Cheat Sheet- AP Sciences

Science Elective Courses Information Sheet

Not shown: Physics Applications, Biology

Requirements for graduation: Students must have three science credits. The three credits must include:

• A minimum 1 credit of physical science (Physics Applications, Chemistry, Physics, AP Chemistry, AP Physics)

• Biology

| |Chemistry |Earth and Space Science |Environmental Science |Human Anatomy and Physiology |Physics |

|Minimum grade level |10 |10 |10 |11 |11 |

|Math prerequisite |Completion of Algebra I with B or |Algebra I or higher |Algebra I or higher |Math Analysis with basic math skills |Algebra II or higher |

|and skills |better and concurrent enrollment in | | | | |

| |Algebra II | | | | |

|Other recommend-ed |Biology |Should have Physics Applications or |Should have Physics Applications or |1st year Biology. recommend chemistry |Physics applications recommended; |

|prerequisite classes| |Biology |Biology |or concurrent enrollment |chemistry |

|Who should take this|All college-bound students |Students interested in the Earth |Students interested in the |Students with interest in health care,|All students |

|course (career / | |systems and Astronomy |Environment. |fitness or life science career field | |

|future)? | | | |as well as students with desire to | |

| | | | |learn more about the human body | |

|What’s taught? |principles of matter including |The basic earth systems and some |Environmental issues |Structure and function human body |Survey of all physics concepts from |

| |structure, nomenclature, and |Astronomy | |from cellular level to 11 major |description of motion to energy to |

| |reactions; emphasis on problem solving| | |systems |optics to electricity to nuclear |

| | | | | |physics |

|College equivalent |N/A |N/A |N/A |Freshman Anatomy & Physiology |N/A |

|Study time per |~1 hour |~½ hr |~1 hr |~1 hour |½ hour |

|meeting | | | | | |

AP Sciences Information Sheet

First a reminder: AP Sciences, like all AP classes, are college level courses. There is no bluffing your way through. As such, they require students to a) have prerequisite knowledge and b) have demonstrated a work ethic consistent with college success. A middling student will be better served by developing his foundational knowledge in regular classes, rather than in AP courses.

| |AP Biology |AP Chemistry |AP Environmental Science |AP Physics B |AP Physics C |

|Minimum grade level |12 |11/ instructor permission |11 |11 |11 |

|Math prerequisites |Algebra |Be concurrently enrolled in math |Math Analysis, mental math skills |Taking or have taken Math Analysis |Taking or have taken Math Analysis or |

|and skills | |analysis or have permission of | |with a B or better. |Calculus with a B or better. |

| | |instructor | | | |

|Other recommend-ed |Biology (1st year) |AP Chemistry is a second-year |Taking or have taken Chemistry. |Has not taken physics but has probably|Has taken physics but this is not |

|prerequisite classes|Chemistry or concurrently enrolled in |chemistry course. One year of high |Must have taken Biology and one of the|taken chemistry and/or AP chemistry |required for strong math students. |

| |Chemistry |school Chemistry is required |following: Environmental Science, |but these are not required | |

| | | |Earth Science. | | |

|Who should take this|Students interested in medical fields |Students interested in |Students interested in going on to |Anyone but especially students who |Anyone but especially students who |

|course (career / |or life science fields |science/engineering or those planning |some field in Environmental Science or|wish to pursue, math, engineering or a|wish to pursue, math, engineering or a|

|future) | |to enroll in a highly competitive |Biology. |science |science. |

| | |university | | | |

|What’s taught? |Biochemistry, cellular biology, |Advanced concepts in chemistry with an|Major and Current Topics of |Newtonian mechanics, fluid mechanics, |Newtonian mechanics |

| |genetics, evolution mechanisms, |emphasis on problem solving and |Environmental Science. |thermal physics, electricity, | |

| |ecology, form and function of living |analysis of properties of matter. | |magnetism, waves, optics, atomic and | |

| |things | | |nuclear physics. | |

|College equivalent |Freshman biology (up to 4 hours) |Freshman inorganic chemistry (up to 4 |Introductory Environmental Science |2-semesters of a rigorous non-calculus|1 semester mechanics (up to 4 hours) |

| | |hours) |(majors and nonmajors) |college level physics course. | |

|Study time per |~ 2 hours |~ 2 hours |~ 1 hour |~ 1 hour |~ 1 hour |

|meeting | | | | | |


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