of age. Elvin is working for L.W. Cooke's Music Store. 1901 brings them back to Lester to make their home.

The girls attended school in Lester. There were many times that Carrie's name appeared in the paper in the school report with a perfect record of attendance, not absent or tardy.

Sometime before 1911 the family again moved and relocated in Watertown, South Dakota, living at 323 South Broadway, then moving to 415 South Broadway. Elvin worked for L.W. Cooke's Music House. He sold pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. This is where Elvin gained his knowledge of sewing machines which would be beneficial to him later in his life. A daughter, Vivian Marie, was born the 24th of May 1911. The older girls worked at Woolworth's as a cashier and clerk.

January 18, 1920 Edith Viola was married to Scott Hamilton Miner and they moved to Claremont, Minnesota. Carrie was not far behind, she met and married Theodore Nathan, Sr., 8th of July 1920 in Claremont, Minnesota.

In 1921 Elvin and Stella Mae along with Vivian Marie moved to California followed soon after by their daughter Edith, her husband Scott and their daughter, Lorraine. Elvin opened up a shop selling and repairing sewing machines. Stella helped in the shop.

November of that same year, their lovely daughter, Edith Viola died, leaving a husband and small child, Lorraine.

In the Spring of 1922, Edith's husband, Scott left California with his wife's body, leaving his child with her grandparents. Elvin and Stella objected to Scott taking Lorraine with him as they believed he was not financially able to take care of her. Elvin and Stella now had a young child to rear along with their own daughter, Vivian. In 1928 Vivian met a dashing young man and was smitten by him. She was married the 07th of January 1928, to James Bryant Teague.

The Moberly's were loving parents and grandparents. They worked hard and was an asset to their community. They were members of the Methodist church, holding meetings in their home until a meeting place could be built.

Elvin and Stella celebrated their 50th anniversary in 1944. Many family, friends and neighbors attended.

Elvin Lawrence Moberly died March 11, 1947 in Los Angeles county, California and is buried in Inglewood cemetery, Los Angeles, California. Stella Mae died March 26, 1962 in South Gate, California. She is buried in Inglewood cemetery, Los Angeles, California.


FGS 152?4154


152?4154 Bertha Moberly, b. 11/11/1870 Waterloo, Blackhawk Co., IA, d. 2/21/1904 Lester, Lyon Co., IA

m. 12/21/1893 Henry Augustus Wick, b. 1/16/1865 Shannon, IL, d. 8/15/1937

152?41541 Infant Wick, b. 12/5/1894 Lester, Lyon Co., IA, d. 1/3/1895 Lester, Lyon Co., IA

152?41542 Elvin Ealon Wick, b. 3/11/1896, d. 12/23/1973 Sioux Falls, SD or Rock Rapids, IA

m. 1/5/1918 Juanita Mae Culp, d. 2/6/1969

152?415421 Milton Henry Wick, b. 9/3/1920 Middletown, OH

m. 11.8/1942 Betty Jean Miller, b. 8/9/1921 Dayton, OH

152?4154211 Martha Anne Wick, b. 4/9/1947 Ogden, UT

m. 12/28/1968 Stephen Backstetter, b. 11/28/1946 Brooklyn, NY

152?41542111 Paul Stephen Backstetter, b. 7/25/1969 Bryn Maur, PA

152?41542112 David Lee Backstetter, b. 7/6/1976 Ridgewood, NJ

152?4154212 James Milton Wick, b. 11/23/1950 Great Lakes, IL

m. 10/23/1992 Carolyn Greenleaf, b. 12/23/1944 Philadelphia, PA

152?41542121 Jennie Lee Wick, b. 3/25/1954 Oakland, CA

m. 9/30/1993 Andrew J. Conroy, Jr, b. 12/13/1963 East Orange, NJ

152?415422 Alice Anne Wick, b. 7/10/1924 "

m. (1) 6/6/1943 Jay W. Davis, b. Lubbock, TX, d. 4/15/1970

m. (2) 3/1/1980 Lester W. Snyder, Jr., b. 5/8/1921 Bellerick, MA

152?4154221 Jeffery Wick Davis, b. 2/12/1948 Rapid City, SD

m. 3/2/1976 Kathy Lynn Venekamp, b. 3/2/1955

152?41542211 Megan Leigh Davis, b. 7/15/1985 Rapid City, SD

152?41542212 Charlene Rae Davis, b. 4/14/1953 Rapid City, SD

m. 8/31/1974 James Robert Nielsen, b. 3/13/1952 Belle Fourche, SD

152?415422121 Thomas Jay Nielsen, b. 12/14/1978 Rapid City, SD

152?415422122 Michael Owen Nielsen, b. 6/18/1985 Gillette, WY

152?415422123 Lenn Elvin Davis, b. 5/30/1961 Rapid City, SD

m. 9/18/1983 Cathy John, b. 5/22/1963

152?4154221231 Courtney Elizabeth Davis, b. 1/2/1984

152?415422124 Jayna Mae Davis, b. 6/26/1965 Rapid City, SD

m. 10/13/1984 Vincent John Stephens, b. 8/22/1963 Rapid City, SD

152?4154221241 Brittni Alice Sue Stephens, b. 8/21/1987 Guam

152?4154221242 Kayla Ann Stephens, b. 11/19/1989 San Francisco, CA

152?4154221243 Jaycee Mae Stephens, b. 12/9/1994 Denver, CO

152?415423 Ned Elvin Wick, b. 3/20/1928 "

m. 3/27/1954 Lola Joyce ____, b. 2/25/1923 Booneville, AR

152?4154231 Gregory Ned Wick, b. 3/4/1956 San Francisco, CA

152?4154232 Nedra Lo Wick, b. 4/16/1957 Bethesda, MD

152?41543 Francis Harold Wick [had his named legally changed to Harold Francis Wick in 1942, b. 9/1/1898 Lester, IA, d. 9/4/1992 Glendale, AZ

m. 11/ /1925 Regina Katherine Fox, b. ca 1/ /1902 Doon, IA, d. ca 3/ /1978

152?415431 Jack Carl Wick, b. 2/20/1936

m. 6/20/1964 Pattie Gomez, b. Superior, AZ

152?4154311 Keith Alan Wick, b. 5/6/1965 Phoenix, AZ

152?4154312 Robin Jill Wick, b. 9/12/1969 Phoenix, AZ

m. 4/8/1989 Michael Jessie [div]

152?41543121 Jacob Lee Jessie, b. 8/11/1989 Phoenix

152?41543122 Jack Hunter Jessie, b. 8/22/1994 “

152?415432 Tom Wick

152?41544 Maurine Bertha Wick, b. 2/16/1904 Lester, IA, d. 5/10/1994 Rock Rapids, IA

m. (1) 3/5/1927 Gustav Zornig, b. 3/21/1891 Lester, Lyon Co., IA, d. 5/10/1956 Lester, Lyon Co., IA

m. (2) 6/18/1962 Harry Stuerman, b. 3/24/1896 nr. Davenport, IA, d. 7/20/1970 Lester, Lyon, IA

m. (3) 7/22/1974 Otto Haegele, d. 1/21/1994 Lester, Lyon, IA, d. 1/21/1994

152?415441 Harold F. Zornig, b. 11/23/1927 Lyon Co., IA

m. 10/5/1949 Mary McLean Ramsey

152?415441 Linda Zorning, b. 3/29/1950

m. Robert Andres

152?41544111 Laura Mary Andrews, b. 12/18/1982 Minneapolis, MN

152?41544112 Lily Claire Andrews, b. 3/18/1991 “

152?415442 Michael Frederick Zorning, b. 12/2/1952 Japan

m. 5/16/1987 Paulette Kay Campbell

152?4154421 Michael Paul Zorning, b. ca 1987 Athens, GA

152?4154422 Catherine Zorning, b. 11/18/1988 “

152?4154423 Sean Zorning, b. 8/15/1990 “

152?4154424 Ryan Frederick Zorning, b. ca 7/ /2000

152?415443 Mark William Zorning, b. 7/27/1954 Worthington, MN

m. ca 1978 Janice Phillips

152?4154431 Kara Marie Zorning, b. 11/9/1981

152?4154432 Adam Mark Zorning, b. 11/18/1983 Athens, GA

152?4154433 Kelly Nicole Zorning, b. 9/19/1987 “

152?415442 William Zornig, b. 3/26/1930 "

m. 12/28/1954 Shirley Quinn in Rock Rapids, IA, b. 3/25/1934

152?4154421 Lon Renae Zorning, b. 9/18/1957 Rock Rapids, IA

m. 8/1/1980 Timothy Boldt

152?41544211 Jody Maurine Boldt, b. 4/8/1993 Sioux Falls, SD

152?41544212 Cami Renae Boldt, b. 7/8/1996 “

152?41544212 Kathy Zorning, b. 8/26/1962

152?415443 Joyce Maurine Zornig, b. 10/12/1932 Lyon Co., IA, d. 5/21/1999 bur Hillside cem, Lester, IA

m. 12/15/1955 Robert Glenn Haegele Ames, IA(div 1975)

152?4154431 Suzanne Kay Haegele, b. 6/26/1957 Leesville, LA

m. (1) 2/8/1990 Ronald Stuart Silverstein in Kauti, HI (div 6/ /1996)

m. (2) ca 1998 Don Adams

152?41544311 Chase Alexander Silverstein, b. 6/6/1991 St Louis, MO

152?41544312 Connor Grant Silverstein, b. 8/30/1993 St Louis, MO

152?4154432 Elizabeth Renee Haegele, b. 9/22/1958 Atlantic, IA

m. 9/29/1997 Gregory Charles Madison in AnKany, IA

152?41544321 McKenzie Renee Madison, b. 8/10/1986 Des Moines, IA

152?41544322 Haley Christine Madison, b. 10/7/1988 Des Moines, IA

152?4154433 Ellen Jean Haegele, b. 10/21/1959 Adair, IA

m. 12/2/1987 Richard Gene Hamilton in Independence, MO

152?41544331 Harrison Spencer Hamilton, b. 3/26/1992 Kansas City, MO

152?41544332 Leslie Morgan Hamilton, b. 6/2/1994

152?415444 Jeanette H. Zornig, b. 2/9/1935 Lyon Co., IA

m. (1) 2/5/1955 LaVaine Daryl Olson in Turner City, SD, b. 7/26/1931 Sioux Falls, SD, d. 10/16/1961 bur. Woodlawn cem Sioux Falls, SD

m. (2) 7/10/1965 Charles Thomas Stadtfeld, b. 9/14/1933 Sioux Falls, SD

152?4154441 Robin James Olson, b. 7/26/1957 Sioux Falls, SD

152?4154442 Craig Steven Stadtfeld, b. 1/16/1969 Sioux Falls, SD

m. 3/8/2002 Tamara LeAnne Wallin in Sioux Falls, SD [dau. Larry Lee Jellis/Jeanne Carmen Jungen-Wallin]

152?41544421 Megan Saige, b. 2/18/2003 Sioux

152?4154442 Thomas Jon Stadtfeld, b. 3/18/1971 Sioux Falls, SD

m. 11/6/2002 Dianne Wold in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, b. 9/28/1975 [dau. Doug Peacock/Cindy ___] (div)

152?41544421 Aidan Jon Stadtfeld, b. 8/28/2003 Sioux Falls, SD

152?41545 Stillborn Wick, [twin] b. & d. 2/16/1904 in Lester, Lyon, IA


FGS 152?4157


152?4157 Augustus "Gus" Moberly, b. 10/21/1879 Peoria, Mahaska Co., IA, d. 7/10/1950 Staples, MN, both bur. Evergreen cem Motley, MN

m. 8/13/1902 Elizabeth Caroline Larsen in Burt, IA, b. 5/20/1887 Eagle Grove, IA, d. 6/22/1981 Brainard, Crow Wing Co., MN [dau. Hans Larsen/Anna Kirstine

41571 Alice Eva Moberly, b. 1/16/1905 Blue Earth, MN, d. 4/21/1998 Webster City, IA, bur. Fairview cem, Unionville, IA

m. 11/15/1929 Burton W. Simms in Blue Earth, MN, b. 8/26/1901 Cass Co., MN, d. 6/ /1972 Centerville, IA

152?415711 Vera Elizabeth Simms, d. in infancy

152?415712 Alice Martha Simms, b. 4/29/1932 Boone, IA

m. 3/26/1953 Robert George in Keota, IA, b. 10/13/1932 Washington, IA, d. 5/30/1982 Ketota, IA [son of Philip Reynolds George/Helen McCrab]

152?4157121 Robert John George, b. 1/9/1956 Washington, IA

m. 1978 Cynthia Booth Washington, IA

152?41571211 Kristen George

152?41571212 Philip George

152?4157122 William David George, b. 3/26/1957 “

152?41571221 Ben George

152?41571222 Betsy George

152?4157123 Sara Jean George, b. 3/24/1962 “

m. 1984 Bonificio Quinterro Manzanares in Keota, IA

152?41571231 Richard George

152?4157124 Nancy Ellen George, b. 7/28/1964 “

m. 1986 Mark Gee in Polaski, IA

152?41571241 Elizabeth George

152?41571242 Cassie George

152?415713 Burton George Simms, b. 7/21/1933 MN, d. 1/26/1997 Cave City, AR

m. Joyce Anderson [dau of Leroy Anderson/Hannah ___]

152?4157131 Ramona Lee Simms, b. 6/16/1957 Des Moines, IA

m. Lucius ____

152?4157132 Mark G. Simms, b. 9/15/1960 “

m. 5/29/1982 Mavis Meredith? In Algona, IA

152?415714 Doris Elaine Simms, b. 8/9/1935 Staples, MN

m. (1) 2/6/1955 Larry T. Snook in Lovilia, IA, b. 2/3/1936 Des Moines, IA, d. 11/10/1973 El Cajon, CA [son Calvin Henry Snook/Naomi Ruth Kuffman]

m. (2) 1/31/1975 Ed Laughery in El Cajon, CA, b. 3/14/1933 Marshtown, PA [son of Roy E. Laughery/Dorothy McCormick]

152?4157141 Naomi Ruth Snook, b. 11/19/1955 Des Moines, IA

m. 1980 Dean Pierson in Alexandria, IA

152?4157142 Lora Lea Snook, b. 7/2/1957 “

m. 1979 John Grisafi in San Diego, CA

152?415715 Laura Simms, b. 3/16/1937

m. Eli Painovich (div)

152?4157151 Lezlie Painovich

152?4157152 Noel Painovich

152?4157153 Aimee Painovich

152?4157154 Milan Painovich, d. i.

152?415716 Donald Irvin Simms, b. 9/26/1939 Todd Co., MN

m. 11/12/1960 Darlene Stickler in Mystic, IA, b. 6/29/1939 Seymour, Wayne Co., IA [dau of Gail Stickler/Georgia Shiltz]

152?4157161 Lisa Simms, b. 12/17/1966 Ottumua, IA

152?415717 Ramona Simms, b. 8/19/1941 Little Sauk, MN

m. 8/10/1963 John G. Zahn in Des Moiones, IA, b. 5/1/1937 Des Moiones, IA [son of Joseph F. Zahn/Esula Lenzini]

152?4157171 Joseph Zahn, b. 6/7/1964 Carroll, IA

m. 4/16/1988 Donna Raemaker in Eagel Grove, IA

152?41571711 Joseph Zahn

152?41571712 Alexandra Zahn

152?4157172 Matthew Zahn, b. 12/10/1965 Cedar Falls, IA

m. Mae Lin (Katy Ho) in Taiwan

152?41571721 Drake Zahn

152?4157173 John David Zahn, b. 1/9/1968 Carroll, IA

m. 9/12/1992 Michelle Bottorff

152?41571731 Cal Zahn

152?41571732 Cole Zahn

152?4157174 Timothy Paul Zahn, b. 11/13/1969 Webster City, IA

m. 12/22/1990/91 Kim Anderson

152?4157175 Mark Donald Zahn, b. 5/5/1972 Webster City, IA

m. Melissa Bordwell

152?4157176 Kathleen Alice Zahn, b. 5/23/1978 Webster City, IA

m. 6/17/2000 Victor Vanderpool

152?41571761 Samuel Vanderpool

152?41572 Vera I. Moberly, b. 4/24/25/1910 IA

m. 3/9/1934 Fred Walker in Boone, IA, b. 6/5/1905, d. 1962 Hamilton, IA

1910 Clay Co: Augustus 30 IA, Lizzie C 22 IA, Alice 5 MN, Vera I 2/12, Nancy 64? IL (mother)

WW I Draft: August Moberly County: Hamilton State: Iowa Birth age 38 Date: 21 Oct 1879, farm laborer Webster City, next of Kin Lizzie C

1920 Calhoun Co: August 40 IA, Elizabeth 32 IA, Alice 14 MN, Vera 9 IA

1930 Wadena, MN: August 50, Elisabeth 42, Vera 19, John N 54 (bro)


August Moberly, 70 died at the Staples Municipal hospital on Monday, July 10, his death being attributed to pneumonia. he had been confined to his bed since May 26.

August Moberly was born the son of Charles and Nancy Moberly on October 21, 1879 at Peoria, Iowa. He remained there until 12 years of age and then moved to Lyon county where he grew to manhood. He attended the schools in Lyon County. He took up Gospel work in the salvation army at the age of 30 years, his work then being in Mason City, Iowa. From there they moved to different localities. He moved to Minnesota in 1927 and lived in Wadena until 1938.

On August 13, 1902 he was united in Marriage to Elizabeth Larson at Burt, Iowa. They lived in the following places: 1902 to 1907 they lived in Iowa; 1907 to 1927 with the Salvation Army work in Iowa and Minnesota; 1927 to 1939 farmed near Wadena; and in 1939 began making the willow baskets and artifical flowers for which he was well known in the Staples community. He was a member of the Free Methodist church of Motley.

Surviving him besides his wife Elizabeth are two daughters, Mrs. Burton Sims and Mrs. Fred Walker both of Hamilton, Iowa. He is also survived by six grandchildren, and a brother, John of Long Beach, California.

Funeral services were held from the Free Methodist church in Motley on Thursday, July 13, with the Reverend A.M. Ramey in charge of the services. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rardin of Henrietta assisted with the music for the service.

Pallbearers for the last rites included Charles Akin, William Andrews, Leonard Rardin, Bert Hogheem, Ernest Anderson, and Emert Allen.

Friends and relatives from out of town who attended the funeral service for August Moberly: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frisbee of Manchester, Minnesota; and Mr and Mrs. William Frisbie of Fairmont; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker of Hamilton, Iowa; and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Simms of Hamilton, Iowa; Miss Ruth Holek of Moorhead; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holck; Harley Holck; Mrs. Oscar Hartwig of Kanawha, Iowa; Mrs. James Manley of Waseca; Mrs. Roy Frisbie of Fairmont.


FGS EB-152?417 Linda Wood woodjl@ 4/21/01 & Jan 2004

Shirlee Jessop TwoOleUtes@ 8/9/03 [on Rebecca]


152?417 Mary Jane Moberly, b. 10/14/1843 Mercer Co., IL, d. 5/29/1922 IA

m. 6/24/1860 Elijah "Lige" Bower in Spring Creek, Tama Co., IA, b. 12/2/1838 near Findlay, Wyandot Co., OH, d. 7/15/1906 Brandon, IA

152?4171 Rebecca Susan Bower, b. 6/2/1861 Buchanan Co., IA, d. 1/23/1946 Buchanan Co., IA

m. (1) 4/14/1878 Robert Dexter Evans, b. 9/25/1850 MI, d. 5/26/1914 Brandon, Buchanan Co., IA [son of John Evans/Mary Ann Robison]

m. (2) 12/8/1919 Ervin Heath, b. 9/20/1869 Manistee, MI, d. 10/20/1936 Brandon, Buchanan Co., IA [son of William Heath/Celeste ____]

152?41711 Deliah Delores Evans, b. 10/13/1880 Brandon, IA, d. 3/ /1948

m. 11/29/1898 John Rouse in Independence, Buchanan Co. IA, b. 1877 IA, d. 1956 [son Joseph Rouse/Mary Strait]

152?417111 Leita Rouse

m. Joe Fulmer

152?417112 Delores Rouse

m. Haoward Harold Cook

152?417113 Genevieve Rouse

m. Elias Hepker

152?417114 LaVerne Rouse

m. Luella ____

152?417115 Robert Rouse, d. 1951

152?417116 May Rouse

152?417117 Nellie May Rouse, b. 2/17/1909, d. 5/1/1988 waterloo, Black Hawk, IA

m. (1) 10/21/1915 Grant Bearbower in Independence, IA, d. ca 7/18/1940 Independence, IA

m. (2) 9/17/1938 Clifford Comstock in Waterlook IA

152?4171171 Delva Bearbower

m. ____ Moritz

152?417118 Leland Rouse, b. 3/ /1899

152?417119 Florence Rouse, b. ca 1901, d. 1/13/1988 Dysart, Tama Co., IA

m. Alvin Johnson, d. 1954

152?41711A Elmer E. Rouse, b. 3/23/1903 Brandon, IA, d. 5/ /1953 Marion, Linn Co., IA

m. 2/11/1926 Josephine Parkhurst in Vinton, Benton, Co., IA

152?41711A1 Elmer C. Rouse

152?41711A2 Marline R. Rouse

152?41711A3 John A. Rouse

152?41711A4 Duane Rouse

152?41711A5 Daughter Rouse

m. Fred Akers

152?41711B Fern Rouse, b. ca 1906, d. 12/22/1977 Vinton, IA

m. Mearl Wayson

152?41711B1 Jack Wayson

152?41711B2 Norma Wayson

m. Charles Musker

152?41711B3 Georgia Wayson

m. Gary Nash

152?41711C George Rouse, b. 1908, d. 1923

152?41711D Henry R. Rouse, b. 1910

152?41711E Rita Edith Rouse, b. 9/20/1913 Quasqueton, Buchanan Co., IA, d. 1990 bur. Evergreen cem Vinton, IA

152?41711F R. D. Rouse, b. 12/15/1915, d. 6/21/1966 Iowa City, IA

m. 1936 Dorothy Fish in Urgana, benton Co., IA, bur Walker cem [WW II veteran]

152?41711G Theodore Kizzy Rouse, b. ca 1923, d. 11/20/1981 Vinton, IA

m. Dorothy Berry [dau Mr. Berry & Gladys]

152?41711G1 Shirlee Rouse

m. James Jessop

152?41711G11 Jaimie Jessop

m. Craig Walker [son of James]

152?41711G111 Mattison Kay Walker, b. 1992

152?41711G12 Tadd Jessop

152?41711G2 Donald Rouse, b. 1940

m. Patsy Rogers, b. 7/16/1942 IA [dau Lyle Rogers/Gertrude Bvailey]

152?41711G21 Lori Ann Rouse

m. 7/13/1991 Richard Elwood Miracle in Benton , IA

152?41711G22 Scott Rouse

m. Julie ____

152?41711H Mary Rouse, b. 1926, d. 4/18/1984 Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA bur Urgana, IA

m. Elmer Franks

152?41711H1 Samuel Franks

152?41711H2 Elmer Franks

152?41712 Edith Pearl Evans, b. 6/14/1888 Brandon, IA, d. 1973

m. 2/10/1908 Henry A. Polk in Independence, IA, b. 2/22/1884 Buchanan Co., IA, d. 4/20/1970 Vinton, IA [son of August Polk/Barbara Bearbower]

152?41712 Henry Polk, b. 8/15/1911, d. 8/15/1911 bur Brandon Cem

152?41713 Merrill J. Evans, b. 3/7/1890 IA, d. 9/ /1971 Vinton, IA

m. (1) Miss. Polk

m. (2) 12/24/1917 Neva Stevenson in Vinton, IA, b. 10/2/1899 IA, d. 3/ /1986 Vinton IA [dau. Jacob Stevenson]

152?417131 Robert Evans, b. 1919

152?41714 Mary Ann Evans, b. 3/ /1892 IA

m. (1) Earl Richards

m. (2) 4/14/1910 Herbert Bvearbower in Independence, IA, b. 10/15/1881 Brandon, IA, d. 3/14/1935 Brandon IA [son of George Bearbowe3r/Urith Cole]

152?417141 Darwin Bearbower

152?417142 Doris Bearbower

152?41715 Leta Evans, b. 6/26/1896 IA, d. 1/24/1947 Iowa City, IA

m. 12/16/1915 George Bearbower, b. 5/ /1890, d. 1953 [son of George Bearbower/Urith Cole]

152?417151 Ione Bearbower lvd Toledo, OH in 1947

m. Mr. Meyer

152?417152 Max Bearbower lvd Atalissa, IA 1947

152?41716 Margaret Evans, b. 5/29/1899 Brandon, IA, d. 9/19/1982 Waterloo, IA

m. (1) James Franklin Postel

m. (2) 11/11/1947 Charles T. Smith in Brandon, IA, b. 3/27/1887 Lithusania, d. 7/7/1960 Waterloo, IA

152?417161 Doris Postel

152?417162 Edith Postel

m. Thomas Leken

152?417163 Pauline Luella Postel, b. 2/27/1918 Brandon, IA, d. 10/5/1984 Waterloo, IA

m. 6/1/1938 Herbert E. Cusick in Manchester, Delaware Co., IA, b. 2/13/1919 Masonville, IA, d. 5/7/1993 Independence, IA [son of William Cusick/Alice Cochran]

152?4171631 James Cusick

m. Marlene ____

152?4171632 Milton Cusick

m. 5/29/1961 Diane F. Beier in Independence, IA, d. 10/16/1997 Ft. Myers, FL [dau Taymond Beier/Helen Krueger]

152?41716321 Diane Cusick

m. Brett Higgins

152?417163211 Boyd Higgins

152?417163212 Jenna Higgins

152?41716322 Russell Cusick

m. Sarah ____

152?417163221 Willie Cusick

152?417163222 Melanie Cusick

152?4171633 Brenda Cusick, b. ca 1949, d. 2/3/1990 Independence, IA (m. 5 times – last husband listed)

m. (5) Jimmy Torres [tried for murder of Brenda]

152?4172 Florence Florinda Bower, b. 8/22/1865 IA, d. 2/14/1952 IA

m. (1) 10/25/1884 William Evans Buchanan Co., IA, b. 8/15/1855 Silvan Center, Wastenaw Co., MI, d. 12/7/1921 Brandon, IA, bur. Brandon cem. [son of John EvansMary Robinson]

m. (2) 8/13/1912 William A. Deeter in IA, b. 1865 Pleasant Hill, OH, d. 6/19/1947 Brandon, IA bur. Brandon cem. [son of Solomon Deeter/Mary Oakes]

152?41721 Leonard E. Evans

152?41722 George D. Evans

m. (1) Charlotte E. Harris, b. 6/16/1911, d. 1/5/1990

m. (2) Viola Lovelace

152?417221 Marcie Evans

152?417222 Virgil Evans

152?41723 Elzie Evans, b. 5/24/1886 Brandon, IA, d. 6/11/1935 Iowa City, IA

m. 10/ /1909 Edith Sheplee in Clarion, IA

152?41724 Hattie L. Evans, d. Iowa City, IA unm.

152?41725 Orpha R. Evans, b. 11/8/1889, d. 1/16. 1977 Vinton, IA bur. Evergreen cem.

m. (1) R. P. Keller (div)

m. (2) ____ Sanborn

152?417251 June Keller

m. Keith Henkle

152?417252 Rozella Keller

m. V. L. Patrilla

152?417253 Leota Sanborn, b. ca 1909

m. Clarence Gottsch, b. 9/5/1890, d. 5/ /1977 Vinton, IA

152?417254 Lucille Sanborn, b. ca 1916

m. Guy Abernathey

152?41726 Harold J. Evans, b. 1893 IA, d. 9/14/1911 Vinton, IA bur. Brandon cem

152?41727 Leota C. Evans, b. 8/8/1895 Vista, Buchanan Co., IA, d. 1/4/1979 Gold Hill, OR

m. (1) ca 1916 ____ Schroeder

m. (2) 5/6/1922 Herbert Bearbower in Urbana, Benton Co., IA, b. 10/15/1883 Brandon, IA, d. 3/14/1935 Brandon, IA [son of George Bearbower/Urith Cole]

m. (3) 1937 Clyde Sterwart in IL, d. 1947

152?417271 Harold Louis Schroeder, b. 2/16/1917, d. 5/25/1985

152?41728 Forrest Elvin Evans, b. 8/28/1897 Buchanan Co., IA, d. 3/28/1944 Livermore, CA bur Brandon cem, IA

m. (1) 1917 Mary C. Tumilty in Benton Co., IA, b. 4/5/1900 Shellsburg, Benton Co., IA, d. 8/19/1987 Waterloo, IA [dau. Anslem Tumilty/Elizabeth Watkins] (div)

m. (2) 6/1/1926 Tillie Louise North, b. 1907 [dau. Fred North]

152?417281 Eugene Evans

152?417282 Betty Evans

m. (1) Mr. Manross

m. (2) Oliver Ferguson

152?417283 Florence E. Evans, b. 7/1/1920 Shellburg, IA, d. 1/1/1999 Cedar Falls, IA

m. (1) William Wutzke in MO, d. 1985

m. (2) bef. 1944 Leo Schoonover, Sr. in Vinton, IA

152?4172831 Kathy Schoonover

152?4172832 Janice Schoonover

152?4172833 Darlene Schoonover

152?4172834 Richard Schoonover

152?4172835 Leo Schoonover, Jr.

152?417284 Doris Evans, b. 1923 Brandon, IA, d. 10/24/1948 Livermore, CA, enurment Brandon cem, IA

152?4172841 Doreen Crowe, b. ca 1941

152?4172842 David Crowe, b. ca 1944

152?4172843 Delores Crowe, b. ca 1/ /1947

152?417289 William B. Evans, b. ca 1902

m. 1929 Sylvia Smith in Des Moines, Polk Co., IA

152?4173 Anna E. Bower, b. 11/28/1866 Brandon, IA, d. 12/13/1962 Lakewood, Jefferson Co., CO

m. Colin G. Coniff in Mt. Augurn, Benton Co., IA, b. 1876 Ford Co., IL, d. 1944 [son of Peter Coniff/Harriett Gordon]

152?41731 Daughter Coniff

152?41732 Daughter Coniff

m. Lloyd Grover, b. 4/27/1898, d. 2/ /1980 Greeley, CO

152?41733 Evangeline Coniff, b. ca 5/ /1898 Brandon Co., IA, d. ca 9/ /1898

152?41734 Frieda Coniff, b. 1900 Brandon, IA, d. 7/8/1902

152?4174 Rufus Elven Bower, b. 9/8/1869 ". d. 2/7/1947 Brandon, IA bur. Brandon cem

m. 11/26/1890 Nellie E. Bryner in Brandon, IA, b. 4/18/1873 IL, d. 12/ /1948 Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA [dau James Bryner/Sarah Bordon]

152?41741 Parma Bower, b. 9/30/1893, d. 12/ /1967 Iowa City, Johnson Co., IA, both bur. Brandon cem

m. 9/7/1919 Cecil G. Randall in Brando, IA, b. 11/16/1893, d. 1/ /1964

152?417411 Junior Randall

152?41742 Roy Bower

152?41743 Glenn Bower

152?41744 Lynford C. Bower, b. ca 1908 IA

m. 8/1/1934 Marie Magee in Dunkerton, Black Hawk Co., IA, b. 12/27/1911

152?417441 Richard Edward Bower, b. 10/3/1938 Waterloo, IA, d. 12/16/1991 Iowa City, Johnson Co., IA

m. 8/11/1963 Marilyn Heiple in Waterloo, IA

152?417441 Michael E. Bower

152?4174412 Lynn M. Bower

152?417442 Cathy Lynn Bower, b. 4/3/1946 Waterloo, IA, d. 6/28/1990 St. Charles, IL

m. Kurt Anderson

152?4174421 Jeffery Anderson

152?4174422 Julie Anderson

152?4175 Elizabeth "Libby" Bower, b. 8/2/1871, d. 11/21/1910 "

m. 3/4/1891 Frank Wilbur Zinn, b. 7/9/1870 IA, d. 6/12/1951 Brandon, IA bur Brandon cem [son of Phillip Zinn/Elizabeth Morrison]

152?41751 Ethel Zinn, b. 7/ /1891

m. 6/ /1909 G.C. Reisner in Vinton, Benton Co., IA

152?41752 Laveta Zinn, b. 5/ /1895

152?4176 Elijah Bower, b. 10/28/1874, d. 10/7/1881 "

152?4177 Lee Evert Bower, b. 1/ /1883, d. 4/16/1888 bur Brandon cem "


Date: Sun, 6 Apr 1997 From: John Godt

My g,grandpa was Frank Zinn,. He m Elizabth Bowers,m 19 feb 1890. Her parents are Elijah Bowers & Mary Jane Moberly, m 24 jun 1860. Elijiah Bowers -b 2 dec 1838, d 15 jul 1906 His father was John Bowers, b1790 - 1800 in Germany. John's wife was Margartti Willard, b 1800 - 1810 in Pa. I have Mary Jane Moberly b oct 1843, m 24 jun 1860 in Spring Creek, Blackhawk Co., Iowa

and d 29 may 1922 in Brandan, Buchanan Co., Iowa. Names of Mary Jane &

Elijiah childern are - Elijiah b 29/30 oct 1874 - d7 oct 1881, Lee E. b 16 dec 1882 d 16 mar 1888 , Flora , Elizabeth (Libby) my g,grandma , Anna b 28 nov 1866, m 12 may 1896 , d 13 dec 1962 , Rebecca b 1861 d 1947 , and Elvin b 1869 d 5 feb 1947. I have been told that Mary Jane's grandmother was a sister to Nancy Hank’s mother who is the mother of Abe Lincoln. I hope this helps as I could use more info on the Bowers and Moberly family. thanks John


|John Godt |

|12756 W Pilgrim Rd |

|Dixon, IL 61021 |

|(815) 288-3524 |


FGS EB-152?42 Data 6/18/92 Carl Mobley

Judith Floyd jjmfeldo@ 3/28/01 5/5/01

The Complete History of Sullivan County, MO, by Gladys Wells Crumpacker confirms that Nancy did not m. Armstead C. Hill

Gladys Carlson Grcarl@ 10/13/02


152?42 Drury (Drewery) Moberly, b. ca 1782 Montgomery Co., MD, d. 7/28/1863, Boone Co., MO

m. (1) 1/23/1810 Elizabeth Henderson, Madison Co. KY, d. ca 1847 Chillicothe, MO

(2) 3/17/1850 Tabitha Barrett, Livingston Co., MO, b. ca 1806

152?421 James Moberly

152?422 Mary Ann "Mollie" Moberly, b. 11/18/1811 Madison Co. KY, d. 4/18/1888, Chillicothe, Livingston Co., MO

m. (1)11/15/1827 Andrew Wilson in Montgomery Co., IN, b. 5/10/1832, d. 2/3/1875

m. (2) Thomas C. Bird, b. ca 1838 MO

152?423 Nancy Moberly, b. ca 1813, IN, d. ca 1860 (1886 per Gladys) Sullivan Co. MO

m. ____ Hill

m. Robert Wilson (per Gladys)

152?424 Dr. William Moberly, b. 4/5/1814 Madison Co., KY, d. 1/30/1856, Sullivan Co., MO

m. Sarah Jane Haley, b. 11/29/1820, d. 6/22/1912 Sullivan Co., MO, dau. Charles Haley/Rachel Thomas of NC

152?425 Sarah Moberly, b. ca 1818, Lawrence Co. IN, d. MO??

m. John Mellon, b. 1810

152?426 James Moberly, b. ca 1820

152?427 Samyramus Moberly, b. ca 1820

m. Robert M. Kirkpatrick, b. 1820

152?428 John Tucker Moberly, b. 10/31/1823, Lawrence Co. IN (or Madison Co., IN), d. 7/9/1890, Sullivan Co., MO

m. (1) 4/15/1852 Agnes Keziah Haley, b. 7/17/1835, d. 9/5/1883 Sullivan Co., MO, dau. Charles Haley/Rachel Thomas of NC

m. (2) Sarah Jane Haley, b. 11/29/1820, d. 6/22/1912 Sullivan Co., MO [wid. of William 152?424]

152?429 Abraham Moberly, b. ca 1827, IN [lived & died in Indian Territory][d. aft Drury's will of 1863]

m. ____

152?4291 Louis Moberly lived Webb City, MO

152?4292 John Moberly d. near Kirksville, MO

152?42A Lewis Moberly, b. ca 1832, IN, d. Webb City, Reynolds, MO

m. 9/7/1858 Mary “Mollie” A. Clark

MO Marriages: Lewis Moberly Marriage Date: 7 Sep 1858 Marriage County: Livingston Spouse Name: Mollie A Clark

152?42A1 Everet Moberly

same? Everett Maberly [Everett Moberly]  Marriage Date: 1 Oct 1913 Marriage Location: Hartville, Wright, Missouri Marriage County: Wright Spouse Name: Grace Pickron

152?42A2 Saide Moberly

152?42A3 Gur Moberly


1810 Madison Co., KY; Drury, 1m16\26, 1f16\26]

1820 Lawrence Co. IN. Drury listed 1 girl over 10, and 3 under 10; 2 boys under 10

1850 Livingston, MO: Drury 66, Tabitha 44, John 26, Abram 23, Lewis 18, BARET, Thomas 24, William 13, Barbara 24, John 1

1860 Boone Co: Drury 77 MD, Tobitha 59 SC, William Barett 21 MO, Samuel Mobley 40 IN

Certificate No. 12370 - Druery Moberly of Montgomery Co., IN purchased Public Land "The north fraction of the north East quarter of Section Two in Township nineteen north, of Range five west, in the district of lands subject to sale at Crawfordsville, Indiana, containg one hundred and fourteen and fifteen hundredths of an acre. Dated 1 July 1831

Drury patented 66.2 acres in Hancock Co., ILLINOIS on 10-10-1840 and he had also pat. land in MISSOURI 6-1-1839, along with James and William, whose pat.s were dated in 1837.


28th April 1863, Boone Co., Missouri

(furnished to me by copy of will from records of Boone Co MO, from Judith Floyd, descendant.) Transcribed as best as could be understood, by Mac Elliott, assisted by Judith Floyd.


Drury MOBERLY (words marked out) in the county of Boone and state of Missouri being in infirm state of health and sensible of my liability to sudden death, at the same time being according to my own apprehension of sound mind, and being anxious to make A suitable disposition of my real and personal estate do make and ordain this my last Will and testament.

1st It is my will that all my just debts and personal expenses be paid.

2nd I give to my beloved wife, Tabbitha Moberly eighty acres of land on which my dwelinghouse stands known as follows it being the West half of the South west quarter of section five township forty seven Range thirteen containing eighty acres also part of the North west quarter of the North west quarter of section eight township forty seven Range thirteen containing forty (acres) that is commencing at the northeast corner of the above described forty acres Running with a line of fence on the south side of the road to the south west corner of the field near the state road Thence a little west of south with a line of fence to when where said strikes TURNER McBANES north line running east and west including all west of that line. My beloved wife to have and to hold the above described land together with all the appurtenances there unto belonging during her natural life or widowhood.

3rd I give to my wife Tabbitha the following slaves to be and remain with her for her own use and benefit during her natural life and widowhood to wit My slave Tom and my interest in the woman, Barbary, John, Mary, Jo and Charly the above slave Tom to be manumitted and free at (mark) at the marriage or death of my wife and further if the slave Tom should become refractory or unmanageable by my wife after my decease during his time of servitude he then shall be sold a slave for life and the proceed of the sale of said slave to be used by my wife for her own use and benefit.

4th I give my wife Tabbitha Moberly her side saddle two choice horses two choice cows twenty choice hogs, With all the houshold and kitchen furniture farming utensils all the grain meat and other provisions and bowls that may be on hand with fifty dollars cash at the time of my decease.

5th it is my will that at the death or marriage of my wife that all that is remaining of what I have left her by will revert back and belong to my estate.

Now be it known that I have here to fore give to my son William Moberly seven hundred dollars, to my son Lewis Moberly four hundred dollars to my son James Moberly two hundred dollars to my son John Moberly three hundred Dollars to my daughter Sally MELON two hundred dollars to my daughter Polly BIRD two hundred dollars to my daughter Nancy HILL two hundred Dollars to my daughter Samyramus KIRKPATRICK two hundred dollars.

6th It is my will as I have not hereto fore give my son Abraham Moberly any thing and have give some of my heirs more than other's it being my intention to make them equal therefore it is my will at my decease or as soon there after as is convenient that my son Abraham have seven hundred dollars My son Lewis have three hundred my son James have five hundred dollars my son John have four hundred dollars my daughter Sally have five hundred dollars My daughter Polly have five hundred Dollars My daughter Nancy have five hundred dollars my daughter Samyramus have five hundred Dollars provided the several amounts apportioned each of my children named can be made out of my effects (words marked through) remaining undisposed of at my decease or the marriage or death of my wife if the several amounts cannot be made out of my effects then each of the heirs named above to have in proportion to the several amounts set apart but if the several amounts set appart can be made and then should be any thing of my estate left not disposed of after the several portions is paid to my children above named the remainder to be equally divided among the following named children to wit. My sons William, Abraham, John, James, Lewis and my daughters, Sally, Polly, Nancy and Samyramus

6th (should be 7th) it is my will that my slaves (words marked out) to wit Adam, Charlot, Jane, Hanna and Nan and all the lands not disposed of belonging to me to be sold at my death or as soon thereafter as may be convenient for the benefit of my children named. I nominate and appoint Francis CONNELLY Administrator of my estate in witness where of I hereto set my hand and seal and publish And declare this to be my last will and testament this 28 day of Aprile 1863


Drury x Moberly {seal}


Signed the testators names

by his request


Signed sealed Published and declared by the above named Drury Moberly as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence have submitted our names as witnesses thereunto



State of Missouri

County of Boone } set?

Be it Remembered that on this 28th day of July AD 1863 the foregoing last Will and testament of Drury Moberly late of said county deceased was produced in the office of the Clerk of the county court of said county, for Probate and there upon came William CUNNINGHAM and James E. BALLINGER

subscribing witnesses to said will, who being duly sworn testified that the testator Drury Moberly signed and published the same Testament of writing, as and for his last will and testament that he was of sound and disposing mind at the time and more that twenty one years of age and that they attested the said will by signing their names as witnesses thereto, in the presence of the said testator



In Testimony Whereof I Joseph B. DOUGLASS clerk of the county court in and for the county of Boone aforesaid have hereunto signed my name and affixed the seal of said court at office this 28th day of July AD 1863


State of Missouri

County of Boone } set? By N. L. Todd recorded the foregoing last will and testament of Drury Moberly decd, with the testimony in proof of the same in my office this 28th day of July AD 1863 (can't read) - my hand with the seal of said court affixed this day and year before (can't read) J. B. Douglas - Clerk

by R. L. Todd - D.C.

Final settlement of Francis CONNELLY Excer of Drury Moberly Decd made with the Boone county court at its August term 1870

Said Excr charges himself with balance due estate in last settlement made April term 1870 $348.65

To interest ( ) from last settlement 6.96

Total $355.61

Clerks fee $1.51

Bal due estate $354.10

of which bal $212.50 at fall term of the court 1865 and to be paid S. KIRKPATRICK & the balance of said $354.10 to wit $141.60 belongs also to S. KIRKPATRICK is in sum or was when last heard from



FGS 152?422 by Judith Floyd jjmfeldo@ 3/29/01

Gladys Carlson Grcarl@ 10/13/02


152?422 Mary Ann "Mollie" Moberly, b. 11/18/1811 Madison Co. KY, d. 4/18/1888, Chillicothe, Livingston Co., MO

m. (1) 11/15/1827 Andrew Wilson in Montgomery Co., IN, b. 5/10/1832, d. 2/3/1875

m. (2) ca 1838 Thomas C. Bird, b. ca 1838 MO (1802-1852 per Gladys)

152?4221 Drury Wilson, b. 5/10/1832 IN, d. 2/3/1875 MO

m. ____

I had that Drury Wilson was born on June 5, 1832 and his sister Julia Ann Wilson was born in 1834. Mary also has 7 children by her second husband, Thomas Bird.

152?42211 Amanda Wilson, b. 1862

m. Michael S. Gilbert, b. 1860

152?42212 William Jefferson Wilson

152?4222 Julia A. Wilson, b. 1833 IN

m. Josephus Rickett, b. 1834, d. 1872

152?42221 George A. Rickett

152?42222 Charles M. Rickett, b. 1860

152?42223 Ida Frances Rickett, b. 1865

152?42224 John B. Rickett, b. 1869

152?42225 Mary Ellen Rickett, b. 1871

152?42226 Silly A. “Etta” Rickett, b. 1877

152?4223 John W. Bird, b. 1838

m. (1) Nancy Hoge, b. 1846, d. 1871

m. (2) Almarinda Kelly, b. 1859, d. 1882

m. (3) Lovina Booth

152?42231 Mary Ellen Bird, b. 1869, d. 1877

152?42232 Alice Bird, b. 1870, d. 1877

152?42233 William T. Bird, b. 1876 (of ux #2)

m. Irene Ostrander

152?42234 Albert M. Bird, b. 1879

m. Daisy Bell Hall

152?4224 Jane Bird, b. 1839 IA, d. 1907

m. Amos Satterson, b. 1837

152?4225 Margaret Bird, b. 1840 IA

m. Benjamin Able Bird, b. 1842, d. 1926

152?4226 Hugh Able Bird, b. 1842 IA, d. 1926

m. Mary Christie (Christy), b. 1860

152?42261 George Able Bird, b. 1881

152?42262 John Ellsworth Bird, b. 1884

152?42263 Hugh Able Bird Jr, b. 1885, d. 1972

152?42264 Ray Casper Bird, b. 1886

152?42265 Mary Olive Bird, b. 1888

152?42266 Ellis Bird, b. 1892

152?4227 Mary Bird, b. 1844 IA

152?4228 Martha Bird, b. 1846 IA

m. Charles Augustus Bain, b. 1847, d. 1911

152?42281 Arthur Bain, b. 1873

152?42282 Charlie L. Bain, b. 1874

152?42283 Hattie Bain, b. 1876

152?42284 John D. Bain, b. 1885

152?42285 Henry Bain, b. 1879

152?4229 Samuel Bird, b. 1848 AR, d. 1877

m. Hannah Matilda Stull, b. 1855, d. 1917

152?42291 Lota Bell Bird, b. 1875, d. 1941

m. George Edwin (Edward) Williams, b. 1859, d. 1925

152?422911 Hazel Williams

152?422912 George Cyrus Williams, b. 1893, d. 1934

m. Alice Roberts

152?422913 Harry Bird Williams, b. 1896, d. 1963

m. Irma Melton

152?4229131 Berenice Williams

152?4229132 Margaret (Peggy) Williams

m. Arthur Pahl

152?422914 Myrtle Edith Williams, b. 1899, d. 1977

m. John Henry Brumley, b. 1885, d. 1972

152?4229141 George Isaac Brumley, b. 1919, d. 1993

m. (1) Mary Estelle Daniels, b. 1920

m. (2 Lucille Haworth

152?42291411 Peggy Joan Brumley, b. 1938

m. Paul David Moske

152?42291412 George Henry Brumley, b. 1942

m. (1) Barbara Wasik

m. (2) Suzanne Alexia

152?422914121 Scott Brumley

152?422914122 Eric Brumley

152?42291413 Judith Brumley, b. 19564 (of ux #2)

m. (1) Keith Carlson

m. (2) Paul Wade

152?42291414 Philip Brumley, b. 1955

m. Elizabeth Avalon

152?42291415 Leslie Brumley, b. 1957

m. Catherine Miller

152?422914151 Austin Brumley

152?422914152 Chelsea Brumley

152?4229142 John Wesley Brumley, b. 1921

m. Georgia Josephine Boos, b. 1924

152?42291421 Ronald Ray Brumley, b. 1943

m. (1) Jane Beavers

m. (2) Carol ____

152?422914211 Stephanie Brumley

152?422914212 Christopher Brumley

152?422914213 Michael Channing Brumley, b. 1946 (of ux #2)

m. (1) 1993 Camille Allen

m. (2) Susan ____

152?4229142131 Michelle Brumley

152?4229142132 Jennifer Brumley

152?422914214 Stephen Wesley Brumley, b. ca 1948

m. Amanda Turray

152?4229142141 Amanda Brumley

152?422914215 Cynthia Josephine Brumley, b. 1955

m. Ewing Johnson

152?4229142151 Candance Grace Johnson

152?4229142152 Dassie Johnson

152?422914216 Timothy Craig Brumley, b. 1958

m. Pamela Bailey

152?4229142161 Timothy Brumley

152?4229142162 Second Son Brumley

152?422914217 Daniel Edward Brumley, b. 1964

m. Jackie ____

152?4229143 Robert Louis Rayfield Brumley, b. 1922, d. 1925

152?4229144 Gladys Rose Brumley, b. 1924 lvs Pensacola, FL

m. Robert Eric Carlson, b. 1918

152?42291441 James Dennis Carlson, b. 1944

m. Patricia Ann Butler, b. 1942

152?422914411 Kevin James Carlson, b. 1969

m. Alyson Jeanne Winkler, b. 1971

152?4229145 Richard Francis Brumley, b. 1927

m. Mary Elizabeth Blaskowski, b. 1930

152?42291451 John Henry Brumley, b. 1954

m. (1) Amy Protek

m. (2) Catherine Hulan

152?422914511 Kristoff Ryan Brumley

152?422914512 Norman Owen Brumley, b. 1957(of #2)

m. Debra Cole

152?4229145121 Alicia Brumley

152?422914513 David Thomas Brumley, b. 1959

m. Barbra Gilley

152?422914514 James Edward Brumley, b. 1966

152?4229146 Mary Bell Brumley, b. 1929

m. (1) Walter Hancock

m. (2) Bernie Lewis Price, b. 1924, d. 1998

152?42291461 John Gregory Hancock, b. 1946

m. Marilyn Heinige

152?422914611 Sabrina Hancock, b. 1968

m. Todd Himshoot

152?422914612 Adrian Hancock, b. 1969

m. Lisa ____

152?422914613 Sonja Hancock, b. 1990

152?422914614 Sasha Hancock

m. Robert Wilson

152?422914615 Tabitha Hancock

m. Nathan Lomax

152?422914616 Heather Hancock

152?42291462 Paul Howard Price, b. 1949

m. (1) Lindsey Ann Jenkins

m. (2) Pamela Basillion

m. (3) Linda Ralston

m. (4) Diana Schapaugh

m. (5) Pamela Wakeman

152?422914621 Crystal Price

152?422914622 Michael Price

152?422914623 Patrick Price

152?422914624 Celeste Price

152?422914625 Cecelia Price (of ux #4)

152?42291463 David Allen Price, b. 1949

m. Rose Carson

152?422914631 Jesse Price

152?42291464 Mark William Price, b. 1953

m. Anita Shork

152?422914641 Natasha Price

152?422914642 Caleb Price

152?422914643 Onja Price

152?42291465 Curtis Todd Price, b. 1961

m. (1) Ruth Prante

m. (2) Katherine Jean Robson

152?422914651 Zachary Price (of ux #2)

152?422914652 Eli Price

152?42291466 Tamara Lynn Price, b. 1964

m. Timothy Farnell

152?422914661 Victoria Farnell, b. 1992

152?42291467 Gail Marie Price, b. 1967

m. Matthew Dessez

152?422914671 Natalie Dessez, b. 1994

152?422914672 Harrison Dessez, b. 1998

152?422915 Ivan Williams, b. 1905, d. 1906

152?422916 Olive May Rosella Williams, b. 1907, d. 1986

m. George Phillips

152?4229161 James Murray Phillips, b. 1927, d. ca 1990

152?4229162 George Robert Phillips, b. 1929

152?422917 Ivy Williams, b. 1912

152?42292 Charles H. Bird, b. 1876

m. Mame ____


FGS 152?423 Gladys Carlson Grcarl@ Los Alamos NM; Los Alamos M; 2007-7-18

Y-???12779 Lester Mobley, b 7/19/1912 [lvg 7/2000 Harrodsburg, IN]

m Mary Wilkerson

1900 Brown Co., IN: Monroe 28 Mar 1872 IN, Savannah L 30 Mar 1870 IN, William J 7 Oct 1892, Myrtle M 5 Feb 1895, Annie 2 Aug 1897, Fredie M 3/12 Feb 1900

1910 Brown Co: James M 38 IN, Savanna 40 IN, William J 17, Nancy A 12, Frederick M 10, Nathan O 7, Charles R 5, Estes H 2, Martha S 1/12

1920 Brown Co: James M 47 IN, Savannah 49 IN, Annie 22s, Fred 19, Nathan 17, Charles 14, Estes 12, Savannah 9, Lester 7


FGS Y-???12771


Y-???12771 William Jesse Mobley, b. 10/31/1892 IN, d. 9/2/1957

m 11/10/1910 Della Mae Butcher in IN

Y-???127711 James Daniel Mobley, b. 9/16/1912 Brown Co, IN

m. 9/16/1937 ____

Y-???1277111 Paul Mobley lvs San Jose, CA

Y-???127712 Earl Mobley

Y-???127713 Lora Mobley, b. 1915 IN

m. Earl Hendricks

Y-???127714 Wilbur Merle Mobley, b. 1918 IN

m. Mildred Haley

Y-???127715 Raymond Mobley, b. 1919 IN

Y-???127716 Elmer Mobley

Y-???127717 Martha Mobley

m. Robert Canada

Y-???127718 Clayton Henry Mobley, b. 9/25/1923, d. 1/ /1960

m Mary Frances Marshall (Marchal), b. 7/17/1923, d. 2/27/2011 (m. 2nd Everett Bradshaw)

Y-???1277181 Judith Ann Mobley, b. 12/18/1942

m. William Groves

Y-???12771811 Mark Groves

m. Kimberly ____ issue: Mathew, Adam, Spencer

Y-???12771812 Paul Groves

m. Tamara ____ issue: Madison, Christian

Y-???1277182 Donna Sue Mobley, b. 6/7/1945

m. George Michael Southern

Y-???12771821 Cara Southern

m. 1) ? Rising

m. 2) Jeff Lovern issue: Benjamin, Adam, Sarah

Y-???12771822 Amy Jo Southern

m. James White, issue: Nathan

Y-???1277183 Richard Clayton Mobley, b. 8/25/1948

m. Terry Baker

Y-???12771831 Melody Mobley

m. Michael Outz

Y-???12771832 Scott Mobley

Y-???1277184 David Henry Mobley, b. 9/30/1958

m. Linda Fugett Turpin, b. 8/12/1948

[Linda's issue: Jennifer Holly Turpin, m. Jason Wynkoop & Jessica Susan Turpin]

Y-???127719 Elizabeth Mobley

1920 Monroe Co: William J 27 IN, Della 24, IN, James 7, Lora 5, Mearl 2, Raymond 1


additional data Sanda Riddle texasdal@ 4/21/01

Carole Mobley alcarole@ Apr 2004 (on Wm Samuel)


Y-???129 Josiah ("Dolf") Mobley, b. 7/3/1839, Bloomington, Monroe Co. IN, d. 6/26/1908, OK, farmer[name orig. Moberly, changed to Mobley by 1880]

m. (1) 3/27/1859 Rebecca Mary Monroe Ealy, in Monroe Co., IN, b. 7/7/1844, Springfield, Greene Co. MO (Greene Co., IN ?), d. 10/29/1895, Leander, Williamson Co. TX[dau. of Abraham(Abram) Ealy/Catherine ___]

(2) 7/23/1897 Ailsa C. Stephens, in Travis Co . TX, b. 1/ /1844, KY, d. OK [all issue by (1)]

1860 Monroe Co: Moberly, Josiah 22 IN, Rebecca 16 IN, James A 5/12

1870 Webster Co., MO: Mobley, Josiah 32 IN, Rebecca M 26 IN, James A 10 IN, Carmia 8 IN, William 6 IN, Mary E 4 MO, Sarah A 1, Eliza A 5/12

1880 Williamson Co, TX: Josiah 40 IN-KY, Rebecca 25 IN-TN, James A 20 IN, William S 16 IN, Jane 8 MO, Elizabeth 15 IN, Sarahann 12 MO, Eliza A 11 MO, Hilman 9 MO, Jane 8 MO, Franklin 6 TX, Albert 2 TX

1900 Williamson Co: Josiah 71 Jul 1828 IN, Alcay 56 Jun 1844 KY, Charley 18 Mar 1881 TX, Carl 15 Feb 1885, HORTON, William S 9 Jan 1891 Gson

1910 Caddo Co., OK: Elicey C (f) 66 KY Wd, Alexander 30s MO stepson

Joshia left Webster Co., MO after 1873 & was in Bastrop Co., TX by 1876

Y-???1291 James Abram Mobley, b. 2/10/1860, d. 3/15/1933, Austin, Travis Co., TX

m. (1) 8/13/1896 Maggie Davis, in Austin, TX, d. 7/17/1903, Austin, TX

(2) Willie ___

Y-???1292 Carma Mobley, b. 12/19/1861, d. 3/13/1879, Leander, Williamson Co., TX

m. 3/1/1877 Pelick Smith, in Hill Co. TX, b. 2/26/1854, IN, d. 12/30/1934, Cross Plains, Callahan Co. TX; merchant, farmer, landowner, Justice of the Peace[son of Joseph Smith{1831/IN-1879/Hill Co., TX/Artimacy Lewis{1832 /KY-1900/Winnsboro, TX}]

Y-???1293 William Samuel Mobley, b. 1/9/1863, Bloomington, IN, d. 6/12/1941 Haines, Baker Co., OR

m. 6/8/1883 Mary Elna Davis, Williamson Co., TX, b. 9/21/1870, d. 8/8/1918 Chickashaw, Grady Co., OK bur. Ft. Cobb cem (dau of Thomas M. Davis/Elna A. Komalty)

Y-???1294 Mary Elizabeth Mobley, b. 10/14/1865, Il, d. ca 1893?, Milam Co., TX

m. 7/8/1883 J. C. C. Owens, Williamson Co. TX, b. ___?, d. ca 1886, TX

Y-???12941 Mary Belle Owens, b. ca 1885, d, ca 1887, Williamson Co., TX

Y-???1295 Sarah Anne Mobley, b. 11/11 or 22/1867, MO, d. 3/29/1949, Hobart, Kiowa Co., OK, bur. Geary, Blaine Co., OK

m. 1/20/1887 William Thomas Richey, Williamson Co., TX b. 6/14/1858, Camden Co., MO, d. ca 1938, Bridgeport, Caddo Co., OK bur. Geary, Blaine Co., OK; farmer

Y-???1296 Eliza Alice Mobley, b. 11/25/1869, MO, d. ca 1891, TX

m. 1/15/1890 Samuel H. Horton, Williamson Co., TX, b.___?, d. NM [may have d. Portales, Roosevelt Co. NM]

Y-???12961 William Samuel Horton, b. ca 1891

Y-???1297 Tillman David Mobley, b. 4/22/1872, MO, d. 8/9/1909, Denton, Denton Co., TX, bur. Oakwood Cem., Denton; farmer

m. 3/23/1891? Mary Etta Pope, in Leander, Williamson Co., TX, b. 3/14/1870, d. 9/25/1903, Leander, TX

Y-???12971 Ed Mobley, b. ca 1893, Leander, TX

Y-???12972 Joseph Solon Mobley, b. 6/11/1895, Leander, TX, d. 5/15/1971 Austin, TX, umn.

Y-???12973 Johnny Mobley, b. ca 1897?, Leander, TX

m. Ida ___

Y-???129731 Ella Mae Mobley, b. ca 1899?

Y-???12974 Lillie Mae Mobley, b. "

Y-???1298 Laura Jane Mobley, b. 2/4/1873, d. 11/2/1954, Corpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, bur Denton,. TX

m. 12/18/1895 Joseph William Ellason, in Liberty Hill, Williamson Co., TX, b. 5/2/1863, TX, d. 6/18/1941, Denton, Denton Co., TX; bur. Oakwood Cem. Denton

Y-???1299 Franklin Brooks Mobley, b. 8/5/1876, Bastrop Co., TX, d. 7/27/1966, San Antonio, Bexar Co. TX; rancher

m. 12/2/1897 Anna Marie Katherine Feurbacher, in Austin,. Travis Co., TX, b. 1/10/1880, Meissen, Saxony, Germany, d. 2/22/1973, San Antonio, TX

Y-???129A Albert Alexander Mobley, b. 9/5/1878, TX, d. 5/13/1964, McKinney, Collin Co., TX, bur. Denton, TX; farmer; unm.

1900 Travis Co: Frank 23 Aug 1870 TX-IN, Anna 20 Jan 1880 Germ, Erma 1 Nov 1898 TX, Alex 21 Sep 1878 (bro)

Y-???129B Cecil Charles (Charley) Mobley, b. 3/31/1880, Williamson or Travis Co TX , d. 4/24/1963, Denton, Denton Co. TX, bur Oakwood Cem., Denton; farmer

m. 1911 Sudie Mae Scarbarough, in OK, b. 4/23/1894, Indian Terr., OK, d. 5/24/1987, Globe, Gila Co., AZ, bur. Safford, Graham Co., AZ[divcd. 1916][dau. of Jerry Louis Scarbarough/Rose Somerville]

Y-???129C Walter Garfield Mobley, b. 12/30/1882, TX, d. 10/18/1898

Y-???129D Josiah Carl Mobley, b. 2/24/1885, TX, d. OK; unm


Y-???1291 James Abram Mobley


Y-???1291 James Abram Mobley, b. 2/10/1860, d. 3/15/1933, Austin, Travis Co., TX

(d/c J.A. Mobley 2/13/1867 – 3/15/1933 s/o Jim – Teamster – informant Chester Mobley)

m. (1) 8/13/1896 Maggie Davis, in Austin, TX, b. 2/ /1872 TX, d. 7/17/1903, Austin, TX

(2) Willie ___

1900 Travis: James A 39 Feb 1861 IN, Maggie 28 Feb 1872 TX, Minnie 12 Mar 1888, Nora 10 Mar 1890, Ida 8 Jul 1891, James A Jr 6 Jun 1893, Beulah 5 Jul 1894

1910 Travis: Jim 45 U.S., Willie L 23 TX m. 4 yrs, Ida 19, Beulah 15, -Igrester ??(m) 2

Y-???12911 Minnie Mobley, b. 3/ /1888 Austin, Travis Co., TX

m. ___ Parks

Y-???12912 Nora Mobley, b. Austin, Travis Co., TX

m. ___ Maupin

Y-???12913 Ida Mobley, b. 7/ /1891 TX

Y-???12914 James Abram Mobley Jr., b. 6/ /1893 TX

Y-???12915 Beulah Mobley, b. Austin, Travis Co., TX

m. ___ Lung

{above b. of (1)/ below b. of (2)}

Y-???12916 Helen Mobley, b. Austin, Travis Co., TX

Y-???12917 Annie Mobley, b. Austin, Travis Co., TX

Y-???12918 Herman Mobley, b. Austin, Travis Co., TX

Y-???12919 Chester Mobley, b. Austin, Travis Co. TX

Y-???1291A Sherman Mobley, b. Austin, Travis Co., TX


Y-???1292 Carm Mobley

Data 8/25/89, Mrs Woodrow Walter; nee Alice Vera Carey


Y-???1292 Carma Mobley, b. 12/19/1861, d. 3/13/1879, Leander, Williamson Co., TX

m. 3/1/1877 Pelick Smith, in Travis Co. TX, b. 2/26/1854, IN, d. 12/30/1934, Cross Plains, Callahan Co. TX; merchant, farmer, landowner[son of Joseph Smith{1831/IN-1879/Hill Co., TX/Artimacy Lewis{1832,/KY-1900/Winnsboro, TX}]

[he m. (2) Mary Ennis Carey{her descendants omitted here}]

Mary Jane Smith, b. 3/5/1878, Aquilla, Hill Co. TX, d. 8/14/1969, Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., TX, bur. Merkel, TX[his 2nd. ux]

m. 11/14/1895 William Michael Carey, in Cottonwood, Callahan Co., TX,

b. 8/8/1862, AR, d. 11/29/1944, Trent, Taylor Co. TX, bur. Merkel, TX; farmer

[son of Stephen Carey/Nancy Bradley Cannon]

Melvin Freeland Carey, b. 9/17/1896, Cross Plains, Callahan Co. TX, d. 10/28/1971, Brownwood, Brown Co., TX;ranch foreman

m. (1) 12/25/1191, Millicent Lamberson Teague, in Brownwood, TX,

b. 10/8/1899, Nimrod, Brown Co. TX, d. 5/26/1968, Brownwood, bur. Blanket, Brown Co., TX[dau. of Silas Littleton Teague/Loda Plummer]

(2) 12/31/1970 Lottie Annie Strickland Parson, in DeLeon, Comanche Co., TX, b. 12/2/1901, Blanket, TX, d. 9/8/1978, Brownwood, bur. Blanket, TX; postmistress[dau. Jackson Bedie Strickland/Alice Issadora Haddon]

Doswell Freeland Carey, b. 3/15/1921, Cross Plains, Callahan Co., TX, d. 4/10/1963, San Antonio, TX, bur. San Antonio; WW II, records dept, Lackland AFB [of (1)]

m. 5/5/1951 Mary Elizabeth Crowell, San Antonio, TX, b. 6/13/1934, San Antonio, TX[dau. of Arthur Robert Crowell/Margaret Kellett]

Thadeus Norman Carey, b. 12/5/1951, San Antonio, lvd. 1989 Abilene, TX; law enforcement

m. 6/29/1973 Tempye Beth Marshall, Cisco, Eastland Co., TX

Lindsey Blanton Carey , b. 4/6/1923, Cross Plains, Callahan Co. TX, d. 9/29/1983, San Diego, CA; lvd. Escondido, CA, bur. San Marcos. CA, WW II, Bronze Star; teacher[of (1)]

m. 6/29/1947 Leone Alberta Schmeeckle, San Diego, CA, b. 11/19/1917, New Raymer, Weld Co., CO, lvd. 1989 Escondido, CA; teacher[dau. of Albert Schmeeckle/Esther May Frew]

Linda Susan Carey, b. 10/11/1951, CA, lvd. 1989 Valley Center, CA; teacher

m. 11/19/1977 Joseph Frank Hijak, Escondido, CA, b. 4/15/1947; teacher[son of Frank Stanley Hijak/Anna Lubasik]

Alison Carey Hijak, b. 9/5/1979, Escondido, CA

Amy Suzanne Hijak, b. 11/29/1981, Escondido, CA

Stephen Neal Carey, b. 6/22/1955, CA, lvd. 1992 Escondido, CA; owns garage door business

m. 2/24/1979 Mary Kay Russell, La Jolla, CA, b. 11/13/1957, Oak Park, IL[dau. of Thomas Russell/Bette Jean Frommelt]

Lindsey Ann Carey. b. 3/21/1982, Escondido

Stephanie Kay Carey, b. 9/19/1988, Escondido

Andrew Carl Carey, b. 1/9/1898, Cross Plains, TX, d. 5/23/1918, Cross Plains, TX; farm work

Raymond Lincoln Carey, b. 11/23/1899, Cross Plains, TX, d. 6/1/1901, Cross Plains, TX

Oliver Roy Carey, b. 12/5/1901, Cross Plains, Callahan Co., TX, lvd. Lubbock, TX; farmer

m. 9/10/1923 Nora Ella Woodward, in Abilene, Taylor Co. TX, b. 12/29/1905, San Saba Co. TX[dau. of Christopher Columbus Woodward/Sarah Jane Tubbs]

William Elbert Carey, b. 4/15/1925, Jones Co., TX, d. 7/20/1972, Vancouver. WA, bur. Lubbock, TX; WW II, gift shop

m. (1) Frances Merle Harwell, 7/15/1947, Merkel, Taylor Co. TX, b. 1/7/1925, Callahan Co., TX, divcd, Abilene, TX, d. 9/15/1980, Merkel, TX, bur. Abilene[dau. of O. Earl Harwell/Merle Blanton]

(2) ca 1957 Ruth ___, divcd.

(3) ca 1971 Ann ___

Youlinda Marie Carey[of (1)], b. 6/11/1948, Abilene, TX, lvd. 1989 Bedford, TX

m. 8/31/1968 Michael Lee Hester, Merkel, TX, b. 9/11/1947, d. 10/23/1983, Ft. Worth, TX, bur. Merkel, TX; engineer

David James Hester, b. 7/8/1975, Bedford, TX

Alvin Wayne Carey[of (1)], b. 10/27/1949, Slaton, Lubbock Co., TX; lumber mill

m. (1) Darlene Pilcher, divcd.

(2) Kathy Janimick, Abilene, TX, lvd. 1989 MN

Elbert Wayne Carey[of (1)], b. Abilene, TX

Misty Dawn Carey[of (2)], b. 10/20-/1978, Abilene

Brandi Marie Carey[of (2)], b. 1/16/1981, Lubbock, TX

Alvin Wayne Carey, Jr.[of (2)], b. 6/25/1982, Lubbock, TX

Leonard Othell Carey, b. 10/26/1927, Merkel, Taylor Co., TX, d. 11/11/1971, Brownfield, TX[truck collision], bur. Brownfield; oilfield foreman

m. 8/12/1950 Leota Ruth Howell, Lovington. Lea Co. NM, b. 1/14/1933, Garza Co., TX[dau. of Clinton Horace Howell/Faye Edra Reno]

Vanita Ruth Carey, b. 11/26/1951, Brownfield, TX, lvd. 1989 Plains, Yoakum Co., TX

m. 12/24/1970 Randall Karol Redman, b. 8/5/1952, Lubbock, TX; farmer[son of James Edward Redman/Jackie Ruth Tibbets]

Justin Wade Redman, b. 12/7/1973, Brownfield, TX

Lesa Jo Carey, b. 11/7/1952, Brownfield, TX, lvd. 1989 Brownfield, TX

m. 8/5/1971 Larry Don LaBadie, Brownfield, TX, b. 8/9/1951, Brownsville, Cameron Co., TX; pumper, oil co.[son of Leo Joseph LaBadie II/Ouida Gaye Green]

Kristen Leigh LaBadie, b. 3/3/1973, Brownfield, TX

Kurtis Ray Labadie, b. 5/9/1975, Beownfield, TX

Keri Gay Labadie, b. 5/9/1975, Brownfield, TX

Oliver Roy Carey, Jr., b. 6/18/1930, Merkel, TX, lvd. 1989 Lubbock., TX; ginner

m. (1) 9/1/1950 Tessie Frances Autry , b. 5/4/1933, Lynn Co. TX, divcd., d.___, bur. Tahoka, Lynn Co. TX[dau. of Archie Thomas Autry/Effie Pennington]

(2) 4/27/1973 Lavern Ann Martin Weatherford, Lubbock, TX, b. 4/17/1950, Odessa, TX[dau. of Allison Page Martin/Viola Lavern Hale]; divcd. 1971 from Raymond Terry Weatherford(1 son by him); deputy county clerk

Stanley LeRoy Carey [of (1)], b. 5/13/1952, Tahoka. Lynn Co., TX, d. 5/13/1952, Tahoka, bur. Tahoka

Rocky Mitchell Carey[of (1)], b. 11/16/1954, Post, Garza Co., TX, lvd. 1989 Lubbock ; gin serviceman

m. 7/23/1976 Shirley Faye Jones, Lubbock, TX, b. 6/25/1957, Lexington, Holmes Co. MS[dau. of John Jones/Pat Pettus]

Stanley Chad Carey, b. 2/12/1977, Lubbock, TX

Tami Marie Carey, b. 10/4/1978, Lubbock, TX

Kevin Lee Carey, b. 5/11/1989, Lubbock, TX

Bradley Quint Carey[of (2)], b. 8/20/1976, Lubbock, TX, lvd. 1989 Lubbock

Kelie Alison Carey[of (2)], b. 10/28/1979, Lubbock, TX

Burl Elvin Carey, b. 2/7/1933, Merkel, Taylor Co. TX, lvd., 1989 Lubbock, TX ; hospital eng.

m. 12/31/1957 Wilma Jean Welch, Post, Garza Co., TX, b. 7/11/1936, San Angelo, Tom Green Co. TX; lab technician[dau. of Ralph House Welch/Helen Inez Martin]

Burl Elvin Carey, Jr., b. 10/16?1959, Lubbock, TX, lvd. 1989 Lubbock, TX

Ralph Michael Carey, b. 8/31/1962, Lubbock, TX, lvd. 1989 Jacksonville, Onslow Co., NC; US Marine

m. 6/1/1985 Caroline Juliet Lewis, Newport, Cartaret Co., NC

Christina Tiffany Carey, b. 3/11/1987, Jacksonvillle, Randolph Co., MO

Helen Jane Carey, b. 11/29/1963, Sterling City, Sterling Co., TX, lvd. 1989 Lubbock., TX

m. 7/14/1984 Grady Weldon Martin, Lubbock, divcd. 1987 Lubbock, TX

Reynold Richard Carey, b. 10/5/1903, Cross Plains, TX, d. 11/7/1903

Carroll Carey, b. 7/26/1904, Cross Plains, d. 3/30/1905

Carl Carey, b. 7/26/1904, Cross Plains, Callahan Co. TX, d. 12/29/1971, Abilene, Taylor Co. TX, bur. Merkel, TX; farmer

m. 8/4/1928 Minnie Mae Dickerson, in Abilene, b. 3/18/1903, Millsap, Parker Co., TX, d. 12/25/1983, Merkel, Taylor Co., TX, bur. Merkel[dau. of Frank Wolkford Dickerson/Amzy D. White]

Lois Lanell Carey, b. 3/15/1932, Nolan Co, TX, lvd. Midland, Midland Co, TX.; Reg. Nurse

m. 4/5/1958 Fred Elwyn Hopkins, in Lubbock, TX[son of Thomas Gordon Hopkins and Carmon Estelle Jones]

(Baby Boy), b. 3/19/1942, in Merkel, TX, d. 3/19/1942

Minnie Irene Carey, b. 4/25/1906, Cross Plains, TX, d. 9/21/1906

Truman Trammel Carey, b. 9/13/1907, Cross Plains, Callahan Co, TX, d. 6/5/1952, Merkel, Taylor Co. TX; farmer/truck driver

m. 12/18/1928 R. V. Dickerson, in Abilene, TX, b. 3/1/1909 Millsap, Parker Co., TX, lv. Abilene, TX[dau. of Frank Wolkford Dickerson/Amzy D. White]

Willie Elvee Carey, b. 9/19/1931, Merkel, TX; lvd. 1989, Abilene, TX

m. 6/20/1950 Carlton Douglas Brooks, In Merkel, TX, b. 4/19/1928 Merkel; butcher[son of John Edgar Brooks/Margaret McKay]

Grace Dianne Brooks, b. 3/15/1952, Merkel, TX, lvd. 1989 Merkel, TX

m. 6/27/1970 Bobby Gene Green, Abilene, TX

Amy Renee Green, b. 11/14/1972, Abilene, TX

Emily Michelle Green, b. 8/11/1976, Abilene, TX

April Suzanne Green, b. 2/25/1980, Abilene

Amber Leanne Green, b. 2/26/1980, Abilene

Patricia Kay Brooks, b. 6/4/1953, Merkel, TX, lvd. 1989 Abilene, TX

m. 12/18/1977 Alton Don Herring, Abilene., TX, lvd. 1989 Abilene, TX; therapist[son of Roy E. Herring/Kitty Vonceil Landers]

DeeDee Brooke Herring, b. 2/11/1979, Abilene

Margie Adell Carey, b. 4/21/1933, Merkel, TX; lvd. 1989 Merkel; accountant

m. (1) 1/7/1951 Edwin Lee Tucker, Trent, Taylor Co., TX, divcd. 1952, Abilene, TX

(2) 12/23/1955 T. J. Bird, Jr., divcd. 7/22/1965, remarried 5/1/1982, b. 5/1/1930, Merkel, TX; farmer[son of Tillery Jesse Bird/Effie Norman Ford]

Patti VeAnn Bird, b. 9/20/1962, Abilene, TX

m. 9/27/1982 David Clarence Kratz, Merkel, TX, lvd. 1989 Hobbs, NM

Jeramey David Kratz, b. 9/13/1985 , Abilene, TX

Meradith Nacole Kratz, b. 12/23/1987, Hobbs, NM

Alvin Leon Carey, b. 9/1/1935, Lamesa, Dawson Co. TX, Abilene, TX

m. 1983 Linda Wadley, in Abilene, divcd. ca 1985

Shirley Ann Carey, b. 12/16/1940, Merkel, TX, lvd. 1989, Wichita, KS

m. 1/10/1959 Johnnie Earl O'Dell, Sweetwater, Nolan Co., TX b. 1/9/1937, Lawton, OK; works Harding Glass Ind.

Carey John O'Dell, b. 10/1/1960, Merkel, TX, lvd. 1989 Amarillo, TX; Fleet service{trucks?}

m. 3/5/1983 Laronda Turner, Milan, Cibola Co., NM, divcd. 2/10/1989, Amarillo, TX

Dustin John O'Dell, b. 5/11/1985, Amarillo, TX

Garey Don O'Dell, b. 3/31/1962, Merkel, TX, lvd. 1989 Amarillo; Royal Glass

m. 6/17/1983 Tammy Sue Keeling, Amarillo, TX[dau. of Paul Thomas Keeling/Pandra Green]

Tennessee Suzee O'Dell, b. 4/5/1989, Amarillo

Paul Brent O'Dell, b. 8/14/1967, Amarillo, TX, lvd. 1989 Amarillo; cabinet-maker

Bart Lane O'Dell, b. 9/9/1979, Amarillo, TX, lvd. 1989 Amarillo

Jimmy Don Carey, b. 4/12/1943, Merkel, TX, lvd. 1989 Abilene, TX; truck driver

m. (1) 12/ /1971 Annie Mae Goodman, Merkel, TX, b. Merkel, divcd. ca 1975 Abilene, TX

(2) ca 1975 Patricia Miles Antilley, divcd. ca 1985

Truman Darrell Carey[of (1)], b. 2/3/1973, Sweetwater, TX, lvd. 1989 Abilene, TX

Christopher Miles Carey[of (2)], b. 8/31/1976, Abilene, TX

Willie Blanche Carey, b. 12/25/1910, Cross Plains, Callahan Co, TX, d. 6/5/1984, Ft. Worth, TX, bur Breckenridge, Stephens Co. TX

m. 12/25/1937 Lawrence Rayford Cockerell, in Sweetwater, Nolan Co., TX, b. 2/28/1916, Breckenridge, TX, lv. Ft. Worth, TX; FAA Inspector[son of Lee Roy Cockerell/Lockie Alice Yandell]

Lawrence Cockerell, Jr., b. 11/17/1938, Breckenridge, TX, in Tokyo, Japan, 1989, lvd. San Jose, CA; computers

m. (1) 4/18/1958 Blanche Anne Wilkinson, Ft. Worth, TX, b. 3/7/1941, Clovis, Curry Co., NM, divcd. 1962, Ft. Worth, TX, she lvd. 1989 Ft. Worth[dau. of Lucian Keith Wilkinson/Faye Elizabeth Miles]

(2) 12/20/1961 Nora Lee Owens, Chldress, TX, b. 7/14/1943, Gilmer, Upshur Co., TX, divcd. 1977, lvd. 1989 Mt. Pleasant, TX

(3) 9/6/1981 Mary Virginia Bonner, St. Louis, MO, lvd. Tokyo, Japan 1989; secretary

Vince Alan Cockerell[of (1)], b. 5/16/1959, Ft. Worth, TX {name changed to Vince Alan Rice when adopted by mother's second husband}

Lawrence Rayford Cockerell, III[of (2)], b. 11/2/1962, Ft. Worth, TX, lvd. 1989 Mt. Pleasant, Titus Co., TX; Frito distributor

m. 9/5/1987 Rhonda Sue Smith, Mt. Pleasant, TX, b. 5/2/1967, Maple, Bailey Co., TX; bank employee[dau. of Jerry Dwayne Smith/Wesley Jeane Stotts]

Lawrence Chase Cockerell, b. 2/10/1988, Mt. Pleasant, TX

Cindy Lee Cockerell, b. 11/17/1963, Berkeley, CA, lvd. 1989 Mt. Pleasant, TX; Mastercraft

m.?[associated with unknown man]

Christina Lee ___, b. 11/15/1985, Mt. Pleasant

Crystal ___, b. 5/13/1987, Mt. Pleasant

Cindy Lee Cockerell[of (2)]

Betty Jo Cockerell, b. 8/4/1943, Ft. Worth, TX, lvd. 1989 Atlanta, GA

m. 2/28/1964 Larry Lynn Lewis, Ft. Worth, TX, b. 1/27/1955, Mexico, Audrain Co. MO; Baptist minister

Janet Lynn Lewis, b. 3/26/1968, Riverside, NJ, lvd. 1989 Atlanta, GA; student

Christy Ann Lewis, b. 2/8/1970, Riverside, NJ, lvd. 1989 Atlanta, GA; student

Mark Ray Lewis, b. 3/5/1971, Riverside, NJ, lvd. 1989 Atlanta, GA; student

Carey Don Cockerell, b. 10/12/1946,Abilene,TX, lvd. 1989 Ft. Worth, TX; Head Juvenile Services, Tarrant Co., TX

m. (1) 6/15/1968 Rebecca Sue Helm, Pocahontas, Randolph Co. AR, b. 2/20/1948, Poplar Bluff, MO, divcd. 1972, lvd. 1989 Denver, CO; social worker[dau. of Frederick Max Helm/Loretta Grace Edrington]

(2) 12/23/1972 Carolyn Kelley, Ft. Knox, KY, b. 2/17/1947, Owensboro, KY, lvd. 1989 Bedford, Tarrant CO., TX

Christopher Lee Cockerel[of (1)], b. 12/26/1970, Louisville, KY, lvd. 1989 Denver, CO{name changed to Christopher Lee Stocker when adopted by stepfather}

(baby girl)[of (2)], b. 12/7/1976, Brownwood, TX, stillborn

Carey Beth Cockerell[of (2)], b. 11/27/1977, Brownwood, TX, lvd. 1989 Bedford, TX

Patrick Cockerell[of (2)], b. 4/14/1983, Brownwood, TX, lvd. 1989 Bedford, TX

Clements Smith Carey, b. 4/22/1914, Jones Co., TX, lvd. 1989, Crane, TX; store manager

m. 12/23/1937 Dorothy Dixon Maxwell, in Shumake, Dawson Co. TX, b. 12/6/1916, Okra, Eastland Co. TX[dau. of Hosea Robert Maxwell and Unie Hilton]

Clements Maxwell Carey, b. 4/6/1940, Merkel, TX, lvd. 1989 Amarillo; grocer

m. (1) 3/20/1959 Meredith Anne Cook, b. 4/6/1942, Blytheville, AR, divcd. 1987, Amarillo, lvd. 1989 Lubbock, TX[dau. of Claude Alfice Cook/Laura Leone Crume]

(2) 12/9/1987 Kelly Jeton Harris White, b. 9/12/1956, Albuquerque, NM; bank employee

Laura Deann Carey[of (1)], b. 12/27/1961, Roswell, NM, lvd. 1989 Ft. Bragg, NC

m. (1) 3/30/1981 Michael Charles Allison, Amarillo, TX, divcd. 1/ /1985, Temple, TX

(2) 9/ /1985 Michael Patrick Fyfe, Killeen, TX, b. 9/16/1959, Bourne, Barnstable Co., MA {his 2nd. marriage}, lvd. 1989 Ft. Bragg, NC; Army helicopter pilot[son of Robert Edward Fyfe/Ellen Yoriko Shiroma]

Shawn Michael Fyfe, b. 9/15/1986, Ft. Rucker, AL

Robert Michael Carey[of (1)], b. 12/26/1964, Roswell, NM, lvd. 1989 Amarillo, TX; jeweler

m. 11/8/1986 Lydia E. Perez, Amarillo, TX, b. 6/9/1966 Muleshoe, TX

Robert Michael, II(Jr.), b. 2/26/1987, Amarillo, TX

William Michael Carey, (II), b. 7/17/1944, Tahoka, Lynn Co. TX, lvd. 1989 Round Rock, Williamson Co., TX; IRS

m. 10/26/1963 Sandra Lynn Catchings, Crane, TX, b. 7/10/1944, Liberty, TX; teacher

Stephen Andrew Carey, b. 8/25/1970, Austin, TX

Daniel Lynn Carey, b. 11/28/1952, Houston, TX

Lavaughn Jean Carey, b. 12/6/1953, Merkel, Taylor Co, TX, lvd. 1989, in Lufkin, Angelina Co, TX; Comptroller.

Elvin Dee Carey, b. 5/17/1956, Merkel, Taylor Co, TX, lvd. 1989, Odessa, TX; salesman

Ruby Thelma Lorene Carey, b. 2/8/1916, Jones Co., TX, lvd. Caldwell, TX, d. 8/30/1977, Ft. Worth, TX[owner gift shop]

m. 9/12/1936 Austin Vernon Lofton, d. 7/17/1977, bur. Rose Hill Cem. Ft. Worth; chiropractor[son of Kennel Petty Lofton/Ethel Lawrence]

Alice Vera Carey, b. 2/2/1918, Jones Co., TX, lv. Ft. Worth, TX

m. 2/24/1951 Woodrow James Walter, b. 2/1/1916, Negra, Torrance Co. TX; adjuster[son of Luther Patterson Walter/Maude Allen Webb]

Woodrow James Walter, Jr.(adopted), b. 5/2/1942

Gail Allen Walter(adopted), b. 6/4/1945

Bryan Lee Walter, b. 7/2/1960, Abilene, Taylor Co., TX[b. of Alice], lvd. 1988 Ft. Worth; attorney


Y-???1293 William Samuel Mobley

Sandra Riddle texasdal@ 2001

Ronald Joe Mobley palaver@ 12/19/2011


Y-???1293 William Samuel Mobley, b. 1/9/1863, Bloomington, IN, d. 6/12/1941 Haines, Baker Co., OR

m. 6/8/1883 Mary Elna Davis, Williamson Co., TX, b. 9/21/1870, d. 8/8/1918 Chickashaw, Grady Co., OK bur. Ft. Cobb cem (dau of Thomas M. Davis/Elna A. Komalty)

Y-???12931 James William Mobley, b. 6/11/1887 Austin, TX, d. 2/ /1964 Anadarko, Caddo Co., OK, both bur. Ft. Cobb, Caddo Co, OK

m. 11/7/1909 Sadie Belle Cannon, b. 7/3/1889 OK Territory, d. 10/7/1974 Anadarko, OK [dau. Augustus Coleman Cannon/Sarah Ellen Virginia Bryce]


Y-???129311 Leslie Monroe Mobley, b. 11/16/1911, d. 12/24/1985 Abilene, Tylor Co., TX

m. Maggie Pauline White, in Abilene, TX, b. 4/9/1921 Cisco, Eastland Co., TX, d. 8/24/1998 Abilene, TX [dau. William Lee White/Rebecca Watson]

Y-???1293111 Sandra Mobley, b. 11/24/1947 Merkle, Taylor Co., TX

m. (1) 5/20/1965 Fermin Alcazar in Abilene, TX, b. 3/31/1941 TX [div]

m. (2) 4/14/1978 Ronald Riddle in Abilene, TX, b. 5/20/1941 Chicago, IL

Y-???12931111 Jeffrey Alcazar, b. 10/2/1964 Abilene, TX, d. 12/6/1992 Abilene, TX

Y-???12931112 Fermin "Frank" Alcazar, b. 11/8/1965 Abilene, TX

Y-???129312 James Mobley

Y-???129313 Monroe Mobley

Y-???129314 Troy Mobley

Y-???129315 Glen Augustus Mobley, b. 3/28/1919 Anadarko, Caddo, OK, d. 2/24/1990 Abilene, Taylor, TX, both bur Fort Cobb cem

m. 10/11/1940 Mary Evelyn Sharp in Fort Cobb, OK, b. 8/19/1921 Augusta, Butler, KS, d. 8/21/2001 Abilene, Taylor, TX

Y-???1293151 Betty Lou Mobley, b. 4/15/1942 Fort Cobb, OK

m. Charles Russell, b. c1940

Y-???1293152 Jimmy Gerald Mobley, b. 10/8/1943 Fort Cobb, OK

m. (1) Mary Jo Outlaw, b. 4/2/1946 Taylor Co., TX (divcd), dau. Wilburn Bill Outlaw/Leola MaryDavault

m. (2) 5/21/1982 Lanetta Jo Davenport, b. 2/26/1945b Taylor Co., TX, dau of Jack Carl Davenport/Lanetta Pearl Bishop d. 10/29/2009 Abilene, Taylor, TX

Y-???12931521 Jimmy Gerald Mobley, Jr., b. 4/5/1965 Oklahoma City, OK

Y-???12931522 Glen Alan Mobley, b. 6/9/1966 Abilene, TX

m. Sherry Diane Floyd, b. 10/2/1966 Mitchell Co., TX (divcd); dau. Jackie Ray Floyd/Opal Geraldine Pippin

Y-???129315221 Justine Allen Mobley, b. 10/14/1984 Taylor Co., TX

Y-???12931523 Sterling Wayne Mobley, b. 6/6/1967 Abilene, TX

m. 5/25/1990 Daresa Deeann Maddox,b. 6/19/1969 Taylor Co., TX, dau of Jim Thomas Maddox/Melba Jean Dove

Y-???129315231 Miranda Kay Mobley, b. 6/20/1990 Taylor Co, TX

Y-???12931524 Michael Lynn Mobley, b. 5/24/1968 Abilene, TX

Y-???12931525 Wilburn Lee Mobley, b. 5/24/1874 Lubbock, TX

Y-???12931526 Jerry Don Mobley, b. 1/22/1980 Wichita Falls, TX

Y-???12931527 Jackie Clinton Mobley, b. 1/6/1983 Abilene, TX

Y-???1293153 Glenda Sue Mobley, b. 4/25/1945 Fort Cobb, OK d. 11/21/1994 Abilene, Taylor,TX bur. 10/25/1994 Abilene Municipal Cem

m. Mario Martinez, b. 8/20/1939

Y-???12931531 Marty Sue Matinez, b. 10/31/1961 Abilene, TX

m. Gary Don Underwood, b. 3/31/1958 Taylor Co., TX, son of Donald Hollis Underwood/Patricia Ann Baucum

Y-???129315311 Gary Don Underwood, Jr. b. 8/25/1979 Taylor Co, TX

m. 5/7/1999 Lacie Rashel Michael, b. 1/3/1980 Brown Co., TX (divcd)

Y-???129315312 Jacqueline Marie Martinez, b. 8/16/1964 Abilene, Tx

m. Karl Lee Kearney, b. 11/18/1963 Lubbock Co., TX, son of Jerry Wayne Kearney/Gwendolyn Ann Nall

Y-???129315313 Mario Martinez, Jr., b. 5/17/1968 Abilene, TX

m. 9/22/1995 Kimberley Joan Carr Pickering, Ontario, Can, b. c1968

Y-???1293153131 John Mark Martinez, b. 12/30/2003 Fort Worth, TX

Y-???1293154 Jerry Dale Mobley, b. c1953 Anadarko, OK,d. 7/26/2002 Wichita Falls, TX, bur. Fort Cobb cem, OK

m. 12/29/1977 Holly Ann Hanks, b. 2/6/1956 Wichita Co., TX, d/o James Claxton Hanks Jr/Doris Dean Davie

Y-???12931541 Jessica Dean Mobley, b. 6/20/1980 Wichita Falls, TX

Y-???12931542 Benjamin Marshall Mobley, b. 3/8/1982 Bryan, Brazos, TX

Y-???12931543 Mary Shannon Mobley, b. 3/6/1985 “

Y-???1293155 Donald Lee Mobley, b. 5/22/1955 Clinton, Custer, OK [twin]

Y-???1293156 Ronald Joe Mobley,b. 5/22/1955 Clinton, OK [twin]

m. 1/29/1977 Vickie Lynn Dumas Abilene, TX, b. 6/20/1959 Gaines Co., TX (divcd), dau Billy Moses Dumas/Geraldine May Weatherford

Y-???12931561 LeAnn Rene Mobley, b. 8/10/1977 Abilene, TX

m. 12/27/1997 Craig Edwards Cross, b. 6/25/1971 Harris Co., TX, son of Eddie Earl Cross/Judy Rae Vanhorn

Y-???129315611 Nicole Alexis Cross, b. 5/25/1998 Houston, TX

Y-???129315612 Michael Tyle Cross, b. 5/11/2004 “

Y-???1293157 Leslie Kay Mobley, b. 11/17/1959 Abilene, TX

m. John Henry Perez, b. 7/25/1959 Runnels Co., TX, son of Enrique Perez/Christina Martinez

Y-???12931571 Amanda Sue Perez,b.9/24/1989 Abilene, TX

m. 6/6/2000 Johnny J. Puentez, Jr, b. c1978

Y-???12931572 Carmen Rae Perez, b. 4/5/1982 “

Y-???12931573 Alexander Perez, b. 8/29/1985 “

Y-???12931574 Samantha Perez, b. 5/27/1988 “

Y-???129316 Virgil Mobley

Y-???129317 Billie Mobley

Y-???129318 Joe Mobley

Y-???129319 Stella Mobley

Y-???12931A Julia Mobley

Y-???12931B Dixie Mobley

Y-???12931C Inez Mobley

Y-???12932 Charles Leslie Mobley, b. 11/11/1892 Austin, Travis Co., TX, d. 10/23/1980 altus, Jackson Co., OK, both bur Chapel Hill cem Oklahoma City, OK

m. 1/20/1917 Carrie Manerva Kelly in Ft Cobb, Caddo Co., OK, b. 1/26/1899 Lawrenceburg, Lawrence Co., TN, d. 6/10/1976 Oklahoma City, OK, dau of DanielWebster Kelly/Frances J. Bryant

Y-???129321 Allie Curmett Mobley, b. 12/8/1918 Ft Cobb, Caddo Co., OK

m. (1) 10/12/1944 Imogene Marie Whited in Columbus, KS, b. 2/28/1921 Picher, OK, d. 9/1/1969 Joplin, Jasper o., MO bur Mound Hope cem Webb Citym Hasper Co., MO [divcd 2/9/1948]

m. (2) 6/5/1949 Lillie M. Maly in Enid, Garfield Co.,. OK, b. 5/13/1920 Garvber, Garfield Co., OK

Y-???1293211 Allie Curmett Mobley, Jr, b. 6/7/1947 Webb City, Jasper Co., MO [of ux #1]

m. 5/5/1967 Carole Anne Brunner in Lakeside, Jasper Co., MO, b. 2/6/1951 Springfield, Greene Co., MO

Y-???12932111 Aleasha Christine Mobley, b. 3/27/1968 Ft Leonard Wood, Pulaski Co., MO

m. 3/11/1995 David Shane Harrison, b. 3/17/1964 Rogers, Benton Co., AR

Y-???129321111 Harlee Alasha Harrison, b. 1/25/1997 Rogers, Benton Co., AR

Y-???1293212 Michael Charles Mobley, b. 4/11/1950 El Reno, Canadian Co., OK

m. 5/1/1982 Sharon Marie Buzalsky, b. 2/14/1952 Cody Park, WY

Y-???12932121 Corey Michael Mobley, b. 5/15/1983 Ft Worth, TX

Y-???12932122 Lacey Ann Mobley, b. 2/13/1986 “

Y-???1293213 William Lionel Mobley, b. 7/25/1952 El Reno, OK

m. 7/5/1981 Vevie Cartweright Torrance in Las Vegas, NV, b. 1/3/1956 Meridian, Lauderdale Co, MS, d. 1996 Ft Worth, TX

Y-???12932131 Kristel Rose Mobley, b. 2/16/1983 Ft Worth, TX

Y-???129322 Roy Dale Mobley, b. 6/23/1920 Ft Cobb, OK

Y-???129323 Francis C. Mobley, b. 3/7/1922 “

Y-???129324 Mildred Elouis (Lady Ann) Mobley, b. 2/24/1924 “

m. Edwin Campbell

Y-???129325 Charles Leslie Mobley Jr, b. 6/21/1928 Ft Cobb, OK

Y-???129326 Barbara Jean Mobley, b. 12/24/1934 “

Y-???129327 Donald Dean Mobley, b. 9/4/1937 Ft Cobb, OK, d. 6/11/1973 Wellston, OK bur. Rossville cem

-???12933 Ewell S. Mobley, b. 7/ /1897 Travis Co., TX

Y-???12934 Clyde M. Mobley, b. ca 3/5/1902 Travis Co., TX, d. 8/ /1967

Y-???12935 Claude H. Mobley, b. ca 1906 OK

Y-???12936 Lillie Bell Mobley, b. ca 1910 Caddo Co., OK

Y-???12937 Leona Mobley, b. 4/19/1912 Caddo Co., OK, d. 1/22/1924 bur. Pleasant View cem., Caddo Co., OK



1900 Travis, TX: William S 34 Jan 1866 IL, Mary E 31 Oct 1868 TX, Joseph M 15 Mar 1885 TX, James W 12 Jun 1887 TX, Charles L 6 Nov 1893, Ewuell S 2 Jul 1897

1910 Caddo Co., OK: William S 46 IN, Mary E 40 TX, Leslie C 16 (m) TX, Ewell S 13, Clyde W 8, Claude H 4 OK, Lillie B 1, James W 22 TX (son), Sadie Bell 19 GA (DIL)

1920 Caddo Co: W.S. 57 IN-IN Wd, Claude 15 OK, Lily 13, Leona 7, Charley 39 TX (bro) Wd, Leslie 26 TX (son), Cary 32 TN (DIL), Allie 11/12 Gson

1930 Caddo: W. 43, Sadie B 42, Norma 18, Virgil 16, Stella 14, Joe 12, Glenn 18, Olly 8, Jules 6, Troy 7, Dessie 4 3/12, Inez 1

SSDI: James Mobley SSN: 445-05-9281 Last Residence: Oklahoma Born: 11 Jun 1887 Died: Feb 1964

Looking for information on William Samuel Mobley. He was in Austin, Travis Co, TX 1887.

His wife was Mary Davis. They had three sons that I'm aware of. My grandfather: James Willie Mobley, Leslie and Clyde. James Willie was in Anadarko, Caddo, Co., OK in 1909 and lived there until his death 1964. Clyde lived in Hines, OR in 1964. Leslie lived in OK in 1964.

Sandra Mobley Riddle 3/30/01


Sandra Riddle texasdal@

I have a little more info on my grandfather. According to his obit he was borned in Austin, TX 6-11-1887. At the time of his death he had two brothers living. There was Les Mobley of Oklahoma City and Clyde of Hines, OR.

Also, his obit has his name as James Willie Mobley and he was a civil servant at Fort Sill.

Here's a list of his and my grandmother's children: my dad was Leslie Monroe, Glen, Troy, James, Joe, Billie, Inez, Stella, Dixie and Julia.


Y-???1295 Sarah Anne Mobley

Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter; nee Alice Vera Carey


Y-???1295 Sarah Anne Mobley, b. 11/11/1867, MO, d. 1949, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK, bur. Geary, Blaine Co. OK

m. 1/20/1887 William Thomas Richey, in Williamson Co., TX, b. 6/14/1858, Camden Co., MO, d. 7/17/1938, Bridgeport, Caddo Co., OK, bur. Geary, Blaine Co., OK; farmer

Willie Carl Richey, b. 1/9/1888, Travis Co., TX, d. 6/1/1955, Clinton, Custer Co., OK, bur. Bridgeport, Caddo Co., OK.

m. Rose Fletcher, d. 6/2/1955, Blaine Co., OK

Ivanho Richey

Carl Richey

Donice Richey

Arthur Frank Richey, b. 1/21/1890, d. 2/8/1890

Robert Lee Richey, b. 1/30/1891, d. 7/27/1909, Marlow, Stephens Co., OK,

[killed by train]

Elyza Rebecca Jannie Richey, b. 3/3/1893, White Bead, Garvin Co., OK(Indian Terr.), d. 4/17/1974, Ada, Pontotoc Co., OK, bur. Hobart, OK

m. (1) Walter Hudgins, divcd

(2) 1/23/1923 Guy Herba Gordon, Ft. Cobb, Caddo Co., OK, b. 9/3/1890, Paris, Henry Co., TN, d. 10/8/1960, Hobart, Kiowa Co., OK; railroad laborer[son of William Henry Gordon/Salina McGehee]

Joe Ben Richey, b. 1/22/1895, d. 8/3/1898

Hattie D. Ellen Richey, b. 7/21/1897-98, White Bead, Garvin Co., OK, d. 8/21/1967, Hobart, Kiowa Co., OK, bur. Hobart

m. 9/15/1920 William A. Adams, in Anadarko, OK, b. 4/30/1893, d. 4/10/1979, Oklahoma City, OK; laborer

(boy) Adams, b. ca 1926[stillborn]

James Monroe Richey, b. 9/12/1899

m. (1) Bertha Thelma Stone, Caddo Co., OK, divcd.

