November 19 - December 21

Chapter Seventeen (17) Group Discussion - Problem Solving

Learning Goals and Objectives:

* Students will be able to define group discussion, problem solving.

* Students will plan, research and present a symposium discussion.

* Students will carry out the roles of leader, speaker and participant in a symposium setting.

* Students will be able to solve problems using the problem solving procedure.

* Students will be able to evaluate a discussion

Wednesday November 18 Speech Communication - Chapter Four (4) “Listening”

Student Responses: Hour Exam

For Thursday read: Chapter 17

Thursday November 19 Speech Communication - Chapter 17 “Group Discussion-Problem Solving”

Introduce: Goals and Objectives of Chapter 17

a. What is Group Discussion?

b. Planning a Group Discussion

c. Group Discussion Formats (KNOW for Monday)

d. Private Discussion Formats (KNOW for Monday)

For Monday: Chapter 17 Annotations Due - BOC

Note: Our focus will be on the “Symposium Discussion Group”

Friday November 20 Chapter Seventeen (17) “Group Discussion-Problem Solving”

Review: Chapter 17 What is Group Discussion?

Discussion: Selecting a Topic

Wording a Discussion Question (Symposium)

Identifying Types of Discussion Questions

For Friday complete: Activity One (1) page 454.

Note: For Tuesday (THS), Wednesday (BHS) prepare a crossword puzzle using all the vocabulary words located on page 473.

a. Prepare an answer key for each puzzle.

b. Computer generated or black/blue ink

c. Be sure all crossword puzzles are DIFFERENT - Due EOC

Monday November 23 Chapter Seventeen (17) “Group Discussion-Problem Solving”

Review: Selecting a Topic

Wording a Discussion Question (Symposium)

Identifying Types of Discussion Questions

Student Responses: Turn in Chapter 17 Annotations

Tuesday November 24 Chapter Seventeen (17) “Group Discussion-Problem Solving”

Discussion: Questions of Fact, Policy, and Value

Student Responses: Discussion Formats - From Wednesday

For Tuesday (THS) Vocabulary Crossword Puzzles Due - BOC

For Wednesday: BHS Vocabulary Crossword Puzzles Due - BOC

Wednesday November 25 Chapter Seventeen (17) “Group Discussion-Problem Solving”

Student Responses: BHS Vocabulary Crossword Puzzles Due - BOC

Thursday November 26-27 THANKSGIVING

Monday November 30 Chapter Seventeen (17) “Group Discussion-Problem Solving”

Review: Questions of: Fact, Policy, and Value

Note: Follow the examples discussed on pages 456-457

Note: Friday Chapter 17 Vocabulary Exam - NO NOTES

Tuesday December 1 Chapter Seventeen (17) “Group Discussion-Problem Solving”

Introduce Symposium Groups and Assignment (see definition page 451)

Symposium: A public discussion in which an audience is presented

with a series of short speeches over a specific topic.

Members of a symposium are responsible for presenting

specific information that relates to a general premise.

Visual aids are used to enhance the over effectiveness

of the symposium. Following a symposium there can be

an opportunity for questions and answers from the audience.

Topics: Public Education versus Home Schooling.

How has technology positively and negatively affected society?

Global Warming (fear or farce)

How has “No Child Left Behind” impacted American education?

Dieting in America (savior or fraud)

Since September 11, 2001 “Are We Safer”

Internet - the death of the newpsper

Does television have a negative influence on society/juvenile crime

Rehabilitation: Does prision work?

Sports in America are over emphasized

America’s Alternative Energy Options

Nationalized Health Insurance (yes or no)


a. Minimum time 30:00 minutes – Maximum 40:00

b. Symposiums not meeting minimum time can not earn an average grade of (C).

c. All symposium members have equal participation

e. Minimum of five (5) stated source documentations

d. Visual Aids Requirements for each Speaker

1. Powerpoint (minimum one each) - (maximum two each)

a. No more than 5 bullets per slide (does not include header)

b. No more than 5 words per bullets

2. Graphs - Charts

a. Minimum (four-4)

b. Maximum (six-6)

3. Video - imovie

a. Each symposium member (1:00)…not to exceed 1:15

b. Please introduce each video segment

Note: Please introduce video - movie

4. Photographs: Minimum (1) - Maximum (3)

e. Each symposium presenter may use a copy of their submitted

outline as reference….DO NOT READ TO YOUR AUDIENCE.


g. AVOID reading off the computer screen. Use the BIG screen

h. Establish GOOD eye contact with your audience.


a. Moderator - Is also one of the speakers

b. Speaker One - Goal and Objective One

c. Speaker Two - Goal and Objective Two

d. Speaker Three - Goal and Objective Three

e. Speaker Four - Goal and Objective Four (if in a group of four)


Topic December 3 BOC

Goals/Objectives/Research December 4 EOC

Chapter 17 Vocabulary Exam December 4 BOC NO NOTES

Speaking Positions/Research December 7 EOC

Charts, Diagrams, Photos December 9 BOC

Audiovisual December 9 BOC

Symposium Outline December 10 EOC

Rehearsal Day One December 11 EOC

Symposium One December 14

Symposium Two December 15

Symposium Three December 16

Symposium Four December 17

Symposium Five December 18

Symposium Six December 21 (if needed)


a. State the topic (powerpoint)

b. State the goals and objectives of the discussion topic (powerpoint)

1. Each symposium will be required to discuss four (4) goals and objectives

2. Each member of the group is responsible for analyzing, researching, discussing

one stated goal.

c. Introduce each symposium member and present a brief overview of what each

member is responsible for. Have them stand during this introduction.

d. Each moderator is also responsible for presenting a symposium element…they are

not JUST the moderator.

e. Provide a scope and sequence…”a program”

1. Be creative

2. Provide one program per audience member

f. Each symposium member will present their material when introduced. Be sure to

“thank” the moderator for introducing you. They will stand during this phase.

1. Topic Outline Required for Each Indvidual Segment

2. Works Cited Page is Required (outline and final powerpoint slide)

3. Restate your name and your position within the group

4. After each symposium member has concluded their presentation the moderator

will thank them for their contributions, and introduce the next presenter.

5. At the conclusion of the final presentation the moderator will ask each presenter t summarize their discussion points. They will stand at the podium for this.

6. Following the summations, the moderator will conclude by demonstrating to the

audience how the stated goals and objectives of the symposium were met.

7. The moderator will open the discussion up for questions from the audience.

8. Following the QA the moderator will make their closing remarks.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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