Social Studies Current Events Weekly Assignment

Social Studies Current Events Weekly AssignmentPurpose: In order to more successfully contribute to community and society at large, one should be current on the world’s issues, updates, and changes. Being an informed citizen and discussing current events will give one a better perspective on different points of view and encourage a healthier lifestyle.Article Guidelines:Article must be current—within approximately the past 3 months.Article must be relevant—should pertain to a worldly issue (be able to explain) unless told otherwiseArticle must be from appropriate source—NOT Wikipedia! (see suggestions below) Article must be attached to Assignment Sheet and should be appropriately marked.Directions: Every week you will read a current events article and turn in a current events assignment sheet. The news source can be digital or print. All assignment sheets are due on Wednesday. If you are absent on a Wednesday, your assignment sheet is due the day you return. You may only use the Current Events Assignment Sheet Template given in class and should also familiarize yourself with the rubric before completing.Note: Begin by MARKING THE TEXT as you read! This should include underlining main ideas, highlighting important facts/details, circling unfamiliar vocabulary, writing notes and/or connections in the margins, etc. Specific directions for each section are given below.Summary: On the lines given, summarize the main idea of your article. This should be easy if you have already underlined main ideas and highlighted important facts.Vocabulary: Circle at least three unfamiliar vocabulary words from your article as you read. If you cannot find three, you may have to choose words that others might not know. Fill in the vocabulary chart, listing the part of speech, an appropriate definition.Reflection: Think about your own opinion or reaction to the topic presented in the article. Do you agree or not? What is your position, claim, argument?Presentation Rubric:DON’T FORGET TO ATTACH YOUR ARTICLE TO YOUR ASSIGNMENT SHEET BEFORE YOU TURN IN!!Suggested SourcesLocal newspaper!! (Star Ledger, The Record, Suburban Trends etc.) (kid friendly news)news (Time Magazine for kids) (kid friendly news) (New York Times - newspaper) (NBC – broadcast T.V. news) (CNN – cable T.V. news) (U.S. News & World Report - magazine) (Fox – cable T.V. news) abcnews. (ABC – broadcast T.V. news)Weekly Scholastic News magazines that come home (Here there kids news)(National Geographic for Kids)Current Events Assignments are due EVERY WEDNESDAY unless otherwise notified. If the Thursday falls on a holiday, the assignment is due the next day we are in school.4th GRADE CURRENT EVENTS ASSIGNMENTName:Date:Per: Title of your article :Source (where did you find it): WHO is the article about? WHEN did the event take place? WHERE did the event take place? How do you feel about this event? How does event affect you and/or the world? Why did you choose this article? Please summarize the article below in at least 5 well written complete sentences (a summary tells what this article is about).New Vocabulary1. 2.3. ***On the back or on another sheet, do the reflection and SLC connection.APESCURRENT EVENTS RUBRICThis assignment is worth 20 points. Below are the expectations for this assignment and how it will be evaluated. Each student will be required to complete one of these assignments each week.Assignments are due on WEDNESDAY during Social Studies.Points PossibleStudent’s PointsAssignment sheet is filled out8completely and neatly.Student wrote a minimum of 5complete sentences for the article5summary.Student was prepared to presenthis/her article to the class.4Practice was evident. He/she isable to answer questions asked about the article.The article was attached to the1assignment.The assignment was completed on2time.Overall Points:/20Grade: Comments: _ _ _ ................

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