(2) Hope Richards Hartzell

(3) Emma ___

Bennie James Richey, b. 6/22/1925, Washita, Caddo Co., OK, lvd. 1989 Hobart, OK; water dept.

m. (1) 7/ /1950 Ella Mae Maze, in Enid, Garfield Co., OK, divcd ca 1955, b. Longdale, Blaine Co. OK, lvd. 1989 Stratford, OK

(2) 6/14/1958 Betty Jean Wilson,in Hobart, OK, b. 12/15/1938, Lone Wolf, Kiowa Co. OK [dau. of Boyd Don Wilson/Viola M. Blagg]

Ronnie Wayne Richey[of (1)], b. 11/4/1950, Fairview, Major Co. OK, lvd. 1989 Memphis, TN; US Marine

m. Margie Solis, Memphis, TN

Ronnie Wayne Richey, (Jr.) b. ca 1977, Balboa, Orange Co., CA

Steve Dwight Richey[of (1)], b. 5/24/1953, Fairview, Major Co., OK, lvd. 1991 Paoli, OK; fire dept.

m. ca 1977 Vanessa Page, Stratford, OK, b. Stratford, divcd.

Deneca? Shawn Richey, b. ca 1980, Stratford, OK

Caleb Marc Richey, b. ca 1981, Stratford, OK

Rodney Glen Richey[of (2)], b. 12/7/1959, Hobart, Kiowa Co., OK, lvd. 1992 Hobart, OK; US Marine

m. 1980 Nita Louise Cumberland George, b. 12/16/1956, McKeesport, PA[dau. of Herbert Robert Cumberland/Ruth Arlene Huey]

William (George) Richey, b. 8/20/1976, tom's Point, NJ

[Nita's son by first ux/adopted by Rodney]

Kelan Marc Richey, b. 10/26/1982, Yuma, AZ

Shannon Don Richey[of (2)], b.5/20/1971, lvd. Hobart; college student 1989

Albert A. Richey, b. 3/26/1905, d. 2/14/1976, Pigeon, Huron Co., MI

m. 3/20/1927 Stella Pendrock

Emma Vesta Richey, b. 4/13/1905, d. 2/17/1909

George Washington Richey, b, 3/29/1907, d. 6/251909

Lillie Mae Richey, b. 9/22/1909, Maysville, Garvin Co., OK, d. 2/26/1987, Boise, Ada Co., ID, bur. Wilder, Canyon Co., ID

m. (1) 2/13/1926 Paul Meredith Martin, in OK, b. 8/23/1904, Stephenville, Erath Co. TX, divcd., d. 5/2/1936, Lookeba, Caddo Co., OK, bur. Lookeba; Deputy Sheriff[son of William Clayton Martin/Laura Kate Wadley]

(2) Bub Johnson, divcd.

(3) Roy Holford, divcd.

(4) Wayne Pemberton

Ola Rae Richey, b. 12/19/1912, Atwood, Hughes Co., OK, lvd. 1989, Oklahoma City, OK

m. (1) Johnny Bernard, divcd.


Y-???1298 Laura Jane Mobley

Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Y-???1298 Laura Jane Mobley, b. 2/4/1873, d. 11/2/1954, Corpus Christi, Nueces Co., TX, bur. Denton,. TX

m. 12/18/1895 Joseph William Ellason, in Liberty Hill, Williamson Co. TX, b. 5/2/1863, TX, d. 6/18/1941, Denton, Denton Co., TX; bur. Oakwood Cem. Denton, TX

Laura Dee Ellason, b. 11/16/1896, Austin, Travis Co. TX, d. 6/7/1910{scarlet fever], bur. Oakwood Cem., Denton, TX

Edna Alice Ellason, b. 2/21/1902, Austin, Travis Co. TX, lvd. 1989 Hillsboro, TX

m. 7/2/1921 Herbert Ferdinand Hancock, in Denton, Denton Co. TX,

b. 7/7/1896, McKinney, Collin Co. TX, d. 12/27/1960, Denton, TX, bur. Denton; machinist[son of Ferdinand Munchof Hancock and Josephine (Josy) Willson]

Herbert Ferdinand, Jr.

Ora Lee Ellason, b. 11/11/1904, Denton, Denton Co. TX, d. 8/1/1948, Denton, bur. Oakwood Cem., Denton

m. 12/6/1924 James Walter Wright[remarried aft. d. of Ora], d. ca 1982

Vesta Velma Ellason, b. 9/13/1906, Denton, Denton Co. TX, lv. 1989 Pilot Pt. TX

m. (1) 1/1/1925 Henry Grover Squires, in Denton, TX, b. 11/26/1892, Greenville. Muhlenberg Co. KY, d. 4/21/1966, Dallas, TX, bur. Little Elm, Indian Co., TX

(2) 6/8/1969 Marshall Homer Boswell, Aubrey, Denton Co., TX,

b. 7/22/1898, Greenville, Hunt Co.,TX, d. 11/6/1985, Denton, TX, bur. Aubrey, TX

Lonnie Vera Belle Ellason, b. 1/12/1910, Denton, TX. lvd. 1990 Grand Prairie, TX

m. 8/6/1932 Clint B. Umsted, Denton, TX, b. 10/16/1910, Munday, Knox Co. TX

Lonnie Carolyn Umsted, b. 5/9/1933

m. Billy Berry

Billy Clint Berry, b. 12/23/1950 Dallas, TX, lvd. Irving TX

Carla Berry, b. 3/1/1952, lvd. Grand Prairie, TX

Danny Berry, lvd. Grand Prairie, TX

Vera Anna Louise Umsted, b. 2.12.1935, lvd. Mabank, TX

m. ___ Culpepper, divcd.

Joey Culpepper

Debbie Culpepper

Willie Alma Ellason, b. 12/10/1912, TX, lv. Corpus Christi, TX in 1991

m. (1) Herman Hunter, TX, divcd.

(2) 10/1/1954 Nolan Benny Chastain, in Waco, McLennan Co. TX

Joseph William Ellason, Jr. b. 5/1/1917, Denton, Denton Co. TX, d. 2/2/1976, Alvarado, Johnson Co. TX

m. (1) Beula ___, Seattle, WA, divcd. Seattle

(2) ___, in England, divcd. Ft. Worth. TX

(3) Frances ___, in Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co. TX

Anne Ellason{of (2)}

Carol Ellason "

Bryon Ellason "

Laura May, b. 1961, Ft. Worth, TX{of (3)}


Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Edna Alice Ellason, b. 2/21/1902, Austin, Travis Co. TX, lvd. 1989 Hillsboro, TX

m. 7/2/1921 Herbert Ferdinand Hancock, in Denton, Denton Co. TX, b. 7/7/1896, McKinney, Collin Co. TX, d. 12/27/1960, Denton, TX, bur. Denton[son of Ferdinand Munchof Hancock and Josephine (Josy) Willson]

Herbert Ferdinand Hancock, Jr., b. 4/18/1925, Denton, Denton Co., TX, lvd. 1992 Hillsboro, TX; retd. machinist/GM

m. Zella Maxine Hill,11/7/1943, b. 11/7/1928, Denton, TX[dau. of Roland Hill/Pearl Gilbert]

Sharen Maxine Hancock, b. 7/10/1950, Denton TX, lvd. 1992 Colorado Springs, CO

m. 5/24/1974 Johnnie Wayne Taylor, Arlington, TX, b. 7/20/1948, Halifax Co. NC; retd. AUS

Kelly Maxine Taylor, b. 1/13/1978, Colorado Springs

Karen Francine Hancock, b. 7/10/1950, Denton, TX, lvd. 1992

Georgetown, TX; realtor

m. (1) 1969 ___, divcd. 1969

(2) 5/13/1972 William Roy Stuewe, Arlington, TX, b. 10/22/1950, Williamson Co. TX; ins. agent[son of Bertrum August Stuewe/Lydia Vahrenkamp]

Gregory Shane Stuewe, b. 4/24/1970, Arlington, TX[of (1)][adopted by Wm. Stuewe]

Jeffrey William Stuewe, b. 7/7/1974, Colorado Springs, CO

Phillip Loyd Hancock, b. 10/22/1955, Denton, TX; driver

m. (1) 3/17/1973 Cynthia Kay Henson, Arlington, TX, b. 9/8/1956, Dallas, TX, divcd. 1983

(2) 1/7/1984 Gay Lyn Johnson, in Arlingtpon, TX, b. 3/31/1956, Arlington, TX, divcd. 1989, Tarrant Co. TX[dau. of Ira Johnson/Johnnie ___]

(3) 6/29/1991 Lesha Renee Wallace, in Arlington, TX

Phillip Loyd Hancock, Jr., b. 8/4/1973, Arlington, TX[of(1)]

April Dawn Hancock, b. 11/23/1981, Arlington, TX [of (1)]


Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Ora Lee Ellason, b. 11/11/1904, Denton, Denton Co. TX, d. 8/1/1948, Denton, bur. Oakwood Cem., Denton

m. 12/6/1924 James Walter Wright[remarried aft. d. of Ora], d. ca 1982

Dorothy Jane Wright, b. 3/18/1926, Denton, Denton Co., TX, lvd. 1992 Granbury, TX

m. 11/26/1947 Henry Edward Furr. b. 3/30/1919, Mt. Pleasant, TX

Mark Edward Furr, b. 10/4/1959, lvd. 1992 Ft. Worth; policeman

m. 5/28/1983 Karen Gwen Roe, b./ 12/11/1956, Ft, Worth, TX[dau. of Vester J. Roe/Billie Jean Rider]

Jacob Nolan Furr, b. 3/13/1986, Ft. Worth, TX

Amy Caroline Furr, b. 9/6/1988m Ft. Worth, TX

Rebecca Lea Furr, b. 10/9/1966, Shreveport, LA, lvd. 1992 Ft. Worth, TX

m. 10/8/1988 Ramon Antonio Pickell, in Ft. Worth, TX[son of Gerald LeRoy Pickell]

James Elmer Wright, b. 1/24/1929, Denton, TX, d. 1/6/1992 Cleburne, TX

m. 1/12/1951 Mary Alyne Cash in Ft. Worth, TX, b. 11/26/1929, Ft. Worth [dau. of Walter Allen Cash/Winnie Mae Hogan]

Marsha Lee Wright, b. 10/25/1951, Ft. Worth, TX, lvd. 1992 Granbury, TX

m. 12/22/1969 Michael Richard Narowitz, in Bedford, TX, b. 9/23/1951, Ft. Worth, TX[son of Robert Joseph Narowitz/Eula Bell Rhoades]

Michele Lee Narowitz, b. 1/26/1971, Kingsville, TX

Michael Wayne Narowitz, b. 5/25/1979, Ft. Worth, TX

Donna Sue Wright, b. 12/8/1952, Ft. Worth, TX

m. 8/4/1972 Theodore Johnson Gerlach, III, in Bedford, TX, b. 9/4/1950, Brontre, TX; engineer [son of Theodore Johnson Gerlach, Jr./Juanita Barney]

Molly Jo Gerlach, b, 6/20/1977, Ft. Worth, TX

Jennifer Ann Gerlach, b. 8/2/1979, Ft. Worth, TX


Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Vesta Velma Ellason, b. 9/13/1906, Denton, Denton Co. TX, lv. 1989 Pilot Pt. TX

m. (1) 1/1/1925 Henry Grover Squires, in Denton, TX, b. 11/26/1892, Greenville. Muhlenberg Co. KY, d. 4/21/1966, Dallas, TX, bur. Little Elm, Denton Co., TX

(2) 6/8/1969 Marshall Homer Boswell, Aubrey, Denton Co., TX, b. 7/22/1898, Greenville, Denton Co., TX, d. 11/6/1985, Denton, TX, bur. Aubrey, TX

Harold Grover Squires, b. 7/24/1926 Denton, TX, lvd. 1992 Pilot Point, TX

m. 7/2/1945 Zula Aumon Lawson, in Denton, b. 1/2/1926, Pilot Point, TX [dau. of Edward Ferris Lawson/Dovvie Pearl Tidmore]

Glenda Carolyn Squires, b. 12/2/1945, Pilot Point, Denton Co., TX, lvd. Pilot Point

m. 5/ /1962 Jimmy Lee Hampton, in Pilot Point[son of John Riley Hampton/Laura L. Carstensen]

Jimmy Lee Hampton, Jr., b. 5/7/1970, Denton, TX

Justin Worth Hampton, b. 1/27/1975, Denton, TX

Harold Gene Squires, b. 1/7/1951, Pilot Point, Denton CO. TX

m. 6/8/1971 Shirley Inman, Aubrey, TX, lvd. 1989 Pilot Point[dau. of David Allen Inman/Lola Beatriice Loudermilk]

Heather Denise Squires, b. 8/31/1973, Denton, TX

Heath Garner Squires, b. 6/29/1977, Denton, TX

Marilyn Joy Squires, b. 9/29/1934 Denton, Denton Co. TX

m. 4/3/1953 Truman Eugene Walker, in Gainesville, Cooke Co. TX. b. 5/7/1932, Little Elm, TX[son of Avery Lee Walker/Rachel Nancy Goodwin]

Brandy Ken Walker, b. 1/25/1959, Dallas, TX, lvd. Pilot Point, TX

m. 4/4/1987 Wilma Dianne Clark, in Pilot Point, b. 8/15/1963, Lubbock, TX[dau. of Dean Clark/Wilma McCain]

Star Ian Walker, b. 2/2/1992, Lewisville, TX

(2) 1/ /1942 Fred Cox, in Mangum, Greer Co. TX, b. 2/8/1916, Mine, Polk Co., AR, lvd. 1989 Oklahoma City, OK; mechanic[son of John Stephenson Cox/Mary Elizabeth Rose]

Josephine Richey, d. diptheria, Garvin Co. OK

[3 other unnamed infants, d. of diptheria, Garvin Co., OK]


Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Elyza Rebecca Jannie Richey, b. 3/3/1893, White Bead, Garvin Co. OK(Indian

Terr.), d. 4/17/1974, Ada, Pontotoc Co., OK, bur. Hobart, OK

m. (1) Walter Hudgins, divcd

(2) 1/23/1923 Guy Hebra Gordon, Ft. Cobb, Caddo Co. OK, b. 9/3/1890, Paris, Henry Co., TN, d. 10/8/1960, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK; railroad laborer

[son of William Henry Gordon/Salina McGehee]

J. W. Hudgins, b. 6/7/1918, Ft. Cobb, Caddo Co. OK, lvd. 1989, Hobart, OK; carpenter

m. 3/7/1942 Geraldine Bernice Pulley, in San Antonio, Bexar Co. TX, b. 5/22/1918, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK[dau. of Ed L. Pulley/Pearl Alice Cobb]

Larry David Hudgins, b. 12/8/1942, Hattiesburg, Forrest Co., MS, lvd. 1989 Santa Fe, NM; artist

Evelyn Nezbeth Gordon, b. 12/27/1924, Washita, Caddo Co. OK, lvd. 1989 Hobart, OK; exec. secretary

m. 9/22/1945, John M. Foster, Norman, Cleveland Co. OK, b. 10/26/1923, Port Arthur, Jefferson Co., TX, divcd. 1961, Austin, TX; chiropractor

Janis Lorayne Foster, b. 7/26/1946, in San Antonio, Bexar Co, TX, lvd. 1991, in Austin, Travis Co., TX.

m. 5/14/1965 Larry Schultz, in Austin, TX; machinist

Lori Lynn Schultz, b. 4/30/1969, Austin, TX

John Allen Schultz, b. 11/19/1973, Austin, TX

Marsha Jene Foster, b. 5/12/1948, in San Antonio, Bexar Co, TX. lvd. 1992, in Cloudcroft, Otero Co., NM.

m. 3/29/1969 Charles David Venable, in Ada, OK, b. 2/12/1946; teacher

Christopher David Venable, b. 2/27/1969, Midland, TX

Rebecca Ann Venable, b. 5/22/1970, Chickasha, OK

William Charles Venable, b. 3/11/1972, Ft. Sill, OK

Guyla Jayne Foster, b. 12/30/1952, in San Antonio, Bexar Co, TX, lvd 1991 in Hobart, Kiowa Co, OK; teacher

m. 6/16/1973 Thomas W. Talley, in Hobart, OK, b. 9/16/1951, Hobart, OK[son of William Woodrow Talley/Elizabeth Jacquita Surber]

Thomas Wellborne Talley, b. 9/27/1976, Hobart, OK

Nathaniel William Talley, b. 12/28/1980, Hobart, OK

Diane Elaine Foster, b. 3/26/1954, in Freeport, Brazoria Co, TX. lvd. 1992, in Mustang, Canadian Co., OK; Social worker.

m. 5/20/1978 Daniel Waybe Hawthorne, b. 8/22/1955, Altus, OK,

divcd. 1985, Hobart, OK[son of William Byrd Hawthorne/Nelda June Williams]

Jason Daniel Hawthorne, b. 5/5/1980, Oklahoma City, OK

Sarah Jane Hawthorne, b. 12/20/1981, Oklahoma City, OK

Matthew Wayne Hawthorne, b. 8/4/1984, Altus, OK

Betty Ann Gordon, b. 1/13/1927, Washita, Caddo Co. OK, lvd. 1989 Clute, TX; printing shop

m. 5/17/1946 Ernest Warren Ivie, Abilene, Taylor Co. TX, b. 4/6/1925, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK, divcd. 1976, Angleton, TX, d. 10/19/1991, Hobart; carpenter [son of Ernest Warren Ivie/Laura Leona Head]

Beverly Ann Ivie, b. 2/28/1949, Hobart, OK, lvd. 1989 Freeport, TX

m. (1) ca 1969 Tim Goodson, divcd. ca 1980, Galveston, TX[son of Milton R. Goodson/___]

(2) 8/22/1981 Dennie Leon Willey, in Clute, TX, b. 2/18/1947, Mt. Orab, OH; mechanic[son of Miral Edwin Bishop Willey/Wanda Lucille Hancock]

Micheaux Kyle Goodson, b. 2/23/1971, Alvin, TX

Marque Anthony Goodson, b. 9/27/1973, Clear Lake, TX

Linda Eugenia Ivie, b. 3/14/1954, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins Co., TX, lvd. 1989 Brazoria, TX

m. 1/24/1975 James Earl Buchanan, in Clute, TX, b. 5/15/1951, Freeport, TX[son of W. V. Buchanan/Ruby I. Stewart]

Jamie Marie Buchanan, b. 2/22/1978, Freeport, TX

Cynthia Ilene Buchanan, b. 2/14/1984, Brazoria, TX

Ernest Warren Ivie, Jr., b. 12/8/1961, Freeport, TX; lvd. 1992 in Clute, TX; sales rep.

m. 1/21/1989 Elizabeth Rodrigues. in Clute, Brazoria Co., TX[dau. of Chris Rodrigues/Aurora ___]

Imogene Joe Gordon, b. 9/5/1928, Washita, Caddo Co, OK, lvd. 1989 Brazoria, TX

m. 7/18/1946 Willie Leroy Nichols, b. 2/7/1926 Dillard, Carter Co. OK(near Wilson); carpenter[son of John Nichols & Ruby Lee Williams]

Michael Guy Nichols, b. 4/26/1947, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK; lvd. 1991 Brazoria, TX; Instrument fitter

m. 5/31/1968 Brenda Louise Wells, Brazoria, TX, b. 1/2/1949, poss. MS; school lunchroom[dau. of Willard Jack Wells/Margie Bang]

Michael Guy Nichols, Jr., b. 10/23/1971, Freeport, TX

Tonya Marie Nichols, b. 7/28/1977, Sweeny, Brazoria Co. TX

Patsi Lee Nichols, b. 1/9/1950, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK, lvd. 1989 Holdenville, OK; teacher

m. (1) 2/ /1969 Joe L. Gilleland, Jr., Angleton, TX, b. ca. 1949, divcd. 11/ /1972; construction[son of Joe L. Gilleland/Lavern ___]

(2) ca 1974 John Mariam Fincher, b. 12/15/1949, divcd. ca 1975, d. ca 1977{car wreck}, Freeport, TX, bur. Lake Jackson, TX; construction [son of John Melford Fincher/Lois ___]

(3) 9/3/1981 Kenneth Ray Orsburn, in Holdenville, OK, b. ca 1948, Holdenville; teacher

Robin Dee Gilleland [Orsburn], b. 9/25/1971, Freeport, TX; student [adopted by stepfather Kenneth Ray Orsburn]

m. 6/16/1990 Jewel Ray Gann, b. 9/20/1967, Holdenville, OK

[son of Virgil Gann/Billie Baldwin]; lvd. 1992 Lamar, OK

Dillon Paul Gann, b. 7/31/1991, Galveston, TX

` Rhonda Leigh Fincher, b. 6/28/1975, Freeport, TX

Kenneth Ray Orsburn, Jr., b. 2/16/1984, Holdenville, OK

Randy Lane Nichols, b. 3/28/1951, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK, lvd. 1992 Brazoria, TX; electrician

m. 7/23/1971 Linda Lee Baker, Brazoria, TX, b. 12/15/1952, Freeport, TX [dau. of John Wesley Baker/Viola ___]

Andera Lee Nichols, b. 4/26/1976, Sweeny, TX

Amanda Dawn Nichols, b. 10/24/1980, Sweeny, TX

Kasandra Jean Nichols, b. 6/5/1981, Sweeny, TX

Wanda Lee Gordon, b. 5/5/1932, Washita, Caddo Co. OK, d. 10/24/1989 Ada, OK

m. 7/8/1950 Sterling Bryant Dawson, b. 5/5/1922, TX, d. 3/12/1966, Ada, Pontotoc Co. OK, bur Ada; shoe shop[son of Samuel Bryant Dawson & Lula Hickman]

Deborah Jane Dawson , b. 11/26/1951, San Diego, CA, lvd. 1992 Ada, Pontotoc Co. OK

m. 4/2/1970 Farrell Rhoades, Madill, Marshall Co. OK, b. 7/14/1947, Ada, OK; Army Nat'l Guard[son of George Kenneth Rhoades/Frances Virginia Turner]

Dawn Alyce Rhoades, b. 3/22/1971, Oklahoma City, OK

Kimberlee Diann Rhoades, b. 10/19/1975, Ada, OK

Sterling Bryant Dawson, Jr., b 1/4/1953, San Diego, CA, lvd. 1992

in Stonewall, OK

m. 1/28/1978 Carolynn Sue Morrison Hobbs, in Ada, OK[dau. of Samuel Frank Morrison/Charletta Fairchild]

Amanda Brook Dawson, b. 7/11/1979, Ada, OK

Bridget Lee Dawson, b. 8/10/1982, Ada, OK

Stephen Brent Dawson, b. 4/16/1955, OK, lvd. 1991 Roff, OK

(1) associated with an unknown woman

m. (2) Linda Lee Sweet, in Ada, OK, divcd.

Stephen Brent Dawson, Jr., b. 1/14/1974[of(1)][adopted ca 1974 by Wanda Lee Gordon Dawson]

Tina Lee Dawson, b. 2/13/1977, Ada, OK[of(2)]

Mindy Sue Dawson, b. 8/14/1978, Ada, OK[of(2)]

Stanley Bruce Dawson, b. 10/11/1956, OK, lvd. 1992 Roff, OK; feed co.

m. 10/31/1982 Toni Lane, in Ada, OK; divcd.

Stephen Brent, Jr.{adopted 1974 by Wanda Jane

Guy Hebra Gordon Jr., b. 10/20/1934, Washita,Caddo Co. OK, lvd. 1989 Garland, TX; master welder

m. 6/25/1960 Aileen Almettie Owens, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK, b. 3/29/1932, Kiowa Co, d. 7/29/1980, Garland, Dallas Co. TX, bur Garland[dau. of Benjamin Franklin Owens & Clova Kathleen ___]

Connie Jane Gordon, b. 9/21/1961, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK, lvd. 1989 Wylie, TX; secretary

m. 8/14/1981 Jerry Don Monk, Wylie,. TX, b. 9/14/1956, Mesquite, TX; sprinkler fitter[son of Ran Monk/Lula Allen]

Jerry Don Monk, II, b. 4/9/1985, Garland, TX

Jerod Daniel Monk, b. 11/19/1990, Garland, TX

Guy Hebra Gordon, III, b. 10/13/1963, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK, lvd. 1992 Garland, TX; real estate

m. 1/2/1987 Janice Faye Oakes, Wylie, Collin Co., TX, b. 3/20/1966, McKinney, TX; secretary[dau. of Buddy Oakes/Pearl Young]

Justin Cody Gordon, b. 7/28/1987, Garland, TX


Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Lillie Mae Richey, b. 9/22/1909, Maysville, Garvin Co. OK, d. 2/26/1987, Boise, Ada Co., ID, bur. Wilder, ID

m. (1) 2/13/1926 Paul Meredith Martin, in OK, b. 8/23/1904, Stephenville, Erath Co. TX, d. 5/2/1936, Lookeba, Caddo Co., OK, bur. Lookeba; Deputy Sheriff[son of William Clayton Martin/Laura Kate Wadley]

(2) Bob Johnson, divcd.

(3) Roy Holford, divcd.

(4) Wayne Pemberton

Clayton Thomas Martin, b. 2/19/1927, Anadarko, OK, lvd. 1989 Lubbock, TX; self-employed

m. 8/15/1948 Lila Fay Edens, in Vernon, Wilbarger Co. TX, b. 3/11/1932, Hobart, Kiowa Co., OK[dau of Ernest Edens/Julia Mae Shackelford]

David Paul Martin, b. 4/25/1849, Hobart, OK, lvd. 1989, Forney, Kaufman Co., TX; elec. engineer

Cathy Elaine Martin, b. 3/31/1951, Hobart, OK, b. 31 Mar 1951, in Hobart, Kiowa Co, OK; apt. mgr., lvd. 1991 Ft. Worth, TX

m. 8/12/1968 Harold Joe Shackelford, in New Deal, TX, b. 10/15/1944, Bridgeport, TX[son of Olen David Shackleford/Ruby Evelyn Trammel]

Buddy Clayton Shackelford, b. 3/6/1871, Farmington, NM

Nova Glunal Shackelford, b. 8/29/1972, Lubbock, TX

Tammy Loraine Martin, b. 6/12/1956, Lubbock, TX, lvd. 1989 Lubbock

m. (1) 11/27/1979 Joe Pena, in Lubbock. TX, b. 10/16/1960, O'Donnell, TX; divcd.[son of Adam Pena/Esther Gloria]

(2) 7/24/1987 Johnathan David Jones, In New Deal, TX, b. 8/18/1955; RN, Methodist Hospital

Kristopher Shawn Pena, b. 5/7/1980, Lubbock, TX

Nichole Brianne Pena, b. 3/2/1982, Lubbock, TX

Emmaleigh Kendra Jones, b. 8/27/1988, Lubbock, TX

Julia Mae Martin, b. 7/11/1956, Hobart, OK, lvd. 1989 Lubbock, TX

m. 6/1/1974 Gary bruce Scott, in New Deal, TX, b. 8/18/1936, El Paso, TX[son of Winfred Lewis Scott/Jackie Fern Dyess]

Brandy Deon Scott, b. 10/5/1974, d. 10/6/1974, Hamlin, TX

Jaime Delynn Scott, b. 11/2/1976, Oceanside, CA

Bridget Leann Scott, b. 8/1/1978, Lubbock, TX

Tiffany Lauren Scott. b. 2/19/1983, Lubbock, TX

Marion Ione Martin, b. 4/8/1930, Lookeba, OK, lvd. Yuma. AZ, 1989

m. 6/24/1946 Bob L. Dietrich, b. 12/18/1925, Rocky, Washita Co. OK, d. 8/14/1981, Caldwell, Canyon Co. ID;shop supervisor, retd. Lt(jg), USN

Marcia Lynn Dietrich, b. 10/18/1950, Jacksonville, FL, lvd. 1992 at Kenai, AK; veterinary technician

m. 11/1/1970 John George Overway, in Yuma, AZ, b. 10/25/1949, Mt. Vernon, WA, divcd. 1990, Kenai, AK

Jason Overway, b. 6/13/1971, Hanford, CA, lvd. Kenai, AK; cook

Joel Overway, b. 4/29/1976, Soldotna, AK

Bobby Loyd Dietrich, Jr., b. 10/28/1952, North Island, CA, lvd. 1992 Va. Beach, VA; USN Av., Mechanic

m. (1) 12/28/1974 April Nannette Rommes, in La Mesa, CA, divcd. 1975 Yuma, AZ, b. 4/9/1955, West Palm Beach, FL

(2) 5/11/1984 Cathrin Naomi West, b. 5/16/1962, Las Vegas, NV [dau. of Murrell Lloyd West/Treva Kay Milhoan]

Bobby Lloyd Dietrich, III, b. 12/6/1984, Amarillo, TX

Zachary Paul Dietrich, b. 3/20/1989, Meridian, MS

Martin Lee Dietrich, b. 12/29/1956, Houston, TX, lvd. 1992 Tucson, AZ

m. (1) 12/6/1986 Cassie Ault, b. Tucson, AZ, divcd. 1989[dau. of Howard Ault/Georgia Chirst]

(2) 9/28/1990 Margaret Mary Collopy, in Tucson., AZ, b. 1/16/1960, Miami. Gila Co. AZ[dau. of Bernard James Collopy/Dinah Marie Umsted]

Christopher Michael Dietrich, b. 5/22/1987, Tucson, AZ[of (1)]

Brittany Rae Dietrich, b. 6/8/1991, Tucson, AZ[of (2)]

Lori Sue Dietrich, b. 3/20/1959, San Diego, CA, lvd. 1992 Tucson, AZ

m. 10/24/1990 Juan Navarro Espinoza, in Tucson[son of Jose Trujillo Espinoza/Victoria Navarro]

Pedro Guadalupe Espinoza, b. 12/19/1987{adopted 1992/nephew of Juan}

Joyce Martin, b. 10/24/1933, d. 9/20/1936, Lookeeba, Caddo Co. OK

Shirley Colleen Martin, b. 11/21/1935. Lookeba, OK, lvd. 1989 Tecumseh, OK

m. (1) 9/6/1952 Clifton Dorsey Terry, Jr., in Roosevelt, Kiowa Co., OK, b. 8/30/1932 Cold Springs, Kiowa Co. OK; divcd.[son of Clifton Dorsey Terry/Mitte Mae Hamilton]

(2) 12/18/1976 Franklin Gray Talley, in Tecumseh, Pottawatomie Co. OK, b. 12/11/1924, Pearson, OK, lvd. 1992 Tecumseh, OK;retd. Lt. Col, USAF[son ofWilliam Franklin Talley/Virdie Edna Cook]

Cynthia Gail Terry, b. 6/21/1953, San Diego, CA, lvd. 1992 Lone Grove, Carter Co. OK; teacher

m. 6/23/1973 John Edward Young, in Altus, OK, b. 6/20/1952 Dumas, TX;UPS driver[son of John P. Young/Imogene Francis Jones]

Casey John Young, b. 12/21/1975, Ardmore, OK

Matthew Lyle Young, b. 11/17/1978, Ardmore, OK

Brant Aaron Young, b. 9/20/1983, Ardmore, OK

Tyler Thomas Young, b. 1/4/1987, Ardmore. OK

Danny Wayne Terry, b. 10/5/1935, Hobart, OK, lvd. 1992 Tulsa, OK

Cheryl Dawn Terry, b. 4/1/1957, Hobart, OK, lvd. 1992 Tecumseh, OK

m. (1) 6/3/1975 Michael Anthony Jones, in Huntsville, AL, b. 10/23/1956, divcd. 1977; Detective, Sheriff's Dept.

(2) 12/29/1979 Roy Lee Ashcraft, in Tecumseh, OK, b. 1/16/1950,

Meeker, OK; Retd. M/Sgt, USAF[son of Leon Ashcraft/Bernice Lucille Mick]

Misty Dawn Jones, b. 1/20/1976, Oklahoma City, OK

Jarid Tray Jones, b. 4/20/1979, Oklahoma City, OK

Clarence Johnson, b. 12/8/1937, Snyder, Kiowa Co. OK, d. 8/18/1961, Amarillo, TX

m. Wanda Christine Smith[she m. (2) ___ Porter aft. 1961

Robert Johnson, b. 7/8/1960 Fairbanks, AK[renamed Porter aft. 1961]

m. 6/21/1986 Irene Dorothy Bullock, in Barber's Point, Oahu, HI, b. 3/31/1965, Huntsville, AL[dau. of Robert Vernon Bullock/Barbara Jean Bailey]

Kathelyn Barbara Porter, b. 5/24/1986, Honolulu, HI

Jessica Christine Porter, b. 9/16/1967, Misawa AFB, Japan

Robert Alko Porter, b. 5/30/1990, Misawa AFB, Japan

Helen Lorraine Johnson, b. 6/4/1939, d. 2/2/1940, bur/ Hobart, Kiowa Co., OK

Royce Ronald Holford, b. 12/25/1948, Hobart, OK, lvd. 1992 Nampa, ID

m. (1) Esmerlda Pena, b. 12/28/1951, d. 5/31/1982, Boise, ID

(2) Elizabeth Werlinga, in Coeur D'Alene, ID, divcd. ca 1989[no issue]

Ronald Wayne Holford, b. 10/13/1973, Nampa, ID, lvd. 1992 Nampa, ID

Danny Wayne Holford, b. 6/9/1976, Nampa, ID, lvd. 1992 Nampa, ID


Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Ola Rae Richey, b. 12/19/1912, Atwood, Hughes Co., OK, lvd. 1989, Oklahoma City

m. (1) Johnny Bernard, divcd.

(2) 1/ /1942 Fred Cox, in Mangum, Greer Co. OK, b. 2/8/1916, Mine, Polk Co. AR, lvd. 1989 Oklahoma City, OK; mechanic[son of John Stephenson Cox/Mary Elizabeth Rose]

Carolyn Bernard, b. 5/30/1938, lvd. 1989 Shreveport, LA

m. Gerald Gardner; divcd.

Anthony Lynn Gardner, b. 12/17/1958, McAllen, TX, lvd. 1992, Garland, TX

m. 5/22/1982 Angela Marie Leonard, in Garland, TX, b. 12/19/1961, Abilene, TX[dau. of Rodney Leonard/Barbara Richardson]

Aletta Katheryn Gardner, b. 11/22/1987, Garland, TX

Amy Elizabeth Gardner, b. 11/19/1991, Garland,TX

Michael Barry Gardner, b. 11/27/1961, Blytheville, AR, lvd. 1991 in Stafford, Ft. Bend Co. TX

m. 7/28/1984 Carol Ann Reed, in Houston, TX[dau. of Jack Reed/Carolyn Brown]

Barbara Ruth Cox, b. 11/11/1942, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK, lvd. 1992 Garland, TX; software enggr.

m. (1) 11/2/1962 James Bernard Meeks, Oklahoma City, OK, b. 3/28/1941, Albion, MI, divcd. 1/ /1986, Tulsa OK, lvd. 1992 Oklahoma City, OK

(2) 12/ /1986 Ary Paul Turner, in Mesquite, TX, b. 4/19/1942 Mesquite, divcd. 1989, Dallas, TX

James Bernard Meeks, Jr., b. 4/6/1967, Oklahoma City, OK, lvd. 1992 Arlington, TX

m. 3/16/1992 Alesha Renae Cooper, in Lihue, Kauai, HI[dau. of L. E. Cooper/Rosemary Zapata]

Ashley Iman Meeks, b. 7/4/1991

Kimberly Kay Meeks, b. 6/18/1969, Houston, TX, lvd. 1992 Oklahoma City, OK

Freddie Richey Cox, b. 4/7/1948, Hobart, OK[stillborn]

Teddy Stephenson Cox, b. 8/27/1949, Hobart, Kiowa Co. OK, lvd. 1992 Madill, OK; state employee

m. 12/27/1975 Janet Lee Yates, in Indianola, Pittsburg Co., OK, b. 6/5/1956, McAlester, Pittsburg Co. OK; teacher[dau. of Alvie Lee Yates/Elizabeth Lee Cathey]

Stephen Kyle Cox, b. 8/24/1977, Midwest City, Oklahoma Co. OK, lvd. 1992 Madill, OK

Kellie Elizabeth Cox, b. 5/10/1983, Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co., OK, lvd. 1992 Madill, OK


Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Y-???1296 Eliza Alice Mobley, b. 11/25/1869, MO, d. ca 1891, TX

m. 1/15/1890 Samuel H. Horton, Williamson Co., TX, b.___?, d. NM [may have d. Portales, Roosevelt Co. NM]

Y-???12961 William Samuel Horton, b. 1/14/1891, Austin, Travis Co. TX, d. 6/14/1972, Safford, Graham Co. AZ; farmer; WWI

m. 11/ /1917 Sudie Mae Scarbarough, Caddo Co. OK, b. 4/23/1894, Indian Terr., OK, d. 5/24/1987, Globe, Gila Co. AZ, bur. Safford, AZ[dau. of Jerry Louis Scarbarough/Rose Sumerville][She formerly m. Cecil Mobley(cousin of William), divcd. 1916]

Louis Carl Horton, b. 5/20/1920, Anadarko, Caddo Co. OK, d. 2/ /1942 [ship sunk, WW II]

m. 8/ /1941 Linnie Wood

Roseanna Maxine Horton, b. 11/12/1929, Cement, Caddo Co., OK, lvd. 1989 Safford, AZ

m. 4/7/1945 Grover Haskell George, in Chickasha, Grady Co., OK, b. 1/10/1926, Cyril, Caddo Co., OK, d. 7/9/1988, Tucson, AZ, bur. Safford, AZ; house painter[son of William Everett George/Victoria Etta Davis]

Jannie Darlene George, b. 9/15/1947, Chickasha, OK, lvd. 1989, Safford, AZ

m. (1) 7/ /1964 Tom Acres, Duncan, AZ, b. 1945, divcd. 1967; truck driver

(2) 12/ /1970 Carl Ray Herbert, Safford, AZ, divcd. 1982, Clifton, AZ; farmer/truck driver

(3) 4/ /1983 Michael Hazelwood, Morenci, AZ; electronic dept.

Rhonda Loraine Acres, b. 5/4/1965, Morenci, AZ, lvd 1989 Thatcher, Graham, Co., AZ; college student

m.?[associated with Salvatore Mancuso ], b. Detroit, MI

Amber Nicole ___, b. 6/14/1985, Dallas, TX, lvd. 1989 Safford, AZ[with grandmother]

Carl William Herbert, b. 12/6/1972, Safford, AZ

Grover Haskell George, Jr., b. 9/11/1955, Safford, AZ, lvd. 1989 Safford; heavy equipment operator

m. 9/20/1985 Virginia Rios, Safford, AZ, b. 2/6/1958 Safford

Amy Lynn George, b. 11/17/1987, Safford, AZ

Billie Mae Horton, b. 8/2/1936, Cement, OK, lvd. 1992 Miami, AZ

m. 11/6/1954 Bedford Herman Rector in Silver City, NM, b. 3/16/1930, Paris, TX[son of James Harmon Rector/Sudie Elizabeth Hamrick]

Eddie Gene Rector[adopted 1/ /1963]

Janie Faye Rector[adopted 1/ /1963; sister of Eddie]

Richard Horton Rector, b. 12/20/1966, Safford, AZ, lvd. 1991 Globe, AZ


Y-???1299 Franklin Brooks Mobley

Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Y-???1299 Franklin Brooks Mobley, b. 8/5/1876 Goliad, Bastrop Co., TX, d. 7/27/1966, San Antonio, Bexar Co. TX; rancher

m. 12/2/1897 Anna Marie Katherine Feurbacher, in Austin,. Travis Co., TX, b. 1/10/1880, Meissen, Saxony, Germany, d. 2/22/1973, San Antonio, TX

Y-???12991 Emma Rebecca Mobley, b. 11/8/1898, Austin, Travis Co. TX, d. 11/15/1988, Jourdanton, Atascosa Co. TX, bur. San Antonio

m. (1) 3/16/1915 Henry Caraway in Jourdanton, Atascosa Co, TX, divcd.

(2) 2/13/1943 Omer Lee Goodrich, divcd.[killed by fall afterward]

(3) 3/20/1961 Ralph Shore, in Sequin, Guadalupe Co. TX, d. 3/8/1983, Pleasanton, Atascosa Co., TX; engineer

Y-???129911 Lillian Marie Caraway, b. 11/12/1918, San Antonio, TX, lvd. 1992 Pleasanton, TX

m. 12/10/1936 Claude Earl Henson in San Antonio, TX, b. 11/22/1913, Birmingham, AL, d. 10/25/1990, Aransas Pass, TX

Y-???1299111 Jimmie Lee Henson, b. 5/25/1940, San Antonio, TX

m. 12/21/1963 Matt McKinley Davis, III, b. 6/11/1932, San Antonio[son of Matt McKinley Davis, Jr./Edna Mayne Lewis]

Y-???12991111 Rebecca Nae Davis, b. 5/16/1965, San Antonio, TX

Y-???12991112 Dixie Lee Davis, b. 7/5/1967, San Antonio, TX

Y-???12991113 Clay Matthew Davis, b. 12/1/1971, San Antonio, d. 11/1/1983, Charlotte, Atascosa Co. TX{accident}

1900 Travis Co: Mobley, Frank 23 Aug 1870 TX-IN, Anna 20 Jan 1880 Germ, Erma 1 Nov 1898 TX, Alex 21 Sep 1878 (bro)

1910 Atascosa Co: Frank 33 TX-IN, Anna 30 Ger, Emma 11 TX


Y-???129B Cecil Charles Mobley

Data 8/25/89, Mrs. Woodrow Walter, nee Alice Vera Carey


Y-???129B Cecil Charles (Charley) Mobley, b. 3/31/1880, Williamson or Travis Co TX , d. 4/24/1963, Denton, Denton Co. TX, bur Oakwood Cem., Denton; farmer (informant on d/c Alex Mobley, bro.)

m. 1911 Sudie Mae Scarbarough, in OK, b. 4/23/1894, Indian Terr., OK, d. 5/24/1987, Globe, Gila Co., AZ, bur. Safford, Graham Co., AZ[divcd. 1916][dau. of Jerry Louis Scarbarough/Rose Somerville]

[She m. (2) 1917 William Samuel Horton, cousin of Cecil]

Y-???129B1 Edna Blanche Mobley, b. 5/4/1913, Ft. Cobb, Caddo Co., OK, lvd. 1989 French Camp, San Joaquin Co. CA; sales person

m. 12/12/1931 Louis Ray Wadlow, Anadarko, Caddo Co. OK, b. 9/25/1914, Asher, Pottawatomie Co., OK, d. 1/8/1990, French Camp, CA[son of Rufus Earl Wadlow/Hattie Beatty]

Betty Faye Wadlow, b. 7/3/1938, Cement, Caddo Co. OK, lvd. 1992 Manteca, CA

m. (1) 6/20/1954 Johnny William Daniel, in Reno, NV, b. 2/10/1932, Monroe, LeFlore Co, OK, divcd. 1978 Stockton, CA [son of Monro Daniel/Bulha ___]

(2) 1981 Robert Futsche, Stockton, CA, divcd. 1985 Stockton, d. 1987; welder

(3) 1986 Amos Frank Dancy, Reno. NV, b. 8/18/1932, VA, divcd.;sugar mill

Julia Denise Daniel, b. 9/3/1957, Stockton CA, lvd. 1989,Manteca, CA

m. 4/13/1973 Raul Manuel Murillo, Carson City, NV[son of Manuel Murillo/Rebecca ___]

Jared William Murillo, b. 11/6/1973, Manteca, CA

Jason Scott Murillo, b. 7/18/1976, Manteca, CA

Loyd Gene Daniel, b. Stockton, CA, lvd. 1992 Stockton, CA

m. (1) 9/20/1977 Sandy Darlene Wallace, in Tahoe, NV, divcd. 1992[dau. of Jerry Wallace/Lois ___], lvd. 1992 Lodi, CA

(2) associated with Rosie Haro

Heather Lynn Daniel, b. 7/23/1977, lvd. 1992 Lodi, CA

Steven Gene Daniel, b. 6/19/1980, lvd. 1992 Lodi, CA

Jimmey Ray Daniel, b. 5/18/1981, lvd. 1992 Lodi, CA

[above b. of (1); below of (2)]

Justin Rose Daniel, b. 4/23/1991

Johnny Ray Daniel, b. 9/21/1957, d. 10/4/1957, Stockton, CA

Julia Charlene Wadlow, b. 3/24/1942, Oklahoma City, OK, lvd. 1989 Manteca, San Joaquin Co., CA; realtor

Julia Charlene Wadlow

m. (1) 12/29/1959 Charles Edward Chapin Jr., Carson City, Story Co. NV, divcd. 9/19/1969[son of Charles Edward Chapin/Dixie Lee]

(2) 11/13/1971 Cecil Eugene Hewitt, Reno, Story Co. NV. divcd. 1983 in Puerto Rico


+++ are the ones below related to those above??? James & Edward brothers??

[James also appears with Benjamin & Edward in 1789 tax records]

James taxed 1794-1808, will dated 6/25/1808 witnessed by Edward Mobley, probated 9/19/1808]

Helen Lucille Mobley is the woman that I met. She was born in Indianapolis, Marion, IN. But her father was born in Columbus, Bartholomew, IN. John Mobley was born in Brown Co, IN but died in Indianapolis. Do you have any info on this line??????

Edward-? Mobley who died by 1840 (per Monroe Co, IN Census 1840-pg. 086, 1850-pg 360) wf. Margaret born 1800 KY **Margaret living next door in 1850 to Elizabeth Mobley widow of James. Will include both pages:

1850 Monroe Co, IN Census Pg. 360, #877/877 Salt Creek Twp

Mobley, Elizabeth (wife of James) 45 KY, Nancy 18 IN, Charles 16, Nathan 15, Thompson 13, Josiah

1860 Index has no Elizabeth

Charles A 29 IN-KY, Nancy 27 KY, James 5 IN, Sarah Jane 4 1/12, Thomas M 2 Y-???126

N. 25 IN, Elizabeth 23 IN Y-???127

no Thompson

Josiah 22 IN, Rebecca 16 IN, James A 5/12 Y-???129

1850 - #878/878 Salt Creek Twp

Mobley Margaret 50 KY(believe is wife of Edward), John M. 21 KY, James W or M 20 KY, William T. 18 KY, Charlton T. 16 KY, Pleasant M 14 KY, Elizabeth A. 12 IN, Milton P. 10 IN

1860 Index has Margaret age 60, pg 776, John M. age 31 pg 776, no James,

a William H. age 31 pg. 767, no Charlton T. Pleasant age 25 pg 594? or

P.M. age 24 pg. 716. Believe it is the later for Pleasant M. Mobley.

With the above information, I have come to believe that Charlton T. is

Charles Thompson because of his age. Plus he is living next door to his

older brother John in 1870.

Edward Mobley b. 17??, d. bef 1840 Census Monroe Co, IN

m. Margaret _____ b. c1800 KY, d. aft 1860 census

had the following children:

1. John M. Mobley, b. 1828/9 KY was a grocer in 1870 in Brown Co, Washington Twp, IN

m. #2-Rachel ____

1880 Brown Co: John 52 KY, James 18 IN, Edward 5

their Known Children:

----1. Margaret Mobley, b. c1852

----2. Mary C. Mobley, b. c1860

----3. James M. Mobley, b. 6/ /1861

m. Hannah Shirley, b. 12/ /1863 IL

----3.1 Ollie Mobley, b. c1890 IN

1900 Brown Co: James M 38 Jun 1861 IN, Hannah 36 Dec 1863 IL, Colerue? (f) 2, Dec 1899, SHIRLEY, Roy 15 Jan 1885 IL (stepson), Flossie 9 Jul 1896 IL, William 7 IL

1910 Marion Co: James M 47 IN (father), Hannah C 45 MO (mother), Colena E 13 IN (½ sister), Claude E 9 (1/2 bro), w/ Roy E & Ollie (20) Shilley?

1920 Marion Co: James M 56 IN, Hannah C 54 MO, Cloena E 23s, Clondo E 19s

----4. John M. Mobley, b, 1/ /1870

m. Ida ____, b. 10/ /1875 IN

----4.1 Anna Mobley, b. 5/ /1894 IN

----4.2 Larenca Mobley, b. 7/ /1896 IN

----4.3 Lora Mobley, b. 10/ /1898 IN

1900 Brown Co: John 32 Jan 1869 IN, Ida 25 Oct 1874 IN, Anna 6 May 1894, Larenca 3 Jul 1896, Lora 1 Oct 1898

----5. Edward Mobley, b. c1875 IN

2. James W/M Mobley, b. 1830

3. William T. Mobley b. 1832

same ? 1870 Cass Co., MO: Moberly, William T 38 KY, Sarah 34 KY, Anna E 13 KY, Martha F 10, James W 8, John C 4, Luella 3, Martin 2, Thomas F 6/12 MO

4. Charles Thompson Mobley, b. 1834 KY, d. by 1876 Brown Co., IN (worked as a barber in 1870 Census) bur. Greenlawn Cem

m. 4/20/1866 Permelia E. Owens Brown Co, IN in Brown Co, IN, b. 1836 TN, d. 2/ / 1912 Brown Co, IN bur. Greenlawn Cem

Their known children:

1900 Brown Co: Permelia E 59 Oct 1840 TN, Samuel J 21s Nov 1878 IN

1910 Brown Co: Permelia E 68 TN, next to James S

----1. John M. Mobley, b. 1/ /1869, d. 11/14/1932 Indianapolis, Marion Co, IN bur. Greenlawn Cem

m. (1) 11/11/1890 Ida M. Percified Brown Co, IN, b. 10/ /1874 IN

m. (2) Rosa ____ Alexander

****1. Anna Mobley, b. 5/ /1894 IN

****2. Lawrence William Mobley, b/ 7/9/1896 IN, d. 11/30/1942 Indianapolis, IN

m. Olive Levi, b. 1/1/1903, d. 8/12/1965 both bur. Round Hill cem Indy; dau of George Rabb Levi/Eva Jane Disney

****2.1 Lloyd Norman Mobley, d. 4/12/1950 Indy Round Hill Cem

m. Martha Jean Crouch

****2.11 Frances Ellen Mobley

****2.12 Lloyd Norman Mobley, Jr.

****2.13 Mary Ann Mobley

****2.14 Wanda Sue Mobley

****2.2 Kenneth Carol Mobley, b. 12/16/1924/5 Southport, Marion Co., IN, d. 9/21/1980 Franklin, IN

m. 1943 Rosemarie Voris in Franklin, Johnson Co., IN

****2.21 Thomas Joseph Mobley

****2.22 David Lynn Mobley

****2.23 Linda Diane Mobley

****2.24 Kim Gregory Mobley

****2.25 Sandra Jean Mobley

****2.3 Shirley Virginia Mobley, d. 12/7/1979 Danville, IN

m. 1950 Earl L. Settles in Franklin, IN

****2.31 Vonda Earlene Settles

****2.32 Kenna Dawn Settles

****2.33 Lou Ann Settles

****2.34 Earl L. Settles, II

****2.4 Helen Lucille Mobley, b. 4/22/1941 Indy, IN

m. 5/17/1963 Dennis Howard Collier in Indy

****2.41 Mark Dennis Collier, b. 5/21/1969 Indy, IN (adopted)

****2.42 Michael Darin Collier, b. 12/31/1970 Indy

****3. Lora Mobley, b. 10/ /1898 IN

1900 Brown Co: John 32 Jan 1860 IN, Ida 25 Oct 1874 IN, Anna 6 May 1894, Larenca 3 Jul 1896, Lora 1 Oct 1898

----2. (s/o Chas Thompson) William W. Mobley, b. 2/17/1868 Brown Co IN, d. 9/27/1942 in Brown Co, IN, bur. Greenlawn Cem

m. 1/7/1893 Clara R. Brown in Brown Co, IN, b. 1/ /1874 IN

****1. Pearl E. Mobley, b. 11/20/ 1893, d. 11/ /1946

m. Milton P. Validon in Indianapolis, Marion, IN

****2. Doras Dollie Mobley, d. 11/1956 Detroit, Wayne Co, MI

m. Milton Plasters

****3. Mayme J. Mobley, b. 8/31/1895, d. 4/25/1975 Nashville, IN, bur. Greenlawn Cemetery

m. 12/23/1912 Grover L. Pittman in Nashville, Brown Co, IN

****4. Ivan W. "Eck" Mobley b. 3/9/1897, d. 9/29/1968, d. 9/29/1968 Bartholomew Co, IN, bur Greenlawn Cem

m. 12/25/1920 Lenora Snider

****4.1 Max Mobley

****4.2 Jerry Mobley

****4.3 Wilma Mobley7

****4.4 Mae Mobley

****4.5 Betty Mobley

****5. Dollie D. Mobley, b. c1900 IN

****6. Rex C. Mobley, b. 3/27/1905 Brown Co., IN, d. 10/29/1958 Indianapolis, Marion Co IN, bur. Greenlawn

m. 1922 Ina Lorene Hole in Brown Co,IN, b. 9/15/1904 IN

I talked to my mother in law and she said it was Rex and Ina Mobley that she knew of for sure. Rex born 1905 in IN. so the William Bummer Mobley may not be anywhere close to the right person for my husbands. Joni

****6.1 Burt Rex Mobley, b. 6/26/1922 Brown Co., IN, d. 4/15/1991 Redlands, CA, bur. Nation cem Riverside, CA

m. (1) Flora Marie Catron, b. 3/11/1932 Frankfort, KY

m. (2) Loretta Elizabeth Safley Renfroe, d. 422/1991 bur Nation cem, Riverside, CA

****6.11 Daniel Burt Mobley, b. 3/17/1952 New Castle IN

m. (1) Susie Mae Miley, b. 7/ /1957

m. (2)Joan Annette McGaughey, b. 8/24/1958

****6.111 Jasen Alen Mobley, b. 03/17/1976 Downey CA

m. ____

****6.1111 Jasen Alen Mobley II, b. 08/26/1994 KC

****6.1112 Jamie Mobley, b. 02/28/1996

****6.1113 Kira Kaylece Mobley, b. 08/14/1999

****6.112 Daniel Jewel Mobley, b. 03/10/1977 Aberdeen, SD

m. ____

****6.1121 Joshua Elmer Jewel Mobley 09/02/1995

****6.1122 Tamara Mobley, b. 01/20/1997

****6.113 Crystalene Malyn Mobley, b. 10/08/1983 San Bernardino, CA [of ux #2]

****6.12 Charles Mobley, b. 4/4/1950 IN

****6.2 George Mobley

****6.3 William Mobley

****6.4 Donald Mobley

****6.5 Mary Joan Mobley

****6.6 Olive Mobley

****6.7 Susie Mobley

****6.8 Infant Mobley

1900 Brown Co: William W 31 Feb 1869 IN-KY, Clara 26 Jan 1874 IN, Perle 6 Nov 1893, Mannie? 4 Aug 1895, William 3 Mar 1897, Doris 2/12 Mar 1899

1910 Brown Co: William W 41 IN, Clara R 36 IN, Pearl E 16, Mamie J 14, Ivan W 12, Dollie D 10, Rex C 5

1920 Brown Co: Moberly, William W 50 IN-KY, Clara 45 IN, Ivan 22s, Dolly 19, Rex 14

----3. James Samuel Mobley, b. 11/ /1878, d. 8/12/1922 Brown Co, IN bur. Greenlawn cem

m. 6/5/1902 Mary Cordelia “Cordie” Brown, in Brown Co, IN

----3.1 James Cecil Mobley, b. c1903 IN

----3.2 Malinda Gaynelle Mobley, b. c1906 IN

----3.3 Eva May Mobley, b. c1918 IN

1910 Brown Co: James S 30 IN, Mary C 25 IN, James C 7, Malinda G 4 (next to Wm W)

1920 Brown Co: Moberly, James S 41 IN, Cordelia 36 IN, Cecil 17, Nellie 13, Eva May 2


Annette Mobley IND1ANN@ 8/31/2000


Rex Mobley, b. 1906 IN

Burt Rex Mobley b. 06/26/1922, d. 04/15/1991

m. Flora Marie Catron-Mobley-Shewmaker

Daniel Burt Mobley, b. 3/17/1952 New Castle IN

m. (1) Susie Mae Miley, b. 07//1957

m. (2) Joan Annette McGaughey, b. 08/24/1958

Jasen Alen Mobley, b. 03/17/1976 Downey CA

m. ____

Jasen Alen Mobley II, b. 08/26/1994 KC

Jamie Mobley, b. 02/28/1996

Kira Kaylece Mobley, b. 08/14/1999

Daniel Jewel Mobley, b. 03/10/77 Aberdeen, SD

Joshua Elmer Jewel Mobley 09/02/1995

Tamara Mobley, b. 01/20/1997

Crystalene Malyn Mobley, b. 10/08/1983 San Bernardino, CA [of ux #2]

Charles Rex Mobley, b. 04/04/1950 Frankfort, IN, d. 6/6/1998

m. Maureen Donovan

We know almost nothing about Dan’s father, Burt. And nothing at all about his grandfather. We have no idea where either of them were born. We know that Burt had 3 brothers at least and 1 sister. The brothers names are William, Don and George and Burts sister is Jo. Daniel also had a brother that we lost on 06/06/98. His name was Charles Rex Mobley and his wife was Maureen Donovan. they had no children. Charles was in Viet Nam in 1968/1969


Donald Matson donmatson@ 5/24/98

Richard Moberly rmoberly@mail. 1/14/99 & 12/7/99

1850 Monroe Co, IN: William 69 SC, Almira 24 IN, Elizabeth 19, Margaret A 17, William 22, Clementine Young 12

a. William Moberly, b. 12/26/1780 Fairfield Co., SC, d. 4/17/1854 Monroe Co., IN, bur. Garrett cem

m. 3/27/1813 Elizabeth Galbreath Lincoln Co., KY, b. 9/15/1784 Lincoln Co., KY (?), d. 6/7/1846 Monroe Co., IN [dau Alexander Galbreath/Nancy Baughman]

a1 Arthusa Moberly, b. 12/28/1816 Fayetteville, Lawrence Co., IN, d. 8/4/1839 Lawrence Co., IN

m. 8/18/1835 Greenberry Owens, Lawrence Co., IN, d. 8/18/1872 Flora, Clay Co., IL

a2 Simeon Franklin Moberly, b. 6/15/1818 Monroe Co., IN, d. 1900; both bur. Coleman Cem, Nodaway Co., MO

m. 8/11/1836 Christina Burkhart, Monroe Co., IN, b. 1/6/1815 IN, d. 1894 Nodaway Co., MO, [dau Henry W. Burkart/Elizabeth Musser]

a3 Willis C. Moberly, b. 2/4/1820 Monroe Co. IN, d. bef 1854

a4 Amanda Moberly, b. 5/24/1818 Monroe Co., IN, d. 3/10/1840 Monroe Co., IN

a5 Alexander G. Moberly, b. 7/7/1823 Monroe Co., IN, d. 4/23/1854 Monroe

Co., IN

m. 2/14/1851 Elizabeth Buckner, Monroe Co., IN, b. ca 1832 IN, aft 1875, IA/MO (?), [dau John Buckner/Nancy Stitt]

a6 Elhanan Winchester Moberly, b. 4/12/1826 Monroe Co., IN, d. 12/26/1862 Bowling Green, KY

m. 9/4/1856 Mary Jane Barlow Bartholomew Co., IN, b. 1837 Decatur Co., IN, d. 11/04/1908 Shawnee Co., KS [dau Cyrus Barlow/Nancy Brown]

a7 Elmira Moberly, b. 9/28/1828 Monroe Co., IN, d. 8/23/1853 Monroe Co., IN

m. (1) 8/23/1853 William Farley Monroe Co. IN

m. (2) 3/7/1861 Samuel Kennedy Monroe Co. IN, d. aft 1864 Co., IN

a8 William H. Moberly, b. 4/11/1830 IN, d. 1/14/1883 Bloomington, Monroe Co.,IN

m. 8/18/1858 Mary Jane Miller, Monroe Co. IN, b. ca 1833, IN, d. 10/27/1878 Monroe Co., IN

1860 Monroe Co: William H 31 IN, Mary Jane 27 IN

1870 Monroe Co: William H 38 IN, Mary J 34 IN, Wm M Kennedy

1880 Monroe Co: William 50 IN, William M Kennedy 17 Neph

a9 Elizabeth Jane Moberly, b. 6/30/1832 Monroe Co., IN, d. 12/14/1854 Monroe Co., IN

m. (1) 12/14/1854 George Musser, Monroe Co., IN, b. 4/10/1829, d. 2/25/1917, Monroe Co., IN

m. (2) 10/17/1858 Joseph Young. b. 1836 IN, d. 1858 IN

aA Margaret Anne Moberly, b. 8/12/1836 IN


William Moberly Family Bible - Births:

William Moberly was born December 26th 1780

Elizabeth Galbreth, afterwards the wife of William Moberly, was born September 15th 1784

Arthusa Moberly was born December 28th 1816

Simeon F. Moberly was born June the 15th 1818

Willis C. Moberly was born February the 4th 1820

Amanda Moberly was born May the 24th 1821

Alexander G. Moberly was born July the 7th 1823

Elhanan W. Moberly was born April the 12th 1826

Elmira Moberly was born September the 28th 1828

William H. Moberly was born April the 11th 1830

Elizabeth Jane Moberly was born June the 30th 1832

Margaret Anne Moberly was born April the 12th 1836


Richard Moberly rmoberly@mail. 1/14/99

a2 Simeon Franklin Moberly, b. 6/15/1818 Monroe Co., IN, d. 1900; both bur. Coleman Cem, Nodaway Co., MO

m. 8/11/1836 Christina Burkhart, Monroe Co., IN, b. 1/6/1815 IN, d. 1894 Nodaway Co., MO, [dau Henry W. Burkart/Elizabeth Musser]

1880 Clarke Co., IA Simeon 64, Wife? 65, Eliza Burkhart 82 (MIL)


Moberley, Franklin    1806-1900  Father - Christena 1812-1894 Mother

Buried in Coleman Cemetery, against west fence,.  The cemetery is located in Union Township, Section 8, R35-36, 65-66N.

Mobley, Nancy C. 1882-1957 John W. 1866-1944

Buried in White Oak Cemetery, in Row N to S. The cemetery is located in Union Township, Section 2, R35-36, T65-66 N

Who is John W? – has to be related to S.F. someway

a21 Milum Boley Moberly, b. ca 1835 IN, d. 3/29/1895

m. Jane ____

a22 William Baley Moberly, b. ca 1842 Monroe Co., IN, d. 5/29/1895 Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., MO

m. 10/30/1858 Emilia Jane Hart Nodaway Co, b. 10/19/1836 KY, d. 4/10/1903 Holt Co., MO, dau. of Shelby Hartt/Nancy Molen

a23 David A. Henry Moberly, b ca 1830 Rock Island, IL, d. 1/13/1911 Pickering, Nodaway Co., MO

m. 12/4/1859 Martha Ann Wakefield, Linn Co., IA, b. 6/4/1839 Monroe Co., IN, d. 12/23/1921 Pickering, Nodaway Co, MO [dau of James Wakefield/ Helius Parsons

a24 Alexander G. Moberly, b. ca 1841 IN, d. aft 1865

a25 Joseph Moberly, b. ca 1842 IN, d. 12/27/1858

a26 Andrew Moberly, b. 1853 IN. d. ______


Simeon Franklin Moberly of Monroe Co., IN SE ¼ SE ¼ of section 32 Twsp 8N, Range one east Jeffersonville, IN 40 acres dated 10 Apr 1843

Monroe County, Indiana, I came across a listing for a MORBERLY in the 1850 Census. The film was quite poor but I think this it what it said:

(Richard Moberly rmoberly@mail. 6/13/98)

Simeon (sp?) Morberly age=36 born in IOWA Farmer

Christina Morberly 33 " "

Milan Morberly 15 Farmer

William Morberly 12 in school

David Morberly 10 in school

Alexander Morberly 9 in school


a22 William Baley Moberly, b. ca 1842 Monroe Co., IN, d. 5/29/1895 Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., MO

m. 10/30/1858 Emilia Jane Hart Nodaway Co, b. 10/19/1836 KY, d. 4/10/1903 Holt Co., MO, dau. of Shelby Hartt/Nancy Molen

a221 Edward Price Moberly, b. 3/20/1862 Holt Co., MO, d. 1/29/1922 Forest City, Holt Co.,MO

1900 Holt Co: Edward P 38 Mar 1862 MO, Emelin J 63 Aug 1836 Wd KY mother, Octavie 24 May 1876 sister

1920 Holt Co: Edward P 57s MO

a222 Charles Oscar Moberly, b. 1/15/1864 Forest City, Holt Co., MO, d. 9/20/1937 Kansas City, KS

m. 2/8/1888 Araminta "Mintie" Melissa Bailey Forest City, Holt Co., MO, b. 8/25/1864 White Cloud, Doniphan Co., KS, d. 6/1/1927 Forest City, MO; dau. Fountain Smith Bailey/Nancy Jane Mottershead

1900 Buchanan Co: Charles 35 Jun 1864 MO-MO, Nantie 35 Aug 1864 KS, Johnie 10 Oct 1889, Harry 7 Oct 1892, Beula 5 Sep 1894, Luler 5 Sep 1894, Ellmer 1 Oct 1898

1910 Platte Co: Charles O 46 MO, Minta 45 MO, Erwin? 19, Drury? 16, dau? 15, dau 14, E--- (m) 8, dau 2

a2221 Earl Moberly, twin of Pearl, d. at birth

a2222 Pearl Moberly, twin of Earl, d. at birth

a2223 Lawrence Moberly, twin of Florence, d. at birth

a2224 Florence Moberly, twin of Lawrence, d. at birth

a2225 Unk. Moberly, d. at birth

a2226 Bessie May Moberly, b. 10/8/1888, d. 1/1/1890

a2227 John Charles Moberly, b.11/4/1890 Forest City, Holt Co., MO, d. 4/22/1962 Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., KS

m. 5/5/1912 Marie Melvinia Harvey Leavenworth, KS, b. 1/8/1894 Weston. Platte Co., MO, d. 8/7/1941 Kansas City, Kansas, dau John V. Harvey/Catherine H. Berntsen

a22271 Alberta Kathyrn Moberly, b. 4/22/1913 Leavenworth, KS, d. 2/21/1987 Kansas City, KS

m. 12/18/1931 Karyl William Atkinson, b. 9/13/1911, d. 1/6/1975, Kansas City, KS

a222711 Charles W. Atkinson, b. 3/11/1935 Kansas City, Kansas

m. 7/12/1961 Beverly A. Dawkins Miami, OK

a222712 Gene A. Atkinson, b. 12/3/1940 Kansas City, MO

m. 9/15/1971 Sharon L. Cockrell Kansas City, KS

a222713 Betty Atkinson, b. 7/30/1943 Kansas City, MO

m. 4/3/1964 Robert Onions, b. 7/1/1936, d. 1997

a22272 John Charles "Glynn" Moberly, b. 2/15/1915 East Leavenworth, MO, d. 12/3/1996 Kansas City, KS

m. (1) ca 1939 Naomi D. Madden Kansas City, KS, b. 2/20/1923 Kansas City, KS, d. 2/5/1994

m. (2) ca 1970 Lucille W. Watkins, b. 10/25/1915 KY, d. 9/18/1986 Kansas City, KS

a222721 John C. Moberly, b. 9/18/1941, Kansas City, KS

m. Connie Savage

a2227211 Tracy Moberly

a2227212 Todd Moberly

a222722 Glenna C.Moberly, b.10/30/1942, Kansas City, KS

m. 10/22/1960 Paul Snyder Kansas City, KS

a2227221 Delain M. Snyder, b. 9/22/1961

a2227222 Paul M. Synder, b. 12/25/1064

a2227223 Charles W. Snyder, b. 1/31/1969

a2227224 Scott M. Snyder, b. 4/19/1970

a22273 Clyde Leo Moberly, b. 6/10/1916 Albany, Gentry Co., MO, d. 6/74/1981 Kansas City, KS

m. 6/4/1939 Anna Mary Bender Kansas City, KS, b. 12/13/1916, d. 5/18/1988, dau Louis Bender/Anna M. Stoiber

a222731 Richard Lee Moberly, b. 12/13/1942 Kansas City, KS, d. 6/10/2011 Lenexa, KS, bur. Resurrection Cem

m. 6/5/1965 Linda Kay Batten Kansas City, KS, b. 10/2/1943 Pittsburg, KS, dau. John Batten/Thelma Smith

a2227311 Steven Michael Moberly, b. 3/7/1973, Kansas City, MO

m. 7/31/1999 Nicole Christina Mortensen Incline Village, NV, b. 6/22/1975 Reno, NV, dau Steve Mortensen/Kathy Antos

a22274 Lloyd Edward Moberly, b. 9/4/1917 Albany, Gentry Co., MO, d. 2/27/1918 Albany, MO

a22275 Loraine Verdune Moberly, b. 10/17/1918 Kansas City, KS

m. 12/31/1938 James A. Weathers, . 1918 Freeman, MO, d. 7/20/1999 Kansas City, KS

a222751 James D. Weathers, b. 7/2/1942 Kansas City, KS

a222752 Daniel J. Weathers, b. 10/14/1945 Kansas City, KS

a222753 Thomas C. Weathers, b. 2/24/1952 Kansas City, KS

a222754 Julie A. Weathers, b. 10/18/1953 Kansas City, KS

a2228 Harry Fountain "Pete" Moberly, Sr., b. 10/28/1893 St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO, d. 7/31/1970, Polo, Caldwell Co., MO

m. (1) Hazel Mae (Hollister) Erdelbrock, b. 6/22/1903, d. 3/30/1979 Kansas City, KS

a22281 Billy Eugene Moberly, b. 3/9/1925 Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., KS

m. ca 1947 Kathyrne Leigh Taylor, b. 2/9/1930

a222811 Billy Eugene Moberly Jr., b. 2/22/1948 Kansas City, MO

a222812 James Earl Moberly, b. 11/13/1949 Kansas City, MO

a222813 Ariminta Melissa Moberly, b. 1/30/1952 Kansas City, MO

m. Stanley Richtarik

a222814 Robert Lee Moberly, b. 6/25/1954 Kansas City, MO

a222815 Kathyrne Louise Moberly, b. 10/15/1957 Kansas City, MO

a222816 Melinda Irene Moberly, b. 2/25/191 Kansas City, MO

m. ____ Marshall

a22282 Harriett Moberly, b. 5/1/1928 Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., KS

m. ca 1946 John L. DeVolder

a22283 Hazel Irene Moberly, b. 6/22/1931 Kansas City, KS, d. 7/1/1997 Winchester, Jefferson Co., KS

m. George Domann

a222831 George Dormann

a222832 Mary Domann

a222833 Michelle Domann

m. (2) 10/26/1940 Betty Fern Berry, b. 7/29/1911

a22284 Harry F. Moberly, Jr., b. 12/5/1941 Kansas City, KS

m. 8/ /1960 Judy Hakfick

a222841 Christopher L. Moberly, b. 1/30/1962

a222842 Kimberly Sue Moberly, b. 8/26/1964

a222843 David Ross Moberly, b. 1/15/1967

a2229 Lula Moberly, b. 9/27/1895 St. Joseph, MO, d. 11/22/1972, d. 12/22/1972

m. (1) ____ Poff

m. (2) Theodore Lewandowski, b. 10/4/1913, d. 1956 FL

a22291 Virginia Lewandowski

a22292 Bessie Lewandowski

m. ____ Anderson

a22293 Wanda Lea Lewandowski

m. ____ Beusser

a22294 Alberta Lewandowski

m. ____ Fleshman

a22295 Sherman Lewandowski

a22296 Charles Lewandowski, b. 3/1/1919 Leavenworth, KS, d. 3/__/1987 Clayton, CA

m. Marjorie ______, b. 12/16/1919 KS, d. 4/__/1987 Clayton, CA

a22297 Joe Lewandowski, b. 12/6/1934, d. 2/22/1996, Leavenworth, KS

a222A Beulah Moberly, b. 9/27/1895 St. Joseph, MO, d. 10/26/1973 Leavenworth, KS

m. 11/14/1913 William Thomas McCauley, Leavenworth, KS, b. 6/30/1889, d. 1/__/1971 Leavenworth, KS

a222A1 Charles Ernest McCauley

a222A2 Beatrice McCauley

m. Walter Allen

a222A3 Dorthy Lee McCauley, b. ____, d. 8/3/1993

m. Roy Hester

a222A4 Elizbeth Genevieve McCauley

a222A5 Georgette Ann McCauley, b._____, d. 2/16/1981 St. Joseph, MO

m. Omer Pyles

a222A6 William Thomas McCauley, b. 10/17//1917 Leavenworth, KS, d. 1/31/1921

a222A7 Ruth May McCauley, b. 11/11/1919 Leavenworth, KS, d. 7/24/1983 Wichita, KS

m. John Leonard Kester

m. Fred Finley

a222A8 John Thomas McCauley, b. 6/16/1925 Leavenworth KS, d. _____

a222A9 Alonzo Ray McCauley, Sr., b. 8/25/1930, 5/19/1950 Alberta Lee Davis Leavenworth KS

a22211 Edgar Cecil Moberly, b. 1/17/1902 St Joseph, MO, d. 7/31/1978 Kansas City, KS

m. 8/20/1930 Zella L. Hubbard, 3/28/1901, d. 3/__/1990 Kansas City, KS

a222111 Lois Jean Moberly, b. 12/20/1931 Kansas City, KS, d. 2/8/2010 Prairie Village, KS

m. 12/19/1954 Keith W. Gallehugh M.D., b. 1/4/1932 KCK, d. 10/27/2007, son of Fred W. Gallehugh/Elva Drake

a2221111 Keith Craig Gallehugh, b. 3/3/1956 – m. Margie

a2221112 Camille Ann Gallehugh, b. 2/12/1958

a2221113 Kurt Allen Gallehugh, b. 3/2/1961 m. Tammy

a22212 Infant Moberly, b. 9/1/1904, Forest City, Holt Co., MO., d. 9/4/1904 Forest City, MO

a22213 LaVera Enid Moberly, b. 8/3/1907 St. Joseph, MO, d. 3/27/1980 Leavenworth, KS

m. 2/15/1928 Paul Wilk, b. 12/5/1904 Leavenworth, KS, d. 5/22/1989 Kansas City, KS

a222131 Paula Wilk, b. 7/6/1929,

m. ____ Wickizer

a222132 Herbert "Richard" E. Wilk, b. 8/1/1930 Leavenworth KS, d. 3/27/1980 Leavenworth, KS

m. Janiee Ann Jones

a222134 Robert L. Wilk, b. 8/15/1932, d. 7/6/1971

a222135 Phillip Gerald Wilk, b. 2/8/1935

a222136 Wayne Frederick Paul Wilk, b. 6/3/1938, d. 4/8/1991 Leavenworth KS

a222137 Sandra Suzann Wilk, b. 7/6/1939 Leavenworth, KS,

m. ___ Loar

m. ___ Smith

a222138 Gary "Butch" Wilk, b. 9/29/1942

a223 Shelby Franklin Moberly, b. 4/21/1867 MO, d. 10/20/1871 MO

a224 Emma Clementine Moberly, b. 5/15/1869 MO, d. 9/4/1871

a225 David A. Moberly, b. 4/24/1872 MO, d. ca 1948 Huntington Beach, CA

m. Clementine Smith, b. c1875 MO

a2251 Daisey Moberly

m. Norman Allen

a2252 Ruth Moberly

1910 Okfuskee Co., OK: David 38 MO-IN, Clementine 35 MO, w/ 5 SMITH step children

a226 Octavia Moberly, b. 5/16/1876 Forest City, MO, d. 9/20/1947 St Joseph, MO

m. 5/22/1909 Edgar Poe Allen, St. Joseph, MO, b. 5/25/1880 Oregon, Holt Co., MO d. 6/28/1948 Stewartsville, Clinton Co., MO

a2261 Mildred Susie Beatrice Allen, b. 10/15/1910 St. Joseph, Mo

m. 7/18/1936 James L. Stephens Plattsburg, MO, b . 12/31/1912, d. 1/10/1987

a22611 Donna J. Stephens, b. 8/4/1937 St. Joseph, MO

m. 8/2/1957 Gary L. Sutton Marryville, MO, b. 12/19/1935

a2262 Floyd Edgar "Pete" Allen, b. 11/29/1911 St. Joseph, MO

m. 7/4/1939 Ruth Humphry Los Angeles, CA, b. 1/28/1917

a22621 Harriet Ann Allen, b. 4/4/1940 Los Angles, CA

a22622 Sharron Lee Allen, b. 12/9/1941 Los Angles, CA

a22623 Loia Virginia Allen, b. 7/19/1944 Butbank, CA

a22624 Penelope "Penny" Allen, b. 1/23/1054 Hollywood, CA

1880 Holt Co: Moberly, William (Baley) 44 IN-KY-Ger, Millie J 44 KY, Edward 18 MO, Charles 16, David 8, Octava 4

1900 Holt Co: Moberley, Edward P? 38 Mar 1862 MO, Emelin J 63 Aug 1836 Wd KY mother, Octavie 24 May 1876 sister


a23 David H. Henry Moberly, b 5/5/1839 Monroe Co, IN, d. 1/13/1911 Pickering, Nodaway Co., MO, bur. Maryville cem.

m. 12/25/1859 Martha Ann Wakefield, Linn Co., IA, b. 6/4/1839 Monroe Co., IN, d. 12/23/1921 Pickering, Nodaway Co, MO [dau of James Wakefield/ Helius Parsons

1880 Nodaway Co: Moberley, David 41 IN-KY, Martha 40 IN, Charity 17 MO, James F 14 IL, Mary C 12 MO, John H 6, Danus D 4, Lanta E 1

1900 Nodaway Co: Moberly, David H 61 May 1839 IN-KY, Martha A 60 Jun 1839 IN, Elmer 17 Aug 1882 MO

1910 Nodaway Co: David H 71 IN-KY, Martha A 71 IN, Lanta E 30s MO, Pansy 30 MO no issue

"Pioneer Resident Passed Away - David James Moberly passed away Friday evening, January 13th, at 7:15 P.M.

He was born May 5th, 1839, in Monroe County, Indiana.  He was one of a family of six boys, all of whom have passed on before.  December 25th, 1859, he was united in marriage to Miss Martha Wakefield, who still survives him. Thus on last Christmas, they completed fifty-one years of wedded life.

To this union was born nine children. One daughter died in infancy, one son James, passed away September 7th, 1909.  The others, Luella, Charity, Mary, John, Darius, Lantie and Elmer remain to mourn with their mother the sad loss of an affectionate husband and a kind father.  The children were all present at the funeral except Darius, who is living in California, and is not able to be present.  The departed leaves also twenty-six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren to mourn his departure.

Fifty years ago Mr. Moberly moved to a farm in this vicinity.  After a few years he decided to move to Illinois.  Forty-two years ago he again came to this locality and settled on a farm two and a half miles southwest of Pickering (Nodaway Co., MO), where he continued to reside until last February, when he moved to Pickering.  He suffered a paralytic stroke three years ago, and he has been poorly in health since that time.  He was bedfast the last twenty days of his life.  Funeral services were held from Pickering Christian church and interment was made in the Maryville cemetery."

a231 Luella R. Moberly, b. ca 1861 MO, d. 1946 MO

m. William Rutherford, b. 1855, d. 1932

a232 Charity A. Moberly, b. ca 1862 MO

a233 James Franklin Moberly, b. 10/30/1865 Rock Island, IL, d. 9/7/1909 Arkos, Nodaway Co., MO

m. (1) 9/18/1890 Martha Ellen Hayes, Norton Co., KS, b. 4/7/1873, d. 5/19/1894

m. (2) 8/30/1903 Maud Elizabeth Clements, Nodaway Co. MO, b. ca 1869 [dau of Z.T. Clements]

1900 Nodaway Co: James F 34 Oct 1863 IL Wd, boarder

1920 Craig Co., OK: Maude D 41 MO Wd, Frances L 14 MO, Mildred J 13, Audrey F 11

a2331 Essa May Moberly, b. 7/101891 Norton, KS, d. 5/2/1892 Norton, KS

a2332 Arma Jay Moberly, b. 5/14/1894 Rice Co., KS, d. 1/5/1980 Los Angeles, CA

m. 8/25/1915 Edith Blanche Wiley St. Joseph, MO, b. 2/26/1896 Maryville, MO, d. 10/20/1998 Fraizer Park, CA

a23321 Helen L. Moberly, b. 4/6/1916, d. 5/13/1990

m. 12/10/1936 Frank Taylor

a23322 Ethel Marie Moberly, b. 6/17/1917

m. 6/15/1933 Donald Harry Hinderks

a23322 Harold J. Moberly, b. 10/27/1918

m. 9/21/1947 Rosemary Huffman

a23323 Margaret Jean Moberly, b. 10/9/1921

m. 12/1/1951 Joseph Kyle Thompson

a23324 Donald Dean Moberly, b. 1/6/1927

m. 7/13/1946 June Hutchins

a23325 Martha Ann Moberly, b. 11/4/1931

m. 10/7/1950 Conrad Aimee Wiederhold, b. 8/17/1929

a2333 Frances L Mobley, b. c1906 MO

m. ____ Roberts

a2334 Mildred J Mobley, b. c1907 MO

a2335 Audrey Faye Moberly, b. 1/13/1909 Arkoe, Nodaway Co., MO, d. 10/3/1993 Heston, Harvey Co., KS

m. 4/2/1932 Opal Winifred Hale in Afton, Ottawa Co., OK, b. 5/30/1912 Wichita, Sedgwick Co., KS, d. 5/8/2009 Heston, KS: dau. John Hale/Zillar Clark (They moved to central Kansas sometime after their marriage)

"Audrey (Faye) Moberly, 424 S. Main, Hesston, Kas., died Oct. 3, 1992. He was 84. Mr. Moberly was born Jan. 13, 1909, at Arkoe, Mo. He was a life-long Miami resident and was retired from NEO Railroad and Eagle Pitcher. He married Opal W. Hale, Afton, April 2, 1932. She survives. Additional survivors include two daughters, Winifred Cooper, Olathe, Kan., and Carolyn Simpson, Hesston, Kan.; a sister, Frances Roberts, Albany, Calif.; 10 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren."

Hesston Record May 15, 2009

Opal W. Moberly died May 8, 2009 at Schowalter Villa in Hesston. She was born May 30, 1911 to John Henry and Zillah (Clark) Hale in Wichita. She was a homemaker.

On April 2, 1932 she married Faye Moberly in Afton, Okla., he preceded her in death. Survivors include two daughters, Winifred Cooper of Tulsa, and Carolyn Simpson of Hesston; 10 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great- grandchildren. Burial was at the Hesston Cemetery.

a23351 Winifred Faye Moberly “Winnie”, b. 12/15/1933 Afton, Ottawa Co., OK

m. 2/24/1954 Howard William Cooper

a233511 Deborah Marlene Cooper, b. 1/17/1955

a233512 Terrie Elaine Cooper, b. 1/12/1956

a233513 John Randolph Cooper, b. 6/25/1957

a233514 Nancy Denise Cooper, b. 4/24/1959

a233515 Howard William Cooper, b. 7/3/1962

a233516 David Michael Cooper, b. 4/13/1964

a23352 Carolyn Sue Moberly, b. 6/14/1935 “

m. 11/23/1956 Dallas James Simpson

a233521 Stephen Quinton Simpson, b. 8/17/1957

a233522 Leslie Rochelle Simpson, b. 5/28/1961

a233523 Alan Moberly Simpson, b. 5/3/1964

a233524 Phillip Clark Simpson, b. 11/26/1969

a234 Darius D. Moberly, b. 1866 IL, d. after 1921

a235 Mary Moberly, b. 1869 MO

a236 John H. Moberly, b. ca 1875/64 MO

a237 Lanta Moberly, b. 4/18/1879 Nodaway Co., MO, d. 12/21/1961 Nodaway Co. MO

m. ca 1920 George Edward Jackson Nodaway Co, MO, d. ca 1941

a238 Elmer C. Moberly, b. 8/?/1882 Nodaway Co. MO, d. 1954 Nodaway Co., MO

m. ca 1905 Pansy M. ____, Nodaway Co., MO, b. c1890 MO

1910 Nodaway Co: Elmer C 26 MO, Pansy 20 MO

1920 Nodaway Co: Elmer C 36 MO, Pansy M 30 MO


a5 Alexander G. Moberly, b. 6/7/1823 Monroe Co., IN, d. 4/23/1854 Monroe

Co., IN

m. 2/14/1851 Elizabeth Buckner, Monroe Co., IN, b. ca 1832 IN, aft 1875, IA/MO (?), [dau John Buckner/Nancy Stitt]

a51 Maria Jane Moberly, b. ca 1852 Monroe Co.,IN, d. 10/15/1872 Morgan Co., IN

m. 5/30/1872 John Sheerer Morgan Co., IN, b. 11/15/1838 Morgan Co., IN, d. bet 1884-1910 Morgan Co., IN

1870 Morgan Co: Mobley, Maria 18 IN, at home w/ Peter & Elizabeth Marshall

a6 Elhanan Winchester Moberly, b. 4/12/1826 Monroe Co., IN, d. 12/26/1862 Bowling Green, KY

m. 9/4/1856 Mary Jane Barlow Bartholomew Co., IN, b. 1837 Decatur Co., IN, d. 11/04/1908 Shawnee Co., KS [dau Cyrus Barlow/Nancy Brown]

three sets of letters written by Elhanan auctioned on EBay, one from the Mexican-American War period, one from his time in Texas between wars, and one from his time in the Civil War.  I understand there were several hundreds of pages, along with maps, drawing, etc.  The three lots sold for, I think, over $35,000

a61 Edwin E. Moberly, b. 6/14/1861 IN, d. 8/23/1943 Cloud Co., KS

m. 1/19/1987 Carie A. Hochkiss, Shawnee Co, KS, b. 6/4/1862 Troy, NY, d. 10/24/1946, Cloud Co. KS [dau Thomas Hochkiss/Eliza Pearshall]

1910 Cloud Co., KS: Moberley, E.E. 48 IN, Carrie 47 NY, Grace 22s KS, Anna 20, Alice 13, Winchester 10, Maud 8, Roy 7

1920 Cloud Co: Moberly, Edwin E 58 IN, Carrie A 59 NY, Grace E 32s KS, Alice 23s, Winchester E 20, Maud I 18, Roy H 17

a611 Grace E. Moberly, b. 1/18/1888 Osborne Co., KS, d. 8/23/1969, Cloud Co. KS

m. 1927 Orville Bray, Cloud Co. KS

a612 Anna May Moberly, b. 9/3/1889, Osborne Co. KS, d. 5/2/1982, Condordia, Cloud Co., KS

m. 5/12/1912, William B. Morgan, Cloud Co, KS

a6121 Walter W. Morgan

a613 C. Alice Moberly, b. 8/31/1896, d. 8/14/1983

a614 Winchester E. Moberly, 9/23/1888 Cloud Co., KS, d. 12/25/1980, Cloud Co., KS

m. 9/17/1947 Frances McHenry

a615 Maud Ida Moberly, b. 8/18/1901 Cloud Co., KS, d. 2/19/1993 Concordia, Cloud Co., KS

a616 Roy H. Moberly, b. 1/24/1906 Cloud Co. KS, d. 10/5/1967 Cloud Co. KS

a62 Oliver O. Moberly, b. 5/02/1858 Houston, TX, d. 3/2/1923 Ponoma, Franklin Co., KS

m. 2/13/1881 Eleanor Mary Tiffaney, Caldwell Co., MO, b. 10 /1858, d. ca. 1934 Ponoma, Franklin Co., KS

1880 Caldwell Co., MO : Moberly, Oliver 22 TX, farm labor w/ Cyrus Barlow

1900 Osage Co., KS: Oliver O. 43 May 1857 TX, Elenor 4? Oct 1858 WI, Mary 18 Dec 1881 KS, Lena 9 Dec 1890, John 4 Mar 1896

a621 Infant Moberly, d. at birth

a622 Mary E. Moberly, b. 12/27/1881 Quenemo, KS, d. 10/31/1957 Kansas City, KS

m. 12/27/1904 Morton Owen Huff, Ponoma, KS, b. 10/4/1880 Downe, KS, d. 6/25/1961 Kansas City, KS

a623 Lena Grace Moberly, b. 12/4/1890 Quenemo, KS, d. 12/27/1915 Kansas City, MO

m. 7/4/1914 Arlo Martin

a6231 Grace Arlene Martin, b. 12/26/1915 Kansas City, MO

a624 John Oliver Moberly, b. 3/ /1896 Franklin Co., KS, d. 11/?/1952 Topeka, Shawnee Co., KS

m. Jemia Sink

a6241 John A. Moberly, b. 1919, Franklin Co., KS

a6242 Mary Moberly, b. 1920, Franklin Co., KS

a6243 Leslie Benton Moberly, b. 1921, Franklin Co. KS

a62431 Ronald Moberly

m. 8/7/1999 Heather ? Menard Co. IL

a6244 Eleanor Lena Moberly, b. 1922, Franklin Co. KS

a6245 Robert Eugene Moberly, b. 10/25/1924, Indiana, d. 10/?/1982


Richard Moberly rmoberly@mail. 4/23/02

No known connection to above Simeon Franklin Moberly at this time.


John Wesley Mobley/Moberly, b. ca 1866 (location unknown), d. 10/15/1944 Nodaway Co., MO, both bur. White Oak Cem, Pickering, Nodaway Co., MO

m. 9/15/1919 Nancy Elizabeth Proctor “Nannie” in Nodaway Co., MO, b. 1882, d. 1957

Pauline Mobley, b. 5/17/1920 Maryville, Nodaway Co., MO, d. 1/5/1996 Tina, MO

m. (1) Charles Lattire

m. (2) Lloyd Wilkinson

m. (3) 1940 Alexander Porterfield Moore in Savannah, MO, b. 12/25/1916 Clearmont, Nodaway Co., MO; son of Ernest Moore/Elnora Swaney

Billy Edward Moore, b. 4/18/1942 Pickering, Nodaway Co., MO, d. 2/8/1945 Pickering, MO

m. Lori Adams

John Wayne Moore, b. 10/4/1944 Pickering, MO, d. 2/8/1945 bur. White Oak cem, Pickering, MO

Richard Faye Moore, b. 10/4/1948

Daryl Lynn Moore, b. 4/25/1950

Judith Daina Moore, b. 5/25/1951

Alexander Porterfield Moore Jr, b. 3/18/1952 Albany, Alameda Co., CA

John Wesley Mobley, Jr., b. bet 1920-1930

Mattie Kern Mobley, b. bet 1920-1930


Donald Matson donmatson@ 5/24/98

Kathy Rogers kandgrogers@ 8/26/01

Paul Engleman pengleman1@ 4/15/09


Could be Y-???13 son of James & Mary Blye Mobley

1. William Moberly, b. 1795, d. ca. 1839 in Monroe Co., IN

m. 10/25/1826 Margaret McManus (McManis) "Peggy" Lincoln Co., KY, b. 1800 KY, d. aft 1860 census

1a John M. Moberly, b. 1829 KY, d. 1889 IN

m. (1) 5/30/1853 Mary (Peggy) Custinger, b. 1830 TN, d. aft 1860 (Paul)

m. (2) 2/3/1869 Rachel Mathis

1a1 Margaret Elizabeth Moberly, b. 5/30/1853 IN, d. 1/3/1937 Monroe Co., IN; both Bur Knightridge Cem, Bloomington, Monroe Co., IN

m. 1873 William R Mathis IN, b. 10/20/1853 Brown Co., IN, d. 3/10/1930

1a11 Pearl Mathis m. Mr. Hall

1a12 Emma Mathis m. Mr. Hapton

1a13 Milton Mathis

1a14 Bunn Mathis

1a15 Emnery Mathis

1a16 James Mathis

OBIT: Bloomington Herald Telephone, Tuesday 11 March 1930

W R Mathis 77, taken in death. He died at 11:00 pm Monday at the home of his son, James Mathis, of Miller Drive. Death was due to pneumonia. Internment in the Knightridge Cementery


OBIT: "Evening World", IN Monday Jan 5, 1931

A heart attack was fatal at 8:00 am Saturday, 78, living near Phillips school house three miles east of Bloomington IN. Death which overtook her at home followed an illiness lasting nine weeks.

Surviving are a half brother Ed Mobley ??, a sister Mrs Mary Ratliff of Indianapolis IN, three daughters, Pearl Hall, Emma Hapton of Monroe Co, three sons Milton, Bunn, and Emery Mathis of Monroe Co.

Funeral services will be held at 1:00 pm Monday from the Knight Ridge church in charge of Rev. Warren Chafin. Internment will be in the nearby Knightridge cementary

1a2 Mary C Moberly, b. c1860 Monroe Co IN

m. Mr. Ratliff

1a3 James M Moberly, b. c1862, d. 7/1/1942

1a4 John M. Moberly, b. c1870

1860 Monroe Co., IN: John M 31 KY, Mary 30 TN, Margaret E 8 IN, Mary C 4/12, Margaret (mom) 60 KY, Milton (bro) 20 IN

1b James M. Moberly, b. 1830 KY

same? 1850 Lincoln Co, KY: Moberly, James 23 KY, Nancy 29 KY, John 1 KY

1c Charlton T. Moberly, b. 1834 KY

1d William Thompson Moberly, b. 1835 KY, d. 1890 Lawrence Co., AR

m. 10/29/1854 Mary Ann Haggard Lincoln Co, KY, b. ca 1830 Crab Orchard, Lincoln Co., KY, d. 1886; dau. of Martin & Betsy Haggard

1860 Rockcastle Co: William T 27 KY, Mary A 30, James F 4, William 1, Martha Donell 15

1d1 Louisa Moberly, b. 9/7/1855 Lincoln Co., KY, bur. Rockcastle, KY

m. 5/15/1885 William B. Davis Monroe Co., IN

?? Twins ?? (Infant Mobley. He died on 07 Sep 1855 in Dicks River Rockastle Co KY)

1d2 James Franklin Mobley, b. 1857 Lincoln Co., KY, d. AR

m. 11/22/1877 Mary E. (P.) Meade Frankfort, Laurel Co., KY, b. 1856 VA (TN), d. 1941, bur. Clear Creek Cem, Bloomington, Monroe Co, IN; dau. James Meade [sister of Nancy Jane w/o William M. Mobley]

1d21 Mary Helen “Helie” Mobley, b. 9/23/18878 Somerset, KY, d. 6/8/1962 Monroe Co., IN bur. Knight Ridge Cem.

m. (1) 9/24/1896 Richard Hill in Monroe Co., IN, bur. Knightridge cem

m. (2) Johnny Deckard, no children

1d211 Ezekiel Hill, b. 7/22/1898 Monroe Co IN, d. 12/24/1950 Bloomington IN, both bur. Clear Creek Cem

m. 10/ /1920 Thelma Burris Monroe Co, IN, b. 2/4/1902 Monroe Co, d. 12/13/1979 Litten Green Co., IN (dau Sam Burris/Alma Wampler)

1d2111 Raymond Hill, b. 9/24/1920 Monroe Co, d. 9/28/2007 Bloomington, IN

m. 8/1/1945 Farry Bartlett Bloomington, IN, b. 7/1/1920 Lawrence Co, IN, d. 10/4/2003 bur. Clear Creek cem

1d21111 Karen Hill, b. 11/2/1938 Lawrence Co, IN

m. 8/3/1957 Don Kinney in Bloomington, b. 2/17/1938 Monroe Co

1d211111 Douglas Lee Kinney, b. 7/6/1962 Indianapolis, d.3/13/1991 in Germany

1d211112 Bruce Patrick Kinney, b. 1/3/1964


m. Novi in Java Island Indonesia

1d211113 Todd Andrew Kinney, b. 3/28/1965 Indianapolis

m. Kathy in Shreveport LA

1d21112 Sherry Hill, b. 10/28/1945 Bloomington

m. (1) 4/6/1968 Judson Kent Terrell, 12/23/1943 Kokomo, IN, d. 1/1/2002, bur. Middletown, IN

m. (2) 8/30/1994 Larry Blanchett Branson, MO (no issue)

m. (3) 10/29/2006 David Sulsberger, 12/18/1949 New Maetinaville, WV (no issue)

1d211121 Andrea Terrell, b. 2/10/1971 Stevens Point WI

1d21112 Eric Terrell, b. 6/22/1973 Stevens Point, WI

1d2112 John H. Hill, b. 12/12/19121 Monroe Co, d. 9/30/2002 Bloomington, IN, bur. Clear Creek cem

m. Wilma Jean Lane, b. 9/1/1924 Monroe Co, IN, d. 11/22/1988 bur Clear Creek cem (dau Bill lane/Iva Hedrick)

1d21121 John Dean Hill, b. 8/18/1944 Vigo Co, IN

1d21122 Jennifer Hill, b. 11/16/1956 Monroe Co

m. 10/19/1975 Ronney Portlebasugh


Technical Sergeant John H Hill of Bloomington IN, an engineer and upper turret gunner on a Flying Fortress based in England was awarded a second oak leaf cluster to his air medal.

Hoosier lauded for Nazi Attacks: Bloomington Newspaper. Word comes from an 8th A.A.F. bomber station in England that Tech Sargent John H Hill 22, Flying Fortress engineer and top turret gunner, has been decorated with the Distinguished Flying Cross for outstanding achievement in aerial combat over Nazi Europe.


Funeral services for Ezekiel Hill, 52, Bloomington grocer, who died Sunday at his home, 1105 North Woodlawn, were held today at 2 P.M. in the East Sixteenth Street Pentecostal Church. Rev. K.C. Tiller officiated at the service and burial was in the Clear Creek Cemetery.


Herald-Times Bloomington. Date unknown.

Hoosier brothers in England:

Separated in Military service for nearly two years, Corporal Ray Hill and Tech Sargent John Hill, only sons of Zeke Hill, were reunited at an 8th A.A.F. flying fortress base in England. Both Hill brothers were Star athletes at Smithville High School.

"We surely saw there before us more ships than any human had ever seen before at one glance. As far as you could see in every direction, the ocean was infested with ships. There must have been every ocean-going vessel in the World World War II correspondent Ernie Pyle, in excerpts from his dispatch of the Allied landing at Normandy Beaches on June 6, 1944.

Hours before the D-Day assault on the beached of Normandy, the morning of June 6, 1944, about 20,000 paratroopers were being dropped behind the German lines. It was the most massive night drop ever. It involved more than 800 troup transport planes. The planes in the sky reached from the French Coast all the way back to Britain, flying nine planes across.

In May 1945, on his last mission, he was flying in the Allies's push towards the Rhyne River when his plane was hit. The Captain told all of them to jump and he and the copilot went down with the plane. While Ray was floating down he could see bullet holes as they entered his parachute.

Everyone in his crew except one were killed. The Germans were waiting on him to land and was captured along with twelve other Americans. They took his watch, but treated him very good. He was held for a very short time before the British liberated them.

