Elementary Algebra Review Sheet - Welcome to Yuba College

Elementary Algebra Review Sheet

and Common Formulas


|Elementary Algebra Review Sheet |

|Basic Rules of Algebra |Properties of Negation |

|Commutative Property of Addition |Multiplication by -1 |

|     a + b = b + a |   [pic]           |

|Commutative Property of Multiplication |Placement of Minus Signs |

|     [pic] |   [pic] |

|Associative property of Addition |Product of Two Opposites |

|     (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) |    [pic] |

|Associative Property of Multiplication |Operations with Fractions |

|    [pic] |    [pic] |

|Left Distributive Property |    [pic] |

|    [pic]   | |

|Right Distributive Property |    [pic] |

|     [pic] | |

|Additive Identity Property |    [pic] |

|  a + 0 = a | |

|Multiplicative Identity Property |Properties of Exponents |

|   [pic] |    a0 = 1 |

|Additive Inverse Property |    [pic] |

|     a + (-a) = 0 |    [pic] |

|Multiplicative Inverse Property | |

|   [pic] |    [pic] |

|Properties of Equality |    [pic] |

|Addition Property of Equality |    [pic] |

|     If a = b, then a + c = b + c. |    [pic] |

|Multiplication Property of Equality |Special Products |

|    If a = b, then ac = bc. |Square of a Binomial |

|Cancellation Property of Addition |    [pic] |

|    If a + c = b + c, then a = b. |    [pic] |

|Cancellation Property of Multiplication |Difference of Two Squares |

|    [pic] |    [pic] |

|Zero-Factor Property |Difference of Two Cubes |

|    If ab = 0, then a = 0 or b = 0. |    [pic] |

| |Sum of Two Cubes |

| |    [pic] |

| |The Quadratic Formula |

| |    [pic] |

| |    [pic] |

|  | |

|Common Formulas | |

|Temperature |Distance |

|    [pic] |    [pic] |

|    F = degrees Fahrenheit |    d = distance traveled |

|    C = degrees Celsius |    t = time |

| |    r = rate |

|Simple Interest |Compound Interest |

|    [pic] |    [pic] |

|    I = interest |    A = balance     |

|    P = principal  |    P = principal  |

|     r = annual interest rate     |     r = annual interest rate |

|     t = time in years  |    n = compoundings per year  |

|     |    t = time in years  |


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