Entrance Essay Rubric - ToReadOrNotToRead

Entrance Essay Rubric

Name: Score: /30

|Trait |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Ideas |The writer shares an interesting |The writer shares an interesting |T he writer should focus on one |The writer should focus on one |The writer should select an |

| |experience that is memorable to |experience. Details should show, |event. Some details do not relate |experience. More details are |experience and provide details. |

| |the reader. Specific details and |not tell. |to the essay. |needed. | |

| |imagery help maintain interest. | | | |The essay does not address the |

| | |The essay is focused on the |The essay begins to deviate from |The essay deviates dramatically |prompt. |

| |The essay responds to the prompt |prompt. |the prompt and needs to be more |from the prompt. | |

| |expertly. | |focused. | | |

|Organization |The narrative has a clear |For the most part, the narrative |The order of events must be |The beginning, middle, and ending |The narrative must be better |

| |beginning, middle, and ending. |is organized. Most of the |corrected. More transitions are |all run together. The order is |organized. |

| |Transitions are helpful in |transitions are helpful. |needed. |unclear. | |

| |developing a well-structured event| | | |The essay must be rewritten using |

| |sequences |The essay follows an |The essay does not follow an |The beginning, middle, and ending |an organizational plan. |

| | |organizational pattern. |organizational pattern. Key points|parts need to be made clear. | |

| |Introduction is captivating. |Transitions could be stronger. |need separate paragraphs and/or | | |

| | | |transitions. | | |

| | |Good introduction. | |Introduction is weak. |The introduction needs re-written.|

| | | |Introduction needs work. | | |

|Voice |The writer’s voice sounds natural |The writer’s voice creates |The writer’s unique voice usually |The voice is weak. |The writer sounds uninvolved or |

| |and expresses a unique point of |interest in the essay, but could |can be heard. | |disinterested in the essay. |

| |view |sound more natural | |Voice sounds as if the writer does| |

| | | |Voice sounds uneven. It should |not have a good understanding of |Voice does not show confidence. |

| |Voice is appropriate for the |Voice fits the audience and sounds|match topic, purpose, and |the subject. | |

| |topic, purpose, and audience and |knowledgeable in most places. |audience. | | |

| |sounds knowledgeable. | | | | |

| | |A memorable piece with some |Sensory details and/or a narrow | | |

| |An intensely memorable piece is |sensory details and a narrow |scope are evident, though not | | |

| |created by sensory details and a |scope. |effective. | | |

| |focused scope. | | | | |

|Word Choice |Specific nouns, verbs, and |Some stronger nouns, verbs, and/or|More specific nouns, verbs, and |Better words are needed. Many are |The writer has not considered word|

| |modifiers create clear images and |modifiers would create a clearer |modifiers would paint a clearer |overused or too general to paint a|choice or has used words |

| |feelings. |picture. |picture of the event. |clear picture. |incorrectly. |

| | | | | | |

| |Word choice is vivid and precise. |Word choice is effective. Words |Word choice is adequate. Some |Word choice needs to be more |The writer needs help choosing |

| |Special terms are defined or |are not repeated and special terms|overused words could be replaced. |precise, and overused words need |stronger words throughout. |

| |explained. |are defined. | |to be replaced. | |

|Sentence Fluency |The sentences are skillfully |The sentences are varied, but some|A better variety of sentences is |Many incomplete or short sentences|Few sentences are written well. |

| |written, show variety, and are |should flow more smoothly. |needed. Sentences do not flow |make the writing choppy. |Help is needed. |

| |easy to understand. | |smoothly. | |Most sentences need to be |

| | |Sentences flow well and are varied| |Too many sentences are simple and |rewritten. |

| |Sentences are carefully crafted. |in type and length. |Sentences are basic. More variety |begin the same way. | |

| |Sentences flow naturally and vary | |is needed in sentence type and | | |

| |in type and length. | |length. | | |

|Conventions |The narrative has no errors in |The narrative has a few minor |The narrative has several errors. |Numerous errors make the narrative|Help is needed to find errors and |

| |spelling, grammar, or punctuation.|errors in punctuation, grammar, or| |hard to read and confusing. |make corrections. |

| | |spelling. |Control of conventions is basic. | | |

| |Editing shows mastery of | |Errors sometimes get in the way of|Many corrections are needed to |The writer needs help in |

| |conventions. Essay is error free. |Editing is effective, but a few |understanding. |make the essay less confusing. |understanding editing conventions.|

| | |errors in grammar, spelling, or | | | |

| | |punctuation remain. | | | |


Score * 2 ________/30



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