1d212 Fred A Hill, b. 2/4/1902 Monroe Co, IN, d. 10/14/1980 Monroe Co, IN; both bur. Smithville Christian Ch Cem

m. 3/27/1921 Mary Maude Humphrey, b. 10/19/1901 Monroe Co, d. 1/4/2001 Gosport, IN

1d2121 Richard Hill, b. 12/27/1922 Monroe Co, d. 2/21/1985 Aurora, CO

1d2122 Billie Edmond Hill, b. 9/30/1924 Monroe Co, d. 12/5/1991 Monroe Co bur Clear Creek cem Bloomington, IN

m. 8/15/1947 Joy Joan Bruner Bloomington, IN, b. 6/16/1927 (dau Henry P. Bruner/Lola F. Cazee)

1d21221 Trudy Kay Hill, b. 11/7/1948 Monroe Co

m. 2/17/1967 Malcolm Sylvester in Harrodsburg, IN (son of Dewey Sylvester/Bertie Cardwell

1d212211 Andrew Malcolm Sylvester, b. 1/3/1968 Harrodsburg, IN

1d212212 Patsy Jo Sylvester, b. 3/25/1970 Harrodsburg

m. 10/6/1990 Jeff Letsikow in Phoenix, AZ

1d212213 Jessica Joy Sylvester, b. 9/16/1976 Phoenix AZ

m. 4/27/1996 Robert Hollenbeck

1d21222 Teddy Pete Hill, b./ 5/14/1954 Monroe Co

m. 10/24/1987 Julia McCauly in Mt Ebar (, b. 4/24/1960 Indianapolis (dau of William McCauly/Mickey McCauly)

1d212221 Jozey William Hill, b. 10/3/1989 Monroe Co

1d21223 Joe Ed Hill, b. 2/10/1961 Monroe Co

m. (1) Barbara A. Black

m. (2) 7/25/1992 Mary Jane Sims, b. 3/12/1960 Ellettsville , IN (da of James Sims/Doris Terrell)

1d212231 Tyler Joel Hill, b/ 9/28/1983 Monroe Co

1d212232 Cody Ray Hill, b. 6/2/1987 “

1d2123 Sue Ann Hill, b. 1/16/1928 Monroe Co IN

m. 6/4/1948 Charles Robert Sinn Bloomington IN, b. 5/14/1928 Monroe co (son of Fred Wisley/Grace Pearl Galyan)

1d21231 Charles Robert Sinn Jr., b. 3/28/1950 Monroe Co IN

m. 10/30/19876 Lynn Ann Crouch Owen Co, IN, b. 7/11/1955 Salem, IL (dau of Lewis Dean Crouch/Norma Jean Burge)

1d212311 Tiffani Lynn Sinn, b. 4/20/1981 Monroe Co

1d212312 Charles Robert Sinn III, b. 4/30/1986 Monroe Co

1d21232 Rhonda Beth Sinn, b. 9/6/1951 Monroe Co IN

m. 8/4/1972 Randall Keith Todd Bloomington (son of James Todd/Kathleen Murphy)

1d212321 Andrew David Todd, b. 1/14/1980 Marion Co

1d212322 Olivia Ann Todd, b. 7/7/1982 Marion Co

1d21233 Melinda Ann Sinn, b. 2/9/ 1955 Monroe Co

m. 7/27/1985 Thomas Elden Neumann in Bloomington, b. 9/18/1953 Cook Co., IL (son of Elden Neumann/Eileen Sigwatt)

1d212331 Kaitlyn Elizabeth Neumann, b. 9/5/1987 Chesterfield, St Louis Co., MO

1d212332 Erin Marie Neumann. b. 6/10/1989 “

1d212333 David Alexander Neumann, b. 11/29/1991 “, d. 12/1/1991 Chesterfield, MO bur. Mt Gilead Cem Bloomington

1d212334 Michael Thomas Neumann, b. 2/17/1993 “

1d212335 Alexandra Ann Neumann, b. 4/4/1995 “

1d21234 Alan Lee Sinn, b. 8/11/1960 Morgan Co IN

m. 6/5/1982 Andrea Leigh Holden in Bloomington, b. 9/4/1963 Warrick Co, IN

1d212341 Lydia Mari Sinn, b. 1/29/1984 Monroe Co

1d212342 Wesley Alan Sinn, b. 12/2/1986 “

1d212343 Clayton Lee Sinn, b. 1/23/1990 “

1d212344 Griffin Jon Sinn, b. 11/14/1993 “

1d21235 Rebecca Marie Sinn, b. 7/14/1964 Morgan Co

m. 10/4/1986 Cory Eldon O'Dell, b. 3/7/1953 Elkhart Co IN son of Gary Eldon O'Dell/Janelle Nisen

1d212351 Daniel Eldon O'Dell, b. 3/18/1993 Indianapolis, IN

1d212352 Samuel Gary O'Dell, b. 6/24/1996 “

1d213 Roy Hill, b. 10/18/1903 Paynetown, Monroe Co, IN, d. 11/19/1988; both bur. Smithville Christian Ch Cem

m. 10/27/1923 Grace Burnworth, b. 11/19/1903 Libery Mills, Wasbash Co., IN, d. 1/2/1980 Bloomington, IN

1d2131 Verna Imogene Hill, b. 5/30/1924 Smithville, IN

m. (1) 11/1/1942 Harold McCamnon Oak Ford, IN

m. (2) 2/10/1968 Kenneth Glass (no issue)

1d21311 Linda C McCammon, b. 5/15/1945 Bloomington

m. (1) 10/3/1964 John R Richardson Smithville, IN, b. 4/18/1943 Sanders, IN son of John W Richardson/Betty P Skirvin

m. (2) Donald Davis (no issue)

1d213111 Chad R Richardson, b. 7/4/1972 Bloomington

1d213112 Angela L Richardson, b. 11/10/1974 “

1d21312 Tamara K McCammon, b. 5/2/1947 Bloomington

m. 11/6/1965 John E Sharp Jr, Smithville, IN, b. 11/6/1946 Lavarno, Italy son of John E Sharp/Sr/Louise Martinelli)

1d213121 Suzie L Sharp, b. 11/15/1972 Bloomington, d. 2/28/2001 Smithville, IN, bur Smithville Cem

1d21313 Rosalind J McCammon, b. 10/21/1950 Bloomington, IN

m. (1) 4/24/1970 Jerry B Bastin in Smithville, b. 9/9/1948 Bloomington son of James A. Bastin/Ethel M. Richardson

m. (2) Daniel R Geristman (no issue)

1d213131 Anita L Bastin, b. 10/20/1970 Bloomington

1d2132 James Levi Hill, b. 10/22/ 1925 Smithville, IN, USN WW2

m. 4/15/1949 Lois Marie Todd, b. 3/23/1925 Monroe Co., IN (dau Cameron Todd/Mary Etta Smith)

1d21321 Stuart Thomas Hill, b. 12/18/1950 Monroe Co IN

m. 3/15/1975 Rita Jane McFadden, b. 5/17/1954 dau of Carroll McFadden/Bertha May Gloubke

1d213211 Amber Brooke Hill, b. 8/1/1979

m. 4/15/2000 Brad Burdeshaw

1d213212 Ashley Nicole Hill, b. 3/6/1986

1d21322 James Ray Hill, b. 6/2/1953 Monroe Co

m. 1/24/1975 Connie Lou Bowlen, in Bloomington, IN, b. 7/31/1953 dau of Lawrence Raymond Bowlen/Ella Jewel Baugh

1d213221 Michele Renee Hill, b. 7/31/1978 Bloomington

1d213222 Ryan James Hill, b. 6/21/1981 “

1d2133 Lew Edward Hill, b. 5/8/1927 Smithville, IN, USN WW2

m. 11/1/1946 Betty K. May Monroe Co

1d21331 Denise A Hill, b. 1/20/1951 Monroe Co

1d2134 Rosemary June Hill, b. 11/18/1932 Smithville, IN

m. 5/23/1952 Dwight William Wisley, b. 3/2/1930 Bloomington, IN, d. 1/15/1986 Bloomington, bur Smithville cem (son of Kenneth Wisley/Letha East) USA Korea

1d21341 LeAnn Wisley, b. 3/1/1954 Bloomington IN

m. 4/6/1973 David L Blum in Smithville, b. 7/23/1952 Stroudsburg, PA son of Robert Thomas Blum/Virginia Osmon

1d213411 Billie M. Blum, 3/1/1975 Bloomington

1d213412 Danny Robert Blum, b. 10/8/1977 “

m. 8/8/2003 Stephanie Ann Smith

1d21342 Bradley William Wisley, b. 8/16/1959 Bloomington

m. 9/1/1984 Mitzi Ferrell in Franklin IN

1d214 Frank Hill, b. 6/7/1907 Paynetown, Salt Creek Twp, Monroe Co IN, d. 1/14/2001 Indianapolis, Marion Co, IN; both bur. Valhalla Garden 0f Prayer Cem, Bloomington, Monroe Co, IN

m. 4/18/1931 Gwendolyn Edith Isom Louisville, KY, b. 5/28/1911 Mitchell Lawrewnce Co, IN, d. 7/27/1993 Bloomington, IN (dau Ollie Albert Isom/Harriet Edna Bedster)

1d2141 Delight Fay Hill, b. 5/29/1934 Heltonville, IN

m. 6/22/1956 Paul Eugene Engleman Bloomington, IN, b. 8/14/1933 Bloomington, IN (son of Clayboourne Carroll Engleman/Dessie Celestia Alstott

1d21411 Paula Denise Engleman, b. 2/26/1961 Indianapolis, IN

m. (1) 7/25/1986 Robert Douglas Todd, b. 5/8/1958 Jacksonville, Duval Co., FL son of Douglas Brent Todd/Sally Irene Taylor (duvcd 2002 Indianapolis)

m. (2) 8/1/2008 Mchael Kiveit, b. 1/13/1959 (no issue)

1d214111 Aaron Robert Todd, b. 4/19/1988 Indianapolis

1d214112 Brianna Marie Todd, b. 11/14/1989 “

1d214113 Cameron Joseph Todd, b. 8/16/1998 “

1d21412 Brian Kent Engleman, b. 3/7/1964 Indianapolis

m. 5/2/1998 Suzanne Ellen Schantz, b. 7/6/1969 Beech Grove, IN dau of George Schantz II/Mary Ellen Downing

1d214121 Sarah Margaret Engleman, b. 4/30/2001 Indianapolis

1d214122 Paige Elizabeth Engleman, b. 1/10/2005 “

1d21413 Steven Kirk Engleman, b. 9/16/1965 Indianapolis IN

m. 9/3/1988 Doreena Bugbee

1d2142 Orval K. Hill, b. 7/31/1937 Smithville, IN

m. (1)8/209/1960 Thelma Kelley Bloomington, IN, b. 12/7/1942 (dau of Verney Kelley/Mary Kelley)

m. (2) 9/ /1966 Jamona Fay Shawberger Owensboro KY, b. 12/7/1944 Tellcity, IN

m. (3) Elizabeth Hope Zander, b. 12/15/1942 Boston, MA (dau of Helmut Zander/ Eleanor Jean Overholser)

1d21421 Tony Allen Jefferies Hill, b. 7/30/1961 Franklin, IN

m. 10/10/1983 Rebecca Jean Langley

1d214211 Christpher Alexander Hill, b. 5/9/1984

1d21422 Gregory Allen Hill, b. 7/6/1968 Indianapolis (of ux 2)

m. 5/12/1990 Amy Jo Haas Naples, FL

1d21423 David Allen Hill, b. 5/8/1979 Naples, FL (of ux 3)

1d215 Merle Hill, b. 1/31/1913 Paynetown, IN, d. 8/23/1992 Bloomington, IN’ both bur. Valhalla Garden 0f Prayer Cem

m. 6/18/1932 Stella L Burks Bedford, IN, b. 12/23/1912 Clear Creek, Monroe Co, IN, d. 3/27/2002

1d2151 Joyce Hill, b. 7/22/1934 Bloomington, IN

1d2152 Keith Hill, b. 8/29/1937 Monroe Co, IN

m. Sharon Bowman, b. 6/27/1938 Bloo0mington, IN (dau of Charles Herman Bowman/Helen M Clark)

1d21521 Dawn M. Hill, b. 9/28/1960 in SC

m. 6/6/1982 Michael Reynolds Mooresville, IN, b. 3/23/1060 Elwood, IN son of Kenneth Reynolds/Sharon Hamilton

1d215211 Chelsea M. Reynolds, b. 2/12/1986 Indianapolis, IN

1d215212 Kylee M. C. Reynolds, b. 11/9/1988 Indianapolis

1d21522 Randall Hill, b. 10/23/1963 Seymore, IN

m. 6/7/1986 Janet Hughes Mooresville, IN, b. 1/28/1065 dau of Robert R Hughes and Frankie Jo Russell

1d215221 Sydnie Jo Hill, b. 1/13/1991 Dayton, OH

1d215222 Baleigh Sue Hill, b. 2/21/1995 “

1d21523 Tobin Hill, b. 7/5/1968 Indianapolis IN

m. 12/23/1995 Amy Weaver Mooresville IN

1d2153 Janet Hill, b. 1/30/1941 in Smithville, IN

1d2154 Elaine Hill, b. 7/11/1945 Bloomington, IN

m. (1) 12/28/1963 Bradford T. Hackett, b. 10/13/1944 Lafayette, IN

m. (2) 8/6/1976 Robert Eugene Pryor, b. 4/23/1932 Heltonville, IN (no issue)

1d21541 Shelly Louise Hackett, b. 12/10/1968 Ravenna, OH


On June 29, 1903, Richard & Hellen Hill purchased 1 acre of land from James O & Mary J Baxter, for $150. Salt Creek Twp, PT E NE SE Sec 32 Twp 8 Range 1, Recorded on August 22, 1903.

On December 2, 1906, Ellie and William May sold land for $30., in Salt Creek Twp to Richard Hill, PT W NE SE Sec 32 Twp 8 Range 1. 3 X 3 Rods.

When her husband died, Mary Helen had to sell the farm to purchase the head stone for Richard. She moved to Winslow Road at the Winslow Farms south of Bloomington where she lived and took care of several older women. Her two younger sons, Frank and Merle were forced to go live with their brothers in Smithville IN.

She married Johnnie for a very short time. In fact the marriage may have been annuled. Mixing of their children did not work out.

She moved to the Old Smithville Road and took care of some more older women.

From there she moved into Bloomington on West Buckner Street. Merle moved in with her so that he could attend Bloomington High School for his senior year. When Merle and Stella married they lived with her. She built a barn and milked five cows to earn money. The city got after her for having cows in the city, so she sold out and moved next door to Frank and Gwendolyn on West Third Street.

1d22 William Thomas “Bud” Mobley, b. 1/31/1882 Monroe Co., IN, d. 1/20/1943 Monroe Co., IN

m. (1) 7/30/1924 Flora Jane Helms Monroe Co., IN, b. 8/19/1896, d. 6/ /1955

m. (2) Mary E. Colbert, d. 1/ /1913, no issue

1d221 Frank Milton Mobley, b. 8/2/1924 Monroe Co, IN, d. 2/21/1998 (11/8/2002?)

m. 5/3/1943 Violet L. Allen, b. 5/22/1927, d. 2/21/1999

1d2211 Linda Lou Mobley, b. 12/11/1943

1d2212 William T Mobley, b. 7/31/1946

1d2213 James Russell Mobley, b. 42/5/1948

1d2214 Frank Milton Mobley, b. 11/12/1949

1d2215 David Lee Mobley, b. 11/2/1951

1d2216 LaDonna "Fern" Mobley, b. 11/25/1952

1d2217 Mark Anthony Mobley, b. 1/29/1954

1d2218 Stephen M. Mobley, b. 4/9/1956

1d2219 Paula Jean Mobley, b. 9/1/1957

1d222 Helen Iona Mobley, b. 11/24/1926 Monroe Co, IN, d. 12/ /1989

m. 3/ /1942 Robert Wayne Eads

1d223 Amner Lenore Mobley, b. 3/26/1929

m. ____ Rogers

1d2231 Philip Rogers, d. at birth, bur. Clear Creek cem

1d224 Audrey Lois Mobley

m. Herbert King

1d225 Norma Joann (Jean) Mobley d. at birth, bur. Clear Creek cem

1d226 Phyllis Fern Mobley

m. Thomas Raymond

1d227 Austin Thomas Mobley, b. 8/7/1937

m. Cindy Olmstead

1d23 Nancy "Nannie" Mobley, b. 7/16/1885, d. 1957, bur. Clear Creek cem Bloomington, IN

m. 5/14/1904 John Cutright

1d231 Josephine Cutright, b. 1/9/1922 Smithville, IN, d. 2/ /1990 Bloomington, Monroe Co., IN bur. Clear Creek Cem.

1d232 Helen Cutright

1d233 Maudeline Cutright

1d234 Mildred Cutright

1d24 Oliver Biven Mobley, b. 3/8/1886 Monroe Co., IN, d. 10/13/1950 Bloomington, Monroe Co., IN bur. Vahalla Cem.

m. 1/12/1913 Eunice Chandler Monroe Co., IN

1d241 Luther B. Mobley, b. 4/15/1918, d. 7/15/1990 Seymour, IN

1d242 Dorothy Louise Mobley, b. 11/2/1920 Bloomington, IN

m. 4/13/1941 Clark Pierson, b. 7/24/1920 Layfaette, IN, d. 4/20/1972 Bloomington, IN

1d2421 Jewell Faith Pierson, b. 7/3/1945

1d2422 Anthony Clark Pierson, b. 10/8/1951 Bloomington, IN d. 7/7/1992 Bloomington, IN

1d243 Dorval Lorene Mobley, b. 12/6/1922, d. 10/16/1986

1d25 James Archie Mobley, b. 7/10/1888 Little Rock, Lawrence Co., AR, d. 1/30/1968 Monroe Co., IN bur. Clear Creek Cem.

m. 12/22/1912 Mary Ellen Baugh, b. 1891, d. 5/13/1961

1d251 Catherine Mobley, b. 4/22/1916, d. 11/4/1975, bur. Clear Creek Cem Monroe Co IN

1d252 Lucy Mobley

1d253 Mary Mobley

1d254 Ruth Marie Mobley, b. 7/29/1926

m. 1/31/1946 Elmer Lewis Lity

1d255 James L. Mobley

1d256 Frieda Mobley, b. 1929, d. 1935 age 6

1d257 Paul Mobley


Frank Hill told the following story about his grandfather, Frank Mobley. Frank was an engineer that drove steam locomotives in Kentucky. One time one of them turned over and he had to crawl out on his hands and knees. When he was clear of the wreckage, he paused to have prayer before he got up and walked away.

1d3 William Martin Mobley, b. 6/8/1859 Lincoln Co., KY, d. 5/14/1915 Scott, MO, both bur. Friends cem. Oran, Scott Co., MO

m. 5/14/1878 Nancy Jane “Nann” Meade Crab Orchard, Lincoln Co, KY, b. 4/16/1862 TN, d. 11/29/1921 Scott Co., MO; dau. James Meade

1d31 Robert H. Mobley, b. 1/ /1881 Bloolmington, Monroe Co., IN, d. Clay Co., AR

m. Myrtle ____, b. c1886 MO

1920 Scott Co: Robert 39 IN, Myrtle 34 IL, Alice 6 MO, Elsie 4 4/12, Vivian (m) 2 11/12

1d311 Elsie Mobley, b. 4/12/1916 MO

m. ____ Haywood

1d312 Bivin Franklin Mobley, b. 2/5/1917 Clay Co., AR, d. 6/ /1982 Booneville, Logan Co., AR

m. Dorothy ____, b. 7/6/1923, d. 1/7/1988 Booneville, AR

1d3121 Richard Mobley

1d3122 Robert Mobley [twin]

1d3123 Brenda Mobley "

1d313 Alice Mobley, b. c1920 MO

m. ____ Roberts

1d32 Grover Cleveland Mobley, b. 5/1/1883 Monroe Co., IN, d. 9/ /1959 Randles, Scott Co., MO, bur Friends cem Oran, MO

m. (1) Kathryn “Katie” Menz, b. 11/8/1886 Near New Hambur, MO, d. 1925 Scott Co., MO bur Friends cem, Oran, Scott Co., MO [dau. Martin Menz/Saphrona Elizabeth Smiddy

m. (2) Ida Davis, b. 10/17/1903, d. 1/ /1973 Cape Girardeau Co. MO, bur Friends cem Oran, MO

1920 Cape Girardeau Co., MO: Grover C 36 KY, Katie 33 MO, Robert L 15 MO, Nannie 13, Homer M 10, Cora E 8, Clevelan J 5, Eva E 8/12

1d321 Robert Lee Mobley, b. 12/26/1904, d. Springfield, MO

m. Maxine ____

1d322 Nancy Elizabeth Mobley, b. 10/6/1906 Pollard Twp, Clay Co., AR, d. 6/8/1987, both bur Piggott cem, Clay Co., AR

m. 3/20/1926 Edgar Edmond Gower, b. 3/10/1905 Pollard Twp, Clay Co., AR, d. 1/5/1991

1d3221 George C. Gower

1d3222 Jewel Gower

1d323 Homer Martin Mobley bur Friends cem. Scott Co., MO

m. (1) Macie Belle Martin, b. 1910 near Princeton, Caldwell, KY [dau. Robert Lee Martin/Ambia Zella Phelps, sister of Wm. Clay Martin] {div}

m. (2) Grace Huffman

1d324 Cora Ellen Mobley, b. 1/26/1911 near Randles, Scott Co., MO, d. 7/6/1984 Valparaiso, IN, bur. Friends cem. Oran, MO

m. 7/31/1926 William Clay Martin in Benton, Scott Co., MO, b. 11/23/1904 near Princeton, Caldwell Co., KY, d. 4/ /1973 Chaffee, Scott Co., MO bur Oran, MO[son of Robert Lee Martin/Ambia Zella Phelps]

1d3241 Doris Ellen Martin, b. 12/19/1928 Scott Co., MO, d. 10/ /1929 Pontiac, MI

1d3242 Huston Clay Martin, b. 4/14/1930 Pontiac, MI, d. 4/ /1987 Fort Wayne, Allen Co., IN

m. 1969 Roberta Jane Thacker in TX [dau. Crockett Thacker/Georgia Elkins]

1d32421 Cleo Kathryn Martin, b. 6/16/1944 Scott Co., MO

m. 7/19/1963 Rev. Glenn Alan Rogers Oran Co, MO

1d3243 Cleo Kathryn Martin, b. 6/16/1944 Scott Co., MO

m. 7/19/1963 Glenn Alan Rogers, Rev. in Oran, MO, b. 7/1/1942 Canalou, New Madrid Co., MO [son of Glenn Noble Rogers/Naomi Muffett]

1d325 Cleveland Joseph Mobley, b. 2/6/1913 Scott Co., MO, d. 8/17/1994 Cape Girardeau Co., MO bur. Friends cem Oran, MO

1d326 Eva Evelyn Mobley, b. 5/ /1918, both bur. Friends cem, Oran, MO

m. Hubert Slinkard

1d3261 Jeryl Wilson Slinkard, b. 7/ /1942

m. Beverly Dawn Roberts, b. 7/31/1943

1d3262 Kenneth Slinkard, b. 8/ /1945

1d3263 Gerry Slinkard

1d3264 Paul David Slinkard

1d327 Rachael Kathryn Mobley, b. 11/ /1920, d. Chaffee, MO, both bur. Friends cem. Oran, MO

m. Jesse Caudle, b. AR

1d3271 Lois Jean Caudle, d. inf.

1d3272 Jesse Cleveland Caudle

1d3273 John Reuben Caudle, b. 5/ /1943

1d3274 Jimmy Leroy Caudle, b. Scott Co., MO

1d328 Paul Reuben Mobley, bur. Friend cem, Oran, MO

m. Pauline Tweety

[below of ux #2]

1d329 Thelma Marie Davis

1d32A Lora Annabelle Mobley, b. 2/22/1931

1d32B David Mobley, b. 12/ /1932

1d32C Jesse Leveral "J.L." Mobley, b. 2/17/1936

1d33 Mamie Ellen Mobley, b. 12/ /1885 Monroe Co., IN

m. Leonard Cowger

1d331 "Jack" Cowger

1d332 Mable Cowger

1d333 Hazel Cowger

1d34 Iva Myrtle Mobley, b. 12/14/1887 Monroe Co., IN, d. 1/5/1979 Scott Co., MO

m. 10/4/1904 Henry Popst in Oran, MO, b. 9/11/1881, d. 7/9/1962 son of Joseph Popst/Clara Gerst

1d341 Mamie Annalia popst, b. 9/12/1906

m. 1927 Samuel Rodgers

1d342 Alma Mary Popst, b. 3/14/1908, d. 3/13/1909

1d35 Charles L. Mobley, b. 1/ /1889 Scott Co., MO

m. Doris ____, b. 9/23/1891 MI, d. 2/ /1983 Marion, Oseola, MI

1910 Scott Co: Charles 21 MO, Doris 18 MI

1d36 Cora Emma Mobley, b. 6/8/1891 Scott Co., MO, d. 3/13/1952 Scott Co., MO

m. (1) 11/ /1911 William George Metz, b. 4/16/1891, d. 4/11/1939 Scott Co., MO

m. (2) Albert Brady no issue

1d361 Jerome William Metz, b. 12/11/1913 Scott Co., MO, d. 3/14/1990 Scott Co., MO

m. Wilamina Amanda "Wilma" Goeshe, b. 11/27/1918

1d3611 Donald Metz

1d37 John B. Mobley, b. 11/ /1895 Scott Co., MO

m. Nell ____, b. 2/20/1909, d. 2/21/1995 MI

1d371 Herman Mobley, b. c1920 MO

1920 Cape Girardeau Co:John B 25 MO, Nellie 17 MO, Herman 5/12

1d38 Authur A. Mobley, b. 12/ /1897 Scott Co., MO

1d39 Joseph Martin Mobley, b. 11/ /1899 Scott Co., MO

m. (1) ____

m. (2) Buela Barber

1d391 Joseph "Little Joe" Mobley

1d3A Irene Mobley, b. c1907 MO

m. ____ Taylor

1900 Scott Co., MO: Mobly, William 41 Jan 1859 KY-IN, Nancy J 44 Apr 1856 TN, Robert H 19 Jan 1881 IN, Grovy? 17 May 1883, Mamie E 14 Dec 1885, Joie? M (f) 12 Nov 1887 IN, Charles L 11 Jan 1889 MO, Cora E Jun 1892, John B 4 Nov 1895, Arthur A 2 Dec 1898, Joseph ?/12 Nov 1899

1910 Scott Co: Mobley, William M 51 KY, Nanny 48 TN, Robert H 29s IN, John 14 MO, Arthur 12, Joe 10, Arina 3

1920 Scott Co: Nan (f) 58 TN Wd, Irene 12 MO

1d4 Margaret Elizabeth Mobley, b. 3/2/1862 Crab Orchard, Lincoln Co., KY, d. 7/9/1925 Monroe Co., IN bur. Knight Ridge cem, Bloomington, IN

m. 1862 John Swartz in Monroe Co., IN

1e Pleasant M. Moberly, b. 1836 (12/ /1834) KY, d. 3/26/1917

m. 11/21/1859 Martha J. Goodwin Monroe Co., IN, b. c1841 (5/ /1845) IN

1e1 Andrew J. Mobley, b. 11/ /1864 IN

m. Mattie L. ____, b. 4/ /1859 IN

1900 Monroe Co: Andrew J 36 Nov 1863 IN-KY, Mattie L 41 Apr 1859 IN

1910 Monroe Co: Andrew J 46 IN-KY, Mattie L 51 IN, Edward Winfro 3 (adptd)

1e2 Della Mobley, b. c1866 IN

1e3 James Mobley, b. c1871 IN

1e4 Theresa Mobley, b. c1873 IN

1e5 Charles Mobley, b. c1877 IN

1860 Monroe Co:

Moberly, P.M. 24 KY, Martha J 19 IN Carpenter (family 295 Bloomington Twp)

Moberly, Pleasant 25 KY, Martha 19 IN Carpenter (family 1059 Van Buren Twp)

1880 Monroe Co: Mobley, Pleasant M 44 KY, Martha J 35 IN, Andrew J 16 IN, Della 14, James 9, Theresa 7, Charles 3

1900 Monroe Co: Pleasant 65 Dec 1834 KY, Martha J 53 May 1845 IN

1f Elizabeth A. Moberly, b. 1838 IN

1g Milton Moberly, b. 1840 IN

1850 Monroe Co., IN Margaret age 50

1860 Rockcastle Co: Moberly, William T 27 KY, Mary A 30, James F 4, William 1, Martha Donell 15


FGS T-????1 [Data from Richard; originally Ray. J. McCurdy, 1983]

[probably descendants of Benjamin[DC-143] due to Moore name]

[maybe from Edgefield, SC group??]

FGS by Ray J. McCurdy Start 69 Box 2550, Ironton, MO 63650 1983 via Lola Chaney Carte, Milpitas, CA 4/30/96

Gene Jones 9-26-96 & 10-13-96 #

Jennifer E. Day 1/97

David Earl Mobley amorpatriae@ 11/12/97 & 6/24/98


T-????1 James Moore [Morgan#] Mobley, est. b. 1780 [ca 1773 Edgefield, SC gj], d. KY #

m. Margaret "Peggy" Ravden/Ravlin/Rawlen, b. Abbeville Dist., SC, d. KY, dau John Ravlin/Mary #]

T-????11 Susannah (Susan) Mobley, b. 1/18/1804 Cumberland Co., KY, d. 10/19/1894 Ash Grove, Lawrence Co., MO

m. 1824 Benjamin Campbell Jr., b. 1803 Spring Creek, Clay Co., KY, d. 1882/1884 Morgan Co., MO, son of Benjamin A. Campbell (1766-1791)/Chloe Farris grandson of Hugh Campbell

T-????12 Elizabeth [Betsy] Mobley, b. 3/10/1806, d. ca 1860

m. William Franklin Campbell, b. ca 1795, d. ca 1855 Morgan Co., MO; son Benj. A. Campbell/Chloe Farris

T-????13 William Robert Mobley, b. 11/19/1807, SC Cumberland Co., KY, d. 8/25/1892, Morgan Co., MO, bur. Oak Grove Cem.

m. (1) 7/8/1830 Elizabeth Campbell, Cumberland Co., KY, b. 3/10/1806 Cumberland Co., KY, d. 8/29/1879, bur. Oak Grove cem Morgan Co., MO - dau. Benjamin A. Campbell/Chloe Farris #]

(2) 10/6/1880 (Mrs) Priscilla Ann Brown, wid. Harry Brown

T-????14 Sarah Jane Mobley

m. George Campbell, b. 11/30/1808 Cumberland Co., KY, d. 2/7/1885 son Benjamin A. Campbell/Chloe Farris


Peggy died sometime after the birth of the last child and it is said that James gave the children to an "uncle" to raise. Supposedly James and Peggy moved to KY from SC ca 1800.


FGS T-????11 Data Gene Jones & Jennifer E. Day 1/97


T-????11 Susannah Mobley, b. 1805, d. 10/19/1894 Ash Grove, Lawerence Co., MO

m. Benjamin Campbell, b. 1803 Spring Creek, Clay Co., KY, d. 1880 son of Benjamin A. Campbell (1766-1791)/Chloe Farris grandson of Hugh Campbell

T-????111 John M. Campbell, b. 1//18/1825, d. 3/17/1890

m. Lucinda Gould

T-????112 Matilda Campbell, b. 1827, d. 5/23/1863

m. John Moore

T-????113 Cassie Anne Campbell, b. 1835, d. 1898

m. Henry Trumbull

T-????114 William Campbell, b. 1842, d. 1905

m. Sarah Walker

T-????115 Alma G. Campbell, b. 9/20/1849, d. 1/8/1912

m. Isaac S. Welch

T-????116 Nancy G. Campbell

m. James T. Graham


FGS T-????12 Data Gene Jones & Jennifer E. Day 1/97

David E. Mobley amorpatriae@ 6/24/98


T-????12 Elizabeth [Betsy] Mobley, d. ca 1860 Morgan Co., MO

m. William Franklin Campbell, b. ca 1795 Madison Co., KY , d. aft 1850 Morgan Co., MO, son Benj. A. Campbell/Chloe Farris

T-????121 John M. Campbell, b. 1824 Cumberland Co., KY, d. 5/17/1890

T-????122 Matilda Ann Campbell, b. 1827. d/ 5/23/1863 Morgan Co., MO

T-????123 Nancy Ann Campbell, b. 1830 IN

T-????124 Mary Louisa Campbell, b. 1832 KY

T-????125 William Marion Campbell, b. 1836 Morgan Co., MO, d. 10/8/1906 Versailles, Morgan Co., MO

m. Sarah Jane Walker, b. 1844 St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO d. 7/19/1911 Eldon, Miller Co., MO, dau. Stephen Walker/Sarah Hasten

T-????126 Sarah Jane Campbell, b. 1838 Versailles, Morgan Co., MO., d: Unknown

T-????127 Cassandra Campbell, b. 1843 Versailles, Morgan Co., MO., d: Unknown

T-????128 Amarilla Campbell, b. 1846 Versailles, Morgan Co., MO., d: Unknown


FGS T-????125 Data Gene Jones [Wm Marion Campbell family]

& Jennifer E. [Gerber] Day [John M. Campbell family]


T-????125 William Marion Campbell, b. 1836 Morgan Co., MO, d. 10/8/1906 Versailles, Morgan Co., MO

m. Sarah Jane Walker, b. 1844 St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO d. 7/19/1911 Eldon, Miller Co., MO, dau. Stephen Walker/Sarah Hasten

T-????1251 Wesley Orville Campbell, b. 1860 d. 3/16/1937 Versailles, MO

m. Elizabeth Gray

T-????1252 Liona E. Campbell, b. 1862 Versailles, MO, d. 3/2/1897 Eldon, Miller Co., MO

m. Jack Hutton

T-????1253 James Alexander Campbell, b. 1865, d. 10/17/1940 Versailles, MO

m. Laura Jones

T-????1254 John L. Campbell, b. 1868, d. 7/18/1951 Norman, OK [twin]

T-????1255 William F. [Will] Campbell, b. 1868, d. aft 1911 in Fredrick, OK [twin]

T-????1256 Osuinah Campbell, b. 1871 , d. 10/25/1943 Morgan Co.

m. Judith Allison

T-????1257 Mary Annie Campbell, b. 1874 Eldon, Miller Co., MO, d. 4/22/1964 Amarillo, TX

m. Will Stoddard

T-????1258 Elizabeth Ora Campbell, b. 1876 Versailles, MO, d. 10/12/1970 St. Petersburg, FL [twin]

m. James Silvey

T-????1259 Sarah Ollie [Sallie] Campbell, b. 1876, d. 10/28/1948 Tulsa OK [twin] taught school Morgan Co. 1890s

m. William C. Thomas

T-????125A Etta Lee [Leah] Campbell, b. 1881 Eldon, d. 4/27/1961 near Desota, MO

m. Jack Ponzar

T-????125B Clara Mae Campbell, b. 1884, d. 8/19/1952 Tulsa, OK

m. Ray Bruffy, b. 1886 Houston Township [Golden], Adams Co., IL, d. 7/9/1963 Eldon, Miller Co., MO

T-????125B1 Brace Ray Bruffy, b.10/26/1912 Shreveport, LA

m. 8/23/1934 dorothy Marie Cupps in Tulsa, OK

T-????125B2 Hugh Vincil Bruffy, b. 9/17/1915

m. 10/9/1936 Laura Lee Hickman in Tulsa, OK

T-????125B3 Donald Wade Bruffy, b. 3/20/1918, d. 8/12/1994

m. 1/3/1937 Jewel Marie Barger

T-????125B4 Leonard Letcher Bruffy, b. 4/3/1921 Tulsa, OK

m. 8/9/1944 Lucretia Marie Hensley

T-????125B5 Jeanne Elizabeth Bruffy, b. 4/1/1923 , d. 1/15/1983 Tulsa, OK

m. 4/1/1944 Robert Louis Gerber, in Pasadena, CA ,b. 1924 Jackson Township, Hardin Co., OH, d. 5/18/1989 Tulsa, OK

T-????125B51 Gary Wayne Gerber, b. 9/25/1950 Tulsa, OK

m. Betty Sue Martin, b. 2/25/1951 Broken Arrow, OK

T-????125B511 Jennifer Elisabeth Gerber, b. 8/27/1973 Tulsa, OK

m. 5/14/1994 Billy Mack Day, in Broken Arrow, OK, b. 10/21/1973 Tulsa, OK

T-????125B512 Gary Michael Gerber, b. 12/29/1976

T-????125B52 Larry LaVerne Gerber, b. 9/25/1950 Tulsa

T-????125B53 Robert Louis Gerber, b. 2/26/1945 Newport News, VA

T-????125C Samuel Daniel Campbell, b. 7/11/1886, d. 1967 Seattle, WA [twin]


FGS T-????13 Data Gene Jones

David E. Mobley amorpatriae@ 6/24/98 & 7/2004


T-????13 William Robert Mobley, b. 11/19/1807, Cumberland Co., KY, d. 8/25/1892, Morgan Co., MO, bur. Oak Grove Cem.

m. (1) 7/8/1830 Elizabeth (Betsy) I. Campbell, Cumberland Co., KY, b. 3/10/1806, d. 8/29/1878, bur. Oak Grove cem Morgan Co., MO (dau. Benjamin A. Campbell/Chloe Farris)

(2) 10/6/1880 (Mrs) Priscilla Ann Brown, wid. Harry Brown

T-????131 Amanda Burnette Mobley, b. 8/29/1831, Cumberland Co., KY, d. 8/23/1848 bur. Oak Grove cem

T-????132 Amis Mobley, b. 1832

T-????133 James Moore [Morgan] Mobley, b. 8/13/1833 ", d. 1/19/1885, both bur Oak Grove Cem

m. 6/9/1859 Harriett Ann Daniels, b. 12/16/1843 Cheshire, England, d. 1/26/1884

T-????134 Benjamin Campbell Mobley, b. 11/22/1835 Morgan Co, MO, d. 5/26/1909, bur. Oak Grove cem Morgan Co., MO

m. 2/25/1863 Harriett Newell Gray, b. 2/25/1845 Patrick, VA, d. 3/21/1916 Eldon, MO

T-????135 Nancy Ann Mobley, b. 9/18/1837 Morgan Co, MO, d. 2/26/1891

m. Asa William Murray, b. 1834 TX

T-????136 William Robert (John) Mobley, Jr., b. 4/18/1839 Morgan Co, MO, d. 9/11/1863

T-????137 Sarah Jane Mobley, b. 2/9/1841 Morgan Co, MO, d. 1/11/1853

m. Phillip Daueph

T-????138 Jemima (Minnie) Mobley, b. 12/11/1843 Morgan Co, MO, d. 1/19/1935 [lvg w/father in 1880]

m. 11/4/1866 John Leroy Scott, b. 1843, d. 1878

T-????1381 Perry Thompson Scott, b. 1869, d. 1939

T-????1382 William C. Scott ‘Willie’, b. ca 1871, d. 1906 [lvg w/grandfather 1880]

T-????139 Susan Adeline (Sudie) Emery Mobley, b. 11/11/1845 Morgan Co, MO, d. 7/27/1884 [lvg w/father 1880]

m. 12/27/1868 John Garland Duff, b. 1841, d. 1874

T-????1391 Minnie Duff, b. ca 1871 MO, d. 1894

T-????1392 Nancy Elizabeth Duff ‘Betty’, b. ca 1873 MO, d. 1963

T-????13A Thomas Perry Mobley, b. 12/16/1847 Morgan Co, MO, d. 4/19/1925, both bur. Big Rock cem Morgan Co., MO

m. 4/4/1872 Mary Minnie Williams, b. 9/16/1855, d. 9/13/1892

T-????13A1 Elizabeth J. Mobley, b. c1874 MO

T-????13A1 Daniel William Mobley, b. 6/ /1878 MO

T-????13A2 Charles Mobley, b. 5/ /1880 MO

T-????13A3 Bertha Mobley, b. 11/ /1882 MO

T-????13A4 John B. Mobley, b. 3/ /1886 MO, d. 8/24/1900 bur. Big Rock cem

1880 Monroe Co: Thomas 31 MO-KY, Mary 24 MO, Elizabeth J 6, Daniel W 2, Charley 1/12

1900 Monroe Co: Thomas P 52 Dec 1849 MO-KY, William 22 Jun 1878 MO, Charles 20 May 1880, Bertha 19 Nov 1882, John B 14 Mar 1886

[all after James b. Morgan Co, MO]

1860 Morgan Co., MO: William 52 KY, Betty 53 KY, James 26 KY, Benjamin 23 MO, Nancy A 22, William 21, Jemima 16, Susan A 15, Thomas 13

1860 Morgan Co: Mobly, William 62 KY, Elizabeth 63 KY, Thomas 22 MO, Elender 10 KS (next to Benj)

1870 Morgan Co: Mobly, William 62 KY, Elizabeth 63 KY, Thomas 22 MO, Elender 10 KS (next to Benj)

1880 Morgan Co: Mobley, William 72 KY-SC Wd, SCOTT, Mima 36 MO (dau), Perry C 11, William G 9. DUFF, Susan A 34 MO (dau), Minnie 9, Elizabeth 7

1900 Morgan Co: Precilla A 78 Jun 1821 NY, MIL w/ Phillip & Sarah J (56 May 1844 NY) Daueph


also in Big Rock cem:

John B. Mobley 3/20/1884 – 8/24/1900

Mina Mobley 12/24/1870 – 4/19/1901 [1900 Morgan Co: Robert L 35 Feb 1865 MO-KY, Mima 29 Dec 1870 MO, Maggie 8 Aug 1891, Stella 6 Sep 1893, Russell 4 Jun 1895]

Ross Mobley 12/18/1900 – 4/19/1925


Article in the History of Cole, Moniteau, Morgan, Benton, Miller, Maries and Osage Counties, Missouri published by The Goodspeed Publishing Co, 1889:

"William Mobley, one of the oldest settlers of Morgan County, Mo, was born in Cumberland County, Ky., in 1807, and came to Morgan County in 1833 where he purchased land, and is now the owner of 138 acres. He is the son of James M. and Peggy (Rawlen) Mobley, both natives of South Carolina.

When but a child William Mobley lost his mother, and he was then sent to an uncle, by whom he was reared. He remained here until twenty years of age, when he started out for himself and engaged as a farm hand.

He was married at the age of twenty-two to Miss Elizabeth Campbell, a native of the same county in Kentucky, and in 1833 he and his wife moved to Morgan County, Mo. To their union were born these children: Amanda B., died at the age of eighteen years; James M. died in 1885;

Benjamin, now living on the home farm; Nancy Ann, wife of A. W. Murray of Texas; William Jr. (deceased), Jane, died at the age of fourteen years; Mimie, widow of John Scott, and now resides in Moreau Township; Sadie (deceased), wife of John Duff, and Thomas a farmer living in this township.

Mr. Mobley is a member of the Baptist Church, and has always taken an active part in church work. He has been a preacher for thirty years, and has spent much of his time in his ministerial duties. He was a volunteer in the Mormon War. Mr. Mobley has been liberal in educating his children, and has reason to be proud of the fine men and women who reflect credit upon his name.

He started life a poor boy, but by industrious habits and honesty he has accumulated a considerable competency, which will render his declining years confortable and happy. He lost his wife, in 1879. She died in her seventy-fourth year, and was a devout member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Mobley took for his second wife, in 1881, Mrs. Priscilla Ann Brown, widow of Harry Brown, who was murdered during the war."

Another from Morgan County History, Volume One, 1979:

"Benjamin and Chloe Farris Campbell came to Morgan county, Missouri, from Cumberland county, Kentucky in 1834 with several of their children in covered wagons pulled by teams of oxen. Ben had served with his father Hugh in the French and Indian wars in 1787. Afterwards they moved from Augusta county Virginia into Madison county, Kentucky. Their ancestors had come to Virginia via Pennsylvania from Scotland and Ireland in the mid-1700's. Ben married Chloe Farris in Madison county in 1791 and had among other children, William, Benjamin Jr., Elizabeth, and all married Mobley children of James and Peggy Mobley who lived as neighbors in Cumberland county, Kentucky.

Matilda married William Huff. William and Betsy Mobley Cambell brought five children from Kentucky and four more were born in Missouri. They settled east of Versailles and attended the Oak Grove Baptist church where five generation of Campbells are buried.

-George (Campbell) married a Mobley, and it is believed that the Mobley family was in the same wagon train that brought the Campbells to Missouri-----".

Tidbit: William Robert Mobley (my 3rd ggf) was the minister at my 2nd ggp wedding, John Robert Jones and Nancy Melissa Madole. Gene Jones.


"Benjamin Campbell has been a prominent resident of Morgan County, Mo., for the past fifty-six years. He was born in Cumberland County., Ky., in 1803, and was a son of Benjamin and Chloe (Farris) Campbell, who were born in Virginia. The father was a soldier in the French and Indian War, and in 1836 came to Missouri, and made his home at Oak Grove. Benjamin Campbell was married in 1824 to Susanna Mobley, a native of Kentucky, and by her became the father of seven children, only one of whom is living at the present time: Nancy G., wife of James T. Graham, of Morgan County. Mr. Campbell has been a resident of five different States - Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Arkansas. He and wife have been married for sixty-five years, and for many years have been members of the Primitive Baptist Church, and earnest workers for the cause of Christianity. Mr. Campbell has always followed the occupation of farming, and in his walk through life has ever endeavored to follow the golden rule, and thereby has won the love and respect of all who know him."

"G. W. Moore is a native Missourian, having been born in Cooper County February 4, 1830, where his father had settled in 1818, about eight miles south of Boonville. Mr. G. W. Moore is the fifth child of twelve children, seven of whom survive at the present time. While in Cooper County he married Miss Lucy Allison, daughter of John Allison, of Moniteau County; they have six children; two of whom survived at present: Mary (married Oren Devinna, of Morgan County, where he follows the occupation of a farmer; they have two children) and Joann (married to Amos Behtel, of Morgan County, who now lives in Eldorado Springs, where he is engaged in the furniture business; they have five children, three boys and two girls): Our subject's wife died in 1863, and Mr. Moore then wedded Miss Margaret Jones, by whom he is the father of seven children: Charles M. (now of the firm of Devinna & Moore, of Akinsville), Cora, George E., Thomas H, Della, Walter and Byrd.

Mrs. (Jones) Moore died in June, 1880, and Mr Moore married Miss Melvina Estes, daughter of Rev. Andy Estes, of Morgan County. He owns 260 acres on the edge of the prairie, making a fine stock farm, where he is engaged in farming and stock-raising, paying particular attention to the propagation of mules and horses. Mr. Moore is a Democrat in politics. Although not a member of any secret society, he belongs to the Baptist Church, in which he is a deacon."

[I don't know this Moore, included him because he lived in Cooper and Moniteau Counties at the same time my 2ggf, John R Jones, lived there. He also married Margaret Jones, she would be the same age as my Rhoda Jones of whom I have found no trace,. gj]

"John Moore has been a resident of Morgan County, Mo., since 1837, and is one of its leading farmers. He was born in Hardy County, VA, in 1825, and is the son of Thomas and Sarah (Doren) Moore, who also came to Morgan County, and resided here until their respective deaths. John Moore was married, in 1847, to Matilda Campbell, a native of Kentucky, and to their union six children were born: James M. (a farmer of Morgan County, Mo.), Mary F., J. D. (also a farmer of the county), W. W. (a tiller of the soil in Morgan County), Lucy (wife of Max Biersach, of Milwaukee, Wis.), and Elizabeth (wife of S. P. Hunter, Jr., a Morgan County farmer). The mother of these children died in 1863, at the age of thirty-six years, having been an earnest church member for many years. In 1834, Mr. Moore was married to a young lady, Miss Matilda Huff, and the following are their children: John Q. (who died at the age of nineteen years), Nettie (wife of Alfred Burns), Ida, Tilla and Emma. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have long been members of the Baptist Church, and he has been remarkably success......."

[end of page 1076, I will get page 1077 + more, gj]


1850 Morgan Co MO census, Richland Twp, taken 3 Oct 1850, page 246, household 363, family 363:

William Mobley, 42, m, Clergyman, $400 real estate, KY, illiterate

Elizabeth, 43, f, KY, illiterate

James, 18, m, Laborer, KY, school

Benjamin, 14, m, MO, school

Nancy, 13, f, MO, school

William, 11, m, MO, school

Jane, 9, f, MO, school

Jemima, 7, f, MO, school

Susan Ann, 5, f, MO

Thomas, 3 (maybe - it was written over), m, MO (Thomas Perry)

Carolyn 10/14/00



FGS T-????133 Data David Earl Mobley amorpatriae@ 11/12/97, 6/24/98 & 7/2004


T-????133 James Moore [Morgan] Mobley, b. 8/13/1833 ", d. 1/19/1885, both bur Oak Grove Cem

m. 6/9/1859 Harriett Ann Daniels, b. 12/16/1843 Cheshire, England, d. 1/26/1884

T-????1331 Harriet Alice Mobley

T-????1332 Mary Elizabeth Mobley, b. 10/15/1860 Morgan Co., MO, d. 2/8/1906 Larimer Co., CO

m. Willard Clarence Brown, b. 9/13/1863, d. 6/2/1940 bur Hopewell cem

T-????13321 Alice Josephine Brown, b. 10/17/1888

m. James O'Hare

T-????13322 Clarence James Brown, b. 2/8/1890, d. 2/16/1961

m. 10/4/1911 Maggie Denny

T-????13323 William Lanson Brown, b. 9/30/1891, d. 1952 Colorado Springs, CO

m. Ruth Warren Kelly

T-????13324 Montgomery Houston Brown, b. 6/6/1892, d. 6/2/1932 bur Veterans Cem, Prescott, Arizona

T-????13325 Willis Berton Brown, b. 12/3/1894

m. Orma Green

T-????13326 Anna Elizabeth Brown, b. 1896

T-????13327 George Allen Brown, b. 1898

T-????1333 William Lee Mobley, b. 12/9/1862 MO, d. 5/4/1943 Maxwell, NM, bur. Harmony Cem, Larimer, Co

m. Melinda J ____, b. 3/ /1867 MO

T-????13331 Henry H. Mobley, b. 1/ /1889 CO

T-????13332 Ocilla B. Mobley, b. 10/ /1890 CO

T-????13333 John D. Mobley, b. 9/ /1892 CO

m. Myrle ____, b. c1897 CO

T-????133331 Lee J. Mobley, b. c1918 CO

T-????133332 Harriett Mobley, b. c1920 CO

T-????133333 Nell Mobley, b. c1923 CO

1930 Larimer Co: John D 37 CO-MO, Myrle 33 CO, Lee J 12 CO, Harriett 10, Nell 7

T-????13334 James A. Mobley, b. 10 /1896 CO

T-????13335 David C. Mobley, b. 11/ /1898 CO

m. Elsie E. ____, b. c1895 KS

1930 Larimer Co: Clarence D 31 CO, Elsie E 35 KS

T-????13336 Paul Mobley, b. c1900 CO

T-????13337 Minnie L. Mobley, b. c1905 CO

T-????13338 Gladys Mobley, b. c1908 CO

1900 Weld Co., CO: William L 37 Dec 1862 MO-KY, Melinda J 33 Mar 1867 MO, Henry H 11 Jan 1889 CO, Ocilla B (m) 9 Oct 1890, John D 7 Sep 1892, James A 3 Oct 1896, David C 1 Nov 1898

1910 Weld Co: William L 52 MO, Minnie J 42 MO, Osella B 19 CO, James A 14, David C 12, Paul 10, Minnie L 5, Gladys 2

T-????1334 Lenora D. Mobley, b. 3/6/1865, d. 12/2/1888 bur. Oak Grove Cem, Morgan Co., MO

T-????1335 Jemima Mobley, b. 2/20/1868, d. 4/26/1889 bur. Oak Grove Cem, Morgan Co., MO

m. 1/5/1877 Charles F. Campbell in Morgan Co, b. 1864

T-????1336 Susan Ann Mobley, b. 3/24/1870, d. 5/11/1879

T-????1337 Lucy Ollie Mobley, b. 4/27/1871 MO, d. 4/9/1957 Morgan Co., MO bur. Beulah cem

m. Henry Crutchfield, b. 1870, d. 1897

T-????13371 Maud Jewell Crutchfield, b. 1896, d. 1983

T-????13372 Henry L. Crutchfield, b. 1897, d. 1974

T-????1338 David A. Mobley, b. 10/2/1873 Morgan Co., MO, d. 7/24/1951 bur Beulah cem

T-????1339 Agnes Mobley, b. 9/11/1876

m. Thomas A. Lutrell, b. 1870

T-????13391 Birdie Lutrell, b. 1898

T-????13392 Rachel L. Lutrell, b. 1902, d. 1969

T-????13393 James L. Lutrell, b. 1905, d. 1974

T-????13394 Edwin A. Lutrell, b. 1909, d. 1972

T-????13395 Thomas A. Lutrell Jr, b. 1912, d. 1936

T-????133A Samuel Mobley, b. /6/1878, d. 9/23/1880 bur Oak Grove cem, Morgan Co., MO

T-????133B Harriet Alice Mobley, b. 7/15/1880 Morgan Co., MO, d. 4/21/1881

T-????133C James Arthur Mobley, b. 10/17/1881 Morgan Co., MO, d. 1947 bur Beulah cem.

1870 Morgan Co., MO: James 36 KY, Harriet 25 Eng, Mary 8, William 6, Lenorah 4, Jenime? 2

1880 Morgan Co: James M 40 KY, Harriet 36 Eng, Elizabeth 19 MO, William L 17, Lenore 15, Mimie 12, Lucy O 9, David 8, Agnes 4, Samuel 1

1910 Morgan Co: Mobley, Arthur 28s MO, Ollie Crutchfield 39 Wd sister

1920 Morgan Co: Mobley, Aurther 38s U.S.-KY, Ollie Critchfield 48 Wd (sister)


FGS T-????134 Data Gene Jones 10/12/96

David Earl Mobley amorpatriae@ 11/12/97, 6/24/98 & 7/2004

Debra Hoch debra.hoch@ 6/2/02 [on William Oscar]


T-????134 Benjamin Campbell Mobley, b. 11/22/1835, d. 5/26/1906 Versailles, Morgan, MO, bur. Oak Grove cem Morgan Co., MO

m. 2/25/1863 Harriett Newell Gray, b. 2/25/1845 Patrick Co., VA. d. 3/21/1916 Morgan Co., MO, dau. Powell Gray/Desdemonia Taylor

T-????1341 Nancy Anna Mobley, b. 11/28/1863 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 6/21/1911 Elden, MO, bur. Versailles, Morgan, MO

m. 1/13/1887 Samuel Beverly Gunn, b. 4/10/1865, d. 10/7/1940 bur. Big Rock Cem

T-????1342 Robert Lee Mobley, b. 2/18/1865 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 2/5/1950

m. 11/13/1890 Sarah Jemima Gunn

T-????1343 William Oscar Mobley, b. 11/10/1866 Versailes, Morgan Co., MO, d. 10/7/1953 San Bernadino, CA, both bur. Hermosa Cem, Colton, CA; lvd Abilene, TX many years, then moved to CA in 1926

m. 1/8/1893 Mary Emma O'Neill in Floresville, Wilson Co., TX, b. 8/18/1870 eesville, Gonzales Co., TX, d. 9/12/1960 San Bernando, CA

T-????1344 Desdamona (Dessie) Mobley, b. 3/6/1868 Versailles, Morgan Co., MO, d. 1893/1894 Purcell, OK

m. 10/5/1887 Albert Milton Jones, b. 1/2/1864

T-????1345 Norman Owen Mobley, b. 1/12/1870 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 1/28/1950

m. 10/22/1899 Mattie Stella Robertson

T-????1346 Benjamin Franklin [Frank] Mobley, b. 10/27/1872 Versailles, Morgan Co., MO, d. 5/13/1926 Portland, Multnomah Co., OR; both bur. Rose City Cem. Portland, OR

m. 6/7/1905 Zella Hope Clark in Leadville, Lake, CO, b. 6/28/1881 in Galesburg, Knox, IL, d. 2/24/960, Portland, OR (dau Edward Howard Clark/Mable Blanch Mundy)

T-????1347 Lucy Jane Mobley, b. 9/8/1873 Versailles, Morgan, MO

T-????1348 James Asa Mobley, b. 7/17/1875 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 6/13/1961

m. Margaret M. Elder, b. 1888

T-????13481 Harriet L. Mobley, b. c1911 CO

T-????13482 Robert L. Mobley, b. c1913 WY

1910 Larimer Co., CO: James 30 MO-KY, Margaret 23 CO, Ida Elder 44 PA Wd (MIL)

1930 Larimer Co: James A 48 MO, Margaret 40 CO, Harriett L 19 CO, Robert L 17 WY

T-????1349 Emma E. Mobley, b. 11/5/1877 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 2/6/1909

T-????134A Samuel Beal Mobley, b. 4/9/1880 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 6/6/1953

m. 11/28/1906 Mary E. Brownfield in Morgan Co., MO, b. 1873 MO, d. 1958

T-????134A1 Mary Minnie Mobley, b. 1912 AR

1910 Morgan Co: Samuel 30 MO, Mary 28 MO (m. 4 yrs)

1920 Morgan Co: S.B. 39 MO-TN, Mary 40 IA, Mary Minnie 8 AR

T-????134B Lillie L. Mobley, b. 3/23/1882 Versailles, MO, d. 1911

m. 1/25/1905 James A. Dudley in Morgan Co., MO, b. 1878

T-????134C Pearl Valentine Mobley, b. 2/14/1887 Versailles, MO, d. 1/17/1938

m. c1905 George M. Roach, b. 1883

1870 Morgan Co., MO: Benjamin 34 MO, Harriet 23 VA, Nancy 6, Robert 4, William 3, Dessie 2, Norman 4/12

1880 Morgan Co: Benjamin 44 MO-SC-KY, Harriet N 36 VA, Nancy A 16 MO, Robert L 14, William O 12, Desdamonia 10, Norman O 9, Benjamin F 8, James A 5, Emma E 2, Samuel B 2/12

1900 Morgan Co: Benjamin 63 Nov 1836 KY, Harriet 51 WV, James 27 Jul 1872 MO, Samuel 21 Apr 1879, Lily 18 Mar 1882, Pearl 13 Feb 1887

1910 Morgan Co: Harriet N 65 VA Wd, Pearl V 22s MO, Robert L 45 MO Wd (son)




T-????1341 Nancy Anna Mobley, b. 11/28/1863 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 6/21/1911 Elden, MO, bur. Versailles, Morgan, MO

m. 1/13/1887 Samuel Beverly Gunn, b. 4/10/1865, d. 10/7/1940 bur. Big Rock Cem

T-????13411 Sumpter Ernest Gunn, b. 1888

T-????13412 Ephraim Benjamin Gunn, b. 1889, d. 1985

T-????13413 Asa Samuel Gunn, b. 1891, d. 1960

T-????13414 Melva Newel Gunn, b. 1895, d. 1897

T-????13415 Edward Gray Gunn, b. 1898, d. 1970

T-????13416 Emma Ruth Gunn, b. 1902, d. 1904




T-????1342 Robert Lee Mobley, b. 2/18/1865 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 2/5/1950 New Iberia, Miller Co., MO

m. 11/13/1890 Sarah Jemima Gunn in Morgan Co., MO, b. 1870, d. 1901

T-????13421 Margaret Earl Mobley, b. 1891, d. 1927

m. 3/9/1913 Fred Whitlock, b. 1888

T-????134211 Gerald Fredrick Whitlock, b. 1916, d. 1970

T-????13422 Stella Rosamond Mobley, b. 1893

m. Walter Adams, b. 1888

T-????13423 Walter Russell Mobley, b. 1896, d. 1873

m. Irene Small

T-????13424 Robert Ross Mobley, b. 1900, d. 1901




T-????1343 William Oscar Mobley, b. 11/10/1866 Versailes, Morgan Co., MO, d. 10/7/1953 San Bernadino, CA, both bur. Hermosa Cem, Colton, CA; lvd Abilene, TX many years, then moved to CA in 1926

m. 1/8/1893 Mary Emma O'Neill in Floresville, Wilson Co., TX, b. 8/18/1870 eesville, Gonzales Co., TX, d. 9/12/1960 San Bernando, CA

T-????13431 Dessie Faye Mobley, d. 7/ /1895 bur. Floresville City cem

T-????13432 Henry Newell Mobley, b. 11/10/1895 “

m. 4/8/1917 Nichols Addison Lane, b. 6/18/1892, d. 7/24/1925 Lubbock, TX

T-????13433 William Horace Mobley, b. 3/28/1898 “

T-????13434 Oscar Herbert Mobley, b. 11/8/1900, d. 1910 “

T-????13435 Benjamin Chester Mobley, b. 12/8/1902 “

T-????13436 Emma Thelma Mobley, b. 2/23/1905 “

m. Hugh Irwin Trotter Sr.

T-????13437 Robert Lee Mobley, b. 2/25/1907 Abilene, Taylor Co., TX

T-????13438 Mary Avis Mobley, b. 5/24/1910 “

m. Daniel Jackson Parks

T-????13439 Walter Gray Mobley, b. 8/10/1913 “

1910 Taylor Co., TX: W.O. 43 MO-TN, Emma 39 TX, Newel 14 TX, Horace 12, Hubert 9, D.C. (m) 7, Thelma 5, Robert Lee 3

1920 Taylor Co: Mobly, William O 52 MO-KY, Mary P 48 TX, William H 20 TX, Benjamin C 17, Thelma E 14, Robert L 12, Mary A 9, Walter G/S? 6


FGS-????1344 Data Gene Jones 10/12/96

also see: 112111111 William Dean Mobley, b. 5/ /1869 Lauderdale Co., TN, d. 1907, Graham, TX. - possible relation.


T-????1344 Desdamona (Dessie) Mobley, b. 3/2/1868, d. 1894 Purcell, OK

m. 10/5/1887 Albert Milton Jones, b. 1/2/1864 Morgan Co., MO, d. 10/20/1932 Huffstuttle, Young Co., TX; son John Robert Jones b. 12/29/1839/Nancy Melissa Madole, grandson Jabez Jones b. 1801 TN/Martha Harris

T-????13441 Goldie Montzella Jones, 7/21/1888 Versailes, Morgan Co., MO, d. 10/13/1966 Breckenridge, Stephens Co., TX

m. Brittian Campbell in Young Co., TX

T-????13442 Lloyd Halcyon Jones, b. ca 1890 Morgan Co., MO, d. 1975 Aliasville, Young Co., TX, unm.

T-????13443 Oswald Roy Jones, b. 7/3/1892 Morgan Co., MO, d. 4/16/1971 Throckmorton, TX, bur. Woodson cem.

m. 4/11/1915 Lille Mae Funderburk in Crystal Falls, Stephens Co., TX, b. 5/29/1897

T-????134431 Orvie Eugene Jones, b. 3/1/1916 Huffstuttle, Young Co., TX, d. 6/1/1988 Elk City, Beckham Co., OK

m. 5/29/1939 Mabelle Robinson, in Crosbyton, Crosby Co., TX, b. 5/27/1921 Cumpby, Hopkins Co., TX, dau. Franado Cortez Robinson/Alice Pearl Smith (other marriage Carl Daniel(s)

T-????1344311 Arlie Eugene Jones, Ph.D, b. 11/13/1940 Crosbyton, Crosby Co., TX

m. 1/31/1960 Annemarie Ranz in Basel, Switzerland, b. 8/12/1940 Vienna, Austria, dau. Josef Ranz/Marie Lamminger

T-????13443111 Marie Annette Jones, b. 4/20/1961 Frankfurt, Germany

m. William (Bubba) Ford

T-????13443112 Anthony Eugene (Tony) Jones, b. 4/6/1972 Nurnburg, Germany

T-????1344312 Patsy Ann Jones, b. 8/11/1943 Ralls, TX

m. Arthur Waddington + one other

T-????1344313 Orvie Duwayne Jones, b. 3/26/1945 Lubbock, TX

m. Betty ____ + others

T-????1344314 Curtis Don Jones, b. 6/26/1946 Lubbock, TX

T-????134432 Valerie Lucille Jones, b. 1/1/1918 Huffstuttle, TX, d. 11/ /1944 Fritch, TX

m. 12/23/1933 Amos Otts

T-????134433 Norine Jewel Jones, b. 8/28/1919 Huffstuttle, TX

m. Jeff Jones

T-????134434 Christine Montzella Jones, b. 5/5/1921 Huffstuttle, TX

m. 1/6/1940 Lee Roy Alsup

T-????134435 Lois Ray Jones, b. 4/18/1923 Huffstuttle, TX

m. 11/2/1949 Glenn Miser

T-????134436 Desdamona Royce Jones, b. 10/31/1924 Huffstuttle, TX

m. 1/6/1943 Mendel Beard

T-????134437 Nina Mae Jones, b. 4/ /1926, d. 1928 Huffstuttle, TX

T-????134438 Geneva Muriel Jones, b. 7/28/1927 Huffstuttle, TX

m. (1) 8/ /1945 George Winchester

(2) 5/ /1976 Harry Swing

T-????134439 Wanda Esteen Jones, b. 7/4/1929 Huffstuttle, TX

m. 1/ /1950 Roy Gage

T-????13443A Freda Leroy Jones, b. 1/24/1931 Huffstuttle, TX

m. (1) 3/ /1948 O. B. Sullivan

(2) 6/ /1969 Harold Phillips

T-????13443B Robert (Robbie) Milton Jones, b. 8/23/1933 Huffstuttle, TX, d. 12/14/1967 Woodson, TX unm

T-????13443C Geraldine (Gerri) Lynette Jones, b. 1/10/1935 Huffstuttle, TX

m. 12/27/1952 Donnie Gray


FGS T-????1345


T-????1345 Norman Owen Mobley, b. 1/12/1870 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 1/27/1950 Abilene, Taylor Co., TX

m. 10/22/1899 Mattie Stella Robertson

T-????13451 Hattie M. Mobley, b.c1902 TX

T-????13452 James C. Mobley, b. 1904 TX

T-????13453 Annie L. Mobley, b. 1908 TX

T-????13453 Daughter Mobley, b. 1906

1910 Taylor Co., TX: Mabley, Norman O 40 MO-MO, Mather E 25 TX, Hattie M 8 TX, James 6, Annie L 1 5/121920 Taylor Co: Mobley, N.O. 41 MO-KY, Stella 38 TX, J.C. 15 TX


FGS T-????1346


T-????1346 Benjamin Franklin [Frank] Mobley, b. 10/27/1872 Versailles, Morgan Co., MO, d. 5/13/1926 Portland, Multnomah Co., OR; both bur. Rose City Cem. Portland, OR

m. 6/7/1905 Zella Hope Clark in Leadville, Lake, CO, b. 6/28/1881 in Galesburg, Knox, IL, d. 2/24/960, Portland, OR (dau Edward Howard Clark/Mable Blanch Mundy)

T-????13461 Benjamin Earl Mobley, b. 12/7/1905 Leadville, Lake Co., CO, d. 7/12/1977 Riverside, Riverside, CA, bur. Olivewood Cem, Riverside, CA

m. 6/30/1928 Beth Ione Current in Portland, OR, b. 7/26/1906 University Place, Lancaster, NE, d. 5/26/1980 Riverside, CA; bur. Olivewood cem Riverside, CA

T-????134611 David Earl Mobley, b. 4/20/1930 lvs Portland, OR

m. 9/3/1949 Arlene Lucretia Richardson, b. 2/27/1932 Seattle, King Co., WA

T-????1346111 Rhonda Lee Mobley, b. 2/26/1950 Seattle, King, WA

m. 5/21/1971 Robert Duane Mikels [div 1997]

T-????1346112 Yvonne Alene Mobley, b. 7/11/1951 Portland, Multnomah, OR

m. 8/8/1977 John L. Scott Seattle, WA

T-????1346113 David Derek Mobley, b. 3/15/1955 San Diego, San Diego, CA

m. (1) 4/3/1979 Sandee Rene Wilson Idaho Falls, ID [div Jul 1983]

m. (2) 5/7/1987 May T. Ruyeras

T-????1346114 Dorinda Mobley, b. 5/30/1957 San Diego, San Diego, CA

m. 8/27/1977 Brent Ross Fox Salt Lake City, UT

T-????1346115 Garron Reese Mobley, b. 2/10/1959 San Diego, San Diego, CA

m. (1) 2/6/1979 Deborah Michele James

m. (2) 4/25/1991 Judy Rose

T-????13462 William Elwood Mobley, b. 9/5/1907 Portland, OR, d. 1/1/1968 Portland, OR,. bur. Rose City Cem

m. 10/15/1930 Emma Kass [no issue]


FGS T-????1348


T-????1348 James Asa Mobley, b. 7/17/1875 Versailles, Morgan, MO, d. 6/13/1961

m. Margaret M. Elder, b. 1888

T-????13481 Child Mobley

T-????13482 Robert Lee Mobley, b. 1912 Laramie, WY, d. 12/29/1964 Ft. Collins, CO


FGS T-????135


T-????135 Nancy Ann Mobley, b. 9/18/1837 Morgan Co, MO, d. 2/26/1891

m. 12/11/1856 Asa William Murray in Morgan Co., MO, b. 1834 TX

T-????1351 William O. Murray, b. 1857, d. 1928

T-????1352 Sarah E. Murray, b. 1860, d. 1863

T-????1353 James S. Murray, b. 1862, d. 1945

T-????1354 Margaret A. Murray, b. 1868, d. 1956

T-????1355 Mary S, Murray, b. 1872, d. 1964

T-????1356 Bettie A. Murray ‘Nettie on d/c’, b. 2/10/1875, d. 3/20/1967 San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX

m. ____ McCracken

T-????1357 Asa B. Murray, b. 1879, d. 1962


FGS T-????13A


T-????13A Thomas Perry Mobley, b. 12/16/1847 Morgan Co, MO, d. 4/19/1925, both bur. Big Rock cem Morgan Co., MO

m. 4/4/1872 Mary Minnie Williams, b. 9/16/1855, d. 9/13/1892

T-????13A1 Elizabeth J. Mobley, b. 1874

m. Ira Etter, b. 1870

T-????13A2 William Daniel Mobley, b. 1878 MO, d. 1953

m. 9/26/1906 Daisy Dean Imler in Morgan Co., MO, b. 1/ /1885 MO, d. 1982 (dau. Isaac/Mary I. Imler)

T-????13A21 Vincil C. Mobley, b. c1908 MO

1910 Morgan Co: Will D 31 MO, Daisy 25 MO, Vincil C 1 11/12, Mary I. Imler 68 MO Wd MIL

1920 Morgan Co: William D 41 MO, Daisy 35 MO, Vincil 11, Harold 8, Mary I. Imler 77 MO (MIL)

T-????13A3 Charles Edgar Mobley ‘Charlie’, b. 1880, d. 1967

m. 8/30/1905 Floy E. Goodman in Morgan Co., MO, b. c1886 MO

T-????13A31 Laveon B. Mobley, b. c1907 MO

T-????13A32 Merle E. Mobley, b. c1909 MO

T-????13A33 Maxine L. Mobley, b. c1905 CO

T-????13A34 Elaine E. Mobley, b. c1906 CO

T-????13A35 Charles Edgar Mobley, Jr., b. c1918 CO

1920 Fremont Co., CO: Charles E 39 MO, Floy E 34 MO, Laveon B 13, Merle E 12, Maxine L 5 CO, Elaine E 4 2/12, Charles E Jr 1 9/12

1930 Fremont Co: Charles E 49 MO, Floy 44 MO, Merle 22, Maxine 16 CO, Elaine 14, Edgar 12

T-????13A4 Bird Bertha Mobley, b. 1884

m. Dennis Atkinson, b. 1881

T-????13A5 Beale Mobley, b. 1886, d. 1902-04

T-????13A6 Beatrice B. Mobley, b. 1913, d. 1967

1880 Morgan Co: Thomas 31 MO-KY, Mary 24 MO, Elizabeth J 6, Daniel W 2, Charley 1/12


FGS T-????14 Data Gene Jones & Jennifer E. Day


T-????14 Sarah Jane Mobley

m. George Campbell, b. 11/30/1808 Cumberland Co., KY, d. 2/7/1885 son Benjamin A. Campbell/Chloe Farris

T-????141 Thomas Campbell


Q-????1 John Moberly, b. abt. 1800, [est. b. 1796], (KY?), d. bef. 1850, (KY)

m. bef. 1822, (KY), Mahala ______, b. ca. 1800, KY, d. aft. 1860, (KY); she m. 2nd, after 1850 census, John Wells, (Sr.), (Welles/Weller?), the father of John E. Wells, who married her daughter, Margaret Martha Moberly (Q-????15), and they lived in Garrard County, Kentucky. She had a daughter living with her from the first marriage to John Wells.

Q-????11 William Edward Moberly, b. 3/13/1822, KY, d. 4/3/1891, both bur. Cobden Cem., Cobden, Union Co., IL in Section 4 Lot 62, (lawyer)

m. (1) 8/5/1840 Martha A. Collins in Randolph Co MO , d. 1/16/1889

m. (2) 18__, (MO), Lizzie (______) Harris, only her children by a previous marriage; He adopted her children; several adopted children continued with the Moberly name.

Q-????111 Josephine Moberly, b. c1844 MO

Q-????112 Jennie Moberly, b. ca 1850 MO

Q-????113 William H. Moberly, b. ca 1854 MO

Q-????114 Lilie Moberly, b. ca 1856 MO

1860 Chariton Co: William E 38 KY, Martha A 36 KY, Josephine 16 MO, Jemima? 14, William H 7, Sudy 4

1870 St. Louis Co: William E 46 KY, Martha 45 KY, Jennie 20 MO, William 16 MO, Lulu 14 MO

After whom Moberly, Randolph Co., Missouri, was named, in 1868, when he was President of the Randolph & Chariton County Railway; Col. 35th Reg., Enrolled MO Militia (Union Army).

He went to Chariton County MO from Madison County, KY as a young man.

The 1850 census for Chariton Co lists him and Martha and states his real estate value at $2000. The 1860 census states he is a lawyer and his real estate value at $70,000, personal estate valued at $19,300. Four children are included in the census. 1880 for Union Co IL lists only Martha and 3 children.

His will dated 30 May 1889 (4+ months after the death of Martha) leaves

everything to "his beloved wife Lizzie"


Helen Bichel 11/6/97

Found William Moberly in the 1870 census for St. Louis. Martha is listed, as well as 3 children, Jennie, 20, Wm, 16, and Lilie (?), 14. He is also listed in the St. Louis City Directory by Gould for the years 1870, 1871, 1872,1873,1875, (1876,1878, not listed), 1880, 1881, 1882, 1882, and by 1885 he is no longer listed. For the years 1870 thru 1873 his residence is listed as in St. Louis, 1875 & 1880 in Alton, and 1881 thru 1883, his residence is Cobden. All of those years he is listed as a real estate agent. I did look in the IL census for 1880 for a Lizzie Harris and found one listed in Adams County. She is age 22 and the wife of Absalom Harris. He is about 10 years older and apparently had 3 children by a previous marriage.

Q-????12 Lucinda Moberly, b. c1830 KY

Q-????13 Elizabeth (Betsy) Moberly, b. 8/22/1832, KY, d.

11/29/1892, Springfield, Keokuk Co., IA, int. Osage Cem., Springfield,

Keokuk Co., IA

m. 18__, (KY), James (Jimmy) Dobbs, b. 18__, KY, d.

19__, KY, (no known issue); he married 2nd Mrs. ______ Wiggins, and

went back to (Roundstone, Rockcastle Co.), KY, in the Spring of 1905.

1880 Federal Census of Washington Twp., Keokuk Co., IA

Q-????14 Mary J. Moberly, b. ca. c1837 KY

Q-????15 Margaret Martha Moberly, b. 11/15/1841, KY, d.

12/21/1907, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN, bur. 12/24/1907, Crown Hill

Cem., Indianapolis, IN

m. (1) 1856, KY, John Edward Wells, b. 6/16/1835, in

Frankfort, Franklin County, KY, d. 4/29/1915, in Marshalltown,

Marshall County, IA, bur. IA State Soldiers Home, in Marshalltown,

Pri. in Co. E, 1st. KY Cavalry (U.S. Army), (Son of John Wells (Welles

/Weller?); John E. Wells m. 2nd, 18__, Sevrina or Serrena Frances

______, issue: Pearl Wells, b. 18__, (IL), d. about 1944, (IA), m.

19__, (IA), Ernest Hubler, 3 children; and Leonard Wells, b. 18__,

(IL); 1st m. div. abt. 1866, (IA)

m. (2) 186_, ______ Agee, b. 18__,

m. (3) 187_, George T. Johnston, (Eddyville, Wapello

Co., IA), b. 18__, d. 19__, (IN), no issue, (believed he had ch. from

prev. m.)

Q-????151 Henry Wells, b. 18__, KY, (of 1), d. 10/--/1926,

(Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN), int. 10/13/1926, Crown Hill Cem.,


Q-????152 Louise (Lou) Elizabeth Wells, b. 5/27/1857, Livingston, Rockcastle Co., KY, (of 1), d. 9/2/1948, Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA

m. 12/5/1878, (Sigourney, Mahaska Co.), IA, Ezra (Ez) Gillogly Johnson, b. 6/30/1855, High Hill, Muskingum Co., OH, d. 4/15/1935, San Diego, San Diego Co., CA (Son of Samuel Johnson and Frances Gillogly), 4 children

Q-????153 James Wells, b. abt. 1859, (Rockcastle Co. or Garrard Co.), KY, d. 18__, (KY); perhaps shot while splitting rails for a fence

Q-????154 Leroy (Lee) Andrew Wells, b. 11/1/1861, (Rockcastle Co.), KY, (of 1), d. 3/23/1938, What Cheer, Keokuk Co., IA

m. 10/6/1888, What Cheer, Keokuk Co., IA, Millie Haidee Dugger, b. 4/27/1870, What Cheer, d. 10/13/1941, What Cheer (Dau. of Macajah Dugger and Mariette (Mary) German), 4 children

Q-????155 Esther Anna (Anna) Wells, b. 10/17/1864, Rockcastle Co., KY, (of 1), d. 2/20/1962, What Cheer, Keokuk Co., IA

m. (1) 7/--/1884, What Cheer, Keokuk Co., IA, George Elmer McMullen, b. 9/3/1857, Champaign Co., OH, d. 4/9/1912, Prairie Township, Keokuk Co., IA (Son of Benjamin Franklin McMullen and Harriet Hutton), 7 children

(2) 1929, IA, William Strasser, no children

Q-????156 William (Willie) Wells, b. 18__, (of 1), d. ____,

(Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN); assumed the married name of his mother

and was called Willie Agee

Q-????157 Amy Agee, b. 18__, (IN), (of 2), d. 19__, (East St.

Louis, St. Clair Co., IL)

m. 19__, (IN), ______ Henderson

Q-????1571 Pansy Henderson, b. 18__, (IN), d. 19__, (East

Saint Louis, Saint Clair Co., IL); lvd. all her life in E. St. Louis

m. 19__, (IN), Waldo Shields, b. 18__

Q-????16 Alvin Moberly, b. ca. 1842-1843, KY

Q-????17 Eliza Moberly, b. ca. 1844-1845, KY

Q-????18 Esther Moberly, b. ca. 1845-1846, KY

Q-????19 Edna Moberly, b. 1849, KY

1850 Garrard Co, KY

Moberley, Mahala 50 KY, Lucinda 20 KY, Mary J. 13 KY, Martha 10 KY, Alexr 7 KY, Eliza 5 KY, Easther 4 KY, Edna 8/12 KY


FGS &-??????1 ['Miller Book']


&-??????1 Johnathan P. Mobley, b. 1854

m. Angemima C.(Kitty) Covington

?? 1860 Henry Co, KY:Mobley, Rowland 35, Mary 22, John 5, Bettie 3

1860 Madison Co: Moberly, Alfred 55 KY, Lucinda 46 KY, John 9, Jonathan 6


Verlinda Moberly(possibly sister of William above)

m. 6/14/1802 John Wyan, in Washington, Co., KY

Hardin Co. Marriages/Ingmire:

Eliz Moberley m. 1829 Benj. Carter{cf will above} [152273]

Matilda Jane Mobley m. Wm Crume{same date?}{ "} [152275]


Data 11/8/92, Mary Ann Shoemaker:


Washington Co. KY Marriages:

Joseph Mobley m. 1818 Priscilla Wheatley not 7A

Verlinda Mobley m. 1802 John Wayne or Vain/Wain not 7A

William Mobley m. 1806 Adora Vain [15227]

Larue Co. KY Cemeteries/Bennington:

Arvin C. Mobley d. 9/18/1891; p. 90 152?3D31 prob not

G. T. Mobley, 6/1/1847-2/9/1910;ux Sally J., 11/27/1860-7/9/1906 152?31A

Larue Co. KY Marriages/Bennington: [Same as G.T. & Sally ?]

Geo. Mobley (age 22) b. KY m. Sarah J. Allen 12/21/1874 152?31A

m. at Geo Allen's 12/22/1874;by J. F. Cessna, witnesses J. Al Miller/Jeff Price

Hardin Co. KY

Eliz Moberley m. Benj. Carter 1829

Matilda Jane Mobley m. Wm. Crume

St. Clair Church, Fr. Lyons:

Peter Mobly m. 10/28/1849 Cicilia Dixson 152?3A

Ann Christina Mobly, dau. Peter Mobly/Cecilia Ann Dixon, b. 10/5/1850,

bapt.3/26/1851, spon, Susanna Metcalf [152A31]

Nelson Co. KY Marriages:

Alexander Mobley m. 10/7/1806 Nancy Glasgow;Thos. Glasgow bondsman

[her 2nd marriage;dau. Anne Glasgow by (1st) husband NOT 7A

Anne Glasgow m. 1812 Saml. Clements]

Benj. Mobberley m. 9/15/1807 Malinda Willitt; bond 9/15/1807 by James Willitt, father; m. by Joshua Wilson, Presbyterian NOT 7A

Levy Mobley - Nancy Evans, bond 12/12/1810; bond by Jacob Decker; consent by Jacob Decker her stepfather; m. by Joseph Ferguson, NOT7A Methodist{change of mind?}

Levy Mobley, m. 1/31/1812 Nancy Evans, bond 1/31/1912 by Daniel McDaniel; she gdau. of Redmon McDaniel NOT 7A

John Mobley m. 5/18/1817 Emily Tutt; bond by Wm. Tutt; day of Sarah Tutt; m. by Joseph Ferguson, Methodist NOT 7A

Thos. Mobley m. 6/6/1844 Mary Anne Carter; bond by James Carter father of Mary Anne; m. by Colemore Lovelace{poss. Baptist} NOT 7A

KY Catholic Pioneers, Vol. 1:

Joseph Mobley, b. ca 1795 in MD(in 1850 census, Marion Co., #860, Dist 1);

m. Priscilla Wheatley{bond4/6/1818, Washington Co. KY/now Marion Co}

[dau. of James Wheatley][she prob. d. bef. 1850/not listed in 1850 census]

Susan Mobley, b. ca 1819

Paulina Mobley, b. ca 1832{chr. 4/16/1832}

Priscilla Loretto Mobley, b. ca 1828

Levina Martha Mobley, b. 1834

Margaret Mobley, b. ca 1836

Joseph F. Mobley, b. ca 1838

1850 Marion Co: Mobley, Joseph 55 MD, Susan 25 KY, Loretto 22 KY, Levina 16 KY, Margaret 14 KY Joseph F. 12 KY


From Kentucky Ancestors; Gail Hughes, 1/6/92:{None placed as of 2/8/93}

Buried at Salem Cemetery, 14 mi. west of Richmond, KY

Jessie{nee Moberly} Howard, b. 7/22/1888, d. 4/13/1968

___ Moberly, b. 8/6/1880, d. 10/24/1915[dau of Sam & Em Moberly]

Mary C Moberly, b. 1892, d 1894

Rosvelt Moberly, b. 1900, d. 1902

George W. Moberly, b. 9/18/1812 NOT 7A



John MOBLEY, from Webster Co KY; died 15 Feb 1863; reported as having died at Johnson's Island, near Sandusky, OH; grave not located.




FGS V-????1 [MD Marriages, Bronaugh]


V-????1 John Mobberly, est. b. 1775

m. 2/9/1798 Delilah Barber, Pr.Geo.Parish,Montg.Co.MD

V-????11 Reason Mobberly,b.8/3/1801 " " " " " "

[Probably were descendants of Thomas{15}]


FGS $-??????1 Julie Trail Julietrail@ 4/22/2000 & 5/1/02


$-?????? John Mobley, b. 1836 MD [farm laborer]

m. 9/3/1858 Mary Jane Lowman Frederick Co., MD, b. 1840

$-??????1 Mahlon M. Mobley, b. 1856

$-??????2 Mary Jane Mobley, b. 1858, lvd Montgomery Co., MD, d. 12/11/1888 (aged 30)

m. 10/12/1877 George Calvin Whipp, b. 12/10/1844

$-??????21 John Lloyd Whipp, b. 4/14/1880, d. 4/25/1944

$-??????22 Mary Cornelia Whipp, b. 3/25/1882, d. 3/13/1970

m. 12/12/1901 George Elvin Nicholson in Buck Lodge, Montgomery Co., MD

$-??????221 John Elvin Nicholson, b. 1/6/1903 Boyd’s, MD, d. 7/31/1990

$-??????222 Annie Eleanor Nicholson, b. 8/17/1904, d. 1/15/1988 Gaithersburg, MD

m. 3/16/1929 John Newton Ward in Frederick, MD, b. 11/21/1900 Comus, MD, d. 8/29/1977 Olney, MD

$-??????2221 Thomas Newton Ward, b. 3/ /1936, d. 4/19/1936

$-??????2222 John Eugene Ward, b. 5/31/1940 Darnestown, MD

m. 6/ /1958 Norma Jean Pace in Montgomery Co., MD, b. Rockville, MD

$-??????22221 Deborah Jean Ward, b. 1/16/1960

$-??????22222 Julie Ann Ward, b. 1/7/1963

m. (1) Bernard E. Duplan

m. (2) Jeffrey Wayne Trail

$-??????22223 John Eugene Ward Jr, b. 8/19/1964

$-??????223 Alice Rebecca Nicholson

$-??????224 Myrtle Nicholson

$-??????225 George Arthur Nicholson

$-??????226 Wilfred Nicholson

$-??????227 Earl Eugene Nicholson

$-??????23 Grace M. Whip, b. 1/3/1884

$-??????24 Sallie Agnes Whip, b. 6/7/1886, d. 1/21/1887

$-??????3 John E. Mobley, b. 1860

$-??????4 William F. Mobley, b. 1863

$-??????5 Annie F. Mobley, b. 1866

$-??????16 Ernest D. Mobley, b. 1867

$-??????7 Elisha Mobley, b. 1869

$-??????8 Clayton Mobley, b. 1871

$-??????9 Elizabeth Mobley, b. 1873

$-??????A Gertrude Mobley, b. 1875

$-??????B Richard Mobley, b. 1878


1860 Montgomery Co: Moberly, John 24 MD, Mary 24 MD, Mahlen (m) 4, Mary 2, John E 3/12

1870 Montgomery Co: Mobley, John 34 MD, Mary J 30 MD, Mahlon M 14, Mary J 12, John E 10, William W 7, Annie F 4, Ernest D 3, Elijah 1

1880 Montgomery Co: Mobley, John 45 MD, Mary 39 MD, Malon 23, John E 20, William W 17, Annie 15, Dorsey 13, Elisha 11, Clayton 9, Elizabeth 7, Gertrude 5, Richard 2


Data 0from LDS lists supplied by Imogene McConnell: MD marriages

[Persons formerly on these lists that have been placed are listed in main file]


Parents b:born; c:christene d; m:married; w: will

Name Date Location/Parish/etc



Mobberley, Basil NOT 7A Unk. [poss 15212?]

m. Margaret Brewer 2/5/1782 Anne Arundel


" Elizabeth [1/23 date of lic/1/24 date of m.??] NOT 7A Unk.

m. Luke Windsor 1/23 or 24/1797,Pr.Geo,Upper Marlboro,St.Johns


", John NOT 7A Unk.

m. Delila Barber 2/9/1798 Baltimore


",May M. NOT 152?1213; NOT 7A Unk.

m. Luther F. Harrison 4/28/1865 " " " "............................................................................

", Rachel[see 477?] NOT 7A Unk.

m. William Burdit 5/6/1777 AnneArundel




Stephen L MOBLEY, Citizen, Audrain Co MO; died 1 Jul 1863 Alton IL; taken home.




Letter James Reddick, 3/6/89:

Line of William[13]:

Thomas Mobley and Alexander were in Duplin Co., NC in 1758, William first mentioned in 1764. Thomas w/ux, 8 children to GA 1768; Wm., John, James, Jeremiah, Alexander there before 1770{1768/70}.

[data on Thomas & William entered Part 5/1992]

{My guess is that the above Wm was Wm. Lemster[1311], John was [1331], Alexander was [1312]{listed as UNKNOWN Mobley with this ID number in earlier editions}, and the others are not yet identifiable}{Other James's, Jeremiahs & Alexanders are accounted for elsewhere}.

In "The Families of Burke Co., 1755-1855, a Census" by Robt. Scott Davis, Jr. & Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.", William & Thomas were listed on p. 54, John and William Lemster were listed on p. 99, James R. on p. 485, Alexander J. S. on p. 591, but no Jeremiah.


NEW GROUPS/UNPLACED: From LDS/Vince/6/6/1991

[Possible in 15A group]

Frederic Mobberly, b. 1856

m Emma __, b. 1858

Jeffeson Mobberly

m. Hanah Williams

Joshua H. Mobberly NOT 7A

m. Margaret Pryor



W V MOBLEY, Pvt, Co E, 30th NC Inf; died 2 Oct 1864;

buried Confederate Cemetery, Point Lookout, MD.


Mobley marriages in NC:

Name Name Bondsman Date Witness County


" Benjamin (John Cooley) Unk.

m. Rachel Johnson, 6/22/1790 Franklin


" Delilah John Farrior, Wm. Dickson Unk.

m. Archabel Pearse 1/22/1794 Duplin


" Darcas(Dorcus) Nathan Ray Unk.

m. John Ray 10/23/1796 Wake


" Delilah Abraham Belvin, E. Holding Unk.

m. Wilie Brasfield 2/13/1800 Wake


" Goldy Henry Seawell Unk.

m. Bolin Kilgow 12/21/1803 Wake


" Hannah Willie Harrison, Wm. Hill

m. John Terry 6/22/1811 Wake(he of Chatham Co)


" Polley{Mary?} Wm. Tucker, Saml. Jones, JP

m. Asa Young 3/02/1819 Rowan he also unk. [1800 census] [dau. 152?4 Levan]


" Creasy[Lucretia?] Joel Cooley, S. Patterson prob.not dau of Benajah Unk.

m. Jackson Harris 8/10/1821 Franklin [133811]


" Elizabeth Henry Gibbs, J.Holderby,CC(court clerk?) Unk.

m. David D. Jarrett 4/18/1835 Rockingham(he of Maury Co.TN)

maybe dau of Levin[113153]


" Nancy James "X" Pace, S. Patterson Unk.

m. Willie Taborn 1/08/1837 Franklin


" Lucretia Samuel Jones, Jas. T. Marriott Unk.

m. Nicholas Morgan 5/20/1843 Wake(he of Fayette Co)


" Elizabeth Jno Simpson maybe in line of Azariah[1334] unk.

m. Owen Dixon 1/20/1848 Cartaret


" Fanny Abran McCosland, Jas. Rumley line of Azariah ? Unk.

m. John Arthur,Jr. 8/26/1848 Cartaret(he of Lumpkin Co.GA)


William C. by A. S. Porter [unk/in 1850 NC census index] Unk.

m. Lavinia Washburn 10/16/1848 Guilford


" Mary L. Charles G. Mitch, F. Watkins NOT 13131532 Unk.

m. Pinckney Mitchiel 5/28/1849 Rockingham


William C. Mobley, b. 9/5/1820, d. 9/7/1879 m. by Weatherly, L. Swain See above/his 2nd UX? Unk. [bur. Center United Methodist Church, Guilford Co., NC]

m. (1) Lavinia ____, b. 11/23/1830, d. 1/1/1854

m. (2) 12/24/1856 Rebecca Martin in Guilford Co., NC, b. 7/25/1820, d. 12/19/1910

" Josephine Mobley, b. c1856 NC

" William Mobley, b. c1858 NC


Center United Methodist Church, Guilford County, NC

Mobley, Livinia, b. 11-23-1830, d. 1-1-1854

Mobley, William C, unknown dob/dod

Mobley, W. C., b. 9-5-1820, d. 9-7-1879

Mobley, Rebecca Martin, b. 7-25-1820, d. 12-19-1910

1850 Guilford Co: William C. 30 Rockingham Co NC, Lavina 19 NC

1860 Guilford Co: Mobley, Mary C 10 NC, lvg w/ Joseph Washington (lvg next to W.C.)

Mobley, W.C. 40 NC, Rebecca 40, Josephine 6, William 2

1870 Guilford Co: William C 49 NC, Rebecca 50, Josephine 16, William 12

1880 Guilford Co: Mobley, Rebecca 60 Wid NC

1910 Guilford Co: Rebecca 88 NC Wd, head


" Ruthan Ann Unk.

m. Haywood James 9/23/1858 Bertie


" Mary M. David Jarrett, William M. Ellin Unk.

m. John Jarrett 8/18/1860 Rockingham Line of 11315?

[m. 8/19/1860 by Robt. Shreve]




FGS I-?????1 addemdum Jacqueline Lynn McFarland DeWeese jalonot@ 10/5/07


I-?????1 Andrew Mobley, est. b. 1815/20 OH

m. Margaret McGilton, b. 8/1/1813 PA, d.

1860 Jackson Co., IN: Moberly, Andr 43 OH, Margaret 47 PA, Hannah 14 OH, Lewis C 10 OH, Margaret 7 IN, Clarissa 5, Rhoda 2

1870 Brown Co., IN: Mobley, Andrew 53 OH, Margaret 56 PA, Claracy 15 IN, Rody 12

1880 Brown Co: Andrew 60 OH, Elisabeth 60 IN, ELKINS, William 22 IN (SIL), Roda 20 (dau), Ema 9/12 (Gdau), Seala J. Bush 13 (Sdau)

1900 Brown Co: Andrew 34 Jun 1865 IN-OH, Susan 24 Oct 1875 IN, Martha J 7 Oct 1892, Thomas 2 Jun 1897, Sarah J 1/12 Apr 1900

1910 Brown Co: Andy 43 IN, Caroline 35 IN, Martha J 17, Thomas 12, Sarah 9, Lola 7, ? son 3, Everett 7/12

1920 Brown Co: Andy 54 IN-OH, Thomas 22s IN, Lon 12, Evert 10

I-?????11 John Mobley, b. c1838 OH

m. Elizabeth ____, b. c1844 OH

I-?????111 William Mobley, b. 5/ /1860 OH

m. Fannie J. ____, b. 11/ /1861 IN

I-?????1111 George Cleveland Mobley, b. 7/ /1888 IN

m. Nellie ____, b. c1895 IN

I-?????11111 Olive Mobley, b. c1912 IN

1920 Jackson Co: Cleave 29 IN, Nellie 25 IN, Olive 8

I-?????1112 Tura F. Mobley, b. 7/ /1890 IN

1900 Jackson Co: William R 40 May 1860 IN, Fannie J 39 Nov 1861 IN, George C 11 Jul 1888, Tura F 9 Jul 1890

1910 Jackson Co: William R 49 IN, Fannie J 49 IN, Cleveland G 21s

1920 Jackson Co: William 57 TN, Fannie 56 IN

I-?????112 Andrew Mobley, b. 6/ /1865 IN

m. Susan ____. b. 10/ /1875 IN

I-?????1121 Martha J. Mobley, b. 10/ /1892 IN

I-?????1122 Thomas Mobley, b. 6/ /1897 IN

I-?????1123 Sarah J. Mobley, b. 4/ /1900 IN

I-?????1124 Lola Mobley, b. c1903 IN

I-?????1125 Lon Mobley, b. c1907 IN

I-?????1126 Everett Mobley, b. 1909 IN

I-?????113 Female Mobley, b. c1867 IN

I-?????114 Female Mobley, b. c1869 IN (possible Rachel Ann Mobley, b. 6/20/1869 Brown Co., IN, d. 3/6/1946 Brown Co., IN

m. 9/8/1889 James William Marlett, b. 9/20/1864, d. 8/11/1943 Brown Co. IN; s/o Norman Marlett/Martha Ann Kirts [all issue Brown Co., IN] (see FGS in unplaced section)

1860 Jackson Co: John 22 OH, Elizabeth 16 OH, William 1/12 OH (next to Andr)

1870 Brown Co: John 34 OH, Elizabeth 26, William 10, Andrew 5, female 3, female 1 (faint copy)

1900 Jackson Co: John 64 May 1836 OH-MD, Margaret 48 1851, Louisa 14 Feb 1886 IN, Emma 4 Aug 1895 Same John ??

1910 Jackson Co: John 75 OH, .Margaret 65 IN, Emma 14 IN

1920 Jackson Co: Margarett 74 IN Wd, MIL w/ RODDY, Oscar, Emma A 24 & Amy

I-?????12 Hannah Mobley, b. c1846 OH

I-?????13 Louis Comer Mobley, b. 1/10/1848, Belmont Co., OH, d. 10/29/1937, Adair Co. MO, both bur. Mt. Carmel Cem.

m. 2/6/1869 (1/15/1870) Anna Stogdill, in Jackson Co., IN, b. 2/12/1848, Jackson Co., IN, d. Adair, MO; dau of Drury Stogdill/Martha Acton

1870 Brown Co., IN: L. C. 21 OH, wife? 21 IN (next to Andrew)

1880 Brown Co: Lewis 32 OH, Anny 32 IN, Drewry 8 IN, Margret 7, Andrew P 6, Polly A 3, David J 2

1920 Adair Co., MO: Louis M 72 OH, Annie 72 IN, Drewry 49s IN, John W 34 IN div

I-?????131 Drury/Drewry Mobley, b. c1872 IN

I-?????132 Margaret Mobley, b. c1873 IN

I-?????133 Andrew P. Mobley, b. c1875 IN

m. Sarah E. ____, b. c1884 OH

I-?????1331 Hellen Mobley, b. c1904 OH

I-?????1332 Susanna Mobley, b. c1911 OH

I-?????1333 Jane Mobley, b. c1912 OH

I-?????1334 Mary Mobley, b. c1913 OH

I-?????1335 Christine Mobley, b. c1919 OH

1860 Adams Twp, Monroe Co., OH

Mobley, Andrew 25 OH, Sarah E 25 OH, Hellen 7

1870 Monroe Co: Andrew 35 OH, Sarah 36 OH, Helen 16, Susanna 9, Jane 8, Mary 7, Christine 1

I-?????134 Mary Mobley

I-?????135 David Jackson Mobley, b. 10/5/1878 IN, d. 6/27/1960, both bur. Mt. Carmel Cem., MO

m. 12/20/1908 Emma F. Baggs, b. 4/12/1891 MO, d, 7/11/1945, dau. of John Baggs/Nancy Alice Parker

1920 Adair Co., MO: David J 42 IN, Emma F 29 MO, Naoma A 9 MO, Theodore H 6

I-?????1351 Naomi Alta Mobley, b. 2/13/1911, d. 6/10/1997 Kirksville, MO, bur Campbell cem

m. ____ Biersdorff

I-?????13511 Lois Jean Biersdorff

m. Willie Joe McFarland

I-?????135111 Jacqueline Lynn McFarland, b. 12/10/1069 Iowas City, IA

m. ____ DeWeese City IA.

I-?????1352 Theodore H. Mobley, b. c1914 MO

I-?????136 Jimmy Mobley

I-?????137 Sanford Mobley

I-?????138 John William Mobley, b. 4/25/1885,Davis Co., IA, d. 8/14/1949

m.(1) Ada Farr,

(2) 10/5/1911 Anna Barbara Day,

(3) 3/2/1917___,

(4) Lucy Brown[baby stillborn]

(5) Nora Marken Calvin

[family moved to MO when John was 2]

I-?????1381 James William Mobley, b. 12/29/1913,Adair Co., MO, d. 5/30/1984, Adair

m. 1/14/1933 Martha Elizabeth Spriggs

I-?????13811 Valeria Ann Mobley, b. 3/3/1934, Adair Co., MO

m. 11/23/1952 Curt Baker,Jr.

I-?????13812 Robert Leon Mobley b. 1/7/1936, Schuyler Co., MO

m. 6/21/1958 Marcia Joyce Tallman

I-?????13813 William Eugene Mobley, b. 12/2/1937, Schuyler Co., MO

m. 6/8/1958 Margaret Ella George

I-?????138131 Robert Bruce Mobley, b.4/13/1959, Wayne Co., NC

m. 6/27/1986 Carla Marlene Minard

I-?????138132 Robin Sue Mobley, b. 1/11/1961, El Paso.,TX

m. 7/23/1978 Donald Ray Jackson

I-?????138133 Pamela Lea Mobley, b. 2/8/1953, El Paso.,TX

m. 8/15/1980 Terry Ray Anderson, divc. 9/ /1983

I-?????13814 Clifford Joe Mobley, b. 2/1/1944, Adair Co., MO

m.3/14/1966, Sandra Ann Colton

I-?????13815 Susan Elizabeth Mobley, b. 11/4/1949, Adair Co., MO

m. 6/5/1965 David Andrew Boyer

I-?????139 Martha Mobley

I-?????14 Margaret Mobley, b. c1853 IN

I-?????15 Clarissa Mobley, b. c1855 IN

I-?????16 Rhoda Mobley, b. c1857 IN

m. William Elkins, b. c1838 IN

I-?????161 Ema Elkins, b. c1878 IN




FGS f: G. W. Colburn b.7-28-1924 Dallas Co., Ala. d.5-31-1973 Dallas Co., Ala

>m: Nancy Elizabeth Buxton b. 1-8-1929 Dallas Co., Ala. d.3-23-1985 Tuscaloosa Co., Ala.

< f: William Quince Colburn b.1-29-1905 Bibb Co., Ala. d.7-1962 Dallas Co., Ala.

m: Emma P Mobley b.6-18-1907 Bibb Co., Ala. D. 11-1972 Dallas Co., Ala.

< f: John M. Mobley d.prob. between 1877-1887 Ala. d.aft.1923 prob. Bibb Co., Ala

m: Allise Bracknell b.1884 Ala. d.???

