Co-Curricular Assessment Plan Template - A-State

As part of our ongoing institutional commitment to supporting student learning, all co-curricular divisions/units that work substantially with students report on their student learning outcomes assessment activities. This process is facilitated through the Office of Assessment, which provides guidance, training, support, and feedback on these activities, and is aided by the Co-Curricular Assessment Committee (CCAC). Assessment is an ongoing, continuous improvement process that involves substantial participation of staff in each department.Student learning outcomes assessment is also an expectation for our ongoing accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC); specifically the HLC Criteria for Accreditation outline the standards to which we are held in ensuring that we evaluate the student learning we claim for students in both the academic and co-curricular environments:Criterion Four. Teaching and Learning:?Evaluation?and ImprovementThe institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learning environments, and support services, and it evaluates their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement.4.B. The institution demonstrates a commitment to educational achievement and improvement through ongoing?assessment?of student learning.1. The institution has clearly stated?goals?for student learning and effective processes for assessment?of student learning and achievement of learning?goals.2. The institution assesses achievement of the learning?outcomes?that it claims for its curricular and co-curricular programs.3. The institution uses the information gained from?assessment?to improve student learning.4. The institution’s processes and methodologies to assess student learning reflect good practice, including the substantial participation of?faculty?and other instructional staff members.Why assessment plans this year?Best practices in co-curricular assessment, feedback from our HLC mentor, and information gathered at the HLC Annual meetings indicate the need for all departments to have a comprehensive assessment plan. This aids in planning and use of assessment data, as well as integration of assessment in regular departmental activities.When are assessment plans due and where should they be sent?The deadline for co-curricular division/unit assessment plans will be determined as soon as possible. Assessment plans should be sent to the Office of Assessment. The Office of Assessment will use the assessment plans to develop the workspaces in Taskstream, the assessment management system. The Office of Assessment will train each assessment leader and unit manager on how to use the system. Assessment reports will be made through Taskstream in the future. What should be included in an assessment plan?The most important elements of an assessment plan are: 1) student-learning outcomes; 2) detailed information on, and effective methods (i.e. ways of collecting data) for evaluating whether students have achieved the outcomes you claim; 3) a reasonable cycle length, anywhere from 3-5 years; and 4) realistic and developed plans for collecting the data. In addition to the plan elements, departments should also provide a brief explanation of the assessment processes that took place in their department in the academic year. Data collection, analysis and action steps are an ongoing process. How will the reports be reviewed?Based on feedback from the CCAC feedback meeting in September 15, 2016, the CCAC would like to incorporate peer review into the evaluation process. The focus is on assisting departments in developing realistic plans that are sufficiently developed to be implemented, and therefore, the evaluation aim is to develop feasible plans. The CCAC intends to form small sub-committees where members may review and provide feedback on each other’s plans. The Office of Assessment’s Assessment Plan rubric will be used to guide programs toward a “proficient” level.Unit:Person Submitting and Phone Extension:Date:QuestionsInstructionsStudent Learning Outcome 1Student Learning Outcome 2Student Learning Outcome 3Student Learning Outcome 4What is the student-learning outcome (SLO) to be assessed?State the ULO here =>If you have multiple measures for the same outcome, you may copy the outcome as many times as neededHow does your department facilitate the development of knowledge and skills in this area?What are the opportunities that students have, through interacting with your department, to achieve these ULOs? Note: we recommend you complete an activity/services/learning opportunity map here. What year will you evaluate the SLO?What year in your cycle will you assess this ULO? e.g,., 2016-2017, Note: The length of your cycle depends on the number of ULOs (e.g., 3 ULOs=3 year cycle). Also, a full cycle should be no more than 4 years. Alternatively, if you have several measures that address a particular ULO, you may want to rotate your data collection in a similar fashion. See Step 4 for more info….?What methods will you use to measure each student learning outcome? (minimum of two for each SLO)?How will you measure this ULO? Please include a minimum of two methods. The more direct the method, the fewer sources needed to provide evidence of learning. Note that this is a central step in creating a plan; planning methods carefully will create a more easily implemented assessment plan.?Where will you collect the data?From what programs, services, locations, and/or populations will you collect the data? Your activity/services/learning opportunity map can help identify potential targets. It could be helpful to indicate primary and secondary locations, if there are many potential places to collect data.?Are there any targets or benchmarks for the data? (optional)In some cases, departments may be seeking a certain level of performance; if so, indicate here. It is optional or may be added later.?What were the results from your assessments? (e.g., strengths, challenges, action steps)It is important to consider these questions in the planning stage, even if answers will not be requested until the SLO reporting year.Assessment ReportAssessment ReportAssessment ReportAssessment ReportHow and with whom did you share your results?When will this learning outcome be evaluated again? How will you evaluate the impact of any action steps taken? ................

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