ACPS Daily Lesson Planning Template

ACPS Weekly Lesson Planning Template for Co-teaching

__________ School

|Teacher:RThomas |Subject: _Life Science_______________ |Week of: __Feb 03-07______ |

|Teacher: IHamilton |Grade Level: 7th | |

|Essential Question(s): |Co-Teaching Structure: (enter in Stage 3 each day) |

|How do cells divide for sexual reproduction? |(O) One lead/One support (S) Station teaching (P) Parallel teaching |

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| |(D) One lead/One collect data (A) Alternative teaching (T) Teaming |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Stage One: Desired Results |Mastery Objective: |Mastery Objective: |Mastery Objective: |Mastery Objective: |Mastery Objective: |

|Mastery Objective(s) |Review cell division, define examples |Review and sort examples of asexual|Know the difference between sexual|Advantages of sexual and asexual|Introduction to DNA/Genetics |

| |of asexual reproduction |reproduction with 80% accuracy |and asexual reproduction |reproduction |vocabulary |

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| | |ASOL Students: |ASOL Students: |ASOL Students: |ASOL Students: |

| |ASOL students: review cell division, |SWBAT difference between BODY cells|Sexual reproduction: two partners |Fill out the graphic organizers,|Copy terms |

| |asexual reproduction |and SEX cells |Asexual: one |match pictures |Follow steps of origami making |

|Stage Two: Assessment Evidence |Warm up: what type of asexual |Warm up: review DNA pretest/answer |Warm up: Draw and label process of|Warm up: Advantage – meaning and|Warm up: |

|Pre-assessment / diagnostic |reproduction is exhibited by a cactus? |correction |fertilization. |synonyms |What does Genetics study? |

|strategies |(vegetative reproduction) | | | |Review question: |

|Formative assessment tasks | | | | |Where can you find DNA? |

|Summative assessment task |DNA and Genetics Pre-test | | | |Exit Ticket: |

| |IN CLASS REMEDIATION | |Exit ticket: | |Clean up you workplace, show |

| |(cell division:mitosis) |Exit Ticket: |Name 2 processes of cell division?|Exit Ticket: |your work |

| |Exit Ticket: name 4 types of asexual |Describe one way organisms can | |Which process is more important:| |

| |reproduction with examples. |reproduce asexually. | |mitosis or meiosis? | |

|Stage Three: Learning Plan |Vocabulary: binary fission, vegetative |Vocabulary: same as previously. (O)|Vocabulary: Meiosis |Vocabulary: Meiosis, |Vocabulary: DNA/Genetics, |

|Sequence of your assessment, |reproduction, budding, spores | |Fertilization, Zygote (O) |Fertilization, Zygote (T) |Origami. (T) |

|teaching, and learning tasks: |Parallel Teaching (P) |1.Review Game: 4 corners | | |1. Study guide overview |

|Strategies for differentiation | |Asexual (mitosis) and sexual |1. Mitosis and Meiosis Comparison.|1.Mitosis and Meiosis |NEW UNIT: DNA/Genetics |

|and flexible grouping: |1.IN CLASS REMEDIATION |(meiosis) reproduction | |Comparison. |Vocabulary |

|Academic Vocabulary |“Match -and - Draw” |AFTER SCHOOL RE-TAKE |p.165 and p.174 |p.165 and p.174 |2. Vocabulary Cookie Cutter – |

|Extending learning beyond the |(mitosis/cell division) | |2.Fill out a table: |2.Fill out a table: |Make origami to play vocabulary |

|lesson and classroom: |2. DNA and Genetics Pre-test | |Step1: match and glue pictures |Step3: Analyze the pictures |word game. |

| | | |Step 2: give definitions |Steps 4: fill out the rest |Step1: write terms |

| | | | | |Step 2: fill in definitions |

| | | | | |Step 3: Fold |

|Academic Adaptations |Small group instruction |Visual representation |Graphic organizer |Graphic organizer |Origami: direction presented in |

|(as needed for gifted students |Read aloud on a pre-test |Graphic organizers |Limited writing |Limited writing |written, verbal and video format|

|and students with disabilities) |Enlarged print |Limited writing |Task analysis |Task analysis |Task analysis |

| |1:1 clarification |Immediate feedback to ensure |Hands on |Hands on |Modeling |

| | |correctness |Task clarification | |1:1 clarification |

| | |Direction clarification | | | |

| | |Read aloud | | | |

|Behavioral Adaptations |Kagan prevention strategies |Kagan prevention strategies |Kagan prevention strategies |Kagan prevention strategies |Kagan prevention strategies |

| |PBIS strategies |PBIS strategies |PBIS strategies |PBIS strategies |PBIS strategies |

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|Materials/Support Needed |Mitosis phases and description cut outs|Power Point Game |Graphic organizer, |Textbooks |Color paper for origami |

| |Copies of the | |Mitosis/meiosis cut outs | |Cut outs |

| | | |Textbooks | |Video clip from you tube, with |

| | | | | |direction |

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