(The Following was givin to me verbally at the Bibb Co. Swap Meet this summer by Margie Gentry who was suppose to send me copies of her records. I have written her since then - but still have not heard from her. Soooo, I cannot say the following is correct.)

< f: Joseph L. Mobley

m: Mary Jane Smith

< f: William Mobley (1412 William Mobley)[141 William Moberley]

< f: Ledford Mobley 14122

< f: Wiliam Mobley, Jr.

m: Annie Rogers


Unable to trace John M. to this chain. John & family was lvg with his FIL, William & Mary Bracknell, in 1910 census Bibb Co., AL


I am looking for leads on Charles Mobley b. 1822 in SC and his wife Eliza Ann McClain b. 1825 in Ireland.

1860 Fairfield Co. SC with their children: [all b. Fairfield Co., SC]

Charley 38, Eliza A. 35, Robert B. 17, Martha E. 15, Hester I. 10, Thomas Issom 7, Sarah Sarillo 5, Nancy S. 3, Jamima Ann 3/12

1870 Anderson Co, SC:

Mobley, Charles 47 SC, Eliza A 44 SC, Martha E 22, Hester E 19, Thomas H.I. 17, Sarah 15, Jemima A 9, Charley (Stonewall) Jackson 7

In 1874 the family moved to Wilson County, Texas.

1880 Wilson Co., TX

Charles Mobley 60, Eliza A. 56 wife, Sara 25 dau, Jemima 20 dau, Charles Jr. 17 son

1900 census Wilson Co., TX

Charley 37, Nannie, 35, Addie, 14, Sherill 13, Charles J. 11, Henry M. 10, Thomas A. 8, Jess 4, Hardy B. 2 & Eula M. 3/12 - NOTE: Hardy B. should read Artie B [f]

1920 Kerr Co., TX: Charley J 57 SC-SC, Nannie E (Jones) 55 TX, Bula M 19 TX, Sadie L 18, Ruth E 16

CM Charles Mobley, b. 1822 Fairfield Co., SC, both bur. Marclina cem. Wilson Co., TX [CSA]

m. Eliza Ann McClain, b. 1825 Ireland (stones in cem. unreadable)

CM1 Robert B. Mobley, b. 1843 (not with family in Anderson Co 1870)

CM2 Martha E. Mobley, b. 1845 (not with family in Wilson Co, TX 1880)

CM3 Hester I. Mobley, b. 1850 (not with family in Wilson Co, TX 1880)

CM4 Thomas Issom Mobley, b. 4/2/1853 SC, d. 4/15/1913 Bronte, Coke Co., TX

m. (1) Sarah Jane Mays [four children] bur. Marcalina cem Wilson Co., TX

m. (2) Percilla Sims, b. 5/ /1859 MS, d. 8/30/1939 [dau. Jesse Simms] ca 1900 moved to Bronte, Coke Co., TX

CM5 Sarah Sarillo "Lizzie" Mobley, b. 1855 (not with family in 1870 or 1880 census)

CM6 Nancy S. Mobley, b. 1857

CM7 Jamima Bell Mobley (Jerimia), b. 6/28/1860 Winnsboro, Fairfield Co., SC, d. 11/17/1935 Magazine, Logan Co., AR, bur. Evans Cem.

m. (1) 1/2/1875 David Barker Floresville, Wilson Co., TX

m. (2) 6/26/1884 James Henry Whitehouse in Floresville, Wilson o., TX, b. Robert Isle, Argyle, Yamouth, Nova Scotia. d. 9/29/1930 Haskell, OK, bur. Cowington, OK, son of Jacob Norman Whitehouse/Mary Susan Forbs

CM8 Charley Stonewall Jackson Mobley, b. 8/11/1862 SC, d. 9/22/1922 Dickens Co., TX, both bur. Afton cem.

m. 10/9/1884 Nannie Ellen Jones Marclina, Wilson Co., TX, b. 7/31/1864 Lovoco Co., TX, d. 11/27/1950 San Saba Co., TX; d/o M.H. Jones/Mattie Ponton


addnl data Beau Hicks cowboysandindians@Cox- 6/16/01

Sherry mibeth@


CM4 Thomas Issom (Isham) Mobley, b. 4/2/1853 SC, d. 4/15/1913 Bronte, Coke Co., TX, bur. Fairview cem Bronte, TX

m. (1) 12/30/1874 Sarah Jane Mays , b. 3/19/1851 SC, d. 1/18/1894 bur. Marcalina cem Wilson Co., TX

m. (2) Phoebe Priscilla Sims, b. 5/30/1859 Jasper, MS, d. 7/30/1939 Bronte, Coke Co., TX, bur. Fairview cem [dau. Issac Simms/Malinda Wade] ca 1900 moved to Bronte, Coke Co., TX

CM41 James Oscar Mobley, b. & d. 1876

CM42 Martha Ann Mobley “Mattie”, b. 10/2/1878 Bronte, TX, d. 3/13/1965 Rotan, TX Fairview cem

m. Marian Delanie Hicks, b. 11/14/1878, d. 3/15/1951 Rotan, TX

CM43 Nancy Jane "Nannie" Mobley, b. 5/20/1881 Wilson Co., TX, d. 3/4/1962 Bronte, TX, bur. Fairview cem; unm.

CM44 William Carey Mobley, b. 3/15/1885 TX, d. 3/7/1934 Gonzales Co., TX

m. Pearl ____, b. 1886 TX

CM441 Ina Mobley, b. 1908 TX

CM442 Janie Mobley, b. 1910 TX

CM443 Verla Mobley, b. 1915 TX

1920 Gonzales Co: Carey W 35 TX, Pearl 34 TX, Ina 12, Janie 10, Verla 5

CM45 Carrie Belle Mobley, b. 9/7/1886, d. 3/29/1968 Merkel, Taylor Co., TX, bur. Fairview cem. Bronte, Coke Co., TX

m. ca 1909 Jesse Lewis Coppedge

CM46 Infant Mobley, b. & d. 1891

CM47 Thomas Franklin Mobley, b. 1893, d. 1894

CM48 Mary Maranda Mobley, b. 1/ /1898 [of ux #2]

m. ____ Lattrell

1880 Gonzales Co., TX: Isham Mobley 27, Sarah Jane 28 SC, Martha 1 SC

1900 Gonzales Co: Isom 47 Apr 1853 SC, Pricila 41 May 1859 MS, Nannie TX, Carey, Carrie TOO DARK, Mary M 2 Jan 1898

1910 Coke Co., TX: Thomas I. 57, Priscilla 50, Nanney 28s, Maranda 12

1920 Coke Co: Priscilla P 60 MS Wd, Nannie E 38s TX, Marinda M 22, SIMS, John T 49 MS bro, Edward J 24 TX neph, Gladys J 16 niece


Beau Hicks cowboysandindians@Cox- 6/16/01

CM42 Martha Ann Mobley, b. 10/2/1878 Bronte, TX, d. 3/13/1965 Rotan, TX, bur. Fairview cem

m. Marian Delanie Hicks, b. 11/14/1878, d. 3/15/1951 Rotan, TX

CM421 Charlie Delanie Hicks, b. 3/24/1900 Floresville, Wilson Co., TX. D. 5/11/1991 Hawley, TX

m. Mary Jane Adams, b. 12/20/1906, d. 3/12/2001 Abilene, TX

CM4211 Charles Durward Hicks, b. 6/28/1942, d. 6/5/2001 Hawley, TX

m. 6/28/1942 Cambie Willerdine Williamson in Anson, TX, b. 11/25/1923

CM4212 Jessie Ray Hicks, b. 6/5/1926

m. 1/12/1945 June Leona, b. 7/26/1926

CM4213 Ila Chrystal Hicks, b. 6/14/1929

m. 7/20/1946 Phillip Eason Goodrum, b. 5/23/1928, d. 5/27/1995

CM4214 Carol Jane Hicks, b. 4/23/1933

m. Ray Howard

CM4215 Empress Ann Hicks, b. 10/22/1937

m. Austin Bagwell

CM4216 Leila Mary Hicks, b. 12/27/1939

CM4217 George Spearman Hicks, b. 6/6/1944

m. Sheri ____

CM4218 Thomas J. Hicks, b. 5/23/1948

m. Darlene ____

CM422 Elbert Hicks, b. 1902 TX

CM423 Emmett Hicks, b. 1904 TX

CM424 Infant HIcks, b. & d. 5/8/1907

CM425 Infant Hicks, b. & d. 5/8/1907

CM426 Ruby Hicks, b. 1909 TX

CM427 Eula Hicks, b. 1913 TX

CM428 Ray Hicks, b. 1915 TX

1910 Fisher Co: Marion D 31 LA, Martha 31 SC, Charley 10 TX, Elbert 8, Emmit 6, Ethel 2, Ruby 9/12

1920 Fisher Co: M.D. 41 LA, Martha M 41 SC, Charlie 19, Ellen 10, Ruby 10, Eula 7, Ray 5


Christie Coppedge ChristyCo@ 5/6/2000

CM43 Carrie B. Mobley, b. 9/7/1886, d. 3/29/1968 Merkel, Taylor Co., TX, bur. Fairview cem. Bronte, Coke Co., TX

m. ca 1909 Jesse Lewis Coppedge

CM431 Edna Coppedge, b. 1/10/1911, d. 12/10/1995

m. Duncan Terry

CM4311 Ira Lewis Terry, b. 2/21/1913, d. 12/10/1995

m. 3/6/1939 Annie Louise Hageman

CM4312 Iva Terry, b. 9/16/1916-7/d. 9/30/1989

m. (1) Eugene Glover

m. (2) W.O. Eubanks

CM4313 Jesse Allen Terry, b. 1/28/1921, d. 4/30/1992

m. 1/19/1957 Bonita Ann McCarson

1920 Fisher Co: Jesse L 31 TX, Carrie 33 TX, Edna 8, Ira 5, Ina 3 10/12


CM7 Jamima Bell Mobley (Jerimia), b. 6/28/1860 Winnsboro, Fairfield Co., SC, d. 11/17/1935 Magazine, Logan Co., AR, bur. Evans Cem.

m. (1) 1/2/1875 David Barker Floresville, Wilson Co., TX

m. (2) 6/26/1884 James Henry Whitehouse in Floresville, Wilson Co., TX, b. Robert Isle, Argyle, Yamouth, Nova Scotia. d. 9/29/1930 Haskell, OK, bur. Cowington, OK, son of Jacob Norman Whitehouse/Mary Susan Forbs

CM71 James Wilson Whitehouse, b. 2/24/1885 Marcelina, Wilson Co., TX, d. 1922 Odell, Mongtomery Co., AR

m. 9/23/1906 Osa Ellen Beam

CM72 Grace Lillian Whitehouse, b. 9/4//1886, d. 5/7/1989 Opportunity, WA

m. 2/ /1910 Reinhold N. Wenzig Harrison, ID

CM73 Mary Elizabeth Whitehouse, b. 9/24/1888 San Antonio, TX, d. 9/16/1928 bur. Fannin Co., TX

m. 8/14/1909 Dillard Haskell Sheffield Mt. Ida, Montgomery Co., AR

CM74 Clarence Sigmond Whitehouse, b. 4/22/1890 Marcelino, TX

CM75 Henry Loyd Whitehouse, b. 6/3/1893 Marcelina, TX, d. 7/20/1965 Kerrille, TX, bur Sunset Mem. Gdns, Odessa, TX

m. 1/16/1918 Cordelia Willhite Oden, Montgomery Co., AR

CM76 Bruce Thomas Whitehouse, b. 3/8/1897 Marcelina, TX, d. 10/9/1976 Wrightsville, GA, bur. Mt Gielead Prim. Bapt. Ch, Tennille, GA


CM8 Charley Stonewall Jackson Mobley, b. 8/11/1862 SC, d. 9/22/1922 Dickens Co., TX, both bur. Afton cem.

m. 10/9/1884 Nannie Ellen Jones Marclina, Wilson Co., TX, b. 7/31/1864 Lovoco Co., TX, d. 11/27/1950 San Saba Co., TX [dau. Maybra Madden Jones/Martha Ponton]

CM81 Addie Sue Mobley, b. 7/9/1885 Florisville, Wilson Co., TX, d. 1/31/1965 San Saba, TX

m. 12/25/1904 Andrew Jackson Todd Comanche, TX, b. 6/27/1880 McKinney, Collins Co., TX, d. 2/3/1968 San Saba, TX, son of James Johnson Todd/Rebecca Ann Stubbles

CM82 Robert Sherill Mobley, b. 10/8/1886 Wilson Co., TX, d. 7/4/1946 Littlefield, Lamb Co., TX

m. 7/24/1909 Bessie Dale Speights Post, TX, b. 2/25/1897 LA, d. 9/8/1973 Lubbock, TX, bur. Littlefield, TX; dau. of Joshua Speights/Ulah Mae Scott

CM83 Charles Jenkins Mobley, b. 11/10/1888, d. 1/31/1962 Clovis, NM both bur. Bovina, TX

m. 8/16/1911 Zula Inez Ball, b. 8/16/1898, d. 10/20/1980 Clovis

CM84 Henry Mabrey Mobley, b. 12/28/1889 Wilson Co., TX, d. 9/14/1940 Dimmitt, Castro Co., TX, bur. Hereford, TX

m. 3/20/1920 Gladys Estell Taylor, b. 2/13/1903 Comanche Co., TX, d. 1/2/1997 Hereford, Deafsmith Co., TX, dau. J. Tom Taylor/Margaret Lela Garrison

CM85 Thomas Andrew Mobley, b. 6/24/1891, d. 1/13/1964 Albuquerque, NM

m. 3/18/1913 Madie Margaret Montgomery Dickens Co., TX, d. Albq

CM86 Harvey Carrol Mobley, b. 1/20/1893, d. 10/15/1893

CM87 Artie Bell Mobley, b. 5/15/1898, d. 2/10/1989 Friona, Parmer Co., TX, bur. Roaring Spgs cem. Motley Co., TX

m. 12/30/1919 David Preston Smiley Dickens, TX, b. 6/4/1897 Henry Co., TN, d. 10/22/1964 Roaring Spgs, TX, son of Walter Sam Smiley/Martha Caldwell

CM88 Jesse Wallace Mobley, b. 8/30/1895/6 (1892), d. 7/10/1970 Albuquerque, NM

m. (1) Ruby Doyle

m. (2) Cordie Lee Buford

m. (3) Nina ____

m. (4) 1/27/1936 Vada Mae Tate in Tierra Amarilla, NM, b. 10/16/1919 Clovis, Quary Co., NM, d. 12/13/1980 or Prescott, AZ d/o Vernon Tate/Ada Cavender [m. (2) Jacob E. Johnson]

CM89 Eula Mae Mobley, b. 3/11/1900, d. 9/6/1967 Lubbock, TX [unm.], bur. Afton cem. Dickens Co., TX

CM8A Sadie Lee Mobley, b. 12/21/1902, d. 4/12/1993 Odessa, TX

m. (1) 3/21/1921 Lester Ethridge San Saba, TX, d. Clovis, NM

m. (2) John Stewart

CM8B Ruth Ellen Mobley, b. 12/19/1903, d. 12/2/1996 Odessa, TX

m. 7/14/1925 Frank Carol Miller Hereford, TX, d. 8/12/1958 bur. Floydada, TX

CM8C Joel Jones Mobley, b. 11/4/1905

[Note: children 1-9 b. Wilson Co., TX; A-C b. Comanche Co., TX]

1900 Wilson Co, TX: Charles 38 Sep 1862 SC, Nannie 35 Aug 1864 TX, Addie 14, Sherill 12, Charles J 11, Henry M 10, Thomas A 8, Jesse 4, Harvey B 2, Eula M 3/12


CM81 Addie Sue Mobley, b. 7/9/1885 Florisville, Wilson Co., TX, d. 1/31/1965 San Saba, TX

m. 12/25/1904 Andrew Jackson Todd Comanche, TX, b. 6/27/1880 McKinney, Collins Co., TX, d. 2/3/1968 San Saba, TX, son of James Johnson Todd/Rebecca Ann Stubbles

CM811 Cleo Bell Todd, b. 4/6/1906 Floyd Co., TX

m. (1) 10/8/1926 ____ Jones Brownwood, TX

m. (2) W. Longmire

CM812 Ellis Andrew Todd, b. 3/29/1907 nr Knowles, NM, d. 12/29/1972 Lubbock, TX

m. 3//31/1929 Minnie Lee Ward

CM813 Earl Jackson Todd, b. 3/29/1907, d. 5//25/1976 Bradley, TX

m. 1/31/1928 Opal Vardeman San Saba, TX

CM814 Plez Archie Todd, b. 5/29/1909

m. 5/12/1934 Adell Hopkins Abilene, NM

CM815 Alta Sue Todd, b. 9/8/1910

m. 6/8/1929 Albert Lewis San Saba, TX

CM816 James Charley Todd, b. 4/21/1912, d. 6/15/1951 Bradley, TX

m. 12/12/1947 Margie Borgman Lubbock, TX

CM817 Nannie Lois Todd, b. 12/18/1914

m. 6/19/1937 Floyd Oliver Brownwood, TX

CM818 Hazel Rebecca Todd, b. 4/27/1919 Carlsbad, NM

m. 7/8/1938 William Bogart San Antonio, TX

[Note: Children 2-7 b. Knowles, NM]


additional data Aubrey Mobley aubrey@ 5/12/2000


d/c Bessie Dale Speights-Mobley, b. 1891, d. 9/8/1973 Lubbock, TX, d/o Joshua Speights/Eula Mae Scott, owner motel, informer Iona Walker (dau)

CM82 Robert Sherill Mobley, b. 10/8/1886 Wilson Co., TX, d. 7/4/1946 Littlefield, Lamb Co., TX

m. 7/24/1909 Bessie Dale Speights Post, TX, b. 2/25/1897 LA, d. 9/8/1973 Lubbock, TX, bur. Littlefield, Lamb Co., TX; dau. of Joshua Speights/Ulah Mae Scott

CM821 Bessie Dale Mobley, b. 5/20/1910 Post City, TX, d. 5/28/1910

CM822 Otis Robert Mobley, b. 8/20/1912, d. 9/13/1976 Clovis, NM

m. Ora Bell Gibbs

CM823 Cecil Aubrey Mobley, b. 1/20/1915 Taylor Co., TX, d. 6/18/1978 Andrew, TX

m. 7/14/1934 Elizabeth Wright Alton, TX

CM8231 Aubrey Dale Mobley, b. 7/12/1935 Dickens Co. TX

m. Peggy Merle Caddell

CM82311 Randall Lee Mobley

CM82312 Robby Dale Mobley

CM82313 Beth Marlene Mobley

CM824 Lester Sherill Mobley, b. 6/12/1917 Brownfield, TX, d. 12/ /1973 NM

m. 12/11/1939 Gene Aldredge

CM825 Troy Charles Mobley, b. 5/6/1920 Alton, TX, d. 6/29/1965 CA

m. 6/20/1942 Josephine Ewing

CM826 Iona Naomi Mobley, b. 4/22/1922 Alton, TX, d. 5/21/1990 Lubbock, TX

m. 11/22/1941 Pierce Walker

CM827 Wanna Oveta Mobley, b. 2/18/1924 Alton, TX

m. 6/12/1943 C. C. Hunter

CM828 Archie Dale Mobley, b. 7/27/1925 Alton, TX, d. 12/ /1969 NM

m. Ramona Turner

[may belong in this line somehow]

WILLS POINT - Services for Luther G. Mobley, 82, Wills Point, are scheduled for 1 p.m. Saturday at Calvary Baptist Church, Simms, with the Rev. Ron Dummer officiating.

Burial will be in Old Union Cemetery, Simms, under direction of Hiett's LyBrand Funeral Home, Wills Point.

Mr. Mobley died Feb. 21, 2007, in Terrell.

He was born June 10, 1924, in Bagwell to the late Finis and Julia Bevel Mobley. He grew up and attended school in Hooks

He was preceded in death by daughters, Mary Joyce Mobley and Pamela Nell Mobley; brothers, Afton Mobley and Tini Mobley; and sister, Etta Mae Graham.

Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Margaret Sellers Mobley, Wills Point; son, James Mobley, Murfreesboro, Ark.; daughter, Ann Williams, DeKalb; brothers, Jack Mobley, Benton, La., and John Mobley, Simms; sister, Joyce Raines, Hooks; nine grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren


CM83 Charles Jenkins Mobley, b. 11/10/1888 Wilson Co., TX, d. 1/31/1962 Clovis, NM, both bur. Bovina, TX

m. 8/16/1911 Zula Inez Ball, b. 8/16/1898, d. 10/20/1980 Clovis

CM831 Macel Mobley, b. 1917 Bovina, TX

m. (1) 12/2/1934 Einor Sorknsen

m. (2) 6/11/1966 Glen Frazier

CM832 J. B. "Buck" Mobley, b. 9/ /1921 Bovina, TX

m. 7/18/1942 Elizabeth Mae Palmitier Clovis, NM

CM833 Novie Louise Mobley, b. 7/ /1923 Bovina, TX

m. Ian Henderickson

CM834 Erma Inez Mobley, b. 5/12/1926 Bovina, TX

m. Thomas Tunnell

CM835 Leonard DeLeon "Buddy" Mobley, b. 6/3/1928 Bovina, TX, d. 6/13/1989

m. (1) Trixie Georgie Flood

m. (2) Charlott Acock

CM836 Francis Juanita Mobley, b. Grady, NM

m. Joe Rodgers

CM837 Bonnie Jean Mobley, b. 5/ /1936 Clovis, NM

m. John Spearman

CM838 Evelyn Laverne Mobley, b. 6/7/1934 Clovis, NM

m. Bill Goldsmith

CM839 Orville Lee "Bea" Mobley, b. 11/21/1941 Clovis, NM, d. 12/28/1974 (unm.), bur. Bovina, TX


CM84 Henry Mabrey Mobley, b. 12/28/1889, d. 9/14/1940 Castro Co., TX, bur. Hereford, TX

m. 3/20/1920 Gladys Estell Taylor, b. 2/13/1903 Comanche Co., TX, d. 1/2/1997 Hereford, Deafsmith Co., TX, dau. J. Tom Taylor/Margaret Lela Garrison

CM841 Stafford Austin Mobley, b. 5/13/1927, d. 1/17/1977 Castro Co., TX bur. Hereford, TX [unm.]

CM842 Marguerite Ellen Mobley, b. 7/25/1924

m. 8/16/1947 Floyd Cole

CM843 Raymond Ruben Mobley, b. 725/1925

m. 3/ /1945 Hazel McMahon

CM844 Dorothy Loutta Mobley, b. 3/30/1928, d. 1/ /1997 Hereford, TX, bur. Midland, TX

m. 3/ /1967 Earl Reno, d. 1989

CM845 Doris LaNelle Mobley, b. 12/6/1937, d. 11/16/1988 Hereford, TX

m. 1955 D. C. Miller

CM846 Don L. Mobley, b. 7/20/1938

m. 1957 Judy Boothe


CM85 Thomas Andrew Mobley, b. 6/24/1891, d. 1/13/1964 Albuquerque, NM

m. 3/18/1913 Madie Margaret Montgomery Dickens Co., TX, d. Albq. NM, dau. Mary Jackson Montgomery

CM851 Opal Mobley, b. ca 1915 Wellington Co., TX

CM852 Arlis Raymond Mobley, b. Dickens Co., TX, KIA WW II

CM853 Charles Henry Mobley, b. Albuquerque, NM

CM854 Thomas A. Mobley, "


CM87 Artie Bell Mobley, b. 5/15/1898, d. 2/10/1989 Friona, Parmer Co., TX, bur. Roaring Spgs cem. Motley Co., TX

m. 12/30/1919 David Preston Smiley Dickens, TX, b. 6/4/1897 Henry Co., TN, d. 10/22/1964 Roaring Spgs, TX, son of Walter Sam Smiley/Martha Caldwell

CM871 Olive E. Smiley, b. 4/2/1921 Dickens Co., TX

m. 12/27/1942 William Meryle Massie Wilson Co., TX, b. 2/28/1915 Claude, Armstrong Co., TX, son of Jess D. Massie/Ora R. Hamilton

CM872 Goldie Lee Smiley, b. 10/23/1923, 2 daughters

m. 1/15/1947 Clark L. Sweeny San Diego, CA

CM873 David Preston Smiley, Jr., b. 10/3/1926, d. 12/13/1975 Friona, TX

m. Mary Dean Reynolds

CM874 Baby Boy Smiley, b. & d. 9/18/1929

CM875 Charley Walter Smiley, b. 10/20/1931, 1 son, 1 dau.

m. 4/24/1955 Susie Loreta Green

CM876 Thelma Lou Smiley, b.7/24/1934, d. 5/7/1993 Pecos, TX bur. Mt Evergreen Cem., 3 sons, 2 daus.

m. 1/18/1953 Melton L. Brantley Clovis, NM

CM877 Ronald Dean Smiley, b. 3/17/1938 1 son, 2 daus.

m. 12/8/1957 Melba Jean Bracken


CM871 Olive E. Smiley, b. 4/2/1921 Dickens Co., TX

m. 12/27/1942 William Meryle Massie Wilson Co., TX, b. 2/28/1915 Claude, Armstrong Co., TX, son of Jess D. Massie/Ora R. Hamilton

CM8711 Marcy Lynn Massie, b. 9/7/1945 Amarillo, Potter Co., TX, 1 son, 3 daus.

m. 12/29/1963 Richard G. Herring Friona, TX [divc]

CM8712 Betty Merylene Massie, b. 12/8/1949 Hereford, TX

m. 11/28/1974 David W. Towle

CM8713 Jaynette Lea Massie, b. 10/27/1952 Friona, TX

m. 8/10/1973 C. B. Looper, Jr. Friona, TX [divc]


addnl data Beau Hicks cowboysandindians@Cox- 6/16/01

CM88 Jesse Wallace Mobley, b. 8/30/1895/6 (1892), d. 7/10/1970 Albuquerque, NM

m. (1) Ruby Doyle

m. (2) Cordie Lee Buford

m. (3) Nina ____

m. (4) 1/27/1936 Vada Mae Tate in Tierra Amarilla, NM, b. 10/16/1919 Clovis, Quary Co., NM, d. 12/13/1980 or Prescott, AZ d/o Vernon Tate/Ada Cavender [m. (2) Jacob E. Johnson & had Kathryn Rene & Jane Ann Johnson]

CM881 Jewell Mobley, by #1

CM882 Dallas Diane Mobley by #4

m. ___ Luc

CM8821 Bryan Johnston

CM8822 Duane Johnston

CM8823 Lorriane Ann Bowman

CM883 Nickie Beth Mobley

m. William "Bill" Bertenshaw

CM8831 Craig Bertenshaw

CM8832 Kelly Bertenshaw

CM8833 Peter Bertenshaw

CM8834 Patrick Bertenshaw

CM884 Betty Joanne Mobley

met Donald Irving Grimes s/o Curtis Grimes/Jeanette Guthmann

CM8841 Delores Anne Grimes

m. John Clay Holzbach

CM8842 Michael Curtis Grimes

CM8843 Bob Evans

m. Crystal Marie Newsom

CM885 Judith Lynn Mobley 1 child

m. Mickey Smith

CM8851 Kristilyn Smith

CM886 David Mobley

CM887 Mark Lowwell Mobley

m. Terri White

CM8871 Amber Marie Mobley

CM8872 John David Mobley

CM888 Patricia Drew Mobley

m. ____ Bowers

CM8881 Jason ____

CM8882 Joshua Bowers

CM889 Kay Ellen Mobley, b. 5/13/1948, d. 3/13/1950


CM8A Sadie Lee Mobley, b. 12/21/1902, d. 4/12/1993 Odessa, TX

m. (1) 3/21/1921 Lester Ethridge San Saba, TX, d. Clovis, NM

m. (2) John Stewart

CM8A1 Floy Lee Ethridge, b. 5/23/1923 Spur, TX, d. 1979 Odessa, TX

m. 1941 William A. Baker "Bill" Belene, NM

CM8A2 Charles W. Ethridge, b. 9/29/1929 Delhart, TX, d. 11/29/1966 WY bur Odessa, TX

CM8A3 Lenora Lee Ethridge, b. 6/5/1925 Clovis, NM

m. (1) ____ Graham

m. (2) ____ Daniels

CM8A4 Ramona "Jackie" Ethridge, b. 12/29/1932 Clovis, NM

m. ____ Holt


CM8B Ruth Ellen Mobley, b. 12/19/1903, d. 12/2/1996 Odessa, TX

m. 7/14/1925 Frank Carol Miller Hereford, TX, d. 8/12/1958 bur. Floydada, TX

CM8B1 Madelyn L. Miller, b. 5/6/1925

m. (1) 6/ /1947 ____ Givens

m. (2) 4/ 1981 ____ Rhoads

CM8B2 Ben L. Miller, b. 12/28/1929 Bovina, TX, d. 1/7/1984 Amsterdam, NY, bur. Odessa, TX

m. 6/ /1960 Barbara Shultz

CM8B3 G. H. Miller, b. 9/11/1933

m. 5/8/1954 Lexie Ruth Jackson

CM8B4 Dolly Ruth Miller, b. 6/12/1938

m. (1) 1960 ____

m. (2) 12/ /1977 Odell Collins


Southern Illinoisan, Tuesday, October 21, 1997

Charles W. Mobley [about 64 – cancer of bone]

NEW HAVEN- Charles W. Mobley of Route 1, died Saturday, Oct. 18, 1997, in Ferrell Hospital in Eldorado (IL).

Services will be at 1 p.m in Watson Funeral Home in Eldorado, with the Rev. Jeff Rush officiating. Burial will be in Union Ridge Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Mr. Mobley was a member of Carmi Elks Club, Ridgway Masonic Lodge, Benton Yacht Club and New Haven American Legion.

Survivors include his wife, Janet (Gholson) Mobley of New Haven; one son, Scott Mobley of Omaha, Ill., one daughter, Candy Mobley of Marion; and one brother, Thomas R. Mobley of New Haven.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas and Reba (Wood) Mobley.


VIDALIA, GA -- Thomas Lee Mobley Jr., 31, died Nov. 4 at home. He was born in Toombs County.

SURVIVORS: his parents, Genett Mobley of Vidalia and Thomas Mobley Sr. of Reidsville; two sisters, Janet Mobley of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and Jennifer Mobley of Pompano Beach, Fla.; and three brothers, Julian and Jerald Mobley, both of Fort Lauderdale, and Jonathan Mobley of Vidalia.

FUNERAL: 2:30 p.m. today at Oakey Grove United Methodist Church in Johnson Corner, burial in Oakey Grove Cemetery in Lyons.


Unnamed Cemetery in Westminister, Carroll Co., MD

Robert L. Mobley 1875-1948

Daisy M. Mobley 1880-1974

Normon L. Mobley 9/13/1917-2/21/1918

Sterling L. Mobley 1918-1936

Evelyn L. Mobley 1922-1923

1900 Carroll Co., MD: Mobley, Robert Lee 24 Oct 1875 MD, Daisy M 19 Oct 1880 MD, Robert J.W. 1 Apr 1899

1910 Carroll Co: Robert L 34 MD, Daisy M 29 MD, Robert P 10, Charles W 8, Phillip B 7, Annie M 4, Carrole E 1 5/12 son, Jessie W. Weigh 71 FIL, Annie M 65 MIL

1930 Carroll Co: Robert L 54 MD, Daisy M 49 MD, Charles W 29s, Carroll E 21s, Treva L (f) 19, Daisy B 17, Howard H 15, Sterling L 10


T. E. Mobley married Hyley Elizabeth Nelson, daughter of Robert Nelson who was born and reared in Morgan Co., Alabama.

Source: Archives and Pioneers of Hunt Co., Texas, compiled by

Frances T. Ingmire, 1975, pg. 296


Source: History of LaGrange and Troup Counties, Georgia, Vol. V, 1993

1850 Troup Co. Census:

Jacob Mobley, 21, farmer, b. Georgia (pg. 276)

W.P. Mobley, 23, farmer, $800 real estate, b. Georgia, 4 slaves; Mary A. E., 19; William L.A., 1 (pg. 244)

William Mobley, 43, miller, b. South Carolina; Susan, 41, South Carolina; Eleanor, 14; Sarah, 12; Elizabeth, 10; William, 6; James M., 2; all children born in Georgia (pg. 244)

Wiley Mobley, 18, b. Georgia, overseer (pg 232)

Tilmon Reynolds, 47, planter; Elizabeth, 37; Mary, 16; Matilda H., 14; Martha J., 12; Sarah E., 8; Lucinda M., 3; Andrew Mobley, 19, b. South Carolina, farm hand; Eliza A. Mobley, 18, b. Georgia (pg 264)

Original Land Owners, Troup County: Edward Mobley from Liberty Co.(pg. 31)

1860 Troup Co. Census: (pg. 410)

James Mobley, 60, $100 pers. prop., b. Virginia; Eliza, 55,

Virginia; Sarah, 26, Ga.; Elizabeth, 18, Ga.; William, 19, Ga.; Madison,

18, Ga.; Mary J., 10, Ga.; no name, female aged 1, Ga.

W. Mobley, overseer, 36, Ga.; A., 29, f, Ga.; E, 9, m, Ga.; G., 8,

f, Ga.; K., 7, f, Ga.; L. or S., 6, m, Ga.; T, 4, f, Ga.; V., 2, m, Ga.

W. Mobley, farmer, 35, South Carolina; E., 30, f, SC; N., 8, m,

Ga.; O., 6, m, Ga.; S., 5, m, Ga.; ., 2, m, Ga.; Wiley, 1 mo., m. Ga

Wash/Wain Mobley, 31, farmer, $1000, $5000, Ga., 6 slaves; Mary

E., 28, Ga.; E. 11, m, Ga.; G., 9, m, Ga.; F., 6, f, Ga.; T., 3, f, Ga.

1850 Mortality Schedule for Troup Co.: William Mobley, 72, m, NC,

Dec 1849, widowed (pg. 308)

Wiley Mobley called for jury duty in Nov 1854; William Mobley called

for jury duty in 1855 (pg 492)

Family, Church and Community Cemeteries of Troup Co., Georgia, by

McClendon, Lambert, and Knight, LaGrange, 1990

Bass Cemetery (Marsh-Garner) (pg. 11)

Reuben Benny Mobley, 31 Oct 1898 - 5 Dec 1932

Sallie Mobley, 8 Oct 1875 - 28 Feb, 1944

Oscar L. Mobley, 29 Sep 1874 - 25 Jan 1916

Emmaus Church Cemetery, East Vernon Baptist Church (pg. 277-8)

Fannie C. Mobley, 1858 - 1904

Wiley S. Mobley, 10 Sep 1859 - 23 Aug 1931

Loutishie Mobley, 18 May 1896 - 27 Jun 1939

Elbert County, Georgia, Marriages: (from History of Elbert Co.,

Georgia, 1790-1935, John H. McIntosh, Atlanta, 1968)

Middleton Mobley and Nancy Cox, 18 Dec 1836 (pg. 258)

Elizabeth Mobley and James Anderson, 24 Dec 1818 (pg. 285)

from Marriages and Deaths, 1763-1820, Georgia, by M.B. Warren,

1968, Heritage Papers)

Miss Clarissa Mobley of Screven Co., and Alexander Spencer, Augusta

merchant, m. 1 Jan 1809 by Rev. John R. Thompson (pg. 108) [131131]

Martha Ann Mobley, 13 mo, 4 da, d. 10 Oct 1824, at Suggsville,

Alabama, only heir of William and Martha Mobley of Suggsville (pg. 89)

from Elbert Co., Georgia, Marriages, Joyce Hill Gossett:

Elizabeth Mobley and James Anderson, 24 Dec 1818

from Early Georgia Marriage Roundup:

Alex Mobley and Rebecca Fussell, 27 Dec 1856, Irwin Co. (pg 193)[133141]

Chapmin Mobley and Mrs. Angeline Melton, 8 Sep 1864, Walton Co., (pg. 406) [141611]

D.H. Mobley and Miss F.E. Blasingame, 7 Dec 1865, Walton Co., (pg. 406) [1416122]

George Mobley and Mary Granthan, 30 Aug 1835, Irwin Co. (pg. 193)

George C. Mobley and Sarah Granthan, 9 Nov 1848, Irwin Co., (pg. 193)

Henry C. Mobley and Rebecca W. Barrett, 4 Mar 1850, Walton Co.,

(pg. 406) [141617]

James L. Mobley and Mary T. Ammons, 14 Oct 1845, Walton Co., (pg 406)[141614]

John Mobley and Pircela Bryce, 8 Jul 1844, Irwin Co., (pg. 193)

Levi Mobley and Elizabeth Green, 4 Dec 1851, Stewart Co. (pg. 269)

Rutherford Mobley and Mary Lackey, 27 Sep 1849, Walton Co. (pg. 406) [141616]

Sampson P. Mobley and Lucy C. Hooten, 14 Apr 1829, Crawford Co.

(pg. 324) [1122B2]

Samuel I. Mobley and Frances L. Paxson, 5 Nov 1868, Walton Co. (pg 406) [1416141]

Thomas M. Mobley and Harriett Colman, 9 Jan 1838, Walton Co., (pg. 406) [141612]

William Mobley and Jane Dorminy, 16 Aug 1866, Irwin Co., (pg. 193) [1331441]

William Mobley and Sarah Rosser, 6 Jan 1831, Walton Co. (pg. 406)

from Colonial Georgia Marriage Records, 1760-1810, Frances T. Ingmire,


Lucrety Mobley and Marten Harden, 3 May 1806, Tattnal Co. (pg. 91)

Sarah Ann Mobley and Jesse Byrd, 26 Aug 1810, Tattnal Co., (pg. 91) [13316]

William Mobley and Susanna Edwards, 21 Oct 1810, Tattnal Co., (pg. 94) [13315]

from 40,000 Early Georgia Marriages, Maddox and Carter, 1976

Harris Co:

James M. Mobley (#144533) and Matilda Henry, 17 Sep 1847

(pg. 146)

John Mobley and Artmicia Purkins, 25 Dec 1843 (pg. 146)

Levi N. Mobley (#144531) and Susan R. Womack 10 Aug 1839

(pg. 146) [144531]

Levi W. Mobley and Jane A. Walker, 17 Jun 1851 (pg. 146)

Sarah B. Mobley (#144537) and Elisha H. Therkill, 25 Oct

1847 (pg. 150) [144537]


UNPLACED – data from Marion "Mack" Mobley 1/13/1998 & Jo Ellen Bartley 4/23/02

Wilkes Co., Ga. Superior Court minutes book.Tuesday morning 26th August 1779

State of Georgia


James Mobley

For high treason against the State, horsestealing, hogstealing, and other misdemeanors

We, the grand jurors for the county of Wilkes, in the State of the aforesaid on Our Oaths do present that James Mobley is Guilty of high treason against the state, and that he did steal, take & carry away a black horse the property of John Garnett of Richmond county some time in the month of June last past, and that he did also steal, take and carry away fifty seven head of hoggs the property of Robert Morgan some time in the month of December last, it being contrary to all alw and good government of the said state & to the Evil example of others.  John Dooly, Atty Genl. 26th Aug. 1779.

Evidence in behalf of the State - John Oneal, George Dooly, Robert Morgan, John Leggett, Sam'l Lamar.  The Grand Jury say the above is a true bill.  Stephen Heard, Foreman.

The Prisioner, James Mobley, was brought to the Barr Being Arraigned and charged with High Treason Vs. the State, Hogg stealing & other misdemeanors.  He pleaded the General Issue of Not Guilty and Put himself on God and  his country for Tryal.  The Pettit Jury was Duely sworn.  Francis Triplet and John Langford on the Pettit Jury in the room of Joseph Collins and John Oneal.  John Oneal, George Dewey and John Leget was Sworn to give evidence in behalf of the state against prisoner James Mobley at the Barr.  The Evidences on the Tryal of the Prisoner at the Barr was duely sworn, heard and examined the Presense of the Court and Jury.  The Jury Rec'd their charge and retired.

The Hon'ble Attorney in behalf of the state motioned to the Court that the Tryall of James Mobley should be reheard, as he could produce more evidence in behalf of the state to support the charge brought against him.  The court granted the request and ordered that he should be brought to the Barr Immediately.

Order'd by the court that all the prisoners under guard that is found quilty be brought to the Barr.  The prisoners found guilty being brought to the Barr where they received the following sentences of death by his Honour the Judge of Court to wit.

James Mobley, Dread Wilder, Joshua Rials, Clement Yarbrough, Edmond Downey, John Watkins, William Crutchfield and John Young to be taken from the Bar to the Guard from whence they came, and on Monday, the sixth day of September next, betwixt the hours of ten and twelve Oclock, they are to be hanged by the neck till their bodies are dead.



From Geo. Hill files ltr dtd 3/10/1964

Addnl data Betty Giblin 5500 Lennox Ave. #45, Bakersfield, CA 93309 805-631-8980 5/17/1998 jgiblinsr@bak.


Major Winfield Mobbley Sr., b. 1861 Greenville, Greene Co., TN, d. 1884 Van Buren, Crawford Co., AR

m. Mary Elizabeth Wright, b. 1865 Greene Co., TN

Major Winfield Mobbley, Jr., b. 1/13/1880 AR, d. 1/4/1932 Ponca City, OK killed by bull on dairy farm.

m. 1/7/1901 Rosetta E. Crow, b. c1881 IL

Father died when M.W.M. was infant and was only child of this marriage

1900 Sulphur Springs, Chickasaw Co: Nelson, EM 51 Jul 1848 SC, Moly? G 35 Jul 1864 TN (m. 16yrs), Lewis O 15 May 1885 AR, Thoms R 11 Mary 1889 IT, Wm M 6, Robert L 4, MOBERLY, Major W 19 Jan 1881 AR-AR-TN (step son)

1910 Pottawatomie Co: Mobbley, Major M 28 AR, Rosie E 29 IL, James R 7 OK, Loretta 5, S. John 3

James Arl Mobbley, b. 8/28/1902 Chickasaw, Grady, OK, d. 6/9/1951 Baldwin Park, LA, CA

Loretta Estelle Mobbley, b. 10/10/1904 Seminole, Seminole, OK

m. 1/13/1924 James Edward Saylor, Muskogee, Muskogee, OK

James Edward Saylor Jr.

Lillian Saylor

Teddy John Mobbley, b. 5/17/1907, d. 1/5/1963 Roswell, Chaves, NM

m. 1/23/1928 Nellie Scott Shawnee, Pottawatomie, OK

Bob Mobbley

Clyde Mobbley

Patsy Mobbley

Walter Mobbley

Tom Mobbley

Sue Mobbley

Billy Mobbley

Teddy John Mobbley Jr.

Margaret Mobbley, b. 12/16/1910 Shawnee, OK

m. 9/2/1925 Jim Marnie York Woodville, Marshall, OK

Fred York

Jim York

Leonard York

Betty Jo York

Urella Mobbley, b. 5/13/1913 Purcell, McClain, OK, d. 11/6/1989 Ponca City, Kay, OK

m. 1930 Fred O. Golay

Orla Lee Golay

Devon Golay

Nadine Golay

Leda Mae Mobbley, b. c1915, d. Lodi, San Joaquin, CA

m. Redford Hawkins

Peter Hawkins

Irma Jean Hawkins

Lewis Oliver Mobbley, b. c1918, d. Blythe, Riverside, CA

m. ____

Beatrice Mobbley



Data by Keith Burkhead kburkhea@ 4/8/1998

A. Robert Teasly Mobley, b. 3/15/1892 Mobile, AL, d. 1943 Prague, Lincoln Co., OK

m. Chessie Lavena Owens, b. 11/22/1871 AL, d. 1940 OK

A1. Carrie Elberta Mobley, b. AL

m. 10/15/1921 Heber Utah Martin, in Okemah, OK, d. Stockton, CA

date? A2. Verna Lee Mobley, b. 5/16/1886 AL, d. 4/4/1966

m. Charles Ernst

date? A3. Pearl May Mobley, b. 2/18/1898 AL, d. 3/ /1959

m. Uel Sheridan Martin

A4. Myrtle Mobley, b. 2/14/1903 AL, d. 1997 Prague, Lincoln Co, OK

m. John Heinzig

A5. Baxter W. Mobley, b. 3/4/1907 OK, d. 5//1995 Lake Isabella, CA

m. Opal Parks

A6. Nellie Leona Mobley, b. 11/25/1908 OK, d. 1986

m. Rollin Newell

A7. Orval Raymond Mobley, b. 6/9/1910 OK

m. Stella Dillion

A8. Verda Mobley, b. 4/6/1912 OK, d. 6/6/1998 CA

m. 1930 Robert Marshall, d. 1970

A81. Raymond Marshall, b. 12/1/1932

m. Patricia J. Davis, b. 1/16/1931 in Salinas, CA)

A811. Susan E Marshall, b. 5/19/1955 Lynwood, CA

A812. Linda D Marshall. b. 4/25/1958 Whittier CA

A813 Nancy K Marshall. b. 11/14/ 1959 Whittier CA

A9. Cecil R. Mobley, b. 11/8/1913 OK, d. 1979

A10. Jean Mobley, b. 6/23/1923 AL, d. 1989

m. Willilam Brauer

A101. Margie Brauer

A102. William Brauer

1910 Lincoln Co, OK:

Mobley, Robert 35 AL-AL, Jessie 38 AL, Vessie? 13 AL, Pearl 12, Jean (m) 9, Myrtle 7 OK, Corry 4, Baxter 3, Nellie 2, Marry 76 (says dau, maybe mother?)[9 children, 7 lvg]

1920 Pottawatomie Co., OK: Robert T 45 AL-AL, ----? D 46 AL, Della? B 18 AL, Carrie E 14 OK, Baxter W 12, Nellie L 10, Orval R 9, Virlie V 7, Cecil R 6


A1. Carrie Elberta Mobley

m. 10/15/1921 Heber Utah Martin, d. Stockton, CA

A11. Ethel Gene "Jean" Martin, b. 7/25/1924 Joplin, Jasper, MO, d. 4/22/1993 Battle Creek, Calhoun, MI

m. 8/25/1943 Laurence Allen Burkhead, b. 12/1/1913 Allegan, Allegan Co., MI, d. 1/28/2002 Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., MI

A111 Norman Ray Burkhead, b. 5/12/1945 Las Vegas, Clark, NV, d. 10/16/1946 Battle Creek, MI

A112 Gordon Douglas Burkhead, b. 9/2/1950 Battle Creek, MI

A113 Keith Lynn Burkhead, b. 5/5/1954 Battle Creek, MI

A12. Bobby Joe Martin, b. 12/13/1926 Prague, OK, d. 8/2/1969 Fresno, CA

m. 8/7/1948 Jean Martin

A13. Irma Lee Martin, b. 2/25/1929, d. 5/2/1986 Stockton, CA

m. James Powell


A2. Verna Lee Mobley, b. 5/16/1886 AL, d. 4/4/1966

m. Charles Ernst

A21. Walter Ernst, d. 1938

A22. Ralph Ernst


A3. Pearl May Mobley, b. 2/18/1898 AL, d. 3//1959

m. Uel Sheridan Martin, b. c1897 MO

A31. Vera A. Martin, b. c1916 OK

A32. Vivian A. Martin, b. c1918 OK

A33. Ray Martin

1920 Pottawatomie Co: Uel S 23 MO, Pearl M 21 AL, Vera A 4, Vivian A 2


A4. Myrtle Mobley, b. 2/14/1903 AL

m. John Heinzig

A41 Clyde Heinzig

A42 Harold Heinzig

A43 Lavonne Heinzig


A6. Nellie Leona Mobley, b. 11/25/1908 OK, d. 1986

m. Rollin Newell

A61 Jim Newell

A62 Fred Newell


ENGLEHART, Gladys (MOBLEY); 92; Sandston VA; Richmond T-D; 2003-2-23


data Dave Marlett marlett@ 5/13/98

a. Hanna Mobley

m. Samuel Hatton, Jr., b. 1834 s/o Samuel Hatton/Lucinda Allman

a1 Margaret Hatton

a2 Lovina Hatton

a3 Sarah Hatton

a4 John Hatton

a5 Samuel Hatton

a6 Hannah Hatton

a7 Phillip Hatton

a8 Elizabeth Hatton


data Dave Marlett marlett@ 5/13/98

a. Margaret Mobley

m. William H. Hatton, b. 1845, d. 1876

a1 Clarissa Hatton,

a2 Lucinda hatton

a3 Lovina Hatton


data Dave Marlett marlett@ 5/13/98

1870 Brown Co:

(Mobley, Fletcher(unreadable??) 24 OH, Elizabeth 23, William 10, Andrew 5, Margaret 2, Rachel 1 (very faint copy) Possible: I-?????11

a. Rachel Ann Mobley, b. 6/20/1869 Brown Co., IN, d. 3/6/1946 Brown Co., IN

m. 9/8/1889 James William Marlett, b. 9/20/1864, d. 8/11/1943 Brown Co. IN; s/o Norman Marlett/Martha Ann Kirts [all issue Brown Co., IN]

a1 George Marlett, b. 7//1890, d. bef. 4//1946

a2 Elizabeth Marlett, b. 10/15/1891, d. 4/11/1972

m. (1) Aretus Shepherd

m. (2) James M. Brown

m. (3) George K. Olmstead

a3 Ina Ethel Marlett, b. 9/27/1893

m. 11/10/1909 James Ayers

a4 Joseph Dolphin Marlett, b. 2/19/1895, d. 10/10/1965 Columbus, IN

m. 1/14/1920 Herma Elizabeth Chafin

a5 Ida M. Marlett, b. 1898, d. 3/16/1918

m. Thomas Melvin Greathouse

a6 John W. Marlett, b. 3/28/1900

a7 Icel Marlett, b. 10/28/1901, d. bef. 1943

m. Florence Hatton

a8 Ora J. Marlett, b. 11/24/1903, d. 12/12/1973 Thorntown, IN

m. Lillie May Carothers

a9 Gregg Marlett, b. 12/7/1906

aA Ruby Laverne Marlett, b. 10/26/1911

m. 9/21/1929 William David Harris


data Dave Marlett marlett@ 5/13/98

Ada Alice Mobley

m. Charles Murphy Hatton, b. 1884, d. 1946

Wilma Mobley

m. Ronald Keith Hatton, b. 1929 s/o James Oscar Hatton/Nora Aynes






1820 census Orange Co., IN

MOBLEY, Edward 00100 00200 0100

MEXICO. With 500 inhabitants, is located on Eel river and E. R. Div. W., St. L. & P. R'y, in Jefferson township, Miami county, IN

MOBLEY Reuben H, wagonmaker

1870 census Morgan Co. IN

MOBLEY, Maria 18 b. IN


1850 census Monroe Co., IN








MOBERLY, MARGARET 50 KY SALT CREEK #132 360 [wid. of Edward]

MOBERLY, JOSIAH 11 IND SALT CREEK #132 360 [22 1860 census p.749]

MOBERLY, THOMPSON 13 IND SALT CREEK #132 360 [not in 1860 census]

MOBERLY, NATHAN 15 IND SALT CREEK #132 360 [24 1860 p.778]

MOBERLY, CHARLES 16 IND SALT CREEK #132 360 [28 in 1860 p.779]


MOBERLY, ELIZABETH 45 KY [wid. of James] [not in 1860 census]






Dent Co., MO Marriages




BLM Land records

"Shirley Davis Warren" 2/7/2000


MOBLEY, ANDREW IN 07/01/1852 23131 IN2940__.019

MOBLEY, CHARLES IN 09/01/1856 24676 IN2960__.162

MOBLEY, CHARLES IN 09/01/1856 24677 IN2960__.163

MOBLEY, CHARLTON IN 05/01/1845 18754 IN2850__.213

MOBLEY, DRUREY IN 04/27/1825 1069 IN0220__.061

MOBLEY, ELIZABETH IN 05/01/1845 18754 IN2850__.213

MOBLEY, JAMES IN 05/01/1845 18754 IN2850__.213

MOBLEY, JAMES IN 08/02/1838 9659 IN2670__.121

MOBLEY, JOHN M IN 05/01/1845 18754 IN2850__.213

MOBLEY, LEVI IN 08/05/1837 11591 IN2060__.006

MOBLEY, LEWIS IN 12/05/1831 2402 IN0240__.379

MOBLEY, LEWIS IN 09/21/1835 5619 IN0310__.100

MOBLEY, MARGARET IN 01/15/1851 22689 IN2930__.130

MOBLEY, MILTON IN 05/01/1845 18754 IN2850__.213

MOBLEY, NELSON IN 01/15/1851 22571 IN2930__.017

(BLM Certificate # 22571 Nelson Mobley of Belmont Co., OH, purchased the land described as: The North half, of the North East Quarter of section 10, Township Eight North of Range Four East, from the Jeffersonville land sale in Indiana.)

MOBLEY, PLEASANT IN 05/01/1845 18754 IN2850__.213

MOBLEY, POLLY A IN 08/01/1839 20951 IN2240__.302

MOBLEY, WILLIAM IN 08/01/1839 14513 IN2760__.475

Parts Sec/

Blk Twnshp Range Fract.

Sect. Meridian State Counties Survey


1 SESW 9/ 8-N 1-E No 2nd PM IN MONROE

MOBLEY, WILLIAM IN 05/01/1845 18754 IN2850__.213

Parts Sec/

Blk Twnshp Range Fract.

Sect. Meridian State Counties Survey


1 SWNW 10/ 8-N 1-E No 2nd PM IN MONROE

Bureau Of Land Management - General Land Office Records


Accession/Serial #: IN2850__.213



Issue Date: 05/01/1845


served from Taney County MO in World War I

Moberly, William H. Day


23 May 1998 Betty York Mobley

James William Mobley d. Civil War

William Tyerrell Mobley b. 1/20/c 1859

Jesse Mobley


Nellie m. ? Collins

Ester m. ? Walker

Children of Wm. Tyerrell Mobley

Virgil Floyd Mobley m. Minnie Irene Marshall


Roy m. Velma Mobley?

Some of the above born in ILL. KY.& ARK.


ALFRED LOREN AVERILL, b. December 18, 1915; d. 1946; m. JOYCE MOBLEY, April 14, 1939.


Jefferson Kelley Francis Irena Mobley b: in Coffee County, AL, d: 1970 in Arkansas


MOBLEY - Sr., Clyde Rodney passed away of natural causes June 8, 1998. He was born October 9, 1927 in Florida. He retired from the Duval County School Board after 25 years of service. He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Mildred E. Mobley, four daughters and their husbands, Chris (Don) Salmon, Teresa (Gary) Loock, Dell (Robert) Greenfield, Sherri Coody, and two sons, L. Doyle (Marian) Mobley, and C. Rodney (Susan) Mobley, Jr. He is survived by twelve grandchildren and three great grandchildren, as well as three sisters and three brothers. Funeral services will be held 11:00AM Thursday, June 11, 1998 in the chapel of ARLINGTON PARK FUNERAL HOME, 6920 Lone Star Road with Dr. E. C. McDaniel officiating. Interment will follow in Arlington Park Cemetery.


Data Patricia Tanner/Sanders/Sullivan Orlando, FL 7/17/1998

Addendum Sue Mobberley Aysum 7/21/98

David Williams "The Family History Of The Mobberley Families Of Worcestershire And Staffordshire" 2A Stafford Road Artarmon NSW 2064 Australia 7/23/98


1. Raphe Mobberley, b. ca 1570, d. 1631 Old Swinford

m. 11/15/1599 _____

1a Elizabeth Mobberley

1b John Mobberley, b. 1600

m. 1644 Margaret _____


1b John Mobberley, b. 1600

m. 1644 Margaret ____

1b1 Isabelle Mobberley

1b2 Margaret Mobberley

1b3 John Mobberley


1b3 John Mobberley, b. 1648

m. 1677 Dorethill ____

m. 6/17/1698 _____

1b31 Jonathan Mobberley, b. 1677, d. 1711

1b32 Samuel Mobberley, b.1681, d. 1684

1b33 William Mobberley, b. 1683

m. 11/03/1705 Sarah Skelding

1b34 Jeremiah Mobberley, b. 1683, c. 1707

1b35 Isabel Mobberley, b. 1687

1b36 Samuel Mobberley, b. 1691


1b33 William Mobberley, b. 1683

m. 11/03/1705 Sarah Skelding Old Swinford

1b331 Samuel Mobberley, b. 1705, d. 1752

m. Sarah Chance

1b332 William Mobberley, b. 1707, d. 1707

1b333 John Mobberley, b. 1709, d. 1709

1b334 William Mobberley, b. 1710, d. 1790

m. 1/16/1733/34 Hannah Lane, b. 1/13/1705/06, d. 1766


1b331 Samuel Mobberley, b. 1705, d. 1752

m. Sarah Chance

1b3311 Edward Mobberley, c8/20/1746 Old Swinford, d. 3/25/1821, in 1758 apprenticed as a poor boy of the parish to his uncle Wm Mobberly/Hannah

m. 1/18/1769 Elizabeth Holloway

1b33111 Hannah Mobberley, c. 10/29/1769

1b33112 Mary Mobberley, c. 8/11/1771

1b33113 Sarah Mobberley, c. 8/1/1773

1b33114 Samuel Mobberley, c. 12/31/1775

1b33115 Edward Mobberley, c. 5/16/1779

1b33116 Elizabeth Mobberley, c. 6/20/1789

1b33117 Joseph Mobberley, c. 11/7/1790

1b33118 Nancy Mobberley, c. 11/7/1790

1b33119 Lucy Mobberley, c. 6/29/1799


1b334 William Mobberley, b. 1710, d. 1790

m. Hannah Lane, b. 1/13/1795/6, d. 1766

1b3341 Esther Mobberley 1735

1b3342 William Mobberley 1738-1804

1b3343 Elizabeth Mobberley 1744

1b3344 Mary Mobberley 1748


1b3342 William Mobberley, b. 1738, d. 1817

m. Ann Foley, b. 1736, d. 1804

1b33421 Sarah Mobberley, b. 1764, d. 1846 m. Henry Brooks

1b33422 Samuel Foley Mobberley, b. 1767, d. 1846

m. Nancy Ann Wooldridge

1b33423 Ann? Mobberley, b. b. 1769

1b33424 Ann Mobberley, b. 1771 m. John Pearson

1b33425 William Mobberley, b. 1774, d. 1/27/1844

m. Elizabeth Wooldridge

1b33426 Thomas Mobberley, b. 1776, d. 9/23/1841

m. Elizabeth Round

1b33427 Mary Mobberley, b. 1779 m. Thomas Freeman

1b33428 Benjamin Mobberley, c. 7/28/1782 Old Swinford, d. by 12/23/1844

m. (1) 9/1/1805 Honour Cook Welch Old Swinford, b. 1781, d. 1806

m. (2) 11/10/1806 Susanna Mogg in Halesowen, b. 1781, c.11/24/1782 at Brierley Hill, d. 1/23/1820, dau. Willm & Phoebe Mogg


1b33422 Samuel Foley Mobberley, b. 1767, d. 1846 Old Swinford

m. Nancy Ann Wooldridge

1b334221 Mary Mobberley

1b334222 Nancy Mobberley

1b334223 William Mobberley

1b334224 Priscilla Mobberley

1b334225 Elizabeth Mobberley, b. 1792, d. 8/04/1816

1b334226 Sarah Mobberley, b. 1796, d. 11/05/1814

1b334227 Samuel Mobberley, b. 1798, d. 2/11/1867

m. 5/23/1819 Ann Deeley at St Thomas Dudley, b. 1799, d. 2/11/1867

1b334228 Thomas Mobberley, b. 1799

m. 12/29/1823 Mary Ann Stanley at St Thomas Dudley

1b334229 John Mobberley, b. 1801, d. 9//1801

1b33422A Benjamin Mobberley, b. 5//1803, d. 11//1809

1b33422B John Mobberley, b. 1805, d. 1805

1b33422C Richard Mobberley, b. 1809, d. 1891

m. 11/03/1841 Eliza Hatton


1b33425 William Mobberley, b. 1774, d. 1/27/1844

m. 9/16/1799 Elizabeth Wooldridge, b 1776, d. 1/27/1844

1b334251 Sarah Mobberley, b. 7/30/1799, d. 8/17/1824

1b334252 Esther Mobberley, b. 12/23/1800, m. Obadiah Sidaway

1b334253 Hannah Mobberley, 10/28/1802, d. 4/12/1818

1b334254 Jane Mobberley, b. 4/26/1804, d. 2/02/1869

m. Joseph Wooldridge

1b334255 Enza (Henzey) Mobberley, b. 7/04/1805, d. 4/29/1862

m. Constantine Folkes

1b334256 Lucy Mobberley, b. 12/23/1806, d. 3/13/1877

1b334257 John Mobberley, b. 5/05/1808, d. 4/12/1837

1b334258 William Mobberley, b. 7/27/1809, d. 5/09/1810

1b334259 William Mobberley, b. 1810, d. 9//1854

m. 3/29/1835 Jane Brooks, b. 1818

1b33425A James Mobberley, b. 9/05/1811, d. 11//1880

m. Phoebe Chance, b. 1812, d. 4/27/1859

1b33425B Phoebe Mobberley, b. 1816, d. bef. 1841


1b334227 Samuel Mobberley, b. 1798, d. 2/11/1867

m. 5/23/1819 Ann Deeley at St Thomas Dudley, b. 1799, d. 2/11/1867

1b3342271 John Mobberley, b. 1820, d. 6/281831

1b3342272 Esther Mobberley,

1b3342273 Ann Mobberley,

1b3342274 Samuel Mobberley

1b3342275 Richard Mobberley, b. 1829

1b3342276 Charles Mobberley, b. 2//1831 Coalbournbrook, Staffordshire

m. Eliza ____, b. 1840 Weymouth, Dorset

1b33422761 Eliza M. Mobberley, b. 1871 Buckland Hampshire


1b334259 William Mobberley, b. 1810, d. 9//1854 Old Swinford (a Hammer Man)

m. 3/29/1835 Jane Brooks, b. 1818

1b3342591 William Mobberley

1b3342592 Hannah A. Mobberley

1b3342593 Thomas Mobberley, b. 1839

m. 4/25/1859 Betsey Newey Old Swinford

1b3342594 Mary Mobberley, b. 1841

1b3342595 David Mobberley, b. 9/08/1845

m. 12/25/1866 Anna Maria Farmer, at Amblecote Stourb, b. 2/11/1846

1b3342596 Jane Mobberley, b. 1848

1b3342597 Joseph Mobberley, b. 1850, d. 8/17/1851


1b3342595 David Mobberley, b. 9/08/1845

m. 12/25/1866 Anna Maria Farmer, at Amblecote Stourb, b. 2/11/1846

1b33425951 Joseph Mobberley, b. 2/28/1867, d. 1949 Winnipeg, Canada

m. Ruth (Phoebe) Wooldridge Silve, d. 1938 "

1b33425952 John Mobberley, b. 1870, d. bef 1949

1b33425953 William Mobberley, b. 1873

m. Eliza ____

1b33425954 Herbert Mobberley, b. 1877, d. bef. 1949

m. Eva ____

1b33425955 Florence Edith Mobberley, b. 1880

m. Arthur Bullock

1b33425956 Bess (Elizabeth?) Mobberley, b. 1882

m. Charles Simpkiss

1b33425957 David Mobberley, b. 1885 Lye, d. 1952 Lye

m. 12/23/1911 Ann Delahaye, b. 1889, d. 1970

1b33425958 Sarah Mobberley, b. 1889, d. 1940


1b33425951 Joseph Mobberley, b. 2/28/1867, d. 1949 Winnipeg, Canada

m. Ruth (Phoebe) Wooldridge Silve, d. 1938 "

1b334259511 Joseph David Mobberley, b. 11/02/1887, d. 1960

m. Polly ____

1b3342595111 Dorothy Mobberley

1b3342595112 Harold Mobberley, b. 1911

1b334259512 Unnamed Mobberley, b. & d. 4/18/1889

1b334259513 John Harold Mobberley, b. 6/24/1890, d. 11/5/1965 Winnipeg

m. Florence ____

1b334259514 Elsie Maude Mobberley, b. 9/24/1892, d. 1950

m. Chauncy (Chan) Frye

1b334259515 Ethel Madeline Mobberley, b. 12/29/1895, d. 8/19/1922

m. William Elder

1b334259516 Gertrude Mobberley, b. 4/8/1898, d. 1965

1b334259517 Thomas Henry Mobberley, b. 8/30/1901 Dudley, England, d. 1960

m. (1) Kathleen Mary (Kally)Munroe, b. 7/19/1904 London, UK, d. 1960

m. (2) (Dianne) Ruth Morag Martin

1b3342595171 Barbara Helen Louise Mobberley,b. 10/17//1937

1b3342595172 Thomas Munroe Mobberley, b. 9/11/1940

1b3342595173 Ruth Rene Mobberley, b. 4/25/1960 Port Arthur, On.

m. 8/23/1986 Steven Kenneth Schmitz, b. Wheaton, MN

1b33425951731 Devon Thomas Schmitz, b. 7/17/1987 Breckenridge MN

1b33425951732 Ruth Kaitlin Stefanie Schmitz, b. 12/28/1989 Wheaton, MN

1b33425951733 Peder E. Kenneth Schmitz, b. 10/18/1984 Wheaton, MN

1b334259518 William Herbert Mobberley, b. 10/18/1904 Birmingham Eng, d. 6/26/1988 Winnipeg

m. Marcella Buckham, b. 1909 Winnipeg, d. 12/ /2004 Winnipeg

1b3342595181 Terrance Mobberley, b. 1937

1b3342595182 Dale Mobberley, b. 1939

1b3342595183 John David Patrick Mobberley, b. 1947

1b3342595184 Janet Mobberley, b. 1952

1b334259519 Ernest Alfred Mobberley, b. 1/9/1907 Dudley, Eng., d. 4/4/1982 Winnipeg, Canada

m. 10/26/1940 Violet Mae Badley, b. 5/26/1909 Sydney, Manitoba

1b3342595191 Susan Ruth Mobberley, b. 6/27/1942 Winnipeg

m. 9/14/1963 Selim (Sal) Aysan, b. 1/1/1943 Mardin, Turkey

1b33425951911 Daniel Selim Aysan, b. 4/24/1968 Winnipeg

1b33425951912 Timothy Kemal Aysan, b. 3/27/1970 Winnipeg

1b33425951913 Sara Ruth Aysan, b. 10/28/1971 Winnipeg


1b33426 Thomas Mobberley, b. 1776, d. 9/23/1841

m. Elizabeth Round

1b334261 Mary Mobberley

1b334262 Hannah Mobberley

1b334263 Priscilla Mobberley

1b334264 Benjamin Mobberley

1b334265 Sarah ? Mobberley, b. 1802

1b334266 William Mobberley, b. 1806

1b334267 Samuel Mobberley, b. 1811

1b334268 Thomas Mobberley, b. 1815

1b334269 Joseph Mobberley, b. 7/24/1818 Stourbridge Engl, d. 12/19/1862 Australia

m. 10/20/1839 Harriet Davis, 10/31/1807 Alvechurch, d. 1880

1b33426A Caroline Elizabeth Mobberley, b. 1820


1b334269 Joseph Mobberley, b. 7/24/1818 Stourbridge Engl, d. 12/19/1862 Australia

m. 10/20/1839 Harriet Davis, 10/31/1807 Alvechurch, d. 1880

1b3342691 Caleb Mobberley, b. 10/22/1842 Kingswinford, d. 1892

m. Clara Spurway, b. ca 1849, d. 1888

1b3342692 Josuha Mobberley, b. 4/26/1844, d. 1912

m. Jane Beavis

1b3342693 Joseph Mobberley, b. 5/24/1846

m. 1/29/1870 Jane Stevenson, b. 11/25/1848

1b3342694 Thomas Mobberley, b. 5/26/1848

1b3342695 William Mobberley, b. 5/26/1848

1b3342696 Edwin Mobberley, b. 3/19/1850, d. 1900

m. 1876 Jane Menzies, b. Kingswinford?


1b3342691 Caleb Mobberley, b. 10/22/1842 Kingswinford, d. 1892

m. Clara Spurway, d. 1888

1b33426911 Albert Ernest Mobberley, b. ca 1870

1b33426912 George Thomas Mobberley, b. ca 1872

1b33426913 Lydia Mobberley, 1874

m. Charles Dutton issue: Lilian Irene, Herbert George & Harold Geoffrey

1b33426914 Joseph Henry Mobberley, b. ca 1877

1b33426915 William James Mobberley, b. ca 1879, d. 1880

1b33426916 William Edward Mobberley, b. ca 1881


1b3342693 Joseph Mobberley, b. 5/24/1846 Kingswinford, d. Ballarat

m. 1/29/1870 Jane Stevenson, b. 11/25/1848, d. Sydney, Aust.

1b33426931 Ada Elizabeth, b. 11/29/1870

1b33426932 Edwin Mobberley, 9/29/1873

1b33426933 Alice Stevenson Mobberley, b. 9/10/1874

1b33426934 George Herbert Mobberley, b. 6/8/1877 Ballarat, d. 12/29/1943 Milford, New Zealand

m. 1904 Mary Louise Liddell Port Chalmers

1b33426936 Agnes Maude Mobberley, b. 11/14/1880

1b33426936 Lydia Harriet Mobberley, b. 9/14/1883

1b33426937 Mable Jane Mobberley, b. 6/14/1886


1b33426934 George Herbert Mobberley, b. 6/8/1877 Ballarat, d. 12/29/1943 Milford, New Zealand

m. 1904 Mary Louise Liddell Port Chalmers

1b334269341 Kenneth George Mobberley, b. 1904, d. 9/23/1058 Auckland

1b334269342 Phylis Mobberley, b. 1908

1b334269343 James Edward Mobberley, b. 1914, d. 12/11/1968


1b3342696 Edwin Mobberley, b. 3/19/1850, d. 1900

m. 1876 Jane Menzies, b. Kingswinford?

1b33426961 Harriet Jane Mobberley, b. ca 1877

1b33426962 Martha Robinson Mobberley, b. ca 1878

m. 1925 Ernest James Williams

1b33426963 Joseph Mobberley, b. ca 1879

1b33426964 Ruthven Richard Mobberley, b. ca 1881, d. 1962

m. Blanche Harriet Anthony, b. ca 1888, d. 1973

1b33426965 Archibald James Mobberley, b. ca 1882, d. 1883


1b33428 Benjamin Mobberley, c. 7/28/1782 Old Swinford, d. by 12/23/1844

[will probated Highman's Green] was a brickmaker

m. (1) 9/1/1805 Honour Cook Welch Old Swinford, b. 1781, d. 1806

m. (2) 11/10/1806 Susanna Mogg in Halesowen, b. 1781, c.11/24/1782 at Brierley Hill, d. 1/23/1820, dau. Willm & Phoebe Mogg [mother of first 8 children]

m. (3) 10/7/1821 Martha Taylor at Kingswinford, c. 4/14/1800 Old Swinford, d. 11/15/1849 Pittsburgh, PA, dau. Samuel Taylor/Ann Pugh [mother of 9-J]

1b334281 William Mobberley, b. 1806

m. Eleanor ____

1b334282 Hannah Mobberley, b. 1807

1b334283 Ann Mobberley, b. 1808

1b334284 John Mobberley, b. 1810

1b334285 Prissila Mobberley, b. 1812

1b334286 Sarah Mobberley, b. 1815

1b334287 William Mobberley, b. 1816

1b334288 Samuel Mobberley, b. 1817

1b334289 Thomas Mobberly, b. 9/4/1824 Stourbridge, Worcester, Eng., baptisted 10/9/1836 Kingswinford

m. 10/8/1846 Ellen Chadwick, Trinity Episcopal Ch. Allegheny City, PA, b. ca 1827 England dau of George & Catherine Chadwick

1b33428A Benjamin Mobberley, b. 8/29/1826

m. Harriett ____

1b33428A1 Benjamin Mobberley, b. 1864 Glamorgan?, lvd Alleghany City, PA

1b33428B Noah Mobberley, b. 7/8/1829 England, d. 12/13/1916 Covington, Kenton Co., KY, d. aft 1910 (immigrated to U.S. in 1840)

m. Rebecca Williams

1870 Campbell Co: Mobberley, Noah 44 England, lvg w/ Fred Tinker

1900 Kenton Co: Mobberly, Noah 74 b. Feb 18??, Divcd, living alone, Immigrated 1844, lvg U.S. 56 yrs, not naturalized

1910 Kenton Co: Noah 77 Wd Eng, Inmate County Infimary, year of immagration 1840

1900 Campbell Co: Mobberley, Rebecca 63 Feb 1838 NY-Eng-Eng (mother in law lvg w/ Klahammer, Charles? & Rebecca)

1b33428B1 Martha E. Mobley, b. 7/28/1855 Covington, Kenton Co., KY

1b33428C Mary Mobberley, b. 3/8/1833, d. 2/13/1913 Zanesville, Muskingum Co., OH

m. Benjamin ____

1b33428D Sarah Mobberley, b. 3/10/1835

m. Charles Downton, d. Covington, KY

1b33428E John Mobberley, c. 1/22/1838 Old Swinford, d. young

1b33428F Richard Mobberley, c/ 8/11/1839 ", d. Covington, KY

m. Mary ____

1b33428F1 Mary Mobley, b. 1863 KY

1b33428F2 Johanna Mobley, b. ca 1865 “

1900 Kento Co: Mobberly, Johanne 32 Feb 1878 KY-Eng-Ire, William 25 Aug 1874 (brother), Lizzie 23 Oct 1876 (sister), Nellie 20 Aug 1880 (sis), Sadie 17 Feb 1883 (sis)

1b33428F3 Emma Mobley, b. ca 1868 “

1b33428F4 Maggie Mobley, b. ca 1870 “

1b33428F5 Willie Mobley, b. ca 1873 “

1b33428F6 Lizzie Mobley, b. ca 1875 “

1b33428F7 Ella Mobley, b. ca 1877 “

1880 census Covington, Kenton Co., KY

Mobley, Richard, 33, Wks Rolling Mill, b. England, Mary 35 b. Ireland, Mary 17 KY, Johanna 15 KY, Emma 12, Maggie 10, Willie 7, Lizzie 5, Ella 3

1b33428G John Mobberley, b. 9/20/1840 Brierley Hill, England, d. 3/13/1919 Duquesne, Allegheny Co., PA bur. Evergreen cem Newport, KY [raised by Park family after death of mother in 1849] 9 children

m. 8/7/1862 Harriet Williams in Brownstown, Cambria Co., PA, b. 1/ /1843 NJ

1b33428G1 Clara Mobley, b. ca 1863 Covington, KY

1b33428G2 Fanny Mobley, b. ca 1865 “

1b33428G3 Minnie Mobley, b. 1/ /1867 “

m. ____ Jones

1b33428G4 William Mobberly, b. ca 1869 Covington, KY, d. bef 1930 census

m. Katie E. ____, b. 9/ /1874 OH

1b33428G41 Willa Mobberly, b. 4/ /1896 OH

1b33428G42 Clifford Mobberly, b. 1/ /1898 OH

1b33428G43 Charles Mobberly, b. c1898 OH

1900 Hamilton Co., OH: Mobberly, William 30 Sep 1869 KY, Katie E 25 Sep 1874 OH, Willa 4 Apr 1896 OH, Clifford 2 Jan 1898

1910 Hamilton Co: Mobberley, William 41 KY-Eng, Kate 35 OH, Nella 14 OH, Clifford 12, Charles 7

1920 Hamilton Co: William F 50 KY-KY, Kate E 44 OH, Charles 16 OH, Willa M 23s, Elizabeth H 9, Sarah M 7, Hannah Miller 52s (cousin)

1930 Hamilton Co: Mobberly, Kate E 53 OH wid, Sarah M 17 KY, Elizabeth H 19 OH, Charles W 26, Willa M 33

1b33428G5 Lynn Mobley, b. 10/ /1874 “

1920 Hamilton Co: Mobberley, Linn H 45 KY-Eng, Bertha 40 OH, Mildred 6 TX, Carabel 3 7/12 TX, Emily Emmett 86 Wd Eng (MIL)

1b33428G6 Hattie Mobberly, b. 8/ /1880 KY

1b33428G7 Thomas Clifford Mobberley, b. 9/5/1881 KY, d. 4/8/1971 Cincinnati, OH

m. Margaret ____, b. c1888 OH

1b33428G71 Robert J. Mobberley, b. c1914 OH

1920 Hamilton Co: Mobberly, Thomas 38 KY-Eng, Margaret 32 OH, Robert J 6 OH, Margaret 1 10/12, Thomas 3/12

1930 Hamilton Co: Mobberley, Thomas C 48 KY, Margaret 42 OH, Robert J 16 OH, Margaret E 13, Thomas W 10

1b33428G72 Margaret Elizabeth Mobberley, b. 1918

m. ___ Stoops M.D., b. 1918 lvd Wabash, IN

1b33428G73 Thomas W. Mobberley, b. c1920 OH


1880 census Covington, Kenton Co, KY

Mobeley, John, 39, Wks Roll Mill, b. England, Harriet 37 NY, Clara 17 KY, Fanny 15 KY, Minnie 13 KY, William 11 KY, Lynn (Son) 5 KY

1900 Hamilton Co., OH: (Cincinnati) Mobberly, John 59 Sep 1840 Eng, Harriet 57 Jan 1843 NJ, Minnie Jones 33 Jan 1867 KY (dau), Linn (m) 25 Oct 1874 KY, Hattie 19 Aug 1880 KY, Clifford 18 Sep 1881 KY

1910 Hamilton Co: John 69 Eng, Harriet 67 KY, Clifford 38s KY (one other 42 yr too faint)


[9-J all baptised same time at Old Swinford 10/9/1836]

Benj. Will dated 11/13/1844, proved 12/23/1844 left to wife until death or remarriage, then to be auctioned and divided to: Honor Hill, wife of Thomas; Priscilla Hughes w/o Benjamin; William, Thomas, Benjamin, Noah, Mary, Sarah, John & Richard.


1b334281 William Mobberley, b. 1806

m. 11/15/1820 Eleanor ____

1b3342811 Thomas Mobberley, c. 10/21/1821 [mother Elleanor]

m. Amelia Field

1b3342812 Edwin Mobberley, c. 2/22/1824

1b3342813 Honor Mobberley, c. 4/16/1826 [mother Ellen]

1b3342814 Helen Mobberley, c. 1/18/1829

1b3342815 Susanna Mobberley, c. 6/26/1831 [mother Ellen]

1b3342816 Elijah Mobberley, b. 1837, c. 7/16/1837

m. 9/21/1857 Matilda Stafford


1b3342816 Elijah Mobberley, b. 1837, c. 7/16/1837 Lye Stourbridge

m. 9/21/1857 Matilda Stafford

1b33428161 Elijah Mobberley, b. 1870

1b33428162 Major Mobberley, b. 1874

1b33428163 Alice Amelia Mobberley, b. 1878

1b33428164 Ellen Mobberley, b. 1880


1b334289 Thomas Mobberly, b. 9/4/1824 Stourbridge, Worcester, Eng., baptisted 10/9/1836 Kingswinford

m. 10/8/1846 Ellen Chadwick, Trinity Episcopal Ch. Allegheny City, PA, b. ca 1827 England dau of George & Catherine Chadwick

Thomas came to the U.S. with his mother Martha and younger siblings after the death of his father in 1844. Martha died in Pittsburgh on 15 Nov 1849. It appears that Thomas and his brother Benjamin returned to England after the death of their mother and lost touch with their younger siblings in the US.

Thomas appears on the 1851 census in Dudley Worcester and married twice more. William Thomas was left behind (did his mother Ellen also die?) and became a ward of his mother's younger brother John Chadwick.

Sue Mobberley Aysan

1b3342891 William Thomas Mobberley, b. 4/13/1847 Pittsburgh, PA [or Allegheny City], d. 6/4/1916 Pittsburgh, PA, both bur. Union Cem. in West View, PA

m. Rachel Taylor, b.3/28/1848 England, d. 7/31/1935 Parma Heights, OH; dau. of James Taylor/Betty Mills of Heywood, Lancashire, England, to Pittsburgh ca 1856-58. Grandparents William/Betty Taylor & Abraham Mills/Rachel Ashworth

Rumored that Wm T. Mobberley was born into a Chadwick family, that his father may have died young, and that his mother married a man named Mobberley who had emigrated from England. That he worked for Westinghouse and was instrumental in the development of the air brake. Sue.

1860 Alleghany Co., PA Moberly, William Thomas 13 PA w/ John & Harriet Chadwick

1870 Alleghany Co: Moberly, William 22 PA, Rachel 21 Eng

1880 Alleghany Co: Moberly, William T 31 PA-Eng-Eng, Rachael 31 Eng, Annie 8 PA, John 7, Eugene 5, Jessie M (f) 10/12

1910 Alleghany Co: Moberly, William 62 PA, Rachel 60 Eng, James 23 PA, Harrison? 21, Jessie M (f) 29

1920 Alleghany Co: Mobberly, Rachael 71 Eng, wid, immigrated 1865, UJene 44 PA, Ralan---le? (wife) 43 PA

1920 Alleghany Co: Mobberley, Rachel 82 PA-Eng-Eng, MIL W/ Charles J. Kopphahn 3 & Anna 58

1b33428911 Annie Mobberley, b. 10/1/1871 Allegheny City, PA

m. Edward Kapphan

1b334289111 Charles Kapphan

1b33428912 John Taylor Mobberley, b. 10/22/1873 Allegheny City, PA, d. 12/31/1938 Rosedale, PA

m. Eva Gertrude Williams, b. 1875 Bakerstown, PA, d. 1924 Wash D.C.

1920 Alleghany Co: Mobberley, John T 47 PA, Eva 46 PA, John C 14, Florence G 10, Lillian 5 8/12, Roy C 2 4/12

1b334289121 John Clarence Mobberley, b. 1/8/1905 Wilkinsburg, PA. d. 10/14/1983 Arlington, VA

m. (1) Anna Brock Smith, b. 12/5/1914 SC, d. 8/1/1975 Wash D.C.

m. (2) Helen May Kidwell, b. 7/21/1907 Fairfax, VA, d. 1/23/1988 Arlington, VA

m. (3) Marge Demory, b. 2/3/1918 Wash D.C.

1b3342891211 Helen Jeanne Mobberley, b. 12/27/1926 Arlington, VA

m. Earl Langenbeck, b. 12/15/1923 St. Louis, MO, d. 2/23/1986 Silver Spgs, MD

1b33428912111 Kay Allison Langenbeck, b. 1/3/1952 Wash D.C.

m. Penn Avera, b. 1/18/1948

1b334289121111 Lauren Amanda Avera, b. 9/21/1981 Philadelphia

1b334289121112 Ashley Eleanor Avera, b. 2/5/1984 Houston, TX

1b3342891212 John Calvin Mobberley, b. 3/16/1929 Arlington, VA

1b3342891213 Beverly Elise Mobberley, b. 3/9/1944 Wash D.C.

m. Miltiades Yiangos Yiasemides, b. 8/5/1945 Norphou, Cyprus

1b33428912131 Tanya Elise Yiasemides, b. 9/5/1969 Fairfax, VA

1b33428912132 John Kison Yiasemides, b. 3/30/1973 Fairfax, VA

1b334289122 Florence G. Mobberley, b. 5/5/1909 Wilkinsburg, PA, d. 5//1959 Pittsburgh, PA

1b334289123 Lillian Mobberley, b. 4/4/1914 Wilkinsburg, PA

m. Ralph Willfinger, b. 10/11/1914 Homestead, PA, d. 12/14/1974 Pittsburgh, PA

1b334289124 Roy Joseph Mobberley, b. 8/1/1917 Wilkinsburg, PA

1b33428913 Eugene Mobberley, b. 7/9/1875 Allegheny City, PA, d. 3/9/1952 McKees Rocks, PA

m. Clara C. Drummell, d. 7/18/1956 Coraopolis, PA

1930 Alleghaney CO; Mobberly, Eugene 50 PA, Clara 49 PA

1b33428914 Jessie May Mobberley, b. 9/3/1879 Galesburg, IL, d. 8/3/1928 Pittsburgh, PA

m. Neal Stewart

1b33428915 Benjamin Greeves Mobberly, b. 4/1/1881 Allegheny City, PA, d. 6/18/1956 Plant City, FL

m. Phoebe Lingstran Alberta, Canada, b. 11/28/1891 IA, d. 5/16/1951 Plant City, FL

1b334289151 Dorothy May Mobberly, b. 1/20/1912 Atwater, OH, d. 6/29/1998 Orlando, FL

m. William Pete Baggett, b. 9/17/1913

1b334289152 Grace Viola Mobberly, b. 8/11/1914 Atwater, OH

m. (1) Matthew V. Tanner, b. 7/31/1906

m. (2) Ray Sullivan Hurn, b. 6/8/1914

1b3342891521 Patricia Louise Tanner, b. 10/6/1934 Plant City, FL

m. (1) 6/23/1950 James Perry Sanders, b. 12/6/1931, d. 11/24/1960, son of Gordon Grover Sanders/Mattie Hollenbeck

m. 2/8/1968 William Arthur Sullivan, 10/31/1935, d. 5/28/1982 son of Wm. Taft Sullivan/Flonnie Frances Sullivan [1st cousin of Wilson, Johnson Co., NC]

1b33428915211 James Perry Sanders Jr., 4/28/1957, d. 3/7/1984

m. 1991 Rhonda Kaye Reems, b. 3/30/1955

1b33428915212 Thomas Grover Sanders, b. 2/28/1959

m. 1989 Sue ____

1b334289152121 Shanottele Ann Sanders, b. 10/28/1979

1b334289152122 Shan Grover Sanders, b. 1/6/1980

1b33428915213 Teresa Lynn Sanders, b. 4/25/1961

m. Charles Eubanks, b. 1/28/1958

1b334289152131 Charles Michael Eubanks, b. 10/10/1981

1b334289152132 James Edward Eubanks, b. 9/7/1983

1b334289152123 Joshua Wesley Eubanks, b. 1/14/1986

1b33428915214 William Joseph Sullivan, b. 4/9/1962

1b33428915215 William Patrick "Dink" Sullivan, b. 2/28/1967

m. Lynn Marie Givens, b. 3/15/1965 [div]

1b3342891522 Ray Sullivan Hurn, Jr., b. 8/15/1945

m. Carol Suannigan

1b33428915221 Arlene Hurn, b. 1980

1b33428915222 Ray Sullivan Hurn III, b. 1982

1b3342891523 Edward Benjamin Hurn, b. 5/24/1952

m. Catherine Metts

1b33428915231 Blair Hurn, b. 1983

1b33428915232 Stacey Hurn, b. 1986

1b334289153 Virginia Marie Mobberly, b. 7/28/1917 Richmond, VA, d. 7/24/1997 Orlando, FL

m. Frank E. Wise

1b3342891531 Frank E. Wise, Jr., b. 8/28/1942, d. 5/16/1989

1b33428915321 Nannette Wise

1b33428915332 Michelle Wise

1b33428915343 Tammy Wise

1b334289154 Flornea Mobberly, b. 6/4/1920 Plant City, FL

m. (1) Jack Lono, b. 1920 Horse Cave, KY

m. (2) George Alnwick, b. 1/31/1903 New York, NY, d. 2/28/1985 Leesburg, FL

m. (3) Charles White, b. 12/27/1913 Acme, NY

1b3342891541 David Greeves Lono, b. 10/30/1940 Hilliard, Fl

m. Carol ____

1b33428915411 Kimberly Ann Lono, b. 5/15/1966

m. John Luka, b. 2/23/1964

1b334289154111 James Vincent Luka, b. 2/14/1989

1b33428915412 David Michael Lono, b. 1971

1b33428915413 Kelly Sean Lono, b. 1974

1b3342891542 Dona F. Lono, b. 6/22/1942 Lakeland, FL


1f. James Chadwick Mobberley, b. 3/23/1886 Allegheny City, PA. d. 10/26/1972 Parma, OH

m. (1) Maria (Mary) Yockus, b. Germany, d. 1917

m. (2) 12/26/1920 Hilda Dean, b. 2/25/1891 Manchester, England, d. 4/10/1924 Cleveland, OH

m. (3) Anna Graham, d. 1969

1f1 Ruth Virginia Mobberley, b. 9/22/1912 Pittsburgh, PA

m. Edward G. Scott, d. Parma Heights, OH

1f2 Helen Mary Mobberley, b. 6/1/1915, d. 9/13/1918 Pittsburgh, PA

1f3 David George Mobberley, b. 10/18/1921 [of #2]

m. 12/25/1946 Marjorie Eleanor Garfield, b. 9/28/1924 Longview, TX

1f31 Lynne Ellen Mobberley, b. 9/22/1949 Lakewood, OH

m. 2/12/1972 James Wesley Deming, b. 9/28/1924 Longview, TX

1f311 David James Deming, b. 1/7/1979 Atlanta, GA

1f312 Daniel Ray Deming, b. 2/15/1981 Nashville, TN

1f32 James Carlton Mobberley, b. 6/10/1954 Des Moines, IA

m. (1) 5/5/1988 Laura Bowen Prange, b. 8/24/1955 Chapel Hill, NC

m. (2) 6/3/1989 Laura Susan Moore, b. 7/13/1958 K.C., MO

1f4 Mildred Jean Mobberley, b. 1/14/1923 Cleveland, OH, d. 2.9/1972 Medina, OH

m. Donald Vickers, b. 5/31/1921 Cleveland, OH

1f41 Bruce Wayne Vickers, b. 1/13/1946 Cleveland, OH

m. (1) Joyce Josephine Yakos, b. 12/26/1942 Euclid, OH, d. 8/6/1979 Elizabethtown, KY

m. (2) Elizaabeth Geraldine Coffman, b. 4/5/1953 Ft Knox, KY

1f411 Amy Jean Vickers, b. 12/16/1975 Cass City, MI

1f412 Ann Taylor Vickers, b. 2/2/1979 Elizabethtown, KY

1f42 Bonnie Lee Vickers, b. 12/29/1948

m. 9/15/1975 Steve N. Adams, b. 5/30/1953 Cleveland, OH

1f421 Sharon Lorraine Adams, b. 12/29/1978 Medina, OH

1f422 Joel David Adams, b. 5/26/1982 Kitchener, Ont. Canada

1f423 Daniel Brian Adams, b. 4/24/1984 Kitchener, Can.

1f43 Barbara Jean Vickers, b. 2/27/1951 Cleveland, OH

m. 6/18/1971 Theodore Charles Warholic, b. 8/6/1950 Cleveland, OH

1f431 Lynne Ann Warholic, b. 5/11/1973 Berea, OH

1f432 Laura Jean Warholic, b. 4/3/1975 Medina, OH

1f44 Brian Donald Vickers, b. 12/4/1953 Medina, OH

m. 9/25/1976 Irene Frances Volk, b. 3/2/1955 Medina, OH

1f441 Benjamin Brian Vickers, b. 10/6/1982 Medina, OH

1f442 Collin Michael Vickers, b. 10/13/1984 Medina, OH

1f443 Jordan Thomas Vickers, b. 2/11/1987 Medina, OH

1f5 Robert Earl Mobberley, b. 10/15/1924 Cleveland, d. 7/10/1933 Cleveland, OH


1g. Andrew Harrison Mobberly, b. 10/22/1888 Allegheny City, PA, d. 12/6/1960 Coraopolis, PA

m. Catherine Francis Hendricks, b. 6/21/1894 Glenfield, PA, d. 5/2/1972 Coraoopolis, PA

1920 Alleghany Co: Mobberley, Andrew H 31 PA, Catherine H 26 PA, Anna C 8, Jessie A 4, Ruth E 3, Gertrude M 2, Rachel H 1

1930 Alleghany Co: Mobberley, Andrew H. 42 PA, Catherine T 36 PA, Anna 15, Jessie (f) 14, Ruth 13, Gertrude 12, Rachel 11, Albert 9, Roy 8, Grace 5, Grover 4 1/12 “

1g1 Anna Catherine Mobberley, b. 11/4/1914 Agnew, PA

m. Floyd Lester Gannoe, b. 1/31/1902 Belmont, OH, d. 3/26/1979 Franklin, PA

1g11 Floyd Lester Gannoe Jr., b. 2/23/1936 Coraopolis, PA

m. Caroline Fordeck, b. 12/7/1940 Coraopolis, PA

1g111 Randy Gannoe, b. 2/10/1961 Franklin, PA

1g1111 Michelle Ray Gannoe, b. 1/16/1987 Minot, ND

1g1112 Dominique Veronica Louise Gannoe, b. 3/17/1989 Greece

1g112 Ronald Gannoe, b. 8/30/1963 Franklin, PA

1g113 Floyd Lester Gannoe III, b. 8/25/1964 Franklin, PA

1g114 Edward Burquin Gannoe, b. 10/1/1971 Franklin, PA

1g12 Ellen Bernice Gannoe, b. 2/44/1937 Coraopolis, PA

m. Homer Moose, b. 8/24/1937 McKees Rocks, PA

1g121 Peggy Sue Moose, b. 1/23/1964 Sevickley, PA

m. Carl Klauscher, b. Glenwillard, PA

1g13 Mary Catherine Gannoe, b. 5/14/1938 Coraopolis, PA

m. Francis Mirage, b. 3/26/1936 Coraopolis, PA

1g2 Jessie Ellen Mobberley, b. 11/18/1915 Haysville, PA

m. William Glen Snyder, b. 9/5/19?? Hagertown, PA

1g21 Robert William Snyder, b. 3/25/1936 Coraopolis, PA

m. Mary Lou Barwell, b. 11/13/1935 Moon Twp, PA

1g211 Dawn Elaine Snyder, b. 12/14/1956 Sewickley, PA

m. 10/27/1989 Robert J. Millorino, b. 11/11/1959

1g2111 Kirk Patrick Batista, b. 11/14/1976 Sewickley PA

1g212 Timey Dean Snyder, b. 2/17/1958 "

m. Suzanne Mickles, b. 10/6/1961 "

1g2121 Timey Dean Snyder, Jr., b. 5/7/1982 "

1g2122 Courtney Renee Snyder, b. 5/7/1984 "

1g2123 Amber Nicole Snyder, b. 7/2/1986 "

1g213 Mark William Snyder, b. 6/9/1959 "

m. Barbara Martin, b. 10/14/1961 Ft. Knox, KY

1g2131 Mark William Snyder Jr., b. 2/29/1984

1g214 Kelly Leigh Snyder, b. 6/1/1961 Sewickley, PA

m. Ronald Giannandrea, b. 4/29/1959 "

1g2141 Jenna Nicole Giannandrea, b. 7/7/1985 "

1g2142 Nicholas Robert Giannandrea, b. 3/18/1987 "

1g2143 Leah Maria Giannandrea, b. 4/6/1989 Bedford, OH

1g215 Tami Lavon Snyder, b. 1/7/1964 Sewickley, PA

m. Jay Chamberlain, b. 6/15/1960 "

1g2151 Neil Allan Chaamberlain, b. 11/21/1989 McKees Rocks, PA

1g3 Ruth Elizabeth Mobberley, b. 12/6/1916 Havsville, PA

m. Charles Joseph Kroboth, b. 3/3/1917 Coraopolis, PA

1g31 Evelyn Ruth Kroboth, b. 10/28/1936, d. 7/12/1953 "

1g32 Charlotte Elizabeth Kroboth, b. 10/16/1937 "

m. Eugene Joseph Peck, b. 5/30/1936 Braddock, PA

1g321 Gene Kevin Peck, b. 5/7/1959 Sewickley, PA

m. Marsha Leaver, b. 7/20/1959 Neville Isl, PA

1g3211 Daniel Gene Peck, b. 12/20/1985 Sewickley, PA

1g3212 Heather Lynn Peck, b. 2/16/1988 "

1g322 Evelyn Ruth Peck, b. 8/4/1960 Pittsburg, PA

m. James Hawk, b. 7/12/1960 Mt. Lebanon, PA

1g3221 Jordan James Hawk, b. 6/16/1984 Pittsburg, PA

1g3222 Zachary Regis Hawk, b. 2/16/1985 "

1g3223 Natalie Elizabeth Hawk, b. 12/20/1987 "

1g3224 Oliver James Hawk, b. 11/15/1989 Mt. Lebanon, PA

1g323 Allen Charles Peck, b. 9/27/1961 McKees Rocks, PA

1g33 Wanda Bernice Kroboth, b. 10/3/1941 "

m. George William Kirk IV, b. 9/3/1937 Sevickley, PA

1g331 George William Kirv V, b. 4/24/1969 McKees Rocks, PA

1g4 Gertrude Mae Mobberley, b. 3/5/1918 Haysville, PA

m. 12/24/1936 Edward Louis Preininger, b. 8/31/1915 Coraopolis

1g41 Edward Louis Preininger Jr., b. 10/25/1939, d. 1939 Altoona

m. Alberta Schaub, b. 8/11/1940 West View, PA

1g411 Edward Louis Preininger III, b. 1/27/1967 Coraopolis, PA

1g412 Gail Ann Preininger, b. 10/1/1968 "

1g42 Gertrude Mae Preininger, b. 10/29/1942 Sewickley, PA

m. Gerald Guy Orsini, b. 9/11/1941

1g421 Michelle Marie Orsini, b. 10/26/1962 Coraopolis, PA

m. David Alan Witte, b. 7/27/1960 Lake Worth, FL

1g4211 David Alan Witte Jr., b. 2/22/1985 Greenacres, FL

1g4212 Benjamin Bryan Witte, b. 1/2/1990 West Palm Bch, FL

1g422 Samuel Guy Orsini, b. 12/30/1966 Whittier, CA

m. Billie Jo Bordeaux, b. 4/28/1966

1g4221 Samuel Guy Orsini, b. 1/21/1985 Coraopolis, PA

1g4222 Gerald Edward Orsinis, b. 5/30/1988 "

1g4223 Holly Ann Orsini, b. 1/13/1962 "

1g5 Rachel Harriet Mobberley, b. 3/30/1919 Haysville, PA

m. Kenneth Miller Stanton, b. 8/28/1916 Napanoch, NY

1g51 Kenneth Miller Stanton Jr., b. 11/20/1950 St. Pete, FL

m. Barbara Jean Peschar, b. 9/9/1957 Leavenworth, IN

1g511 Kenneth Charles Stanton, b. 1/1/1981 St. Pete, FL

1g512 Sara Eve Stanton, b. 12/30/1984 "

1g52 Ruth Evelyn Stanton, b. 9/5/1953, d. 9/6/1953 St. Pete., FL

1g6 Albert Eugene Mobberley, b. 8/4/1920 Haysville, PA

m. 6/7/1947 Nova Edna Rohrer, b. 10/25/1925 Fairhope, OH

1g61 Cynthia Jean Mobberley, b. 11/10/1947 Canton, OH

m. 4/20/1968 Robert Ralph King, b. 11/25/1948 "

1g611 Cristin DeShawn King, b. 2/29/1972 "

1g612 Nicole Ann King, b. 7/27/1980 "

1g62 Harry Robert Mobberley, b. 11/3/1948 Canton, OH

m. 6/10/1989 Deborah Jan Contrucci, b. 6/13/1956 "

1g63 Suzanne Kay Mobberley, b. 11/20/1951 "

m. 4/3/1971 James Michael Brown, b. 12/19/1952 Gasaway, WV

1g631 Micahel Timothy Brown, b. 2/27/1972 St. Pete., FL

1g64 Douglas Andrew Mobberley, b. 9/20/1954 Canton, OH

1g65 Robert Gay Mobberley, b. 5/3/1956 "

*WRONG* m. ____ Dotson

1g651 Nicholas James Dotson, b. & d. 5/14/1983 St. Pete., FL

1g652 Christopher Darrell Dotson, b. 8/11/1983 "

1g653 Cory Justin Dotson, b. 3/14/1985 "

1g66 Timothy William Mobberley, b. 7/7/1958 Canton, OH

m. 11/11/1983 Cindy Lou Shelton, b. 11/11/1960 St. Pete FL

1g661 Lauren Ashley Mobberley, b. 12/31/1986 "

1g7 Roy Wallace Mobberley, b. 2/14/1923 Haysville, PA

m. 4/8/1950 Alice Helen Galusky, b. 3/27/1929 Neville Isl, PA

1g71 James Mark Mobberley, b. 10/28/1953 Sewickley, PA

m. 7/25/1961 Suzanne Gagliardia, b. 9/8/1949

1g711 Peter James Mobberley, b. 12/6/1982 Pittsburgh, PA

1g72 Linda Susan Mobberley, b. 4/1/1958 Sewickley, PA

m. 6/11/1983 Kenneth Barth, b. 6/3/1956

1g73 Carol Ann Mobberley, b. 5/25/1963 Sewickley, PA

m. 6/20/1987 Michael Nausuk, b. 8/26/1961

1g8 Grace Virginia Mobberley, b. 9/7/1924 Sevickley, PA

m. James Stewart, b. Toronto, Canada

1g81 Shena Katherine Stewart, b. 8/22/1946 Sewickley, PA

m. Arthur Heinbert, b. Newy York, NY

1g811 Andrew Heinberg, b. 1962 St. Pete., FL

1g812 Audra Heinberg, b. 6//1964 Long Island, NY

1g813 Jessica Heinberg, b. 8/20/1968 Long Island, NY

1g814 David Heinberg, b. 8/20/1968 "

1g9 Grover William Mobberley, b. 3/21/1926 Coraopolis, PA

m. Frances Whitehill Eakin, b. 10/19/1921 Sevickley, PA

1g91 David William Mobberley, b. 5//19/1955 Pittsburg, PA

1g92 Daniel Frederick Mobberley, b. 11/3/1956 Pittsburg, PA

m. Belinda Jean Mellon, b. 12/2/1956 Ft. Knox, KY

1g921 Jennifer Marie Mobberley, b. 8/15/1982 St. Pete, FL

1g922 Christopher William Mobberley, b. 12/12/1987 "

1g93 Kevin Scott Mobberley, b. 6/19/1963 "


Data Karen Pulliam whis@ 2//1998

Dee G. Sullins dsullins@ 4/3/2000

Mickey Mobley mickeym@ 9/5/02

1. James Mobley, b. ca 1774 NC, d. bef 1860 AL

m. Mary ____, b. ca 1798 SC

1a James M. Mobley, b. ca 1820 AL

m. Rachael ____

1b Robert S. Mobley, b. 11/4/1828, d. 10/23/1912 bur. Mt. Olive Freewill Bapt. Ch cem near Guin (Yampertown), Marion Co., AL [5th AL Cav., Co. B, CSA)

m. Mary Missouri Sullins, b. 9/20/1827 MO, d. 11/29/1907 bur Sullins cem [dau. James H. Sullins/Martha Burleson]

1c Allen Mobley, b. ca 1831 AL

1d Martha Mobley, b. ca 1832 AL

1e Mary Jane Mobley, b. ca 1835 AL

1f Margaret A. Mobley, b. ca 1838 AL

1850 census Marion Co., AL

James Mobley 76 NC, Mary 52 SC, Robert 21 AL, Allen 19 AL, Martha 18 AL, Mary Jane 15 AL, Margaret A 12 AL

1a James M. Mobley, b. ca 1820 AL

m. Rachael ____

1850 census Marion Co., AL

James M. Mobley 30 AL, Rachael 37 SC, William M 10 AL, Mary E 8 AL, Elizabeth A 6 AL, John? R 5 AL, James W 3, Martha O. 1 AL

1a1 William M Mobley, b. ca 1840 AL

1a2 Mary E. Mobley, b. ca 1842 AL

1a3 Elizabeth A. Mobley, b. ca 1844 AL

1a4 John R. Mobley, b. ca 1845 AL

1a5 James W. Mobley, b. ca 1847 AL

1A6 Martha O. Mobley, b. ca 1849 AL


1b Robert S. Mobley, b. 11/4/1828, d. 10/23/1912 bur. Mt. Olive Freewill Bapt. Ch cem near Guin (Yampertown), Marion Co., AL [5th AL Cav., Co. B, CSA)

m. Mary Missouri Sullins, b. 9/20/1827 MO, d. 11/29/1907 bur Sullins cem [dau. James H. Sullins/Martha Burleson]

1860 Marion Co: Robert S 31 AL, Mary M 32 MS, James A 5, John F 2, Mary F 1

1870 Marion Co: Robt 40, M. 35, Jas 15, John 12, M. 9 (f), E. 7 (f), Jane 5, F. 3 (f)

1880 Marion Co: Robert 51 AL, Mary M 53 MO, John F 22 AL, Martha C 20, Vina A 15, Cintha E. 13

1b1 James Albert Mobley, b. 9/ /1854 Marion Co., AL

m. Susan Lou Crane, b. 10/ /1863 AL

1900 Marion Co: James A 45 Sep 1854 AL, Susan L 36 Oct 1863 AL, Cintha C 17 Dec 1882, James R 15 Mar 1885, Mary J 13 Feb 1887, John F 11 Mar 1889, Elias W 8 Jan 1892, Nancy A 5 Jun 1894, Willie D 3 Jul 1896, Martin E 1 Jun 1898

1b11 George Dennis Marion Mobley, b. 1881 AL (10/ /1879 census)

m. 3/2/1899 Julia Ann Tidwell, b. 2/ /1879 AL

1900 Marion Co: George M 20 Oct 1879 AL, Julia A 21 Feb 1879 AL, Arthur F 3/12 Mar 1900

1910 Marion Co: George M 30 AL, Julia A 33 AL, Arthur F 10, Pearlie E 8, Birtie 6, James A 3, Essie E ?/12

1b111 Arthur Fernando (Joe) Mobley, b. 3/24/1900 AL, d. 6/7/1969

1b112 Pearlie E. Mobley, b. 8/29/1904 Marion Co., AL, d. 9/8/1994

m. George Washington Bonds

1b1121 George Washington Bonds, Jr.

m. 12/5/1947 Buna Jane Denton, b. 8/2/1928 Upshaw, Winston Co., AL, dau. George Parker Denton/Willie Gertrude Bell Luker

1b11211 Julia Karen Bonds, b. 12/31/1949 Haleyville, AL

m. 12/27/1972 Jimmy Ray Pulliam, d. 3/6/1983

1b112111 Jessica Hayden Pulliam, b. 8/31/1973 San Bernardino, CA

m. 8/17/1996 Stan Taylor Singley

1b113 Bertie Mobley, b. c1904 AL

1b114 James A. Mobley, b. 4/13/1906 AL, d. 8/28/1950

1b115 Essie E. Mobley, b. c1910 AL

1b116 Inf Dau Mobley, b&d Apr 1909

1b12 Cynthia E. (Bobo) Mobley, b. 12/ /1882 AL

1b13 Robert James Mobley, b. 3/ /1885 AL

1b14 Mary Jane Mobley, b. 2/ /1887 (Hamrick)

1b15 John F. Mobley, b. 3/ /1889 AL

1b16 Elias Walker Mobley, b. 1/ /1892 AL

1b17 Nancy A. Mobley, b. 6/ /1894 AL (McCullough)

1b18 Lilly Velma (Bell) Mobley, b. 1901 Marion Co., AL

1b19 Willie Delmar Mobley, b. 7/ /1896 AL

1b1A Martin Elmer Mobley, B. 6/ /1898 AL

m. Essie Louise Elrod

1b1A1 Mickey Mobley

m. Eula Jane Cox

1b1A11 Jeffrey T. Mobley

1b1B Mae B. Mobley (Lawson)

1b1C Emma Missouri Mobley (Holland) b. abt 1904 or 05

1b2 John F. Mobley, b. 9/22/1857, d. 7/29/1937

m. Nancy B. ____, b. 11/1/1856, d. 4/27/1936 [per Harvey Spiller 7/24/00]

1900 Marion Co: John F 42 Sep 1857 AL, Nancy B 43 Nov 1856 AL, Martha B 16 Oct 1883, James H 14 Sep 1885, Jeremiah 13 Feb 1887

1910 Marion Co: John F 52 AL, Miney B 53 AL, Robert S 81 AL (father), Vina S 44 AL (sister)

1920 Marion Co: John F 62 AL, Nancy B 63 AL, Ruthie M. Caudle 71 (sis in law)

1b21 Martha B. Mobley, b. 10/ /1883 AL

1b22 James Harvey Mobley, b. 9/17/1885, d. 8/30/1973

m. Minnie Iler ____, b. 12/13/1889, d. 1/22/1946

1910 Marion Co: Harvie J 23 AL, Minnie I 20 AL, Velvie 3

1920 Marion Co: James H 34 AL, Minnie Iler? 30 AL, Velmer 12, Selma 9, Hittie M 2 7/12, Floy 2/12

1b221 Velma Mobley, b. c1907 AL

1b212 Selma Mobley, b. c1911 AL

1b213 Hittie M. Mobley, b. c1917 AL

1b214 Floy Mobley, b. c1920 AL

1b23 Jeremiah Mobley, b. 2/10/1887 AL, d. 10/13/1943

m. Ollie Lee ____, b. 1/9/1891 AL, d. 10/19/1942

1910 Marion Co: Jeremiah 22 AL, Ollie 17 AL, Jesse 2, Maudie ?/12

1920 Marion Co: Jeremiah 31 AL, Ollie J 26, Jessie C 12, Alvin O 6, Rosie L 3 11/12, Eviline 1 9/12

1b231 Jesse C. Mobley, b. 9/29/1907 AL, d. 1/9/1967

1b232 Maudie Mobley, b. c1910 AL

1b233 Alvin O. Mobley, b. 1926 AL

1b234 Rosie L. Mobley, b. 1918 AL

1b24 Hatie Mae Mobley

m. ____ Spiller

1b241 Harvey Owen Spiller, b. 1938 Marion Co., AL

1b3 Mary F. Mobley, b. 1859

1b4 M. Mobley (f), b. 1861

1b5 E. Mobley (f), b. 1863

1b6 Jane Mobley, b. 1865

1b7 ___ F. Mobley, b. 1867

1b8 Cleveland Mobley


marriage license dated 11/23/1905 in Marion Co., AL to

Richard S. Mobley and Etta Self. Signed by Tolbert Self.


Dee G. Sullins, Jr 4/14/2000

Marion Co., AL cemetery books: Volume I

MOBLEY, James F. Apr 11, 1911 - Oct 16, 1975

MOBLEY, Dan F. Dec 7, 1902 - Jan 19, 1972

MOBLEY, Jeremiah (Father) - Feb 10, 1887 - Oct 13, 1943

MOBLEY, Ollie Lee (Mother) - Jan 9, 1891 -Oct 19, 1942

MOBLEY, Jesse C. - Sep 29, 1907 - Jan 9, 1967

MOBLEY, Geraldine - 1915-1945

MOBLEY, Joe - Mar 24, 1900 - Jun 7, 1969

MOBLEY, Eight infants of J. H. and Iler MOBLEY

MOBLEY, J. Harvey - Sep 17, 1885 - Aug 30, 1973

MOBLEY, M. Iler - Dec 13 1889 - Jan 22, 1946

MOBLEY, Nancy B. - Nov 1, 1856 - Apr 27, 1936

MOBLEY, John F. - Sep 22, 1857 - Jul 29, 1937 [1b]

MOBLEY, R. S. - Nov 4, 18s28 - Oct 23, 1912

MOBLEY, James A. - Apr 13, 1906 - Aug 28, 1950

MOBLEY, Iva Lee Chamberlin - May 14, 1917

Volume II

MOBLEY , Martha C. Sep 14, 1860 - Sep 4 1882

Vina MOBLEY no dates

-Sullins Cemetery

Cleveland C. MOBLEY Feb 5, 1891 - Mar 11, 1891 (Oldest grave in this cemetery)

Mary M. MOBLEY Wife of R. S. MOBLEY Sep 20, 1827 - Nov 29, 1907 (this is Mary

Missouri, daughter of James H. Sullins)

MOBLEY, Inf Dau of George M. & Julie A. MOBLEY b&d Apr 1909

Volume III (these are likly children of R. S. Mobley and Mary Missouri Sullins

-Mays Cemetery

MOBLEY, Peter M. - Dec 7, 1862 - Oct 9, 1864

MOBLEY, William P. - Apr 21 1856 - Dec 7, 1856


From Steve Lawson 10/25/98 Steve@

Have you come across a Harry Mobley who married Maisie Samuel and had daughter Nancy Cara (died young)? There's only one Harry Mobley that I found in MIA, and he appears to have been born about 1910 - probably too late to have been husband of Maisie Samuel.

Maisie Samuel was daughter of Edward Madison Samuel and Nancy Cherubia Vaughn, and granddaughter of Fielding Samuel and Mary White. Edward Madison Samuel was half brother of Dr. Reuben Samuel, son of Fielding Samuel and Louisa Bond. Dr. Reuben Samuel was the third wife of Zerelda (Cole) James Simms, the mother of Frank and Jesse James. The James Brother never knew well any father other than Dr. Reuben Samuel.

So, Harry Mobley married the niece of Jesse James' step-father.

The following is from JESSE AND FRANK JAMES: THE FAMILY HISTORY, by Phillip

W. Steele (1987), page 76:

Maisie Samuel Born: January 13, 1900

Married: Harry Mobley

Children: Nancy Cara (died young)

Maisie Samuel Mobley of Prairie Grove, Arkansas is the oldest surviving child of the Edward Madison Samuel family. Her only daughter, Nancy Cara, died as a child. Maisie is eighty-six years of age at the time of this writing and contributed greatly in recording the Samuel family history. A great many descendants of the Samuel family still live throughout northwest Arkansas, and they keep alive their many family stories about their famous relatives.


Husband: OSCAR EMORY, Wife: WILLIE "TINCE" MOBLEY. Children: OSCAR G. EMORY & BETTY JEAN EMORY. My mama said she was known as Aunt Tincie. But that's definitely her! The last names of Vessell, Lytle, Emory, Strange, & Head are in my Mobley Family Tree.

Melinda Mobley 5/21/99 MELINDALOO@


Do you have a J.Y. Mobley from SC in your files. I have one listed (don't know what the initials are for) married to my great-grandaunt, Sara Ann Rowell b. 1859 in Lancaster County, SC - d. 1882 in Hopkins County, TX. I have their marriage date as April 21, 1880.

Teressa Rowell 1/30/1999



This is Sheryl Rowell Townsend a descendant of Samuel & Lavinia Rowell

father of James Harvey Rowell. James Harvey married twice: 1st to Mary

Ann Taylor 2nd to Sarah Ann Small. Sara Ann Rowell d/o James Harvey &

Mary Ann Taylor Rowell m. J.Y. Mobley 21 April 1880; she is buried

Oakland Cemetery, Hopkins Co. Texas d. 27 May 1882 also there is an

infant child of J.Y. Mobley & Sara Ann Rowell buried along side of her.

I do not have a picture of his stone so can't say he is there. Since I have pictured all the other spouses I am guessing that I did not find his marker.

sheryl cctowns@ 6/13/99

1880 Hopkins Co:

Mobley, Henry 25s SC, Jane E. 42 SC Wd, lvg w/ Elmor English


Nancy Bedell nbedell@ 2/10/1999, 3/8/99, 6/1/99

on 7/19/99: I have just found out that I am descended from Middleton Mobley and Nancy Cox Mobley. I got a copy of Sarah Ann Mobley Martin's death certificate and it had her parent's names on it.

Elbert County, Georgia, Marriages: (from History of Elbert Co., Georgia, 1790-1935, John H. McIntosh, Atlanta, 1968)

Middleton Mobley and Nancy Cox, 18 Dec 1836 (pg. 258)

1850 Elbert Co

Mobley, M. C. 38 GA (m), N.B. 34 GA, J.H. (m) 11, S.A. (f) 9, Wm D. 6, M.E. (f) 4, N.M. (f) 3

1860 Oglethorpe Co

Mobly, Middleton 48 (1812) GA, Nancy 43 GA, John 21, Sarah 19, William 17, Mary 13, Nancy 11, Phillip 5, Emmie? 6/12

1870 Clarke Co, GA

Mobley, Middleton 59 GA, Nancy 55 GA, Mary 21, Philip 15, Laura 10

1880 Oglethorpe Co

??? Mobley, M.D. 60 GA, Nancy 68 GA (sister) ???

Middleton C. Mobley, b. c1812 GA

m. 12/18/1836 Nancy B. Cox, b. c1817 GA

1) Sarah Ann MOBLEY b. 12/15/1840 GA, d. 3/1/1920 Madison Co., GA

m. 11/28/1869 William F. Martin Clarke Co., GA, b. 12/ /1872 GA

1a Lela Martin, b. 10/15/1871, d. 10/29/1934 Madison Co., GA

m. ca 1886 James B. Bridges

1b Nancy Mildred Martin, b. 9/14/1874 Danielsville, Madison Co., GA, d. 3/20/1965 Athens, Clarke Co., GA

m. Erwin Frank Martin, b. 4/22/1852 Danielsville, Madison Co., GA, d. 10/1/1917 Madison Co., GA, son of Ewell Martin/Nancy Vaughn

1b1 Alberta Willie Martin, b. 7/27/1895 m. ____ Nelms

1b2 James Phillip Martin, b. 9/10/1900

1b3 Allen Washington Martin, b. 5/24/1904

1b4 Sarah Irene Martin, b. 7/29/1906 Madison Co., GA, d. 8/20/1988 Athens, Clarke Co., GA

m. 4/26/1924 George Sequard Adams, Sr. Madison Co., GA, b. 1/2/1904, d. 10/7/1994 bur. Evergreen Mem. cem Athens, GA

1b5 Ernest Frank Martin, b. 7/7/1911, d. 1967 Clarke Co., GA

m. Cleo Hancock

1b4 Sarah Irene Martin, b. 7/29/1906 Madison Co., GA, d. 8/20/1988 Athens, Clarke Co., GA

m. 4/26/1924 George Sequard Adams, Sr. Madison Co., GA, b. 1/2/1904, d. 10/7/1994 bur. Evergreen Mem cem, Athens, GA [son of John William Terrell Adams/Hattie Sorrow]

1b41 George Sequard Adams, Jr., b. 7/26/1930 Athens, GA

m. 4/3/1954 Judith Elizabeth Greeme Clarke Co., GA, b. 11/24/1933 Greenville, SC [dau. Daniel Greene/Anna Maud Stafford]

1b42 Peggy Ruth Adams, b. 1/2/1936 Athens, GA

m. Charles Basileau Hammond

1b41 George Sequard Adams, Jr., b. 7/26/1930 Athens, GA

m. 4/3/1954 Judith Elizabeth Greene Clarke Co., GA, b. 11/24/1933 Greenville, SC [dau. Daniel Greene/Anna Maud Stafford]

1b411 Theresa Margueritte Adams, b. 1/14/1955 Decatur, GA

m. 1976 James John Wilson

1b412 Carolyn Elizabeth Adams, b. 4/24/1957 Decatur, GA

m. 1985 Danny Kenneth Rogers

1b413 Charles Richard Adams, b. 5/23/1962 Decatur, GA

m. 7/23/1987 Rebecca Kay Wharton

1b414 Judith Anne Adams, b. 6/5/1964 Decatur, GA

m. 12/12/1986 Joseph Campione in New Jersey

1b415 Nancy Lea Adams, b. 8/22/1965 Decatur, GA

m. 4/28/1990 Benjamin David Bedell Athens, GA, b. 4/28/1959 Bennettsville, Marlboro Co., SC [son of David Mahlon Bedell/Charlotte Lois Ware]

1b4151 Katelyn Dianne Duncan, b. 3/25/1988 Cookeville, TN

1b4152 David Mahlon Bedell, b. 10/27/1993 Athens, GA

1b4153 Charles Richard Bedell, b. 3/15/1996 " "

2) Nancy M. Mobley

m. 5/5/1867 Isaac F. Martin Clarke Co., GA


Bethabara Baptist Church Cemetery, Oconee Co, GA

Mobley, Bobby C., 1932, 1978, Adj3 US Navy Korea Vietnam

Mobley, Drew T., 1907, 1972, shared stone w/Essie M.

Mobley, Drue Willie M., Mar 7 1898, Aug 28 1925

Mobley, Essie M., 1915, blank, shared stone w/Drew T.

Mobley, J.W. "Jay", Apr 11 1937, Jul 14 2002, Smith FHM

Mobley, Latrelle, Jul 2 1914, Mar 30 1994

Mobley, Lorene Burgess, Sep 1 1914, Jun 9 1989

Mobley, Lucy Walllace Hayes, Dec 5 1888, Aug 24 1968, Williams-Smith FHM

Mobley, Mary B., 1870, 1925, shared stone w/William T.

Mobley, Rachel, May 23 1939, Feb 21 1957

Mobley, Richard C., Apr 27 1909, Sep 22 1954

Mobley, Robert Luther, Aug 9 1911, Jun 1 1987

Mobley, Roy T., Oct 23 1907, Jul 20 1981

Mobley, William T., 1874, blank, shared stone w/Mary B. 1416559

Mobley, Willie Tom, Oct 21 1931, May 6 2004, USN

Bogart First Baptist Church Cemetery, Oconee Co

Mobley, Ernest C., Aug 12 1917, Aug 2 1978, Pvt US Army WWII, shared stone w/Geneva H.

Mobley, Geneva H., 1919, blank, shared stone w/Ernest C.

Mobley, James C., Jun 9 1940, blank, shared stone w/Nancy L.

Mobley, Johnny L., 1947, 1947

Mobley, Nancy L., Jul 16 1944, Jan 20 2000, shared stone w/James C.

Mobley, William Michael, Aug 5 1966, Dec 1 1966

Sims Cemetery A.K.A. Hebron Church, Oconee Co

Mobley, Clara B., 1910, 1976, matching stone w/Erastus

Mobley, Drue W., 1900, 1992, shared stone w/Shawdie

Mobley, Erastus, 1905, 1966, matching stone w/Clara B.

Mobley, Shawdie, 1894, 1984, shared stone with Drue W.

Jackson Cemetery, Oconee Co

Mobley, M.L., Dec 2 1872, Aug 17 1897, w/o D.D.


I am looking for anyone descended from Isaac F. Martin(married Nancy M.

Mobley). All I know is that he was born in 1842 and died in 1917. I

also know that he fought in the civil war. If this info. looks familiar

to anyone, please email me with any data you have.

Nancy Bedell nbedell@ 2/12/99


Barbara Goggans 25 May 1926 Monroe County GA

Lewis N. Waldrop 13 Apr 1923 Carroll Co. GA

Mary Fayr Watts 1 Mar 1897 - 19 Dec 1984

Edward Littleton Goggans 12 Dec. 1888- 9 Jan 1972

Vesta Ann Willis 2 Feb 1871- 23 Sep 1923

Robert Eppinger Watts 11 May 1871-28 Dec 1954

David E Willis 23 Oct 1840-16 Jan 1914

Mary Jane Lassetter 12 Dec 1842-16 Feb 1871

Vincent Thorpe Lassetter 20 Oct 1815-18 Apr 1895

Elizabeth Watson 27 Mar 1820- 1864

Hardy Lassetter abt 1780-Apr 1837 (died Merriwether Co. GA)

Elizabeth Keith 2 Dec 1801-11 Jan 1862 ( " ")

David Keith No Dates

Jane Mobley No Dates

All of the above were born lived and died in Monroe County Ga unless

otherwise noted.

+++ 2/22/1999

Mary Watson who married Jackson Mobley (112455) was a sister of my g g grandmother Elizabeth Watson who married Vincent thorpe Lassetter. Vincent Lassetter (born 1815) was son of Hardy Lassetter (b 1780) and Elizabeth Keith (b 1801) and it is her parents that I am trying to prove. Her parents were supposedly David Keith and Jane Mobley.



data Drew Mobley 2111 Shillings Chase Ct, Kennesaw, Ga 30152 770-429-5755 3/26/1999

Mother was ___ Wysong

SLM Sidney Lee Mobley, b. 11/25/1915 from Lynchburg, VA area?, d. 1994

[Sidney had several brothers, one named Sam.]

m. Dorothy Martin of Charleston, SC

SLM1 Sidney Lee Mobley, Jr., b. 1/6/1943 Cayce, SC, lvs Concord, NC

m. Barbara Jean Stickle, b. 5/26/1943, d. 11/26/1991

SLM11 Andrew Wysong Mobley, b. 3/2/1967 Columbia, SC

m. Maurine Emilie Justad, b. 7/5/1966, dau. Per/Irene Justad

SLM111 Madison Perry Mobley, b. 9/4/1993

SLM2 Gordon Martin Mobley, lvs Columbia, SC


data Betty Y. Mobley 4/2/1999 + census

My Wm and Ann Wilson Mobley are buried in Posey or Gibson,Indiana. Their son Henry F. Mobley was my grandfather, who died in December 1894 4months after my Father was born, August 1894. Henry’s 2nd wife, Daisy McCleary, was my father’s Mother. She died 1899 in Stoddard Co. Missouri, we think in child birth. (Ray Mobley)

William Mobley, b. 1813, England, d. 1/15/1874

m. Ann Wilson, b. 1814, England

1860 Warrick Co., IN: William 47 Eng, Ann 46 Eng, Phebee 14 NY, George 23 NY, Theodore 9 IN, Henry 6, Jane 6

1870 Posey Co: William 57 Eng, Ann 56 Eng, Theodore 19 IN, Sarah Jane 16, Henry 12, CARSWELL, Rhoda 12, William B 8

1880 Posey Co: Henry 22 IN-Eng, Sophronia 17 IN, Malcom 1/12, Ann 68 Eng (Mother)

George Mobley, b. 1837 NY

Phoebe Mobley, b. 1846 NY

Theodore Mobley, b. 1851 IN

Henry F. Mobley, b. 5/12/1857 Warrick County, IN, d. 12/4/1894, Posey Co., IN

m. (1) Sophronia Carolina McGarvey, b. 10/1/1862, d. 11/13/1891 [6 children]

m. (2) 8/10/1893 Daisy McCleary, Posey Co., IN, b. ca 1875, d. 1899 Stoddard Co., MO [dau. of John McCleary/Hester Hill] (Marriage performed by Rev. F.A. Steele)

1880 Henry 22 IN-Eng, Sophronia 17 IN, Malcom 1/12, Ann 68 Eng (Mother)

1900 Posey Co:

Mobley, Dennis 7 Aug 1892 IN, neph w/ Wm & Nancy Robb

Mobley, Guy 14 Dec 1886 IN, Ward w/ Chas & Fannie Schnarr

Mobley, Willie 11 Mar 1889 IN, son w/ John & Ada Davis

1910 Posey Co:

Mobley, Dennis 18 IN, lodger

Mobley, Guy 25 IN, farm Laborer

Mobley, W---man? H 21 IN-TN, neph w/ Thomas B & Mary E Graham?

Clarence Mobley

Guy Mobley, b. 12/ /1886 IN

Carl Mobley

Dennis Lee Mobley, b. 8/19/1891 Bethel Twp, Posey Co., IN, d. 2/6/1962 Putnam Co., FL

Grace Mobley

George Mobley (above of ux #1)

John Theodore Mobley, b. 8/19/1896, Denver, CO (Indiana on d/c), d. 10/2/1964, Pampa, Gray Co., TX bur. Fairview cem (s/o Henry Mobley/Daisy Mc Clary)

m. 12/9/1914 Edna Brown, b. 1/7/1896, Gibson Co., IN

John Wallace Mobley, b. 1915, Denver, CO

[Run over and killed by an ice truck]

Charles Lester Mobley, b. 9/17/1916 Denver, CO, d. 6/2/1954 Borger, TX (self inflicted gunshot)

m. 1931 Viola Bratton, b. 11/2/1910 Kimble, Co., TX

Mary Joyce Mobley, b. /8/1932 Amarillo, TX

Gerald Luther Mobley, b. 1/24/1934

Ray LaWayne Mobley, b. 11/17/1936

m. 4/17/1960 Dixie Robinson, Pampa, TX b. 4/27/1938

George Marion Mobley, b. 11/16/1887 Griffen, IN, d. 9/18/1934 Lawrenceville, IL

m. ____

Dennis Wayne Mobley

m. Dorothy

Dennis Wayne Mobley, Jr.

Sarah Jane Mobley, b. 1854 IN


Ephruim COGAN d Mar 15, 1901 Coshocton, OH, at county poor farm. B Apr 1824 in either Holland, Wales or OH, (depending on source). Surv'd by widow Phebe, she was b Dec 1823 OH.

Md abt 1846. Parents of 7 children, Cornelius COGAN, Calvin COGAN, Matilda COGAN, Mrs. Mary Ann (William F.) MOBLEY, Eliza COGAN, William COGAN and Emily COGAN. Svs and bu were in Coshocton, OH

1900 Coshocton Co: Mobley, William F 53 Jul 1846 OH, Mary A 46 Apr 1854 OH, Benjamin 25 OH, Cornelius 20 Jun 1879, Roy 11 Jan 1899

1910 Coshocton Co: Mobley, Benjamin F 34 OH, Lucy W 28 OH, Marjorie L 8


WAYNESBORO, Ga. -- Mr. Alvin ``Bubba'' Mobley, 87, of 656 Gray Road, died Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1998, at Burke County Hospital.

The funeral will be at 3 p.m. Saturday at Thompson Bridge Baptist Church with the Rev. J.D. Shaw officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Mr. Mobley, a native of Burke County, had retired as a farmer. He was a member of Thompson Bridge Baptist Church where he served on the deacon board. He also served as assistance chairman and cemetery sexton for the church.

Survivors include his wife, Lottie M. Mobley; two sons, Herman Mobley and Minas Mobley, both of Savannah; one daughter, Cornelia Mobley, New York; one stepson, Robert Gordon, Augusta; one stepdaughter, Leola Butler, Augusta; one brother, Warren Freddie Mobley, Augusta; one sister, Alma Lee, Augusta; and seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.


"Kentuckians in Missouri; History of Cass & Bates County, Missouri, 1883". C.D. Moberly (note spelling) was born in Madison County, Kentucky on 2 Aug 1835 of William Moberly and Susan Davis Moberly. William & Susan Moberly also had a daughter named Margaret. C.D. Moberly moved to Cooper County, Missouri in 1853.


Kentuckians in MO; Gail Hughes 1/6/92:

From Madison Co to Cooper Co., MO in 1853;

C. D. Moberly, b. 8/2/1835, son of William Moberly & Susan Davis Moberly

From Garrard Co. to Marion Co. by 1831


11/22/55 Dougless, Margaret G. Moberly, Clifton D.

1850 Madsison Co., KY: Moberly, Susan 40 Madison, Margaret 22 Madison, Mary A. 21 Madison, Clifton 15 Madison

1860 Moniteau Co., MO: Moberly, Susan 54 KY (next to Clifton)

#739 also lists the following:

Jacob H. Isett 35 PA, Margaret 30 PA [dau of Wm & Susan, sister of C.D.???], Margaret 12 PA, Mary McClay 50 PA, John 28 PA, Mary 24 PA, James 20 PA, F.E. Robinson 7/12

1860 Moniteau Co., MO: #740

Moberly, Clifton D. 24 Ky, Margaret 25 KY, Susan 4 MO

1870 Cass Co., MO: Moberley, Clifton D 34 KY, Margaret G KY, Susan M 12 KY, Martha J 7, John F 5

1880 Cass Co: Moberly, Clift. 44 KY-KY-KY, Margrate 45 MO, Mattie 17 MO, John 15, Wade 8

William Moberly, d. bef 1850 census

m. Susan Davis, b. c1810-06 Madison Co., KY

Margaret Moberly, b. c1828 Madison Co., KY

Mary A. Moblery, b. c1829 “

Clifton D. Moberly, b. c1836 KY, d. aft 1880 census

m. 11/22/1855 Margaret G. Dougless in Cooper Co., MO, b. 5/18/1834, d. 1/30/1915, bur. Gunn City Cem, Cass Co. Mo

Susan M. Moberly, b. c1858 MO

Martha J. “Mattie” Moberly, b. c1863 MO

m. ____ Gray

John F. Moberly, b. c1865 MO

Wade B. Moberly, b. c1872 MO

1910 Cass Co: J.F. 47s MO-KY, Margaret 75 MO Wd Mother, Wade B. 38S (bro), Mattie J. Gray 49 Wd(sis)

1920 Cass Co: John F 54 MO, Wade B 48 (bro), Mattie J. Gray 56 Wd (sis)

1920 Cass Co: Margaret 83 PA, MIL w/ John J & Kara Williams


Margaret A. James shearies@ 4/7/2002

Will of Samuel Robertson(Robinson) lists Thomas, William, and Clifton Moberley by John Robertson, guardian. Clifton married Margaret G. Douglass 22 Nov.1855 in Cooper Co. Mo. She was born 18 May 1834, and died 30 Jan 1915 Buried Gunn City Cemetery, Cass Co. Mo


Posted by Janice Irvin Still on May 19, 1999

Seeking information on Sophronia A. Mobley m Isham J. Brown Aug 1845 Clark Co, GA.

Children were John B. J. Brown born ca 1846 and Sallie H. M. Brown born 1855. Isham died before 3/1855. John Morbley was appointed guardian of children 3/5/1855. Sophronia and children were on Coweta Co, GA census in 1860. janstill@

1860 Coweta: Sophronia A.E. 43 GA, John T 14, Sallie H.M.H. 5


BDolly42@ 6/1/99

John Mobley b. ca 1818 (death certificate of Silas has it listed as Jack Mobley) (family member says she found it as Jackson Mobley) & Emily Canter b. ca 1832 [dau of William and Catherine Canter]

Silas Mobley 3/10/1855 to 5/3/1929 & Mary Catherine Lunsfords 6/1/1877 to 9/2/1971

Jack Mobley 5/28/1907 to 2/20/1999 & Elizabeth Marie Rowe 2/7/1926 to 6/26/1991 [dau. of Virgie Waters 7/16/1900 to 10/26/1939 and James Rowe 5/2/1892 to 9/20/1968] They have nine children all still living. death certificate of Silas has it listed as Jack Mobley) (family member says she found it as Jackson Mobley) John would have been born around 1818. Emily Canter born around 1832 parents are William and Catherine Canter

If you find that John is really Jackson please let me know.



Martha Mobley Charles

956 Bryansplace Road

Winston-Salem, NC 27104

(336) 774-XXXX (Prefer to keep this private)

Mar 2011 [Dr. James Craig Charles, MD

Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine Specialist

1151 Camden Ave, Rock Hill, SC 29732

(803) 909-6363

Martha Ann Mobley Charles dob: 4/10/65 Birmingham, Alabama

Bachelor of Science: Judson College, Marion, AL 1986

Married to James Craig Charles, M.D. (dob: 3/27/62 - Lexington, NC) June, 1991; Birmingham, AL

We have two sons, William Jackson dob:12/27/95, Winston-Salem, NC and Samuel Bennett dob: 8/22/97; Winston-Salem, NC

Here's what I currently have concerning my ancestry:

My parents are: Elzie Lewis Mobley, dob: 12/20/37, Natural Bridge (Winston County), Alabama.

Mary Agnes Nall Mobley, dob: 12/15/37, Red Level (Covington Co.), Alabama.

Elzie Lewis Mobley's siblings: Hazel Mobley Willingham dob: 3/12/22, (All siblings were born in Natural Bridge, Winston Co., AL).

Hubert Eli Mobley dob: 1/30/24

Buford Jackson "Pete" Mobley dob: 11/23/25

Kenneth Mobley dob: 4/24/29

Charles Arthur Mobley dob: 9/9/33

Elzie Lewis Mobley's parents: William Jackson Mobley 5/21/1894 - 6/8/63

Cora Elizabeth Palmer Mobley 1/15/00 - 3/1/82

(We think William Jackson was born in Winston County, AL also, but Dad will confirm that later).

William Jackson Mobley's siblings: (this is where it starts to get sketchy - my dad recalled these off the top of his head - will check with my uncles when he visits later this summer).....

"Mac" Mobley, Robert Mobley, Christopher Mobley, Belle Mobley, Hattie Mobley, Lestie Mobley, Bessie Mobley

William Jackson Mobley's parents: Rush Jackson Mobley

Martha Ann Baughn Mobley

Dad did tell me that he thinks Rush came to Alabama from Georgia (maybe around Savannah?) along with 2 brothers. One of the brothers (he couldn't remember their names off the top of his head) committed a crime and had to leave Alabama - he thinks he settled in Oklahoma. Dad said that a few years ago, a man who was a descendant of the "Oklahoma outlaw" (haha) contacted my uncle Charles and wanted some information, but Dad doesn't know if he ever followed up with him - the man did live in Oklahoma he thinks.....when he goes to visit he's going to see if Charles still has the letter -perhaps the Oklahoma guy has gotten further back than I have.

Currently, this is about all I have. Hope you can help! Thanks a bunch.

Martha Mobley Charles

1880 Franklin Co., AL: Mobley, John 50 SC, Amanda B 27 AL, Mary M 15 (niece)

Where does he fit in?


WRM William R. Mobley, d. 1876, bur. Old Concord cem. near Natural Bridge, AL

m. Elizabeth ____ (Langly ?) (Elizabeth Caroline Roberts per Randy), b. 1839 GA [1880 census], said to be bur. Tuscaloosa, AL

WRM1 James H. Mobley, b. 1862 GA

WRM2 John Mobley, b. 1867

WRM3 Rush Jackson Mobley, b. 5/17/1869 AL, d. 5/20/1952 Natural Bridge, AL, bur. at Lynn, AL

m. 1889 Martha Ann Baughn, b. 8/29/1870, d. 12/29/1953 "

1900 Winston Co: Rush 31 May 1869 AL, Martha 29 Aug 1870 AL, Nancy 10 Aug 1889, William 7 May 1893, John M 5 Jan 1895, Sarah 1 Jun 1898

1910 Winston Co HH 72: Rush J 40 GA, Martha A 39, William J 18, John M 14, Sarah M 12, Hattie E 9, Christopher 7, Joseph R 5, Bessie M 9/12

1920 Winston Co HH 54: Rush J 50, Martha A 48, William J 25, Christopher C 16, Joseph R 15, Bessie M 10, Lesta G 8

WRM31 Nancy Belle Mobley, b. 8/ /1889 AL

WRM32 William Jackson "Jack" Mobley, b. 5/21/1894, d. 6/8/1963

m. Cora Elizabeth Palmer, b. 1/15/1900, d. 3/1/1982

WRM321 Hazel Mobley, b. 3/12/1922, (All born in Natural Bridge, AL)

m. ____ Willingham

WRM322 Hubert Eli Mobley, b. 1/30/1924

WRM323 Buford Jackson "Pete" Mobley, b. 11/23/1925

WRM324 Kenneth Mobley, b. 4/24/1929

WRM325 Charles Arthur Mobley, b. 9/9/1933

WRM326 Elzie Lewis Mobley, b, 12/20/1937

m. Mary Agnes Nall, b. 12/15/1937, Red Level, Covington Co., AL

WRM3261 Martha Ann Mobley,b. 4/10/1965 Birmingham, AL

m. 6/ /1991 James Craig Charles, M.D. in Birmingham, AL, b. 3/27/1962 Lexington, NC

WRM32611 William Jackson Charles, b.12/27/1995 Winston-Salem, NC

WRM32612 Samuel Bennett Charles, b. 8/22/1997"

WRM32613 John Harrison "Harry" Charles, b. 2/20/2001

WRM3262 Jeffery Lewis Mobley, b.5/2/1968 in Birmingham, AL

m. Cicily Welch They live in Birmingham

WRM33 John McKinley "Mac" Mobley, b. 1/16/1896, d. 12/19/1959 bur. Elmwood Cem. Birmingham, AL

m. 1/17/1919 Rosa Everlina Townsend Winston Co., AL, b. 1/18/1901 Winston Co., AL, d. 6/16/1962 Florence, AL

WRM331 John McKinley Mobley, Jr., b. 1/16/1926 Franklin Co., AL

m. Norma King

WRM332 Trubie Maxine Mobley

WRM333 Earl Morris Mobley

WRM34 Sara Malinda (Lennie) Mobley, b. c1899 AL

WRM35 Hattie Estelle Mobley, b. c1901

WRM36 Christopher Columbus (Cricket) Mobley, b. 2/20/1903

m. Grace Stone

WRM361 James C. Mobley, b. 1/24/1926

m. Alice Mae Barnes

WRM3611 Randal Lee Mobley, b. 4/19/1960 Montgomery, AL

WRM3612 James Alan Mobley, b. 7/26/1957

WRM37 Robert Joseph Mobley, b. c1905

WRM38 Bessie Mae Mobley, b. c1909

WRM39 Lestie Geneva Mobley, b. c1911

WRM4 Robert P. Mobley, b. 1872

m. Caldonia “Calley” D. ____, b. 1892 AL

WRM41 Carl Mobley, b. c1909

WRM42 Alice Mobley, b. c1910

WRM43 Daughter Mobley, b. c1912

WRM44 William M. Mobley, b. c1915

WRM45 Edward Mobley, b. c1917

1900 Winston Co: Rush 31 May 1869 AL, Martha 29 Aug 1870 AL, Nancy 10 Aug 1889, William 7 May 1893, John M 5 Jan 1895, Sarah 1 Jun 1898

1900 Winston Co, AL HH 12: Robert 25, Betty 23 AL (sister), Elizabeth 92? (mother) GA

1910 Winston Co: HH 54: Robert P 36 GA, Calley D 18 AL, Core (m) 2, Alice 1 1/12

1920 Winston Co HH 11: Robert P 48, Caldonia 28, Carl 11, Alice 10, ?Daughter 8, William M 5, Edward 2 4/12

WRM5 Martha E. Mobley, b. 1875 AL





Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 13:42:02 -0600

From: John Mobley Jr

Subject: Mobley from Winston Co, AL

Carl I will give you what I know of the Mobley family in Winston Co.

W.R. Mobley d 1876 b Old Concord cem. near Natural Bridge, AL. Tombstone

states that he was father of J.H.,R.J. & P.Mobley. My G Father was Rush

J. Mobley. He was b 1869 and d 1952 bur at Lynn, AL. He had 9 or 10 children.

My father, his 2nd son, John McKinley b Jan 16 1896 d Dec 19 ,1959 bur.

Elmwood Cem. Birmingham, AL. I was b. 1926 in Franklin Co., AL.


Randal Lee Mobley CLASICPRTG@ 5/2/2005

Randal Lee Mobley b. 19 April 1960 age 45 single, born in Montgomery, AL, currently living in Wetumpka, AL, graduated Robert E. Lee high school in 1978, never attended college (this branch of Mobley's was born to work not think) I own my own business. After working for my former boss for 23 years, I bought the business from him. I have been operating it going on 7 years now. my business: Classic Printing of Montgomery, Inc.

My oldest known relative:

gggrandfather-William Jason Mobley(not sure if middle name is correct) m. Elizabeth Caroline Roberts

ggrandfather- Rush Jackson Mobley b. 14May1869 m. Martha Jnne Baughn

grandfather- Christopher C. Mobley b. 20Feb 1903 m. Grace Stone

father- James C. Mobley b. 24Jan1926 m. Alice Mae Barnes

  I have a brother - James Alan Mobley b. 26July1957 he is married and has 4 children and a granddaughter.

I have names of gggrand's and ggrand's children, also have all of my grandfathers childrens names.

I have read just about every genforum I could find and never come across this branch of Mobley's. maybe I can add another link.

I will be glad to answer any questions I can and give you all names and dates I have.

Thank you for your time,



Submitted by Betty Y. Mobley bettym@ 7/2/1999



REFERENCE: 24 Sep 1850

40 728 776 Mobley Warren 27 M Farmer 500 Kentucky X

41 728 776 Mobley Amelia 26 F Ind

42 728 776 Mobley Benjamin 2 M Ind

Page 264B

1 728 776 Mobley John E 24 M Farmer KY

2 728 776 Mobley Burdine 20 M Farmer IN


Death Records Jackson Co. IN





1850 Vigo Co. Ind. Census

29 33 33 Justice Mary 59 F 1,200 Pennsylvania

30 33 33 Mobley Catharine 32 F Indiana

31 33 33 Justice Elizabeth 25 F Indiana

32 33 33 Justice George 22 M Farmer Indiana

33 33 33 Mobley Rebecca 10 F Indiana

1860 Vigo Co:

Mobly, Almira 9 IN, ----ell (f) 7, w/ Presley & Milley Sparks

Mobly, Levi 72 IN, Elizabeth 66 NC

1870 Vigo Co:

Mobley, Delia 12 IN at home, John 44 KY, w/ W.H. & Lidda Isbell

Mobley, Elizabeth 74 NC, w/ Hamilton & Mary Bnahall?

Mobley, John 41 KY, BROWN, Annie 21 IA

Hull cem. Vigo Co. IN


Amanda dau of L & N Buried in Kentucky

Berdine 24yrs Apr. 27, 1854

George W. 53yrs Mar. 29, 1865

James W. 30yrs Dec. 4, 1852

John E. 50yrs 3mo 21da May 15, 1867

Levi 79yrs 6mo 3da Aug. 1, 1868

Mitilda dau of L & N Buried in Kentucky

Nancy wife of L. 57yrs 3mo 2da May 24, 1845


Miami Co. IN. Villages

MEXICO. With 500 inhabitants, is located on Eel river and E. R. Div. W., St. L. & P. R'y, in Jefferson township, Miami county, 5 miles north of Peru, the county seat and banking town. The town has 3 churches, 1 graded school, 1 hotel, and a furniture factory, and ships grain, live stock and furniture.

MOBLEY Reuben H, wagonmaker

1850 Miami Co: Reuben 38 KY, Elizabeth 25 TN, Lucinda 1/12 IL

1860 Miami Co: Rheuben 39 KY, Martha 38 NJ, Edward 13 IN, Amos 10, Sarah 9, Mary J 5

1870 Miami Co: Reuben 48 IN, Margaret 47 NJ, Mary J 16 IN



MOBLEY Maria 18 IN Washington 507


Lawrence County, IN 1820 Federal Census

Pg# Last Name First Name to-10 10-14 16-18 16-26 26-45 45+to 10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45+ For Agr Com Mfcs Free Colored Slaves Remarks

104 Drewy Mobley 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 1 0


Orange County Indiana 1820 Federal Census

Head of Household Males Females Occupation

MOBLEY Edward 000100 00200 0100


Vanderburgh County Indiana Honor Roll of Those who Served During World War I.

Part II M to Z

Sons of Men: Evansville's War Record, Compiled by Heiman Blatt, Published by Abe P. Madison, c. 1920, pp. 199-238

Mobley, Clem, 512 E. Illinois

1920 Vanderburgh Co:

Moberly, Clem 28 KY, Mattie M 29 KY, Mardell 11/12 IN


Wells County, Indiana 1840 Census

taken by Samuel Decker,

Page 205

MOBLEY, John 2 1 1 1 1


buried in Lamar Co, TX. By Herb Clark 7/12/99

Verdie Evelyn Mobley, b. 14 Sep 1934, d. 20 Jan 1973 Evergreen Cem.

Married Loyd D. Mobley.


Christina Beth Huvelle CHuvelle@ 8/1/99

2485 Upland Drive Concord, CA 94520 (925)686-1281

Here's my line from the Mobleys:

My mother, Nancy Delores Ellstrom b. 11/24/1942, Portland, OR

Her mother, Lydia Bethalee Franklin b. 2/19/1922, Lincoln, NE

Her mother, Chloe Josephine Mobley b. 1/25/1881 d. 11/25/1976, Portland, OR

Her father, William Thomas Mobley b. 10/12/1846, Fremont County, IA

His father, Thomas Mobley b. (1825) MO

1850 Fremont Co, IA: Thomas 25 MO, Josephine 18 OH, William 7/12 IA

Thomas Mobley, b. 1825 MO

m. Josephine ___, b. 1832 OH

William Thomas Mobley, b. 10/12/1846, Fremont Co., IA


Chloe Josephine Mobley b. 1/25/1881, d. 11/25/1976 Portland, OR


Subject: MOBLEYS IN UK Fri, 6 Aug 1999 23:24:28 +0100

From: "suemat"

It's been a while since I last wrote to you. My father David Albert Mobley has now obtained a copy of his father's birth certificate. He was Albert Anthony, born 14th October 1893 in East Ham, Essex, England. His father, my ggf, was called Albert Henry Thomas Mobley, and his wife was Alice, formerly Knowles. Does this help to establish a link?

Best wishes, Sue Mobley.


Looking for Elizabeth's family. Born about 1882-1884. Have very little to go on other than counties of Mercer, Washington and Nelson in Kentucky. Have not been able to find Elizabeth through census reports until after she marries my gg grandfather "Dee Sallee".

Elizabeth Bell Mobley b.1882-1884 KY

m. 10/19/1899 Dee Sallee Springfield, Washington Co., KY, b. 1/30/1878 KY


Hubert Cleveland Sallee, b. 8/4/1900, d. 11/14/1987

m. Opha Pearl Blacketer

Josephine Sallee b. 1903

m. (1) Carl Muncy

m. (2) Boyd/Wales)

Mary Palmra Sallee b. 1906

m. Huey Cruck

Mattie Sallee, b. 1907

m. John Roy Bratton

James Sallee, b. 1915 and dies a few years later

(Hubert and Jimmie get thrown from a horse & Jimmie gets sick with pneumonia and passes away a few weeks later)

1910 Washington Co: Dee 32 KY, Elizabeth 26 KY-KY, Hubert C 9, Josephine L 7, Mary P 5, Martha C 3

1920 Washington Co: Dee 42, Leslie 38, Hubert 19, Josie 17, Mary 14, Mattie 13, Jimmie 5


My name is, PETER GUY MOBERLY MOTT 12/18/99


For about the last 10 years I have been researching my MOBERLY Family, from my Mothers side. Most of this research has been done by going through mountains of family papers, books etc. I also managed to come across 2 partly made up family Tree's. The result is quite a large family, however the early tree is still not found and is a lot later than your family, please find the enclosed VERY short version of what I have found.

RICHARD MOBERLY b 1725 d1804 Carrier Of Knutsford,Cheshire.


Married JANE ADAMS 1750 They had 15 children.



EDWARD MOBERLY b1759 d1827 of St.Petersberg, Russia.

Married SARAH CAYLEY ( Daughter of British Consul to St.Petersberg )1786 They had 11 children



JOHN MOBERLY moved to Canada and started that branch.

10th son of EDWARD MOBERLY:


GEORGE MOBERLY b1803 d1885 Bishop of Salisbury

Married MARY ANN CROKAT 1834 They had 15 children

2nd son of GEORGE MOBERLY:


JOHANNES CONELIUS MOBERLY b1848 d1928 Lawyer of Winchester,Hampshire,UK

Married CAROLINE HUNTER 1872 They had 4 children.




Lt.Gen.Sir , K.C.I.E.,C.B.,D.S.O.

Married HILDA MIRIAM ELINOR WILLIS 1910 they 2 children

They are also my Grandparents, the WILLIS Family has been done by me and is well documented.

I dont know if any of this is of any interest to you, but i am trying to go back from 1725, please let me know if I can be of any help,

Yours Sincerley,

Peter Guy Moberly Mott.



Hello from Adelaide S.Australia,

Re WALTER MOBERLY he is part of my family, which I am still trying to connect to the U.S. family, if there is a connection.

Brief history is:





JOHN MOBERLY (Royal Navy 1805,Captain 1847.Retired.

Agent for Bank of Upper Canada & Magistrate)

Born 08/07/1788, St.Petersberg, Russia.

Died 15/01/1848, Canada

Married 17/07/1828, MARY FOCK ( Daughter of Alexander Fock)



MARY SARAH b. 26/06/1829

d. 01/10/1923

m.10/10/1851, Sir Harford Jones-Brydges,Bt.

GEORGE b. 16/09/1830

d. 25/04/1916

m.16/10/1860, Fanny Maria O'Brien

(Lawyer of Collingwood, Canada)

WALTER b. 15/08/1832

d. 14/05/1915

m.27/06/1865, Blanche Compigne

(Civil Engineer in Canada, discoverded Eagle Pass in the Gold Range Mountain.

Member of the 1st British Columbian Legislative Assembly for Cariboo West.

Assistant Serveyor-General of B.C. )

HENRY JOHN b.02/08/1835


m1.00/11/1862, Marie ???

m2.10/09/1871, Francoise La Fleur

(Factor for the Hudson Bay Company)

Moberly Lake Provincial Park

" The lake was named for Harry Moberly, chief trade with the Hudson’s Bay Company. He left the Company in 1865 and settled down on the north shore of Moberly Lake until 1868. In 1870, he rejoined the Company to complete a total of 37 years of faithful service."

CLARENCE WISHAW b.12/04/1838


( Architect in Canada )

ARHTUR b.04/09/1840


m.20/03/1866, Caroline Jane Bourchier

(Doctor in Canada)

SOPHIE b.29/05/1843


FRANK b.19/07/1845


m1.10/10/1874, Georgina Agnes McIntyre

m2.10/06/1822, Mary Violet McIntyre ( her Sister ???)

(Civil Engineer

Commisioner of Police Ontario Provence.

Magistrate for Manitoba.)

EMMA b.11/07/1874



Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 21:32:34 -0800

From: David and Kathy Holland

To: Carl Mobley

David Holland

10338 Lindley Ave. #107

Northridge, CA 91326-3513

818-360-XXXX (keep private)

Born: Alhambra, CA (near L.A.)

Education: Nearing B.A. in Economics

Occupation: Electronics Technician

Spouse: Kathy Holland neé Gates

Children: only myself and my above mentioned spouse

Hobbies: Cycling, photography, hiking, politics, movies

Generation 6:

Brad Holland: private; spouse, Christina Morgan: private

David Holland: private; spouse, Kathleen Gates: private

Debra Holland: private; daughter, Morganna Holland: private

Generation 5:

Parents of Brad, David, and Debra Holland:

Floyd Ray Holland: Private

Shari Hamm: Private

Generation 4:

Parents of Floyd Ray Holland

Reuben Holland: born September 1, 1901, in Bentonville, Benton Co.,

AR; died June 29, 1987, in Chino, San Bernardino Co., CA

Ethel Adice Turner: born June 30, 1904, in Centerton, Benton Co.,

AR; died July 30, 1996, in Chino, San Bernardino Co., CA

Married in August 1932, Benton Co., AR

Generation 3:

Parents of Reuben Holland:

Jacob T. Holland: born April 10, 1867, in Georgia; died December 08,

1958, in Centerton, Benton Co., Arkansas

Cora Jane Clemmons: born April 24, 1868, in Arkansas; died December

04, 1929, in Garland TS, Benton Co., Arkansas Married: 1889

Generation 2:

Parents of Jacob T. Holland

Samuel N. Holland: born January 27, 1834, in South Carolina; died

April 04, 1901, in Benton Co., Arkansas

Martha Bates: born January 18, 1840, in Murray Co., Georgia; died

May 06, 1909, in Benton Co., Arkansas

Marriage info unknown

Generation 1 (the Mobley connection):

Parents of Martha Bates:

John C. Bates: born abt. 1818, in Georgia; death unknown

Mary Jane MOBLEY: born about 1825, in Georgia; died March 24, 1910,

in Mt. Pleasant, Arkansas

Marriage info unknown

I have not identified Mary Jane Mobley's parents yet, but will request

her death certificate.

David Holland


Sandra Stiles sstiles@ 2/6/2000

Descendants of William Mobley

Generation No. 1

1. William 1 MOBLEY

Children of William MOBLEY are:

2. i. JESSE2 MOBLEY, b. Abt. 1807, Ky; d. Bet. 1870 - 1880


iii. WILLIAM HENRY MOBLEY, b. KY; m. MARY ANN MCGEE, January 24, 1876

Generation No. 2

2. JESSE2 MOBLEY (?1) was born Abt. 1807 in Ky, and died Bet. 1870 - 1880. He married MARTHA GOUGH Abt. 1837 in Bienville Parish, LA. She was born 1819 in AL.

Children of JESSE MOBLEY and MARTHA GOUGH are:

i. ALLEN3 MOBLEY, b. Abt. 1838

ii. LEWIS MOBLEY, b. Abt. 1842

iii. CORNELIUS MOBLEY, b. Abt. 1845

iv. MARTHA A MOBLEY, b. Abt. 1848

3. v. LAFAYETTE A. MOBLEY, b. Abt. 1851, Clairborne Parish, La; d. Abt. 1903, Coushatta, La

vi. WILLIAM H MOBLEY, b. Abt. 1852

vii. J.M. (JAMES) MOBLEY, b. Abt. 1854

viii. TOBE MOBLEY, b. Aft. 1854

1850 Bienville Par., LA: Jesse 43 KY, Martha 31 AL, Allen 12 LA, Lewis 8, Cornelius 5, Martha 2

1870 Natchitoches Par: Jessie 63 AL, Martha 52 AL, M.A. (f) 22 LA, Lafayette 18, William H 18, J.M. (m) 16

Generation No. 3

3. LAFAYETTE A.3 MOBLEY (JESSE2, ?1) was born Abt. 1851 in Clairborne Parish, La, and died Abt. 1903 in Coushatta, La. He married CATHERINE COLESTE ROUTON February 18, 1877 in Red River Parish, La, daughter of GIDEON ROUTON and I. STONE. She was born Abt. 1855 in La.


4. i. IDA MAE4 MOBLEY, b. August 1886, Coushatta, La; d. Jefferson County, Tx.

ii. ANNIE K MOBLEY, b. July 1888.

Generation No. 4

4. IDA MAE4 MOBLEY (LAFAYETTE A.3, JESSE2, ?1) was born August 1886 in Coushatta, La, and died in Jefferson County, Tx. She married (1) ? WALLACE. She married (2) DAVID ELVINGTON RANEY, son of WILLIAM RANEY and ANNA GATES. He was born March 30, 1883 in Union Parish, La, and died August 3, 1944 in Beaumont, Jefferson Co, Tx.

Child of IDA MOBLEY and ? WALLACE is:

i. LAFAYETTE5 WALLACE, b. July 7, 1903, La; d. 1984; m. ANNA ?.

Notes for LAFAYETTE WALLACE: SS#435-09-0482

Children of IDA MOBLEY and DAVID RANEY are:

ii. SHIRLEY5 RANEY, b. La; m. VERNON LEROY STILES; b. December 4, 1915, Dayton, Liberty Co, Tx; d. October 28, 1978, Temple, Tx.



My name is Sandra Stiles but the Mobley line belongs to my husband Kenneth Stiles. Our address is 6699 Deer Park Lane, Lumberton, Tx. ph. (409) 755-4903. Both of us were born in Beaumont, Tx. Our children are Michael and David Stiles.


Posted by Cindy Kelly on February 05, 1999 at 11:17:32:

I'm trying to find any family ties back to MS:

My greatgrandfather is John M Mobley born about 1857 (53 in 1910 and born in LA), he lists both his parent's birth in MS.

John's wife died in 1898 after having had children:

Mary M Mobley Prather?, b.~1887

William S. Mobley, b.~ 1889

James L. Mobley, b.~ 1892

Anna Belle Mobley Lafitte, b. ~1895

Edwin Davis Mobley, b. 2-13-1898

(may have m. Ollie Mae Grant & had Lewis Elbert Mobley b. 19 Oct 1937 Jasper, TX, d. 18 Jun 1955 Jasper, TX bur Cold Springs Cem)


Cindy Kelly KidDoc104@ 8/8/04

Madison Mobley, Born about 1810-1811 KY

1840 census in Claiborne Parish, LA, 20-30 years old

1850 census in Natchitoches Parish, LA, 39 y/o, born in KY

1860 census in Natchitoches P O, Natchitoches Parish, LA, 49 y/o, born in KY

Madison 49, Sarah A 48, George W 19, James M 18, Louisa 15, Andrew J 10

1870 census in ward 1(Coushatta Chute), Natchitoches Parish, LA, 59 y/o, born in KY, Sarah 57

1880 census in Red River Parish, LA, 68 y/o, born in KY (living with Samuel and Jane? Nelson)

Married per “Mississippi marriages” as Madison Mobley to Sarah Benton , Oct. 24, 1831 in Copiah Co. MS

Sarah Mobley, Born about 1812-1813

1840 census in Claiborne Parish, LA, 20-30 years old

1850 census in Natchitoches Parish, LA, 37 y/o, born in TN

1860 census in Natchitoches, Parish, LA, 48 y/o, born in TN

1870 census in ward 1(Coushatta Chute), Natchitoches Parish, LA, 57 y/o, born in TN

1880 census in Dist 42, Ward 1-5, Red River Parish, LA, 67 y/o, born in TN


John Mobley, Born about 1833

1840 census in Claiborne Parish, LA, 5 or under 10

1850 census in Natchitoches Parish, LA, 17 y/o, born in MS

Joseph B. Mobley, Born about 1835

1840 census in Claiborne Parish, LA, under 5

1850 census in Natchitoches Parish, LA, 15 y/o, born in MS

George W. Mobley, Born about 1840

1840 census in Claiborne Parish, LA, under 5

1850 census in Natchitoches Parish, LA, 10 y/o, born in MS

1860 census in Natchitoches, LA, 19 y/o, born in LA

James M. Mobley, Born about 1841

1850 census in Natchitoches Parish, LA, 7 y/o, born in LA

1860 census in Natchitoches, LA, 18 y/o, born in LA

Louisa Mobley, Born about 1844

1850 census in Natchitoches Parish, LA, 5 y/o, born in LA

1860 census in Natchitoches, LA, 15 y/o, born in LA

Anderson Andrew Mobley, Born about 1849, d. 1864 in Warwickshire, England

1850 census in Natchitoches Parish, LA, 1 y/o, born in LA

1860 census in Natchitoches, LA, 10 y/o, born in LA (Listed as Andrew J.)


James Madison Mobley, b Dec? 10 1856* in LA. Listed with children in the 1910 census as John M Mabley, in 8-WD, Caddo Parish, LA. Roll 509, Part 3, page 219B. 53 y/o in 1910.James Madison Mobley is buried in the Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian cemetery in Natchitoches (Red River) Parish, La.. Parents listed as born in MS. The white marble graevstone is on the left side ajacent to the road with the name only and no dates listed.Family lore says he was 97 y/o when died...lived with Anna Belle

1910 Caddo Par: John M 53 LA-MS Wd, Mary M 23s LA, William J 21, James L 18, Anna B 15, Omand D 12

m. 7/21/1881?* Henrietta? Estella Caston in Red River Parish, b. 6/15/1864, d. 10/22/1900 (* have family bible, but difficult to read) other dates received from Caston web site.


1) Martha Ellen Mobley, b. 5/23/1884, d. 1905

m. David Roean Emmons - who's mother was a Choctaw Indian named Tabitha

daughter was Clara Lee Emmons, b. 8/13/1903 who married....Southerland

oldest child - Fred, d. nov 1942 (alcohol poisoning)

Virginia "Sis" Southerland, b. 1927, Married George H Williams, b. 1922

Buddy Southerland, Married Barbara

William Southerland (have appendicitis/gangreen when his brother passed – never learned to read

2) Mary Mobley ( lived on West 65th in Shreveport LA,

daughter or two..husband died early.) b.~1887 per 1910 census.

Mary Madalean Mobley, b. 12/1/1886, d. 12/4/1975 - age 89 +3days in old bible record

m. 2/4/1912 Willie D Bryant in Lucas, LA, b. 2/4/ 1888

daughter Lizzie May Bryant, b. July 17, 1914

3) Bill Mobley later moved to West Lake, LA near Lake Charles...won a Plymouth.

Listed in the 1910 census as William S. Mabley. William Scott Mobley, b 8/15/1888?

in bible record

Married Roxie

4) James Louis/ Luis Mobley, b. 8/3/1890?(b. 1891 per census), d. 8/4/1916

5) Earlene/ Everlean Lueze? Mobley, b. 9/6/1892, d. 11/14/1894 Gravestone as Evelyn Mobley in Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Cem, Coushatta, Red River Parish, LA

6) Annie Belle Mobley, lived in Shreveport, LA. b.~ 1895 per 1910 census. b. ?Feb? 8, 1895

m. Garland Prather

7)Edwin Davies Mobley, born Feb. 13,1898 in LA, died April 9, 1982 (dates per SSDI

#462-30-7090) in Denton, Denton Co, TX, buried in Houston in Roselawn? Cemetery...on hwy 59 going into Houston

m. 12-1927 Esther Ellender Jackson, b. 10/10/1908 Ida, Caddo Parish, LA, (daughter of J.C. Jackson/Agnes Ann Brown,both born in Mira,LA), d. 3/20/2001 Denton, Denton Co. TX, bur. Splendora, Harris Co. TX (later marriages to Charley Keene, Ernest Beckham, and Jack Carl Price, b. Sept 25, 1914 in OK, d. 10/10/1987 Humble Harris Co. TX bur. Splendora City Cem) , divorced from Esther ~1942,

Later married twice before Ollie Married prior to 1959 to Ollie .....who died in Houston prior to 1968

A)Edwin Ellis Mobley, b. 8/12/1928 Coushatta, Red River Parish, LA,, d. 6/10/2004 Lafayette, Lafayette Parish, LA, bur. Willow Wild Cem, Bonham, Fannin Co., TX

m. Bobbie Jewel Sparrow, b. 8/15/1931, d. 3/15/1998 Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, LA (confirmed by SSDI#463-42-0742)

i)Kathy Lynn Mobley, b. ?, m. Mike McBane

a)Beth , Married ?

son b ` 1994, girl ~ 1997

b)Laurie? married in 1998

ii)Dana Janene Mobley, b. , m. John Hotard

a)Rebecca , b) Johnathan

B) Ruby Janice Mobley, b. Nov 25, 1929, in Bayou La Chute, Caddo Parish, LA

m. 12/11/1952 Jack Allen Dobbs in Houston Harris Co. Tx, b. 9/14/1927 Paducah, TX, d. 1/15/2003 Denton, TX

i)Clint Dobbs, b. 1959, in Houston, Harris Co. TX, Married in Denton TX to Deborah Gillis Stokes

a)Audrey Dobbs, b in Denton, TX on 1988 Married June 30, 1993? In Denton to Janet White Cunningham

ii)Cindy Kay Dobbs, b. Jan 18, 1961, Houston, TX, Harris Co, TX, Married, July 31, 1982 in Denton, Denton Co, TX to Timothy Paul Kelly, b. 1961 in Bethlehem, PA

a)Shannon Lindsay Kelly, b. 1884, in Irving, Dallas Co., TX

b)Darby Katherine Kelly, b. 1886 in Irving

c)Sean Timothy Kelly, b. 1989 in Irving

C)James Christie Mobley. Born Feb 21, 1933 in LA. Married Annette Mancuso, born in Lake Charles? Aug 15

i)Deanna, ii)Mark, iii)Melanie

D) Linda Jauree Mobley, Born 1941 at Bonham. Fannin. Co. TX Married Bobby _______ in Bonham ~1957, divorced and remarried and Divorced again lived in Grand Prairie?, Married Bill Bangs for about 3 months in1963 in Grand Prairie

i)Kelly Denise Bangs in 1964 in Grand Prairie, Dallas, Co. TX

Married in Ft. Worth to Pete Dahlman

Married in Plano to Gary Ray

Alex 1994 (adopted) Maria 1994 (adopted)

Linda later Married Ernest G. Alldredge, Jr. _______~1965 in Houston, Born ~1936

8) Cleo ???child Mobley, b. Oct 18 1902 Gravestone as Chlotilde Mobley in Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Coushatta, Red River Parish, LA

Misc data:

Dallas Public Library: book

Mobley/ Mobley-Prothro Bibles, 1841-1924, LA

Louisianna Genealogical RegisterVolume 19, Issue 1 and 4 in March and Dec 1972

The Mobley-Prothro Bible Records, submitted by Mrs. Charles F. Pucheu, Lafayette, La. The following Bible records were copied from two large Bibles in the possession of Mrs. Gilbert O'Connor of Bossier City. No identification of these old Bibles was possible since there was nothing written on the first inside pages.

William M. Mobley and Martha Ann Brown was intermarried on the 28th of January A.D. 1841

William Mobley was born on Nov. 11th A.D. 1801. William Mobley died April 16th A.D. 1884, W. M. Mobley died April 16, 1884

Martha Ann Mobley, wife of William Mobley was born Sept. 6 A.D. 1819. M. A. Mobley died March 30, 1898.

Francis Marion Mobley was born Dec. 13 A.D. 1841, died July 3rd A.D. 1879

William Jefferson Mobley was born Aug. 21st A.D. 1843. William J. Mobley died March 20th 1897

Dr. W. J. Mobley and Miss M. L. Hardy were married on the 31st of March A.D. 1870.

Mary Ann Haseltine Mobley, daughter of Wm. and Martha A. Mobley was born Dec. 31st A.D. 1845

J. L. Prothro and M. A. H. Mobley of Bienville, La were intermarried on the 12th of July A.D. 1865. at William Mobley's by J. H. Hassell


Richard Kemp Mobley jem715@ Mon, 14 Feb 2000

G. grandfather

William Mobley maybe 1853-1924 Ohio farming

Great uncle Russ Mobley Coal, West VA and OH


Ernest Clement Mobley, d. 1969, Baltimore MD. Steubenville? OH or St. Clairesville OH, Superintendent, valley camp coal company

grandmother Mary YOUNG


James Young Mobley, b. 6 Feb 1924

Johns Hopkins University

Wheeling, West Virginia

President, Florida Service Systems, Inc


Frances Smith Mobley (d/o Julia Gisriel & Joseph A. Smith)

b 17 Oct 1923 Baltimore MD

Richard Kemp Mobley b 11-Sept-1966 Baltimore, MD

18717 NW 79th Ct

Miami, FL 3015


Operations manager Westaff, Inc.

University of Fl.

gardening, fishing, football, soccer, cooking

Spouse. Lesbia Halleslevens - 10 dec 1962

Son: James Emilio Mobley - 15 July 1995

my brothers

James christopher

John Carter

Thomas Clark

William Cary

Charles Patrick

Robert Clifford

my sisters

Carol Anne

Cynthia Marie

Frances Catherine

Russ, son of william, made / lost and made again his living in coal. He and Ernest were the first Mobleys to leave the farms of Jefferson or Mongahelia (spelling) or maybe Cochocton Co., OH. Both went to West VA

A little story.

Ernest worked for a J. A. Paisely who ran Valley Camp coal. During WW II, he was overwhelmed with orders for coal to support the war related industries and the fed gov. for some reason made matters worse by refusing to let rail cars in from Canada. These cars were needed to fulfill outstanding orders.

Somehow Ernest saved the day and personally went to Canada and had all rail cars roll into WVA and coal was delivered.

Ernest, Mary and family moved to Baltimore ~1935-40

William, from what I've been told, was either the first born in the states or the first who left Wales.


Elizabeth Mobley, b. 8-1-1811 SC, d. 10-27-1881 both bur. in Floyd Springs Baptist Ch Cem., Floyd Co., GA

m. Benjamin Bennett Touchstone (1812-1893)

Benjamin and Elizabeth had sixteen children, including

Joseph Levi Touchstone, my gg grandfather. [Virginia Browning 5/19/00]

1870 Fulton Co: B.B. 58 GA, Elizabeth 58 SC, James 26 GA, Elizabeth 23, B.B. Jr 17, Isabelle 15 (lvg next to Solomon 75 & Isabella 74 Touchstone)

1880 Floyd Co: Benjamin 68, Elizabeth 68, Cora Lee 12 Gdau


Patricia Childers pchilders@ 6/18/00

James R. Mobley jmobley@ 4/29/02

Glidie Mobley grmr@ 2/2/04 (census data)

John Ray okienarc@pine- 2/15/04

Sally Edwards sallye@ 1/22/04

Craig Mobley Higherthings@ 12/1/05



141A2 Thomas Mobley, b. 1790, d. ca 1846, Fairfield, SC

m. Mary Mabry, b. 1800, d. ca 1846, dau. Daniel Mabry 1763-1816, m. 3/ /1788

(will of Daniel Mabry dtd 1816 Fairfield Co mentions Mary Mabry, Daniel & Ledford Mobley)

1 Thomas Mabry Mobley, b. 1820 Putnam Co., GA, d. Double Wells, AL

m. (1) bef 1845 Martha Rebecca Crawford, b. 1822 OH, d. 1857 Mt Carmel, Abbeville Co., SC [dau. John Crawford]

m. (2) bef 1870 Arabella ___ (in 1870 census)

1a Louisa Mobley, b. 1846 Abbeville Co., SC

1b Mary Ann Mobley, b. 7/18/1848 Abbeville Co., SC; d. 4/19/1909, Elberton, Elbert Co., GA, bur. Bethlehem Methodist Ch cem Clay, AL

met Ed Lawton, son of Tom Lawton

1880 census Calhoun Mills, Abbeville, SC: Mary Ann 35 & Edward 12 living with Mary Crawford

1b1 Edward Walton Mobley, b. 5/16/1870 Mount Carmel, Abbeville Co., SC, d. 10/8/1930 Mt Carmel, Abbeville Co., SC

m. Alice Josephine Lawton

1c Thomas Mabry Mobley, Jr., b. 1850/1852 (Mar 1848 per 1900 census) Abbeville Co., SC, d. 4/18/1924, Anderson Co., SC

m. Nancy Caroline “Carrie” Hill, b. ca 1853 SC

1d Samuel A. Mobley, b. 1854 Abbeville Co., SC

1e Jonathan G. Mobley, b. 1857 Abbeville Co., SC


1850 Abbeville, SC, the Savannah River regiment, Thomas 30, Martha 28, Louisa 4, MaryAnna 2

1860 Abbeville: Thomas 41 GA, Louisa 14 SC, Mary A 12 SC, Thomas 10, Samuel 6, Jonathan 3. Thomas was an Overseer on the Lomax Plantation

1870 Calhoun Co., AL: Thomas 50 GA, Arabella 32 SC, Thomas N 19 SC, S.A. (m) 16 SC, J.G. (m) 13 SC

1880 Cherokee Co., AL: Thomas 63 GA, Arabella 41 SC

1880 Abbeville Co, SC: Thomas N 28 SC, Nancey 27 SC, Millie E 7, Willie D 5, Martha R 3, Anna E 2


Estate of Augustus Lomax. Pack 338. Clerk of Court Office. Abbeville, S.C. To the Honr. Chancellors: The petition of W. JAMES LOMAX a committee that by order of this Court was on 29 July 1858 to govern the person and affairs of AUGUSTUS LOMAX who has been found to be of unsound mind and incapable of goerning (sic) himself and his estate. After one year your petitioner has paid out over five thousand dollars in debts with about the same amount left to be paid. The estate has a house and lot in Abbeville and the plantation of about three hundred acres of very poor land, and thirty negroes, ten of whom are hands. The overseer of the plantation is THOMAS MOBLEY. Dated 2 Nov 1859.


1b1 Edward Walton Mobley, b. 5/16/1870 Mount Carmel, Abbeville Co., SC; d. 10/8/1930 Mt Carmel, Abbeville Co., SC

m. 12/25/1889 Alice Josephine Lawton in Mt Carmel, SC, b. 7/12/1870 Bordeaux Twp, Abbeville Co., SC, d. 3/15/1945 Abbeville, SC [11th child of Luther Calvin Lawton (son of Hague Lawton b1788 England-d1864 Abbeville/Pamela Tower}/Catherine Jane Tullis]

1b11 Mattie Izora Mobley, b. 12/11/1886 Mt Carmel, SC, d. 8/8/1952

m. Herman Groves Levecetle

1b12 Lillie Crawford Mobley “Aunt Sis”, b. 12/13/1890 Mt Carmel, SC, d. 4/28/1964 Abbeville, SC

m. Charles Sims Henderson

1b13 Frank Harper Mobley, b. 10/22/1892 Atreville, Anderson Co., SC. d. 5/19/1960

m. Lora Lawton

1b14 Sallie Louise Mobley, b. 11/22/1894 Abbeville Co, SC, d. 4/29/1932 Lincolnton, Lincoln Co., GA, both bur. Jones Chapel cem.

m. 12/30/1912 Robert Lee Lawton in Lincolnton, Lincoln Co., GA, b. 6/6/1880, d. 9/13/1928 [son of Josephine Lawton]

1930 census Lincoln Co: Sallie 35 (widow), James 17, Maynard 12, L.G. (f) 9, Frances 7, Clarence 4, Sallie D 2

1b141 James Robert Lawton, b. 10/4/1912 Elbert Co., GA, d. 6/ /1985 McCormick, SC

m. Evelynie Pricilla Leverett (dau. Elijah Leveret/Lora Cox)

1b1411 James Robert Lawton Jr, b. 10/2/1937 Evans, Columbia Co., GA, d. 8/ /1986 McCormick, SC

m. 12/21/1965 Marion Theodora Georgia Henninger (dau. Theodore Henninger/Marion Bullis) [divcd]

1b14111 Evening Star Rudi-Mari Lawton, b. 11/30/1965 Port Chester, NY [name changed from Lawton to Ray 3/2/1971]

m. (1) 4/28/1982 Herman Kaser in Tucson, AZ

met (2) ca 2000 James Edward Terry [son of James erry/Stella Thomas]

1b141111 Ian Charles Jeremiah Kaser, b. 4/25/1983 Columbus, GA

1b141112 Mikael Raed-Suhayl Kaser, b. 4/2/1985 Tucson,

1b14112 April Bright-Sky Loranita Lawton, b. 4/30/1967 “ [adoption, name change from Lawton to Ray]{converted to Islam}

m. Wadih Elias El-Hage [son of Elias El-Hage/Maria]

1b141121 Abdullah Wadih Elias El-Hage, b. 9/23/1986 Quetta, Pakistan

1b141122 Safia Wadih Elias El-Hage, b. 5/22/1988 Tucson, AZ

1b141123 Maymuna Elias El-Hage, b. 7/20/1990 Islamabad, Pakistan

1b141124 Muhammed Wadih Elias El-Hage, b. 11/1/1991 Ft Worth, TX

1b141125 Harun Wadsih Elias El-Hage, b. 8/28/1994 Nairobi, Kenya

1b141126 Esa Wadih Elias El-Hage, b. 5/23/1996 Nairobi, Kenya

1b141127 Zainab Wasdih Elias El-Hage, b. 6/22/1998 Arlington, TX

1b14113 Yumiko Fern Ardis-Janene Lawton, b. 11/21/1969 Augusta, GA [adoption/name change from Lawton to Ray] {converted Islam}

m. 3/29/1985 Atif Ibrahin Salem Abuelian in El Paso, TX [son of Ibrahim Abuelian/Halima Abuharb]

1b141131 Badr Atif Ibrahim Abuelian, b. 2/2/1987

1b141132 Nasser Atif Ibrahim Abuelian, b. 4/5/1989

1b141133 Khalid Atif Ibrahim Abuelian, b. 10/26/1992

1b141134 Summer Atif Ibrahim Abuelian, b. 3/6/1996 Doha, Qatar

1b141135 Serene Atif Ibrahim Abuelian, b. 11/15/1998 Doha, Qatar

1b1412 Lamar Lawton, b. 9/14/1943, d. 2/ /1986 McCormick, SC

m. Ilene Reinhart

1b1413 Wallace Lawton, b. ca 1939

1b1414 Everett Lawton “Shorty”, b. 6/11/1942, d. 10/ /1972 Augusta, GA

m. Joyce Faye Reynolds

1b142 Ben Crawford Lawton, b. 12/16/1915, d. 5/ /1917 “

1b143 Maynard Lawton, b. 12/18/1918, d, 7/4/1985 Augusta, Richmond Co., GA bur. Jones Chapel cem.

1b144 L. G. Lawton (f), b. ca 1921

1b145 Frances Lawton, b. ca 1923

1b146 Clarence Lawton, b. 8/26/1925, d. 5/19/1994 Beaufort, SC

1b147 Sallie Lawton, b. ca 1928

1b15 Luther Edward Mobley “Buck”, b. 2/4/1897 Mt Carmel, SC, d. 9/14/1960 Abeville, SC

1b16 Parry Lee Mobley, b. 2/18/1899 Mt Carmel, SC, d. 6/29/1946

m. Samuel T. Anderson

1b17 Eliza Frances Mobley “Fan”, b. 11/23/1901 Mt Carmel, SC

1b18 Betsey Elizabeth Mobley, b. 8/15/1904 Mt Carmel, SC, d. 7/7/1978

m. Ernest C. Caruthers

1b19 Allie Mae Mobley “Al”, b. 5/19/1907 Elberton, Elbert Co., GA

1b1A Maggie Mobley, b. 7/13/1909 Elberton, Elbert Co., GA, d. 12/9/1974 Abbeville, SC (dob?)

1b1B William Mobley, b. 8/7/1909 Elberton, Elbert Co, GA, d. 7/3/1944 New Guinea (dob?)

m. Louise Young

1b1C Charlie Calvin Mobley, b. 3/27/1912 Elberton, Elbert Co., GA, d. 12/13/1988 Abbeville, SC

m. 10/28/1933 Ruby Beatrice Scott in Abbeville, SC. b. 5/16/1913 Abbeville, SC, d. 1/5/2002 Aiken, SC bur. Melrose Cem [dau. George Scott/Pearl Mahaffey]

1b1C1 Charlie Benson Mobley “Bennie”, b. 6/27/1934, Abbeville, Abbeville Co., SC

m. 1/28/1955 Frances Helen Reid in Lowndesville, Anderson Co., SC. b. 6/22/1936 Anderson, SC [dau Guy Reid/Eular Turpin]

1b1C11 Barbara Gail Mobley, b. 10/5/1957 Anderson, SC

m. 1/12/1984 Roger Eugene Cobb in Walhalla, Oiconee Co., SC, b. 8/11/19?? Seneca, Oconee Co., SC

1b1C111 Charles Allen Mobley, b. 4/29/1980 Ft Walton Beach, FL

1b1C112 Angela Dawn Cobb, b. 11/11/1987 Seneca, SC

1b1C113 Alicia Hope Cobb, b. 10/29/1988 “

1b1C12 Patricia Diana Mobley, b. 7/3/1959 Abbeville, SC

m. 10/20/1979 James Louis Childers in Panama City, Bay Co., FL, b. 12/15/1947 Quincy, FL [son of John Childers/Callie Beach]

1b1C121 James Louis Childers II, b. 5/25/1981 Panama City, FL

1b1C122 Diana Elizabeth Childers, b. 10/30/1985 Seneca, SC

1b1C13 Teresa Jane Mobley, b. 9/11/1961 Richards-Gebaur AFB, Grandview, MO

m. 6/24/1980 Randall Jevon Fulton in Donaldsonville, GA, b. 8/10/1958 Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL

1b1C131 Lisa Marie Fulton, b. 5/24/1981 Panama City, FL

1b1C132 Melanie Ann Fulton, b. 5/10/1983 “

1b1C133 Nicolas Jevon Fulton, b. 1/14/1990 Seneca, SC

1b1C14 April Joy Mobley, b. 4/8/1964 Richards-Gebaur AFB, Grandview, MO

m. 7/1/1983 Tony Lee Standridge in Burton, Beaufort Co., SC, b. 12/9/1948 Oakway, SC [son of Glenward Standridge/Myrtle Turpin]

1b1C141 Cari Standridge, b. 6/5/1984 Beaufort, SC

1b1C142 Tony Lee Standridge Jr, b. 7/28/1986 “

1b1C143 Calvin Standridge, b. 2/15/1990 “

1b1C15 Beverly Ann Mobley, b. 7/24/1967 Ft Walton Beach, Okaloosa Co., FL

m. Keith James

1b1C151 Sylvia James

1b1C152 Megan James

1b1C16 Quanita Lynn Mobley, b. 7/24/1969 “

1b1C17 Guy Benson Mobley, b. 4/25/1976 Korea

1b1C18 Anthony Mobley, b. 11/13/1976 Korea (dob?)

1b1C2 George Milton Mobley “Skeet”, b. 6/13/1936, “

m. Helen Singleton

1b1C21 Mary Mobley

m. Mike Hedden

1b1C211 Ann Hedden

1b1C212 Mike Hedden

1b1C3 Ruby Gwendelyn Mobley, b. 11/8/1938, “

m. ____ Pye

1b1C4 Wallce Byron Mobley “Pete”, b. 7/7/1940, “

1b1C5 Linda Mobley, b. 10/2/1942, “, d. 1994, Abbeville, SC

m. ____ Partain

1b1C6 Mary Alice Mobley, b. 10/9/1944, “

m. ____ Cox

1b1C7 Marolyn Kay Mobley, b. 12/28/1946 “

m. ____ Whited

1b1C8 Carolyn Fay Mobley, b. 12/28/1946 “

m. ____ Cheshire

1b1C9 Debra Lynn Mobley, b. 9/15/1956, “

m. ____ Hayes

1b1D Emma Florence Mobley, b. 6/13/1915 Elberton, Elbert Co, GA, d. 12/9/1974 Abbevlle Co., SC


1900 Abbeville Co: Edward W 30 May 1870 SC, ? Wife 29 Jul 1869, Mattie 13 Lillie C 9, ? son 7, Sallie ?, Luther E 3? Parry? ? dau, Mary 51 (mother) Jul 1848

1910 Elbert Co., GA: Ed W. 40 SC, Alice 38 SC, Lillie 19 SC, Frank 16 SC, Sallie 14 SC, Luther 12 SC, Harry L 10 SC, Fannie 8 SC, Betsie 5 SC, Alice M 3 GA, Maggie 8/12 GA, Mattie LAWTON 23 SC Stepdau

1920 Elbert Co: Edward W 50 SC, Alice J 49 SC, Lilley C 29 SC, Luther E 21 SC, Parrie L. Anderson 20, dau, Eliza F 18, Elizabeth 15, Allie M 12, Magdalene 10, Billy 8, Charley 7, Emma 4, Sam T. Anderson 21 SIL

1930 Abbeville Co: Edward c1870 SC, J. Alice c1870 SC, Charles c1912, Emma c1916, Floyd c1905 boarder


Anderson Independent Mail Monday, January 7, 2002

Abbeville - Ruby Scott Mobley, 88, formerly of Abbeville, died Saturday, January 5, 2002, at Carriage Hill Plantation, Aiken. Born in Abbeville County, she was a homemaker and was of the Methodist faith. Surviving are daughters, Debbie M. Haynes of Cleveland, Ga., Carolyn M. Cheshire of Donalds, Marolyn M. Whited of Greenwood, Mary M. Cox of Calhoun Falls and Gwen M. Pye of Chesnee; sons, Pete Mobley of Minot, N.D., Skeet Mobley of Abbeville and Bennie Mobley of Westminster; sisters Sokie S. Able, Mary S. Cartledge, Pat S. Ware, Inez S. Stone and Pauline S. Stone, all of Abbeville; brothers, Emmett Scott, Bud Scott and Perrin Scott, all of Abbeville; 20 grandchildren: 17 great grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.

She was the widow of Charlie C. Mobley and the daughter of the late George and Pearl Mahaffey Scott. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Linda M. Partain and a brother John Scott.

Services are at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the chapel of Harris Funeral Home by the Rev. Darren Hook: burial will follow in Melrose Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, prior to the service.

The family is at the home of a son, Skeet Mobley, 451 Noble Drive.


1c Thomas Mabry Mobley, Jr., b. 3/ /1848 SC, d. 4/18/1924 Anderson Co., SC

m. 8/10/1871 Nancy Caroline “Carrie” Hill, b. 10/1/1852 SC, d. 8/14/1938 Anderson Co., SC

1880 Anderson Co: Thomas 28 SC, Nancy C. 27 SC, Millie E. 7 SC, Willie D. 5 SC, Martha R. 3 SC, Anna E. 2 SC

1900 Anderson Co: Thomas 52 Mar 1848 SC, Carrie 50 Mar 1850, Daniel 16 Oct 1883, Bennie 13 Jul 1886, Dora 10 May 1890

1910 “: Thomas M. 61, Nancy 60, unreadable male 26 boarder

1920 “: Thomas M. 68, Nancy C 67

1c1 Millie E. Mobley, b. ca 1873 SC

1c2 William David Mobley, b.9/3/1873, d. 4/17/1948

m. Carrie Elizabeth Moore, b. 10/26/1883 Starr, Anderson Co.,SC, d. 9/7/1942 Starr, Anderson Co., SC

1910 Anderson Co: William D. 34, Carrie 27, James 9, Janiece 6, Azilee 3

1920 “: Will D. 46, Carrie 36, Azilee 14,m Madge 11, Harold 8

1c21 Jones Walton Mobley, b. 5/12/1900, d. 9/19/1917 Bur. Starr Baptist Church, Starr, SC

1c22 Janice Mobley, b. c1903 SC

m. Victor G. Campbell, b. c1898 SC

1920 Anderson Co: Victor G. 22 Janice 17

1c23 Azilee Mobley, b.12/18/1905, d. 1/14/2003

m. Ernest Clayton [lvd Blackstock, Chester Co, SC]

1c24 Madge Mobley, b. c1909

m. J.C. Powell

1c25 Harold L. Mobley, b. c1912

1c3 Martha Rebecca Mobley, b. ca 1877 SC

1c4 Anna (Annie) Eliza Mobley, b. ca. 1878 SC

1c5 John Thomas Mobley, d. aft 1924

1c6 Daniel Simpson Mobley, b. 10/ /1883 SC (census), d. aft 1924

m. Cora Caruthers, b. c1895 SC

1920 Anderson Co (next to Thomas M.) Dann S. 36, Cora 25, Lucille 4 5/12, Emma 10/12

1930 Hall,Anderson,SC pg 15B

Dave S.Mobley 44, Carrie 35(same wife?), Lucille 14, Emma 11, Thomas 8

1c61 Lucille Mobley, b. c1915 SC

m. Wade Goss no issue

1c62 Emma Mobley, b. c1919, died a spinster

1c63 Thomas Mabry Mobley III, b. c1922 SC

m. Gerrell Moss of Anderson, SC

1c64 James R. Mobley, M.D.

m. ____

1c641 James Rhett Mobley

1c642 Thomas Moss Mobley

1c7 Benjamin E. Mobley b. 7/ /1886 1900 census)

m. Bessie ____

1910 census Anderson Co: Benjamin E. 22, Bessie 22, Otis (Artis) 9/12

1920 Anderson Co: Ben E. 36, Bessie 30, Otis 10, Thurman 8, Cecil 5

1c71 Artis Mabry Mobley, b. 7/12/1909 SC, d. 2/4/1987

1c711 Bobby Eugene Mobley, b. 8/15/1931

m. (1) Martha Painer, b. 9/20/1937

m. (2) Sandra ____dad r

1c7111 Michael Eugene Mobley, b. 12/17/1958 NM

m. (1) Rita ___

m. (2) ____

m. (3) Twana Clark Barby

m. (4) ____

1c71111 Rocky Mobley (of ux #1)

1c71112 Brandie Mobley “

1c71113 Bo Mobley (of ux #2) t

1c71114 Tennile (Barbry) Mobley (adopted)

1c71115 Tony (Barbry) Mobley “

1c7112 Bryan Everett Mobley, b. 1/7/1960 Greenville, SC, d. 4/21/2002 Wellford, SC

m. Brenda ____

1c71121 Lance Mobley, b. Greenville, SC

1c7113 Craig Errol Mobley, b. 6/29/1962 Tucson, AZ

m. 12/29/1990 Angela Joy Clark, b. 1/17/1967 Greenville, SC

1c71131 Tasha Nicole Mobley, b. 3/28/1992 Greenville, SC

1c71132 Samantha Leigh Mobley, b. 6/14/1993 Greenville, SC

1c72 Thurman Mobley, b. c1912 SC, lvd Waynesville, SC

1c73 Cecil Mobley, b. c1915 SC

m. Nancy ____

1c8 Benson Eugene Mobley, b. 6/6/1887 Abbeville Co., SC, d. 7/18/1935 Abbeville Co., SC

1c9 Dora Mobley, b. 5/ /1890 (census)


1880 Magnolia,Abbeville, SC-pg 135D:

Thomas N. (M.?)Mobley -28 bn SC SC SC, Nancy C 27 bn SC SC SC, Millie E 7 SC, Willie D 5 SC, Martha R 3 SC, Anna E 2 SC

1900 Anderson Co, Hall Twp, SC

Thomas 52 Mar 1848 SC, Cassie 50 Mar 1850 SC, Daniel 16 Oct 1883, Bennie 13 Jul 1886, Dana? 10 May 1890

1910 Anderson Co, Hall twp, SC

Thomas M. 61, Nancy 60

Note: William D, Thomas M & John T all neighbors; HH 6, 7 & 8

1920 census Thomas N. 68, Nancy C 67

not found on the 1930 census


Will of Thomas Mabry Mobley Jr.:

State of South Carolina

Anderson County

In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas M. Mobley, of the State and County above named, being of sound mind and disposing, do make, ordain, constitute and declare this to be my last will and testament. First, I desire and direct my executors, hereinafter named, to have my body decently buried, and my funeral expenses and just debts paid out of my Estate first. Secondly, I will and bequeath to my beloved wife, Nancy Caroline Mobley, all my tract or parcel of land containing ninety-seven acres, be the same more or less, lying and situated on the waters of Wilsons Creek – waters of Rocky River, bounded on the north by lands of Mr. G. Bowie and H.M. Tate, on south and west by lands of W.D. Mobley and Wm. Williford. This, my real estate, together with all my personal estate, biz(?) – homes, hogs, cows and horses. All the farming implements, tools and all utensils on said farm or tract of land. Household and kitchen furniture, all my beds and bedding, books and papers of every kind, and whatsoever provisions may be at my decease, or growing crop may be on hand. All this my real estate and personal property, after all my debts are paid at my decease, I desire and bequeath the same to my beloved wife, Nancy Caroline Mobley during her natural life, and at her death to be equally divided between my children.

I do hereby nominate and appoint my wife, Nancy Caroline Mobley, and my son, Daniel Simpson Mobley, executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all wills by me made.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 5th day of December, one thousand, nine hundred and six.

Signed, published and declared by the above named Thomas Mabry Mobley to be his last will and testament in the presence of the Testator.

Thomas Mabry Mobley

J.B. Leverett, Sr.

J.W. Washington

J.B. Leverett Jr.


The following letters were written to and from some Mobley cousins in my family. Julia Barnham julia.barham@ 03/11/07

The first letter was written from my grandmother, Annie Elizabeth Mobley Smith, to her cousin, Maggie Mobley Hammond, in 1953, I think. It was copied by Maggie Mobley Hammond, who I believe lived in Abbeville, SC, and sent to my father’s sister (Annie’s daughter), Carrie Smith Hodge. Those copies were given to my sister, Dorothy Smith Kadala, and then to me.

“Dear Cousin Maggie,

My sister Mittie was born June 23rd 1872. Her first marriage was to J.A. Tounsend (Townsend) and to them was born 2 children, a girl and a boy. Carrie was named for my mother (Nancy Caroline Hill Mobley) and Milton Thomas was named for my father. Mr. Tounsend died and she married H.W. Canfield. To them no children. He died first and my sister died at the age of 72. I will send you the clipping of her death, maybe it will be of some help to you. I have forgotten the year she died. I was named for Aunt Ann, Edd’s mother. I was very fond of him when I was a child. Of course we moved apart and I never did get to see him after I was a child. He moved to Georgia. Brother Dan is the only brother I have living, and two sisters, Mrs. Rebecca Loftis and Dora Hanks. My husband died in the year 1950. He died on July 5, his birthday. He was 69 years old and died of a heart attack. He was running a little grocery store. We own this little home. But I am very lonesome. I have four children, three boys and one girl. My boys are all around Anderson, but my daughter married a boy below Columbia, a Mr. T.E. Hodge. He is a merchant. I don’t see them very often. I make my living by renting part of my home. In April I will be 72 years old. (Note: she actually was born in 1878, not 1881 as she always claimed.) I was glad to get your letter although we had never seen each other. Our kin come from my father’s side. He only had one sister and we were very fond of her. Two years ago I fell and broke my right arm. And I have never seen a well day. It didn’t heal up right. And ……. Set in. So you know how hard it is for me to do my cooking. I hope to hear from you again. I am writing with my crippled hand. I hope you can read my scribbling. I am sending you the clipping of my sister’s death. Please let me hear from you again.

Mrs. W.W. Smith

802 E. Orr Street

Anderson, SC”

The second letter was written from Dora Mobley Hanks (Annie’s sister) to Maggie Mobley Hammond and copied to Carrie Smith Hodge.

“February 15, 1953

Dear Cousin,

As you say, we are strangers to each other. We shouldn’t be for after all Daddy didn’t have too many people. That we know of. I think the Martha Crawford you were referring to was my Granddaddy Mobley’s first wife. He married a Crawford first. She died, which was my daddy’s mother. Then he came along and married Aunt Bell Uldrick, Mama’s mother’s sister. She was my Aunt Bell and Grandmother too. Step grandmother, of course. That is as far as I can go. I visited once when I was a very little girl in my father’s aunt’s home, way down on the Savannah River. The old women’s names was Crawford. And they raised a boy by the name of Smith. And the Nelsons was mixed up some way. I don’t know just how. There was a little boy by the name of Ben Nelson. I’ve seen him several times since he and I have grown up and married. The other boy was named Otto Nelson. But I can’t tell you where to find them. They could give you a lot of information if you could locate them. My father’s name was Thomas Mabry and mother’s was Nancy Caroline. She was a Hill. You can find all of them you are looking for around Abbeville and Donalds, also Honea Path (SC). I have a good many nieces and nephews that are working in Abbeville Mill. There is a Charlie Mobley I met when Brother John died two years ago around there. He is also some kin, he said. I guess Betsy is your sister. I have seen her a good deal. But not lately. Now that Louisa S.T. Mobley I don’t know about. I had a brother Ben but he is dead. And he was born in 1886 somewhere down about McCormick County. The other one must be Daddy’s uncle or brother. Granddaddy and Bell moved to Double Wells in Alabama when Daddy was a very young boy. He stayed one year and ran away and came home and he and mother married. Granddaddy died out there. Daddy had a brother who came back here when these old aunts died. Uncle Jim came here for his share. But he is the only one and I wrote to two of his girls for quite a while. I will send you their picture if I can find it - in my next letter. If you care to try and locate them. I did have them. My sisters are Annie Smith and Rebecca Loftis. Will have to close and will try and write more next time, if you can read this.

Love, Dora Hanks”

The third letter was written from Lucille Mobley Goss to Maggie Mobley Hammond and copied to Carrie Smith Hodge.

“Iva, S.C.

Jan. 23, 1953

Dear Maggie,

I am your Uncle Dan’s daughter. The one you met when you were here. I had been in a car wreck. I am married now and living near Elberton, Ga. I will try to give you all the information I can. Your daddy’s mother and my Granddaddy Thomas M. Mobley were brothers and sisters, that I know. About what you saw at the cemetery. My grandmother was married twice. She was Nancy Caroline Hill Mobley. Dunlap last marriage. Grandfather was not married but once. He died in April 1922 and Grandmother died Aug. 1938. As for Dad’s brothers and sisters, all of his brothers are dead (Will, Ben, John). He has one sister dead, Mittie. Living are Mrs. W.W. Smith, 802 East Orr Street, Anderson, S.C., Mrs. John Loftis, 48 Jackson Street, Anderson, S.C., and Mrs. R.O. Hanks, Iva, S.C., Route No. 1, and of course Dan Mobley, Iva, S.C. Daddy has three children, Emma of the home, and Thomas of Anderson, and I live near Elberton. I wish I could see you and I could explain it better. But I do know your Grandmother Mary Ann Mobley and Thomas M. Mobley were brother and sister. And also Thomas Mobley and Martha Crawford Mobley were their mother and father. That is as far back as I have records. Dad’s sister Mrs. Loftis was named for her grandmother Martha Rebecca. Hope this will help some. Write and let me know.

A cousin

Lucille (Mobley) Goss

Elberton, Ga.

Rte. #3”

(Lucille M. Goss was the daughter of Dan Mobley.)

The fourth letter was written from Annie Mobley Smith to Maggie Mobley Hammond and copied to Carrie Smith Hodge.

“Feb. 16, 1953

Dear Cousin,

When I got your letter, I was sick and I know I wrote a very bad letter. But I am feeling some better this morning. And Rebecca Loftis, my sister, is with me. I have one more sister living. There were 8 of us children. Mittie, Willie, David both dead. Next is Martha Rebecca, who is still living. And I am the fourth child. Martha Rebecca was named for her Grandmother Mobley. Martha was father’s mother’s name and Rebecca is for Grandmother Hill. My Grandfather Mobley’s name was Thomas Mabry. His first wife was Martha Crawford. She died when they lived below Mt. Carmel and Grandfather married Bell Uldrick and they moved to Alabama. To his first wife, my father’s mother, there were three boys, John, Jim and Thomas my father. They moved to Alabama and Uncle John went to Oklahoma and Uncle Jim lived with them, I think until Grandfather died. My father came back to S.C. and married my mother Nancy Caroline Hill. As for the Crawford family, I don’t know much about them, only my Aunt Liza Crawford Smith. She had 4 girls and one boy. I don’t remember the oldest girl’s name, but the second one was Cassie Smith Simmons. She had several children. They live somewhere near Lowndesville (S.C.). Aunt Polly and Aunt Liza are the only ones I remember seeing. Aunt Mary was my father’s only sister. That was Cousin Edd’s mother. I well remember him and his mother well the last time she visited us. I think Edd and Aunt Mary lived in Ga. I was very small. I heard my father talk of his Uncle John and Jim Crawford. And I knew when the last of the Crawford girls died. My father was down there. But so much has happened since then, I can’t remember much. My father died in 1924 and mother in 1939. All of our family is dead but 3 girls and 1 boy, Dan. You may get some reference from Cope Drennon’s widow. He is dead, but his wife still lives at or around Lowndesville, S.C. with one of her sister’s children, Otto Nelson. I am 72 years old, so you know I can’t remember much. But I was very glad to know you thought enough of me to write to me. I was very small when I knew your father. I wish I could see some of you all. Please write to me again.

Annie Smith (and Rebecca Loftis)”

The fifth letter was written from John Smith to Mary Ann Mobley and copied by Maggie Mobley Hammond.

“April 1909

Lebanon (S.C.)

Dear Cousin,

It is with pleasure I answer your kind and welcome letter. I was glad to hear you all was well. This leaves all well as common. Well we are busy in the farm. Sure is behind in our work. It rains so much I haven’t got much done in the garden yet. Haven’t but 30 little chickens. Ma is about the same. She sure looks bad. Cassie sure has a hard time. Do not see how she does. Well, aunts are about as when you were here. Aunt Beckie is sure feeble. Aunt Nancy makes out to do the things.

We want to plant our corn next week. That is our upland. Was sorry you could not come. Sure would have been glad if you could of come.

Well, I have got me a hand to help me work and we sure will have to stir. We have so much to do.

Well, as neause scarese (???) I will come to close, hoping to hear from you soon.

Your devoted cousin

John Smith


Mrs. MOBLEY was born in Forsyth Co & graduated with degrees in math & biology.

A former Miss Georgia, she met her late husband, Georgia Chief Justice CARLTON MOBLEY, in Forsyth when he ran for Congress in the early 1930s.

From Saturday, June 17, 2000 "Atlanta Journal-Constitution"

MARGARET [ELROD] MOBLEY, the wife of the late Chief Justice CARLTON MOBLEY, died June 16, 2000 after an illness. Born January 30, 1909 in Forsyth Co. She was the dau of the late Dr. & Mrs JOHN OSCAR ELROD.

MARGARET MOBLEY is survived by one dau, MARGARET MOBLEY ROBINSON, & son-in-law JOHN W. ROBINSON, Jr of Winder, GA; a granddau MARGARET R. MARTIN & her husband, CHRIS MARTIN of Atlanta, & grandson, JOHN W. ROBINSON, III & wife, ADRIAN R. ROBINSON of New York City; one sister, MILDRED ELROD FLEGE & her husb, RAYMOND K. FLEGE.


William Carlton Mobley (December 7, 1906 – October 4, 1981), born near Hillsboro, Jones County, GA. He is interred in Forsyth, Georgia.


Alumni of Mercer U.

W. Carlton Mobley, CLA 1928, LAW 1928, Chief Justice, Georgia Supreme Court, 1972-1974; Associate Justice, 1954-1972; United States Representative, Georgia's 6th Congressional district, 1932-1933


1920 Jones Co

Mobley, Carlton 13 GA-GA step son w/ Joseph B. & Pearl Jackson

1900 Jones Co (only Mobley listed)

Mobly, Amus 18 May 1882 GA, Alden 20 Apr 1880, step sons lvg w/ Will S & Emma Tynan?


Patti Mobley Loner Usloners@ 7/18/2000

POSSIBLE SON OF: 14141 Isham Mobley, Jr.

1 Nathan Cornelius Mobley, b. 1822, d. bef 1880 SC

m. Susan Elizabeth ____, b. 12/ /1822, d. 1910 [living with Mack in 1900 census]

poss? 1850 Fairfield Co: Nathan 27 (Planter) Fairfield, Elizabeth 20 Chester SC, Mary J. 6/12 Fairfield

1860 Fairfield Co: Nathan 38 SC (Overseer), Susan 40, Isaac 12, Robert J 5, Samuel M 4, Nathan C 2, Wm I/J 6/12 (next to Oliver R)

[overseer for Edward Mobley Plantation]

1880 Chester: Susan 50 SC, Nathan 21 SC

1a Samuel Mack Mobley, b. 12/ /1854, d. 6/6/1920 bur. Bethlehem Cem [death certificate lists father as Nathaniel Mobley and mother as Miss M. Roberts ?]

m. Melvina Mulviney Viney Roberts, b. 5/ /1849 SC

1900 Chester Co., SC: Mack 45 Dec 1854 SC, Melvinia 50 May 1849, Edward 17 Jan 1883, Robert 14 Mar 1886, Boyd 9 Aug 1890, Tillman 8 Jan 1892, Katie B (m) 5 Nov 1894, Susan E 78 Dec 1822 (mother)

1910 Fairfield Co: Samuel Mc 55 SC, Mulviney 57, Tillman 20, Katie 15

1920 Chester Co: Samuel M 64 Wd SC, (FIL) w/ Joe W. & Minnie Cameron

1a1 John Mobley, b. 1875 SC, d. bef. 1910 FL

m. Lillie Cameron moved from Blackstock SC to FL early 1900's

1a11 Mary Mobley

1a12 James M. Mobley

1a13 John Caldwell Mobley "Jack", b. 1906 McIntosh, Alachua Co., FL

m. Alma Fowler

1a131 John Roland Mobley b. 11/13/1924 Gaston Co., NC, d. 4/12/1988 Charlotte, NC

m. 4/4/1942 Mildred Elizabeth Dunlap

1a1311 Patti Lynn Mobley, b. 10/7/1954 Alexander Co., NC

m. ____ Loner

1a1312 Roland Keith Mobley, b. 5/30/1943 NC

1a1313 Ricky W. Mobley

1a1314 Carmen Mobley-Jackins

1a1315 Hilda Mobley-Fraley

SSDI: John R. Mobley SSN: 243-24-5633 Last Residence: 28677  Statesville, Iredell, North Carolina, Born: 13 Nov 1924 Died: 12 Apr 1988


John Roland Mobley, 63, of US 21 North, route 12, Statesville, died at 9 p.m. Tuesday at Charlotte Memorial Hosptial where he had been a patient for five days.  A native of Gaston County and born on Nov. 11 (correction, 13) 1924, he was a son of the late John C. Mobley and Alma Fowler Mobley.  On April 4, 1942, he was married to the former Mildred Dunlap, who survives.  In addition to his wife, survivors include two sons, Roland Keith Mobley of Knoxville, Tenn., and Ricky W. Mobley of Clover, SC; three daughters, Mrs. Carmen Mobley Jackins of Statesville, Mrs. Hilda M. Fraley of Harmony and Mrs. Patti M. Loner of Mooresville; a brother, Gene Ingram of Gastonia, and 13 grandchildren.  Burial will follow in Oakwood Cemetery. 

1a2 Edward C. Mobley, b. 1/ /1883

m. Gussie ____, b. c1887 SC

1a21 Charity Mobley, b. c1906 SC

1a22 Gracie Mobley, b. c1909 SC

1910 Chester Co: Edward 27 SC, Gussie 23?, Charity 4, Gracie 8/12

1a3 Minnie Mobley, b. 1884

m. Joe Woodward Cameron [bro. To Lillie Cameron, wife of John Mobley]

1a4 Robert Mobley, b. 3/ /1886

m. Daisy ____, b. c1889 SC

1a41 Eugene Mobley, b. c1905

1a42 Tiny Mobley, b. c1910

1910 Fairfield Co: Robert 24 SC, Daisy 21, Eugene 5, Tiny 3/12

1a5 Floyd Boyd Mobley, b. 8/22/1890 Chester Co., SC. d/ 4/26/1951 Chester, SC

m. Annie Maybell McKeown, b. 3/13/1890 SC, d. 8/ /1973 Chester, SC

1910 Chester Co: Boyd 21 SC, boarder w/ Thomas & Maggie McKeown (Annie 18)

WW I Draft: Floyd S? boyd age 28 born August 27, 1888 Cornwell, SC, farming self, wife & 3 children – signed with X

1920 Chester Co: Boyd 29 SC, Annie M 29, Margaret 8, Hugh S 6, Arrie G 3 11/12, Carl T 5/12

SC Deaths: Floyd B Mobley Death Date: 26 Apr 1951 Age: 60 County: Chester

SSDI: Annie Mobley SSN: 247-15-5581 Last Residence: 29706  Chester, Chester, South Carolina, Born: 13 Mar 1890 Died: Aug 1973


1a51 Margaret Mobley, b. c1912 SC

1a52 Hugh S. Mobley, b. c1914 SC

1a53 Arrie G. Mobley, b. c1917 SC

1a54 Carl T. Mobley, b. c1919 SC

1a55 Earnest Boyd Mobley, b. 9/3/1924 Chester, SC, d. 12/30/2011 Chester, SC

WW II Enlistment: Ernest B Mobley Birth Year: 1924 Nativity State: South Carolina City: Chester   Enlistment Date: 16 Jun 1943 Enlistment City: Fort Jackson Columbia Civil Life   Education: Grammar school Marital Status: Single, without dependents

1a6 Ben Tillman Mobley, b. 1/ /1892 SC

m. Mary L. ____, b. c1901 SC

1a61 Claude O. Mobley, b. c1917 SC

1a62 L. Millard Mobley, b. c1920

1920 Chester Co: Ben T 27 SC, Mary L 19, Claude O 2 6/12, L. Millard (f) 3/12

1a7 Kate Mobley, b. 11/ /1894

1b Isaac Mobley, b. 1848

??1910 COffee Co., AL: Isaac M 63 GA, Elizabeth 56 AL, Holmes, Bertha M 15, Tupsy 12 (Gdaus) SAME ?

1c Robert Jackson Mobley, b. 1/12/1855, d. 12/18/1931 bur. Concord Presb. Ch. cem Blacksock, SC [1910 census wife listed as Lugenia]

m. Alexina Craft, b. ca. 1857/8

1c1 Mary Susan Mobley, b. c1883

m. L.R. Hunter

1c2 Lilla Mobley, b. c1885

m. Tres Austin

1c3 Claire Jane Mobley, b. c1897

m. ____ Bradford

1c4 Mack Mobley

1c5 Jack Mobley

1910 Fairfld Co: Robert J 60 SC, Lugenia 57, Lilla 25, Mary 27, Clara J 13

1d Nathan Cornelius Mobley, b. 10/ /1860 SC, d. 11/22/1928 (death certificate #20136) Greenwood, SC bur.Edgewood cem [father listed as N.C. Mobley]

m. Harriet M.E. ____, b. 9/ /1861 SC

1d1 Leila C. Mobley, b. 9/ /1879 SC

1d2 Ira S. Mobley, b. 11/ /1883 1900 SC

1d3 James Cornelius Mobley, b. 4/10/1886 Chester Co., SC, d. 10/2/1952 Greenwood Co., SC

m. Nora Lee Jennings

1d31 Willia Mobley, b. c1908 Greenwood Co., SC

1d32 J.L. Mobley

1d33 Earlene M. Mobley – Harvey

1d34 Vivian M. Mobley - Gillian

1d35 Kenneth Nathan Mobley, b. c1927 Greenwood, SC, d. 12/11/2002 bur. Greewood Mem Gdns cem

m. ____

1d351 Kenneth Michael Mobley

m. Dody Herring

1d3511 Thad M. Mobley

1d3512 Cooper J. Mobley

1d4 Clarence Mc Mobley, b. 4/ /1889 SC

m. Florence ____, b. c1892

1d41 Thomas Mobley, b. c1909

1d42 Cornelius Mobley, b. c1913

1d43 Carl Mobley, b. c1914

1d44 Helen Mobley, b. c1918

1d5 Hattie L. Mobley, b. 8/ /1896 SC

1d6 Charlie C.N.E. Mobley, b. 10/ /1899 Greenwood Co., SC

1900 York Co: Nathan C 39 Oct 1860 SC, Harriet M.E. 38 Sep 1861, Leila C 20 Sep 1879, Ira S 16 Nov 1883, James C 14 Apr 1886, Clarence Mc 11 Apr 1889, Chalmer J 8 Mar 1892, Hattie L 3 Aug 1896, Charles C.N.E. 7/12 Oct 1899

1910 Laurens Co: N.C. 50 SC, H.?. 48, Ira 24, Hattie L 13, Charley 10

1910 “ “: Clarence 21 SC, Florence 18, Thomas 1

1920 Greenwood Co, SC

Mobley, C.M. 29 SC, Florence 28, Thomas 10, Cornelius 7, Carl 6, Helen 1 7/12

Mobley, J.C. 33 SC, Nora 32, Willie 12

Mobley, N.C. 59 SC, M.E. 58, Charlie 20

1e William D. Mobley, b. 1860 [one William D. Mobley 1857-1902 bur. Micanopy cem. Alachua Co., FL with Sarah M. 1854-1931 cwm]


MOBLEY CEMETERY Pleasant Ridge, Greene Co., AL

Mary A. (E.) [wife of C.C. Mobley] b. Dec. 6, 1848, d. Jan.18, 1877

Columbus C. Mobley b. Oct. 13, 1833, Died Sept. 23, 1900

Joel Grantham b. Dec. 17, 1817 d. Apr. 10, 1887

Elizabeth Dorcas (Campbell) Grantham, wife of Joel Grantham, b May 20, 1824 d. Aug. 24, 1893 (dau Alexander Campbell)

Lizzy dau of C.C. and Mary (Strait**) Mobley b Sept 21, 1873 d. Jan. 15, 1877.

Infant son of C.C. Mobley and Mary A. Mobley b. Nov 4, 1868 d. Nov 27, 1868.

R. E. Mobley, Sr. (**Mason) Nov 14, 1829, July 24, 1903

John Bird Mobley (son of Rad. E. Mobley Sr.) Jan. 8, 1879-Nov 30, 1895

D. *(Dewitt) C. Mobley Sept. 11, 1853-Feb 15, 1929

Mary G. Morgan "Mother" 1846-1919

Thomas A. Morgan "Father" 1834-1888

Marion T. Morgan b. Feb 1, 1866 d. May 15, 1877

**(Wiley Mobley was father of Mobley brothers below) McGowans, Mobleys, Colemans,

DeGraffenrieds—Hills Colony from Bunker Hill, S.C.

Wiley Mobley *(married Maggie Ingrum) died left big family *(see if wife Nancy Cockrell)

Dau *(Aunt Lula’s sister) Euphemia married Chapman. She died & Mr. Chapman m. Miss mary Ragsdale. Euphemia & Mr. Chapman had son who was a good doctor. Oscar Chapman of Monroe, La. Chapman married 3 times.

C.C. Mobley *(Christopher Columbus (Lum) m. Mary Grantham Mary died when son Charles (Charley Peak Sanders) (was born?) married 2nd Mrs. Elizabeth Carico (Aunt Lizzie)*

Had Shelton Mobley was born. Other children Gus, Bob, Imogene, and Lizzie. (Lum Mobley m. 2nd Aunt Lizzie Carico).

Rad. *(Ellis) Mobley m. 1st Coleman, 2nd Langsford. Wiley C., Irving, & Eugene were Ra…rip sons Henry, John, & R.E. Jrs. sons. (The above information was included in the cemetery notes.

It is impossible to separate one from the other) Other information below.

Larkin Lafayette never married, killed in war.

Constantine Mobley

Robert (Bob) Mobley

W. A. Moblie (Mike) lost leg in war. Never married. (Engaged to Aunt Kate Strait. Samuel Strait broke it up.)

Greene B. (Berry) Mobley never married lawyer in Eutaw. Must be Greene Jr.

One Greene B. Mobley dau married Capt Childs. wife m. Gainesville Cene.

Lum Mobley wrote his father Wiley Mobley that he saw his … brother C…shot down and killed in war.


Wiley, Irving, & Eugene of Bell Co., Texas were nephews of Isarah Mobley.

Cora Grantham b 1865 d Oct 22 1951

After John died Lillie put the children up for adoption and returned to SC bef 1920. Mary and James were adopted, but Jack was not. When he was older, he returned to SC to Lillie. He is on the 1920 census in SC with her.

I find John as a boarder in Blackstock on the 1900 census. I have been told by a woman who knew the family that John was a brother to Tillman Mobley. I found Tillman on the 1900 census as the son of Samuel Mack Mobley. I assume that Mack is John's father. The 1900 census for Mack shows that there were more children than listed in the household at that time. Assuming that John is the son of Mack, I continue on to Mack's family.

Mack b. 1854 d. 1920. He was m. to Melvina and had at least Edward C. b. 1883, Robert b.1886, Boyd b 1891, Tillman b. 1892, Kate, Minnie b. 1884 (Minnie married Joe Woodward Cameron, a brother to my great-grand Lillie Cameron) and John b. 1875.

Mack Mobley was the son of Nathan Mobley and Susan Mobley. Nathan was born 1822, d. bef. 1870. His children were Issac b. 1848, Robert Jackson b.1855, Nathan Cornelius b.1858, William D. born 1860.

I have thought that Nathan might be the son of Isham Mobley, but I don't have any evidence of that. I have no information about my family on the 1870 -1890 census records. I have looked in neighboring states and cannot find them there either. I joke that they were wandering in the wilderness with Moses Mobley. I would really like to know where they are in that time period.

I have been told that John and Lillie moved to FL to find work. Many of Lillie's brothers also moved at the same time. Most returned to SC, but a few stayed in FL. I have written to FL for info regarding John's death and the children's birth. There was nothing on file.

I have census records, death certificates for Tillman Mobley and Mack Mobley. I have Lillie Mobley's Bible recording her children.

I met a descendant of Nathan Cornelius Mobley once. There was definitely some resemblance to my dad there.


Kenneth Nathan Mobley, 75, of 114 Kaye Drive, husband of Wyladene “Dena” Cooper Mobley, died Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at his home.Born in Greenwood (SC), he was a son of the late James C. and Nora Jennings Mobley.

He was the last survivor of his immediate family. He was predeceased by a brother J.L. Mobley, two sisters, Earlene M. Harvey and Vivian M. Gillian, and stepbrother Willie Mobley.

Surviving is his wife of the home; son and daughter-in-law Kenneth Michael and Dody Herring Mobley, both of Greenwood; two grandchildren, Thad M. Mobley of Batesburg and Cooper J. Mobley of Greenwood; two step-grandchildren Jessica R. Snelling and R. Joshua Snelling, both of Greenwood.

Burial will follow in Greenwood Memorial Gardens.

Memorials may be made to the Shriner’s Hospital for Children, 950 West Faris Road, Greenville, South Carolina 29605.


Allen Mobley, to find out more about his Mobley ancestry and wonder if he connects with anyone. The line is as follows:James Cornelius Mobley b.10Apr1886 Chester Co.,SC, d.02Oct1952, Greenwood Co.,SC(wife Nora Lee Jennings), Nathan Cornelius Mobley b.Oct.1860 Fairfield Co., SC, d.22Nov.1928, Greenwood Co.,SC(wife Harriet Ellen Tennant, d/o James M. & Margaret Corder Tennant), N.C. Mobley & Min Jenkins.


In looking through "Mississippi Marriages, 1851-1900" (search/rectype/inddbs/4585.htm) I found:

W.T. MOBLEY, m. L.F. MORRIS, 23 Aug. 1885, LOWNDES CO., MS.

My Mobley's were nearby in Itawamba and Lee Cos. at that time but can't place this W. T. Mobley in our tree. My grandfather, William Thaddeus Mobley, went by "W.T." but he was only 6-years old in 1885.

Larry Mobley lbmobley@ 9/5/00


Thomas M. Mobley, b. ca 1851 AL, d. 6/13/1886 bur. Wild Prairie Cow cem, Bushnell, Sumpter Co., FL; Co. D, 42nd Alabama Inf. CSA

m. 1872 Kathe ____ in Ackens Co., AL, b. 5/17/1851, d. 2/25/1907 Adamsville, Sumpter Co., FL

Ella Mobley, b. 1874

m. ---- Reynolds

Kittie May Mobley, b. 1874, AL, d. 1955 bur. Adamsville cem, Sumpter Co., FL

m. (1) 1893 James Jordan Caruthers

Jane Mobley, b. 1878 AL

m. (2) 9/16/1897 Reuben G. Fussell

Edna Mobley, b. 1883

Lilly Mobley


11/2/00 trose1@

Beverly June Houston Morrison 7/10/01 & raven9@ 1/10/06 Enid, OK

Jerry Mobley ramtruck_15083@ 2/9/2008

Unconfirmed that John Henry was a son of Isaac (a Scotsman) (according to William Adolphus)


rosie@ 5/3/01

John MOBLEY m. Sarah Jane Lane 8/8/1883?

Their children were:

Issiah David b 12/7/1885

Eligah Silvestar b 12/9/1888

Emily Amanda b 7/22/1891 in Clinton, AR

Joseph Chestley b 10/25/1896

Charlie Clifton b 10/22/1900

John and Sarah were married in Searcy Co. Arkansas in 1883. I am trying to locate their parents or siblings. I have found a John Mobley who committed suicide in Lithia Springs, Baxter Co, Ark in 1903 "due to the suspected murder of his wife" which follows the family secret, but have no birth dates on either John or Sarah

Beverly Morrison rosie@ 2/27/01


have found the marriage certificate between John Mobley b abt 1837 in Tennessee (Indiana in 1900 census), he lived in Wiley's Cove Arkansas when he married Sarah Jane Lane b 1855. She lived in Washington Township Arkansas at that time. I think he is the John Mobley who shot himself in Baxter County Arkansas in 1902.

rosie@ 5/3/01

John MOBLEY, b. c 1/ /1837 IN

m 8/8/1883 Sarah Jane Lane in Searcy Co., AR, b. 10/ /1855 AL

Isiah David Mobley, b 12/7/1885 AR

Elijah Silvestar Mobley, b 12/9/1888 AR

m. Myrtle ____

Emily Amanda Mobley, b 7/22/1891 Clinton, AR, d. 11/15/1973 Geary, OK

m. 7/31/1909 George Samuel Pointer, b. 11/24/1872 Jefferson City, MO, d. 11/20/1951 Geary, OK

Dorothy Pointer

m. Doyle Houston

Beverly Houston

m. ____ Morrison

Joseph Chestley Mobley, b 10/25/1896, d 12/1980

m. Maggie ____

Mildred Mobley

Olive Mobley

Alvetta Mobley

Charlie Clifton Mobley, b 10/22/1900


1900 Holley Twp, Van Buren Co, AR: John 63 Jan 18?? IN, Sarah J 44 Oct 1855 AL, Isiah 14 Dec 1884 AR, Eliga S 11 Dec 1888 AR, Emilia 8 Jul 1891 AR, Joseph C 3 Oct 1896 AR

1910 Van Buren Co: Elijah S 21, Myrtle 23 AR


JHM John Henry Mobley, b. 1/ /1837 IN, d. 8/26/1903 Lithia Spgs, Baxter Co., AR

m. (1) 6/25/1866 Mary Elizabeth Philibert Horn in Stone Co., MO, b. 6/15/1835 Stone Co., MO, d. 1/6/1898 Dutton, AR [mother of 1st two][divcd](dau. Joseph Philibert, Jr 1803-/Penima Yocum)

Mary Elizabeth, was first married to Livus (Elivus) Horn & had several children

m. (2) 8/8/1883 Sarah Jane Lane in Lexington, Searcy Co., AR, b. 10/6/1855 AL, d. 10/11/1902 Lexington, AR; (dau. Joseph Lane/Rutha Gosa

m. (3) 7/8/1903 Sarah Adeline Green Atchison Gassville, Baxter Co., AR, b. 6/30/1839 Thornfield, Ozark Co., MO, d. 1/5/1906 Braden, LaFore Co., OK

JHM1 Joseph Francis Mobley, b. c1867 MO

JHM2 William Adolphus Mobley, b. 12/17/1868 Rolla, MO, d. 5/18/1934 Yuba City, CA (of ux #!)

m. (1) 11/28/1886 Mary L. Sweetman in Stone Co., MO, b. 2/19/1864 Yocum, Carrol Co., AR, d. 2/18/1897 Radical, MO

m. (2) 10/22/1889 Nancy Lillie Sweetman in Stone Co., MO, b. 4/7/1881 AR

JHM3 Lemuel Henry Mobley, b. 3/26/1875 Radical, MO, d. 1857 Toppenish, WA (of ux #!)

m. 8/4/1899 Pearl Rose Stallions nr Radical, Stone Co., MO, b. Stone Co., MO [dau. John Wesley Stallions/Alice ____] [moved ca 1910 to Washington state]


1880 Stone Co., MO: Mary E 43 MO Div, Joseph Francis 13 MO, William Adolphis 12, Lemuel Henry 4, Samuel Horn 20 (neph)

1900 Stone Co: William A 31, Nancy J 19 AR

1900 Van Buren Co., AR: John 63? Jan 182? IN, Sarah J 44 Oct 1855 AL, Isiah 14 Dec 1884, Elijah S 11 Dec 1888, Emelia 8 Jul 1891


Jerald Mobley, grandson of Lemuel Henry Mobley, William’s brother, indicates that William was quite a fiddle player having won several trophies. He was also a very good handy-man. He worked mostly as a carpenter and Jerald has a tool case made by him as well as some of the tools.  He was somewhat of a womanizer as he was married several times. Jerald says his Uncle Doll told him that John Mobley was red-headed. After John and Mary were divorced, the children never saw him again. John left before or shortly after Lemuel Henry was born and John didn't even know his name.

The fact that the original list that started this whole thing contained the name of William Adolphus and his birthdate is the only reason we were able to connect these two Mobleys to John and Sarah's children. William and Lemuel would have been Emily Amanda's half-brothers.


Notes from the family history record left by William Adolphus Mobley.

"My second wife Lillie left me Sept the 18, 1922 and sued me for divorce. Had trial Feb 1923 but she did not get the divorce so she is still a way today Dec 12, 1930. Which I still weep and grieve for her. God knows."

In these notes he states that  Nancy Lillie Sweatman's birthdate is April 7, 1881, yet their marriage record was 1889 which would make her 9 years old when married. Marriage date is taken from record of marriage in Missouri.


JHM3 Lemuel Henry Mobley, b. 3/26/1875 Radical, MO, d. 1857 Toppenish, WA (of ux #!)

m. 8/4/1899 Pearl Rose Stallions nr Radical, Stone Co., MO, b. Stone Co., MO [dau. John Wesley Stallions/Alice ____] [moved ca 1910 to Washington state]

1900 Stone Co, MO Henry 24 MO, Pearl wife 18 MO

JHM31 Henry Roosevelt Mobley, b. 6/14/1902 Yocum, Carroll Co., AR (of #2).

m. 6/7/1923 Vella Corsette in Centralia, WA

JHM311 Florence R. O Mobley, b. 5/13/1924 Aberdeen, WA

JHM312 Dorotha May Mobley, b. 5/13/1926 McCleary, WA

JHM32 Floyd William Mobley, b. 1905, lives Baker City, OR

JHM33 Edwin Howard Mobley, b. 11/12/1915 Benge, WA

m. Donna Mae Morris, b. 5/ /1923 LaGrande, OR

JHM331 Jerald Owen Mobley, b. 11/26/1940 LaGrande, OR

m. (1) Marcella Jensen

m. (2) Teresa Rose Scheibe

JHM332 Jewell Mobley, b. 4/13/1944 Eugene, OR

JHM333 Pat Mobley, b. 9/23/1949 Yakima, WA

JHM334 Vickie Mobley, b. 1953 Toppenish, WA

JHM335 Lynn Mobley, b. 11/16/1957 “

JHM34 Clemmie Mobley, no dates bur. Mobley Cem. Benge, WA age ca 2 ½ yrs

JHM35 Josephine Mobley, d. Wenstchee, WA

JHM4 Living Mobley

below of ux #2

JHM5 Isaiah David Mobley, b. 12/7/1885 AR, d. 5/4/1964 Dos Palos, CA, bur. Dos Palos Cem

m. Myrtle Gibbons, b. 12/17/1891 AR, d. 4/18/1960 Merced, CA; dau Edmond Gibbons/Mary Brown

1910 Bryan Co, OK: Izah D 22 AR (SIL), Myrtle 21 AR (StepDau), Coy 2 OK, w/ John & Lizzie Shelton

1920 Latimer Co, OK: Isaih D 34 AR, Myrtle G 30 AR, Coy J 12 AR, Maltis M (m) 8 AR, John C 4 2/12 OK

JHM51 Coy Jaby Mobley, b. 1/19/1908 AR, d. 2/12/1970 Merced, CA, bur. Dos Palos Cem, Dos Palos, CA

m. Delcie Ellen Pierce, b. 11/20/1905 AR, d. 1/6/1961 Merced, CA

Death Certificate, Merced County, Book 31, page 59 Social Security Number: 554-18-1859

COY JABY (aka JAYBE) MOBLEY, DEATH DATE: Feb 12, 1970, Age 62 yrs, Birthdate: Jan 19, 1908 Birthplace: Ark, Marital status: Widowed, Occupation: Plasterer

SS # 554-18-1859, Length of stay in county of death: 26 yrs, in CA 26 yrs, Residence: Hwy 152, Dos Palos, CA, Name and Birthplace of Mother: Myrtle Gibbons, Ark, Name and Birthplace of Father: I. D. Mobley, Ark, Place of death: Merced General Hospital, Merced, CA, Place of burial: Dos Palos Cemetery, Dos Palos, CA

Death Certificate, Merced County, Book 24, page 87

Death date: Jan 6, 1961, Marital status: Married, Birthdate: Nov 20, 1905, Birthplace: Ark, SS# 572-22-9222, Spouse: Coy Mobley, Name and birthplace of Mother: Annie Brown, Ark, Name and birthplace of Father: John A Pierce, Ark, Length of stay in County of death: 13 yrs, in CA: 25 yrs, Place of death: DOA, Dos Palos Community Hospital, Dos Palos, CA, Residence: Rt 1 Box 158, Dos Palos, CA, Burial date: Jan 10, 1961, Place of burial: Dos Palos Cemetery, Dos Palos, CA

JHM511 Welvie Mobley,

m. ____ Booth

JHM512 Dorothy Mae Mobley, b. OK

m. Frank Lewis Garcia Jr.

JHM513 Lenora Mobley

JHM514 John David Mobley

m. Lela E. Diver, b. 6/12/1946 CA, d. 12/26/1966 Merced, CA, dau Charles Van Diver/Stella Baur

Death date: Dec 26, 1966, Age: 20 yrs, Birthdate: June 12, 1946, Birthplace: CA, SS# 567-60-9370, Residence: Rt 1 Box 155K, Dos Palos, CA, Name and birthplace of Mother: Stella Bauer, Washington, Name and birthplace of Father: Charles Van Diver, OK. Spouse: David D Mobley, Place of death: Merced General Hospital, Merced, Burial date: Dec 29, 1966, Burial place: Dos Palos Cemetery, Dos Palos, CA, Funeral director: Whitehurst Funeral Chapel, Dos Palos, CA, Cause of death: Hodgkins disease

JHM5141 Monty Mobley

JHM515 Lenette Mobley

JHM516 Bonnie Lee Mobley, b. 6/4/1937 Santa Clara, CA

JHM517 Barbara Ann Mobley, b. 10/18/1938 Santa Clara CA

m. William Jones

JHM518 Opal Marie Mobley, b. 10/26/1940

m. Thomas Jackson Climer

JHM519 Coy Samuel Mobley, b. 12/30/1942 Santa Clara, CA, d. 3/2/1943

JHM51A Edward Allen Mobley, b. 7/7/1945

JHM51B Kevin J. Mobley, b. 10/29/1958


Death Certificate, Merced County. Book 26, page 184

ISIAH DAVID MOBLEY, Death date: May 5, 1964, Time: 11:00 am, Age: 78 years, Marital Status: Widowed, Occupation: Cannery worker, Birthdate: Dec 7, 1885, Birthplace: Ark, SS # 567-09-4794, Name and birthplace of Mother: unknown, Name and birthplace of Father: John Mobley, Ireland, Place of Death: Dos Palos Community Hospital, Dos Palos, CA, Residence: Rt 1 Box 155 K., Dos Palos, CA, Burial date: May 8, 1964, Burial place: Dos Palos Cemetery, Dos Palos, CA, Funeral Director: Whitehurst Funeral Chapel, Dos Palos

Burial: 08 May 1964, Dos Palos Cemetery, Dos Palos, CA



Death Certificate Merced County, Book 23, page 431

Myrtle G Mobley Date of Death: April 13, 1960, Birthdate: Dec 17, 1891

This death certificate is sealed.

JHM6 Eligah Silvestar Mobley, b. 12/9/1888 Searcy Co., AR, d. 1/14/1974 Russellville, Pope Co., AR, both bur. Pisgah cem [of ux #2]

m. 1905 Myrtle “Mirty” Lavina Welcher, b. 3/7/1887 AR, d. 9/17/1964 Russellville, AR

1910 Van Buren Co: Elijah S 21 AR, Myrtle 23 AR, Virgie (f) 4

1920 Searcy Co: Lige 31 AR, Myrtie 32 AR, Virgie (f) 14, Hiram 6

Elijah S Mobley, 85 of 814 West C Street, died Monday January 14, 1974 at St. Mary's Hospital. He was a native of Searcy County, son of the late John and Jane Lane Mobley, and was formerly employed by the Ecport Cooperage Barrel Co. of Russellville. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Virgie Cunningham of Russellville; two brothers, J.C. and Charlie Mobley of Oklahoma; four grandchildren, Nathan Cunningham and Vaunie Stout of Russellville, Maxine and Virginia Stufflebean of Fayetteville; 15 great-grandchildren and eight great-great grandchildren.

Funeral will be at 10 am Wednesday at the Humphrey-Gardner Chapel by the Rev. Terrel Brashears.  Burial will be in Pisgah Cemetery.

From Pisgah Cemetery Records:

Elijah S. Mobley born 9 Dec 1888 died 14 Jan 1974

Hiram H Mobley born 11 Aug 1913 died 5 Mar 1970

Mrytie L Mobley born 7 Mar 1887 died 17 Sept 1964 wife of Elijah S Motley


1910 Arkansas Census, Holley Twp House 269

Elijah S 38 AR AR AL, Myrtle 23 AR TN MO, Virgie 4

JHM61 Virgie Mobley, b. 8/27/1905 Freck, Marion Co., AR. d/ 11/11/1989 Russellville, AR, both bur. Pisgah cem, Pope Co., AR

m. 4/2/1921 James Hezekiah Cunningham Leslie, Searacy Co., AR, b. 9/14/1884 Bakersfield, Ozark Co., MO, d. 9/19/1863 Saticoy, Ventura Co., CA; son of James Cunningham/Linnie Porter

JHM611 Lavinia Cunningham, b. 2/14/1922 Stockton, KS, d. 8/25/2001 Springdagle, AR, bur. Pisgah cem, Pottsville, AR

m. (1) ____ Stout

m. (2) John Moore

JHM612 Nathan Hezekiah Cunningham, b. 12/14/1927 Freck, Marion Co., AR

m. (1) Mary Lou Phillips

m. (2) 1952 Beverly June Morgan Las Vegas, NV, b. 5/29/1929 Brinks, Logan Co., AR

JHM6121 Sharon Sue Cunningham

JHM6122 James Philip Cunningham

below of Ux #2

JHM6123 Tommy Mitchell Cunningham

JHM6124 Timothy Wayne Cunningham

JHM6125 Nathan Hezekiah Cunningham

JHM6126 Sheila Jean Cunningham, b. & d. 10/7/1960 Russellville, AR, bur. Pisgah cem Pope Co., AR

JHM613 Wilma Maxine Cunningham, b. 6/8/1930 Pope Co., AR

m. (1) Eugene Cooper

m. (2) Calvin Stubblebeam

m. (3) Thurman Mahoney

JHM614 Virginia M. Cunningham, b. 12/11/1937 Russellville, AR

m. (1) Richard Stubblebeam

m. (2) Dewayne Graves in CA

JHM62 Hiram H. Mobley, b. 8/11/1913, Pope Co AR, d. 3/5/1970 AR

JHM7 Emily Amanda Mobley, b. 7/22/1891 Clinton, AR, d. 11/15/1973 Geary, Blaine Co., OK, bur. Geary cem. “

m. 7/31/1909 George Samuel Pointer in Lexington, Van Buren Co., AR, b. 11/24/1872 Jefferson City, MO, d. 11/20/1951 Geary, OK [son of Charles Poionter/Elizabeth Matthews]


Application for Social Security Number completed July 9, 1965 She was 73 years old at the time. shows pob as Clinton Arkansas, Maiden name shown as "Mabley" She signed with a mark

 The Geary Star - November 1973


Funeral services for Emily Amanda Pointer, 82, Geary, were held Monday, November 19, 1973, at 2:00 pm., in the Turner Funeral Home, Geary, with Rev. Jerry Allen officiating.  Burial was in the Geary Cemetery under the direction of Turner Funeral Home.

Emily Amanda was born to John and Sarah Jane (Lane) Mobley on July 22, 1891, in Stone County, Ark.  Her husband was George Samuel Pointer.  Emily was a member of the Church of Christ and had been a Geary resident for fifty years.

Mrs. Pointer is survived by three sons, Dorris, Grant and Dewey, all of Calumet; three daughters, Mrs. Winnie Hedrick, Calumet; Mrs. Welvie Biggs, Biggs, Calif; and Mrs. Dorothy Houston, Woodward; two brothers, Charley Mobley, Geary ; and J.C. Mobley, Wyandotte: thirteen grandchildren; twenty-four great grandchildren; and two great great grandchildren.

November 22, 1951 The Geary Star

G.S. Pointer, 78 died Tuesday at an El Reno hospital after a long illness.

Funeral service will be held at 2 pm Friday in the Geary Baptist Church with burial in Geary cemetery.

Survivors include the wife, Emma, of the home, three sons, Dorris, Grant and Dewey Pointer all of Geary and three daughters, Mrs. E.G. Hedrick, Calumet, Mrs. James Biggs, Live Oak California, and Mrs. Doyle Houston, Geary, 12 grandchildren and one great grandchild, four brothers and three sisters.

JHM71 Dorris Pointer, b. 2/9/1913 Stone Co., AR, d. 3/31/1980 Headley, TX, bur. Geary cem, OK

m. (1) 1/ /1934 Lucille Chambless in El Reno, OK, b. 1919 OK, d. 12/ /1978 TX, dau. Joe Chambless/Pearl Kellum

m. (2) aft 1937 Florence Phillips

JHM711 Patsy Jo Pointer, b, 10/11/1935 Blaine Co., OK [raised by Emily Pointer]

m. (1) 5/24/1950 Haskel Choate, b 10/24/1929 Mountain View, OK

m. (2) aft 1960 O. N. “Junior” Patterson),b. 5/5/1925 Hedley, TX, d. 1/9/2003 TX

In October of 1959 Patsy had just moved into a different house in Amarillo. Haskell Choate was a trucker on the road. She didn't have a phone installed yet and decided to go across the street to use the phone. The three younger children, Terry, Michael and the baby, ages about 5,4, and 2, were watching Captain Kangaroo on TV in the living room.  Patsy ran across the street, called her sister Bessie on the phone, looked out the door and saw her house in flames.  When the fire department arrived, Patsy explained the children were in the living room, not knowing they had run for safety to the bedroom and had tried to get out through the window.  They had to physically restrain Patsy from entering the house and all three children and the family dog perished in the fire.  Cause of the fire was never determined, although there were gas heating stoves in use in the house.  The two older children, Susan and Billy were at school when the horrific event took place.

JHM7111 Susan Ann Choate, b. 11/2/1950 Okarche, OK

m. (1) Morris Barcroft, b. 5/4/1925, d. 7/14/1996

m. (2) 12/23/1967 Robert D. Murray Amarillo, TX, b. 6/18/1944 Watertown, WI, d. 2/24/1974 Amarillo, TX, Ret. USAF

JHM71111 Amanda Kamile Barcroft, b. 6/11/1980 Memphis, TX

JHM71112 Michael D. Murray, b. 10/13/1968 Amarillo, TX

m. 6/18/1998 Mary Elizabeth Hardwick Ponder, TX

JHM7112 William Dorris Choate, b. 11/10/1952 Amarillo, TX

m. Bennie Jo Witcher Wyatt

JHM71121 Brent Wyatt Choate

m. Amy ____

JHM71121 William Seth Choate

JHM711212 Jocelyn Grace Choate

JHM71122 Amy Wyatt Choate

JHM7113 Terry Gene Choate, b. 10/30/1959 Amarillo, TX, d. 10/ 30/1959 bur Llano cem

JHM7114 Thomas Michael Choate, b. 1955, d. 10/30/1959 Amarillo, TX bur. Llano cem, Amarillo, TX

JHM7115 Sonya Lynn Choate, d. 30/10/1959 Amarillo, TX, bur. Llano cem

JHM7116 Wade Kelly Choate, b. 11/14/1960

m. Kimberly Diane McAnear

JHM71161 Amber Dawn Choate

JHM71162 Cassie Nichole Choate

JHM7117 Roger Vance Choate, b. 12/3/1962

JHM712 Bessie Olive Pointer, b. 7/8/1937

m. (1) Bob Dewitt Robertson

m. (2) Andy Honea

JHM7121 Ernie Robertson, d. 1/ /1985 Norman, OK, hit by car

JHM7122 Erdiene Robertson

JHM7123 Cameron James Honea

JHM7124 James Honea

JHM72 Winnie Pointer, b. 3/12/1915 Stone Co., AR, d. 8/11/2000 Calumet, Canadian Co., OK, both bur. Geary cem

m. 2/17/1932 Elvin Gilbert Pete Hedrick in El Reno, OK, b. 10/29/19?? Petey, TX, d. 8/9/1990 Calument, OK

The story goes that Sammy (her father) needed some tobacco, Pete talked him into letting him take Winnie and go get him some.  They were gone a week. Sammy never did get his tobacco.

1e21 Katherine Kay Hedrick, b. 12/11/1933 Canadian Co., OK

m. 6/1/1952 Doyle LaVerne Hanes in Geary, OK


Miss Katheriene May Hedrick, daughter of Mr and Mrs E.G. Hedrick of Calumet and Lavern Hanes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanes, Geary exchanged nuptial vows at 3 pm June 1 at the Assembly of God Church.

Rev. Matt Goss, pastor officiated. The grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanes were the only guests present for the occasion.

Mrs. Hanes graduated from Geary highschool in 1951.  She is now employed in the office of Dr. J.F. De Jarnette.

Mr. Hanes is in the roofing business with his grandfather, O.F. Brown.

JHM7211 Paul Steven Hanes, b. c4/27/1954

m. (1) Linda Trumbley

m. (2) Cindy Bomhoff

JHM72111 Annie Hanes, b. 9/ /1972

below of uz #2

JHM72112 Tracy Hanes

JHM72113 Tyson Hanes

JHM72114 Haley Hanes

JHM7212 Pamela Kay Hanes, b. 3/20/1956 OK

m. (1) Gary Barrett

m. (2) 6/15/1985 Angelo Fertonani, b. NYC, NY

JHM72121 Jeremy Daniel Barrett, b. c9/ /1976

m. Jennifer Gillette

JHM72121 Meadow Barrett, b. 1/9/2005

JHM72122 Hillery Brooke Barrett, b. 12/15/1978 Weatherford, OK

m. 6/ /2001 Kraig Caldwell in Geary, OK

JHM722 Grant Hedrick, b. 4/26/1944 Fallbrook, CA, d. 1/3/2000 Bethany, OK

m. Nina Jo Tolle

JHM723 Baby Hedrick, b. & d. 2/28/1950 Canadian Co., OK

JHM73 Grant Pointer, b. 9/6/1918 Ottowa, OK, d. 3/1/1993 Geary, Blaine Co., OK, bur. Geary cem.

m. 8/4/1948 Pearly Ruth Dixon in Gainesville, TX; sister to Mildred Jeanette Dixon who m. Dewey

JHM731 Larry Pointer, b. 7/8/1949 El Reno, OK

JHM732 Yvonda Kay Pointer, b. 9/ /1951 "

m. Tony Moore

JHM74 Welvie Pointer, b. 12/24/1921, Red Oak, Latimer Co., OK

m. 12/23/1938 James Delton Biggs in El Reno, OK, b. 4/4/19?? Guy, Seminole, OK, son of Richard Biggs/Narrie Allen

JHM741 James Dorris Biggs, b. 2/3/1943 Canadian Co., OK

JHM742 Emily Joyce Biggs, b. 10/18/1944 Fallbrook, San Diego Co., CA

m. 6/29/1962 Larry Douglas Lindsey in Biggs, Butte Co., CA, b. 4/3/1942 Gridley, Butte Co., CA son of Frank Lindsey/Bernice Waldroff

JHM7421 Lesa Michelle Lindsey, b. 12/19/1964 Gridley, CA

m. 1/7/1989 Donald Dean Shipplehoute Durham, Butte Co., CA. son of Dean Shippelhoute/Dylene Shippelhoute

JHM74211 Hunter Shipplehoute, b. & d. 10/19/19??

JHM74212 Aaron Blake Shuppelhoute, b. 10/29/1993

JHM74213 Jessica Marie Shippelhoute (adopted)

JHM7422 Travis Douglas Lindsey, b. 12/22/1967 Gridley, CA

m. 10/17/1992 Dawn Mazrie Crowe in Gridley, CA

JHM74221 Jordan Lindsey

JHM743 Ritha Anne Biggs, b. 5/25/19??

m. Norris Eugene Anderson

JHM7431 Jennifer Kirsten Anderson, b. 12/29/1975 Yuba City, Sutter Co., CA

m. 6/28/1997 Jered Lincoln Sprague in Willows Glenn, CA, b. 10/22/1974 Auburn, Placer Co., CA son of Forrest Sprague/Susan Cowperthwaite

JHM74311 Atticus Reagon Sprague

JHM7432 Eric Anderson

JHM75 Dewey Pointer, b. 12/29/1925 Red Oak, OK, d. 10/7/1996 Geary, OK

m. 8/4/1948 Mildred Jeanette Dixon in Gainesville, TX, dau. of Ralph & Mae Dixon [sister of Pearly Ruth who m. Grant Pointer – they eloped together]

Graveside Service with military honors for Dewey Pointer of Geary was held Wednesday, October 9, 1996 at 11:00 a.m. in the Geary Cemetery.  Rev. Don Robinson officiated with services under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home, El Reno.

Dewey was born December 29, 1925 at Wyandotte to George S. and Emily Mobley Pointer.  He died October 7 in the Geary Nursing Home.

During WWII Dewey served in the US Army in the European Theater.  He was a retired farmer and a member of the VFW Post 382.

Survivors include: a daughter, Barbara Pointer-Williams of Blackwell.  A son, Tim Pointer of El Reno. Three sisters, Dorothy Houston of Geary, Winnie Hedrick of Calumet and Welvie Biggs of Biggs, California.  Also five grandchildren, five great grandchildren and numerous other relatives and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Doris Pointer and Grant Pointer; and son Jim Pointer.

JHM751 Timothy Ralphy Pointer

m. Marsha Lynn

JHM752 Barbara Mae Pointer, b. Hinton, OK

m. Carlos Williams Blackwell, OK

JHM753 Jimmy Dewey Pointer, b. 12/22/1950 Watonga, Blaine Co., OK, d. 7/5/1973 nr Tonkawa, OK, bur. IOOF Cem Tonkawa, OK

JHM76 Dorothy Pointer, b. 22/4/1932 Canadian Co., OK [in a tent]

m. 8/21/1948 Doyle Winifred Houston in El Reno, OK, b. 6/23/1929 Greenfield, Blaine Co., OK son of Bill Houston/Hilda Montgomery

JHM761 Deborah Doylene Houston, b. 1/3/1951 Watonga, OK

m. (1) 8/2/1969 Donnie Dean Covalt in Woodward, OK, b. 7/22/1947 Sharon, O, son of Emil Covalt/Opal ChanceK

m. (2) 11/6/1984 Dan Andrew Hamilton in Wellington, KS, b. 12/2/1944 Woodward, OK, d. 4/7/2003 Enid, OK, bur. Bison cem; son of Ambrose Hamilton Jr./Wauneta Steele

JHM7611 Dusti Dawn Covalt, b. 7/11/1973 Woodward, OK

m. 9/1/1992 Shad Thomas Pletcher in Witchita Falls, TX, b. 12/27/1970 Roseville, OH son of Tom & Sherri Pletcher

JHM76111 Baylee Shyanne Pletcher, b. 5/16/1997 Zanesville, OH

JHM7612 Justin Doyle Houston Covalt, b. 11/11/1978 "

JHM762 Beverly June Houston, b. 6/14/1952 Watonga, OK

m. (1) 9/19/1970 Robert Wayne Allen in Woodward, OK, b. 1/20/1949 Montrose, CO

m. (2) 6/14/1991 Randy Calvin Morrison in Wellington, KS, b. 6/14/1951 Eurika, CA, d. 8/10/2005 Woodward, OK, son of Calvin Morrison/Madonna Harvey

JHM7621 Brandon Keith Morrison, b. 2/16/1973

JHM8 Joseph Chestley Mobley, b. 10/25/1896 Clinton, AR, d. 12/12/1980 Miami, Ottawa Co., OK; USN WW I

m. Maggie M. ____, b. c1899 AR

1920 Ottawa Co., OK: Charley 19 AR-GA (BIL), w/ Sam & Emily Painter

Application for Social Security Number completed December 2, 1956 at Wyandotte, Oklahoma

Present Employer shown as: New Deal Mining Corporation, 101 Connell, Picher, Oklahoma; He was 40 years old when it was issued; 440-10-3951

"Chess Mobley dies here at 84"


Joseph C (Chess) Mobley, 84 Wyandotte, died Saturday in a Miami nursing home after a long illness.

Mr. Mobley was born Oct 25, 1896 in Arkansas and came to Wyandotte in 1926 from Shirley, Ark.  He was a World War I veteran and a carpenter for the Ernie Taylor Construction Co. for many years.  He was a longtime deacon of the First Baptist Church here.

Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Olive Wright, Lake Winnebago, MO., Mrs. Mildred Johnson, Wheatland, Ma., Mrs. Wanda Conrad, Florissant, MO., and  Mrs. Alvetta Morris, Fort Wayne, Indiana; nine grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Services will be at 10 am Monday in the First Baptist Church, Wyandotte, with the Rev. Haskell Trask officiating.  Burial will be in the Wyandotte Cemetery, under direction of the Cooper Funeral Home., Miami.

Pallbearers will be Willis Shell, Wallace Holmes, Raymond Splitlog, Bill McRae, Harry Akins and Norman Flener.


1930 Wyandotte Oklahoma Census

Joseph C 33,ARK,ARK,ARK, Maggie M 31,ARK,TENN,ARK, Mildred L 9, ARK, Ruth O 6 ARK, Wanda L 1 11/12 OK

JHM81 Mildred L. Mobley, b. 1921 AR

m. ____ Johnson

JHM82 Ruth Olive Mobley, b. 1924 AR

m. ____ Wright

JHM83 Wanda L. Mobley, b. 1928 AR

m. ____ Conrad

JHM84 Alvetta Mobley, b. aft 1928 OK

m. ____ Morris

JHM9 Charlie Clifton Mobley, b. 10/22/1900 Pope Co., AR. d/ 1/ /1975 Geary, OK, bur. Geary cem; umn. could not read or write, lived with Emily and Sammy off and on most of his life.


They stayed primarily in the Clinton, Lexington, Leslie AR area until Sarah's death in October of 1902. It is rumored that John murdered her. John then fled to Gassville Arkansas in Baxter County. He married a 3rd time to Sarah Atchison in July of 1903 and committed suicide in August of 1903 due to the accusation of murder.

The descendents of the children from the first marriage think John's fathers name was Isaac and that he had a brother named James. All three marriage certificates indicate he was born in Tennessee [1900 census says Indiana] and he uses no middle initial. 7/21/01

9/4/1903 Clay County Courier

Aged Man Suicides

Laboring under the impression that he was suppected of murdering his wife, John Mobley, aged 65, took his own life at Lythia Springs, Baxter County last week. Mobley, who was a widower, was married to Mrs. Sarah Atchison at Van Buren last July. Shortly thereafter his wife, who went to the horse lot on an errand after dark was kicked and trampled to death by the stock.

A few weeks ago he left home, but there was no suspicion against him in connection with his wife's death.



Last Saturday night Mrs. Jane Mobley, wife of John Mobley, of Lexington, was killed in their lot by a horse running over her.

Mrs. Mobley was the daughter of Uncle Jo Lane, of Leslie, and was a good woman. She leaves her husband and five children to morn her loss.

Abstracts and Wills Stone Co MO


Guardian and curator of Phileban Horn, Permina Horn and Joseph F Horn, minor heirs of Oliver Horn, deceased

Sec Joseph Philibert and John M Williams, bond filed 15 May 1867 page 65


Guardian and curator of Philebert Horn, Remina E Horn and Joseph F Horn, minor heirs of Elivus Horn, deceased.

Sec. F.M. Carr and David Leonard, bond filed May 12, 1868 pg 87.

Baxter County Hatch and Dispatch 1903

At 1 o'clock this morning (Aug 26) John Mobley, who came to Lithia from Clinton, Van Buren County, early last spring, committed suicide by shooting himself in the forehead with a 38 calibre revolver.  He had dressed himself and combed his hair ready for burial and wrote a letter, placed it in his hat by his side out in the yard.  The letter stated that he had been falsely accused of murdering his wife and he would end his life rather than be taken back to his home for trial.  He made a special request to be buried with the clothes he had on, and placed $30 in his pocket for burial expenses.  He was buried Wednesday  afternoon at Gassville Cemetery.  (note: the grave is unmarked)


October 9, 1903, Van Buren Co, AR. J. B. White Guardian of heirs. (Josie Lane's husband)

1900 Van Buren Co., AR

Holley Twp House hold 161-163

Mobley, John      Jan 1837    IN   IN    IN

Mobley, Sarah J   Oct 1855    AL  AL    AL

Mobley, Isiah     Dec 1885     AR

Mobley, Elija S   Dec 1888     AR

Mobley, Emelia    Jul 1891     AR

Mobley, Joseph D  Oct 1896     AR

They had been married 16 years with 4 children, all living.


1900 Stone County Missouri Census James Township

1395 205    Mobley  William A Head 31 MO

                Nancy J   wife 19  AR

1396 206    Mobley  Henry  Head 24 MO

                Pearl  Wife 18 MO

1880 Stone Co Census James Township

155  156    Philabert, Joseph   W M  78 widower  Farmer MO

Mobley, Mary E    W F    43 dau/divorced/keeping house MO

Joseph Frances  W M 13 Son MO

William Adoplis W M 12 son MO

Lemuel Henry W M 4 son MO

Horn, Samuel W M 20 nephew living /family MO

Note: Although this indicates Joseph Frances is a Mobley, he was actually born to Mary and Linus Horn.


From the Clinton Democrat October 18, 1902:

Last Saturday night Mrs. Jane Mobley, wife of John Mobley, of Lexington, was killed in their lot by a horse running over her.  Mrs. Mobley was the daughter of Uncle Jo Lane, of Leslie, and was a good woman.  She leaves her husband and five children to morn her loss.

Clinton Historical Society

Family Rumor:

The family has always been told that John Mobley murdered Sarah Jane.  He supposedly hit her in the head with a claw hammer and some men came and took him away about a year later.

We have been able to document that he committed suicide about a year later in Baxter Co, AR.  His suicide note indicated he was falsely accused of murdering his wife, although I find no legal documents to show any arrest or investigation of any kind.  After being in contact with a descendent of Josie Lane White's, (Sarah Jane's sister and the family that took the children) she indicated that they too had been told that he murdered her.  Whether he did or not, I shall probably never know. 

The children had to have known what happened to him since his "estate" was handled by Josie's husband, JB White and they took care of the children since all of them were under the age of 18 when this took place.  The fact that he committed suicide would have been a terrible scandel in those days and probably is the reason we never heard the story from Aunt Winnie because if I were a bettin' person, I'll just bet she knew it and that is why she didn't want me poking around in the family history.


Burial: unknown, Nickname: Jane


Children of JOHN MOBLEY and MARY (HORN) are:

             i.  WILLIAM ADOLPHUS3 MOBLEY, b. 17 Dec 1868, Rolla,Missouri; d. 18 May 1934, Yuba City CA.

            ii.  LEMUEL HENRY MOBLEY, b. 26 Mar 1875, Radical Mo; d. 1957, Toppenish WA.

Children of JOHN MOBLEY and SARAH LANE are:

         iii.    ISAIAH DAVID3 MOBLEY, b. 07 Dec 1885, Arkansas; d. 05 May 1964, Merced, CA (age 78).

         iv.    ELIJAH SILVESTAR MOBLEY, b. 09 Dec 1888, Arkansas; d. 14 Jan 1974, Russellville, Pope Co, Arkansas.

         v.    EMILY AMANDA MOBLEY, b. 22 Jul 1891, Clinton AR; d. 15 Nov 1973, Geary  OK. (MY GRANDMOTHER)

         vi.    JOSEPH CHESTLEY MOBLEY, b. 25 Oct 1896, Clinton AR; d. 12 Dec 1980, Miami, Ottawa Co, OK.

         vii.    CHARLEY CLIFTON MOBLEY, b. 22 Oct 1900, Pope Co AR; d. Jan 1975, Geary Oklahoma.


Never married, could not read or write, lived with Emily and Sammy off and on most of his life. Bur. 14 Jan 1975, Geary Cem. Geary OK


Levy Co., FL marriages

|MOBLEY, Drucilla |Husband: Wm. H. Tindale Marriage date: Thursday, November 22, 1877 |

|MOBLEY, Gabriel |Wife: Mary Ellis Marriage date: Sunday, October 13, 1867 |

|MOBLEY, John |Wife: Mary Johnson Marriage date: Sunday, April 14, 1907 |

|MOBLEY, Thomas |Wife: Drucilla Booth Marriage date: Thursday, August 14, 1873 |

| |

|MOBLY, Josiah C |Wife: Carrie Rollins Marriage date: Sunday, October 25, 1903 |

1880 census Levy Co. children of Drucilla Mobley & Wm. A. Tindale are:

1. John Wylie b. July 11, 1878

2. M. Tindale b. 1881

3. Josephine b. June 1882

4. P. E. b. 1884

5.William Cleveland b. Feb. 14, 1884 (my grgrandfather)

6. Sadie Clarabelle March 1891

7. Eliza (Liza) Oct. 1891

Shirley Thirtyoneknots@ 12/19/00


Karen hewests@

Subject: - Message Boards

Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 11:27:59

Clarence C. Mobley, b. 7/1/1883, d. 3/25/1955 Manila, Mississippi Co., AR

General Mobley, b. Manila, AR

Areta Mobley, b. 8/3/1911, d. 6/25/1995 Benton, Saline Co., AR

Samuel Mobley, b. 3/23/1913, d. 4/ /1986 Kansas City, KS

Geneva Lela Mobley, b. 5/30/1916, d. 11/26/1998 Manila, AR

m. (1) Ambrose Abidge Rainey, d. ca 6/ /1944 Manila, AR

m. (2) Homer Irvin Wesley Shipley, b. 2/18/1906 Parma, New Madrid Co., MO, d. 12/10/1984 Manila, AR (Roseland)

Genevieve Dolly Mobley, b. 5/25/1920 Manila, AR, d. 7/10/1980 Manila Manila, AR

m. Nelson Hamilton, b. 6/28/1916 Manila, AR


1910 Garland Co. AR:

Moberley, Edward S 65 IL-KY-IL, Margaret E 54 IL, Berth--- L. (m) 27 MS, Clarence 14 MS 143831?


Dorothy Lewis, Great-great granddaughter of Henry H. & Elizabeth A. ?____ Mobley lewisd@ 1/2001 dotlewis@ 5/2/08

Date of death is estimated by age of children on 1860 census. Since Henry H. is not listed, it is "assumed" to have died prior to 1860, but after Last child was conceived. Family lore states Henry H. and "some of his kin" are buried in the "old Mobley cemetery", located between Moro Creek (divides Calhoun and Bradley counties), and Banks, Bradley Co., AR. Cemetery was neglected and over the years, pine trees grew up. Loggers went in and cut these trees abt 1998/99, and replanted small pine trees. The young trees are too close and of a height, that makes a walk through and try to spot any remaining evidence of grave markers almost impossible at this time.

A local squirrel hunter said he'd seen the graves prior to the logging, but couldn't remember if there were readable markers, or just field stones.

1850 Bradley Co, AR: Henry H. 35 SC farmer, Elizabeth A. 29 AL, Sarah A. 4 AL, Tomas A. 3 AL, Ann E. 4/12 AL

1860 Bradley Co: Elizabeth 37 AL, Sarah A 23 AL, Thomas A 14 AL, Ann E 10 AL, William M 8 AR, James 6, Georgian 4, Robert J 2

1870 Bradley Co: Elizabeth 48 AL, Ann 20 AR, James 16, Georgean 14, Robert 12

William 18 AR, farm laborer w/ Jesse Boyett

1880 Bradley Co: Eliz. A. 60 AL Wd

1. Henry H. Mobley, b, c1815 SC, d. 7/ /1860 (?? Census taken 12 Jul 1860) Bradley Co., AR {Mortality index Henry J. Mobley M 45 SC Pneumonia Jul 1860 Bradley Co, AR)

m. Elizabeth A. ____, b. c1821 AL, d. 1904-1910

1a Sarah A. Mobley, b. 8/13/1845 AL, d. 3/19/1885 AR

m. 12/30/1862 Dr. Julius Hamilton Camp in Bradley Co, b. 3/19/1842 Jackson Co., GA, d. 8/9/1915

Emma Francis Camp, b. 2/25/1864, d, 11/4/1928 Houston, AR

m. James David Moore, b. 1856, d. 1905

Ida Moore, b. 1884, d. 1921

m. Emmitt Lansing Thurston

Charles Hays Moore, b. 1885, d. 1905

Emma Alice Moore, b. 1887, d. 1970

m. Artie Rankin

Sarah Ellen Moore

m. Tom Whitehead

Elsa E. Moore, b. 1890, d. 1958

m. Oscar Griffith

James Thomas Moore, b. 1892, d. 1980

m. Ivory Rankin

Mollie Eveline Camp, b. 1/3/1866, d. 1907

m. Will Edward Coleman

R. T. Camp, b. 2/22/1868, d. 1/1/1869

Willie P. Camp, b. 3/3/1870

Henrietta Camp, b. 4/11/1871

Hosea A. Camp, b. 8/30/1872, d. 12/25/1872

Robert Jackson “Jack” Camp, b. 4/17/1875, d. 2/26/1966

Lorene Camp, b. 5/29/1878, d. 5/18/1958

m. R.T. Smithson

Julius Frank Camp, b. 4/20/1880, d. 3/13/1901

Ida Belle Camp, b. 4/29/1882, d. 6/10/1958

m. Charlie Johnson

Viola Camp, b. 6/301884, d. 5/14/1887

1b Thomas A. Mobley, b. c1847 AL

m. Jahaza I. (H) ____, b. c1856 LA

Thomas B. Mobley, b. c1881 LA

m. Viola ____ (Nora in 1920), b. c1888 AL

Olive Mobley, b. c1915 AR

Leona E. Mobley, b. c1888 AR

1c Ann Eliza Mobley, b. 2/5/1850 AL, d. 3/11/1903 Calhoun Co., AR

m. 4/16/1874 William Thomas Mulligan in Bradley Co, b. 1845 AL, d. 1931 Calhoun Co., AR

George Mulligan, b. 1878

William Jackson Mulligan, b. 1880

Clara Elizabeth Mulligan, b. 1882

Parlee Mulligan, b. 1884 in Hanna

Barney Bruce Mulligan, b. 1886

John T. Mullilgan, b. 1890

Louaddie Mulligan, b. 1893

1d William M. Mobley, b. c1852 AR

m. Bell ____, b. c1861 AR

Laura L. Mobley

1e James Monroe Mobley, b. 1/ /1852 AR

m. 12/19/1872 Nancy Ann Lucinda Nannie Wolf in Bradley Co, b. 10/ /1856 Drew Co., AR, d. 2/12/1925 New Edenburg, AR (dau of Hilliard Wolf/Jane Greer)

Mary E. Mobley, b. 1876 Bradley Co

James Franklin Mobley, b. 9/4/1878 “, d. 11/23/1959 Bradley Co

m. 12/25/1903 Kitty Maud Garrisonin Bradley Co, b. 11/23/1889, d. 3/5/1955

Norma Loryne Mobley, b. c1906 AR

m. 12/25/1925 James Early Clements

Kenneth Clements

Maxine Clements

Bobby Clements

Jerry Clements

Wayne Clements

Juanita Clements

Minnie Cordelia Mobley, b/ 6/15/1888, d. 2/22/1977 Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., AR

m. (1) ____

m. 2) 10/18/1914 Fred Creed Bradley Co, b. 11/26/1889, d. 6/21/1958

Milburn Mobley, b. 12/17/1904, d. 11/15/1988 (of ux #1)

m. 2/14/1926 Pearl Morgan, b. 2/4/1908, d. 4/7/1996

Mildred V. Creed, b. c1917

1f Georgean Mobley, b. 5/9/1856 Bradley Co., AR, d. 10/29/1935

m. (1) 1/16/1873 William Harris in Bradley Co, b. c1850, d. bef 1880

m. (2) 12/221/1882 Jessie Marian Tarvin Calhoun Co., AR, b. 1/24/1861 Calhoun Co., AR, d. 10/16/1946 Hot Spgs Co., AR (son of William Tarvin/Nancy Smith)

Georgia Isabell Tarvin, b. 5/31/1897, d. 10/3/1900

Mattie C. Tarvin, b. 1/15/1884, d. 1/13/1901

Hattie Tarvin, b. 1/15/1884

Mary Elizabeth Tarvin, b. 6/19/1885, d. 5.25/1922 Hot Spgs Co

Agnes Jeanette Tarvin, b. 1892 Hot Spgs Co, d. 5/3/1965 CA

Annie Abbigail Tarvin, b. 1892 “, d. 5/3/1965 CA

William C. Tarvin, b. 1894 “

m. Arvin __-- b. 5/12/1888 Hot Spgs Co, d. 11/11/1979 Hermit CA

Jesse James Tarvin, b. 3/26/189?

1g Robert J. Mobley, b. c1858 AR

1900 Bradley Co: James M. 46 Jan 1852 AR, Nancy L 43 Oct 1856 AR, James F 21 Sep 1878, Minnie C 13 Jun 1886

1910 Hot Spring Co:

Mobley, Arthur 25 AR, Myrtle 17 AR

Mobley, T.A. 63 AL, J.I. 54 LA, L.E. (m) 22 AR

Mobley, Thomas B 29 LA, Viola 22 AL

1910 Bradley Co:

James F 31 AR, Kittie M 21 AR, Naomi L 4 [next to James M]

James M 56 AR, Nancy L 52 AR, Minnie C 21, Milburn 6 (gson)

1920 Hot Spring Co:

Mobley, Leona E 33 AR, Thomas A 73 AL (father), Jahaza H 66 LA (mother) [next to Thomas B]

Mobley, Thomas B 39 LA, Nora 36 GA, Olive 5 AR

1920 Bradley Co: James M 65 AR, Nancy L 63 AR, Milb---? 15 Gson [next to James F]

James F 41 AR, Kittie M 30 AR, Norma? L 14


Panama City (FL) News Herald 3/24/01

Mr. Oliver R. Mobley, 81 (1920), of Panama City, died Thursday, March 22, 2001, in a local extended care facility. Born in Piedmont, Ala (Calhoun Co)., he moved here in 1983 from Atlanta, Ga. He was a Christian gentleman who loved the Lord and treated everyone with compassion. Mr. Mobley is survived by his sister, Sally M. Poythress of Laguna Beach, Fla.; two nieces, Cindy Wilder of Minnesota, and Margaret Blackwell of Atlanta; nephew, Joseph Freenstra of Nevada. Graveside funeral services for Mr. Mobley will be conducted on Tuesday, March 27 at 3 p.m. in Crest Lawn Cemetery in Atlanta.

1910 Calhoun Co., AL: Charley M 33 GA, Marjorie B 16 AL (wf), Lorena? 63 GA mother, Jasper C 18 AL brother

1920 Calhoun Co., AL: C.M. 42 GA, Mardie? 25 AL, Susie Bell 7, Sallie May 4 7/12, Ruby 2 1/12, Oliver ?/12

J.C. 29 AL, Mamie 23 AL, Jasper 6/12, Luraine 75 GA (mother) lvg next to C.M.

Charley M. Mobley, b. 1877 GA

m. Marjorie B. ____, b. 1894 AL

Susie Bell Mobley, b. c1913 AL

Sallie May Mobley, b. c1916 AL

Ruby Mobley, b. 1918 AL

Oliver R. Mobley, b. 1920 Piedmont, Calhoun Co., AL, d. 3/22/2001 in Atlanta, bur. Crest Lawn Cem


Ed C. Smith ecsmith@ 3/29/01

I have traced my family line through my Grandmother Aldora Mobley Smith (husband: Hanson Foster Smith) to her father, George W. Mobley (wife: Sarah Frances Clark - A.K.A. Fannie C. Mobley) to his father Washington Mobley (married to Mary E.) and his father James Mobley (married to Elizabeth).

James was born in 1800 (or 1801) in Virginia

Washington was born in 1829

George was born in 1851 and died in Hogansville, GA

Aldora was born in 1879 and died in 1967 in Hogansville, Ga (she may have lived in Meriweather County and could possibly be kin to Henry Mobley in the book and movie "Murder in Coweta County." When I asked my father if he knew the actual people in the book he said yes to John Wallace, and when I mentioned Henry Mobley he said nothing, then finally he said, "Your grandmother, my mother, was a Mobley" and he left it at that.

If you have any information on this side of the Mobley family, I'd greatly appreciate. Except for James in Virginia and those from Hogansville, GA; I have no clue to their residences and travels.


Edward Carl Smith, Jr. ki4khi@ 3/30/01

5500 Lee Road 270

Valley, AL 36854-7042

HOME: 334-749-8745

WORK: 334-705-0538 (Beulah Baptist Church)

FAX: 334-704-0209

b. 2/11/1949 Hogansville, Troup Co., GA (Newnan Hospital, Coweta Co. actual location)

Graduated Fayette County High School (1967); Fayetteville, Fayette Co, GA, Georgia State University (B.B.A.); Atlanta, GA 1971, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.) 1975, Trinity Theological Seminary (Th.D), Newburg, IN. 1991

OCCUPATION: Pastor, Beulah Baptist Church in Valley, AL

FAMILY: Wife: Patricia Carol Lee Smith, b. 9/7/1952 (Married 8/15/ 1975)

Children: LeAnne Marie Smith, b. 7/8/1977

Cas Anthony Smith, b. 5/10/1979

Sister: Josephine Eldora Smith Smith (Born March 12, 1944 - Died June 05, 1983 buried in Peachtree City, Fayette Co., GA

Josephine's Son: Edward David Smith (born January 26, 1972) lives in Fayetteville, Fayette Co. , GA


Coin and Currency Collecting

Collecting Fire Department Items


Disaster Relief Work with Alabama Baptist Convention and Lee County Red Cross (Opelika, AL), Volunteer Firefighter and EMT-Basic


Father: Edward Carl Smith, Sr., b. 02/16/1922, d. 06/17/1994 Peachtree City, Fayette Co., GA (Westminister Gardens Cem)

m. (1) 4/ /1943 Ethel Mae Whidby Cobb Co., GA, b. 2/26/1921, d. 9/22/1985

m. (2) Louise Beale, d. 8/31/2003 bur. Sherwood Memorial Gardens, Fayetteville, GA

GrandMother: Aldora Mobley, b. 06/25/1879, d. 08/24/1967) bur Myrtle Hill Cem, Hogansville, GA

m. Hanson Foster Smith 09/02/1901

+++ 8/18/02

I found some more information about my Grandmother - a brother and sister.


Brother --  Brooks Mobley (died as a teenager as best as I can determine).

Sister ----  Clara Maude Mobley (nickname "Tis") she never had any children. She was raised by my Great-Grandfather on my Wilson Smith.  At present I cannot remember her married last name.

Robert Russell Smith (09/24/1906 to 12/13/1975 buried in Hogansville (Troup County), GA)

Jessie Louise Smith Jackson (08/09/1902 to 05/02/1960 buried in (Hogansville (Troup Co.), Ga)

Clara Ruth Smith Denny Melear, b. 7/20/1909 in Belton, TX, d. 9/15/2001 Newman, GA, bur. Myrtle Hill Cem Hogansville, GA


Mrs. Ruth Melear

Mrs. Ruth Denney Melear, 92, of Hogansville, GA, died Saturday, September 15, 2001 at Beaulieu Convalescent Center in Newnan. Mrs. Melear Was born July 20, 1909 in Belton, Texas, daughter of the late Hanson Foster Smith and the late Aldora Mobley Smith. A resident of Hogansville for 89 years, she retired from Uniroyal, Inc., after 50 years of service and was a member of the Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church in Hogansville. She was the wife of the late J.W. Denney and the late Melvin Melear.

Survivors include several nieces and nephews.

Graveside services will be conducted Monday, September 17, at 11:00 A.M. in Myrtle Hill Cemetery in Hogansville, with Dr. Ed C Smith officiating.

The family will receive friends from 4 until 6 p.m. Sunday at the Claude A. McKibben and Sons Funeral Home in Hogansville

Morris Duggan Smith. b. 1/5/1914, d. 5/11/1987 bur. Chamblee, Fulton Co., GA

Joseph Barnard Smith, b. 4/16/1916, d. 12/4/1972 bur. Hogansville, Troup Co., GA

Edward Carl Smith, Sr., b. 2/16/1922, d. 6/17/1994 bur. Peachtree City, Fayette Co., GA

Great GrandParents: George Mobley and Sarah Frances Clark (A.K.A. Fannie C. Mobley) (Married 09/24/1878) George, b. 1851, d. in Hogansville, GA (date unknown) buried in Old Emmaus Church Cemetery, Sara Frances Clark Mobley, (date of birth and death unknown, buried in Emmaus Church Cemetery in Hogansville, GA

Great-Great GrandParents: Washington Mobley and Mary E. (Wedding date and location, unknown); Washington b. 1829 location unknown; died unknown date and location; Mary E. birth, death, and locations unknown

Great-Great-Great GrandParents: James Mobley and Elizabeth (Wedding date and location, unknown); James b. 1800 (or 1801) in Virginia - Date and location of death unknown; Elizabeth (no known information on her)


1. James Mobley, b. 1800/1 VA [poss. 12321 James Mobley [was of age in 1833]

m. Elizabeth ____

1a Mary Jane Mobley, b. 1825, d. 3/24/1910 Mt. Pleasant, AR

m. (1) John Bates, b. ca 1818 GA

m. (2) ____ Brinegar

1a1 Martha Bates

1b Washington P. Mobley, b. 1829

m. Mary E. ____

1b1 George W. Mobley

m. 9/24/1878 Sarah Frances Clark in Troup Co., GA

1b11 Aldora Mobley, b. 06/25/1879, d. 08/24/1967, bur. Hogansville, GA

m. 09/02/1901 Hanson Foster Smith

1b111 Edward Carl Smith, Sr., b. 02/16/1922, d. 06/17/1994 bur. Peachtree City, Fayette Co., GA (Westminister Gardens Cem.)

m. (1) 4/ /1943 Ethel Mae Whidby in Cobb Co., GA, b. 2/26/1921, d. 9/22/1985

m. (2) Louise Beale, d. 8/31/2003 bur. Sherwood Memorial Gardens Fayetteville, GA

1b1111 Edward Carl Smith, Jr., b. 2/11/1949 Hogansville, Troup Co., GA

m. 8/15/1975 Patricia Carol Lee, b. 9/7/1952

1b1111 LeAnne Marie Smith, b. 7/8/1977

m. Andy Fulbright

1b11111 Nate Fulbright, b. 5/21/2005

1b11112 Dakota Fulbright, b. 1/25/2007

1b11113 Emilee Madison Fulbright, b. 5/20/2010

1b11112 Cas Anthony Smith, b. 5/10/1979)

m. 9/11/2010 Melissa Howard Rome, GA

1c Sarah Mobley, b.1834

1d William Mobley, b. 1841

1e Elizabeth Mobley, b. 1842

1f Madison Mobley, b. 1842

1g Mary J. Mobley, b. 1850

1h Unnamed Mobley female, b. 1859


John C. Bates: born abt. 1818, in Georgia; death unknown

Mary Jane MOBLEY: born about 1825, in Georgia; died March 24, 1910, in Mt. Pleasant, Arkansas, Marriage info unknown

John d-1860-65, she then married a Brinegar and moved to Benton Co, AR, they lived Cherokee Co 1840, her daughter Martha was b. there, they too lived Spring Place, GA

David Holland


I can place Mary Jane Mobley Bates Brinegar. She is possibly the oldest child of my g-g-g-grandfather, James Mobley (b. 1800) in Virginia and married to Elizabeth (b. 1805) in VA.

add Mary Jane (b. 1825) as a sister to Washington P. Mobley (b. 1829), Sarah Mobley(b.1834), Elizabeth Mobley (b. 1842); Madison Mobley (b. 1842); William Mobely (b. 1841); Mary J Mobley (b. 1850); Unnamed female (b. 1859).

Ed Smith 6/17/01


Wed, 27 Jun 2001 07:25:40 EDT Tajmir5963@

Charles M. Mobley, b. 10/1/1844 NC, d. 10/18/1918 Grant City, Worth Co., MO, buried in Wharton Cem. (formally Blacks Grove Cem.)

m. Matilda C. Lappossa, b. 8/10/1846 NC, d. 3/16/1933 Grant City, Worth Co., MO, buried in Wharton Cemetery.

1860 Chatham Co, NC:

Mobley, Simon 26 NC, Tabetha 28 NC, Charles M. 5, Oran F. 3, Jehu L. 1

(maybe wrong Simon?)

1880 Allen, Worth Co, MO

Charles 36 NC, Matilda C 33 KY, Ollie May 11 IN, Magnolia B 10 MO, Loritta A 8 MO, Cora J 6, Lulor M 4, Chas A 1

1900 Middlefork Twp, Worth Co, MO

Charles M. 56, Oct 1843 NC, Matilda 54 Aug 1846 KY, Charles A. 21 Feb 1879 MO, Thomas J 19 May 1881 MO

1910 census Middlefork Twp, Worth Co, MO

Charles M. 65 NC, Matilda A. 62 KY, John Lapossa 76 KY (bil)


1920 Middle Fork, Worth Co: Matilda A 72 KY Wd

Ollie May Mobley, b. 1865, d. 1945, Wharton Cem. Taylor Co., IA

m. 10/31/1894 Joseph McSparrin Black in Taylor Co., IA

Magnolia (Maggie) B. Mobley, b. 1870

m. 3/1/1893 Wilbur C. Ebersole Worth Co., MO

Jennie Mobley

m. Mr. Taylor

Lula M. Mobley, b. c1876 MO

m. 9/20/1894 Cyril N. Westfall Worth Co., MO

Atlanta (Attie) Mobley

m. 7/12/1890 Jacob Bostick Worth Co., MO

1920 Worth Co, Bostick, Addie 4? Wd, Earl 26, Joyce 18

Albert Mobley, b. c1880 MO

m. Maud M. ____, b. c1900 MO

Alberta Mobley, b. c1918 MO

Dengle G. Mobley, b. c1919 MO

1920 Middle Fork, Worth Co: Albert 40 MO, Maud M 20 MO, Alberta 2, Dengel G 9/12

Thomas Jefferson Mobley, b. 1883, d. 1928 in St. Joseph, MO, bur. Wharton Cem.

m. 12/5/1903 Lulu Mae Davis Worth Co., MO

J.D. Mobley died about one year of age, both in Wharton Cem

Calla Mobley "

Thanks, Diana


FORT WORTH -- Edgar North Mobley passed away Thursday, May 10, 2001, in Fort Worth. Memorial Service: 2 p.m. Sunday, May 20, 2001, at Northside Church of Christ in Fort Worth.

Edgar North Mobley was born Feb. 3, 1918, to Sarah Frances and William Jacob Mobley, who preceded him in death.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Margaret Helen Mobley; and sisters, Stella Gardner and Ruth Davis.

He was valedictorian of Northside High School and graduated from the University of North Texas. Mr. Mobley was a chemist for General Dynamics and Whitco of Fort Worth. His strong and lovely voice was heard throughout many Churches of Christ in North Texas. His talent for songleading was enjoyed by many. His family even sang to him as he gently went to heaven. Edgar was a deacon in the Church of Christ, taught Sunday school, led a nursing home ministry and attended many mission trips. His bright smile and quick humor kept those around him jovial. His sharp intellect kept those around him intrigued. He loved his family and friends with great depth. He acquired nicknames such as "Squeaky," "Tiger" and "Egad." Trips to Colorado with family and friends were special to him. He was very involved with Castleberry Band Boosters, PTA and Indian Guides.

Survivors: Children and their spouses, Teresa and Kevin Grunewald of Mansfield, Bruce and Sally Mobley of Fort Worth and Dr. Michelle and Kevin Loftus of Dallas; loving granddaughters are Laura and Katherine Grunewald; a twin brother, Jake Mobley of Granbury, sister, Ellen Hughes of Crowley, and sister, Mary Washam of Fort Worth, also survive him.

James Edward Mobley

m. Mary Jane Pittman

1. William Jacob Mobley, b. 10/5/1881 AR, d. 7/1/1965 Fort Worth, Tarrent, TX

m. Sarah Frances ____

m. (2) Nancy Jane ____, b. 1890, d. 1969; both bur. Moore cem Tarrent, TX (per photo of double marker in cemetery)

1a. Edgar North Mobley, b. 2/3/1918, d. 5/10/2001 Fort Worth, TX

m. Margaret Helen ____

1a1. Teresa Mobley

m. Kevin Grunewald

1a11. Laura Grunewald

1a12. Katherine Grunewald

1a2. Bruce Mobley

m. Sally ____

1a3. Michelle Mobley, Dr.

m. Kevin Loftus

1b. Jake Mobley, b. 2/3/1918

1c. Ellen Mobley m. ____ Hughes

1d. Mary Mobley m. ____ Washam

1e. Stella Mobley m. ____ Gardner

1f. Ruth Mobley m. ____ Davis

2 Edgar North Mobley, b. 2/3/1918 AR, d. 5/10/2001 Fort Worth

m. Margaret Helen ____

2a Teresa Mobley and Kevin Grunewald

2b Bruce Mobley and Sally of Fort Worth

2c Dr. Michelle Mobley and Kevin Loftus of Dallas

3. Stella Mobley Gardner

4. Ruth Mobley Davis

also in Moore cem:

Wynde Nicole Mobley 9/6/1979 – 11/10/2001


Subject: Mobleys of Washington Co., Ky./McLean Co., IL.

Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 11:29:06 EDT

From: GDanman311@

My name is Janet Frances Mobley Goodnite. I was born in Ky. and lived in Washington Co. for several years before my father moved us to IL. I was actually born in Marion Co., Lebanon, Ky., Jan. 22, 1947, if that is any help. I have one sister whose name is Mary June Mobley Watson. She was also born in Lebanon, on June 4, 1948.

My father's name is Willard Mobley. There might be an L. as a middle initial. He was born on Mar. 4, 1917 in McLean Co., IL., as was his father. I understand they did a lot of moving back and forth. As far as I know, though, most of the time they lived in KY.

My grandfather was called J.L. Mobley. I think that was short for Jack. He married Clora Mae Dearinger, my grandmother. He might have a previous marriage listed. His father was John Thomas Mobley. I don't know where he was born. My grandfather died in 1949, I believe.

John Thomas Mobley was married to Rachel Ann Long. They are buried in Cornishville, Ky. Some of their other children were, Delois, Samuel, Erastus,(buried in McLean Co., IL, I think). There are several others whose names I don't have. I belive there is a daughter who is buried somewhere in Kansas. Her name might be Ann.

My dad's siblings are;

Roy, Annie, Lyle all deceased and buried in Willisburg, Ky. They all died quite young.

He also had a brother named Floyd who is buried in DeKalb, IL.(d. 1980), a sister named Alberta Mobley Kyler Dean, who is buried in Richmond, KY,(d. 1997) and Ella Mae Mobley Johnston, who lives in Louisville, Ky. I believe she was born in 1931, in Ky.

Janet Goodnite GDanman311@

311 W. Main St. P.O.Box 27

Kirkland, IL.60146-0027

1 John Thomas Mobley, b. 1/ /1851 KY, bur. Cornishville, Mercer Co., Ky

m. Rachel Ann Long, b. 2/ /1856 KY

?? 1860 Henry Co, KY: Mobley, Rowland 35, Mary 22, John 5, Bettie 3

?? 1860 Madison Co: Moberly, Alfred 55 KY, Lucinda 46 KY, John 9, Jonathan 6

1900 Washingto Co., KY: Mobly, Thomas 49 Jan 1851 KY-KY-KY, Anna R 44 Feb 1856 KY-KY-KY, Erastus 16 Nov 1883, Sency ? A 14 Mar 1886, Melvin 12 Feb 1888, Delon J 7 Sep 1892

1a Erastus Mobley, b. 11/ /1883 KY (buried in McLean Co., IL

1b Sency A. Mobley, b. 3/ /1886

1c Melvin Mobley, b. 2/ /1888 KY

m. Cora ____,

1c1 Earnest Mobley, b. c1812 KY

1c2 R. C. Mobley, b. 1914 KY, d. 6/9/1985 KY

1c3 Edith B. Mobley, b. c1916 KY

1c4 Virginia Mobley, b. c1919 KY

1920 Mercer Co: Melvin 23 KY, Cora 24 KY, Earnest 8, R.C. 6, Edith B 3 4/12, Virginia 5/12

1d Delon (Delois) J. Mobley, b. 9/ /1892

1e Jack L. Mobley, b. McLean Co., IL, d. 1949

m. Clora Mae Dearinger

1e1 Willard Mobley “Doc”, b. 3/4/1917 McLean Co., IL, d. 4/24/2002 McLean, IL, bur. Sunset Mem. Gdns

m. 3/8/1946 Nona Baker in Willisburg, KY

MOBLEY, Nona (BAKER); 85; Washington Co KY>Rockford IL; Anderson N (KY); 2008-2-13

1e11 Janet Frances Mobley, b. 1/22/1947 Lebanon, Marion Co., KY

m. Bill Goodnite

1e12 Mary June Mobley Watson, b. 6/4/1948 "

1e2 Roy Mobley, bur. Willisburg, KY

1e3 Annie Mobley "

1e4 Lyle Mobley "

1e5 Floyd Mobley, d. 1980 bur. DeKalb, IL

1e6 Alberta Mobley Kyler Dean, d. 1997, bur. Richmond, KY

1e7 Ella Mae Mobley Johnston, b. 1931, lives in Louisville, KY

1f Samuel Mobley

1860 McLean Co., IL

E. Moberly 53 KY, Pauline 50 KY, William 26 IL, John 21, Susan 19

N.B. Moberly 29 KY, Harriet 24 OH, Charles 4 IL, James 2 IL, Barney Carryman 24 Ireland, Martha Moberly 16 KY, Eliza 12 KY, Sally 10 KY, Louisa 5 IL

Jason Moberly 22 KY,lvg w/ James Quinn

1870 McLean Co:

Moberly, Benjamin 54 KY, Nancy 43 KY, James 20, Sue 14, Lue 17, Allen 11, Samuel 8 143213

Moberly, Emly 62 KY, John 28 KY, Elizabeth 26, Louise 15 IL 143212

Moberly, William 35 KY, Lavina 31 KY, Effie 6 IL, Alvin 4, William W 3 1432123

1880 McLean Co:

Moberly, Emly 72 KY, fatherLaw w/ Merrick J 40 PA & Sarah B 30 KY Wald 143212

Moberly, James 25 KY, Amanda 29 KY, Gertie 7 IL, Myrtie 4

Mobley, John 26 KY, Martha B 22 KY, Addie 4 KY, Ellie 3 KY, William 8/12 KY

Mobley, Thomas 30 KY, Ann 23 KY, Ellen 8 KY, Ida 5 KY, John 10/12 IL

Moberly, William 44 KY, Lavinia M 40 KY, Effie 16 IL, Alvin E 14, William W 12, Mary I 5, Lutie 5/12 1432123

1900 McLean Co:

Moberly, A.E. 35 Nov 1864 IL-KY-KY Wd, boarder 14321232

Mobley, James T 53 Jul 1846 KY, Lovie 43 Jun 1856 OH, Forest F 14 Mar 1886 IL, Sally May 11 Dec 1888

Mobly, John 20 Aug 1879 IL-KY-KY, farm labor w/ John Pierce

Moberly, John L 40 Jul 1860 IN. Hattie 34 Sep 1865 IL, Ernest 8 Mar 1892 IL, 6 Sep 1893, Maurice 1 Oct 1898

Mobley, Pally 18 Aug 1881 IL, Svt w/ Thomas Bishop

Moberly, Napoleon B 68 Aug 1831 KY-KY-KY, Harriet L 63 Aug 1836 IL, Thomas J 26 May 1874 IL, Martha E 27 Aug 1872 IL (DIL) 1432121

Moberley, William F 42? 1858? MO, Jane ?, Ellie?, Pearl?, Ste--? (f) – very faint.

1910 McLean Co:

Moberly, Alvin E 46 IL, Guare? W 35 IL 14321232

Mobley, Edward 37 KY, Nancy 39 KY, Vergil 9 KY, Henry 6 KY, Susie 5 IL, Lucy 2 IL

Moberly, Jane 49 IL, E. Pearl 25 MO, Stella S 21 KS

Moberly, John L 50 IN, Hattie 45 IL, Ernest E 18, Laura L 16, Maurris 11


Moberly, Lovie 52 OH Wd, MIL w/ Peyton W & Goldie M Neff?

Moberly, Otto 18 KY, hired man w/ Carl Schmitz

1920 McLean Co:

Moberly, Alvin E 52 IL, Oyace? W 46 14321232

Moberly, Bert 36 IL, Katherine 30 IL, Thelma 9, Wilma 4 2/12

Moberly, Edward 47 KY, Nancy 46 KY, Virgil 19 KY, Henry 17 KY, Susie 14 IL, Lucy 11, James 9, Allie 6, Charles 1 3/12

Moberly, Etta 33 IL Wd, Agnes 13, Iona 11, Doyle 9

Moberly, Frank 33 9/12 IL, Bessie 35 IL, James 9 10/12, Eloise 4 2/12, Helen 2 1/12

Moberly, George 28 IL, Opla 21 IL, Marie Hood 11 niece

Moberly, James J 62 IN-KY-KY, Alice B 60 OH

Moberly, Morgan 31 KY, Martha 30 KY, Chester M 6 KY, Peter M 4 KY, William B 5/12 IL

Moberly, Ronald 18 IL, Gson w/ James & Margaret Maloney

1900 Washingto Co., KY: Mobly, Thomas 49 Jan 1851 KY-KY-KY, Anna R 44 Feb 1856 KY-KY-KY, Erastus 16 Nov 1883, Sency ? A 14 Mar 1886, Melvin 12 Feb 1888, Delon J 7 Sep 1892

1910 Washington Co: Sam 27 IL, Viola 24 KY, Roy 6, Weldon 2 same ?


ROCKFORD -- Willard 'Doc' Mobley, 85, died at 3:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 24, 2002, in SwedishAmerican Hospital. He was born March 4, 1917, in McLean, the son of Jack and Clora Dearinger Mobley. He married Nona Baker on March 8, 1946, in Willisburg, Ky.; they were married for more than 56 years. He served his country during World War II in the U.S. Army Air Corps. Doc worked as a mechanic and welder for Huntley Leasing, retiring in 1982. He loved and enjoyed his family, yard work, flowers and woodworking. Survivors include his wife, Nona; daughters, Janet (Bill) Goodnite of Kirkland and June (Ed) Watson of Genoa; grandchildren, Ginger, Scott (Denise) and Dan Goodnite, Julie Watson Arnold, Jason Watson and Sara (ED) Watson; great-grandchildren, Cody and Kendra Arnold; and sister, Ella May Johnston of Louisville, Ky. Predeceased by his parents, three brothers and two sisters.

Services at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27, in Sunset Funeral Home, 8800 N. Alpine Road, Machesney Park. Entombment in Sunset Memorial Gardens. Visitation from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, April 26, in the funeral home. Memorial contributions to the family.


TAYLOR, Mary L (MOBLEY); 84; Manteno IL; Pekin DT; 2008-9-20

GREEN VALLEY - Mary L. Taylor, 84, of Manteno, formerly of Green Valley, died at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 5, 2008, at Illinois Veterans Home in Manteno.

She was born Dec. 10, 1923, in McLean to Thomas and Ova Greathouse Mobley. She married Lavelle E. Taylor on March 3, 1947, in Pekin. He died Oct. 11, 2004.

She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Bradley Dean Taylor; one grandson; three brothers; and one sister.

Surviving are two sons, Ronald (Sandra) of Mackinaw and Jerry of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.; two daughters, Joyce A. Taylor of Kankakee and Pamela Turner of Hearne, Texas; seven grandchildren; one great-grandchild; two sisters, Dorothy Hymbaugh of Peoria and Shirley (Donald) Dunshee of Armington; and one brother, Carl (Joan) Mobley of Hopedale.

WEST PEORIA - Dorothy "Dottie" Hymbaugh, 83, of West Peoria passed away at 8:40 a.m. Monday, June 20, 2011, at her home.

She was born May 4, 1928, near Minier to Thomas and Ova Mae Greathouse Mobley. She married Thomas Hymbaugh on Oct. 6, 1945, in Pekin.

Surviving are one son, Kevin (Shanon) Hymbaugh of East Peoria; three daughters, Connie (Danny) Madden of Delavan, Debbie Jean (Scott) Stockstill of San Jose and Karen Hymbaugh of Barbados; nine grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; one sister, Shirley (Don) Dunshee of Armington; and her faithful Shih Tzu, Sawyer.

She was preceded in death by four brothers, two sisters and one great-granddaughter.

Dottie worked as a waitress at several area country clubs, last working at Illinois Valley Yacht Club in Peoria from 1989 to 2009.

Her funeral will be at 10 a.m. Friday, June 24, 2011, at Davis Mortuary in Hopedale. Pastor Penny Frame will officiate. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, also at the mortuary. Burial will be in Orndorff Cemetery in rural Hopedale.

Published in Peoria Journal Star on June 23, 2011

Mercer Co deaths:

66-29794 MOBERLEY, James A. 27 Nov 1966 1963 Mercer

57-06031 MOBERLEY, John M. 17 Feb 1957 1872 Mercer

31-10669 MOBERLY, Ann 02 Feb 1931 1856

66-11647 MOBERLY, Ed 01 May 1966 1893 Mercer

31-10670 MOBERLY, J T. 28 Mar 19310 1851

15-27904 MOBERLY, James M. 06 Nov 1915 1848

22-02115 MOBERLY, Jas 03 Jan 1922 1864

98-03286 MOBERLY, Marcia K. 05 Jan 1998 1930 Mercer

29-27338 MOBERLY, Rual 06 Mar 1929 1929

71-12622 MOBERLY, William B. 11 May 1971 1888 Mercer

20-23207 MOBEY, Dewy 3. 30 Jul 1920 1920

69-06930 MOBLEY, Dewey 05 Mar 1969 1901 Mercer

20-23206 MOBLEY, Dewy 3. 30 Jul 1920 1920

36-25462 MOBLEY, Elic 13 Sep 1936 1888

89-21581 MOBLEY, Georgia A. 07 Aug 1989 1910 Mercer

69-06933 MOBLEY, Golden L. 12 Mar 1969 1895 Mercer

41-20682 MOBLEY, Grace 23 Aug 1941 1922 Mercer

65-16485 MOBLEY, Hazel 04 Jul 1965 1931 Mercer

84-09649 MOBLEY, Hettie 19 Apr 1984 1901 Mercer

61-22464 MOBLEY, Hollis C. 15 Sep 1961 1908 Mercer

95-34610 MOBLEY, Janice G. 08 Dec 1995 1947 Mercer

73-32262 MOBLEY, Marshal B. 27 Nov 1973 1905 Mercer

33-30207 MOBLEY, Mildred 07 Nov 1933 1933 Mercer

95-20002 MOBLEY, Myrtle C. 15 Jul 1995 1900 Mercer

41-15791 MOBLEY, Myrtle 04 Jun 1941 1941 Mercer

37-29228 MOBLEY, Nora 15 Nov 1937 46 1891 MERCR

85-18678 MOBLEY, R C. 09 Jun 1985 71 1914 Fayette MERCR

85-10391 MOBLEY, Ray 19 Apr 1985 80 1905 Mercer MERCR

59-26955 MOBLEY, Sam 21 Dec 1959 0 1959 Mercer MERCR

35-31208 MOBLEY, Shirley 26 Dec 1935 U/1 1935 MERCR

53-26057 MOBLEY, Terry W. 09 Dec 1953 U/1 1953 Mercer MERCR

76-09684 MOBLEY, Vertna 16 Apr 1976 80 1896 Mercer SHLBY

71-23339 MOBLEY, Viola A. 22 Sep 1971 85 1886 Mercer MERCR

89-17472 MOBLEY, William B. 17 Jul 1989 54 1935 Mercer FYETE

69-16819 MOBLEY, Willie G. 03 Jul 1969 52 1917 Mercer JEFFN

marriage record for Richard Moberly:

Date: 15 Dec. 1859, Age: 26, Birth Year (estimated): 1833, Status: single; Spouse: Elizabeth Robertson, Birthplace: Madison Co., Marriage Place: McAfee's Mill, Residence: Mercer Co

Births 1911-1920: (Lists Mother)

Moberly, Julia C. 02-09-1912 Cecil, Julia

Mobley, Amanda 11-17-1917 Henchens, Hettie Mercer

Mobley, Anna M. 02-08-1919 Henshew, Hattie Mercer

Mobley, Cecil 12-06-1914 Sevinel, Nora Mercer

Mobley, Dewy (1) 07-30-1920 Coker, Myrtle Mercer

Mobley, Dewy (1) 07-30-1920 Cokes, Myrtle Mercer

Mobley, Mattie 11-17-1917 Henshan, Hettie Mercer

Mobley, Pauline 04-26-1912 Divine, Nora Mercer

Mobley, Virginia 05-05-1919 Roberts, Cora Mercer


Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 00:18:32 -0700

From: "Charlene A. Schwartz"

Carl, In my Mobley research, I have found out Isaac Steven's mother was Angeline Mobley, born in Missouri about 1831-32. She had two kids, apparently out of wedlock, Isaac and a brother Jerry (or Jessy). She married Sterling Shipp (a widower) about 1855 and had 3 kids with him as well. He has several kids from an earlier marriage and they combined the whole family.

Isaac married Lurinda Prewitt (Pruitt) They had 6-7 kids together.

I have found nothing further on his younger Mobley brother.

Trying to get Isaac's death certificate to see if anyone knew anything about his mother or father in 1923 when he died. Although Angeline and Isaac started in Texas County, the family ended up in Oregon County.

I mentioned Isaac's son John Aaron’s first wife who was killed with their two young kids before he married Rose Forester. Her name was Frances Wooten. John Aaron's older sister Angeline was married to Frances’ cousin Fate Sparks. Frances, her two young Mobley children, her two sisters, her mother and her father were killed in an accident in October 1897 when the covered wagon they were in was hit by a train. I have a copy of the article from the local newspaper. He eventually came back to Oregon Co. where his family was and married his younger brother's girlfriend. They were married until she died in 1952.



I have found out that Isaac Steven Mobley's mother Angeline was not after all a Mobley by birth, but married to one. Her maiden name was Seeth or Selth. Isaac was born in November 1848, his brother was born in early 1851. The census was taken in late summer 1850. Her husband must have died sometime in 1850 before the census shortly after she became p.g. with their second child (Jerry or Jessy). It looks like the two Mobleys I found in the 1850 census for Wright County may be my Mobley ancestors. I'll let you know what I find out. Charlene

1. ____ Mobley, d. ca 1850

m. Angeline Seeth or Selth, b. 1831/2 MO [she m. (2) Sterling Shipp & had 3 children with Mr. Shipp]

1860 Texas Co, MO:

Shipp, Sterling 37, Angeline 22, Gainey? 13, Sarah A 10, Leonard N 8, Nancy G 5, James L 3, Samantha? 1/12, MOBLEY, Isaac 11, Jerry J 9

1a Lige Mobley

m. Frances Wooten

1a1 Jesse Mobley

1b Isaac Steven Mobley, b. 11/ /1847 Texas Co., MO, d. 1923 Oregon Co., MO

m. Lurinda Prewitt (Pruitt), b. 1845, d. 1943 Oregon Co., MO {dau. Eligah Prewitt/Abigail F. Prock

1860 Texas Co: Isaac 11 MO, Jerry J 9 w/ Sterling? & Angeline Shippe?

1870 Cass Twp, Texas Co: Isaac S 21, lvg w/ Self, Alecy (f) 73

1880 Texas Co: Moberly, I.S. 32 MO, Lurinda 28 MO, Angeline 8, John A 5, Mary R 3, Lillie M 10/12

1900 Highland Twp, Oregon Co: Isaac S. 52 Nov 1847 Wd

1910 “ “ Isaac S. 61 MO Div, lvg next to Sparks, Fate & Angeline A 37

1920 Oregon Co: Mobley, Isic S 72 MO-IN Wd

1b1 Angeline Mobley, b. 9/4/1867

m. Fate Lafayette Sparks, b. 3/13/1864 Union Co., IL, d. 11/11/1938 Oregon Co., MO [son of Josiah William Sparks/Violet Murr]

1b11 Ellie Sparks

1b12 Elmer Pinkney Sparks

1b13 Martha Elizabeth Sparks, b. 5/ /1891 Ben Davis, Texas Co., MO

1b14 William Henry Sparks, b. 12/ /1893 "

1b15 Ollie Mae Sparks, b. 9/5/1898 "

1b16 Fredie Sparks, b. 1900 Rover, Oregon Co., MO

1b17 Jessie Sparks, b. 1902 "

1b18 Alfred Charles Sparks, b. 7/17/1907 Texas Co., MO

1b19 Sallie G. Sparks, b. 8/27/1909

1910 Highland Twp, Oregon Co, MO

Sparks, Fate 43, Angeline A 37, William H 15, Pinkney E 13, Ollie M 11, Luella 5, Alford L 2, Sally G 8/12

1b2 John Aaron Mobley, b. ca 1875, d. 1961 Rancho Cordova, CA

m. (1) Frances Wooten, d. 1897 [wid. of Lige]

m. (2) Rose Forester, d. 1952

1b21 Oma D Mobley, b. 1910 Stonewall, OK, d. 1928 AR

m. Joe Spence

1b22 Lourinda (Lou) Mobley, b. 7/7/1912 "

1b23 Ida Mae Mobley, b. 1915 Stonewall, OK, d. 6/3/2001 Rancho Cordova, CA

1b24 James Floyd Mobley, b. 3/26/1918 Stonewall, OK

m. Mary Geneva (Jay) Miller, b. 11/17/1921 MO [dau. Cecil Orland Miller/Mary Campbell]

1b241 Patsy Lou Mobley, b. 7/165/1940 Koshkonong, Oregon Co., MO

m. 6/ /1958 Richard Smith, d. 11/ /1998 Lincoln, CA

1b2411 Rhonda Sue Smith, b. 10/14/1960 Sacremento, CA

1b2412 Richard Alan Smith, b. 12/6/1962 "

1b242 Barbara Sue Mobley in Sacramento, CA, b. 11/27/1941 "

m. 6/27/1959 Joseph Newton Celli in Sacramento, CA, b. 12/27/1938

1b2421 Joseph Anthony Celli, b. 7/2/1960 Sacramento, CA

1b2422 James Adam Celli, b. 9/10/1961 "

1b2423 Tracey Lynn Celli, b. 2/25/1963 "

1b243 Betty Jean Mobley, b. 11/19/1943 "

m. (1) 4/25/1959 Joseph Helms in Reno, NV

m. (2) 4/25/1965 John Henry Krause in Reno, NV, b. 1940 NV, d. 3/19/1999 Rancho Cordova, CA

1b2431 Deborah Denise Helms, b. 1/22/1960 Sacramento, CA

1b2432 Desiree Dee Helms, b. 4/ /1961 "

1b2433 John Freeman Krause, b. 3/1/1965 "

1b244 Floyd Dean Mobley, b. 3/27/1946 Yuba City, CA

m. (1) 6/6/1964 Richard Frederick Bell in Reno, NV, b. b. 9/30/1944

m. (2) 9/10/1983 Michael Woolverton in Reno, NV, b. 4/17/1947

1b2441 Kimberly Marie Bell, b. 3/7/1965 Sacremento, CA

1b2442 Kevin Richard Bell, b. 10/4/1968 "

1b245 Donna Lee Mobley, b. 1/21/1961 Sacramento, CA

1b246 Robin Darnell Mobley, b. 2/19/1964 "

1b25 Clayton Isaac Mobley, b. 2/3/1921 Stonewall, OK, d. 1959 CA

m. Donna Miller, b. 11/ 1925 MO

1b26 Marie Mobley, b. 1925

m. Bob Dawson

1b3 Mary Rosa Mobley, b. 1878, d. 1955 MO

m. Alfred (Alph) Volner, b. 12/4/1877 Texas Co., MO, d. 1955 Oregon Co., MO, bur. Joliff Cem., Oregon Co.

1b4 Lillie M. Mobley, b. 1879

1b5 George W. Mobley, b. 1/ /1883

1b6 Elijah S. Mobley, b. 3/2/1883

m. (1) Rose Forester, b. 3/16/1883 MO, d. 3/15/1952 CA

m. (2) Edith G. Jolliff, b. c1896 MO

1b61 Clara Mobley, b. c1913 MO

1b62 Mary Mobley, b. c1915 MO

1b63 Lois Irene Mobley, b. 11/29/1917 Oregon Co., MO, d. 2/26/2010 Hutchinson, KS

m. 11/29/1932, Henry J.A. Smith in West Plains, MO, d. 12/3/1992

1b631 Jim Smith

1b632 Loyd Smith

1b633 Ruth Smith

1b634 Hazel Smith

1b635 Nancy Smith

1910 Oregon Co: Elijah 24 MO Div, BIL w/ Alph & Mary R. (31) Volner

1920 Oregon Co: Lige 35 MO, Edith 24 MO, Clara 7, Mary 4 7/12, Irene 2 1/12

1b61 Jessie Mobley, b. 9/2/1904 MO, d. 2/25/1991 Olivehurst, Yuba Co. CA

1c Jerry (Jessy) Mobley, b. c1851 MO


Lois Irene Smith, 92, of Hutchinson, died Feb. 26, 2010, at Good Samaritan. She was born Nov. 29, 1917, in rural Oregon Co., MO, the daughter of Elige and Edith G. Jolliff Mobley. A Hutchinson resident since 1944.

On Nov. 29, 1932, she married Henry J.A. Smith in West Plains, MO; he died Dec. 3, 1992. Survivors include two sons, Jim Smith and Loyd Smith, both Hutchinson, three daughters, Ruth Holloway, Topeka, Hazel Brawner, Hutchinson, Nancy Olson, Mountain Home, AR, 13 grandchildren, 33 great-grandchildren and 32 great great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Ivan and Jess Mobley, three sisters, Clara Yockham, Mary Giles and Vondia Garrett, 2 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.

Graveside service will be 2:00pm Tuesday at Penwell-Gabel Cemetery and Mausoleum


Elie or Elic Mobley

m. Mary E. Dealin or Deatin

James Madison Mobley, b. 6/18/1863 Rockcastle Co., KY, d. 8/9/1933 Safford, Graham Co., AZ bur. Safford Cem. 10 Aug 1933

m. 12/19/1901 Mary Eliza Jordan, b. 11/2/1883 Anderson Co., KY, d. 8/5/1956 Bakersfield, Kern Co., CA. dau of Garrett Jordan/Eliza Jane Hume

1910 Little Mount, Spencer Co, KY

James 39 KY, Mary L 30 KY, Janie 3, Mahala 2

Janie Elizabeth Mobley, b. 4/26/1906 Mount Eden, Spencer Co., KY, d. 3/14/1970 in CA.

Florence Mahalia Mobley, b. 2/20/1908 ",KY, d. 9/2/1970 in CA

Gladys Mae Mobley, b. 2/18/1911 ", d. 1/1/1919 Safford, Graham Co, AZ

Mary Lee Mobley, b. 9/13/1913 ", d. 12/17/1927 "

Jessie William Mobley, b. 5/30/1915 ", d. 1/26/1973 in CA

Minnie Ruth Mobley, b. 7/7/1917 " [twins]

Bennie Mobley, (twins) b. 7/7/1917 ", d. 7/7 Jul/1917 in Safford, AZ

Garrett Allen Mobley, b. 7/27/1919 "

Henry Alfred Mobley, (twins) b. 7/27/1919 Safford, Graham Co., AZ, d. 12/9/1919 Safford, AZ

Lester Roy Mobley "Shorty", b. 6/1/1921, Safford, Graham Co., AZ (body and fender man)

m. 12/26/1946 Lucille Dalton Globe, Gile Co., AZ, b. 6/7/1928 Camas, Clark Co., WA, dau. John Luther Dalton, II/Rowena Flake

James Lester Mobley, b. 7/22/1947, Morenci, Green Lee Co., AZ

Richard Dean Mobley, b. 1/14/1949, Morenci, Green Lee Co., AZ

Mary Lynn Mobley, b. 1/24/1951, Holbrook, AZ


I would like to join the Mobley family. My mother was a Mobley, my grandfather was James Madison Mobley, ggrandfather was Elie Mobley. I think I corresponded with you several years ago. I was teaching at a community college in Arizona, when I left the address disappeared. I want to join in the Mobley clan. I am trying to piece together the family history. They are all gone except an uncle Lester Roy Mobley, Arizona, 80's. My mother is gone. I want to gather as much family history as possible. I found a picture of a headstone with Elie Mobley born Oct 16, 1800, died Aug 6, 1885. I hope this is my ggrandfather.

This is a rundown of what I have so far. My mother, Minnie Ruth Mobley, James Madison Mobley,b June 1863, Elie Mobley, married to Mary E. Dealin (Deatin).

Grandmother was Mary Eliza Jordan, married to James, her father was Garrett Jordan, mother Eliza Jane Hume.

I know grandpa James had a son named John that lived in Texas, before he married my grandmother.

Joyce Lee winnt7@ 2/14/2002


Benton Co., OR "Ed C Smith" ecsmith@ 08/07/01

Mark Phinney Historical Records Survey July 10, 1939 Benton Co., OR



William MOBLEY & Caroline ELINGER were married April 11, 1844.

Punderson AVERY and Elizabeth M. MOBLEY, m. Nov. 13, 1864


William MOBLEY was born March 20, 1819.

Caroline MOBLEY was born Jan. 19, 1826.

Martha E. (Elizabeth) MOBLEY was born Jan. 12, 1845. (dau)

Mary F. MOBLEY was born Feb. 3, 1847. (dau)

John MOBLEY was born Oct. 28, 1848, d. 1851

Robert MOBLEY was born June 17, 1850. (son)

Thomas C. MOBLEY was born Oct. 28, 1852.

William MOBLEY was born May 19, 1855. (son)

Vernoile Ferdinand HOPKINS was born, March 3, 1850.

Judson AVERY was born Oct. 29, 1865.

Frankie AVERY was born Sept. 28, 1867.

Chester P. AVERY was born May 3, 1869.

Clarence W. AVERY was born June 24, 1871.

Martha Caroline AVERY was born Nov. 1, 1873.

Joseph Conant AVERY was born Nov. 3, 1875.

Grover C. AVERY was born Nov. 10, 1883.

Virgil B. AVERY was born Nov. 27, 1890.


John MOBLEY died April 26, 1851.

Mrs. Caroline MOBLEY died, May 19, 1855.

Punderson AVERY died Dec. 22, 1912.

Frankie AVERY died July 31, 1878.

Judson AVERY died Aug. 23, 1883.


1860 census Benton Co., OR

Mobley, William 41 KY Farmer, Martha 15 MO, Mary F 13 MO, Robert 10 MO, Thos C 7 MO, William 5 CA

1870 Scotts, Wasco Co., OR

William 51 KY, Thomas C 17 MO

1870 Cornwallis, Benton Co

Avery, P. 27 IL, Elizabeth M 25 MO, Judson 5 OR, Frankie 3 OR, Chester P 1, MOBLEY, William 15 CA student

1880 Rock Creek, Wasco, OR

Thomas 27 MO, Francis (f) 21 OR, William 62 KY

1900 Rock Creek, Gilliam Co, OR

Thomas C 46 Oct 1856 MO, Francis 44 Oct 1858 OR, Lula 4 Nov 1895 adopted dau

1910 Rock Creek, Gilliam Co, OR

Thomas C 57, Francis 51, Lula 14

1910 Carvallis?, Benton Co

Avery, Punderson 66, Martha E 65, Martha 85, mother

1920 Rock Creek, Gilliam Co, OR

Thomas C 67, farmer, Francis 61, Orby, Robert E 25 (son in law), Sarah L 24 (dau), Robert M 1 2/12 (grandson)

1920 Corvallis?, Benton Co

Avery, Elizabeth 74, Mobley, William 64 brother


Lori Downing Date: 31 Aug 2001 5:37 PM GMT

Lynn LASaso@ 9/8/01

My great-great grandmother was Victoria Irene Mobley, born July 1853 in Toronto Canada. Came to the U S as a young girl and married my great-great grandfather James LaZier in 1871. She died in Braidwood, IL 24 April 1913. I am looking for any information on the families of either Victoria or James.

She had a brother, Lawrence. I just received a copy of her obituary (1913). It states that she was born in Toronto and came to Junway, IL and then to Whitewater, WI. She moved to Chicago in her teens and met and married James Lazier. It also says that her parents died when she was in her early teens.


Peggy Smith jackie736@ 10/20/01

I am looking for information on my Great Aunt Lucy, or Lucille Mobley who passed away in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin around 1934. She is my Grandmother, Victoria Mobley's sister. I was around 10 years old when she passed away. I can remember my family driving to Lake Geneva to receive an inheritance. I'm not sure of the year of her death but since her estate was being distributed at that time, it had to be around 1932-34.

She was born in Toronto as far as I know, since Victoria was born in Toronto. Victoria went to Chicago when she was very young. I am hoping someone has a birth certificate, or obituary notice that mentions her sister, my grandmother, and their mother. I have not been able to find anything on either her father or mother. Information passed down from my father is that Lucy used to visit Victoria who settled in Braidwood, Ill.

Thanks, Peg


I have some of the information that you need. My grandmother, Nelle Lazier Pogliano wrote some things down fo rme before she died. My email is LASaso@


I too am looking for my past. I am related to the LaZier's.

I know that a relative is named Nina Maynrrd LaZier and they come from Canada.

I have a Nina La Zier, born Canada, who married James or Joseph Chappee at St Louis, Missouri and had a daughter Sarah M Chappee born 1904 at St Louis.

The Nina La Zier you could be talking about could be my Great Grandmother Nina La Zier. Her daughters Margarate,Lela,Sara and my grandmother...(Dorothy Alice Chaput (Chappee)(Glatt)and sons James and Lester Chappee. Nina was married to James Chappee Sr. If there is anything else I can help you with please contact me! Nina became Nina Chappee(Chaput


Bettie Tripp-Waddle bettiewaddle@ 9/30/01

Mahulda Molly Mobley “Hulda”, b. ca 1785, d. aft 1840 Talladegah Co., AL

m. 12/21/1803 Bolin Kilgore Wake Co. NC, b. 1784 Wake Co., NC, d. 11/22/1823

Charity Kilgore

m. 1822 William Bean Burke Co. NC

Marian Bean

m. 1852 D. Pilkington St. Clair Co. AL

Sarah Pilkington

m. 1877 Daniel W. Hawthrone St. Clair Co. AL

James F. Hawthorne

m. 1906 Cora Belle MaKaughan Jones Co. TX

Cora Pauline Hawthorne

m. 1941 Murrell Richardson Tripp Dallas Co. TX

Solomon Kilgore, b. 1811, d. 1869

m. Susannah Johnson in Talladega Co., AL

Hulda Kilgore, b. 1849, d. 1936

m. A. J. Brewster in AL

John Richard Brewster

m. Amanda E. Funderburg in AL

May be related to:

1116 Jesse Mobley, [est. b. 1750s], d. 1811, Wake Co., NC

m. Hannah Footman Harrison, b. 11/13/1777 Wake Co., NC, m. 2) 6/22/1811 John Terry in Wake Co. removed to Lancaster Dct, SC 1811-1815, widowed again in 1820

["heirs of Jesse" listed 1820 tax list-#]

[1800 census, Wake Co., NC, p. 750: Jesse, 1m16\26, 1m26\45, 1f\10, 1f16\26, 2 slaves]



Virgil Fred Kilgroe

876 Eighth Circle North, Pell City, AL  35225


Born: Maryville, TN

Education: BA Accounting, MS Environmental Management, Certified Safety Professional

Occupation: Loss Control Rep – Insurance

Spouse: Marian Kay McGaha , b. 9/9/1957, Raleigh, NC


Kristin Faith Kilgroe Atkinson, b. 8/20/1978, m. Christopher Adam Atkinson, b. 8/22/1979

Kimberly Noel Kilgroe Zarnesky, b. 6/6/1980, m. Derek David Zarnesky, b. 6/4/1981

Jeremy Adam Kilgroe, b. 12/2/1981, m. Jennifer Underwood

Virgil Zachary Kilgroe, b. 12/15/1983, unmarried

Hobbies/interests: Genealogy, Celtic History, Ichthyology, college football


Bolin Kilgore

Hulda Mobley Soloman Kilgore (changed spelling of last name)

Thomas Johnson

Catherine Hill                             Susanna Johnson          Virgil Alexander Kilgroe

James Hughdia Mauldin

Lucretia Jackson                       William Logan Mauldin

Isaac James

Mary Elizabeth Renfrow             Nancy Louticia James    Mary Lutricia Mauldin     Virgil Alexander Kilgroe

                                                Luigi Ferretti

                                                Maria Vennarucci           Giovanni Ferretti                                    Virgil Fred Kilgroe

                                                Biagio Mazzoli

                                                Rosa Caputoni              Pasqualina Mazzoli        Angelina Margaret Ferretti

                                                Born                                         Married                         Died

Bolin Kilgroe                             1784 – Wake Co., NC     12/21/1803 – Wake Co., NC        11/22/1823

Hulda Mobley                                                                12/21/1803 – Wake Co., NC        After 1840 – Talladega Co., AL

Thomas Johnson                       c. 1792 - VA                  11/29/1817 – MS TERR (AL)       1852 – Calhoun Co., AL

Catherine Hill                             c. 1792 - NC                  11/29/1817 – MS TERR  (AL)      1865 – Calhoun Co., AL

James Hughdia Mauldin             2/10/1839 – TN/SC         10/5/1859 – Tippah Co., MS       10/17/1925 – Tippah Co., MS

Lucretia Jackson                       2/6/1836 - AL                 10/5/1859 – Tippah Co., MS       5/22/1906 – Tippah Co., MS

Isaac James                              4/18/1824 – Lincoln Co., TN       7/6/1853 – MS               9/2/1904 – Tippah Co., MS

Mary Elizabeth Renfrow             c. 1832 – Marion Co., IL 7/6/1853 – MS               5/29/1907 – Tippah Co., MS

Soloman Kilgroe                       3/3/1811 – NC               3/29/1849 – Benton Co., AL       5/20/1869 - St. Clair Co., AL

Susanna Johnson                      1826                             3/29/1849 – Benton Co., AL       8/25/1859 – St. Clair Co., AL

William Logan Mauldin               Sept 1858-MS               11/8/1888 – Tippah Co., MS       3/7/1949 – AR

Nancy Louticia James                6/30/1866 – MS             11/8/1888 – Tippah Co., MS       1/6/1929 – AR

Luigi Ferretti

Maria Vennarucci

Biagio Mazzoli

Rosa Caputoni

Virgil Alexander Kilgroe             4/5/1856                                                                        4/18/1932 – St. Clair Co., MS

Mary Lucretia Mauldin                5/30/1889 –MS              AR                                            8/25/1974 – St. Clair Co., MS

Giovanni Ferretti                        1/30/1882 – Serra San Quirico, Italy                                9/6/1955 – Shaw, MS

Pasqualina Mazzoli                    4/13/1884 – Mergo, Italy                                                 1/28/1957 – Shaw, MS

Virgil Alexander Kilgroe             3/11/1921 – Dierks, AR  8/3/1951 – Memphis, TN            Living

Angelina Margaret Ferretti          3/9/1926 – Shaw, MS     8/3/1951 – Memphis, TN            1//2006

Virgil Fred Kilgroe                     2/27/1953 – Maryville, TN   6/25/1977 – Doraville, GA      Living




2001-10-08 Reston, WA

Gerald Stanley Mobley of Renton died Oct. 5, 2001. He was 81. Born April 16, 1920, in Florida, (Monroe Co) Mo., he moved from Enumclaw to Renton in 1945.

He served in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II. He worked at the Seattle Boeing plant on the flight line until his retirement in 1982. He was a member of the Renton VFW Post No. 1263. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, playing cards and traveling, and he had a small-plane pilot license that included sea planes.

He is survived by his wife, Janie Mobley of Renton; daughters Charlotte Darlene Silady of Seattle and Barbara Collene Davidson of Issaquah; brothers Harold Mobley of Auburn, Maurice Mobley of Puyallup and Donald Mobley of Renton; sisters Margie Tamm of Enumclaw and Helen Martin of Renton; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Visitation will be from noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday and from 9-10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Greenwood Funeral Home.

A memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday. Burial will be at Greenwood. Remembrances may be made to the American Heart Association.


Roberts Chapel cemetery, Tattnall Co., GA [near Reidsville]

Section D

Johnnie L. Mobley 2/5/1964 - 6/3/1986

(Section E)

Daniel Mobley 10/25/1919 - 10/20/1988

Mary Mobley, Mrs. 8/30/1886 - 4/12/1967

Pearlie Hill Mobley 5/1/1891 - 1/18/1968 beside Thomas

Thomas Mobley 1/28/1890 - 1/28/1974

(section F)

Alfredia Mobley 3/12/1929 - 6/23/1991 w/o Ernest E.

Alvenia Tillman Mobley d. 8/6/1959 beside Daniel

Charty Mobley d. 1957

Daniel Mobley d. 7/ /1930

Edith Mobley 3/19/1916 - 11/8/1999 beside Tony

Emory P. Mobley d. 11/ /1925 age 39

Ernest E. Mobley 11/4/1926 6/3/1985

Henry Mobley 8/8/1882 7/21/1963

Queen Mobley 2/ /1883 - 2/4/1965 - beside Henry

Joseph Mobley 11/7/1874 3/1/1949

Julian Mobley 10/10/1914 8/28/1991

Odell Mobley 9/27/1913 - 8/13/1980

Robert Mobley 1898 - 1987

Robert Edward "Gid" Mobley 5/14/1933 - 12/5/1984

Roy Mobley 10/20/1915 - 1/25/1983

Samuel Mobley 7/10/1918 - 11/18/1992

Tilla Mobley 1/9/1904 - 2/5/1981 beside Robert

Tony Mobley 9/11/1911 - 2/17/1994

Tripholia Roberts Mobley 6/10/1914 - 5/4/1980 beside Wesley Daniel

Wesley Daniel Mobley 11/12/1910 - 3/24/1970

Section G

Ada Mobley 1888-4/23/1957

Ernest Lee Mobley 1/31/1910 - 11/4/1967

Jimmy Mobley 11/11/1947 - 1/2/1984

Maderia Mobley 7/31/1956 - 10/18/1979 beside Jimmy

Ulysses Eason Mobley 9/11/1953 - 3/10/1999

Vernell Mobley 3/15/1921 - 5/31/1994 beside Ernes Lee

Glenville City cemetery

David Daniel Mobley 1/8/1974 - 2/25/1994

Euford Mobley 1917-1974

Ruby H. Mobley 1922 - m. Euford 11/20/1938

Birdford Baptist Church cemetery

Deluthia Mobley 1/13/1917 - 1/10/1918 d/o C.M. & Lizzie

Lizzie Mobley 1/20/1890 - 1/10/1926 w/o C.M.

Ogden Mill cem. Near Reidsville

Estella Sharpe Mobley 5/25/1900 - 9/30/1984 beside

Nathaniel (1896-1974) &

Carrie Etta Sharpe

George W. Mobley 10/11/1914 - 1/27/1998 [Love T.L. Mobley]

Robinson Family cem near Manassas, GA

Jency Mobley 4/1/1914 - 5/23/1988 beside Nelson

Nelson Mobley 9/12/1912 - 9/8/1988 S1 USN WW II


BLUFF CITY--Phyllis Anne (O'Dell ) Mobley, 62, of 232 Eastwood Drive, died Saturday, Nov. 24, 2001, in Johnson City Medical Center.

Mrs. Mobley was born in Bristol, Tenn., and was a lifelong resident of Sullivan County. She was a graduate of Bristol Tennessee High School and was the only daughter of the late Carl A. and Pauline Cole O'Dell, Sr. She was preceded in death by her husband of 40 years, Thomas E. Mobley; two brothers, Donald H. O'Dell; and Carl A. O'Dell, Jr. and was a member of First Baptist Church, Bristol, Va., and was an active member of the Beta Sunday School Class.

Survivors include two daughters and sons-in-law, Jeff and Lorrie (Mobley) Gill of Flowery Branch, Ga., John and Sherri (Mobley) Long of Bristol, Tenn.; one son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Alyssa Mobley of Garland, Texas; two brothers, Robert L. O'Dell and Ralph E. O'Dell, both of Bristol, Tenn., also surviving are four grandchildren, Whitney Nicole Long, Joshua Andrew Long, Megan Elizabeth Gill and Ryan Wesley Gill and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2001, in First Baptist Church with the Rev. Brian P. Miller officiating. Burial will follow in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Pallbearers will be Earl Barbour, John T. Deakins, Glen Kitts, tom Parker, Ernie Sprouse and Bob Taylor. The family will receive friends from 6 until 8 p.m. Monday in the Akard Funeral Home. E-mail condolences may be sent to the family at akardfh@.


Kimberly Mobley 11/27/2001

814 South Baird Lane Murfreesboro, TN. 37130-5225

My paternal great-grandfather was Harold C. Mobley (James B in 1900 census?), married to Indiana Josephine, who was from Alabama? I believe that my great-grandfather lived in Union, MS. They had 8 children - 5 boys, 1 girl, and two infants who are buried in Union, MS. At some point, the family seemed to move down to Lumberton, MS., which I guess is not too far from Union or Hattiesburg. The children are listed in the following order :


1900 census Newton Co, MS, Beat two Northern Division:

James B ? 45 Jan 1855 AL-GA, Indiana 43 Nov 1856 AL, Philipp F 17 AL (Oct 1882), Wyatt J 14 AL (Nov 1885), Hal M 12 MS MS (Feb 1888), Ada C 10 MS (Aug 1889), Mack D 8 MS (Feb 1892), John A 7 MS (Nov 1892), Selma 4 MS (Sep 1895), Perry W 1 MS (Feb 98/99?)


1910 Newton Co Part of Beat Two:

Wyatt J 27, boarder w/Joe W. Millell? family

1. Philip Foster Mobley - my grandfather -10/5/1882-12/24/1955.

m. Wiliie Ann MacDonald Beasley, in McLauren, MS (a widow with 6 children).

Phil Van Buren Mobley, (my father) b. 10/15/1933 Natchez, MS., d. 4/21/2001, lvd McLauren

m. 11/10/1935 Claire Jean Figley, from Beaver, PA.

Kimberley Ann Mobley, b. 09/28/1959 West Chester, PA

Pamela Jean Mobley Deal, b. 10/07/1966 Columbus, OH

m. 6/10/1989 Jeffrey L. Deal, b. 7/21/1966 Dickson, TN

Andrew Christian Deal, b. 5/21/1994

William Joseph Deal, b. 4/16/1996

Michael Ryan Deal, b. 5/20/1997

2. Hal Moulton Mobley

m. Della ____, b. c1889 MS

Curtis Mobley, b. c1909 MS

Alma Mobley, b. c1910 MS

1910 Lamar Co: Al 23 MS, Della 20 MS, Curtis 1 5/12, Winfield 11 (bro)

1920 Perry Co: Hal 32 AL, Della 31 MS, Curtis 11 MS, Alma 10 MS

3. Ada Clyde Mobley Myatt

4. Wyatt Jackson Mobley

m. Maude ____, b. c1893 MS

Max Mobley, b. c1912 MS

1910 Newton Co: Wyatt J 27, boarder w/Joe W. Millell? family

1920 Pearl River Co: Wyatt 33 MS, Maude 27 AL, Max 8 MS

5. John Auburn Mobley, b. c1893 MS

m. Ruby ____, b. c1893 MS

1920 Pearl River Co: John A 27 MS, Ruby 27 MS

6. Perry Winfield Mobley

7. Infant Mobley – bur. Union, MS

8. Infant Mobley – bur. Union, MS


The Beacon Journal, Akron, Ohio

Vernon D. Mobley, 85 (1916), passed away peacefully April 1, 2001, at Pebble Creek Assisted Living Center.

Mr. Mobley was born in Akron and lived in Cuyahoga Falls. He retired from Firestone Synthetic Division in 1980 after 43 years service. He served in the Navy in World War II, where he was stationed in China. He was a member of the First Christian Church of Cuyahoga Falls, the Akron-Washington Chapter Masons, Yusef Khan Grotto, and the National Rifle Association. Mr. Mobley was an avid sportsman, and took many hunting trips with friends and family. He was a devoted father and grandfather who took great pride in his family.

Preceded in death by father, Thomas; mother, Clara; brothers, Walter and Elvin; sister, Claire Bee; and wife, Dorothy, he is survived by family, Darlene Musgrave, Thomas and Denise Mobley of Medina, Terry and Luann Mobley, Carmela Mobley; grandchildren, Brad and Brian Rerko, Diana, Dana, Todd, Kayla, and Lauren Mobley; great-grandchildren, Dan Rerko; trusted companions, Flash the Mongoose and Buddy; along with many nieces and nephews.

No calling hours. A memorial service for friends and family will be held Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at Hillside Mausoleum, 1025 Canton Rd,. Akron, with Rev. Jim Schimmel officiating. Masonic services will follow. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. (Hummel, a Golden Rule Funeral Home, 330-253-6126.)


1910 Roane Co, WV

Thomas E. 32 OH, Rossie C 29 WV, Kathryn 5 WV

1920 Akron, Summit Co, OH:

Thomas 43 WV, Clara 39 WV, Ellen (m) 15 WV, Vernon 4 2/12 OH


Sylvania, Georgia - James Lee Mobley, 61, died, Mon., Dec. 24th at home. Born in Screven County.

Survivors: sons, Talf Gates of Pembroke Pines, FL and James Demon Mobley of Ft. Rucker, AL; daughters ,Vivian Fisher of Columbia, SC, Sandra Adams, Ella Rhodes, Machell Mobley and Minnie Lastarr Mobley, all of Sylvania; sisters, Annie B. Roberson of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Catherine Johnson of Sylvania and Emma M. Jones of Rockyford. Funeral 1:00p.m. at Ditch Pond Bapt Ch. Bur: Ditch Pond Cem.

SYLVANIA, Ga. -- Mrs. Leeiler Mobley, 77, of 264 Jarrel Pond Road, died Friday, Nov. 13, 1998, at Screven County Hospital.

The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 28, 1998, at Holy Temple Fire Baptist Church with the Rev. E.D. Hunter officiating. Burial will be in Ditch Pond Cemetery.

Mrs. Mobley, a native of Screven County, was a homemaker and a member of Holy Temple Fire Baptist Church.

Survivors include two daughters, Veronica Jackson and Lula Lewis, both of Sylvania; four brothers, James Lewis, Bob Williams, Governor Williams and Arnold Williams, all of Sylvania; and five sisters, Lula Mae Johnson, Juanita Williams and Eva McKiver, all of New York, and Alpharee Williams and Mazerlene McKine, both of Sylvania.


Karen Hensel techiemom_2000@ 01/04/2002 & 09/22/06

A. Henry Mobley abt. 1840? England, d. bef 1902

m. ____

A1. William Henry Mobley, Lt. Cmdr., b. 1874 England, d. 3/8/1946 Fulham, Surrey, Eng

m. 6/7/1902 Alice Maud Morley in Portsea, Portsmouth, Eng, b. 8/23/1879 Portsmouth, Hants. Eng, d. 2/28/1976 Worthing, W. Sussex, Eng

A11. Nellie Edith Mobley, b. 1903 Eng

m. Bertie Turner

A12. Henry John Mobley, b. 1/4/1910 Southsea, UD, Eng, d. 4/13/1940 HMS Eskimo, Battle of Narvik, Norway

m. 7/7/1930 Gladys Louise Clarke, b. 12/5/1911 Portsmouth, Hampshire, Eng, d. Feb 1988 Gillingham, Kent, Eng

A121. John Anthony Mobley, b. 5/25/1933 (dad) Gillingman, Kent, Eng

m. 10/27/1968 Eva Micheline Munro in NYC, NY, b. 29 Sept 1940 Port-au-Prince, Haiti

A122. Michael Mobley, b. 12/31/1939 Gillingman, Kent, Eng

m. (1) Ann ____

m. (2) Margaret ____

A1221. Susan Mobley [of ux #1]

A1222. Stephan Mobley “

A1223. Karen Ann Mobley, b. 9/26/1969 (me) San Francisco, CA [of ux #2]

m. (1) 10/17/1989 John Lee Cline div. May 1998

m. (2) 8/4/1998 Albert Hensel, II, b. 11/4/1965, div 11/ /2002

A12231. Arielle Elina Cline, b. 10/15/1990 Tucson, AZ

m. 3/5/1992 Trevor John Cline Tucson, AZ

A1224 John Anthony Mobley, b. 12/13/1972 (my brother) Russellville, AR

m. 9/2/2000 Denise Renee Pruitt


Jennifer Vickers 01/04/02

Jennifer Vickers Daugherty Born 5/19/1962

my mother is Lawanda Mobley daughter of Q. Marvin and Dalice Stidham Mobley

Q. Marvin Mobley is the son of James Robert Mobley from Alabama

I know this is not much info but unfortunatly my G father is unable to tell me any info as he has been ill for many years


Dawn Mobley dlmceramics@ 1/12/02

1900 Census Tuscarawas Township, Coshocton Co., OH

William F. Mobley (Head) b. Jul 1843 Married 27 years b. OH, Father and Mother both b. PA; Occupation Day Laborer

Mary A. (Wife) b. Apr 1854; 12 children with 6 living b. OH; Father b. Wales, Mother b. OH

Benjamin (Son) b. Sep 1874 OH; Occupation Coal Miner

Cornelius (Son) b. Jun 1879 OH; Occupation Coal Miner

Roy (Son) b. Jan 1899 OH; Occupation At School

{unsure of this name} Phorba Cogan (Mother-in-law) b. Dec 1823 Widowed b. in OH; Father and Mother both b. NJ

1900 Tuscarawas Twp, Coshocton Co., OH (County Infirmary)

William Mobley (Inmate) b. Jun 1815 Married 10 yrs b. in OH, Father b. MD, Mother b. PA

Nathaniel Mobley (Inmate) b. Apr 1853 OH; Father and Mother both b. OH

1880 Prebble Co: Mobley, John 28 MD, Amanda J 26 OH, William F 4, David S 3

1900 Preble Co: William 21 Jan 1879 OH, Margaret 20 Mar 1880 OH, Theresa 1 Apr 1899

1920 Preble Co: William 47, Polia A 37, Arabie (m) 13, Refferd (m) 10, Lillian E 8, William 5, Willard 5, Maggie B 2 5/12

1930 Montgomery Co., OH: Henry W 58 IN, Polly W 47 KY, Archie 23s KY, Rafford 21s KY, Lillian E 19s, Willie 16, Willard 16, Maggie B 12 OH, Charles 8, Ada C 4

1900 Preble Co., OH: (David) Sheby Feb 1877 OH m. 2yrs., Maude Dec 1876, Opal Feb 1898 OH

1910 Preble Co: David S. 33, Mural 33 (m. 12 yrs). Opal P 11

1920 Preble Co: David S. 42, Laura M 43, Opal B 20

1930 Prebble Co: Shelby 52 OH, Laura 52 OH, Opal 31s dau

JM John Mobley, b. c1852 MD

m. Amanda J. ____, b. c1850 OH

JM1 Henry William Mobley, b. 1/ /1879 OH

m. Margaret (Polly) ____, b. 3/ /1880 OH

JM11 Theresa Mobley, b. 4/ /1899 OH

JM12 Archie Mobley, b. c1907 OH

JM13 Rafford Mobley, b. c1909 OH

JM14 Lillian E. Mobley, b. c1911 OH

JM15 William Mobley, b. c1914 OH

JM16 Willard Mobley, b. c1914 OH

JM17 Maggie B. Mobley, b. c1918 OH

JM18 Charles Mobley, b. c1922 O

JM19 Ada C. Mobley, b. c1926 OH

JM2 David Shelby Mobley, b. c1877 OH

m. Laura ____, b. c1877 OH

JM21 Opal P. Mobley, b. c1899 OH


Isaac Mobley, b. 8/ /1849 Morristown, TN, d. OH

m. Catherine Leininger “Kate”, b. 11/ /1861 Germany

1900 Clinton Co., OH: Isaac 50 Aug 1849 TN, Kate 34 Nov 1861 Ger, Frank 10 Jul 1889 OH, Carrie 9 Mar 1891, Pearl 6 Jan 1894, Myrtle 3 Dec 1896, Ray L 8/12 Nov 1899

1910 Clinton Co: Isaac 59 TN, Kate 44 Ger, Frank F 21 OH, Myrtle W 13, Ray L 10, Fred 4

1920 Clinton Co: Isaac 70 TN, Kate 58 Ger, Frank 32s OH, Fred 13

1930 Clinton Co: Ike 79 TN, Kate 69 Ger, Frank 44s OH

John Mobley, b. 8/ /1885 OH

m. Sarah Grace ____, b. c1889 OH

1910 Clinton Co: John 24 OH, Grace 21 OH, Elizabeth Jenette 2, Earl Gerald 11/12

Elizabeth Jenette Mobley, b. c1908 OH

Earl Gerald Mobley, b. 6/19/1909, d. 8/1/1961 Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH

m. 1928 Edith Marie Keubler/Kiebler, b. 1/25/1907, d. 9/10/1966 Dayton, OH

1930 Montgomery Co: Earl G 20 OH, Edith M 23 OH, James A 10/12

Albert Lee Mobley, b. 5/30/1929

m. Betty Loou ____

James Lee Mobley

Michael Mobley, b. 9/28/1951

Pamela Mobley

Theresa Mobley

John Mobley (Jack), b. 1/23/1931

m. Hilda Shearer

` Douglas Mobley

Lawrence Mobley

Melissa Mobley

Brian Mobley

Deanna Lee Mobley

Juanita Jane Mobley, b. 1/25/1933 Dayton, OH, d. 5/7/1983 Dayton, OH

m. Robert Earl Shelby

Juanita Mobley, b. 1/25/1934

Vivian Mobley, b. 3/10/1936 Dayton, OH, d. 5/7/1983 Dayton, OH

Phyllis Mobley, b. 11/13/1938

m. William McCarthy

Robert Mobley, b. 1/2/1939

Marianne Mobley, B. 1/13/1942

Richard Mobley, b. 11/15/1943

Frank F. Mobley, b. 7/ /1889 OH

Carrol Mobley, b. 3/ /1891

Pearl Mobley, b. 1/ /1894

m. Carrie ____, b. c1896 OH

Frances Mobley, b. c1920 OH

Mary Louise Mobley, b. c1925 OH

Glenn Mobley, b. c1926 OH

Kathryn Mobley, b. c1930 OH

1910 Clinton Co: Pearl (m) 15 OH, nephew w/ John & Mary E Lenninger

1920 Clinton Co: Pearl 25 OH, Carrie 30 OH, Frances M 6/12

1930 Clinton Co: Pearl (m) 35 OH, Carrie 37 OH, Frances 10, Mary Louise 5, Glenn 4, Kathryn 1/12

Myrtle Mobley, b. 12/ /1896

Ray L. Mobley, b. 11/ /1899


1900 Union Twp, Clinton Co, OH

LEININGER ?, 44, MOBLEY, John 15 Aug 1885 Nephew OH-TN-Ger

1900 “: MOBLEY, Isaac 51 Aug 1849 TN-TN-TN, Kate 34 Nov 1861 Ger-Ger-Ger, Frank 10 Jul 1889 OH, Carrol 9 Mar 1891, Pearl 6 Jan 1894, Myrtle 3 Dec 1896, Ray L 1/12 Nov 1899

1910 Union Twp, Clinton Co, OH

John 24 OH-TN-Ger, Grace 21 OH-OH-OH, Elizabeth Jenette 2, Earl Gerald 1/12

1910 Isaac 59 TN-TN-TN, Kate 44 Ger, Frank F 21 OH, Myrtle W 13, Ray L 10, Fred 4

1920 Clinton co: Isaac 70 TN-SC-TN, Kate 58 Ger, Frank 32 OH, Fred 13

1920 Green Co: John 34, B. Grace 31, Jeanette E 12, Earl 10, Mary C 4 5/12


My great great grandfather was a John Mobley who married a Sarah ? in Morristown Tennessee.

My great grandfather was Isaac Mobley 1849 in Morristown Tennessee and died in Ohio. He married a Catherine Leininger who came from Germany.

We are still doing research on Issac Mobley. He has 2 brothers Levi and Enoch Mobley

Enoch Mobley married a Nancy Dalton and had 2 children Mary and Rosanna Mobley.



113152 ? John Mobley

m. 11/8/1808 Rebecca Vermillion, Rockingham Co., NC, Wm. Mobley bondsman

[1800 census, Rockingham Co., NC; John 1m\10, 1m10\16, 1m26\45, 4f\10, 1f16\26, 1f26\45; prob. 113152]


Generation 1

1. Rebecca (unknown maiden name) Mobley b. about 1790 in North Carolina. Moved to Grainger Co., TN. She is head of the house in the 1830, 1840 Census reports. Husband must have died sometime between 1827 when John was born and 1830 when Rebecca shows up as head of the house.

Children of unknown Mobley and Rebecca unknown:

2        i. Mary Mobley b. between 1810-1815 (Information from 1830 Census gives this time period, and Grainger Co. says there was a female named Mary.)

i.                     Male child b. between 1815-1820

ii.                   Roda Mobley b. about 1817 N. Carolina

3. iv. Enoch Mobley b. about 1820 N.Carolina d. 1880

4. v. Levi Mobley b. about 1824 N. Carolina

5. vi. John Mobley b. about 1827 N.Carolina

vii. Nancy Mobley b. 3/8/1829 d. 9/17/1908 – buried in Dalton

Cemetery near Thorn Hill.

1850 Grainger Co:

Mobley, Levi 26 NC, Rebecca 60 NC, Enoch 30 NC, Roda 33, Elijah Hedrick 18

Generation 2

2. Mary2 Mobley (Rebecca1) b. between 1810-1815. (Mary’s name is from Grainger Co. Archives. In the 1830 Census there was a female child born between these dates and these are the number of children listed in the 1830 Census for Rebecca Mobley.) Grainger Co. Archives states that Mary Mobley married Eli Cheak/Cheek on 8/23/1846. They moved to Union Co., TN.

Children of Mary Mobley and Eli Cheak/Cheek.

i. Sarah E. Cheek b. about 1848 TN

6. ii. Rebecca Cheek b. 12/6/1849 TN

7. iii. Tabitha Cheek b. about 1854 TN

8. iv. George W. Cheek b. March 1856 TN

v. Haseltine Cheek (female) b. about 1862 TN

vi. William E. Cheek b. Sept. 1869

3. Enoch2 Mobley (Rebecca1) b. about 1820 North Carolina d. 1880 (death, ) Grainger Co., TN. Married Nancy A. Dalton 7/1/1850. Nancy b. about 1828 in TN d. 1906 (death, ) Grainger Co., TN. Enoch was a shoe maker in 1860 Census. In 1870 Census, Enoch was a farm laborer. E-Mail from Grainger Co. states that Enoch is probably buried with his wife and daughter in the Dalton Cemetery but has no stone.

Children of Enoch Mobley and Nancy Dalton:

i.                     William T. Mobley (spelling looks like Wm. T. Mobley in 1860 Census) b. 1854 TN – not mentioned in 1870 Census.

ii.                   Mary Ann Mobley b. 1859 TN

iii.                  Rosanna Mobley b. 8/25/1861 d. 5/5/1918. Buried in Dalton Cemetery near Thorn Hill (info from Grainger Co. Archives).

1860 Granger Co, TN: Mobly, Enoch 41 NC, Na—cy? M 32 TN, William T 6, Mary Ann M 1, Mary Howtton? 17, Matilda Dalton 60 Wd VA

1870 Granger Co: Mobley, Enoch 53 NC, Nancy 38 TN, Mary 11, Rosamay 7

1880 Grainger Co: Mobley, Nancy 52 TN-VA-TN, Mary 22, Permilia 19, Matilda Dalton 79 TN (mother)

4. Levi2 Mobley (Rebecca1) b. about 1824 North Carolina. Married Elizabeth unknown. Elizabeth b. about 1830 TN. Levi was a farmer. In 1870 Census, Levi and Elizabeth moved to Big Creek Twp., Cass Co., Missouri. Levi served as a Captain in the Civil War 26th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, Company D, men from Grainger Co. for North Carolina. Levi was captured in Sneedville, TN on Oct. 19, 1864 and sent to Johnson’s Island prison in Louisville, KY. He was released May 19, 1865. After the war he and his wife moved to Cass Co. Missouri. I do not see any children listed for Levi and Elizabeth Mobley.

(Levi Mobley m. Elizabeth Green 12/4/1851 Stewart Co., TN)

1850 Grainger Co., TN: Mobley, Levi 26 NC, Rebecca 60 NC, Enoch 30 NC, Roda 33, Elijah Hedrick 18

1860 Granger Co: Mobly, Levi 34 NC, Elizabeth 30 TN

1870 Cass Co., MO: Mobley, Levi 43 NC, Elizabeth 40 TN

1880 Cass Co: Mobley, Levi 50 NC, Elizabeth 48 TN

5. John2 Mobley (Rebecca1) b. about 1827 North Carolina d. between 1865-1870. Married Sarah Creach 9/16/1849 in Grainger Co., TN. Sarah b. 1829 Grainger Co., TN d. between 1853-1860. In the 1860 Census, John is living with Wiley Hayse, Sarah isn’t listed. Sarah was the daughter of John and Margaret Creach. John Creach b. about 1802 in S.Carolina and Margaret b. about 1799 in TN. John Mobley served in the Civil War with his brother Levi for the 26th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, Company D., men from Grainger Co. for North Carolina until being transferred to the 39th Mounted Tennessee Infantry on June 2, 1862. He was captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi on July 4, 1863. He signed the oath of allegiance on July 10, 1863. John was inducted as a Private and was discharged as a Private. No other records can be found on John after that date.

Children of John Mobley and Sarah Creach/Creech:

9. i. Isaac Mobley b. 1850 (death certificate says Isaac was born

8/31/1849 but he’s not listed in the 1850 Census) TN

1860 Grainger Co: Mobly, Isaac 10 TN, Jacob 7 TN, lvg w/ John & Margaret Creech]

1880 Clinton Co., OH: Isaac 28s TN, laborer w/Rachel Snowden

10. ii. Jacob Mobley b. 1853 TN d. 8/22/1890 (death info from Family

Generation 3

6. Rebecca3 Cheek (Mary Mobley Cheek2, Rebecca1) b. 12/6/1849 Union Co., TN d. 6/13/1912 Union Co., TN. Married Thomas M. Washam about 1884 Union Co., TN. Thomas b. 8/1851 Union Co., TN. Rebecca is buried in Butcher Cemetery, Union Co., TN. (Information from )

Children of Rebecca Cheek Washam and Thomas Washam.

i. Horace Maynard Worsham b. 8/8/1885 Union Co., TN d. 3/3/1946

Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan.

ii. Mary Worsham b. 5/1887 Union Co., TN

7. Tabitha3 Cheek (Mary Mobley Cheek2, Rebecca1) b. 1854 Union Co., TN d. unknown. Married (unknown first name) Seyman. 1880 Census report shows Tabitha living with parents un Union Co., TN as a widow.

Children of Tabith Cheek Seyman and unknown Seyman.

i. Sarah N. Seyman b. 1875 TN

ii. Rebecca P. Seyman b. 1878 TN

8. George3 W. Cheek (Mary Mobley Cheek2, Rebecca1) b. March 1856 Union Co., TN d. unknown. Married Barthina (not sure of spelling from 1900 Census report). Barthina b. about 1858 TN. She could not read or write. George was a farmer.

Children of George Cheek and Barthina.

i.                     Mary Cheek b. Dec. 1878 TN

11. ii. Lee Cheek (male) b. Oct. 1880

iii. Minnie Cheek (female) b. June 1882

iv.                 Charley Cheek (male) b. June 1887

v.                   Lucy Cheek b. April 1889

vi.                 Marshal Cheek (male) b. June 1891

vii.                Lana (Lanie) Cheek (female) b. April 1896

viii.              Nancy Cheek b. Sept. 1898 (Nancy is name listed on 1900 Census, the name Estill is listed on the 1910 Census report. Both with the same birth year.)

9. Isaac3 Mobley (John2, Rebecca1) b. 1850 TN d. 5/13/1935 Clinton Co., OH. Isaac and his brother, Jacob moved from TN to OH sometime between 1870-1880. Married Katherine (Katie) Leininger on 1/1/1844 in Clinton Co., OH. Katie is the daughter of John Leininger and Kate Rucher Leininger from the Mieteshiem Alsase, France/Germany area. Isaac was a stone mason and was a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge in Wilmington, OH for 50 years. Isaac and Katie lived in Burtonville, OH which is just southeast of Wilmington, OH. They both are buried in Sugar Grove Cemetery Section 6 Lot 35.

Children of Isaac Mobley and Katie Leininger:

i. Maggie Mobley b. 8/4/1844 in Burtonville, OH, d. 1844 soon after

birth. Buried in Bethel Cemetery in Washington Twp., Clinton Co., OH on Rt. 134 South, just below Burtonville, OH – back by


12. ii. John Mobley b. 8/13/1885 d. 1961

13. iii. Frank Mobley b. 7/1/1888 d. 5/25/1974

14. iv. Carrie Rose Mobley b. 3/7/1891 d. 10/13/1952

15. v. Pearl Mobley (male) b. 6/14/1894 d. 6/9/1947

16. vi. Myrtle Mobley b. 12/29/1896 d. 6/4/1978

17. vii. Ray Mobley b. 11/29/1899 d. 4/22/1973

18. viii. Fred Mobley b.9/11/1906 d. 11/18/1954

10. Jacob3 Mobley (John2, Rebecca1) b. 1853 TN d. 8/22/1890 (death date from Family Search – not listed where he died). Susan Reedy says Jacob died 8/20/1890. Married Phebe Stryker 12/26/1878 Clinton Co., OH. Phebe b. 8/27/1856 in Springfield, OH d. 10/25/1890. She was the daughter of Asher Stryker b. 12/26/1816 in N.J. and Caroline Coddington Stryker b. 12/12/1824 in Hamilton Co., OH. Asher and Caroline Stryker were married 5/13/1843 in Butler Co., OH. (Information on Phebe Stryker family from LDS files, Susan sent me.)

Children of Jacob Mobley and Phebe Stryker:

i. Halleck (Hattie) Mobley b. 10/18/1879 Clinton Co., OH. She is listed in the 1880 Census as Hattie Mobley.

1880 Clinton Co., OH: Mobley, Jacob 27 TN-TN-TN, Pheba 22 OH, Hattie 7/12 TN



Generation 4

11. Lee4 Cheek (George W.Cheek3, Mary Mobley Cheek2, Rebecca1) b. Oct. 1880 TN d. unknown. Married Martha O.H.

Children of Lee Cheek and Martha.

i.                     Herbert or Hobart L. Cheek b. 1908 TN

ii.                   Mat Cheek (male) b. 1915 TN

iii.                  Icy Cheek (female) (not sure of spelling, could be Ivy or Lucy) b. Feb. 1919 TN 


Marriages for Grainger Co are the following:

Frances Mobley-John Cole md 1 Dec 1826

Elizabeth Mobley-Ruben Pearce 16 May 1827

Letitia Mobley-David Renfro 5 May 1823

Rachel Mobley--William K Dial 30 Dec 1846

William Mobley--Hawkin Bledsoe 12 Nov 1840


Reed Mobley - Tupelo

7 June 2006 - Northeast MS Daily Journal

Reed Mobley, 61, died Sunday, 4 June 2006, at North Mississippi Medical

Center.  He was born 28 Apr. 1945, in Jackson to the late Russell and Jewel

Simmons Mobley.  He attended Texarkana Community  College on a football

scholarship, The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville on a golf

scholarship and graduated from Texas A & M with a degree in engineering.  He

moved to Tupelo in October, 1983, with the Cooper Tire Co. where he worked

until his retirement in 1996.  He enjoyed reading, playing darts, golf, and

refereeing high school football games.  He was a member of the MS High

School Umpire Ass., the MS Senior Golf Ass., and the Tupelo Country Club.

Survivors include his wife of 10 yrs., Ruth P. Mobley, whom he married 2

Aug. 1995; one daughter, Cristy Ellis and her husband, Michael, of Amory;

one son, Russell Mobley of Denver; four grandchildren, Shawn, Stephen, Seth

and Megan Ellis.

He was preceded in death by his brothers, Dan Anthony Mobley and John

Russell Mobley.

Transcribed & typed by Lynne Leflore, 9 June 2006.  Email: LLeflore52@


Wilhelmina Mobley - West Columbia, SC - The State - February 16, 2002 edition

Services for Wilhelmina Vaughan Clifton Mobley, 88 . burial in Sandy Run Cemetery.

Mrs. Mobley died early Friday morning, Feb. 15, in Lexington Medical Center after a brief illness. Born in Hampton County, December 22, 1913, she was the daughter of the late Alec Peeples Vaughan and Agnes Loper Vaughan. She was the owner and operator of the Clifton Shop in Hampton and Estill from 1950 through 1997. Mrs. Mobley was nominated and was first runner-up for South Carolina Mother of the Year, was Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star (Lilly Chapter) and was a former member of both the Sandy Run Baptist Church and the Hampton 1st Baptist Church. She was presently a member of Saluda River Baptist Church where she was an active member of the Beverly Lucado Sunday School Class. She was the widow of Norris T. Clifton and Parham Mobley.

Surviving are sons, Norris Vaughan Clifton of Banner Elk, NC and W. Lanier Clifton of West Columbia; daughters, Annette Clifton Amick of Gaston and Miriam Clifton Pilcher of Loudon, TN; brothers, Alec P. Vaughan, Jr. of Jacksonville, FL and Ralph H. Vaughan of Hampton; sisters, Myrtle Vaughan Tuten of Varnville and Urbanna Vaughan Guy of Hampton; 11 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by sister, Virlie V. Holmes.


Massachusetts Genealogical Records, 1600s-1800s

Listed in Boston Marriages from 1700-1751, Vol. I, Page number 121

Edward Mobberly & Jane Whippo Apr 23, 1724 by Mr. Benjamin Coleman


William J. Cave married to Phebe Moberly August 7, 1835 Monroe Co., MO

The above information found on page 40 and 41 of the Missouri Marriages before 1840.


Golden Gate National Cemetery San Bruno, San Mateo Co, CA

Mobely, Jesse E, b. 06/30/1907, d. 07/11/1966, CPL AAF, Plot: 2C 508, bur. 07/14/1966, *

Moberly, Neeven Gordon, b. 12/19/1906, d. 03/16/1967, CPL 4144 AAF BU AC, Plot: J 754 E, bur. 03/21/1967, *

Moberly, Sanford C, b. 02/20/1893, d. 10/02/1964, PVT CO D 127 INF B2 DIV, Plot: 2D 762, bur. 10/05/1964, *

Moberly, Sanford Charles Jr, b. 07/10/1922, d. 01/25/1967, PVT ENL DET 1866 UNIT 8 SC CAMP WOLTERS TEX, Plot: 2D 762, bur. 01/31/1967, *

Mobley, Benjamin Henry, b. 05/11/1876, d. 11/28/1944, 1ST LT CHAPLAIN, Plot: K BLK3039-A, bur. 12/01/1944, * - 13121623

Mobley, Cecelia M, b. 04/06/1891, d. 12/08/1980, Plot: 2D 1152, bur. 12/10/1980, *

Mobley, Daniel, b. 08/16/1961, d. 12/07/1961, Plot: X 1927, bur. 12/21/1961,

Mobley, Edward R, b. 04/04/1889, d. 10/31/1966, PVT 34 SPRUCE SQDN AIR SVC, Plot: 2C 127, bur. 11/03/1966, *

Mobley, Eleanor H, b. 01/16/1888, d. 05/23/1951, Plot: K 3039B, bur. 05/25/1951, *

Mobley, Emzie Richard, b. 01/28/1920, d. 09/20/1959, T/5 CANNON CO 21 INF REGT INF, Plot: 2B1 992, bur. 10/05/1959, *

Mobley, Eva M, b. 03/03/1919, d. 06/16/1985, Plot: CA 1571, bur. 07/01/1985,

Mobley, George John, b. 05/24/1897, d. 05/30/1964, PVT 12 CO DEV BN 3 CP LOGAN TEX, Plot: 2E 3483A, bur. 06/08/1964, *

Mobley, Geraldine, b. 04/09/1908, d. 05/23/1981, Plot: 2C 508, bur. 05/29/1981, *

Mobley, Harold M, b. 12/01/1897, d. 08/13/1954, PVT 223 AERO SQ AIR SVC, Plot: Q 3187, bur. 08/16/1954, *

Mobley, Harry S, b. 04/05/1894, d. 02/10/1965, SGT CO A 60 INF 5 DIV, Plot: 2D 1152, bur. 02/15/1965, *

Mobley, Hazel C, b. 08/11/1918, d. 02/15/1976, Plot: 2A 1477C, bur. 02/24/1976, *

Mobley, John Clifton, b. 09/01/1915, d. 09/04/1966, PFC CO E 184 INF INF, Plot: P 1335, bur. 09/08/1966, *

Mobley, Joseph, b. 03/09/1921, d. 11/25/1984, CAPT USA, Plot: CA 1228, bur. 11/30/1984

Mobley, Joseph D, b. 03/09/1921, d. 11/25/1984, CAPT USA, Plot: CA 1228, bur. 11/30/1984

Mobley, Kate Garmon, b. 09/12/1896, d. 06/21/1982, Plot: X 2135, bur. 06/24/1982, *

Mobley, Thomas A, b. 12/06/1937, d. 05/06/1993, PFC USMC, Plot: CF 48, bur. 05/14/1993, *


Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas

Moberley, Laurence Merrill, b. 06/02/1897, d. 12/31/1968, CPL USMCR, Plot: Y 726, bur. 01/03/1969, *

Moberly, Charles Royce, b. 04/23/1935, d. 03/08/1964, TX, Plot: MA 0 16, bur. 03/08/1964

Mobley, Earl R, b. 10/11/1944, d. 09/05/1999, US Navy, MM3, Res: Bangs, TX, Plot: 25 0 2170, bur. 09/08/1999

Mobley, Edward Loran, b. 12/30/1897, d. 05/22/1964, SEAMAN US NAVY, Plot: A-H 893, bur. 05/25/1964, *

Mobley, Eunice T, b. 11/05/1896, d. 06/26/1984, Plot: C 172, bur. 07/06/1984,

Mobley, Floyd Milton, b. 05/06/1927, d. 06/14/1969, SFC US ARMY, Plot: V 1174, bur. 06/23/1969, *

Mobley, Frankie A, b. 01/21/1895, d. 09/26/1983, CAPT USA, Plot: D 252, bur. 09/29/1983

Mobley, George, b. 05/08/1890, d. 08/22/1960, SGT BTRY A 16TH FA 4 DIV USA, Plot: 0 172, bur. 03/24/1961, *

Mobley, George Paul, b. 02/22/1933, d. 05/10/1979, US Air Force, SMSGT, Res: San Antonio, TX, Plot: 6 0 175, bur. 05/14/1979

Mobley, James B, b. 06/16/1928, d. 06/14/1984, CMSGT USAF, Plot: 1 1388, bur. 06/19/1984

Mobley, Margarete A, b. 11/29/1922, d. 03/10/1989, Plot: V 1174, bur. 03/14/1989, *

Mobley, Marilyn L, b. 02/08/1933, d. 01/12/2000, US Army, PVT, Res: San Antonio, TX, Plot: 6 0 175, bur. 01/17/2000

Mobley, Marion L, b. 06/01/1969, d. 02/22/2000, US Navy, SK3, Res: San Antonio, TX, Plot: 26 0 1679, bur. 03/02/2000

Mobley, Opal Annelle, b. 07/17/1906, d. 10/30/1960, Plot: A-H 892, bur. 11/04/1960, *

Mobley, Ruby E, b. 06/16/1919, d. 01/21/1967, PVT WAC HQ DET, SEATTLE PORT OF EMBARKATION SEATTLE, WASH, Plot: 2-B 3149, bur. 01/25/1967, *

Mobley, Wilford R Jr, b. 06/25/1923, d. 09/01/1975, MAJ USAF, Plot: A-A 1131, bur. 09/04/1975, *

Mobley, Wilford R, d. 06/05/1940, CAPT US TEX CAV RET, Plot: B 251, bur. 06/07/1940, *

Wilford Reagan Mobley 12/9/1894 Palestine, TX, d. 6/7/1940 & bur. Fort Sam Houston, TX; s/o Wm H. Mobley/Holley Reagan (death cert)

1900 Anderson Co: William H 34 Mar 1866 GA, Mary W 32 Jun 1867 TX (dau), Wilford R 5 Dec 1894 TX (Gson), w/ J.H. & Mary Reagan

1920 Walker Co., GA (Ft Oglethorpe) Wilford R, 1st Lt 25 TX-GA, Frankie M 24 TX, Molly R 52 TX Div (Mom)


Riverside National Cemetery Riverside, Riverside Co, CA

Moberly, L Lavaughn, b. 04/18/1906, d. 03/04/2000, US Army, PFC, Res: Montclair, CA, Plot: 9 0 98, bur. 03/17/2000

Moberly, Maureen B, b. 08/15/1913, d. 08/23/1998, US Marine Corps, LTCOL, Res: Moreno Valley, CA, Plot: 28 0 667, bur. 08/28/1998

Moberly, Melvin L, b. 08/05/1895, d. 05/07/1981, US Army, PVT, Res: Montclair, CA, Plot: 9 0 98, bur. 05/11/1981

Moberly, Walter Ray, b. 01/11/1912, d. 10/08/1990, CWO USAF, Plot: 28 667, bur. 10/12/1990, *

Moberly, Walter Ray, b. 01/11/1912, d. 10/08/1990, US Air Force, CWO, Res: Moreno Valley, CA, Plot: 28 0 667, bur. 10/08/1990

Mobley, Bradley B Sr, b. 08/23/1960, d. 08/27/1998, US Navy, PO1, Res: Spring Creek, NV, Plot: 48 0 2473, bur. 09/04/1998

Mobley, Burt Rex, b. 06/26/1922, d. 04/15/1991, PFC USA, San Bernardino Ca, Plot: 42 2587, bur. 04/23/1991, *

Mobley, Dorothy K, b. 08/21/1908, d. 01/26/1997, US Army, SGT, Res: Hemet, CA, Plot: 20 0 3717, bur. 01/30/1997

Mobley, Eugene Arnold, b. 09/10/1932, d. 10/14/1986, TSGT USAF, Plot: 19 2505, bur. 10/17/1986, *

Mobley, Gerald , b. 07/20/1943, d. 10/30/1994, US Air Force, TSGT, Res: Highland, CA, Plot: 38 0 142, bur. 11/04/1994

Mobley, Harold Jerome, b. 12/08/1950, d. 07/04/1983, PVT USMC, Plot: 3 1262, bur. 07/08/1983, *

Mobley, Hugh , b. 08/05/1937, d. 01/31/1980, CWO USCG, Plot: 8 2576, bur. 02/04/1980, *

Mobley, John Edwin, b. 07/31/1932, d. 03/28/1996, US Navy, CSC, Res: San Diego, CA, Plot: 47 0 3259, bur. 04/03/1996

Mobley, Kenneth Edward, b. 05/11/1916, d. 03/15/1991, PFC USA, Ft. Irwin, San Bernardino. Ca 92310, Plot: 42 105, bur. 03/21/1991, *

Mobley, Lester G, b. 05/02/1926, d. 07/17/1994, US Army, SGT, Res: Highland, CA, Plot: AA G 63, bur. 06/21/1995

Mobley, Loretta , b. 04/19/1929, d. 04/23/1991, San Bernardino; Ca 92405, Plot: 42 2587, bur. 04/30/1991, *

Mobley, Wilbert Theodore Jr, b. 03/24/1925, d. 08/16/1981, ST3C USN, Plot: 4 63 8, bur. 08/25/1981, *

Mobley, William H, b. 03/28/1898, d. 11/03/1985, CPL USA, Plot: 20 3718, bur. 11/07/1985


Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery St. Louis, Missouri

Moberly, Semmie , d. 02/25/1938, US Army, CPL, Plot: 2 0 7109B, bur. 03/01/1938

Mobley, Dan , d. 03/29/1937, US Army, PVT, Plot: 46 0 10A, bur. 04/01/1937

Mobley, Dave L, b. 05/12/1929, d. 05/26/1979, US Army, PFC, Plot: R 0 1380, bur. 06/01/1979

Mobley, Don Ell Jr, b. 01/20/1966, d. 12/27/1993, US Army, SGT, Plot: 1C 0 2121, bur. 12/31/1993

Mobley, Edward , b. 07/10/1923, d. 01/06/1994, US Army, TEC 4, Res: St Louis, MO, Plot: SS 0 355, bur. 01/10/1994

Mobley, Joan M, b. 07/26/1932, d. 07/15/1992, US Army, PFC, Res: St. Louis, MO, Plot: SS 0 355, bur. 07/20/1992

Mobley, Lillie B, b. 04/10/1904, d. 04/09/1991, US Army, SGT, Plot: HH 0 27W, bur. 04/12/1991

Mobley, Ralph Jr, b. 01/23/1923, d. 01/31/1996, US Army, SGT, Res: St Louis, MO, Plot: 1-I 0 1614, bur. 02/02/1996

Mobley, Rodney Emerson, b. 01/17/1977, d. 07/01/1993, US Army, 1ST LIEUTENANT, Plot: SS 0 199, bur. 07/08/1993

Mobley, Roy , b. 05/25/1910, d. 01/02/1993, US Army, PFC, Plot: 1F 0 2166, bur. 01/20/1993

Mobley, Thomas C, b. 02/10/1926, d. 05/29/1979, US Army, PFC, Plot: J 0 6060, bur. 06/01/1979

Mobley, Thomas Keith, b. 10/30/1956, d. 06/03/1973, US Army, PFC, Plot: J 0 6060, bur. 06/07/1973


Oak Grove Cemetery Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Mobley, Chester Earl, Sr., b. 12/17/1928, d. 01/08/2001, Fat: Mobley, Chester P.

Mobley, Christena M., b. 12/15/1934, d. 04/09/1999, Fat: Olinger, Harvey

Mobley, Kathleen Sue, b. 03/23/1961, d. 08/02/1999, Fat: Mobley, Chester E., Sr.


Chattanooga National Cemetery Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee

Mobley, Edgar, b. 09/03/1891, d. 01/04/1963, COOK USA, Plot: PP 538, bur. 01/07/1963, *

Mobley, George Leroy Jr, b. 07/30/1927, d. 03/02/1958, SGT 7TH MAINT SQDN BOMB 7TH MAINT SUPPLY GRP USA, Plot: Z 160, bur. 03/05/1958, *

Mobley, James Cleveland, b. 12/02/1891, d. 10/12/1973, PVT USA, Plot: BB 360, bur. 10/15/1973, *

Mobley, Margaret, b. 06/28/1905, d. 12/06/1977, Plot: PP 538, bur. 12/09/1977, *

Mobley, Maude Grace, b. 12/30/1893, d. 04/30/1962, Plot: BB 360, bur. 05/03/1962, *

Mobley, Moses W, d. 08/09/1929, PVT MED DET 804 PION INF, Plot: X 13919, bur. 08/11/1929,

Mobley, Tulula, b. 12/20/1920, d. 08/20/1989, Plot: SS 641, bur. 08/22/1989, *


New Hope #2 Baptist Church Cemetery Cullman, Cullman County, Alabama

MOBLEY, Genell M., b. May 5, 1926, d. Apr 4, 1975

MOBLEY, Hubert,, Jul 10, 1944-Aug 15, 1998

MOBLEY, J. B., b. Apr 27, 1920, d. Apr 11, 1969

C B Mobley

September 13, 1946 - May 11, 2009

Blythewood: A memorial service for Mr. C.B. “Chuck” Mobley, 62, of Blythewood, will be held 3 o’clock, Friday, May 15, 2009, at Shives Funeral Home, Colonial Chapel, 5202 Colonial Drive, Columbia. The Rev. Dr. Ben Newman will be officiating. The family will receive friends following the service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to SC Heart Association, 520 Gervais St, Columbia, SC 29201.

Mr. Mobley died Monday, May 11, 2009. Born in Cullman, Alabama, on September 13, 1946, he was a son of the late J.B. and Genell Maynard Mobley. A US Army veteran, Chuck flew helicopters during three tours in Vietnam. He was a humble man who loved his family. He attended Sandy Level Baptist Church


Alexandria National Cemetery Pineville, Rapides Parish, Louisiana

Moberley, Ralph Herbert Jr, d. 04/02/1967, LT COL 7473D HEDRON, MORON AB, USAF, SPAIN, Plot: B 3272, bur. 04/10/1967, *

Moberly, John, d. 06/03/1920, PVT CO B 326TH LABOR BN, Plot: A 1434, bur. 06/03/1920, *

Mobley, Carlos V, b. 11/01/1889, d. 03/09/1949, MAJOR USA, Plot: R 295, bur. 04/01/1949, *

Mobley, Huston, b. 03/19/1919, d. 11/17/1971, SSGT NONE SHOWN ON GSA FORM 6905, Plot: F 110, bur. 11/19/1971, *

Mobley, John, d. 06/03/1920, PVT CO B 326TH LAB BN QMC, Plot: A 1434, *

Mobley, Katherine Inez, b. 12/12/1906, d. 12/15/1982, Plot: R 296, bur. 12/17/1982, *

Mobley, Thomas Ray, b. 04/20/1892, d. 05/13/1964, CAPT US ARMYC, Plot: A 422-A, bur. 05/15/1964, *

Mobley, Wade Washington, b. 07/26/1916, d. 09/08/1970, PVT USARMY, Plot: D 83, bur. 09/11/1970, *


Memphis National Cemetery Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee

Mobley, Beulah, b. 07/15/1892, d. 09/13/1986, Plot: B 1855-C, bur. 09/16/1986, *

Mobley, Eddie B, b. 01/25/1894, d. 07/01/1966, PVT CO A 319 LABOR BN QMC, Plot: B 1855-C, bur. 07/07/1966, *

Mobley, Everette Jackson, b. 12/30/1908, d. 08/03/1965, PVT CO E 22 INF, Plot: C 4718, bur. 08/06/1965, *

Mobley, J R, d. 02/28/1863, PVT G 97 INLL INF, Plot: 156, *

Mobley, Johnnie Dunn Jr, b. 08/24/1929, d. 04/14/1979, A 3C USAF, Plot: M 2004, bur. 04/20/1979, *

Mobley, Lonnie L, b. 04/20/1894, d. 08/15/1962, PFC US ARMY, Plot: C 4156, bur. 08/17/1962, *

Mobley, Walter E, b. 11/13/1890, d. 04/02/1948, PVT 47TH ENGINEERS WWI, Plot: C 611, bur. 04/06/1948, *


Willamette National Cemetery Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

Mobley, Curtis E., b. 12/04/1924, d. 12/05/1985, SN US NAVY, Plot: W-F R-32, bur. 02/04/1986, *

Mobley, Diane G, b. 04/17/1938, d. 06/28/1999, Res: Portland, OR, Plot: O 0 2258, bur. 07/02/1999

Mobley, Donald Ward, b. 01/26/1933, d. 08/28/1992, CPL USMC, Kirkland, King, Washington, Plot: Q 2, bur. 09/10/1992, *

Mobley, Harlan, b. 03/30/1897, d. 06/10/1964, SGT US ARMY, Plot: B 1626, bur. 06/15/1964

Mobley, Harold Mourton Jr, b. 10/26/1921, d. 11/18/1995, US Navy, MOMM1, Res: Eugene, OR, Plot: Y 0 1363, bur. 11/24/1995

Mobley, Robert D, b. 02/08/1921, d. 06/15/1979, US Air Force, SGF, Res: Portland, OR, Plot: O 0 2258, bur. 06/20/1979

Mobley, William E, b. 09/05/1907, d. 01/01/1968, T-4 HQ CO BASE 1 ASCOMO INF, Plot: S 2672, bur. 01/10/1968, *


Houston National Cemetery Houston, Harris County, Texas

Mobley, Alex B, b. 06/11/1934, d. 10/11/1998, US Army, PFC, Res: Houston, TX, Plot: C-1 B 29, bur. 10/23/1998

Mobley, Austin, b. 01/25/1920, d. 11/08/1989, TEC5 U S ARMY, Plot: K 3348, bur. 11/13/1989, *

Mobley, Charles L Jr, b. 09/08/1920, d. 12/31/1987, CPL USAAC, Plot: L 132, bur. 01/04/1988, *

Mobley, Ernest, b. 04/28/1929, d. 09/08/1996, US Army, PFC, Res: Houston, TX, Plot: G2 0 4024, bur. 09/13/1996

Mobley, Hartford M, b. 05/19/1908, d. 12/22/1993, PFC USAAC, Plot: G1 294, bur. 12/27/1993, *

Mobley, Hartford M, b. 05/19/1908, d. 12/22/1993, US Army Air Corps, PFC, Res: Houston, TX, Plot: G1 0 294, bur. 12/27/1993

Mobley, Harvey, b. 02/27/1947, d. 07/02/1990, SP5 USA, Plot: J 758, bur. 07/06/1990, *

Mobley, Pauline, b. 01/16/1910, d. 12/25/1998, US Army, SP4, Res: Spring, TX, Plot: G1 0 294, bur. 12/29/1998


Marietta National Cemetery Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia

Mobley, Allie B, b. 02/13/1909, d. 02/26/1996, US Army, PVT, Res: Atlanta, GA, Plot: D 0 3249B1, bur. 03/01/1996

Mobley, Carl Cornelius, b. 10/13/1879, d. 12/30/1955, SEAMAN USN, Plot: D 2612-C, bur. 01/04/1956, *

Mobley, Earl L, d. 08/30/1931, PVT 2ND SIG CO S C, Plot: I 9582-B, bur. 09/02/1931, *

Mobley, Henry, b. 06/17/1896, d. 09/10/1966, PVT USA, Plot: D 3249-B, bur. 09/15/1966, *

Mobley, Jeannette C, b. 10/13/1908, d. 04/11/1975, Plot: A 724D, bur. 04/15/1975, *

Mobley, Mary W, b. 12/22/1887, d. 08/22/1968, Plot: D 2612-D, bur. 08/23/1968, *

Mobley, Mason O Sr, b. 04/26/1896, d. 08/22/1969, WAG HQ CO, 157 DEPOT BRIGADE, Plot: A 724-D, bur. 08/25/1969, *


Fort Logan National Cemetery Denver, Denver County, Colorado

Moberly, Birdie L, b. 09/16/1907, d. 06/21/1985, Plot: T1 262, bur. 06/25/1985, *

Moberly, Ernest J, b. 01/20/1912, d. 10/19/1988, PFC USA, Plot: T1 262, bur. 10/24/1988,

Moberly, Russell Payne, b. 09/07/1915, d. 09/09/1997, US Army, SGT, Res: Guadalajara, Mexico, Plot: 4 0 37, bur. 09/15/1997 - 14327473

Mobley, Arthur, b. 04/24/1894, d. 10/31/1966, PFC CO A 448 RESERVE LABOR BN QMC, Plot: R 385, bur. 11/04/1966, *

Mobley, Denverado E, b. 09/30/1896, d. 03/01/1979, Plot: R 385, bur. 03/05/1979

Mobley, Eugene B, b. 01/18/1933, d. 12/26/1982, US Air Force, TSGT, Res: Denver, CO, Plot: S 0 936, bur. 01/03/1983

Mobley, Jervis Champ, b. 02/03/1915, d. 10/12/1971, 1ST LT US ARMY, Plot: R 2345, bur. 10/15/1971, *

Mobley, Oscar R, b. 10/02/1919, d. 11/20/1999, US Army Air Forces, MSGT, Res: Englewood, CO, Plot: 7 0 791, bur. 11/23/1999

Mobley, Vonnie M, b. 03/24/1926, d. 08/27/1999, Res: Denver, CO, Plot: S 0 936, bur. 09/08/1999

Mobley, Willie Clifton, b. 09/28/1930, d. 07/13/1988, PFC USA, Plot: V 235, bur. 07/18/1988


Santa Fe National Cemetery Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico

Mobley, James Donald, b. 03/10/1910, d. 09/09/1943, CM 2 USN, Plot: U 237, bur. 06/18/1948, *

Mobley, Thomas H., b. 06/06/1914, d. 02/23/1984, PVT USA, Plot: 1 22, bur. 02/27/1984


Pines Cemetery Spokane, Spokane County, Washington

MOBLEY, Arthur L., b. 1906, d. 1974

MOBLEY, Edith L., b. 1904, d. 1966

MOBLEY, Lillian E., b. 28 Aug 1907, d. 28 Dec 1995


Florida National Cemetery Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida

Moberley, Donald R, b. 02/28/1928, d. 02/25/2000, US Navy, F1, Res: Punta Gorda, FL, Plot: 429 0 395, bur. 03/09/2000

Mobley, Charles, b. 11/12/1924, d. 03/31/2000, US Army Air Forces (Atc), PFC, Res: Lake Panasoffkee, FL, Plot: 402 0 1546, bur. 04/10/2000

Mobley, Herman E, b. 07/12/1919, d. 04/14/1995, US Army, PFC, Res: Brooksville, FL, Plot: 310 0 270, bur. 04/20/1995 (1930 Martin Co census)

Mobley, James H, b. 11/07/1925, d. 02/20/1998, US Army, PV2, Res: Lakeland, FL, Plot: 320 0 104, bur. 03/02/1998

Mobley, Joe L, b. 12/13/1912, d. 04/08/1998, US Navy, ENS, Res: Leesburg, FL, Plot: 412 0 2933, bur. 04/13/1998

Mobley, Johnnie H, b. 01/13/1925, d. 06/22/1994, US Army, T5, Res: Sanford, FL, Plot: 201 0 766, bur. 07/05/1994

Mobley, Otis Sr, b. 08/14/1911, d. 02/21/1998, US Army, PFC, Res: Orlando, FL, Plot: 320 0 109, bur. 02/27/1998


Little Rock National Cemetery Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas

Mobley, David A Sr, b. 11/15/1945, d. 07/16/1996, US Army, SGT, Res:

Little Rock, AR, Plot: 23 0 8, bur. 07/19/1996

Mobley, Orville, b. 06/17/1918, d. 11/06/1992, PFC US ARMY, North Little

Rock, Ar, Plot: 19 513, bur. 11/09/1992, *

Mobley, William, d. 02/06/1918, PVT MED DEPT N A, Plot: 6 6230, *


Robert C. Mobley

m. Beatrice Grant Eldridge

Jack Evan Moberly, b. 2/3/1928 Anderson, IN, d. 3/3/2002 Anderson, IN

m. Barbara Helen Fausett, d. 12/16/1990

Sharon L. Moberly

m. Billie Sheet

Margaret A. Moberly

m. ____ Haney

Candy S. Moberly

Baby Boy Moberly

Robert E. "Gene" Moberly

William "Bill" Moberly

Kenneth R. Mobley;

Richard L. Moberly

m. Mary Lou ____

Lou Ann Moberly

m. Terry Howard


?? 1910 Cemter Twp. Marion Co,m IN ??

Everett 31 IN, Lily 29, Robert 10, Juanita 7, Charles 3 11/12, Harold 2


Carolyn Travers 3/26/2002

One of my mother's grandfathers was a Samuel Thomas Mobley of Montgomery Co., MD. He was married to Julia Ann Arnold. They lived in the Clarksburg area and are buried on what used to be Herman Rabbitt's farm on Cloppers Road. Samuel was born in 1829 and I have been searching for the name of his father. My mother tells me it was possibly Basil Mobley, but I can't find any proof of that. [15212]


1870 Brighton, Montgomery Co, MD

Mobley, Samuel 37 MD farm labor, Julia 38, Charles 16, Sarah 15, Henry 10, Frances 13, Ellen 8, Laura 5, Andrew 4, William 2

1880 Rockville, Montgomery Co:

Samuel 42 farm hand, Anna 40, Charles 25, Henry 20, Lucinda 18, Laura 16, Andrew 13, John 11, Joseph 9, James 9, William 5

1900 Mont. Co: Mobley, Julia 67 (Mar 1833) MD Wid, Henry T. 40 (Dec 1859)son single, Joseph A 27 (Jun 1872), James E 26 (Jun 1873), William T. 23 (Jun 1876) Gson, Charles Randolph 15 (Jun 1885) Gson, Annie C Arnold 15(Apr 1885) neice, Wm L.Oden 7 (Dec 1892) cousin

U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942

Name:  Charley Randolph Mobley; Birth Date:  26 Jun 1884; Age: 34; Height/Weight-Tall/Slender; Eyes/Hair - Blue/Brown; Occ.  Carpenter / Skinkes and Garrett, Wash. DC; Residence:  Montgomery, Maryland; Birth:  Hunting Hill, Maryland; Roll:  WW2_2242651

as researched by Emily Baker Wenzel

Samuel Thomas Mobley, b. 1829/32 MD, d. 3/12/1893 [a carpenter & Methodist] lvd Middlebrook area north of Gaithersburg in 1860

m. 8/18/1853 Julia Ann Arnold, b. 3/8/1833, d. 12/10/1904 [dau. Richard Henry Arnold {1805-1881} Germantown, MD (son of Jacob d. 1816) & Elizabeth Huldie Oden]

Charles Randolph Mobley, b. 1855

m. (1) 6/11/1874 Mary or Margaret D. Henley

m. (2) 6/19/1883 Lucille H. Oden "Lilly", b. ca 1865, d. 4/18/1896

Charles Randolph Mobley Jr., b. 6/26/1884 Hunting Hill, MD

m. Carrie E. Gingle, b. c1894 MD

1920 Montgomery Co: Charles R, 35, , Carrie E 24, Lilly E 7, Mary 3 10/12, Catherine R 2 9/12, James, bro in law, 26

1930 Montgomery Co: Charles R 46 MD, Carrie E 36 MD, Lillian E 18, Mary A 15, Katherine L? 13, Charles R 10, Warren E, son 8, Woodrow W 6, George W, 4 5/12, James E 1 6/12 DC

Lillian E. Mobley, b. c1913 MD

Mary A.(H?) Mobley, b. c1916 MD [10/14/1919 SSDI), d. 10/ /1984 Gambrills, Anne Arundel Co., MD

m. Walter Padgett, b. 12/16/1917, d. 4/ 1977 lvd Silver Spgs, MD

Jerry Padgett

Catherine D. Mobley, b. 7/22/1916 MD, d. 10/ /1995

Charles Randolph Mobley III, b. c1920 MD

Enlisted U.S. National Guard 2/3/1941 Kensington, MD

Address 1994/5: 8804 Hunting Ln Laurel, MD

Warren Eugene Mobley, b. 3/16/1922 Kensington, MD, d. 6/24/1996, Callahan, Nassau Co., FL, both bur. Arlington Mem. Cem., Jacksonville, Duval Co., FL; Gene & Mae were involved in a head-on collision on June 12, 1996, in Callahan, Nassau Co., FL., while on their way home from the V.A. Hospital in Gainseville, FL

m. (1) Gladys ____

m. (2) 6/19/1964 Mae Belle Heyman, Folkston, Charlton Co., GA, b. 5/28/1921 Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL, d. 6/12/1996, Callahan, Nassau Co., FL

Woodrow W. Mobley, b. c1924 MD

George W. Mobley, b. c1925 MD

James E. Mobley, b. c1928 Wash DC

William G. Mobley, b. 6/ /1876

m. Viola Kenny

Sarah Elizabeth Mobley, b. ca 1856

m. 5/21/1874 James H. Henley

Mary Frances Mobley, b. 4/7/1857 Clarksburg, MD, d. 8/9/1933

m. Adam Charles Harding Robertson, b. 8/8/1853 Washington Grove, MD, d. 6/17/1936

Laura Virginia Robertson, b. 3/6/1881 Rockville MD, d. 1918 Marshall Hall, MD Spanish Flu

m. Robert Wilmer Baker, b. 3/30/1877 Middleburg, VA, d. 4/11/1957 Baltimore, MD

Esther Virginia Baker

Mary Elizabeth Baker

Richard Wilmer Baker

Emily Lilla Baker

Samuel Thomas Robertson, b. 9/15/1890 Rockville, MD, d. 4/28/1969

m. Mabel Mobley, b. 913/1901, d. 5/10/1987 [whose dau?]

Eliott Brightwood Robertson

William George Robertson

Mary Frances Robertson

Charlotte Robertson

Elizabeth Robertson

Mabel Robertson

Samuel T. Robertson

Charles Adam Harding Robertson Jr.

m. 8/13/1910 Irene Vivian D. Taylor in Montgomery Co., MD

Charlie H. Robertson

Harry H. Robertson

Eliot Brightwood Robertson, b. 1898, d. 12/22/1916 unm.

Mary A. Robertson, b. 1/15/1878, d. 4/12/1912

m. Percy Anderson

Sarah Elizabeth Robertson, b. 1/9/1877, d. 12/19/1938

m. William H. Roberts

William Roberts

George Roberts

Sam Roberts

Charlie Roberts

John Roberts

Mary Roberts

Delma Roberts

George Peter Robertson

m. 5/28/1913 Harriet F. Elliott Montgomery Co., MD

Leroy Robertson

Frances Robertson

Pauline Robertson

Bertha Robertson

Harold Robertson

Henry F. Mobley, b. 12/ /1859 [carpenter]

m. Luzette ____

Ellen Lucinda Mobley, b. ca 1862

m. ____


m. ____ McCrossin

Clarence Edward

Laura Mobley, b. ca 1865, d. ca 1885

Andrew Jackson Mobley, b. 8/ /1865, d. by 1892

m. 12/17/1889 Harriet A. Selby "Hattie" in Montgomery, Co., MD, b. c11/ /1864; dau. John T. Selby/Julia Oden [m. 2nd 1892 Andrew's brother, James Edward]

1900 Montgomery Co., MD: Mobley, Andrew 34 (Aug 1865) MD, Hattie 35 (Nov 1864) MD, Myatte (Myrtle) 9 (Apr 1891), Samuel Herbert 5 (Jul 1894), Henry Carlton 3 (Dec 1896), Clarence 1 (Apr 1898)

1910 Mont. Co: A. J. 45, Hattie 46, Myrtle 19, Samuel 15, ?? (m) 14, Clarence 11, Hattie 9, Helen 7, Howard 6/12

1920 Mont. Co: Andrew J 55, Hattie A 56, Samuel 25, Henry C 23, Clarence 21, Hattie 19, Helen 17, Howard 15

Myrtle Bell Mobley, b. 4/ /1891 MD

m. Elijah Bolton (Boulden) [3 boys, 1 girl]

Samuel Herbert Mobley, b. 7/ /1894 MD

m. Esther Mary Martin

Hattie May Mobley, b. 11/23/1935 Boyd, MD, d. 7/5/2009 Damascus, MD

m. Earl Kenneth Thompson

Kenneth Edwin Thompson m. Sandra ____

Edward William Thompson, m. Phyllis

Linda May Thompson

Michael Ray Thompson m. Patsy Ann Wetzel

Henry Carlton Mobley, b. 12/ /1896 MD

Clarence Mobley, b. 4/ /1898

Hattie Mobley, b. 1901

Helen Mobley, b. 1903

Howard Mobley, b. 1909

John William Mobley, b. 12/9/1866, d. 4/28/1948

m. 8/22/1891 Mary G. Selby "Molly" in Montgomery Co., MD, b. 11/17/1867, d. 5/19/1952 [sister of Hattie Selby]

1900 Gaithersburg, Montgomery Co:

John W 31,Dec 1868, Mary G 32,Nov 1867, William M 6,Jul 1893, Katie L 3,Dec 1896, James E (brother) 27,Jul 1886/2?

1910 Mont. Co: John W 41, Mary G 40, William M 16, Katie L 13, Mary 10

Clarence W. Mobley, b. & d. 1889

Bessie Bell Mobley (Beall?), b. 12/ 1889, d. 6/ /1890 [twins]

William Miller Mobley, 7/3/1895, d. 4/12/1969

Katie Lee Mobley, b. 12/ /1896, d. 1907

Ethel May Mobley, b. 1901, d. 1903

Daisy Lillian Mobley, b. 1903, d. 1903

Mary Avie Mobley, b. 9/23/1905

m. (1) Virgie Mullican [one child]

m. (2) L. George Ott of Wisconsin [3 children]

Joseph Allen Mobley [carpenter & farm laborer - lvd Hunting Hill]

James Edward Mobley, b. 6/ /1873

m. (1) 1/14/1896 Ada May Keller [died in child birth]

m. (2) 1892 Harriet A. Selby "Hattie" [m. 1st James' brother Andrew J.]

James Andrew Mobley, b. 5/ /1892

Samuel Herbert Mobley, b. 7/ /1894, d. 3/4/1968 [owned homeplace & ran the general store in Clarksburg & later at Purdum]

m. Esther Redman (or Martin) [3 children]

Henry Carlton Mobley, b. 12/ /1896, d. unm.

Clarence Franklin Mobley, b. 9/ /1898, d. 8/17/1966

m. Ruth Sites [no issue]

Harriett Mobley "Hattie"

m. Walter Ratliff [8 children]

Helen Mobley

m. Dewey Watkins [one child, d. inf.]

Howard L. Mobley, d. unm.

William T. Mobley, b. 8/19/1875

m. 11/13/1900 Viola L. Kenny

Mable Bell Mobley, d. inf.

William Adlean Mobley

Mable Mobley, b. 9/13/1901, d. 5/10/1987 Gaithersburg, MD

m. Samuel T. Robertson (cousin, brother of Laura Virginia)

Ella Mobley

m. ____ Butts

Clarence Butts

Last two may have been grandchildren


Samuel Thomas Mobley  was the father of Basil Mobley.  Basil Mobley was a dairy farmer in Montgomery County , Md. all of his life.  He resided in a small town called Derwood, Md. and passed away approx. 30 years ago. When he died, he was one of the most wealthy men in the county. worth millions.  He once served as the chairman of the Maryland, Virginia, D.C.  Dairy association. and is easily located in the County Court House Records.  Basil died in Europe while on vacation, England I think. When he died, he had two children. Both Girls. Last I heard, they both moved to Marylands Eastern Shore. Dont know the age of the oldest, but the younger would be approx. 56 by now.  Both are big land owners on the Eastern Shore of Md. I think the younger ones first name is Pauline. Basil was a distant relative of Ours, and our grandfather used to visit him from Missouri from time to time.

Ray Mobley mobley@ 4/3/2002


Thomas Peter Mobley, b. c1836 SC

m. 1853 Anna Editha Ervin, b. 8/29/1832 Clarendon Co., SC, d. 3/15/1874 [dau. Robert William Ervin/Louisa Agnes Martha Stokes

1. William Mobley

2. Alice Mobley, b. c1854 SC

3. Ida Mobley, b. c1856 SC

4. Mary Mobley, b. c1859 SC

5. Lula Mobley, b. 1860 SC


1860 Lancaster Co, SC: P.T. 34 SC, Anna 26 SC, Allas 6, Ida 4, Mary 1, Lula 1/12


Susan Wilkin-Reedy dreedy90@ 4/6/2002

John Mobley lvd State Springs, TN (Tate Springs on d/c) [stone mason, died from a cerebral hemorrhage]

m. Sarah White (not Creed according to death certificate)

Isaac Mobley, b. 8/31/1849 TN, d. 5/14/1935 OH [farmer in Burtonville, OH]

m. 1/17/1884 Catherine "Kate" Leininger, b. 1866 Germany, dau. John Leininger/Kate Rucher

Maggie Mobley, b. 1882, d. 1884

John Mobley, b. 8/13/1885, d. 1961 Bloomington, OH

m. 4/6/1906 Grace Wyatt

Frank Mobley, b. 6/1/1888 Burtonville, OH, d. 5/25/1974 unm. [WW I USA]

Carrie Mobley, b. 3/7/1891 Burtonville, OH, d. 10/14/1952

Pearl Mobley, b. 6/14/1893, d. 6/ /1947

m. Carrie Dailey

Myrtle Mobley, b. 12/19/1896 Burtonville, OH, d. 6/ /1978

m. (1) Stanley Willard

m. (2) Earl Robb, d. 7/16/1976

Maxine Willard

Donald Willard

Ray Mobley, b. 11/29/1899, d. 4/22/1974

m. (1) Sadie Clark, b. 6/4/1887, d. 1944

m. (2) Muzette Moore

m. (3) Sylvia Jeff

Fred Mobley lvs CA

m. ____

Sonny Mobley

Carolyn Mobley

Joyce Mobley

Jacob Mobley


Same John ?

1850 US Census, TN, Grainger, District No. 11, [Sinnepa?] Twp. (enumerated October 1850)

John MOBLY, 23, male, Farmer, [birthplace illegible], married within the past year, cannot read or write

Sarah, [age illegible], born TN, married within the past year, cannot read or write

1860 US Census, TN, Grainger, ED 11

Living in the household of Wiley HAYSE:

John MOBLY, 33, male, laborer, born NC


1900 Union Twp, Clinton Co, OH

Isaac 50, Aug 1848 TN-TN-TN, Kate 34, Nov 1861 Ger-Ger-Ger, Fran 10, Jul 1889 OH, Carrie 9, Mar 1891 OH, Pearl 6, Jan 1894, Myrtle 3, Dec 1896, Ray L 6/12, Nov 1899

1910 “: Isaac 59, Kate 41, Frank F 21, Myrtle W 13, Ray L 10, Fred 4

1920 “: Isaac 70, Kate 58, Frank 32, Fred 13

1920 Green Twp, Clinton Co: Pearl 25, Carrie 30 OH, Frances 6/12


John Mobley, b. 8/13/1885, d. 1961 Bloomington, OH

m. 4/6/1906 Sarah Grace Wyatt, b. 1888, d. 1974

Elizabeth Jeannette Mobley, b. 1907, d. 2002

m. (1) 1925 Raymond Deane in Xenia, OH

m. (2) Rodney Hill

m. (3) 1928 Edith Marie Kilber, d. 1966

Earl Mobley, b. 6/30/1909, d. 8/08/1961 in Dayton, OH

m. Edith Marie Kilber, d. 1966

Lee Mobley, b. 5/30/1929

m. Betty Brooky

John Mobley, b. 1/22/1931

m. Hield Schietvetz

Juanita Mobley, b. 1/25/1933

m. Robert Shelby

Vivian Mobley, b. 3/ /1946

m. Micheal Neary

Phyllis Mobley, b. 11/15/1928

m. ____ McCarthy

Robert Mobley, b. 1/ /02/1940

Marianne Mobley, b. 1/13/1942

m. Lloyd Sheby

Richard Mobley, b. 1944. d. 1962

Mary Kathryn Mobley, b. 8/19/1915, d. 6/28/2001 Dayton, OH

m. 9/13/1934 Gilbert Sword Boggs in Covington, KY

Naome Boggs, b. 7/21/1934

m. John Gauer

Suzanne Boggs

m. ____ Wilson

Beatrice Mobley, b. 3/9/1920 Xenia, OH

m. 3/11/1944 Arthur McIntosh in Bowersville, OH


Carrie Mobley, b. 3/7/1891 Burtonville, OH, d. 10/14/1952

m. 9/3/1908 Lewis Howe

Arthur Howe, unm. [Baker]

Howard Howe, b. 2/1/1912

m. 8/8/1936 Lois Davis

Robert Howe, b. 5/6/193?

m. 1965 Linda Swift

David Howe

m. 2/9/1969 Judith Yankovich


Pearl Mobley, b. 6/14/1893, d. 6/ /1947

m. Carrie Dailey

Frances Mobley, b. 6/24/1918

m. James Chandler

Mary Louise Mobley, b. 6/30/1924

m. 12/1/1945 Stanley Elwood Wilkin in Burtonville, OH, b. 8/18/1918 Highland Co, OH, d. 2/29/1996 Wilmington, OH [son of Arnold Wilkin/Leone Fettro]

Susan Wilkin, b. 5/14/1947 Wilmington, OH

m. 8/8/1969 Danny T. Reedy

Mary Susan Reedy, b. 11/25/1970

m. 2/15/1991 Kenneth Wright in Virginia Beach

Joseph Wright, b. 6/2/1993 VA

Jessica Jordon Wright, b. 9/18/1995 VA

Jamie Marie Wright, b. 11/17/1997 OH

Glenn Richard Reedy, b. 8/9/1973 OH

m. 1/8/1996 Robyn Forbes

Ethan Michael Reedy, b. 12/18/2001

Joyce Ann Reedy, b. 1/15/1977 OH

m. 9/20/1997 Lloyd Foster

Diane Selma Reedy, b. 12/1/1978 OH

m. 11/10/2001 Chris Flowers in Hillsboro, OH, b. 11/7/1974 Van Wert, OH

Elliottee Dalton Reedy, b. 9/24/1997

Abigail Lynn Reedy, b. 8/20/2000

Lisa D. Reedy, b. 2/8/1980 Plano, TX

m. 11/12/1999 Michael Glenn Sluder, b. 11/12/1975 Cincinnati, OH

Zachary Tyler Reedy Sluder, b. 3/5/1997 OH

Taylor Nicole Sluder, b. 1/30/2000 OH

Jermeny Chase Sluder, b. 9/17/2001 OH

Karen Reedy, b. 9/20/1981 Plano, TX

m. 5/19/2000 Shawn Morgan in Hillsboro, OH

Shawn Frederick Morgan, b. 3/22/2002

Elizabeth Ann Wilkin, b. 7/15/1948

m. 1/18/1974 Ronald Bradshaw in Martinsville, OH

Gretchen Bradshaw, b. 7/11/1972 [Ronald’s dau. From 1st marriage]

Lori Elizabeth Bradshaw, b. 4/29/1975 OH

m. 3/ /1998 Mark Thompson in Columbus, OH

Joseph Thompson, b. 9/23/1998

Julie Ann Thompson, b. 2/23/2001

Carrie Rebecca Bradshaw, b. 5/4/1980 OH

Roger Elroy Wilkin, b. 1/4/1950 Wilmington, OH

m. 8/14/1971 Brenda Jill Michael in Martinsville, OH, b. 3/15/1954

Traylene Wilkin, b. 6/11/1976

m. 2001 Dennis Hutchinson in Columbus, OH, b. 2/19/1972

Emma Faith Hutchinson, b. 6/6/2001 Columbus, OH

Trinia Wilkin, b. 3/7/1972

Wayne Leroy Wilkin, b. 11/17/1955

m. 10/3/1975 Debra Kenny in Martinsvile, OH, b. 6/12/1955

Amanda Linette Wilkin, b. 4/25/1977

m. 8/8/1997 Cannon Martin, b. 1975

James Ryan Martin, b. 11/4/1998 OH

Jacob Wayne Martin, b. 11/22/2001 OH

Marrisa Wilkin, b. 1/22/1979

m. 5/ /2002 Joseph Walker in TN

Nancy Leone Wilkin, b. 6/4/1962

m. 2/18/1983 Robert Lyon in Martinsville, OH, b. 10/18/1959

Amy Louise Wilkin, b. 7/11/1963

m. (1) Pearl Kurt Bennett [divcd]

m. (2) 1992 Randy Current [divcd]

Megan Louise Bennett, b. 3/19/1985

Zachary Bennett, b. 12/26/1989

Alex Harold Stanley Current, b. 12/21/1993

Glenn Mobley, b. 3/15/1926

m. 1944 Mamie Ellis

Kathryn Mobley, b. 3/31/1934

m. Jacque Clark


Ray Mobley, b. 11/29/1899, d. 4/22/1974

m. (1) Sadie Clark, b. 6/4/1887, d. 1944

m. (2) Muzette Moore

m. (3) Sylvia Jeff

Donna Mobley, b. 8/21/1922

m. Jessie Sprinkle [divcd]

Charlottee Sprinkle

m. Richard Wilson

Jeannie Sprinkle [m. twice]

Wilbur Mobley, b. 5/7/1924, d. 1/30/1985

m. Ida Gordan

Mike Mobley

Debra Mobley, b. 1950, d. 1969


Seeking Wells Mobley of Miami/Lykins County Kansas.

I believe that he was married a few times. One specifically of interest to me was his marriage to Margaret Suzanne Rainsberger aka; Molly, Mary, Susan. Surname aka: Ramsberger

Wells Mobley b.? d.? buried: ? parents:?

Margaret Suzanne Rainsberger b. March 1865  d. 1918 OK,  parents: ?  

      Margaret married 3 times:

      #1 Frederick E. Coolidge    children: 1

      #2 Wells Mobley             children: 4

      #3 _______ LaFalier         children: unknown

Margaret/Mary is my GG Grandmother through her 1st husband.

Wells Mobley and Margaret/Mary had 4 children together: 3 girls, 1 boy [Jessie, George, Margaret, Mary]

[Margaret Rainsberger/Coolidge/Mobley] Her tombstone is listed as Mary S. Mobley died in 1918 and is buried in the Millner-Fribley section of the GAR Cemetery at Miami Oklahoma, next to her son-in-law: Joseph Henry Valley [Peoria Tribe].


Joni VALLEY Stockinger

Huntington Beach, CA

JLVSTOCK@ 5/2/02

1860 Lykins Co: Mobley, William A 24 OH, Nells? 22 OH


Seeking information regarding this name I found on our  List of Peoria Tribal Members dated 4-16-1889, which lists:

Harry Mobley or  sho-wah-pe-nom-wah as orphaned; aged 8 male.

Note: In 1889 our Tribe was settled in Miami, Ottawa County, Oklahoma


Glenwood Cemetery       Bristol, Sullivan, TN

J. E.  Mobley           09 Jan 1870 - 22 Jan 1962

Lou Ella Mobley         09 Jun 1872 - 14 Apr 1947

Ella Mobley             05 Jan 1872 - 06 Mar 1946

Mrs. Gillie Mobley      1845 - 1939

Nim Mobley              20 Jul 1888 - 7 Mar 1972

Lucile Standard Mobley  17 Sep 1897 - 31 Oct 1972


1900 Sullivan Co: Lou M. 52, Mary H 22

1910 “: Mary A. 30 VA, Servant

1920 “: Mary A. 40 Lodger

Will 49 VA, Margurite 44 VA, John 21 VA, Oscar 13 VA, May 11 VA, Maud 9 VA, Dezzie 5 VA, Joe 3 1/12 TN


Naomi Mobley m. 10/1/1929 Frank Sherman Jr in Pasco Co., FL


Probably in Coffee Co, GA

Jerry Cannon Mobley

m. Billie Jean Manning, b. 13/3/1940

Doris Jean Mobley, b. 6/18/1957

m. 16 May 1980 Robert Frink

Megan Nicole Frink, b. 28/12/1984

John Nicholas Frink, b. 8/11/1990

Mary Delores Mobley, b. 1/27/1959

m. Charlie Sosbee

Charlie Marie Sosbee, b. 16/3/1983

Jerry Cannon Mobley Jr, b. 21/1/1960

m. (1) Sherry Gay

m. (2) ____

Misty Mobley

Amber Mobley

Jerry Cannon Mobley III [of #2]

Terry Dean Mobley, b. 30/9/1962

m. ____

Terry Daniel Mobley, b. 30/7/1986

Willene Mobley, b. 20/7/1963

m. ____

Sue Ellen Mobley, b. 1/ /1983


James Thompson JTT42@ 5/4/2002

Cordelia Mobley, b. ca 1875 [lvg in Brigeport, TX in 1910 census]

m. 1893 William Farris Lewis in Parker Co., TX, b. c1865 TX

Emma Lewis, b. c1895 TX

John Lewis, b. 1895 Jack Co., TX

Alfred Lewis, b. c1905 TX

Dovey Lewis, b. c1907 Wise Co., TX

Orvil Lewis, b. c1910

1880 San Marcos, Hays Co, TX: Robert E 29 AL, AL, AL, Mary E 25 TX, Wm 8 TX, Anna E 6, Lilla H 4, Mary Fay 2, Robert E 8/12 [1445122]

1900 Wise Co, TX: Robt A Sep 1853 AL, Mary E 52 May 1848 AL, May 12 Nov 1887 TX,

1910 Wise Co, TX

HH 72: Lewis, W. Faris 45 TX, Cordelia 35 TX, Emma 15, John 10, Alfie 5, Dovey? (f) 3, Irville 4/12

HH 73: Mobley, Tom F 28 TX, Ceilie 23 TX, Ola 1 1/12

HH 32: Mobley, R.A. 55 AL, Mary 61 AL, Hopson, May (dau) 22 TX, R.B. 25 (sil)


From the Northeast MS Daily Journal, Tupelo, Lee, MS:

    Etta MOBLEY - Aberdeen, Monroe, MS.

  Etta Mae Gilreath MOBLEY, 94, died Wednesday, 26 June, 2002, at the Pioneer Community Hospital in Aberdeen.  She was born 16 Sept 1907, in the Darracott Community, Monroe Co, MS to Green Holley and Sara Lower GILREATH.  She was a retired sales clerk and a former employee of Peltz, J. C. Penny and Bergman's.  She attended the Darracott School.  She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Aberdeen and the Dorcas Sunday School Class.  She married Charles Edward Mobley on 24 Nov 1934.

  Services will be at 11 am today at the Tisdale-Lann Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Mark Stokes. the Rev. Chris Thomas and the Rev. R.D. Cline officiating.  Burial will be in Lebanon Cemetery at Darracott.

  Survivors include her husband of 67 years, Charles Edward MOBLEY of Aberdeen; three daughters, Jannette Peugh and her husband, Bill; Sara Poss and her husband, Charles, all of Aberdeen, and Gloria Jackson and her husband, Joe, of Hartsville, SC; a son, Charles Edward MOBLEY, Jr. and his wife, Sharon, of Concord, NC; nine grandchildren, Chuck MOBLEY and his wife, Sharon, of Concord, NC; Janet MOBLEY Ramsey and her husband, Bill of Raleigh, NC; Stephen Peugh and his wife, Joanna of Shannon, Susan Peugh of Cumming, GA, Greg Poss of Aberdeen, Brian Poss and his wife, Wanda, of Aberdeen, David Poss and his wife, Kelly, of Amory, Todd Jackson and his wife, Tammie, of Hartsville, SC, Jennifer Jackson Riggins and her husband, Danny, of Hartsville, SC; and 10 great grandchildren.

    She was preceded in death by her parents; an infant daughter; a sister, Dora Gilreath Holladay; and five brothers, Clarence, Claude, Franklin, Maurice and John Henry Gilreath.

    Pallbearers will be her grandsons.

    Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. Arthur Brown, Janice Wilkinson, Pioneer Community Hospital 2nd floor staff, Todd Jackson and Danny Riggins.


1860 Indian Territory, OK census, Tishomingo district:

T. G. Mobley 40 m Kentucky Hotel Keeper

Alphina 27 f Arkansas

William H. 12 m Arkansas

Sarah 11 f Arkansas

Elizabeth 9 f Arkansas

John T. 4 m Texas

Ellen 2 f Chickasaw Nation


The Houston Chronicle on July 31, 2002:

MOBLEY - Bessie Jo Mobley, 90, died July 29, 2002.  She is preceded in death by husband Oran W. Mobley.  Funeral services to be held at 10 a.m., Wednesday, July 31, 2002 in the Earthman Resthaven Chapel, 13102 North Freeway, Houston with interment to follow in Earthman Resthaven Cemetery.


Mary Mobberly, 95, of Central City, Ky. died Monday ,Aug. 19,2002, at her granddaughter's home in Atlanta. The Muhlenburg Co.Ky. native was a homemaker and member of First United Methodist Church in Central City, Ky.She was preceded in death by her husband, William Clarence Mobberly, Sr. and a son, William Clarence Mobberly,Jr. Survivors include two granddaughters; three great-grandchildren; and a brother, Rex Masters of Utah. Graveside services are at 11;a.m. at Fairmont Cemetery in Central City, Ky. Tucker Funeral Home in Central City, Ky. is in charge of arrangements.


Poss? 1880 Richmond, Madison Co, KY

Mobberly, Curtis 50 KY, Bettie 35 KY, Willile 15 KY, Thomas 13 KY, Georgia 6

1900 Hardin Co: Mobberly, Wm 38, Jan 1862 KY, Maggie 26, Jul 1893 KY, Hassoeld? (m) 5, Mar 1895, Lewis E 1, Aug 1898

1910 Grayson Co: Moberly, William E 49, Maggie 37, Lewis 12, Lillian 10, Clarence 8, Nellie 6, Lula 1

1920 Central City, Muhlenberg Co, KY

Mobberly, William 59, Maggie J 46, Lewis E 21, Lillian E 19, --- (f) 16, Lula L 11


Minnie Lorraine Mobley

Mrs. Minnie Lorraine Mobley, 82, died Sept. 1, 2002 at Savannah Specialty Care Center. Born in Colleton County, SC, she lived in Savannah most of her life. She received her education in the public schools of Chatham County and was a member of First Jerusalem Baptist Church. Survivors: son, James H. Mobley (Ricky), Jr.; daughter-in-law, Dianne Mobley; six grandchildren, James H. Mobley, III, Craig Mobley, Desiree Wofford, Tammy Walker, Lawrence Henderson, and Jarrod Henderson, all of Savannah; brother-in-law, Louis Brown of Atlanta; six great-grandchildren; a devoted niece, Evone Godwin of Erhardt, SC; and other relatives. Bynes-Royall Funeral Home


These are Mobleys in the Macon Telegraph & News, Macon, GA in the past year.

Ed Smith 9/18/02

George Hardin Mobley, Sr. -DUBLIN- George Hardin Mobley, Sr. died Monday, March 11. Memorial Services will be 2P.M. Thursday, April 11 at Blue Water Baptist Church. -Survivors include daughter: Cathy Routh Villanueva; oldest son: George Hardin Mobley, Jr.; grandchildren: Nicole Mobley, Alexis Mobley, Nigel Villanueva and Scott Villanueva. -Adams Funeral Home.

Published in the Macon Telegraph on 4/10/2002.

John Mobley, Jr. -DUBLIN - Funeral services for Mr. John Frederick Mobley, Jr., 22, will be 1:30P.M., Tuesday at Dudley United Methodist Church with burial at 4P.M., in Baldwin Memorial Gardens, Milledgeville. -Survivors include daughter: Taylor Patisaul; father and mother: John and Sarah Mobley, Sr.; three siblings. Published in the Macon Telegraph on 8/12/2002.


Probate Court, Columbiana County, Ohio

Marriage License Application No. 48

To the Honorable Judge of Probate Court of said County:

In the matter of Edward A. Mobley and Esther M. Betz

The undersigned respectfully make application for a Marriage License for said parties, and upon oath state that said Edward A. Mobley is 22 years of age on the 3 day of Sept 1921 his residence is West Twp. his place of birth is Ohio his occupation is Farmer his father's name is Wesley W. Mobley his mother's maiden name was Eliza A. Burford that he was not previously married and that he has no wife living.

That said Esther M. Betz is 20 years of age on the 29 day of Sept 1922 her residence is West Twp Columbiana County, Ohio her place of birth is -------- her occupation is School Teacher her father's name is Clarence Betz her mother's maiden name was Mande Phillips that she was not previously married and is not a widow or divorced woman, her married name being --- that she has no husband living.

That neither of said parties is an habitual drunkard, epileptic, imbecile or insane, and is not under the influence of an intoxicationg liquor or narcotic drug. Said parties are not nearer of kin than second cousins, and there is no legal impediment to their marriage.

It is expected that Rev. Ball is to solemnize the marriage of said parties.

Sworn before me and signed in my presence, this 4 day of Apr 1922 Lodge Riddle (probate judge)

By Lena Sells (deputy clerk)

Affidavits of ---- physician and --- party filed

signed Edward A. Mobley

signed Esther M. Betz

Consent of -----

Entry Probate Court, Columbiana County, Ohio 4/4 1922

Marriage License was this day granted to Edward A. Mobley and Esther M. Betz signed Lodge Riddle probate judge By Lena Sells deputy clerk.

Marriage Certificate No. 48 The State of Ohio, Columbiana County, ss.

I Do Herby Certify, That on the 5 day of April A.D. 1922 I solomnized the Marriage of Mr. Edward A. Mobley and Miss Esther M. Betz Filed and Recorded 4/11 1922

signed Lodge Riddle probate judge, Rev. R.N. Ball, E. Rochester O.


1910 Liberty Co, OH

Wesley W 47 OH, Eliza A 44 OH, John C 23, Mary E 18, Edward A 10


Services for David Mobley, 68, of Lake Cherokee will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7, at the First Presbyterian Church. Arrangements are by Rader Funeral Home of Kilgore. Mr. Mobley died Friday, Jan. 3, 2003, in M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston.

Mr. Mobley was born Aug. 24, 1934, to John Allen and Mary McDonald Mobley in Liberty. He was a 1953 graduate of Kilgore High School. Mr. Mobley served our country in the U.S. Army. He obtained a bachelor's degree in business from North Texas State University in 1959, where he was a member of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Mr. Mobley was a member of the Centre Presbyterian Church.

From 1964 until his retirement, Mr. Mobley was active in the management and development of Mobley interests, a group of industrial service companies headquartered in Kilgore. He was a member of the board of directors of Kilgore National Bank and Presbyterian Camp Gilmont.

Mr. Mobley is survived by his wife, Nancy Mobley of Lake Cherokee; two daughters and one son-in-law, Janet Mobley Pannell of Frisco and Donna and Curtis Ripple of Tomball; two brothers and sisters-in-law, John and Lois Ann Mobley of Austin and Tom and Betty Mobley of Kilgore; two sisters and one brother-in-law, Jean and Clifton Grunwald of Corpus Christi and Ann Bixby of Houston; three grandchildren, Ryan Pannell, Melanie Ripple and Matthew Ripple; his mother-in-law, Ruby Ivy of Longview; one brother-in-law and his wife, Michael and Patricia Ivy of Lakeport; and several nieces and nephews.

Mr. Mobley was preceded in death by one son, Mark David Mobley, and his parents.


Jervis Champ Mobley, b. 02/03/1915, d. 10/12/1971, 1ST LT US Army, Plot: R 2345, bur. 10/15/1971, Fort Logan National cem, Denver, CO

m Ida Flo Andrews

Ray Mobley, b.5/13/1936 Ft Worth, Tarrant Co., TX, d. 1/29/2003 Plano, TX, bur. Ridgeview Mem Pk cem

m. 1/27/1955 Noylene Michaels

Lorie Mobley

m. Matthew Ammons

Tami Mobley

m. Sean Sendelbac

Ronald Mobley

Jerry Mobley

Janice Flo Mobley

m. ____ Roten


Alachua Co., FL marriage records

Groom Surname Groom Given Name Bride Surname Bride Given Name Year Book Page/Official

Mobley Andy Thompson Amelia 1900 D 624 R.R. Morgan

Mobley Clarence Williams Janie Mae 1939 R 064 Ila Audrey Sanders

Mobley David L. Gassett Ludell 1946 V 444 H.H. McDonald

Mobley Early Williams Mattie Bell 1933 O 173 C.L. McFarland

Mobley Ed Gibbs Essie 1911 G 210 L. Green

Mobley Edgar DeVant Whilden Carrie 1904 E 172 Henry W. LIttle

Mobley Frank Anderson Dorothy 1941 R 391 H.H. McDonald

Mobley Frank Cooper Annie 1916 I 090 W.M. Brown

Mobley Frank Thomas Beatrice 1922 K 218 B.D. Hiers

Mobley George Bunch R. Della 1910 G 036 John Roberts

Mobley George Gordon Ida 1869 A 131 J.A. Kennedy

Mobley Jake Graham Alice 1936 P 160 B.D. Hiers

Mobley Jasper James King Willie Georgia 1943 U 054 H.H. McDonald

Mobley John Rutledge Hines Patricia Ann 1960 CC 201 V. Miles Patterson

Mobley Johnnie Lee Epps Ida Marie 1955 Z 119 Samuel Bannister

Mobley Johnny B. Davis Lonnie Mae Golston 1968 II 395 Melba H. Winemiller

Mobley Lemuel Richardson Bertha 1918 I 459 J.T. Gaddy

Mobley Lincoln Small Cornelia 1941 R 345 H.H. McDonald

Mobley Loved U. Hopkins Janie 1926 L 275 B.D. Hiers

Mobley Perry Rouse Kate Inez 1962 DD 124 H.H. McDonald

Mobley Perry Rouse Kate Inez 1951 X 215 W.E. Witte

Mobley Raymond Harrison Edith Mae 1944 U 214 H.H. McDonald

Mobley Robert Goodwine Dorothy 1950 X 136 A.L. Debos

Mobley Robert Pearl Willie Mae 1933 O 202 John Oneal

Mobley Robert Lee Hill Bertha Lee 1961 DD 006 H.H. McDonald

Mobley T.A. Rawls Nellie Blanche 1913 H 109 G.W.S. Ware

Mobley Thomas Washington Ida V 1896 D 092 G W Meed

Mobley Thomas Alvin, Jr. Bell Vonceile Virginia 1940 R 261 J. H. Hardy

Mobley W.C. Fields Willie Mae 1935 O 445 W.T. Cook

Mobley W.C. Morris Edna 1936 P 268 L.W. Parham

Mobley Washington Henderson Pearl Lucile 1913 H 010 R.D. Walton

Mobley William Cooper Julia Mae 1934 O 269 B.D. Hiers

Mobley William Thomas Bloodsworth Ann DeLaney 1932 N 401 U.S. Gordon

Mobley Willie W. Howard Betty Lee 1950 X 047 William Murray


My name is Patricia Ann Mobley 3/21/03

6545 Quinn Church Rd Shreveport, LA 71129

318-687-4553 - (318) 687-0371

My father is William Manard Mobley-he was born in Sergeant, Georgia

his father was William James Mobley born in 2/23/1904 in Cowetta  County, Georgia and his father was Sydney Ware Mobley born in Georgia

his other children were L.B. Mobley, Elizabeth Mobley Burke, Jewel Mobley Wade, and John Henery Mobley


James Mobley, b. c1846 GA

m. Elizabeth ____, b. c1845 GA

Lula Mobley, b. c1871 GA

Sidney Mobley, b. c1874 GA

Nannie Mobley, b. c1877 GA

Dee Mobley, b. c1879/80 GA

Sidney Ware Mobley, b. c1874 GA

m. Minnie ____, b. c1874

Ell B. Mobley, b. c1898 GA

Elizabeth Mobley “Lizzie”, b. c1901 GA

m. ____ Burk

William James Mobley, b. 2/23/1904 Cowetta Co., GA

m. ____

William Manard Mobley, b. Sergeant, GA

John Henry Mobley, b. c1906 GA

Patricia Ann Mobley

Jewell Mobley

m. ____ Wade

John Henry Mobley


1880 Heard Co., Ga: James 34 GA, Elizabeth 35 GA, Lula 9, Sidney 6, Nannie 3, Dee (m) 6/12

1910 Coweta, GA: Sidney 35, Minnie 35, Ell B. (m) 12, Lizzie 9, William 6, John H. 4

1920 Corinth, Heard Co: Sidney W. 45, Minnie 43, Lizzie 17, William 16, John 14, Dau 4? (too dark to read)


Glidie Mobley grmr@ 3/24/03

I checked the 1920 and 1930 census for Sidney W. Mobley.On the 1920 he was age 45--which means he would be about 5 or 6 on the 1880 census.On the 1920 the family was in Corinth, Heard Co, Ga.They moved to Coweta Co between the 1920 and 1930 census.

The 1880 census Sidney Mobley found in the HH of James and Elizabeth(?) Mobley-in Districe 939,Heard Co.,Ga. Pg 68C.James is 34;Elizabeth is 35;Lula age 9;Sidney age 6;Nannie age 3; and Dee(a male) age 6months. All born Ga.

On the 1930 census William J is age 22 and still enumerated in HH with parents--however it says he had married at age 17 but was now divorced.The only other Mobley in Heard Co is a William and Susanna Mobley.He's 72 bn SC and she's 71;also-Sarah age 30,dau; Elizabeth age 25,dau;Mary J age 23,dau;Mon.H. age 18,gr-dau; and Mary age 13,gr-dau.


William Reed Mobley, b. 11/3/1833 SC (or NC?); d. 5/25/1914 Harrison Co., TX

m. 3/1/1859 Jane Larkin Smith Harrison Co., TX, b. 4/1/1839 AL, d. 1/16/1919 Harrison Co., TX bur Ewing Chapel cem [dau Joshua Smith/Jane ???]

The children were:

1) Josh Clint Mobley, b. abt. 1861 TX

1920 Harrison Co: J.C. 60 TX Wd, J.C. 13 TX (Neph)

2) Lena M. Mobley, b. abt 1862 LA

m. 9/1/1886 Martin Luther McGilvray Harrison Co., TX.

3) Ida Mobley, b. abt 1865 LA

m. J. S. McPherson

4) Frances Virginia Mobley, b. abt 1866 Harrison Co., TX;

m. ??? Heard

5) James Davis Mobley, b. 12/ /1868 Harrison Co., TX

m. (1) Mary Goode, b. 1/ /1880 TX

(2) Emma Walker

William Reed Mobley, b. 8/ /1899, 5/9/1970 Jefferson, TX

Hubert Mobley, b. c1901 TX

Edna Mobley, b. c1904 TX

Joseph Bailey Mobley, b. c1909 TX

Mary Mobley, b. c1913 TX

Johnny Mobley, b. c1914 TX

1900 Harrison Co: Moberly, James 30 Dec 1868 TX-TX, Mary 20 Jan 1880 TX, Willie 10/12 Aug 1899, Mittie 25s Apr 1875 (sis), Anderson 29 Apr 1871 (bro)

1910 Harrison: James D 39, Emma 19, William 12, Hubert 9, Edna 6, Joe B 8/12

1920 “: James 51, Emma 28, Hubert 18, Edna 14, Bailey 10, Mary 7, Johnny 6

6) Anderson William Mobley, b. 9/29/1870 Harrison Co., TX, d. 8/20/1949 Marshall, Harrison Co., TX

m. Edna ____, b. c1895 TX

Alfred Mobley, b. c1916 TX

Clementine Mobley, b. c1917 TX

Lewis Mobley, b. c1920 TX

1910 Harrison Co: Anderson W 30s TX-AL, Farmer on rented land

1920 “: A.W. 48 TX, Edna 25 TX, Alfred 4, Clementine 3 2/12, Lewis 1/12

7) Mittie Mobley, b. 4/ /1875 Harrison Co., TX

8) Dolly Mobley, b. abt. 1876 Harrison Co., TX; m. ??? Hughes

9) Thomas Jackson Mobley, b. abt. 1878 Harrison Co., TX

m. Ludie Coleman

1880 Harrison Co: William 49 SC, Jane 49 AL, J.C. 19, Lena 17, Ida 15. Frances 13, James 11. Anderson 8, Mittie 6, Dolly 4, Thomas 2

1910 Harrison Co: William 78, Jane L 71, Josh C 50 (son)

1920 “ : J.D. 60 Wid, J.C. 13 (nephew)


Screven County History 1911, Dixon Hollingsworth

Herbert W. Mobley (1920-) m. Valrie Brudell (1920-) d/o James Williams/Bertie Vista Brantly-Harrison

Lowell (Estekke) Mobley m. 1938 Robert Blackburn Freeman, b. 1916 (131321524)

Ida Mobley m. 9/17/1905 William Alexander Kemp, b. 3/21/1888; three children: Willie, Wallace & Gertrude Kemp

Rev. Arry Mobley m. 1890 Ila Ella Lanier, b. 1868 [James Arlie 1313252]

Fred Lee Mobley m. Rossie Clyde Shuler

Jean Mobley m. Paul Keller Newton

Doris Winifred Mobley

William Robert Mobley

Fred Lee Mobley, Jr.

Sarah Mobley m. Thomas Wasdin near Charleston, SC [8 children- three listed here]

David Riley Wasdin [1854-1945] m. Millie Chauncey in Charlton Co., GA; 9 sons 2 dau

Thomas Wasdin Jr

Hiram Wasdin


SYLVANIA, Ga. - Fred Lee Mobley, Jr, age 87, died Saturday, October 7, 2006. Visitation: Monday, October 9, 2006, 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Funeral Services at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, at the Thompson-Strickland-Waters Funeral Home Chapel. Interment at Screven County Memorial Cemetery.

Published in The Augusta Chronicle on 10/8/2006.


Polk Co., FL

 Lake Wales cemetery

Mobley, James A.  19 Jun 1900 - 23 Mar 1983

Mobley, Ida I.    27 May 1906 - 21 Nov 1981

Mobley, Roy C.    25 Mar 1926 - 19 Jan 1971

Mobley, Frances H 25 Jun 1927 - 23 Jan 1982


Wildwood cemetery

Hall, Edna Mobley 25 Sep 1880 - 15 Jul 1975

Natrellis M. "Tiny" 27 Oct 1962 - 18 Feb 1995


Shady Oaks Garden Cemetery

Mobley, Infant Girl 3 Oct 1968 - 3 Oct 1968


"Graves of Montgomery, Treutlen, and Wheeler - A Cemetery Survey of Three South Georgia Counties" compiled by Moses M. Coleman, Jr. & Lavon Stone Palmer.

pg 36


Born Oct 2, 1868  Died Aug 20, 1960

Wife of Dr. J. H. McARTHUR


Born Dec 4, 1871  Died Jan 26, 1912

Wife of W. T. McARTHUR


Born Oct 5, 1898  Died Oct 5, 1898

Daughter of Dr. J.H. & A. L. McARTHUR


Born Sep 6, 1861  Died Jun 16, 1912



Died at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 7, 1999, at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. Born Dec. 6, 1929, she was a native of Smith County, Miss., and a resident of Baton Rouge since 1948. Colonial Chapel Funeral Home, Taylorsville, Miss., 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and from 9:30 a.m. until religious services at 1 p.m. Sunday. Interment in Bezer No. 1 Cemetery, La. 37 North, Taylorsville. Survived by her husband, Marvin "Buddy" Mobley; daughter, Melissa Little Stephenson and husband Melvin; two granddaughters, Tracy Lane and Amanda Margaret Stephenson; a foster son, Barron Bart Bryant and wife Sherri; two sons, Bret and Brandon, both of Denham Springs; stepdaughters, Jean Little Alesi, husband Larry and their son Jessie Reich, and Glenda Little Jarrell, husband Rober! t and their daughter Wenda Lynn, all of DeRidder; a brother, John Loche Bryant, Taylorsville; a sister, Bobbie Hudson, Petal, Miss.; and numerous nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by her first husband, Bobbie Joe Little; parents, Bart and Sarah Ann Bryant; a sister, Vera Yeager; and 11 brothers, Byron, Clifton, Orell, Theron, Milton, Ural, Fred, Ralph, Billy "Peanut," Hilton and Otis. Pallbearers will be her nephews.


Obituary published in The Advocate on: 3/8/98


A resident of Baton Rouge, she died at 11:25 p.m. Thursday, March 5, 1998, at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. She was 97 and a native of Simpson County, Miss. Interment in Greenoaks Memorial Park at 2 p.m. Monday. Survived by four daughters and two sons-in-law, Doris and John Chadwick, Hildred and Herb Olson, Dorothy McCartney Worsham and Louise Hill Bruton; a son and daughter-in-law, William H. "Bill" and Eunice Mobley; a sister, Frances Brown; a brother, A.H. Edmonson; 13 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by husband, William F. Mobley; a daughter, a son, a sister, five brothers and three grandchildren. Baton Rouge, 70815.


Mary Mobley Brown of Wilmington, NC, died Monday, September 15, 2003, at Mariner Health Care.

She was born September 19, 1906, in Lexington, Davidson Co., NC, daughter of the late William Wesley Mobley and Mary Wray Mobley, and was preceded in death by a son, Donald E. Brown.

Ms. Brown was an original founder of Sunset Park Baptist Church. She was raised in Danville, VA, then moved to Wilmington where she lived for over 70 years. She worked for 50 years at several ladies dress shops in Wilmington as a salesperson and manager.

She is survived by her son, Odey Brown of Wilmington, NC; former daughter-in-law, Isabel Brown; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

A graveside service will be held at 3:00 p.m. Friday, September 19, 2003, in Greenlawn Memorial Park.


1900 Pittsylvania Co: Robert B 45 Apr 1855 NC, Edna 29 Sep 1870 NC, Fannie L 2 Feb 1898 NC

1910 Danville, Pittsylvania Co, VA: William W. 42 VA, Mary M 30 Va, Elva 14, Alonzo 12, Lynn 8 (m), May Belle 3

1920 Wm W 52, Lin 17

1920 Pittsylvania Co:

Mobley, James 38 NC, Dove 40 VA, Rudy 16 NC, Willa ? Maude 14 NC, Jesse 12 NC, Silyar? 6 VA, Garland 4

Mobley, Martha 65 GA, Ellen 25 (single dau)


William Isaac Mobley born May 16 1926 to Oscar Richard and Edna Johnson Mobley died October 1 2003 Logan Co OH. Calling hours Friday October 3 2003 noon until 1:00. Graveside service and burial Friday at 2:00 York Center Cemetery Union Co OH.


Robert T. "Bob" Mobley, 75, of Independence, MO, died October 12, 2003, at Carondelet Manor from complications of pulmonary fibrosis. He was born August 22, 1928, to John and Ethel (Davis) Mobley in Kansas City, MO. The Mobley-Davis families originally owned the land south of 103rd and State Line on the Missouri side that was developed into Red Bridge, Watts Mill and the Carondelet St. Joseph Health Center complex. The Mobley home stood where the Emergency Department of the Heath Center is located. Bob retired from the Delphi (Delco) Battery Plant Division of General Motors after 32 years service.

Bob was preceded in death by his parents and brother, Harold "Sandy" Mobley. He is survived by his wife, Mary Jane Mobley of south Independence; son, Ben Bryan Mobley of Memphis, TN; daughter-in-law, Carol Mobley of Bartlett, TN; daughters, Suzanne Spoon and her husband, John of the home, Leigh Ann Mobley of Lee's Summit, MO, and Esther Mona of Riverside, CA; seven grandchildren, Chris, Melissa, Tiffany, Johnnie Lee, Jessica, Ben Bryan Jr. and Adam; and three great-grandchildren, Nathan, Natalie and Brodie. He is also survived by his sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Sally and Ted Green of Atlanta, GA, and his brother-in-law and sister-in-law, George "Jack" and Mary Jo Prock of Phoenix, AZ; and eight nieces and two nephews.

Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at George C. Carson & Sons Funeral Home, Winner Road at Fuller, Independence, MO, with an Elks service at 8 p.m. Graveside services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, October 16, 2003, at Forest Hill Cemetery, 6901 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64131. (Arrangements: George C. Carson & Sons Funeral Home, Independence, MO, 816-252-7900)

Published in the Kansas City Star on 10/14/2003

............................................................................ Marietta National Cemetery Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia

Mobley, Allie B, b. 02/13/1909, d. 02/26/1996, US Army, PVT, Res: Atlanta, GA, Plot: D 0 3249B1, bur. 03/01/1996

Mobley, Carl Cornelius, b. 10/13/1879, d. 12/30/1955, SEAMAN USN, Plot: D 2612-C, bur. 01/04/1956, *

Mobley, Earl L, d. 08/30/1931, PVT 2ND SIG CO S C, Plot: I 9582-B, bur. 09/02/1931, *

Mobley, Henry, b. 06/17/1896, d. 09/10/1966, PVT USA, Plot: D 3249-B, bur. 09/15/1966, *

Mobley, Mary W, b. 12/22/1887, d. 08/22/1968, Plot: D 2612-D, bur. 08/23/1968, *


New Hope Methodist Church Cem Harris Co, GA

Lat: 32°46'36"N, Lon: 85°05'21"W

Mobley, John Ramon, b. 31 May 1932, d. 1 Jun 1932, Son of John & Irene Mobley


Brunswick Memorial Park Glynn Co, GA

Mitchell, Mary Aline (Hogan), b. 5 Jul 1906 Walton Co. GA, d. 16 Feb 1985 Albany GA, m. Bemon W. Mitchell, d/o Henry Thomas Hogan & Onie Elizabeth Mobley, Sec. Rose Hill 189


1910 census Columbia Co, FL pct 10, Lake City

Edgar 30 SC, Cora 24 FL, Georgia 2 FL


1910 Dade Co, FL pct 5 HH 526: Ethrel I or J 31 FL, Carrie B 30 MI

“ pct 12 HH 68: Wade H 34 GA


1910 census Palm Beach Co, FL pct 3 HH 21:

West W. 31 (1879) FL (father b. MO), Mary A 25, Lasta (f) 7, Hansford 5, John 2/12

#Hansford killed by sheriff posse at Sebastain, FL along with other members of John Ashley bank holdup gang


1920 census Dade Co, FL pct 313 HH 354:

Wade H. 43 GA, Sally 28 NC, Wade W 6 10/12 FL, Herbert 2 5/12 FL, Jesse M (father) 76 GA


1920 census Jacksonville, Duval Co, FL pct 4 HH 706:

Cecil J. 26 FL, Edith 23 FL

1930 Dade Co: Mobley, Cecil J 36s FL Mgr-Hotel


1920 census Orange pct 3, Liberty Co., FL HH 153:

Fred 27 GA, Rossie 25 FL, Doris 3 4/12, Fred 1 1/12


My name:  Marian Fillingim Mobley  B. Apr. 1938 Husband : Glen I. Mobley B. Apr. 1933

Address:  6148 Fairground Rd.  Molino, Fl. 32577 Married Sept. 1962

E-Mail:  Maillady12@   Phone # 850-587-5142

Grandfather:  John Joseph Mobley, came to Escambia County Florida 1880's. (census) with 2 brothers, William and Henry.  They are listed as stepsons for Samuel Brooks.

  John was married to Georgia Ann Majors Reagan.  They had four children.  Ollie, Luna, Thomas & Joseph.(twins)

  Georgia Ann died in an accident and John married Claudia Overstreet. They had five children.

  I know about John's decendants but nothing else.  I assume his mother was Sarahann as listed with Samuel Brooks.   John was born in Georgia, his brother's birthplace is listed as Alabama.  I know the family was supposed to have lived in Mississippi at some time.  I know nothing else of John Joseph Mobleys family.  Nothing about his brothers or his father's name.  Born about the time of the Civil War, there was probably a lot of moving around.

1900 census Escambia Co, FL pct 9, Bluff Springs - Sheet 8B HH 145

John J 42 born in AL, father b. GA, mother b. GA

Claudie 28 b. MS; Ollie (son) 13 AL; Luny (dau) 10 FL; Thomas 9 FL; Joseph 9 FL; Alice Overstreet 21 (sister in law) MS

So we see he is in Florida by 1890 when Luny was born.


1910 census Escambia Co, FL Pct 23 Sheet 20A HH 430

John J 52, married 14 years; Claudie A 39, Berly M 8 FL, Ethel L 7 FL, John 2 FL, Claudia 16 Niece William 12 Nephew (whose children are these?)

1920 Esc. Co Creamers Mill Pct 23: J.J. 62 GA, Claud 48 MS, Berlie 18 FL, Effie 1`6, Etha 14, John 11, Ethel 7


poss? 1860 Polk Co, GA census 6/19/60: Alexander 25, Mary 31, Henry D 1, John 2/12

son of unknown Mobley and Sarahann Jutin (?) b, ca 1842 m. abt 1857

Sarahann married 2nd Samuel Brooks b. 1842 in Georgia and they appeared on the 1880 census in Escambia Co., Florida with her 1st husband Mobley's 3 sons: John Joseph Mobley, William Martin Mobley and Henry Mobley:

John Joseph Mobley, b. 5/ /1858 GA, d. 5/ /1932 Escambia Co., FL

m. (1) Georgia Ann Majors Reagan, b. 1860, d. 1896 bur. Big Pine Barren cem Esc. Co

m. (2) Claudia Anasbell Overstreet, b.11/ /1871 MS, d. 3/ /1952 Esc. Co. FL[d/o Mary A. Overstreet)

Ollie Melvin Mobley, b. 4/23/1888 AL, d. 8/23/1922; bur. Big Pine Barren cem off Hwy 29 Esc Co., FL: 1910 census Esc Co age 22 boarding with John B. McNealy; single

Luny Mobley (dau), b. 1890 FL

Thomas M. Mobley, b. 1891 FL; 1910 census age 18 single boarder w/ Frank Graham

Joseph M. Mobley, b. 5/26/1891 FL, d. 1/24/1982 bur. Clopton cem, Esc.

Berlie Marvin Mobley, b. 10/ /1901 FL, d. 9/13/1970 Atmore, AL bur Plainview cem, Esc. Co, FL

m. Myrtle Eufaula Nolen, b. 3/ /1908 AL, d. 3/ /1998 Baton Rouge, LA

Glen I. Mobley, b. 4/ /1933

m. 9/ /1962 Marian Fillingim, b. 4/ /1938

Ethel L. Mobley, b. 1903 FL

John Mobley, b. 1908 FL


MOBLEY, Corine 1873-1945 Jordan cem, Esc. Co

MOBLEY, BERLIE M. OCT 31 1901 -SEP 14 1970 Plainview cem.

MOBLEY, ROSA K. AUG 24 1922 “

Mobley, Glen Gregory 13 Jan 1959 – 20 Jan 1994 Lathram cem

MOBLEY, Georgia Ann 1860-1896 Wife of John Mobley – Big Pine Barren cem

MOBLEY, Ollie Melvin d. Aug 1922 “

MOBLEY, Henry "Hank" Solomon ? Pensacola, FL 1998-10-12 – Pensacola New obit

MOBLEY, Ruth Jewel 80 Pensacola, FL 1998-7-14 “



1900 Esc Co: John J. 42 AL Nov 1858, Claudie 28 MS Nov 1871, Ollie 18 Apr 1887, Luny 10 Jun 1889, Thomas 9 May 1891, Joseph 9 May 1891, Alice Overstreet 21 MS Feb 1879 (SIL)

1910 Esc Co: John J. 52 AL, Claudia A 39 MS, Berly M 8 FL, Etha L 7, Ethel A 5, John 2, Claudia 16 AL (niece), William 12 AL (neph), Mary A. Overstreet 65 MS (MIL), Alice 31 MS (SIL)

1920 Escambia Co, FL: J.J. 62 GA, Claud (wf) 48 MS, Berlie (m) 18 FL, Effie 16, Etho? (f) 14, John 11, Ethel 7


Edward K. Mobley 02/18/2004

Father bur. Water Valley, Graves Co, KY, name was either Thomas or Richard?

1 Maggie Mobley, b. 1884/1887

2 Edward Mobley, b. 1888, d. 1930, bur. Hickman cem (lvd western KY Hickman area) d. from wounds suffered in WW I

m. Willie M. ____

1910 Weakly Co, TN: Ed 21, Willie M. 20

2a Edward Mobley, b. 7/10/1923 Gleason, Weakley Co., TN, d. 1/6/1994 St Louis, MO

m. (1) ____ had three children all d. bef 1917

m. (2) 1920 Lillie Davidson of Gleason, TN

m. (3) Joan Marlene Barbeau, b. 7/23/1932 Prairie du Rocher, IL, d. 6/ /1992 St Louis, MO

2a1 Becky Lynne Mobley, b. 12/19/1958 East St Louis, IL

m. ___ Redd

2a2 Cynthia Renee Mobley, b. 8/3/1960 East St Louis, IL

2a3 Edward K. Mobley, b. 4/18/1962 East St Louis, IL

m. ____

2a31 Amy Lynne Mobley, b. 5/26/1978 Belleville, IL

m. ___ Harper

2a32 Edward K. Mobley Jr, b. 5/17/1986 St Louis, MO

2a33 Alexander J. Mobley, b. 1/6/1989 North Charleston, SC

2a34 Alexia J. Mobley, b. 9/24/1992 Millington, TN

2a35 William M. Mobley, b. 11/4/1997 Centerville, IL

2a36 Marla A. Mobley, b. 5/26/1999 Belleville, IL

2b Katherine “Kitty” Mobley, b. 1920

m. ___ Dunn

2c William Mobley, b. 1928 lvd 8 mo 22 days

3 Herman Mobley

4 Bertha Mobley

5 Ollie Mobley


Mr. Paul Berney Mobley, age 70, of McDonough, GA died March 22, 2004. He was born April 6, 1933 in Fulton County, the son of the late Emma Worthington and Woody Pierce Mobley. He owned and operated Mobley Transmission Service. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Margaret Louise Harris Mobley of McDonough; children, Paula and Joe Shockley of Locust Grove and Sandra and Jimmy Edwards of Forest Park and Connie Moss, Debra Townsend, David Mobley and Donnie Mobley; grandchildren and great grandchildren. Funeral services for Mr. Mobley will be Thursday, March 25, 2004, 11:00 A.M. in the chapel of Haisten Funeral Home with Rev. Dan McKay officiating. Interment will be at Salem Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Wednesday evening from 6-8:00 P.M. Haisten Funeral Home, McDonough, 770-914-8833.


MR. WILLIAM CURTIS MOBLEY Age 83 of Sunnyside, GA. passed away Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at the Christian Ministries Hospice. Mr. Mobley was born in Hampton, (Henry Co) Georgia on February 24, 1921 to the late Thomas W. Mobley and Lillie P. Mobley. Mr. Mobley was preceded in death by his wife, Janie M. Mobley and a brother, Herman Mobley. Mr. Mobley was the former owner and operator of the Mobley's Pattern Works and ended his career at Process Piping in Lithonia, a veteran of the United States Army Air Corp having served with the 4197th Army Air Force Base Unit as a Technical SGT, he flew in 73 missions over the Pacific during World War II, he was a member of the Hampton Masonic Lodge #70 where he recently received his fifty year pin. Mr. Mobley was an avid gardener. Survivors include daughter, Joanne M. Phillips of Sunnyside; daughter and son in law, Peggy and Bert Sanderfer of McDonough; grandsons, William Curtis Sanderfer, Daniel Wesley Sanderfer, sister in law and her husband, Sally Mobley Loos and Charlie Loos, brothers in law and sisters in law, Otis Hightower, Doris Ashley, Bob and Carmen Mitchell, many nieces and nephews. Funeral services for Mr. William Curtis Mobley will be conducted Thursday at 3 p.m. in the Berea Christian Church, Woolsey Road, Hampton. Interment will follow in the Berea Cemetery in Hampton. Friends may visit the family on Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. at the funeral home. Mr. Mobley will be carried to the church 1 hour prior to the services. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Assoc., 1925 Century Blvd., N.E., Atlanta, GA. 30345. Conner-Westbury Funeral Home, 1891 West McIntosh Road, Griffin. 770-277-2300.

Published in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on 3/31/2004.


1920 census Henry Co, GA:

Thomas W 29, Lilly 25, Marian H (f) 8


LOOS, Charles, Jr. MR. CHARLES LOOS, JR. Mr. Charles Loos, Jr. age 95 of Stockbridge passed away December 5, 2010. Charlie was born in Switz City, Indiana to the late Nillie Blaine Loos and Charles Loos, Sr. He was preceded in death by wives, Monteen Loos and Sally Mobley Loos and by a sister, Veva. He served his country in the United States Army during WWII. He was retired from sales, was a member of Berea Christian Church and the Hampton Masonic Lodge. He was a sports enthusiast including baseball and especially had a fondness for Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and Ty Cobb. Survivors include his step-children, Gloria (Joel) Crossbart of Norcross, Jess (Nancy) Mobley of Naples, FL, Sara (Mac) McDermitt of Carrollton, Faye (Tom) Davis of Stockbridge and Jeannette (Marty) Stiener of Ft. Myers, FL; 12 step-grandchildren, 22 step-great grandchildren and four step-great great grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 2:00 PM from the Chapel of Haisten Funeral Home. Rev. Dennis Fulton and Rev. Jerry Switzer will officiate. Interment will follow at Berea Cemetery. Friends may visit the family Wednesday from 12:00 - 2:00 PM prior to the service. Contributions are asked to be made to Sacred Journey Hospice in memory of Charlie. Haisten Funeral Home, 1745 Zack Hinton Parkway South, McDonough, GA 30253, 770-914-8833, .

Published in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on December 7, 2010


Fred Ennis Mobley April 3, 1910 - June 3, 2004 COLUMBUS, GA - Fred Ennis Mobley, 94, of Columbus, died Thursday, June 3 at St. Francis Hospital. Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Saturday, June 5 at Mt. Zion Baptist Church with Dr. Brad Hicks officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery according to Striffler-Hamby Mortuary, Columbus. The family will receive friends this evening from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Mr. Mobley was born in Columbus on April 3, 1910, son of the late Walter Brewer Mobley and Lottie Sturkie Mobley. He has lived in Columbus all his life and was a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. He retired as a Detective from the Columbus Police Department. After his retirement, he worked as an adult probation officer for the City of Columbus. He was a member of the Rose Hill Masonic Lodge #484 for the past 62 years and was awarded his 50 Year Pin on June 3, 1992. Mr. Mobley was a member of the Peace Officers Association. His wife, Lois Lambert Mobley, and his siblings, Emmie Mobley Bowie, Lillie Mae Mobley Smith, James Walter Mobley (bur Parkhill Cemetery), Curtis Holland Mobley and Nell Mobley Sparks, preceded him in death. Survivors include a sister, Mary Mobley Gergen of Columbus; a brother and sister-in-law, Billy K. Mobley Sr., and his wife, Margie of Hamilton, Ga.; numerous nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews.

Columbus Ledger-Enquirer; Columbus, GA June 4, 2004

Holland Curtis Mobley

Birth:  15 Oct 1908 - Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia, United States Death:  15 Oct 1979 - Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia, United States

Parents:  Walter Brewer Mobley, Lottie Lummie Sturkie

1900 Muscogee: Walter 23 Oct 1876, Ethel 22 1877 living next door to:

James 47 Aug 1852 GA, Martha A 40 Oct 1859 GA, George 12 Jan 1888, Jane 67 Mar 1833 (mother),

1910 Muscogee: Walter B 34, Emma O 22, Earl 8, Mary E 5, Rucker 3, Curtis 2, Fred 2/12

WW I Draft: Walter Brewer Mobley County: Muscogee State: Georgia Birth Date: 25 Oct 1876

1920 Muscogee: W.B. 43, Lottie 32, Walter 13, Curtis 11, Fred 9, Nell 7/12

1930 Muscogee: W.B. 53, Lottie 43, James W 22, Curtis 21, Fred 18, Nell 11, Mary C 7, Billie 3 1/12

GA Deaths: Walter B Mobley Death Date: 4 Jan 1958 County of Death: Muscogee Age: 81 Years County of Residence: Muscogee

Walter Brewer Mobley

Birth 25 Oct 1876 in Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia

Death 4 Jan 1958 in Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia


Walter & Lottie


Richard Curtis Mobley, Sr.

March 26, 1958 - August 29, 2011

Columbus , GA- Richard Curtis Mobley, Sr. 53, of Columbus won his battle with cancer, he went to be with Lord and Savior on Monday, August 29, 2011. Mr. Mobley was born March 26, 1958 in Columbus, Georgia.

Funeral services will be 11:00 am, Wednesday, August 31, 2011 in the Chapel of Striffler-Hamby Mortuary 4071 Macon Road Columbus, with Reverends Mike Reeves and Sean Heggood officiating. Burial will follow in Parkhill Cemetery.

Visitation for Mr. Mobley will be from 6-8 pm, Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at the funeral home.

Mr. Mobley was a devoted and loving father, husband and a generous caregiver who enjoyed helping people and always puts the needs of others before his own needs. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends.

Survivors include his wife of 17 years, Allison Mobley, his children, Curtis and his wife Robin, Jonathon, Jeffery and Richard Mobley, Jr., his mother, Jewell Morrison, father-in-law, Anthony Marano, sister, Arah Smith, two grandchildren, Aiden and Dylan Mobley, two brothers, Robert and Tony Marano, 6 nephews and 3 nieces and many other family and friends.

In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the family of Richard Curtis Mobley, Sr. to help with expenses.

Condolences may be offered at

Published in Columbus Ledger-Enquirer on August 30, 2011


Mobley, Bertha Price 40830424

b. May 22, 1917 d. Dec. 23, 1995

Mobley, Betty Pou 38634695

b. 1907 d. 1993

Mobley, Bonnie Leon 38634711

b. Jan. 24, 1925 d. Oct. 4, 1989

Mobley, Edna C. 40830461

b. Nov. 24, 1912 d. Feb. 13, 2008

Mobley, Ella Owen 38328511

b. Dec. 29, 1861 d. Sep. 7, 1947

Mobley, Freddie Elbert 38634728

b. Apr. 1, 1938 d. Jun. 30, 1979

Mobley, Gary Windle[pic][pic][pic][pic] 14025114

b. Dec. 5, 1947 d. Mar. 29, 2006

Mobley, Ida Mae 38634756

b. Dec. 13, 1910 d. Apr. 29, 1997

Mobley, James Walter 38634773

b. Jul. 17, 1907 d. Jan. 26, 1991

Mobley, Janice Ann Johnson[pic][pic] 40420127

b. Oct. 13, 1944 d. Aug. 14, 1974

Mobley, Jessica Anne 37843408

b. unknown d. Apr. 23, 1993

Mobley, John Robert, Sr 40943418

b. Dec. 19, 1948 d. Jun. 9, 1972

Mobley, Lee Ann 38634786

b. Jan. 5, 1980 d. Jun. 3, 1980

Mobley, Martha W. 38634801

b. Jun. 3, 1931 d. Jun. 26, 1987

Mobley, Raymond E., III 38634817

b. Nov. 21, 1982 d. Apr. 20, 1983

Mobley, S. Douglass 38634822

b. 1900 d. 1961

Mobley, Steve K., Jr[pic][pic] 40420152

b. Feb. 14, 1968 d. Dec. 26, 1984

Mobley, Virginia C. 38887059

b. Mar. 14, 1939 d. Sep. 20, 2003

Mobley, William C. 40943437

b. 1914 d. 1997

Billy K. Mobley, Sr. February 18, 1927- June 8, 2008 HAMILTON, GA— Billy K. Mobley, Sr., 81, of Hamilton, GA died at VistaCare at Franciscan Woods Sunday, June 8, 2008. Funeral services will be held 11:00 A.M. on Thursday, June 12, 2008 at Mountain Hill Baptist Church, Hamilton, GA with Reverend Brad Parker officiating, according to Striffler-Hamby Mortuary, Macon Road. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends Wednesday evening from 6:00 until 8:00 P.M. at the funeral home. Mr. Mobley was born February 18, 1927 in Columbus, GA, son of the late Walter Brewer Mobley and Lottie Sturkie Mobley. He was a WWII U. S. Navy Veteran serving on the aircraft carrier USS Cabot. Mr. Mobley had retired from Georgia Power after 40 plus years of dedicated service. He worshiped at Mountain Hill Baptist Church and enjoyed membership in the Georgia Power Ambassadors and the Georgia Cattleman's Association. We will remember him as a true gentleman who enjoyed those around him, never met a stranger and often shared his gift of hospitality with his family and friends. We will always cherish his wonderful memories and remember him as a hero to our family. Survivors include his wife of 59 years, Margie S. Mobley of Hamilton, GA; two children, Dianna M. (Bill) Hodge of Carrolton, GA and Billy Kim (Trisha L.) Mobley, Jr. of Hamilton, GA; a sister, Mary M. Gergen of Albany, GA; three grandchildren, Kasey K. (Bette) Mobley of Hamilton, GA, Tammie A. (Ben) Shelnutt of Hamilton, GA and Drew A. Everett of LaGrange, GA; three great-grandchildren, Luke and Elijah Shelnutt and Payton Stone; numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Flowers will be accepted or donations may be made in his memory to VistaCare Hospice, 850 Brookstone Centre Pkwy., Suite 200, Columbus, GA 31904. Please visit to sign the on-line guest registry.



1880 Walton Co, GA

James L 51, Mary 55, Mary 28, Richard 21, Thomas 20, Lizzie 16, Luther 14, Walter 12

1910 census Muscogee Co, GA

Walter B. 34, Emnma? 22?, Earl 8, Mary E 5, ? (m) 3, Curtis 2, Fred 2/12

Next door

Sturkey, Ennis? 30

1920 Muscogee Co: W.B. 45 GA, Lottie 32 AL, Walter 13, Curtis 11, Fred 9, Nell 7/12


today I found an old family bible with some information and hoped this would be helpful in connecting us to your Mobley research.

The copy of the bible is very old and very hard to read but goes something like this:

James Madison Mobley, b. 12/10/1856 LA, bur. Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian cem, Natchitoches, Red River Par, La

m. July 21, 1881? Henrietta Estella Easton, b. 6/15/1864, d. 10/22/1900


Martha Ellen Mobley, b. 5/23/1884, d. 1905

m. David Roean Emmons

Clara E. Emmons, b. 8/`/`903

m. ____ Southerland

Fred Southerlnad, d. 11/ /1942

Virginia Southerland, b. 1927

m. George H. Williams, b. 1922

Buddy Southerland

m. Barbara ____

William Southerland

Mary (Madalean) Mobley, b. 12/1/1886, d. 12/4/1975,lvd West 65th in Shreveport LA

m. 2/4/1912 Willie D Bryant in Lucas, LA, b. 2/4/1888

Lizzie May Bryant, b. 7/17/1914

William Scott Mobley “Bill”, b. 8/15/1888 moved to West Lake, LA near Lake Charles

m. Roxie ____

James Lewis Mobley, b. 8/3/1890, d. 8/4/1916

Earlene (L...) Mobley, b. 9/6/1892, d. 11/14/1894 (Gravestone as Evelyn in Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Cem, Coushatta, Red River Par, LA

Anne Belle Mobley, b. 2/8/1895 lvd lived in Shreveport, LA

m. Garland Prather

Edwin Davis Mobley, 2/13/1898 LA, d. 4/9/1982 Denton. TX, bur Roselawn cem Houston, TX

m. 12/-/1927 Esther Ellender Jackson, b. 10/10/1908 Ida, Caddo Par., LA, d. 3//20/2001 in Denton, Denton Co. TX, bur. Splendora, Harris Co. TX (d/o J.C. Jackson/ Agnes Ann Brown, of Mira,LA)

Edwin Ellis Mobley, b. 8/12/1928 Coushatta, Red River Par., LA, d. 6/10/2004 Lafayette, Lafayette Par., LA, bur Willow Wild Cem Bonham, Fannin Co., TX

m. 8/16/1931 Bobbie Jewel Sparrow, d. 3/15/1998 Opelousas, Saint Landry Par., LA

Kathy Lynn Mobley, Married Mike McBane

a) Beth McBane

Married ?

son b ` 1994

girl ~ 1997

b) Laurie? Mobley

m. in 1998

ii)Dana Janene Mobley, b.

Married John Hotard

a)Rebecca Hotard

b) Johnathan Hotard

B) Ruby Janice Mobley, b. 11/25/1929, Bayou La Chute, Caddo Par., LA

m. 12/11/1952 Jack Allen Dobbs in Houston, Harris Co. Tx, b. 9/14/1927 Paducah, TX, d. 1/15/2003 Denton, TX

i) Clint Dobbs, b. 1959 Houston, Harris Co. TX

m. Deborah Gillis Stokes in Denton TX

a)Audrey Dobbs, b 1988 in Denton, TX

m. 6/30/1993? Janet White Cunningham in Denton to

ii)Cindy Kay Dobbs, b. 1/18/1961 Houston, Harris Co., TX

m. 7/31/1982 Timothy Paul Kelly in Denton, Denton Co, TX, b. 1961 Bethlehem, PA

Shannon Lindsay Kelly, b. 1884, Irving, Dallas Co., TX

Darby Katherine Kelly, b. 1886 in Irving

Sean Timothy Kelly, b. 1989 in Irving

C)James Christie Mobley. b. 2/21/1933 LA

m. Annette Mancuso, b. 8/15/10-- Lake Charles?

i)Deanna Mobley

ii)Mark Mobley

iii)Melanie Mobley

D) Linda Jauree Mobley, b. 1941 Bonham. Fannin. Co. TX Married Bobby _______ in Bonham ~1957, divorced and remarried and Divorced again; lived in Grand Prairie?

Married Bill Bangs for about 3 months in 1963 in Grand Prairie

i)Kelly Denise Bangs in 1964 in Grand Prairie, Dallas, Co. TX

Married in Ft. Worth to Pete Dahlman

Married in Plano to Gary Ray

Alex 1994 (adopted)

Maria 1994 (adopted)

Linda later Married Ernest G. Alldredge, Jr. _______~1965 in Houston, Born ~1936

8) Cleo ???child Mobley, b. 10/18/902 Gravestone as Chlotilde Mobley in Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Coushatta, Red River Parish, LA

1910 Caddo Par: John M 53 LA-MS Wd, Mary M 23s LA, William S 21, James L 18, Anna B 15, Omand D 12

all data in ( ) is hard to read and my best guess.

they lived in Louisiana and may come from Mississippi or GA

Cindy Kelly

Dallas, TX

KidDoc104@ 7/12/04


James Madison Mobley, b Dec? 10 1856 in LA. Listed with children in the 1910 census as John M Mabley, in 8-WD, Caddo Parish, LA. Roll 509, Part 3, page 219B. 53 y/o in 1910.James Madison Mobley is buried in the Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian cemetery in Natchitoches (Red River) Parish, La.. Parents listed as born in MS. The white marble graevstone is on the left side ajacent to the road with the name only and no dates listed.Family lore says he was 97 y/o when died...lived with Anna Belle. (There are three Mobley brothers all born 1800-1811.... living in the same community - all with kids by the same names - including other James Madison and Madison Mobley - but so far can't link mime to them...census records say they were born in KY and their parents were both from SC)

Married July 21, 1881?* In Red River Parish to Henrietta? Estella Caston, b. June 15, 1864, d. Oct 22, 1900 (* have marriage liscense, but difficult to read) Fates received from Caston web site.


1) Martha Ellen Mobley, b. May 23, 1884, d. 1905

married David Roean Emmons - who's mother was a Choctaw Indian named Tabitha

daughter was Clara Lee Emmons, b. Aug 13, 1903 who married....Southerland

oldest child - Fred, d. nov 1942 (alcohol poisoning)

Virginia "Sis" Southerland, b. 1927

Married George H Williams, b. 1922

Buddy Southerland

Married Barbara

William Southerland (have appendicitis/gangreen when his brother passed - never learned to read

2) Mary Mobley ( lived in on West 65th in Shreveport LA,

daughter or two..husband died early.) b.~1887 per 1910 census. Mary Madalean Mobley, b. Dec 1, 1886, d. Dec 4, 1975 - age 89 +3days in old bible record

Married Willie D Bryant in Lucas, LA, Feb 4, 1912, he was born Feb 4 , 1888

daughter Lizzie May Bryant, b. July 17, 1914

3) Bill Mobley later moved to West Lake, LA near Lake Charles...won a Plymouth. Listed in the 1910 census as William S. Mabley. William Scott Mobley, b Aug 15 1888? in bible record

Married Roxie

4) James Louis/ Luis Mobley, Aug 3, 1890?( b.~1891 per census), d. Aug 4, 1916

5) Earlene/ Everlean Lueze? Mobley, b. Sept 6, 1892, d. Nov 14, 1894 Gravestone as Evelyn Mobley in Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Coushatta, Red River Parish, LA

6) Annie Belle Mobley, lived in Shreveport, LA. b.~ 1895 per 1910 census. b. ?Feb? 8, 1895

married Garland Prather

7)Edwin Davies Mobley, born Feb. 13,1898 in LA, died April 9, 1982 (dates per SSDI #462-30-7090) in Denton, Denton Co, TX, buried in Houston in Roselawn? Cemetery ...on hwy 59 going into Houston

Married~12-1927 to Esther Ellender Jackson, Born Oct 10, 1908 in Ida, Caddo Parish, LA, (daughter of J.C. Jackson and Agnes Ann Brown,both born in Mira,LA) died Mar 20, 2001 in Denton, Denton Co. TX, buried in Splendora, Harris Co. TX (later marriages to Charley Keene, Ernest Beckham, and Jack Carl Price, b. Sept 25, 1914 in OK, died Oct 10, 1987 in Humble Harris Co. TX buried in Splendora City Cemetery)

divorced from Esther ~1942

Later married twice before Ollie

Married prior to 1959 to Ollie .....who died in Houston prior to 1968

A)Edwin Ellis Mobley, Born Aug 12, 1928 in Coushatta, Red River Parish, LA, died June 10, 2004 in Lafayette, Lafayette Parish, LA, buried in Willow Wild Cemetery in Bonham, Fannin Co., Texas

Married Bobbie Jewel Sparrow Aug 16,1931, b. in _____, died March 15, 1998 in Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, LA (confirmed by SSDI#463-42-0742)

i)Kathy Lynn Mobley, b.

Married Mike McBane



son b ` 1994

girl ~ 1997


married in 1998

ii)Dana Janene Mobley, b.

Married John Hotard


b) Johnathan

B) Ruby Janice Mobley, b. Nov 25, 1929, in Bayou La Chute, Caddo Parish, LA

Married Dec 11, 1952 in Houston Harris Co. Tx to Jack Allen Dobbs, b. Sept 14, 1927 in Paducah, TX, d. Jan 15, 2003 in Denton, TX

i)Clint Dobbs, b. 1959, in Houston, Harris Co. TX

Married in Denton TX to Deborah Gillis Stokes

a)Audrey Dobbs, b in Denton, TX on 1988

Married June 30, 1993? In Denton to Janet White Cunningham

ii)Cindy Kay Dobbs, b. Jan 18, 1961, Houston, TX, Harris Co, TX

Married, July 31, 1982 in Denton, Denton Co, TX to Timothy Paul Kelly, b. 1961 in Bethlehem, PA

Shannon Lindsay Kelly, b. 1884, in Irving, Dallas Co., TX

Darby Katherine Kelly, b. 1886 in Irving

Sean Timothy Kelly, b. 1989 in Irving

C)James Christie Mobley. Born Feb 21, 1933 in LA

Married Annette Mancuso, born in Lake Charles? Aug 15




D) Linda Jauree Mobley, Born 1941 at Bonham. Fannin. Co. TX Married Bobby _______ in Bonham ~1957, divorsed and remarried and Divorsed again lived in Grand Prairie?

Married Bill Bangs for about 3 months in 1963 in Grand Prairie

i)Kelly Denise Bangs in 1964 in Grand Prairie, Dallas, Co. TX

Married in Ft. Worth to Pete Dahlman

Married in Plano to Gary Ray

Alex 1994 (adopted)

Maria 1994 (adopted)

Linda later Married Ernest G. Alldredge, Jr. _______~1965 in Houston, Born ~1936

8) Cleo ???child Mobley, b. Oct 18 1902 Gravestone as Chlotilde Mobley in Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Coushatta, Red River Parish, LA


Sally Hartfield Bowers sbowers2@houston. 07/15/04

the only info. I have on Isham Mobley is from the 1850 census in Fairfield Co. S.C.  On page 241 he is listed with Mary (Hill Chapman), her children from a previous marriage, and their son James Thomas Mobley.  Isham is listed as 25 yrs. old. Isham was a pvt. in the Civil War, and I have a little slip of paper that says he died of measles and is buried somewhere near St Marysville La. The family next door on the census are William (age 50) and Margaret Hill (age 53).  I am only guessing that these are Mary's parents.

Isham Mobley, b. c1825 Fairfield Co., SC, d. near St Marysville LA; Pvt CSA

m. Mary Hill-Chapman

James Thomas Mobley, b. 6/7/1847/9 SC, d. 4/4/1938

m. 9/13/1888 Margaret Cagle, b.1870, d. 1901 [not in 1900 census]

1. Zola Ernestine Mobley b. 8/ /1890 LA

2. Sallie Emeline Mobley, b. 12/18/1890/1 LA , d. 2/4/1980

m. 8/24/1916 Charles Roy Colvin, b. 7/13/1892, d. 9/20/1932

a. Margaret  Colvin b. 28 Oct 1917 d. infant

b. Charles Roy Colvin Jr. b. 27 Feb 1920  m. Frances Shapiro

c. John Andrew Colvin b. 4 Feb 1923  d. 20 July 2001

m. Mildred Haigler

d. Mattie Sue Colvin b. 6 Oct 1924

m. 5/18/1946 George Hartfield, b. 8/11/1919, d. 10/9/1996

1. Carolyn Sue Hartfield b. 15 July 1947

2. George David Hartfield b. 16 Jan 1953

*3. Sally Tim Hartfield b. 2 May 1958

m. Bill Bowers(b. 8 Mar 1952) on 11 Sept 1982

a. Geordan Charles Bowers b. 20 Feb 1985

b. William Andrew Bowers b. 21 Jan 1987

3. John H. Mobley b. 10/ /1893 LA d. 4 Apr. 1950

m. Fannie Capps

A.Harold Mobley, b. 9/17/1924, d. c1935

4. Mattie Mobley, b. 10/ /1894 LA

5. Lola Beatrice Mobley, b. 5/ /1896/7 AR

1900 Yell Co., AR: James 50 Jun 1849 SC, Zora 9 Aug 1890 LA, Sallie 8 Dec 1891 LA, John H 6 Oct 1893 LA, Mattie 5 Oct 1894 LA, Beatrice 3 May 1897 AR

The last person in our line to bear the Mobley name was Harold who died as a child in a fire.  I don't have any other dates as all of James Thomas' children were sent to orphanages or relatives when their mother died.  My Colvin relatives have extensive records, and if you should need any information on Crosbys, Feasters, Petries, Hardwicks, or Mayfields I may be able to help you out.  I know that members of all these families came together by wagon train to northern Louisiana beginning in 1835.


Barbara (Jones) Mobley On Thursday morning September 16, 2004 Barbara J. Mobley slipped quietly into eternal rest at St. Joseph/Candler Hospital. Barbara was born on February 24, 1940 in Screven County, GA to the late Flossie Dempsey Jones and Hasten Jones.

She is survived by her husband of forty wonderful, fruitful years, Francis W. Mobley; three sons, Derek Wardell (Tammi) Mobley, Rowland Alexander (Mioshei Francis) Mobley, William Francis (Summer Deloach) Mobley; four grandchildren including her youngest little "apple" William Alexander Mobley (15 months), Sydni Jade Mobley, Deja Symmone Deloach and Dylan Derck Mobley. Two sisters, Valree L. Franklin, Riverside CA, Alberta L. Green, Savannah, GA, sister and brother -in-law, Master Sgt. (Ret) Nesbert (Ernestine) Mobley Jr. Hephzibah, GA.

Nesbert Mobley & ?

Francis W. Mobley

m. Barbara Jones, b. 2/24/1940 Screven Co., GA, d. 9/16/2004 Savannah, GA

Derek Wardell Mobley, m. Tammi

Rowland Alexander Mobley, m. Mioshei Francis

William Francis Mobley, m. Summer Deloach

Nesbert Mobley Jr.

m. Ernestine ____


Source: "The History of Marshall County West Virginia 1984" Published by the Marshall County Historical Society in 1984

On Sept 8, 1915 Fred Cody Miller and Flossie Virginia Minor were married and lived to have 28 years together. She died on July 27, 1974 and he on June 17, 1977.

To this union were born six children.  Two sons, born in 1916 and 1918, died in infancy.  Helen, born on July 16, 1920; Elmer (Buddy) born on July 23, 1925; Evelyn Leah born on Dec 23, 1928; and Mary Ann born Mar 19, 1934. Elmer died in March, 1933.

I, Helen, attended Graysville Grade School then Moundsville High School, graduating in 1938. Some of my fondest memories are of these school years and the devoted teachers I had.

In 1939 I met Charles E. Mobley, also a Marshall County native being the son of Jess C. and Lela Gump Mobley. His family consists of one brother, Robert, born on Nov 30, 1916 and two sisters, Madelyn, born on Mar 8, 1920 and Phyllis, born on Oct 28, 1922. We were married on June 15, 1940 and have worked together in Graysville Methodist Church and community affairs trying to give love and service to God and our fellow man.

Our union was blessed with two children; Joyce Lee Mobley, born on Nov 18, 1941 is married to John E. Bopp and employed in the Tax Office at our County Courthouse. They are the parents of two sons, David and Jack Bopp.

Charles Franklin Mobley was born on Sept 2, 1947 and is married to Judy Ann Leech Mobley and they are the parents of two sons, Charles Edward II and Brian Daniel Mobley. Frank served 18 months in the Vietnam Conflict as a member of the U.S. Navy.

Charles was employed for 26 years at Fostoria Glass in the Cutting Department, leaving in Oct 1970 to join the Ohio Power Mitchell Plant. He retired in April 1981. Since that time we have been privileged to do some traveling, but nowhere have we been that has appealed to us as better than Marshall County - our home.

Submitted by Charles & Helen Mobley


1850 Marshall Co: William (Farmer) 35 OH, Sarah 30 VA, Thomas J 10 VA, Eli 8 VA, William H. 6 VA, Ellen 4 VA, David 2 VA (DIFFERENT WILLIAM? Need to find in 1860 census, but no Mobleys listed in 1860 – no William of age in OH census either)

1870 Marshall Co: William 57 (charcoal burner) OH, Sarah 55 PA, Ellen J 21 WV, Reuben 18 WV, Rachel 16 WV, Isamel? (m) 14 WV, Sarah 12 WV

1870 “ John E (Elijah) 28 WV, Mary E 23 WV, Molley 7/12

1880 William 66 OH Wd, Rachel (dau) 26 WV, Sarah (dau) 22 (father’s pob not shown)

1880 Elijah 38 WV, Mary E 32 WV, Mollie 10, Lula 6, Emma 4, Samuel 1

1880 Reuben 27, Issabelle 23, Thomas 4, Ida M 11/12

Marshall Co, WV

1900 “: George T. 24 WV, Clara 19 Germany

1900 “ Reuben E. 48 WV, Belle 44 WV, Ida M. 20 WV, Albert 15 WV

1900 “ Samuel A 21 WV, Sena 18 WV

1910 “ HH 433: Reuben 57 WV, Belle 54 WV, Albert 25

1910 “ HH 431: George 34 WV, Clara 29 Ger, Walter 9, Elvin 5

1920 “: Ruben 67, Isabella 63

1920 “: Jess 21 WV, Lela 21 WV, Robert 3 1/12, Charles 1 9/12

1920 “: Ray 25 WV, Edna 20 WV, Marim? (f) 3 7/12, Basiline? (f) 1 2/12


Marshall Co. Cemeteries

Mobley, Albert F, Mt. Olivet Cem 1900-1991

Mobley, Charles Edward, Graysville Cem 3/16/1918 – 2/ /1996

Mobley, Howard C., Halcyon Hills Cem 5/24/1917 – 5/12/1977 USA WWII

Mobley, Isabelle, Allen Grove Presbyterian Cem 10/17/1856 – 6/3/1936

Mobley, Jess C, Graysville Cem 1899-1972

Mobley, Kenneth A., Halcyon Hills Cem 1908-1965

Mobley, Lela A, Graysville Cem 1898 – 1996 w/o Jess C.

Mobley, Mary E, Mt. Olivet Cem 1907-1985 w/o Albert F.

Mobley, Mary V., Halcyon Hills Cem 1914-1989

Mobley, Reuben, Allen Grove Presbyterian Cem 5/8/1852-10/25/1935

Mobley, Robert, Whitegate (Penitentiary) Cem

Mobley, Susanna, Stone Church Cem 1925 (death certificate b. c1841 Ohio Co., VA, d. 8 Jan 1925 Wheeling, Ohio Co., WV, widow, parents unk, spouse not listed) (This may be Sarah, w/o William)


WM William Mobley, b. ca 1813 OH

m. Sarah ____, b. ca 1815 PA

WM1 John Elijah Mobley, b. ca 1842 Marshall Co., WV

m. Mary E. Morris, b. ca 1847 WV

WM11 Mollie Mobley, b. ca 1870 WV

WM12 Lula Mae Mobley, b. ca 1876 Marshall Co., WV, d. 3/4/1959 Selenville, OH

m. Harry Robert Jackson

WM121 Ronald Harry Jackson, b. 10/25/1896 McMechan, WV, d. 12/25/1973 East Liverpool, OH

m. 7/23/1916 Theresa Frank, in Wheeling WV

WM122 Lula Mae Jackson

WM123 Lyle Stanley Jackson

WM124 Norman Jackson

WM13 Samuel A. Mobley, b. ca 1879

m. Sena, b. ca 1882 WV

WM2 Ellen J. Mobley, b. ca 1849 WV

WM3 Reuben R. Mobley, b. 5/8/1852 WV, d. 10/25/1935, both , bur. Allen Grove Presb. Cem

m. Isabelle ____ “Belle” Southworth, b. 10/17/1856, d.6/3/1936

WM31 George Mobley, b. ca 1876 WV

m. Clara ____, b. ca 1881 Germany

WM32 Ida M. Mobley, b. ca 1879 WV

WM33 Albert Mobley, b. ca 1885 WV

WM34 Jess C. Mobley, b. ca 1899 WV, d. 1872, both bur. Graysville Cem

m. Lela Gump, b. 1898, d. 1996

WM341 Robert Mobley, b. 1917 Marshall Co., WV, d. 3/17/1941

WM342 Charles Edward Mobley, b. 3/16/1918 Marshall Co., WV, d. 2/ /1996 bur. Graysville Cem

m. Helen Miller, b. 7/16/1920 WV, dau. Fred Cody Miller/Flossie Virginia Minor

WM3421 Joyce Lee Mobley, b. 22/18/1941

m. John E. Bopp

WM34211 David Bopp

WM34212 Jack Bopp

WM3422 Charles Franklin Mobley, b. 9/2/1947 Glen Dale, WV, d. 1/16/2010 Wheeling, WV bur Greenwood cem; USN Vietnam

m. Judy Ann Leech

WM342221 Charles Edward Mobley II

WM342222 Brian Daniel Mobley

The Intelligencer, Wheeling News - Register, Jan 19, 2010

MOBLEY, Charles Franklin "Frank," 62, of Wheeling, died Saturday, January 16, 2010, at his home.

He was born September 2, 1947, in Glen Dale, W.Va., son of Helen Miller Mobley and the late Charles E. Mobley.

A U.S. Navy Vietnam War Veteran.

"Frank" retired from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, as a Facility Operations Specialist at the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, New Orleans, LA in September of 2009.

In addition to his mother, he is survived by his loving wife of 41 years, Judy Ann Leech Mobley; two sons, Charles E. "Chuck" Mobley of Slidell, LA, and Brion D. Mobley of Cosby, TN; two grandchildren, Sean Tyler Mobley of Waynesville, NC, and Racheal M. Mobley of Cosby, TN; a sister, Joyce Bopp and her husband, John of Moundsville, W.Va. Interment in Greenwood Cemetery, Wheeling.

WM343 Madelyn Mobley, b. 3/8/1920

WM344 Phyllis Mobley, b. 10/28/1922

WM35 Walter Mobley, b. 1901

WM36 Elvin Mobley, b. 1905

WM4 Rachel Mobley, b. Ca 1844 WV

WM5 Ismel Mobley, b. ca 1846 WV

WM6 Sarah A. Mobley, b. ca 1848 WV

m. Samuel Morris


Glidie Mobley 6/10/2007

Mitchell Mobley was the s/o David H. Mobley and his wife Sarah Yates.On the 1900 census--Sarah and the kids are in the Methodist Children's Home in Triadelphia, Ohio Co., WV except for Andrew--not sure where he is yet.

David was the s/o William and Sarah(?)----still working on them. Wm and Sarah had:

Thomas J; John Elijah; Wm H; Ellen J; David H; Reuben H; Rachel L; Israel F and Sarah A.

David and Sarah had;

Harriet E.J; Andrew T; Mitchell M and Robert.

1880 Ohio Co., WV:

Mobly, David 42 OH-OH, Sarah A 39 WV, Harriet E 5 OH, Andrew T 4 OH, Mitchell M 1 WV

1900 Ohio Co:

Mobley, Andrew T 24 Dec 1875 OH, Sarah E 39 Dec 1840 WV, Harriet E 25 Jun 1874 OH (sister)

Mobley, George 39 Nov 1861 OH (bro), John 80 May 1820 OH, lvg w/ Josephine Mellott 32 Oct 1867 OH Wd, Walter 12 May 1888 OH, Clara 8 May 1892 WV, Ethel 4 May 1895 WV

John Elijah md Mary Morris

Wm H md Eliza J Garrison

Reuben md Isabella Southworth

Sarah A md Samuel Morris(He was 60 and she was 25)


Beatrice Bailey Mobley, 86 (1915), of Mayfair Village, Lexington, formerly of Harrodsburg, died Wednesday, August 8, 2001 at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington.

Born October 9, 1914 in Harrodsburg, she was a daughter of the late Page and Pearl Leonard Bailey.

Survivors include: her husband, Cecil Mobley; two sons, Tony (Betty) Mobley, Bloomington, IN; Terry (Becky) Mobley, Lexington; one brother, Paul (Mildred) Bailey, Harrodsburg; four grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Saturday, August 11, at the W. R. Milward Mortuary-Southland, Lexington, with Dr. Criag Loscalzo officiating. Burial was in Spring Hill Cemetery in Harrodsburg.

Pallbearers were Jack Bailey, Mike Butcher, Chris Mobley, Derek Mobley, Mary Beth Mobley and Steve Stone.


1920 census Mercer Co, KY

Elie 32 wife? 28, Pauline 7, Cecil 5


Georgia Enterprise, February 18, 1897


   Mrs. A. H. Mobley, a most excellent lady, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Tuck, in Gum Creek district one day last week. She was a true and faithful member of the Baptist Church and highly esteemed and dearly beloved by all who knew her.


SENECA, SC - Mr. Don Mobley, 65 (1933), of 106 Meadow Drive died Wednesday, Jan. 14, 1998, at his home.

The funeral will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Praise Cathedral Church of God, with the Revs. Bobby Johnson and Roger Allison officiating. Burial will be 3 p.m. Saturday at Grandview Memorial Park in Rock Hill.

A York County native, He was a U.S. Navy veteran.

Surviving are his wife, Shirley Gowan Mobley of the home; three sons, Don Sidney Mobley and Stanley Mobley, both of Rock Hill, and Rick Ellington of Townville; two daughters, Patricia Abernathy of Fort Mill and Ellen Helms of Rock Hill; two sisters, Mary Johnson of Rock Hill and Laura Sandridge of Salisbury, NC; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 tonight at Wood Mortuary.

The family will be at the home of a sister-in-law, June Allison, 315 Mount Lebanon Road, Inman.


# 1175 Deed book # 1, Chowan County NC

“ William Stuckey (residence not given) (second son of Charles Stuckey and heir by will of George Molbee) to John Crombie of the providence of NC(?) 10 Mar. 1717-1718 10L~ , (acres not given) on Beaver Dam of Coshock Creek being all that tract of land lately possessed by George Moblee and new to me as heir and now in the posession of Katherine Moblee, my Aunt and ex, of the last will and testament of my uncle George Molbee. Wit: John Hardy, William Charleton ` wc’ (his mark) Reg. 27 Feb. 1718 ”

(Note:“new to me” probably should have been “due to me”

Charles Stuckey was a resident of Warwick county Va. We assume "Katherine"was a sister to Charles. I have a little more information on George Mobley concerning land tranactions if you are interested .Any Ideas will be appreciated

Thank you. Ginger Powers POWERSSG@ 12/8/04


It might help to know that the descendents of Charles Stuckey wife Ann Cary. lived in Isle of Wight Va. Then the majority migrated to  Edgecombe co.NC, then to Sumpter county SC.

 I have been going over my notes, and have found something I copied that will probably be of value: this is as far as I know  the first indication that George Moble had some heirs.

 North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register; Vol I pg. 63:

"George Moblee of Chowan, Mar. 30. 1719: Son-in-law Thomas Bagall, dau-in-law, Elizabeth Hartshorne, Ralph Taylor , wife Cathrine Moblee".


“Abstracts of Conveyances, complilied from the register of deeds, at Edenton, NC. These records include all Deeds and Conveyances for Bertie and and Hertford counties  to 1712, Tyrell and Washinton counties to 1729, and Gates county to 1778”

Daniel Smith and wife Asia, to George Moble, 300 acres on the east side Cushoke Creek Swamp;April 19,1715 (Bertie County)

George Molbe, and wife Katharine, to John Hering , Of Isle of Wight Co, Va.Assignment of a patent for 360 acres September 18, 1715. Test: Robert Holbrook, Thomas Luten Jr.(No county Given)

And then I found this:

Index to NC Land entries By Pruitt Vol 4. Pt 3:

 # 2342 WARRANT DATED NOV. 22, 1771

Stephen Herrin enters 350 acres in Duplin County on the south side of Goshen Goshen Swamp between his own line, John Stuckey, John Wright and William Dickson

From : Chowan County Precinct !696-1723, Abstracts of Deed books:

# 296 George Morby of Chowan Pric. to Thomas Bigley of Nansemond County Va, April,1713

Deed of Gift

#685 Daniel Smith of Chowan Pric, and Asa Smith  to George Modby, 19-April, 1715

#966 pg, 436  Katharine Molby of the N.W. shore of the Chowan, to John Cook and Elizabeth Hartshorn (residence not given) 1, April, 1717 for ye love and affection I bear (them) for their maintaning of me during my life , all my cattle, Horses,mares, hog and sheep. Wit: Rebecca Byrd(her mark) John Crombie, William Gadd   20, April 1717

 A reveiw of  the Deed concerning William Stuckey:

 Genealogical Abstracts of Deed Books  1696-1723 Chowan County NC.

#1175 Deed Book 1 :

 “William Stuckey (residence not given) (second son of Charles Stuckey and heir by will of George Molbee) to John Crombie of the providence of NC(?) 10 Mar. 1717-1718 10L~, (acres not given) on Beaver Dam of Coshock Creek being all that tract of land lately possessed by George Moblee and due to me as heir and now in the posession of Katherine Moblee, my Aunt and ex, of the last will and testament of my uncle George Molbee and testiment of my uncle George Moblee. Wit: John Hardy, William Charleton (his mark) Reg. 27 Feb. 1718 “

!709,Deed b.1 pg.38-39-40 Oct.1718

Upon  motion of Thomans Harmon. att. of William Stuckey, ordered Will of George Mobley be recorded and the two dispositions of Thomas and Ann Ashley be also recorded and John Crombie said on oath that he writ the above paper on the direction of  said George Moblee, his last will and afterward made a fair copy thereof.


 This is part of a letter I wrote to another researcher

"I think we need to find a copy of the will of George Mobley. It might answer some questions. I do think there is a link between the William Stuckey of New Hanover and the William Stuckey who inherited in Chowan, but we need proof, and the only way I know how to find it is to follow the family names when there is no clear cut document.  My next county I am going to search through is Halifax County NC, (just because it is close to the other counties and I found some family names)In Southhampton County VA.

I have found references to the Howells and Mobleys, Carys, Scarbroughs, and Doles there. Perhaps I will find something of value" 

This was included just to let you know some of the areas I have researched. Thanks again, Ginger Powers 12/9/04


Perris Valley Cem

Perris, Riverside Co, CA

 Moberly, Ethel I., b. 1887, d. 1943, Mother, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, Rev. 14:13, Sec/Row 39

Moberly, Marion L., b. 1887, d. 1977, Father, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, Rev. 14:13, Mason, Sec/Row 39

Mobley, Susie H., b. Sep 24, 1899, d. Sep 04, 1977, On monument with William Mobley, Sec/Row H10

Mobley, William A., b. Feb 11, 1892, d. Jun 09, 1976, On monument with Susie Mobley, Sec/Row H10


Brunswick Kenneth Lewis Mobley, 82, (1923) died Wednesday. Survivors: wife, Nora Walling Mobley; children, Sheila McNeill (Arlie) and Debbie Youngner (Larry), Ricky Dean Mobley, Kenneth D. Mobley and Brian David Mobley and other relatives. Memorial service: 7 p.m., Saturday in the chapel of Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home. Savannah Morning News, June 17, 2005


Owen Royal, Jr. b: 1740 d: May 07, 1820

...+Lucy Mobley b: 1745 d: 1833


Looking for any information available for the Mobley Family in Abbeville, SC. My great-grandfather was Joe Caroll Mobley and his wife was Ethel Lee Hutchinson Mobley. Their children were Robert, Charlie, Lillie, Mary, Louise, Eddie. Any information would be greatly appreciated. My email phoenixls2@


my 3rd Great-Grandmother Elizabeth Mobberly Ws born between 1770 and 1780 in Maryland and died about 1850 in Ohio County, KY.  I would love to know about her life (childhood and marriage to William Berry Marlow)


ULRICH, MARY MARGARET; passed away on January 6, 2006; at her residence in Century Plaza, Pompano Beach, FL; age 84. Born on November 6, 1921 in Bent County, Colorado to Senate and Ruby (Pewitt) Mobley, she graduated from the Detroit Business Institute and worked as a legal secretary for Buhl Insurance Agency. She married Norbert M. Ulrich on June 21, 1947. A capable businesswoman, she was executive secretary for a corporation Nibs and Margaret established. She was a member of Plum Hollow Golf & Country Club in Southfield, MI, St. Gabriel Church and Tam-O-Shanner Golf & Country Club in Pompano Beach, FL. Margaret enjoyed horseback riding, hunting, snowmobiling and being Nib s only honest golf critique. Their eloquent steps on the dance floor never went unnoticed and Margaret was quick to give the credit of their success to her leading partner. Norbert became Margaret s faithful caregiver in April of 2002. Margaret exemplified her Christian beliefs by her lifetime commitment as a loving wife and caring mother and will be dearly missed. She is survived by her devoted husband of 58 years and six children, Catherine (Edward) Brakefield, Margaret (Dan) Bowyer, Dianna (John) Confer, Norbert Bert (Lynn) Ulrich, Deborah Munro, and Richard (Kim) Ulrich; 15 grandchildren, Kimberly Warstler, Derek Brakefield, Nathan and Jason Bowyer, Rebecca Barkman, Tara and Clint Confer, Brandon, Justin and Jordan Ulrich, Brett Munro, Olivia, Aaron, Zack, and Maeghan Ulrich; 4 great grandchildren, Zander and Logan Warstler, Caleb and Aiden Bowyer. She was preceded in death by her parents and brother, William. Funeral Mass Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 11 a.m. with an instate of 10:30 a.m. at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church, 2700 Waldon Rd., Orion. The family will receive friends Tuesday 3 to 9 p.m. with a 7:30 p.m. Memorial Service at the Modetz Funeral Home, 100 E. Silverbell, Orion. Interment Guardian Angel Cemetery. Suggested memorials to Hospice Care of S.E. Florida, 309 S.E. 18th St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316. Online guestbook

Ad provided by: The Daily Oakland Press (MI)


Mary mmobley1@kc. 2/6/06

Mobley, John, b.5 Sep 1830, d. 16 May 1892

Bonds Cemetery, Franklin Co. Alabama

Found at:

1880 Franklin Co:

Mobley, John 50 SC, Amanda B 27 AL (wf), Mary M 15 AL (niece)


6/3/1889 Victor Brammier m. Ona Mobley, age  25

Laramie City, Wyoming

Found at


John Francklin, John Pittam, John Mobberly, killing : murder, 8th April,1730.

The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Ref: t17300408-40, London, england

John Francklin , John Pittam , and John Mobberly , were indicted, the first for the Murder of John Fox , the 12th of March last, by beating and striking him on the left Part of the Breast, and other Places, of which Bruises he languished from the 12th of March till the 17th, and then died; and John Pittam and John Mobberly for being present, aiding, and abetting the same .

They were likewise indicted a second time for the unlawful slaying the said John Fox.

There were several Evidences, as John Lough others , who depos'd, That he heard and going to a Stable, saw the Deceased down on some Straw, and the Prisoner Francklin fighting with him, and the other Prisoners present, but knew not the occasion of the Quarrel; that as they fought, sometimes one was down, and sometimes another.

William Fox , the Father, depos'd, His Son, the Deceased, came Home, and told him, that three Fellows, mentioning the Prisoner's Names, had fallen upon him, and almost knocked him on the Head; that he went to Bed, and continued very ill, and the next Morning desir'd to be blooded, and complained of a Pain in his Side; and he had afterwards a Looseness, a Vomiting, and a Fever, and died in five Days after.

Mrs. Fox depos'd, That the next Morning he complained of a Pain in his Stomach, and said, Father, I shall Die.

Paul Lewis , a Surgeon, depos'd, That he opened the Body of the Deceased, and found no Marks of Violence about it; and that it did appear to him that he dy'd a natural Death.

John Baker , a Surgeon, depos'd, That he was at the opening of the Body, and there

See original was a great Inflammation of the Lungs. He being ask'd, if there were no Bruises on the Body? He reply'd, There were some Bruises. He being ask'd, Whence he thought the Inflammation of the Lungs proceeded? He answer'd , He believ'd it might be from a Fever, and that the Fall and Blows might throw him into a Fever.

The Prisoners call'd several Persons to their Reputation; the Jury after a full hearing of the Matter, found John Francklin guilty of Manslaughter , and acquitted Pittam and Mobberly



Susan susan.ron@ 3/23/06 & 8/14/07

Possibly related to:

133 William Mobley, [b. est. 1720s], d. by 3/2/1775 in Pitt Co., NC

m. [est. 1750s] Mary ___ [her name from 1770 deed]


1338 ? Burrell Mobley[probably a son of William above], [est. b. 1740s;

[He was on tax rolls, Sampson Co., NC 1755]

William Mobley, b. 1817 NC

m. 11/7/1845 Artemsy Mumbowers “Artemecia” Cassandra in Wayne Co., IN, b. 1827 TN

Thomas Jefferson Mobley, b. 8/8/1846 IN

m. Nancy ____,b. c1844 IN

1880 Clinton Co., IN: Thomas 33 IN, Susie 34 IN, Clora 2

1910 Hancock Co., IN: Thomas J 78 IN-NC, Nancy 66 IN

Lucretia Ann Mobley, b. 9/16/1848 IN

James R. Mobley, b. 9/14/1851 IN

Sarah Mahaley Mobley, b. 9/6/1853 IN, d. 8/6/1854 IN

Mary Adeline Mobley, b. 10/12/1855 IN

Alfred Mendorious Mobley, b. 121/18/1858 IN

Joseph K. Mobley, b. 8/23/1860/3? Wawasee,IN (NC in census)

m. Mary Susan Wimer in Tipton Co., IN, b. 4/9/1882 (dob wrong) 10/ /1856 per census) WV

Infant Boy Mobley, b. & d. 7/18/1882 Tetersburg, IN

George William Mobley, b. 10/10/1883 IN (George William, my grandfather's oldest brother is the father of Mary Ann Mobley, Miss America 1959) [WRONG]

Sylvester H. Mobley, b. 6/23/1886 IN

m. Leah ____, b. c1896 IN

Harold Mobley, b. c1912 IN

Herbert Mobley, b. c1914 IN

Phillip Mobley, b. c1916 IN

Mary Mobley, b. c1922 IN

1930 Cuyahoga Co., OH Sylvester H 44 IN-NC, Leah 34 IN, Harold 18, Herbert 16, Phillip 14, Mary 8

Vessie Mobley, b. 6/ /1886 IN

Perry Mobley, b. c1888 IN

Frank L. Mobley, b. 5/ /1890 IN

Martha Mobley ‘Mattie’, b. 12/ /1893 IN

` Charles Mobley, b. 6/ /1896 IN

Harold Mobley, b. c1912 IN

Herbert Mobley, b. c1914 IN

1900 Tipton Co., IN: Joseph 47 Oct 1852 NC, Mary S 43 Oct 1856 WV, George 16 Oct 1883 IN, Vessie H 13 Jun 1886, Frank L 10 May 1890, Mattie 6 Dec 1893, Charles 3 Jun 1896

1910 Marion Co., IN: J.K.50 IN, Mary S 52 WV, George W 26s IN, Perrie 22s, Mattie 16, Charly 14, FULLER, Josie 32 div niece, Lura 22 niece

1920 Tipton Co: Joseph A 59 NC, Mary S 60 WV, Martha 27 IN, Charles 23s, Harold 8 (son), Herbert 6 (son)

1920 Marion Co: Sylvester 34 IN Wd, roomer

Frank Lee Mobley, b. 5/ 1890 IN, d. 10/2/1974

Martha Mobley “Mattie”, b. 12/ /1893 IN

m. Paul Lucy of Peru, IN

Charles Adam Mobley, b. 6/2/1896 IN, d. 2/11/1967 [USN]

m. Thelma Mae Webb

Joyce Ann Mobley, b. 1/25/1922 Elwood, IN

Christie, Carla, Tom, Cindy & ?

Forrest Lee Mobley "Bud", b. 2/20/1924 Elwood, IN

m. ____

Debi Mobley

Laurie Mobley

Charles Eugene Mobley, b. 7/18/1929 Elwood, IN, d. 8/2/2002 CA [USN]

m. ____

Susan Mobley, b. c1959 CA

m. ____ Watkins (no issue)

Nancy Mobley (no issue)

Patrick Mobley (no issue) [USN]

Emma Mobley, b. 5/9/1864 IN

William Sherman Mobley, b. 9/13/1866 IN


1860 Wayne Co., IN: William 42 NC, Cassandra 32 TN, Thomas 13 IN, Arine? (f) 11, James 9, Mary 5, Alfred 3

1870 Huntington Co., IN: Mobly, William D 51 NC, Cassandra 44 TN, James 20 IN, Mary 15, Alfred 12, Joseph 9, Emma 6, Wm Sherman 4

1880 Clinton Co., IN: Willliam 63 NC, Artemecia 53 IN, Alfred 21 IN, Joseph 20, Emma 16, William 13


My name is Susan Mobley (Watkins).  I'm 46 and live in California.  I'm the head of elementary counseling for a local school district here.  I've got a couple of Master's degrees--in Linguistics and Education plus my teaching credential and my counseling credential.  I have no children, nor do my sister or brother (the last Mobley of this branch), so with us this limb of the family tree is ending.  My address is 31201 San Timoteo Canyon Road, Redlands, CA  92373.  Phone # is (909)648-8080.

My father was from Indiana, and I have been able to trace back only 4 generations of Mobleys.  The farthest back I have is William Mobley who was born ca. 1813 near Wilmington,  North Carolina.  I have found him on the 1880 census living in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana working as a cooper.  He married Artemsy Mumbowers of Tennessee in Wayne County, Indiana on 11-7-1845.  They had 9 children I am aware of:  Thomas Jefferson, born 8 Aug 1846; Lucretia Ann, born 16 Sept 1848; James R., born 14 Sept 185?; Sarah Mahaley, born 6 Sept. 1853 and died 6 Aug 1854; Mary Adeline, born 12 Oct. 1855; Alfred Mendorious, born 18 Dec. 1858; Joseph K., born in Wawasee, Indiana 23 Aug. 1863?; Emma C., born 9 May 1864, and Wm. Sherman, born 13 Sept. 1866.  The trail ends with William--on the census of 1880 the place of birth for his mother and father is listed as "unknown"--I can't figure out why this is--there is family lore that there is Native American blood up the Mobley line--perhaps this is the explanation for William's ignorance of his parents' birthplaces, or maybe he was an orphan, runaway, had been indentured out...maybe someone out there has some info. for me.


Joseph K. is my great-grandfather.  I have his birth as in/near Wawasee, Indiana on 23 Aug. 1863 (or so).  (But on the 1900 census, his place of birth is listed as North Carolina) He married Mary Susan Wimer of West Virginia on 9 April 1882 in Tipton County, Indiana.  He was also listed on the 1930 census living in Tipton, Tipton County, Indiana.  Joseph and Mary Susan had 6 children:  an infant boy who was born and died on 18 July 1882 in Tetersburg, IN; George William, born 10 Oct 1883; Sylvester H., born 23 June 1886; Frank Lee, born may 1890 & died 2 Oct 1974; Mattie/Martha/Mrs. Paul Lucy of Peru, Indiana, born Dec 1893; and Charles Adam, born 2 June 1896 & died 11 Feb 1967.  (George William, my grandfather's oldest brother is the father of Mary Ann Mobley, MIss America 1959).


Charles Adam Mobley was my grandfather.  He married Thelma Mae Webb and they had 3 children:  Joyce Ann Mobley born 25 Jan 1922; Forrest Lee "Bud", born 20 Feb 1924; and my father, Charles Eugene, born 18 July 1929 & died 2 Aug 2002--all 3 were born in Elwood, Indiana.  My father and his 2 siblings all ended up in California.  My aunt Joyce had 5 children:  Christie, Carla, Tom, Cindy, and (I can't remember--we aren't close).  Uncle Bud had 2 daughters:  Debi and Laurie, and we had 3: me (Susan), Nancy, and Patrick (the last Mobley of this branch).  Patrick is currently in the Navy and is stationed in Norfolk, VA--the 3rd generation to serve in the Navy.


That's about all I know...please let me know what I do next to become a subscriber or how I might come in contact with anyone who can help me in my search.  Thanks so much.



"Cousin" Susan

None of us have had children, so our branch of the Mobley line will be coming to a halt.  I am interested in the web book The Mobleys and Their Connections.  A posting on said I could access it through this site.  I would love to see it if possible & am interested in any info. I could get re my gggrandfather William Burrell Mobley of NC--there don't seem to be a lot of Mobleys in NC, and I've hit a brick wall on my research there.  I read somewhere that William was born near Rockingham, NC if that's any help to anybody.



Susan M. Mobley-Watkins


Ann L. Mobley, 90, Olathe, KS, passed away Tuesday, March 21, 2006, at Aberdeen Village. Memorial services will be 2 p.m. Thursday, March 23, 2006 at Village Presbyterian Church. Family suggests memorial contributions be sent to KC Hospice, 9221 Ward Parkway, Ste. 100, KCMO 64114. Ann was born August 5, 1915 in Eldon, MO to James Alexander and Anna Strother. She spent her childhood in Eldon and graduated from Eldon High School in 1933. Ann joined the First Baptist Church in Eldon as a child and was a member of Village Presbyterian Church in Prairie Village, KS for many years. Ann was married to Charles Edgar Mobley in 1946, he later passed in 1983. She was a member of the Merry-Ettas Women's Club in Kansas City at the time of her death and had been a member since 1958. She had also volunteered at Baptist Medical Center for a number of years. She was preceded in death by her sister; Mildred Schlup, Treva Clark; brothers, Ray Strother, Gaylord Strother. She is survived by one daughter, Jane Ann Daniels of Lenexa, KS; sisters, Virginia Burgen of Hermitage, MO; grandson, Erik Spears of Boston, MA; sister-inlaws, Arlene Carr of North Kansas City, MO, Mary Strother of Destin, FL and many nieces and nephews. She was a very caring, friendly and loving lady and her family will miss her. (Arr; The Amos Family Chapel of Shawnee, 913-6315566).

Published in the Kansas City Star on 3/22/2006.


Ms. Ethel Reid, 89, of 2320-K Farmer Street, was born May 23, 1916 to the late Albert Guy Mobley and Maggie Foust in Charlotte, NC. She departed this life on March 26, 2006.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at the Berean Seventh-Day Adventist Church at 1:00 PM, with the quiet time being one hour prior to the service. Interment will be at Beatties Ford Memorial Gardens.

She leaves to emulate her love for life, her niece and caregiver, Mary Foust Howard and a host of nieces, nephews, and friends.

Published in the Charlotte Observer on 3/28/2006.


From St. Charles (Illinois) Chronicle, Feb. 22, 1901:

The Past.

Items taken from Different Issues of the St. Charles Review.

Jan. 3, 1879:

The St. Charles Gun club had a shoot New Year's day, and Theodore Veeder took first prize with a record of 15 straight glass balls. Wm. Mobley was second and Prof. Stickney of the west side school was third. The Prof. won the live bird contest.


WINNABOW, NC – Mrs. Ella Mae (Futrell) Mobley, age 83, of 1376 Knight way, Winnabow, went to be with the Lord Monday, March 6, 2006.

Mrs. Mobley was born in Onslow County on September 18, 1922, and was the daughter of the late Charlie and Molly Williford Futrell.

She was the mother of 15 children. She is survived by eleven children, Elbert Mobley, Melvin Mobley, Velma Johnson, Oleta Pennell, Joyce Frasel, Betty Rich, Juanita “Minner” Shaw, Doris Mobley, Glenn “Cotton” Mobley, Charles Mobley, Johnny Mobley, James R. Mobley; 21 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren; a brother, Edward Futrell.

Funeral services will be 3 p.m. Thursday March 9, 2006, at Peace Memorial Baptist Church with Reverend John Brooks officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. ............................................................................

Canadian Valley Cemetery, Canadian Co., OK


MOBERLY CLAUDE E 10-16-1895 04-11-1968 ARMY-WW-1

MOBERLY CLYDE E 05-20-1937 08-27-1955 SON

MOBERLY DAISY M 04-07-1908 02-15-1971

MOBERLY DELBERT L 04-25-1941 02-01-1996 MAR-06-14-1964

MOBERLY GRACE 11-06-1902 02-28-1982


MOBERLY KATHRYN L 09-27-1946 MAR-06-14-1964

MOBERLY LEWIS SAMUEL 10-28-1939 10-28-1939 Son Of B & D


MOBERLY MORRIS GENE 04-29-1941 04-29-1941 Son of B & D

MOBERLY NAOMI 12-09-1928 03-24-1940 DAUGHTER

MOBERLY WILLIAM BRYAN 03-12-1899 12-27-1980

1910 Canadian Co:

Mobley, D. Edward 30 IN, Elsie 24 KS, Stella 6 OK, Frank 4 NE

1920 Canadian Co:

Moberly, Caleb 59 KY-KY, Harriet M 49 KS, Nancy L 23s OK, William B 20, Melton 18, Floyd 11


From: "Reba Schafer" ................

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